changeset 0 4e91876724a2
child 2 7d9067c6fcb1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e91876724a2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Cloud View control class 
    15  *
    16 */
    22 #include "glxcloudviewcontrol.h" //class header
    23 //AlfT headers
    25 #include <alf/alfanchorlayout.h> // For CAlfAnchorLayout 
    26 #include <alf/alfviewportlayout.h> // For CAlfViewPortLayout
    27 #include <touchfeedback.h>  // For MTouchFeedback
    28 #include <alf/alftextstyle.h>  // For CAlfTextStyle
    29 #include <alf/alftextvisual.h> // For CAlfTextVisual
    30 #include <alf/alftransformation.h>
    31 #include <alf/alfwidgetcontrol.h> // For CAlfWidgetControl
    32 #include <alf/alfroster.h> // For CalfRoster
    33 #include <alf/alfdisplay.h> // For CAlfDisplay
    34 #include <alf/ialfscrollbarmodel.h> // For alfScrollbar model
    35 #include <aknlayoutscalable_uiaccel.cdl.h>
    37 #include <glxuiutility.h>
    38 #include <glxgeneraluiutilities.h>
    39 #include <glxuistd.h>
    41 //AlfT
    42 #include <glxlog.h>			// For Logs
    43 #include <glxtracer.h>			// For Logs
    44 #include <glxattributecontext.h> //attribute context
    45 #include <mglxmedialist.h> //for medialist
    47 #include "glxcontainerinfobubble.h" //intelligent class for data of infobubble
    48 #include "glxcloudview.hrh"
    49 #include "mglxcloudviewmskobserver.h" // For Msk Observer
    50 #include "mglxenterkeyeventobserver.h" // For enterkey observer
    51 #include "mglxcloudviewlayoutobserver.h"
    53 //Constants
    54 const TInt KPrimaryFontSize = 21;
    55 //Font sizes
    56 const TInt KFontSmallest = 28;
    57 const TInt KFontSmaller = 32;
    58 const TInt KFontMedium = 36;
    59 const TInt KFontLarger = 40;
    60 const TInt KFontLargest = 44;
    61 const TInt KRowHeight = 72;
    62 const TInt KLeftMargin = 10;
    63 const TInt KNumMinRowSpace = 2;
    64 const TInt KColSpace = 20;
    65 const TInt KRightmargin = 20;
    66 const TInt KMinTagSize = 77;
    67 const TInt KTagScreenHeight = 460;
    68 const TInt KDragHoldTime = 500;
    71 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 // Two-phased constructor.
    73 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // 
    75 CGlxCloudViewControl *CGlxCloudViewControl::NewL(CAlfDisplay& aDisplay,
    76         CAlfEnv &aEnv, MGlxMediaList& aMediaList, const TDesC& aEmptyText,
    77         MGlxCloudViewMskObserver& aObserver,MGlxEnterKeyEventObserver& aObserverEnterKeyEvent
    78         ,CAlfAnchorLayout *aAnchorLayout,MGlxCloudViewLayoutObserver& aLayoutObserver)
    79     {
    80     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::NewL");
    81     CGlxCloudViewControl *self = CGlxCloudViewControl::NewLC (aDisplay, aEnv,
    82             aMediaList, aEmptyText,aObserver,aObserverEnterKeyEvent,aAnchorLayout,aLayoutObserver);
    83     CleanupStack::Pop (self);
    84     return self;
    85     }
    87 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 // Two-phased constructor.
    89 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    90 // 
    91 CGlxCloudViewControl *CGlxCloudViewControl::NewLC(CAlfDisplay& aDisplay,
    92         CAlfEnv &aEnv, MGlxMediaList& aMediaList, const TDesC& aEmptyText,
    93         MGlxCloudViewMskObserver& aObserver,MGlxEnterKeyEventObserver& aObserverEnterKeyEvent
    94         ,CAlfAnchorLayout *aAnchorLayout,MGlxCloudViewLayoutObserver& aLayoutObserver)
    95     {
    96     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::NewLC");
    97     CGlxCloudViewControl *self = new(ELeave)CGlxCloudViewControl(aEnv,aMediaList,aObserver
    98             ,aObserverEnterKeyEvent,aLayoutObserver);
    99     CleanupStack::PushL (self);
   100     self->ConstructL (aEmptyText,aDisplay,aAnchorLayout);
   101     return self;
   102     }
   104 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 // Default C++ Constructor
   106 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 //
   109 CGlxCloudViewControl::CGlxCloudViewControl(CAlfEnv &aEnv, MGlxMediaList& aMediaList,
   110         MGlxCloudViewMskObserver& aObserver,MGlxEnterKeyEventObserver& aObserverEnterKeyEvent
   111         ,MGlxCloudViewLayoutObserver& aLayoutObserver):
   112         iEnv(aEnv),  iMediaList(aMediaList), iObserver(aObserver)
   113         ,iObserverEnterKeyEvent(aObserverEnterKeyEvent),iLayoutObserver(aLayoutObserver)
   114         {
   115         TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::CGlxCloudViewControl");
   116         //added for scrollbar widget implementation
   117         iScrollEventData.mChangedMask = 0;
   118         iScrollEventData.mViewStartPos = 0;
   119         iScrollEventData.mSpan = 0;
   120         iScrollEventData.mViewLength = 0;    
   121         }
   123 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 //ConstructL()
   125 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 void CGlxCloudViewControl::ConstructL(const TDesC& aEmptyText,CAlfDisplay& aDisplay
   128         ,CAlfAnchorLayout *aAnchorLayout)
   129     {
   130     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::ConstructL");
   131     iUiUtility = CGlxUiUtility::UtilityL ();
   132     CAlfControl::ConstructL(iEnv);
   133     BindDisplay (aDisplay);
   134     //Initializing data for cloud view display 
   135     iFocusRowIndex = 0; //initially focus row will be zero
   137     iEmptyText = aEmptyText.AllocL();
   139     TRect rect;
   140     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect (AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, rect);
   141     iScreenHeight = rect.Height ();
   142     iParentLayout = CAlfLayout::AddNewL(*this, aAnchorLayout);                    
   143     iTagScreenWidth = rect.Width() - iScrollPaneHandle.iW - KRightmargin;
   145     if (GlxGeneralUiUtilities::IsLandscape())
   146         {	
   147         iTagScreenHeight = rect.Height();	
   148         }
   149     else 
   150         {
   152         iTagScreenHeight = KTagScreenHeight;
   153         }                                  
   155     iViewPortLayout = CAlfViewportLayout::AddNewL(*this, iParentLayout);      
   156     iLayout=CAlfAnchorLayout::AddNewL (*this,iViewPortLayout);
   157     iLayout->SetFlags ( EAlfVisualFlagLayoutUpdateNotification); //to get screen change notification
   159     iViewPortLayout->SetClipping(ETrue); 
   161     // Set the attribute context
   162     iAttributeContext = CGlxDefaultAttributeContext::NewL ();
   163     iAttributeContext->AddAttributeL (KMPXMediaGeneralTitle);
   164     iAttributeContext->AddAttributeL (KMPXMediaGeneralCount);
   165     iAttributeContext->SetRangeOffsets( 0, KMaxTInt / 2 );
   166     iMediaList.AddContextL ( iAttributeContext, KGlxFetchContextPriorityCloudView ); //highest one to use 0 or 1
   167     iMediaList.AddMediaListObserverL ( this); //make this control as medialist observer
   169     TInt listCount = iMediaList.Count();
   170     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::ConstructL MedialistCount  %d ",
   171             listCount);
   173     //Display Empty Cloud View if no tags exists and if the navigation is backwards
   174     //Since in backward navigation the callback HandlePopulatedL() does not come
   175     if ( listCount ==0 && (iUiUtility->ViewNavigationDirection ()== EGlxNavigationBackwards) ) 
   176         {
   177         DisplayEmptyCloudViewL();
   178         }
   179     else	//Setting focus on the 1 st Media List item
   180         {
   181         //get the attributes from Cache
   182         FetchAttributeFromCacheL();
   184         if ( iLabels.Count ()==listCount && iAttributeContext->RequestCountL (&iMediaList)==0)
   185             {
   186             //if we navigate in forward direction, first item should be highlighted.if we are navigating in
   187             // backwards direction, index is not necessarily zero, it will be restored.
