changeset 0 4e91876724a2
child 2 7d9067c6fcb1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e91876724a2
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description:    Implementation of Grid view control
    15  *
    16  */
    17 #include <AknUtils.h>                               	// For AknLayoutUtils to calculate rect
    18 #include <glxtracer.h>
    19 #include <StringLoader.h>
    20 #include <AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h>
    21 #include <caf/caferr.h>
    22 #include <featmgr.h>		                            // Feature Manager
    24 // Ganes Headers
    25 #include <gulicon.h>                                    // Gul Icons
    26 #include <ganes/HgItem.h>                               // HG Items
    27 #include <ganes/HgGrid.h>                               // Hg Grid Widget
    29 // Framework
    30 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    31 #include <glxcollectionplugindownloads.hrh>
    32 #include <glxcommandhandlers.hrh>                       // For EGlxCmdFullScreenBack
    33 #include <glxcollectionpluginall.hrh> 	            	// All item collection plugin id
    36 #include <glxnavigationalstate.h>                       // For Navigational State
    37 #include <mglxmedialist.h>				            	// MGlxMediaList, CMPXCollectionPath
    38 #include <glxuiutility.h>                               // For UiUtility instance
    39 #include <glxdrmutility.h>                              // DRM utility class to provide DRM-related functionality
    40 #include <glxerrormanager.h>                            // For CGlxErrormanager
    41 #include <glxthumbnailattributeinfo.h>                  // KGlxMediaIdThumbnail
    42 #include <glxgridviewdata.rsg>                          // Gridview resource
    43 #include <glxicons.mbg>                                 // For Corrupted and not created icons
    45 #include "glxgridviewcontainer.h"
    46 #include "glxgridviewimp.h"
    47 #include "glxgridviewmlobserver.h"                      // medialist observer for Hg Grid
    49 const TInt KNoOfPages(3);
    50 const TInt KBufferTresholdSize(3); 						// in rows
    51 const TInt KMaxNoOfSeamlessLinks(2);
    53 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    55 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 // Two-phased constructor.
    57 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 CGlxGridViewContainer* CGlxGridViewContainer::NewL(MGlxMediaList *aMediaList,
    60 														CGlxUiUtility* aUiUtility,
    61 																	MGlxGridEventObserver& aObserver)
    62 	{
    63 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::NewL");
    64 	CGlxGridViewContainer* self = CGlxGridViewContainer::NewLC(aMediaList,aUiUtility,aObserver) ;
    65 	CleanupStack::Pop(self) ;
    66 	return self ;
    67 	}
    69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 // Two-phased constructor.
    71 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 //
    73 CGlxGridViewContainer* CGlxGridViewContainer::NewLC(MGlxMediaList *aMediaList,
    74 														CGlxUiUtility* aUiUtility,
    75 																	MGlxGridEventObserver& aObserver)
    76 	{
    77 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::NewLC");
    78 	CGlxGridViewContainer* self = new(ELeave) CGlxGridViewContainer(aMediaList,aUiUtility,aObserver);
    79 	CleanupStack::PushL(self ) ;
    80 	self->ConstructL() ;
    81 	return self ;
    82 	}
    84 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 // Destructor
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 //
    88 CGlxGridViewContainer::~CGlxGridViewContainer()
    89 	{
    90 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::~CGlxGridViewContainer");
    91 	if(iBgContext)
    92 		{
    93 		delete iBgContext;	
    94 		}
    95 	if(iDRMUtility)
    96 		{
    97 		iDRMUtility->Close();
    98 		}
    99 	if (iGlxGridMLObserver)
   100 		{
   101 		delete iGlxGridMLObserver;
   102 		iGlxGridMLObserver = NULL;
   103 		}
   104 	if (iMediaList)
   105 		{
   106 		iMediaList->RemoveContext(iThumbnailContext);
   107 		delete iThumbnailContext;
   108 		}
   109 	if(iUiUtility->IsPenSupported())
   110 		{
   111 		RemoveFSThumbnailContext();
   112 		}
   113 	if(iNavigationalstate)
   114 		{
   115 		iNavigationalstate->Close();
   116 		}
   117 	if (iHgGrid)
   118 		{
   119 		delete iHgGrid;
   120 		iHgGrid = NULL;
   121 		}
   122 	//reset the flag
   123 	iBackwardActivation = EFalse;
   124 	}
   126 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   128 // might leave.