   188             if ( iUiUtility->ViewNavigationDirection ()== EGlxNavigationForwards && iMediaList.Count ())
   189                 {
   190                 iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute, 0);
   191                 }
   192             UpdateRowDataL ();
   193             }
   194         }
   195     //get touch feedback instance
   196     iTouchFeedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance(); 
   197     }
   200 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 //VisualLayoutUpdated()
   202 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 //
   204 void CGlxCloudViewControl::VisualLayoutUpdated(CAlfVisual &/* aVisual*/)
   205     {
   206     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::VisualLayoutUpdated");
   207     TRect rect;
   208     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect (AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, rect);
   209     if ( (rect.Width() != iTagScreenWidth) && ( rect.Height () != iScreenHeight))
   210         {
   211         //set the new screen dimensions
   212         UpdateLayoutL();
   213         }
   214     }
   216 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   217 // Destructor
   218 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   219 //
   220 CGlxCloudViewControl::~CGlxCloudViewControl()
   222     {
   223     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::~CGlxCloudViewControl");
   224     iCloudInfo.Close ();
   225     iLabels.Close();
   226     iMediaList.RemoveContext (iAttributeContext);
   227     iMediaList.RemoveMediaListObserver (this);
   228     delete iAttributeContext;
   229     /*if ( iBubbleContainer )
   230 		{
   231 		iBubbleContainer->SetHost (NULL);
   232 		delete iBubbleContainer;
   233 		}*/
   235     if ( iUiUtility )
   236         {
   237         iUiUtility->Close ();
   238         }	
   239     delete iEmptyText;
   240     }
   242 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   243 // LayoutVisibleRows()
   244 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   245 //
   246 TInt CGlxCloudViewControl::LayoutVisibleRows(TPoint aStartPoint,TInt aRowStartIndex
   247         , TInt aRowEndIndex)
   248     {
   249     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::DrawRow");
   250     TSize vsize;
   251     TPoint tl, br;
   252     tl = aStartPoint;
   253     br.iY = tl.iY + KRowHeight;
   254     //drawing in reverse for arabic hebrew support
   255     if ( GlxGeneralUiUtilities::LayoutIsMirrored ())
   256         {
   257         br.iX =  aStartPoint.iX; 
   258         const TInt KMaxScreenWidth = iTagScreenWidth - iScrollPaneHandle.iW;
   259         //Set the positions of tags in a row.
   260         for (TInt j = aRowStartIndex; j <= aRowEndIndex; j++)
   261             {
   262             vsize = iLabels[j]->TextExtents ();
   263             if ( vsize.iWidth < KMinTagSize )
   264                 {
   265                 vsize.iWidth = KMinTagSize;
   266                 }
   267             //If the size of the tag is more than the screen size then wrap it
   268             if (vsize.iWidth > KMaxScreenWidth)
   269                 {
   270                 TAlfRealSize tagSize( KMaxScreenWidth, br.iY );
   271                 iLabels[j]->SetWrapping( CAlfTextVisual::ELineWrapTruncate );
   272                 vsize = iLabels[j]->TextExtents ();
   273                 tl.iX -= aStartPoint.iX;
   274                 tl.iY = aStartPoint.iY;
   275                 br.iX = tagSize.iWidth;              
   276                 }
   277             else
   278                 {
   279                 tl.iX -= (vsize.iWidth + KColSpace);
   280                 }
   281             //Set the anchor points for the tags 	            	        
   282             iLayout->SetAnchor (EAlfAnchorTopLeft, iLayoutIndex,
   283                     EAlfAnchorOriginLeft, EAlfAnchorOriginTop,
   284                     EAlfAnchorMetricAbsolute, EAlfAnchorMetricAbsolute,
   285                     TAlfTimedPoint (tl.iX, tl.iY));
   286             iLayout->SetAnchor (EAlfAnchorBottomRight, iLayoutIndex,
   287                     EAlfAnchorOriginLeft, EAlfAnchorOriginTop,
   288                     EAlfAnchorMetricAbsolute, EAlfAnchorMetricAbsolute,
   289                     TAlfTimedPoint (br.iX, br.iY));
   290             br.iX -= (vsize.iWidth + KColSpace); 
   291             iLayoutIndex += 1;
   292             }
   294         }
   295     else
   296         {
   297         const TInt KMaxScreenWidth = iTagScreenWidth - iScrollPaneHandle.iW;
   298         for (TInt j = aRowStartIndex; j <= aRowEndIndex; j++)
   299             {
   300             vsize = iLabels[j]->TextExtents ();
   301             if( vsize.iWidth < KMinTagSize )
   302                 {
   303                 vsize.iWidth = KMinTagSize;
   304                 }
   305             if (vsize.iWidth > KMaxScreenWidth)
   306                 {
   307                 TAlfRealSize tagSize( KMaxScreenWidth, br.iY );
   308                 TAlfRealPoint startPos( aStartPoint.iX, 0 );
   309                 iLabels[j]->SetWrapping( CAlfTextVisual::ELineWrapTruncate );
   310                 tl.iX = aStartPoint.iX;
   311                 tl.iY = aStartPoint.iY;
   312                 br.iX = tagSize.iWidth;
   313                 }
   314             else
   315                 {
   316                 br.iX += vsize.iWidth + KColSpace;
   317                 }
   318             iLayout->SetAnchor (EAlfAnchorTopLeft, iLayoutIndex,
   319                     EAlfAnchorOriginLeft, EAlfAnchorOriginTop,
   320                     EAlfAnchorMetricAbsolute, EAlfAnchorMetricAbsolute,
   321                     TAlfTimedPoint (tl.iX, tl.iY));
   322             iLayout->SetAnchor (EAlfAnchorBottomRight, iLayoutIndex,
   323                     EAlfAnchorOriginLeft, EAlfAnchorOriginTop,
   324                     EAlfAnchorMetricAbsolute, EAlfAnchorMetricAbsolute,
   325                     TAlfTimedPoint (br.iX, br.iY));
   326             tl.iX = br.iX;
   327             iLayoutIndex += 1;
   328             }
   329         }
   330     return 0;
   331     }
   336 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   337 // LayoutVisibleArea()
   338 // 
   339 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   340 void CGlxCloudViewControl::LayoutVisibleArea()
   341     {
   342     //screen height for boundary check:how many rows fit in.
   343     //find out how many rows can fit in.
   344     //add upper and lower margin spacing 5 pixels
   346     //draw the row on screens
   347     TPoint startpoint;
   348     // arabic hebrew change
   349     //If the layout is arabic hebrew then start positioning of tags from end
   350     if ( GlxGeneralUiUtilities::LayoutIsMirrored ())
   351         {
   352         startpoint.iX = iTagScreenWidth - KRightmargin;        
   353         }
   355     //else start from biginning
   356     else
   357         {
   358         startpoint.iX = KLeftMargin;
   359         }
   360         startpoint.iY = KNumMinRowSpace;
   361     //associate the active visuals with anchor layout
   362     GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::::LayoutVisibleArea Layout reset");
   363     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::::LayoutVisibleArea layout Count after reset  %d ", iLayout->Count ());
   364     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::::LayoutVisibleArea iCloudInfo[0].iStartIndex  %d ", iCloudInfo[0].iStartIndex);
   365     TInt endindex = iCloudInfo.Count()-1;
   367     for (TInt j = iCloudInfo[0].iStartIndex; j <=iCloudInfo[endindex].iEndIndex; j++)
   368         {
   369         GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::::FindEndRowIndex Entering layout append");
   372         TAlfTimedValue opacity;
   373         opacity.SetValueNow(1.0); // immediate change
   374         iLabels[j]->SetOpacity(opacity);
   375         }
   377     GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::::LayoutVisibleArea Exiting layout append");
   378     iLayoutIndex = 0;
   379     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::::LayoutVisibleArea layout Count realloc  %d ", iLayout->Count ());
   380     for (TInt j = 0; j <= iEndRowIndex; j++)
   381         {
   382         GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::::LayoutVisibleArea Drawing row started  %d ", j);
   383         LayoutVisibleRows (startpoint,iCloudInfo[j].iStartIndex, 
   384                 iCloudInfo[j].iEndIndex);
   385         startpoint.iY += KRowHeight + KNumMinRowSpace;		
   386         }
   387     TInt totalHeight = 0;
   388     for (TInt j = 0; j <= iCloudInfo.Count()-1; j++)
   389         {
   390         totalHeight+=KRowHeight;
   391         totalHeight+=KNumMinRowSpace;
   392         }
   394     //Set the virtual size of viewport to the total size of anchor.	
   395     if( totalHeight > iTagScreenHeight )
   396         {
   397         iViewPortLayout->SetVirtualSize(TAlfRealSize(iTagScreenWidth,totalHeight ),0); 
   398         iViewPortVirtualSize.iHeight = totalHeight;
   399         }
   400     else
   401         {
   402         iViewPortLayout->SetVirtualSize(TAlfRealSize(iTagScreenWidth,iTagScreenHeight ),0);
   403         iViewPortVirtualSize.iHeight = iTagScreenHeight;
   404         }    
   405     iViewPortVirtualSize.iWidth = iTagScreenWidth;
   407     iViewPortLayout->SetViewportSize(TAlfRealSize(iTagScreenWidth,iTagScreenHeight), 0);
   408     iViewPortLayout->SetSize(TAlfRealSize(iTagScreenWidth,iTagScreenHeight), 0);
   409     iViewPortSize.iWidth = iTagScreenWidth;
   410     iViewPortSize.iHeight = iTagScreenHeight;	
   411     iViewPortLayout->SetViewportPos(TAlfRealPoint(0, 0),1000);
   413     iViewPortPosition.iX =0;
   414     iViewPortPosition.iY =0;
   416     iScrollEventData.mSpan = iViewPortVirtualSize.iHeight ;
   417     iScrollEventData.mViewLength = iViewPortSize.iHeight;
   418     if(iScrollBarWidget)
   419         {
   420         ((IAlfScrollBarModel *)(iScrollBarWidget->model()))->changeData(iScrollEventData.mSpan,
   421                 iScrollEventData.mViewLength,
   422                 0);
   423         DisplayScrollBar();
   424         }
   425     //constructing the bubblecontainer
   426     CreateBubleContainer();   	
   428     iLayout->UpdateChildrenLayout (); //update layout
   430     HandleLayoutFocusChange ();
   432     MoveDownIfRequired();
   433     }
   436 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   437 // OfferEventL()
   438 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   439 //
   440 TBool CGlxCloudViewControl::OfferEventL(const TAlfEvent &aEvent)
   441     {   TRACER("GLX_CLOUD:: CGlxCloudViewControl::OfferEventL");
   443     //check if key inputs needs handling
   444     TBool consumed = EFalse;
   445     if ( ( iLabels.Count () == 0 ) ) 
   446         {
   447         GLX_LOG_INFO( "GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::offerkeyeventL no key press returning  ");
   448         return EFalse; //return as no futher processing is required
   449         }
   451     if ( aEvent.IsKeyEvent ()&& aEvent.Code() == EEventKey )
   452         {
   453         switch (aEvent.KeyEvent().iCode)            
   454             {	
   455             //@ EABI-7R7FRU Fute failure: Tag views enter key has no functionality.
   456             case EKeyEnter :
   457             case EKeyDevice3:
   458                 {
   459                 iObserverEnterKeyEvent.HandleEnterKeyEventL( (TInt)EAknCmdOpen );
   460                 consumed= ETrue;
   461                 }
   462                 break;
   463             case EKeyUpArrow:
   464                 {             
   465                 if(iCloudInfo.Count() >1 )
   466                     {
   467                     HandleKeyUpL ();
   468                     consumed = ETrue;
   469                     iFocusRowIndex = RowNumber (iMediaList.FocusIndex ()); 
   471                     MoveUpIfRequired();                   
   472                     }
   473                 }
   474                 break;
   476             case EKeyDownArrow:
   477                 {              
   478                 if(iCloudInfo.Count() >1 )
   479                     {
   480                     HandleKeyDownL ();
   481                     consumed = ETrue;
   482                     iFocusRowIndex = RowNumber (iMediaList.FocusIndex ());
   484                     MoveDownIfRequired();                                 
   485                     }                  
   486                 }
   487                 break;
   489             case EKeyLeftArrow:
   490             case EKeyPrevious:
   491                 {
   492                 // arabic hebrew change
   493                 if ( GlxGeneralUiUtilities::LayoutIsMirrored () )
   494                     {
   495                     if ( iMediaList.FocusIndex() == iMediaList.Count() - 1 )
   496                         {
   497                         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute, 0);
   498                         }
   499                     else
   500                         {
   501                         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
   502                                 iMediaList.FocusIndex ()+ 1);
   503                         }
   504                     iScrollDirection = 0;
   505                     }
   506                 else
   507                     {
   508                     if ( iMediaList.FocusIndex ()== 0 )
   509                         {
   510                         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
   511                                 iMediaList.Count() - 1 );
   512                         }
   513                     else
   514                         {
   515                         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
   516                                 iMediaList.FocusIndex ()- 1);
   517                         }
   518                     iScrollDirection = 1;
   519                     }
   520                 consumed = ETrue;
   521                 TInt focusRowIndex = RowNumber (iMediaList.FocusIndex ());
   522                 if(iFocusRowIndex != focusRowIndex)
   523                     {
   524                     iFocusRowIndex = focusRowIndex; 
   525                     if( iScrollDirection == 0 )
   526                         {                      
   527                         MoveDownIfRequired();
   528                         }
   529                     else
   530                         {
   531                         MoveUpIfRequired();
   532                         }
   533                     }                
   534                 }
   536                 break;
   538             case EKeyRightArrow:
   539             case EKeyNext:
   540                 {               
   541                 // arabic hebrew change
   542                 if ( GlxGeneralUiUtilities::LayoutIsMirrored () )
   543                     {
   544                     if ( iMediaList.FocusIndex ()== 0 )
   545                         {
   546                         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
   547                                 iMediaList.Count() - 1 );
   548                         }
   549                     else
   550                         {
   551                         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
   552                                 iMediaList.FocusIndex ()- 1);
   553                         }
   554                     iScrollDirection = 1;
   555                     }
   556                 else
   557                     {
   558                     if ( iMediaList.FocusIndex ()== iMediaList.Count() - 1 )
   559                         {
   560                         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute, 0);
   561                         }
   562                     else
   563                         {
   564                         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
   565                                 iMediaList.FocusIndex ()+ 1);
   566                         }
   567                     iScrollDirection = 0;
   568                     }
   569                 TInt focusRowIndex = RowNumber (iMediaList.FocusIndex ());
   571                 if( iFocusRowIndex != focusRowIndex )
   572                     {
   573                     iFocusRowIndex = focusRowIndex;  
   574                     if( iScrollDirection == 1 )
   575                         {                           
   576                         MoveUpIfRequired();                               
   577                         }
   578                     else
   579                         {                           
   580                         MoveDownIfRequired();                               
   581                         }
   582                     }
   583                 }
   584                 consumed = ETrue;
   585                 break;
   587             default:
   588                 break;
   589             }
   590         }
   592     if(aEvent.IsPointerEvent() )
   593         {
   594         //if its a pointer event
   595         consumed = HandlePointerEventL(aEvent);
   596         }
   597     else if( aEvent.IsCustomEvent() )
   598         {
   599         if(aEvent.CustomParameter() == ECustomEventFocusDragScroll)
   600             {
   601             //dragging down
   602             if( iIsDragging == 1 )
   603                 {
   604                 if(iFocusRowIndex!=iCloudInfo.Count()-1)
   605                     {
   606                     SetRelativeFocusL(iFocusRowIndex+1);
   607                     iFocusRowIndex = RowNumber (iMediaList.FocusIndex ()); 
   608                     // iScrollDirection = 0;               
   609                     MoveDownIfRequired();  
   610                     }
   611                 }
   612             //dragging up
   613             else if(iIsDragging == 2)
   614                 {
   615                 if(iFocusRowIndex!=0)
   616                     {
   617                     SetRelativeFocusL(iFocusRowIndex-1);
   618                     iFocusRowIndex = RowNumber (iMediaList.FocusIndex ()); 
   619                     // iScrollDirection = 0;               
   620                     MoveUpIfRequired();  
   621                     }
   622                 }
   623             }
   624         consumed = EFalse;
   625         }
   626     return consumed;
   627     }
   629 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   630 // HandleKeyUp()
   631 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   632 //
   633 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleKeyUpL()
   634     {
   635     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD:: CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleKeyUpL");
   637     //If the first item is focused and if we are navigating upwards,then set the focus to last element.
   638     if( iFocusRowIndex ==  0 )
   639         {               
   640         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
   641                 iMediaList.Count() - 1);
   642         }
   644     //else set the focus to the item which is in the previous row,that overlaps with midpoint of the 
   645     //focused item.
   646     else
   647         { 
   648         TInt prevrownum = iFocusRowIndex - 1;
   649         SetRelativeFocusL(prevrownum);		
   650         }
   652     iScrollDirection = 1;
   653     }
   656 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   657 // HandleKeyDown()
   658 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   659 //
   660 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleKeyDownL()
   661     {
   662     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD:: CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleKeyDownL");
   664     // If the last item is focused and if we are navigating downwards,then set the
   665     // focus to first element.
   666     if( iFocusRowIndex == iCloudInfo.Count()-1 )
   667         {   
   668         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
   669                 0); 
   670         }
   672     //else set the focus to the item which is in the next row,that overlaps with midpoint of the 
   673     //focused item.     
   674     else
   675         { 
   676         TInt nextrownum = iFocusRowIndex + 1;            
   677         SetRelativeFocusL(nextrownum);	       
   678         }
   680     iScrollDirection = 0;
   681     }
   683 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   684 // HandleLayoutFocusChange()
   685 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   686 //
   687 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleLayoutFocusChange()
   688     {
   689     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleLayoutFocusChange");
   691     if ( iLabels.Count()-1 >= iMediaList.FocusIndex())
   692         {
   693         //to highlight focused element 
   694         SetFocusColor(); 
   695         //CalculateBubleMidPoint ();   
   696         }
   697     }
   700 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   701 // FocusUpdate()
   702 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   703 //
   704 void CGlxCloudViewControl::FocusUpdate()
   705     {
   706     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::FocusUpdate");
   707     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::FocusUpdate HighLighted RowNum  %d ",iFocusRowIndex);
   708     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::FocusUpdate End RowNumn %d ",iCloudInfo.Count()-1);
   709     iFocusRowIndex = RowNumber (iMediaList.FocusIndex ());
   710     iEndRowIndex = iCloudInfo.Count()-1;
   711     LayoutVisibleArea();
   712     }
   715 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   716 // ResetLayout()
   717 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   718 //
   719 void CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateLayout()
   720     {
   721     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateLayout()");
   722     iCloudInfo.Close (); //row information is reset
   723     for(TInt i = 0;i<iLabels.Count();i++)
   724         {
   725         iLabels[i]->RemoveAndDestroyAllD(); // removes from control
   726         iLabels[i] = NULL;
   727         }        
   728     iLabels.Reset();
   729     }
   732 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   733 // GetRownum()
   734 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   735 //
   736 TInt CGlxCloudViewControl::RowNumber(TInt aItemIndex) const
   737 {
   739 TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::GetRownum");
   740 //Get the rownumber of the given item index.