   129 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 //
   131 CGlxGridViewContainer::CGlxGridViewContainer(MGlxMediaList *aMediaList,CGlxUiUtility* aUiUtility,
   132 																MGlxGridEventObserver& aObserver)
   133 					: iMediaList(aMediaList),iUiUtility(aUiUtility),iGlxGridViewObserver(aObserver)
   134 		{
   135 		TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::CGlxGridViewContainer");
   136 		}
   138 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   139 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   140 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   141 //
   142 void CGlxGridViewContainer::ConstructL()
   143 	{
   144 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::ConstructL()");
   146 	//create the container window.
   147 	CreateWindowL();
   149 	// Making the default FSActivation as false
   150 	iFullscreenViewActivated = EFalse;
   152 	iNavigationalstate = CGlxNavigationalState::InstanceL();
   154 	//check the navigational direction
   155 	if (iUiUtility->ViewNavigationDirection ()== EGlxNavigationBackwards)
   156 		{
   157 		iBackwardActivation = ETrue;
   158 		}
   160 	// making the default mode of marking as false
   161 	iMultipleMarkingActive = EFalse;
   163 	iGridIconSize = iUiUtility->GetGridIconSize();
   165 	iItemsPerPage = iUiUtility->VisibleItemsInPageGranularityL();
   167 	// For DRM Utility
   168 	iDRMUtility = CGlxDRMUtility::InstanceL();
   170 	// background Skin Context for the skin support
   171 	TRect apRect = iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->ApplicationRect();
   172 	iBgContext = CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
   173 			KAknsIIDQsnBgScreen,apRect,ETrue);
   175 	iQualityTnAttrib = TMPXAttribute (KGlxMediaIdThumbnail,
   176 			GlxFullThumbnailAttributeId( ETrue,  iGridIconSize.iWidth,
   177 					iGridIconSize.iHeight ) );
   179 	iSpeedTnAttrib = TMPXAttribute (KGlxMediaIdThumbnail,
   180 			GlxFullThumbnailAttributeId( EFalse,  iGridIconSize.iWidth,
   181 					iGridIconSize.iHeight ) );
   182 	CreateGridL();
   183 	}
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 // From OfferKeyEventL
   187 // Default implementation,
   188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 //
   190 TKeyResponse CGlxGridViewContainer::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
   191 	{
   192 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::OfferKeyEventL()");
   193 	TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   194 	CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
   195 	if(aType == EEventKey)
   196 		{
   197 		switch(aKeyEvent.iCode)
   198 			{
   199 			case EKeyBackspace:
   200 				{
   201 				iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(EGlxCmdDelete);
   202 				response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   203 				break;
   204 				}
   205 			default:
   206 				response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   207 				break;
   208 			}
   209 		}
   211 	//send the unconsumed events from grid container to hg-grid to handle related key events
   212 	if(response == EKeyWasNotConsumed)
   213 		{
   214 		response = iHgGrid->OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
   215 		}
   216 	return response ;
   217 	}
   219 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   220 // Release
   221 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   222 //
   223 void CGlxGridViewContainer::Release(TInt /*aBufferStart*/, TInt/* aBufferEnd*/)
   224 	{
   225 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::Release()");
   226 	// This has to do nothing on default
   227 	}
   229 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   230 // Request
   231 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   232 //
   233 void CGlxGridViewContainer::Request(TInt aRequestStart, TInt aRequestEnd,
   234 		THgScrollDirection /*aDirection*/)
   235 	{
   236 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::Request()");
   237 	RequestL(aRequestStart, aRequestEnd);
   238 	}
   240 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   241 // RequestL
   242 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 //
   244 void CGlxGridViewContainer::RequestL(TInt aRequestStart, TInt aRequestEnd)
   245 	{
   246 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::RequestL()");
   247 	TInt visIndex = 0;
   248 	TInt mediaCount = iMediaList->Count();
   249 	aRequestStart = (aRequestStart<0 ? 0 : aRequestStart) ;
   250 	aRequestEnd = (aRequestEnd>=mediaCount? (mediaCount-1) : aRequestEnd);
   252 	GLX_LOG_INFO3("CGlxGridViewContainer::RequestL - aRequestStart(%d), "
   253 			"aRequestEnd(%d), FirstIndexOnScreen(%d)", aRequestStart,
   254 			aRequestEnd, iHgGrid->FirstIndexOnScreen());
   255 	GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxGridViewContainer::Request - mediaCount(%d)",mediaCount);
   257 	visIndex = iHgGrid->FirstIndexOnScreen();
   259 	if(visIndex >= mediaCount )