   741 TInt i;
   742 for (i = 0; i < iCloudInfo.Count (); i++)
   743     {
   744     if ( (aItemIndex >= iCloudInfo[i].iStartIndex) && (aItemIndex <=iCloudInfo[i].iEndIndex))
   745         break;
   746     }
   747 return i;
   749 }
   751 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   752 // FetchAttributeFromCacheL()
   753 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   754 //
   755 void CGlxCloudViewControl::FetchAttributeFromCacheL()
   756     {
   757     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::FetchAttributeFromCacheL");
   758     GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::FetchAttributeFromCache MediaList already filled" );
   759     //enable msk as the medialist is populated
   760     //iObserver.HandleMskChangedL (ETrue);
   761     iLayoutObserver.HandleLayoutChanged();
   762     if ( iLabels.Count ()==0)
   763         {
   764         for (TInt i=0; i<iMediaList.Count();i++)
   765             {
   766             CAlfTextVisual *tempVisual= NULL;
   767             tempVisual = CAlfTextVisual::AddNewL (*this,iLayout);
   768             iLabels.InsertL (tempVisual, i); //appending the visual text   /
   769             TAlfTimedValue opacity;
   770             opacity.SetValueNow(0.0);
   771             iLabels[i]->SetOpacity(opacity);
   772             }
   773         }
   775     for (TInt i=0; i<iMediaList.Count(); i++)
   776         {
   777         GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD::Fetching title for item %d", i );
   778         // get the media item
   779         TGlxMedia item = iMediaList.Item( i );
   780         // get the title and set it to the text visual
   781         iLabels[i]->SetTextL( item.Title() );
   782         }
   783     }
   786 //medialist Observers
   788 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   789 // HandleItemAddedL().
   790 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   791 //
   792 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemAddedL(TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex,
   793         MGlxMediaList* aList)
   794     {
   795     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemAddedL");
   796     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemAddedL start index  %d ", aStartIndex);
   797     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemAddedL end index  %d ", aEndIndex);
   798     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemAddedL  media list count  %d ", aList->Count());
   799     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemAddedL  attribute request count %d ", iAttributeContext->RequestCountL(aList));
   801     if ( iEmptyString )
   802         {
   803         // remove the empty string so it does not fool around in animations
   804         iEmptyString->RemoveAndDestroyAllD(); // removes from control
   805         iEmptyString = NULL;
   806         }
   807     //The new item has been added and it is required to cleanup the visuals and info bubble
   808     //for the existing tags(if any).	
   809     //when a filter is applied attribute request count is zero but medialist count in non zero
   810     if (iAttributeContext->RequestCountL(aList) == 0 )
   811         {
   812         //reset the layout and get the items from cache
   813         UpdateLayout(); //remove all the visuals from the layout.layout is empty now.
   814         iCloudInfo.Close (); //row information is reset
   815         //get the new array contents from need to reset the array as the number
   816         //of items in array will remain same.
   817         FetchAttributeFromCacheL();
   818         UpdateRowDataL (); //updates the row data and reassigns font sizes and draw the layout on screen.
   819         }
   821     }
   824 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   825 // HandleMediaL().
   826 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   827 //
   828 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleMediaL(TInt /*aListIndex*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
   829     {
   830     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleMediaL");
   831     }
   833 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   834 // HandleItemRemovedL().
   835 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   836 //
   837 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemRemovedL(TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex,
   838         MGlxMediaList* aList)
   839     {
   840     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemRemovedL");
   841     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemRemovedL Start RowNum  %d ", aStartIndex);
   842     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemRemovedL iCloudCount  %d ", aEndIndex);
   843     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemRemovedL  media list count  %d ", aList->Count());
   845     //when a filter is applied attribute request count is zero but medialist count in non zero
   846     if (iAttributeContext->RequestCountL(aList) == 0 )
   847         {
   848         //reset the layout and get the items from cache
   849         UpdateLayout(); //remove all the visuals from the layout.layout is empty now.       
   850         if( aList->Count() > 0 )
   851             {
   852             //get the new array contents from need to reset the array as the number
   853             //of items in array will remain same.
   854             FetchAttributeFromCacheL();
   855             UpdateRowDataL (); //updates the row data and reassigns font sizes and draw the layout on screen.
   856             }
   857         else
   858             {
   859             DisplayEmptyCloudViewL();
   860             }
   861         }
   862     }
   864 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   865 // HandleItemModifiedL().
   866 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   867 //
   868 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemModifiedL(
   869         const RArray<TInt>& /*aItemIndexes*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
   870     {
   871     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemModifiedL");
   872     }
   874 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   875 // HandleAttributesAvailableL().
   876 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   877 //
   878 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleAttributesAvailableL(TInt aItemIndex,
   879         const RArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttributes, MGlxMediaList* aList)
   880     {
   881     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleAttributesAvailableL");
   882     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleAttributesAvailableL  iLabels.Count()  %d ",iLabels.Count());
   883     TInt attCount = aAttributes.Count ();
   884     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleAttributesAvailableL  count: %d ",attCount);
   885     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleAttributesAvailableL  Item Index: %d ", aItemIndex);
   887     TBool relevantAttribute = EFalse;
   888     for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < attCount ; i++ )
   889         {
   890         if ( ( aAttributes[i] == KMPXMediaGeneralTitle ) 
   891                 || ( aAttributes[i] == KMPXMediaGeneralCount ) )
   892             {
   893             relevantAttribute = ETrue;
   894             }
   895         }
   896     //if the title array has been loaded completely and request count for attribute context becomes 
   897     //zero update the row data and arrange layout
   898     if ( ( iAttributeContext->RequestCountL(aList) ==0 ) 
   899             && ( aList->Count() != 0) && relevantAttribute )
   900         {
   901         //get the new array contents from need to reset the array as the number
   902         //of items in array will remain same.
   903         UpdateLayout(); //remove all the visuals from the layout.layout is empty now.        
   904         FetchAttributeFromCacheL();
   905         //if we navigate in forward direction, first item should be highlighted.if we are navigating in
   906         // backwards direction, index is not necessarily zero, it will be restored.
   907         if ( iUiUtility->ViewNavigationDirection ()== EGlxNavigationForwards && iMediaList.Count ())
   908             {
   909             iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute, 0);
   910             }
   911         //generate row structures and draw rows on screen
   912         UpdateRowDataL ();
   913         }
   914     }
   916 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   917 // HandleFocusChangedL().
   918 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   919 //
   920 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleFocusChangedL(
   921         NGlxListDefs::TFocusChangeType /*aType*/, TInt aNewIndex,
   922         TInt aOldIndex, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
   923     {
   924     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleFocusChangedL");
   925     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleFocusChangedL aNewIndex %d ", aNewIndex);
   926     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleFocusChangedL aOldIndex %d ",aOldIndex);
   927     if ( (aOldIndex >= 0) && (iLabels.Count()-1 >= aOldIndex) )
   928         {      		  
   929         //Reset the focused color
   930         iLabels[aOldIndex]->SetColor (KAknsIIDQsnTextColors,
   931                 EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6);
   932         HandleLayoutFocusChange ();
   933         }
   934     }
   936 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   937 // HandleItemSelectedL().
   938 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   939 //
   940 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemSelectedL(TInt /*aIndex*/,
   941         TBool /*aSelected*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
   942     {
   943     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleItemSelectedL");
   944     }
   946 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   947 // HandleMessageL().
   948 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   949 //
   950 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleMessageL(const CMPXMessage& /*aMessage*/,
   951         MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
   952     {
   953     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleMessageL");
   954     }
   956 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   957 // HandlePopulatedL().
   958 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   959 //
   960 void CGlxCloudViewControl::HandlePopulatedL(MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
   961     {
   962     //Display the Empty clould view only when we get this call back.
   963     // At this stage the medialist will be populated.    
   964     if(iMediaList.Count()<=0)
   965         {
   966         DisplayEmptyCloudViewL();
   967         }
   968     }
   970 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   971 //UpdateRowDataL()
   972 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   973 //
   974 void CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowDataL()
   976     {
   977     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData()");
   979     TInt rowStartingTagIndex = 0;
   980     TInt lastRowStartTagIndex = 0;
   981     TInt currentTagIndex = 0;
   982     TSize currentTagSize(0, 0);
   983     TGlxCloudInfo cloudInfo;
   984     TInt rowHeight = 0;
   985     TInt rowWidth = 0;
   986     TInt itemUsageCount = 0;
   987     const TInt KLabelsCount = iLabels.Count();
   988     iScrollPaneHandle = AknLayoutScalable_UiAccel::aa_scroll_pane(0).LayoutLine();
   989     const TInt KMaxScreenWidth = iTagScreenWidth - KRightmargin - iScrollPaneHandle.iW;
   991     iCloudInfo.Close (); //delete existing structures for orintation change
   994     //Setting the Font Styles based on association counts
   995     //Finding the maximum value of image association
   996     //Determining the Font(Style) for each visual
   997     TInt maxCount= MaxUsageCount (); //Maximum Association count 
   998     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData  mediaCount %d ", maxCount);
   999     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData  iLabels.Count()  %d ",iLabels.Count());
  1000     if ( 0 == maxCount )
  1001         {
  1002         return; //do not proceed if max count is zero
  1003         }
  1005     for (TInt i = 0; i < KLabelsCount; i++)
  1006         {
  1007         TInt percent( 0 );
  1008         GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData  Item Counter value  %d ",i);
  1009         itemUsageCount = UsageCount(i);
  1010         GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData  Usage Count  %d ", itemUsageCount);
  1011         percent = ((itemUsageCount * 99)/ maxCount);
  1012         GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData  iLabels.Count()  %d ",iLabels.Count());
  1014         // percent is between 0 and 99 so divide it by 20 to make it 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4
  1015         // as there is 5 different font sizes
  1016         SetPropertiesL( i, TInt( percent / 20 ) );
  1017         }
  1019     while ( currentTagIndex < KLabelsCount )
  1020         {
  1021         //Determining text size of visual.
  1022         currentTagSize = iLabels[currentTagIndex]->TextExtents();
  1023         if( currentTagSize .iWidth < KMinTagSize )
  1024             {
  1025             currentTagSize.iWidth = KMinTagSize;
  1026             }
  1027         GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData  currentTagSize.iHeight %d ", currentTagSize.iHeight);
  1029         // The current row's height will always be the largest height of all the tags in that row
  1030         if ( currentTagSize.iHeight > rowHeight )
  1031             {
  1032             rowHeight = currentTagSize.iHeight;
  1033             }
  1035         // Current row width will be progressively incremented to fit as many tags as possible
  1036         rowWidth += currentTagSize.iWidth + 10;
  1037         GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData   currentTagSize.iWidth %d ", currentTagSize.iWidth);
  1038         GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData  rowWidth %d ", rowWidth);
  1040         // If the tag size crosses the Screen Size, Then wrap it.
  1041         if ( currentTagSize.iWidth > KMaxScreenWidth )
  1042             {
  1043             lastRowStartTagIndex = ((rowStartingTagIndex == currentTagIndex)?rowStartingTagIndex : currentTagIndex-1);
  1044             AppendToCloudArrayL( cloudInfo,/* rowHeight,*/  rowStartingTagIndex, lastRowStartTagIndex );
  1045             // Reset row height and row width for the next line
  1046             rowHeight = 0;
  1047             rowWidth = 0;
  1048             if (lastRowStartTagIndex != currentTagIndex-1 )
  1049                 {
  1050                 currentTagIndex++; 
  1051                 }
  1052             rowStartingTagIndex = currentTagIndex;
  1053             lastRowStartTagIndex++;
  1054             }
  1056         // If the current row's width is overflowing the screen width
  1057         // then we must fit the current visual into the next row.
  1058         // Do that check now and adjust accordingly.
  1059         // Fix for EAHN-7BZD78 is to exclude the gap value between the row's tags from the logic
  1060         else if ( rowWidth - 10 > KMaxScreenWidth )
  1061             {
  1062             GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData Row added");
  1063             lastRowStartTagIndex = currentTagIndex - 1;
  1064             AppendToCloudArrayL( cloudInfo,rowStartingTagIndex, lastRowStartTagIndex );
  1065             lastRowStartTagIndex++;
  1066             // Reset row height and row width for the next line
  1067             rowHeight = 0;
  1068             rowWidth = 0;
  1069             rowStartingTagIndex = currentTagIndex;
  1070             GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData  iCloudInfo.count  %d ", iCloudInfo.Count());
  1071             } 
  1073         // need to work with next tag only if current tag has been taken care of
  1074         if ( rowWidth )
  1075             {
  1076             currentTagIndex++; 
  1077             }
  1079         } // while ( currentTagIndex < KLabelsCount )
  1081     if( lastRowStartTagIndex < KLabelsCount)
  1082         {
  1083         AppendToCloudArrayL( cloudInfo,lastRowStartTagIndex, KLabelsCount - 1 );
  1084         }
  1086     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateRowData  iCloudInfo.count loop exit  %d ", iCloudInfo.Count());
  1087     FocusUpdate (); //Start screen drawing 
  1089     iEndRowIndex = iCloudInfo.Count()-1;
  1090     }
  1092 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1093 // SetProperties
  1094 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1095 //
  1096 void CGlxCloudViewControl::SetPropertiesL(TInt aIndex, TInt aScale)
  1097     {
  1098     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::SetProperties()");
  1099     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::SetProperties layout Count after reset  %d ", iLayout->Count());
  1100     //Retrieving theme color
  1102     TAlfTimedValue scale(0);
  1103     TRAP_IGNORE(iLabels[aIndex]->EnableTransformationL());   
  1104     TAlfTimedValue opacity;
  1105     opacity.SetStyle (EAlfTimedValueStyleLinear);
  1106     opacity.SetValueNow(0.0);
  1107     iLabels[aIndex]->SetOpacity(opacity);
  1108     iLabels[aIndex]->SetAlign (EAlfAlignHLocale, EAlfAlignVBottom); //setting allignment
  1109     iLabels[aIndex]->SetColor (KAknsIIDQsnTextColors,EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6);
  1110     //custom style cod
  1111     TInt typefaceSecondaryStyleId = CGlxCloudViewControl::Env().TextStyleManager().CreatePlatformTextStyleL(
  1112             EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont,EAlfTextStyleNormal);
  1113     TInt typefacePrimaryStyleId = CGlxCloudViewControl::Env().TextStyleManager().CreatePlatformTextStyleL(
  1114             EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont,EAlfTextStyleNormal);
  1115     CAlfTextStyle* stylePrimary = CGlxCloudViewControl::Env().TextStyleManager().TextStyle(
  1116             typefacePrimaryStyleId);
  1117     CAlfTextStyle* styleSecondary = CGlxCloudViewControl::Env().TextStyleManager().TextStyle(
  1118             typefaceSecondaryStyleId);
  1119     switch (aScale)
  1120         {
  1121         case 0:
  1122             {
  1123             styleSecondary->SetTextSizeInPixels (KFontSmallest, 0);
  1124             iLabels[aIndex]->SetTextStyle (typefaceSecondaryStyleId);
  1125             TAlfTimedValue opacity;
  1126             opacity.SetValueNow(0.0);
  1127             iLabels[aIndex]->SetOpacity(opacity);
  1128             scale.SetTarget(1, 1000);
  1129             break;
  1130             }
  1131         case 1:
  1132             {
  1133             styleSecondary->SetTextSizeInPixels (KFontSmaller, 0);
  1134             iLabels[aIndex]->SetTextStyle (typefaceSecondaryStyleId);
  1135             scale.SetTarget(1, 1200);
  1136             TAlfTimedValue opacity;
  1137             opacity.SetValueNow(0.0);
  1138             iLabels[aIndex]->SetOpacity(opacity);
  1139             break;
  1140             }
  1141         case 2:
  1142             {
  1143             stylePrimary->SetTextSizeInPixels (KFontMedium, 0);
  1144             iLabels[aIndex]->SetTextStyle (typefacePrimaryStyleId);
  1145             scale.SetTarget(1, 1500);
  1146             TAlfTimedValue opacity;
  1147             opacity.SetValueNow(0.0);
  1148             iLabels[aIndex]->SetOpacity(opacity);
  1149             break;
  1150             }
  1151         case 3:
  1152             {
  1153             stylePrimary->SetTextSizeInPixels (KFontLarger, 0);
  1154             iLabels[aIndex]->SetTextStyle (typefacePrimaryStyleId);
  1155             scale.SetTarget(1, 1800);
  1156             TAlfTimedValue opacity;
  1157             opacity.SetValueNow(0.0);
  1158             iLabels[aIndex]->SetOpacity(opacity);
  1159             break;
  1160             }
  1161         case 4:
  1162             {
  1163             stylePrimary->SetTextSizeInPixels (KFontLargest, 0);
  1164             iLabels[aIndex]->SetTextStyle (typefacePrimaryStyleId);
  1165             scale.SetTarget(1, 2200);
  1166             TAlfTimedValue opacity;
  1167             opacity.SetValueNow(0.0);
  1168             iLabels[aIndex]->SetOpacity(opacity);
  1169             break;
  1170             }
  1171         }
  1173     iLabels[aIndex]->Transformation().Scale (scale, scale);
  1174     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::SetProperties layout Count after reset  %d ", iLayout->Count());
  1175     }
  1177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1178 // DisplayEmptyCloudView
  1179 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1180 // 
  1181 void CGlxCloudViewControl::DisplayEmptyCloudViewL()
  1182     {
  1183     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::DisplayEmptyCloudView");
  1184     if( !iEmptyString )
  1185         {
  1186         iEmptyString = CAlfTextVisual::AddNewL ( *this, iViewPortLayout );
  1187         iViewPortLayout->SetSize(TAlfRealSize(iTagScreenWidth,iTagScreenHeight), 0);
  1188         iLayout->UpdateChildrenLayout (); //update layout
  1189         }
  1190     //Setting text color to default theme text color.
  1191     iEmptyString->SetColor(KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6);
  1192     iEmptyString->SetTextStyle(iUiUtility->TextStyleIdL(EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont
  1193             ,KPrimaryFontSize));
  1194     iEmptyString->SetWrapping( CAlfTextVisual::ELineWrapBreak );
  1195     iEmptyString->SetTextL (iEmptyText->Des());
  1196     // no shadow wanted for the text
  1197     iEmptyString->EnableShadow( EFalse );
  1199     //disable msk
  1200     iLayoutObserver.HandleLayoutChanged();
  1201     //iObserver.HandleMskChangedL (EFalse);
  1202     iScrollEventData.mSpan = 0;
  1203     iScrollEventData.mViewLength = 0;
  1204     DisplayScrollBar();
  1205     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::DisplayEmptyCloudView layout Count after reset  %d ", iLayout->Count());
  1206     }
  1208 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1209 // MaxUsageCount()
  1210 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1211 //
  1212 TInt CGlxCloudViewControl::MaxUsageCount()
  1213     {
  1214     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::GetMaxusageCount");
  1215     TInt maxValue=0;
  1216     const TInt mediaListSize = iMediaList.Count();
  1217     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::GetMaxusageCount MediaList Count %d ",iMediaList.Count());
  1218     for (TInt k=0; k < mediaListSize; k++)
  1219         {
  1220         TInt count = UsageCount (k);
  1221         if ( count > maxValue)
  1222             {
  1223             GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::GetMaxusageCount  in the loop");
  1224             maxValue=count;
  1225             }
  1226         }
  1227     return maxValue;
  1228     }
  1230 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1231 // UsageCount()
  1232 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1233 //
  1234 TInt CGlxCloudViewControl::UsageCount(TInt aIndex)
  1235     {
  1236     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::UsageCount");
  1237     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::UsageCount Item index: %d ", aIndex);
  1238     TMPXAttribute attrCount(KMPXMediaGeneralCount); // get the attrCount
  1239     TInt usageCount =0;
  1240     const CGlxMedia* media = iMediaList.Item(aIndex).Properties ();
  1241     if ( media)
  1242         {
  1243         if ( media->IsSupported (attrCount))
  1244             {
  1245             usageCount = media->ValueTObject<TInt> (attrCount);
  1246             GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::UsageCount Count: %d ", usageCount);
  1247             }
  1248         }
  1249     return usageCount;
  1250     }
  1252 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1253 // SetFocusColor()
  1254 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1255 //
  1256 void CGlxCloudViewControl::AppendToCloudArrayL( 
  1257         TGlxCloudInfo& aCloudInfo,const TInt& aStartIndex, const TInt& aEndIndex )
  1258     {
  1259     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::AppendToCloudArrayL");
  1260     aCloudInfo.iStartIndex = aStartIndex;
  1261     aCloudInfo.iEndIndex = aEndIndex; 
  1262     iCloudInfo.AppendL( aCloudInfo );
  1263     }
  1265 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1266 // SetFocusColor()
  1267 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1268 //
  1269 void  CGlxCloudViewControl::SetFocusColor()
  1270     {
  1271     iLabels[iMediaList.FocusIndex()]->SetColor (KAknsIIDQsnHighlightColors ,EAknsCIQsnHighlightColorsCG3); 
  1272     }
  1275 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1276 // SetBubleMidPoint()
  1277 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1278 //
  1279 void  CGlxCloudViewControl::SetBubleMidPoint(TPoint& aMidPoint)
  1280     {
  1281     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::SetBubleMidPoint");
  1282     //Substract the viewport position so as to set the buble at the right position on the screen     
  1283     aMidPoint.iX-=iViewPortPosition.iX;
  1284     aMidPoint.iY-=iViewPortPosition.iY;
  1285     }
  1287 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1288 // CreateBubleContainer()
  1289 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1290 //   
  1291 void CGlxCloudViewControl::CreateBubleContainer()
  1292     {   
  1293     /* if ( !iBubbleContainer)
  1294         {
  1295         TRAPD(err1,
  1296             {
  1297             iBubbleContainer = CGlxContainerInfoBubble::NewL (&iMediaList,
  1298             CGlxCloudViewControl::Env (), *this);
  1299             });
  1300             ;
  1301         if ( err1!= KErrNone)
  1302             {
  1303             GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::LayoutVisibleArea - Error (%d)", err1);
  1304             }
  1305         iBubbleContainer->SetHost (this);
  1306         }*/
  1307     }
  1309 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1310 // MoveUpIfRequired()
  1311 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1312 //
  1313 void CGlxCloudViewControl::MoveUpIfRequired()
  1314     {
  1315     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::MoveUpIfRequired");
  1316     //get the focused item's position
  1317     TPoint point;
  1318     iLayout->ChildPos(iMediaList.FocusIndex(),point);
  1319     TSize size;
  1320     iLayout->ChildSize(iMediaList.FocusIndex(),size);
  1321     TInt focus = iMediaList.FocusIndex();
  1322     TInt rownumber = RowNumber(focus);
  1323     //if the focused item is not visible then move the viewport
  1324     if(point.iY < iViewPortPosition.iY)         
  1325         { 
  1326         //set the new position of viewport
  1327         TInt offeset = iViewPortPosition.iY - point.iY;
  1328         iViewPortPosition.iY-=offeset;
  1329         if( (iViewPortPosition.iY < 0) )
  1330             {
  1331             iViewPortPosition.iY = 0;
  1332             }   
  1333         }    
  1334     //if its key event then it should be cyclic
  1335     else if( rownumber == (iCloudInfo.Count()-1))
  1336         {
  1337         iViewPortPosition.iY = iViewPortVirtualSize.iHeight - iViewPortSize.iHeight;
  1338         }
  1339     iViewPortLayout->SetViewportPos (iViewPortPosition,1000); 
  1340     iScrollEventData.mViewStartPos = iViewPortPosition.iY;
  1341     Scroll();  
  1342     //CalculateBubleMidPoint ();   
  1343     }
  1346 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1347 // MoveDownIfRequired()
  1348 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1349 //
  1350 void CGlxCloudViewControl::MoveDownIfRequired()
  1351     {
  1352     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::MoveDownIfRequired");  
  1353     //get the focused item's position
  1354     TPoint point;
  1355     iLayout->ChildPos(iMediaList.FocusIndex(),point);
  1356     TSize size;
  1357     iLayout->ChildSize(iMediaList.FocusIndex(),size);
  1358     //if the focused visual is not visible then move the viewport 
  1359     if(point.iY+size.iHeight > iViewPortPosition.iY+iViewPortSize.iHeight )
  1360         { 
  1361         //set the new position of viewport
  1362         TInt offeset = (point.iY+size.iHeight) - (iViewPortPosition.iY+iViewPortSize.iHeight);
  1363         iViewPortPosition.iY+=offeset;
  1364         if( (iViewPortPosition.iY > iViewPortVirtualSize.iHeight) )
  1365             {
  1366             iViewPortPosition.iY = iViewPortVirtualSize.iHeight - iViewPortSize.iHeight;
  1367             } 
  1368         }
  1369     //if its key event then it should be cyclic
  1370     else if (iMediaList.FocusIndex() == 0)
  1371         {
  1372         iViewPortPosition.iY = 0;
  1373         }     
  1374     iViewPortLayout->SetViewportPos (iViewPortPosition,1000); 
  1375     iScrollEventData.mViewStartPos = iViewPortPosition.iY;
  1376     if(iScrollBarWidget)
  1377         {
  1378         Scroll();           
  1379         }
  1380     //CalculateBubleMidPoint();   
  1381     }     
  1383 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1384 // MoveDownIfRequired()
  1385 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1386 //
  1387 void CGlxCloudViewControl::CalculateBubleMidPoint()
  1388     { 
  1389     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::CalculateBubleMidPoint");
  1390     TPoint midpoint;
  1391     TAlfRealRect focussedItemRect;
  1392     TRect mainPaneRect;
  1393     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect (AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPaneRect);
  1395     CAlfVisual& visual = iLayout->Visual( iMediaList.FocusIndex() );
  1396     focussedItemRect = visual.DisplayRect();
  1398     if( GlxGeneralUiUtilities::LayoutIsMirrored () )
  1399         {  
  1400         midpoint.iX = focussedItemRect.iBr.iX +
  1401         ((focussedItemRect.iTl.iX - focussedItemRect.iBr.iX )/2);
  1402         }
  1404     else 
  1405         {
  1406         midpoint.iX=focussedItemRect.iTl.iX +
  1407         ((focussedItemRect.iBr.iX - focussedItemRect.iTl.iX )/2);
  1408         }
  1410     midpoint.iY=focussedItemRect.iTl.iY+
  1411                 ((focussedItemRect.iBr.iY - focussedItemRect.iTl.iY )/2); 
  1412     TPoint anchorRect;
  1414     //Get the position of anchor layout
  1415     iViewPortLayout->ChildPos (0, anchorRect);
  1417     //Add the differance to the midpoint
  1418     midpoint.iX+=anchorRect.iX;
  1419     midpoint.iY+=anchorRect.iY; 
  1421     //Substract from the viewport position the viewport position    
  1422     SetBubleMidPoint(midpoint);   
  1424     //Set the buble focus    
  1425     // iBubbleContainer->SetFocus (midpoint);
  1426     } 
  1428 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1429 // HandlePointerEventL()
  1430 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1431 //  
  1432 TBool CGlxCloudViewControl::HandlePointerEventL( const TAlfEvent &aEvent )
  1433     {
  1434     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandlePointerEventL");
  1435     CAlfVisual* tappedvisual = aEvent.Visual();	
  1436     TBool consumed = EFalse;
  1437     if(aEvent.PointerEvent().iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
  1438         {	
  1439         if(tappedvisual)
  1440             {
  1441             for(TInt index=0;index<iLayout->Count();index++)
  1442                 {    	
  1443                 CAlfVisual* layoutvisual = &(iLayout->Visual(index));
  1444                 //if the tapped visual is same as the visual in the layout then focus that visual
  1445                 if(layoutvisual == tappedvisual)
  1446                     {
  1447                     TInt focus = iMediaList.FocusIndex();
  1448                     //if the visual is already focused then for next tap open the next view
  1449                     if( focus == index )
  1450                         {
  1451                         iTouchFeedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackBasic );
  1452                         iObserverEnterKeyEvent.HandleEnterKeyEventL( (TInt)EAknCmdOpen );		    			
  1453                         consumed = ETrue;
  1454                         }
  1455                     else if( index!= focus )
  1456                         {
  1457                         iTouchFeedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackBasic );
  1458                         TInt focusrowindex = iFocusRowIndex;
  1459                         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
  1460                                 index);
  1461                         SetFocusColor();
  1462                         iFocusRowIndex = RowNumber (iMediaList.FocusIndex ());
  1463                         if( iFocusRowIndex > focusrowindex)
  1464                             {
  1465                             GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleDragL,b4 movedown");
  1466                             iScrollDirection = 0;               
  1467                             MoveDownIfRequired();               
  1468                             }
  1469                         else if( iFocusRowIndex < focusrowindex )
  1470                             {
  1471                             GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleDragL,b4 moveup");
  1472                             iScrollDirection = 1;                
  1473                             MoveUpIfRequired();                 
  1474                             }
  1475                         }
  1476                     consumed = ETrue;
  1477                     Display()->Roster().SetPointerEventObservers( EAlfPointerEventReportDrag 
  1478                             + EAlfPointerEventReportLongTap 
  1479                             + EAlfPointerEventReportUnhandled, *this );
  1480                     Display()->Roster().DisableLongTapEventsWhenDragging(*this);
  1481                     break;
  1482                     }
  1483                 }
  1484             }
  1485         }			
  1487     else if (aEvent.PointerEvent().iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag)
  1488         {
  1489         GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::HandlePointerEventL(EDrag) event");
  1490         iTouchFeedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackBasic );
  1491         consumed =  HandleDragL(aEvent.PointerEvent());
  1492         }
  1493     else if (aEvent.PointerUp())
  1494         {
  1496         Env().CancelCustomCommands(this,ECustomEventFocusDragScroll);
  1497         Display()->Roster().SetPointerEventObservers(0, *this);
  1498         consumed =  ETrue;
  1499         }
  1500     return consumed;
  1501     }
  1503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1504 // HandleDragL()
  1505 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1506 //
  1507 TBool CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleDragL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
  1508     {
  1509     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleDragL");
  1510     TBool consumed = EFalse;
  1511     TInt itemindex = GetAbsoluteIndex(aPointerEvent.iPosition);
  1512     TInt focus = iMediaList.FocusIndex();
  1513     TInt focusrowindex = iFocusRowIndex;
  1515     //if index is not NULL then focus the tag and move the viewport down if necessary
  1516     if ( itemindex != KErrNotFound )
  1517         {
  1518         if (focus != itemindex )
  1519             {
  1520             iTouchFeedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackSensitive );
  1521             iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,itemindex);			
  1522             iFocusRowIndex = RowNumber (iMediaList.FocusIndex ());
  1523             GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleDragL,focusrowindex = %d",iFocusRowIndex);
  1524             if( iFocusRowIndex > focusrowindex)
  1525                 {
  1526                 GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleDragL,b4 movedown");
  1527                 iScrollDirection = 0;
  1528                 MoveDownIfRequired(); 				
  1529                 }
  1530             else if( iFocusRowIndex < focusrowindex )
  1531                 {
  1532                 GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::HandleDragL,b4 moveup");
  1533                 iScrollDirection = 1;
  1534                 MoveUpIfRequired();					
  1535                 }			
  1536             }
  1537         consumed = ETrue;
  1538         }
  1540     TRect screenstartrect;
  1541     //the starting rect of the visible screen
  1542     screenstartrect.SetRect(0,0,iTagScreenWidth,2*KRowHeight);
  1544     TRect screenendrect;
  1545     //the end rect of the visible screen
  1546     screenendrect.SetRect(0,(iTagScreenHeight-(2*KRowHeight)),iTagScreenWidth,iTagScreenHeight);
  1548     //dragging down
  1549     if(screenendrect.Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
  1550         {            
  1551         iIsDragging = 1;            
  1552         Env().Send(TAlfCustomEventCommand(ECustomEventFocusDragScroll,
  1553                 this),KDragHoldTime);
  1554         }
  1555     //dragging up
  1556     else if  (screenstartrect.Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
  1557         {
  1558         iIsDragging = 2;             
  1559         Env().Send(TAlfCustomEventCommand(ECustomEventFocusDragScroll,
  1560                 this),KDragHoldTime);
  1561         }        
  1563     return consumed;
  1564     }
  1566 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1567 // GetAbsoluteIndex()
  1568 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1569 //
  1570 TInt CGlxCloudViewControl::GetAbsoluteIndex(const TPoint& aPosition)
  1571     {
  1572     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::GetAbsoluteIndex");
  1573     //find out the visual on which the drag event has occured
  1574     for(TInt j = 0; j < iLayout->Count(); j++)
  1575         {
  1576         CAlfVisual* visual = &(iLayout->Visual(j));
  1577         TRect visualrect = visual->DisplayRect();
  1578         TInt focusindex = iMediaList.FocusIndex();
  1579         if(visualrect.Contains(aPosition) && (focusindex != j))      
  1580             {
  1581             return j;
  1582             }
  1583         }
  1584     return KErrNotFound;	         
  1585     }
  1587 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1588 // SetRelativeFocusL()
  1589 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1590 //
  1591 void CGlxCloudViewControl::SetRelativeFocusL(TInt aRowNumber)
  1592     {
  1593     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::SetRelativeFocusL");
  1594     TInt focus = iMediaList.FocusIndex ();
  1595     //get the co-ordinates of the focused tag
  1596     TInt x = iLayout->Visual(focus).DisplayRect().Center().iX;
  1597     TInt y = iLayout->Visual(focus).DisplayRect().Center().iY;
  1598     TPoint midpoint(x, y);
  1600     //find the tag below\above that overlaps with the focused tag
  1601     for(TInt index = iCloudInfo[aRowNumber].iStartIndex; 
  1602         index <= iCloudInfo[aRowNumber].iEndIndex; index++)
  1603         {	    
  1604         CAlfVisual* visual = &(iLayout->Visual(index));				
  1605         TRect visualrect = visual->DisplayRect();
  1606         if ( (visualrect.iTl.iX <= midpoint.iX) && (midpoint.iX <= visualrect.iBr.iX))
  1607             {            
  1608             iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,index);
  1609             break;
  1610             } 
  1611         }
  1613     // if no element is found that overlaps with midpoint of the 
  1614     //focused item,then focus the last element of the next row.
  1615     if(focus == iMediaList.FocusIndex ())	
  1616         {        
  1617         iMediaList.SetFocusL (NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute,
  1618                 iCloudInfo[aRowNumber].iEndIndex);
  1619         } 	 	
  1620     }
  1622 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1623 // setActiveStates()
  1624 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1625 //
  1626 void CGlxCloudViewControl::setActiveStates( unsigned int /*aStates*/ )
  1627     {
  1628     }
  1630 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1631 // makeInterface()
  1632 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1633 //
  1634 IAlfInterfaceBase* CGlxCloudViewControl::makeInterface ( const IfId& /*aType*/ )
  1635     {
  1636     return NULL;
  1637     }
  1639 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1640 // eventHandlerType()
  1641 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1642 //
  1643 IAlfWidgetEventHandler::AlfEventHandlerType CGlxCloudViewControl::eventHandlerType()
  1644     {
  1645     return IAlfWidgetEventHandler::ELogicalEventHandler;
  1646     }  
  1648 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1649 // eventExecutionPhase()
  1650 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1651 //
  1652 IAlfWidgetEventHandler::AlfEventHandlerExecutionPhase CGlxCloudViewControl::eventExecutionPhase()
  1653     {
  1654     return IAlfWidgetEventHandler::ETunnellingPhaseEventHandler;
  1655     }
  1657 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1658 // offerEvent()
  1659 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1660 //
  1661 AlfEventStatus CGlxCloudViewControl::offerEvent( CAlfWidgetControl& aControl, const TAlfEvent& aEvent )
  1662     {
  1663     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::offerEvent");  
  1664     AlfEventStatus status = EEventNotHandled;  
  1665     if(aEvent.IsCustomEvent() && accept(aControl, aEvent))
  1666         {
  1667         if ((iScrollBarWidget!=NULL))
  1668             {    		
  1669             if (aEvent.IsCustomEvent())
  1670                 {
  1671                 switch(aEvent.CustomParameter())
  1672                     {
  1673                     case KAlfActionIdDeviceLayoutChanged:
  1674                         {
  1675                         // iObserver.HandleMskChangedL(ETrue);
  1676                         iLayoutObserver.HandleLayoutChanged();
  1677                         TRAP_IGNORE(UpdateLayoutL());
  1678                         }
  1679                          return EEventNotHandled;
  1681                     case EEventDragVertical:
  1682                         {    
  1683                         GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::offerEvent(EEventScrollDown) event");
  1684                         TInt steps = TInt(aEvent.CustomEventData());
  1685                         UpdateScrollBar(steps,EFalse);                        
  1686                         Scroll();                       
  1687                         status = EEventHandled; 
  1688                         }
  1689                         break;                   
  1690                     case EEventScrollPageUp:
  1691                         { 
  1692                         GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::offerEvent(EEventScrollPageUp) event");                       
  1693                         UpdateScrollBar(-iScrollEventData.mViewLength); 
  1694                         Scroll();                        
  1695                         status = EEventHandled;    		    	    
  1696                         }
  1697                         break;
  1698                     case EEventScrollPageDown:
  1699                         {  
  1700                         GLX_LOG_INFO("GLX_CLOUD :: CGlxCloudViewControl::offerEvent(EEventScrollPageDown) event");                       
  1701                         UpdateScrollBar(iScrollEventData.mViewLength); 
  1702                         Scroll();
  1703                         status = EEventHandled; 		    	    
  1704                         }
  1705                         break;                    
  1706                     }//end switch
  1707                 }
  1708             }
  1709         }
  1710     return status;
  1711     }
  1713 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1714 // accept()
  1715 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1716 //   
  1717 bool CGlxCloudViewControl::accept ( CAlfWidgetControl& /*aControl*/, const TAlfEvent& aEvent ) const
  1718     {
  1719     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::accept");
  1720     if(	aEvent.CustomParameter() == EEventScrollPageUp 	||
  1721         aEvent.CustomParameter() == EEventScrollPageDown ||
  1722         aEvent.CustomParameter() == EEventDragVertical ||
  1723         aEvent.CustomParameter() == KAlfActionIdDeviceLayoutChanged )
  1724         {
  1725         return true;
  1726         }
  1727     return false;
  1728     }
  1730 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1731 // attachScrollBar()
  1732 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1733 //	
  1734 void CGlxCloudViewControl::InitializeScrollBar(IAlfScrollBarWidget* aScrollBarWidget)
  1735     { 
  1736     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::InitializeScrollBar");
  1737     iScrollBarWidget=aScrollBarWidget;
  1738     ((IAlfScrollBarModel *)(iScrollBarWidget->model()))->initializeData(iScrollEventData.mSpan,
  1739             iScrollEventData.mViewLength,0);													           
  1740     DisplayScrollBar();	
  1741     }
  1743 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1744 // Scroll()
  1745 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1746 //
  1747 void CGlxCloudViewControl::Scroll()
  1748     {
  1749     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::Scroll()");
  1750     TAlfEvent customevent(EEventScrollBarModelChanged,(TInt)&iScrollEventData);
  1751     IAlfElement* baseelement = iScrollBarWidget->control()->findElement ("BaseElement");
  1752     iScrollbarElement=static_cast<IAlfWidgetEventHandler*> (
  1753             baseelement->makeInterface (IAlfWidgetEventHandler::type()));
  1754     //pass the custom event to scrollbar element so as to scroll to the required position
  1755     iScrollbarElement->offerEvent(*(iScrollBarWidget->control()),customevent);
  1756     GLX_LOG_INFO1("GLX_CLOUD ::CGlxCloudViewControl::Scroll(),position %d ",iScrollEventData.mViewStartPos);
  1757     iViewPortPosition.iY = iScrollEventData.mViewStartPos;
  1758     iViewPortLayout->SetViewportPos (iViewPortPosition,1000);  
  1759     }
  1761 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1762 // UpdateScrollBar()
  1763 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1764 //
  1765 void CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateScrollBar(TInt aNumberOfSteps, TBool aDiff)
  1766     {
  1767     TRACER("GLX_CLOUD::CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateScrollBar()");
  1768     TInt viewLength = ((IAlfScrollBarModel *)(iScrollBarWidget->model()))->getViewLength();
  1769     TInt viewStartPos=((IAlfScrollBarModel *)(iScrollBarWidget->model()))->getViewStartPosition();
  1770     TInt totalLength=((IAlfScrollBarModel *)(iScrollBarWidget->model()))->getTotalLength();
  1772     TInt newViewStartPos=viewStartPos;
  1773     if(aDiff)
  1774         {
  1775         aNumberOfSteps+=viewStartPos;
  1776         }
  1777     if( (aNumberOfSteps <= (totalLength-viewLength))&&(aNumberOfSteps>=0) )
  1778         {
  1779         newViewStartPos=aNumberOfSteps;
  1780         }
  1781     else if( aNumberOfSteps > (totalLength-viewLength) )
  1782         {
  1783         newViewStartPos=totalLength-viewLength;
  1784         }
  1785     else if ( aNumberOfSteps < 0 )
  1786         {
  1787         newViewStartPos=0;
  1788         }
  1789     iScrollEventData.mViewStartPos = newViewStartPos;
  1790     }
  1792 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1793 // DisplayScrollBar()
  1794 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1795 //
  1796 void CGlxCloudViewControl::DisplayScrollBar() 
  1797     {
  1798     if( iScrollBarWidget )
  1799         {
  1800         IAlfElement* vertBaseElement =(iScrollBarWidget->control()->findElement ("BaseElement"));
  1801         IAlfScrollBarDefaultBaseElement* scrollbarbaselement=static_cast<IAlfScrollBarDefaultBaseElement*> (
  1802             vertBaseElement->makeInterface (IAlfScrollBarDefaultBaseElement::type() ) );
  1804         if( iScrollEventData.mSpan )
  1805             {       
  1806             scrollbarbaselement->setThumbOpacity(1.0);  
  1807             }
  1808         else
  1809             {
  1810             scrollbarbaselement->setThumbOpacity(0.0);  
  1811             }
  1812         }
  1813     }
  1815 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1816 // UpdateLayoutL() 
  1817 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1818 //
  1819 void CGlxCloudViewControl::UpdateLayoutL() 
  1820     {
  1821     TRect rect;
  1822     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect (AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, rect);
  1823     if ( (rect.Width() != iTagScreenWidth) && ( rect.Height () != iScreenHeight))
  1824         {
  1825         //set the new screen dimensions
  1826         iScreenHeight=rect.Height();
  1827        iTagScreenWidth = rect.Width()- iScrollPaneHandle.iW - KRightmargin;
  1828         if (GlxGeneralUiUtilities::IsLandscape())
  1829             {   
  1830             iTagScreenHeight = rect.Height();   
  1831             }
  1832         else 
  1833             {
  1834             iTagScreenHeight = KTagScreenHeight;
  1835             }
  1837         iViewPortLayout->SetSize(TAlfRealSize(iTagScreenWidth,iTagScreenHeight), 0);
  1838         //delete all layout associations
  1839         if ( iCloudInfo.Count ()!= 0)//check for the empty cloud view
  1840             {
  1841             UpdateLayout();
  1842             FetchAttributeFromCacheL();
  1843             //generate row structures and draw rows on screen
  1844             UpdateRowDataL ();                                    
  1845             }
  1846         }
  1847     }
  1849 //End of file