   260 		{
   261 		visIndex = mediaCount-1;
   262 		}
   263 	if(visIndex<0 || mediaCount<=0)
   264 		{
   265 		visIndex = 0;
   266 		}
   267 	GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxGridViewContainer::Request - SetVisibleWindowIndex"
   268 			" visIndex(%d)", visIndex);
   269 	iMediaList->SetVisibleWindowIndexL(visIndex);
   271 	if(mediaCount>0)
   272 		{
   273 		//Set the icons and refresh the screen only when the items are present
   274 		for (TInt i=aRequestStart; i<= aRequestEnd; i++)
   275 			{
   276 			SetIconsL(i);
   277 			TInt firstIndex = iHgGrid->FirstIndexOnScreen();
   278 			firstIndex = (firstIndex<0 ? 0 : firstIndex);
   279 			TInt lastOnScreen = firstIndex + iHgGrid->ItemsOnScreen() - 1;
   280 			lastOnScreen = (lastOnScreen >mediaCount-1? mediaCount-1:lastOnScreen);
   281 			if (i == lastOnScreen || (i == aRequestEnd && i < lastOnScreen))
   282 				{
   283 				if (HasRelevantThumbnail(i))
   284 					{
   285 					GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxGridViewContainer::Request - RefreshScreen"
   286 							"  lastOnScreen / aRequestEnd i(%d)", i);
   287 					iHgGrid->RefreshScreen(i);
   288 					}
   289 				}
   290 			}
   291 		}
   293 	if (iDownloadsPlugin && aRequestStart == KMaxNoOfSeamlessLinks)
   294 		{
   295 		SetDownloadLinksTimeL();
   296 		}
   297 	}
   299 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 // HasRelevantThumbnail
   301 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   302 //
   303 TBool CGlxGridViewContainer::HasRelevantThumbnail(TInt aIndex)
   304 	{
   305 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::HasRelevantThumbnail()");
   306 	const TGlxMedia& item = iMediaList->Item( aIndex );
   307 	const CGlxThumbnailAttribute* qualityTn = item.ThumbnailAttribute(
   308 			iQualityTnAttrib );
   309 	const CGlxThumbnailAttribute* speedTn = item.ThumbnailAttribute(
   310 			iSpeedTnAttrib );
   311 	if ( qualityTn || speedTn )
   312 		{
   313 		GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxGridViewContainer::HasRelevantThumbnail() - TN avail");
   314 		return ETrue;
   315 		}
   316 	return EFalse;
   317 	}
   319 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   320 // HandleSelectL
   321 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322 //
   323 void CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleSelectL( TInt aIndex )
   324 	{
   325     TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleSelectL()");
   326 	// Map the index of HG Grid and Medialist
   327 	// Make sure that the Selection Index is inside medialist count
   328 	if (aIndex <iMediaList->Count() && aIndex >=0)
   329 		{
   330 		iMediaList->SetFocusL(NGlxListDefs::EAbsolute, aIndex);
   331 		}
   332 	}
   334 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   335 // HandleOpenL
   336 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 //
   338 void CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleOpenL( TInt aIndex )
   339 	{
   340     TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleOpenL()");
   342 	// Make sure that the Selection Index is inside medialist count
   343 	if (aIndex <iMediaList->Count() && aIndex >=0)
   344 		{
   345 		if (!(iHgGrid->Flags() && CHgScroller::EHgScrollerSelectionMode))
   346 			{
   347 			// If not in marking mode, then open FS view
   348 			iUiUtility->SetViewNavigationDirection(EGlxNavigationForwards);
   349 			//Navigate to the next view
   350 			//Item is selected, go to next view
   351 			HandleEnterKeyEventL((TInt)EAknCmdOpen);
   352 			}
   353 		}
   354 	}
   356 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   357 // HandleEnterKeyEventL
   358 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   359 //
   360 void CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleEnterKeyEventL(TInt aCommand)
   361 	{
   362 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleEnterKeyEventL()");
   363 	HandleViewCommandL(aCommand);
   364 	}
   366 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   367 // HandleMarkingL
   368 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   369 //
   370 void CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleMarkingL( TInt aIndex, TBool aMarked )
   371 	{
   372 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleMarkingL()");
   373 	HandleMultipleMarkingL(aIndex,aMarked);
   374 	}
   376 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   377 // CreateHgGridWidgetL
   378 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   379 //
   380 void CGlxGridViewContainer::CreateHgGridWidgetL()
   381 	{
   382 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::CreateHgGridWidgetL()");
   384 	TInt mediaCount = iMediaList->Count();
   385 	if (!iHgGrid)
   386 		{
   387 		TFileName resFile(KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR);
   388 		resFile.Append(KGlxIconsFilename);
   389 		CFbsBitmap* bitmap = AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(resFile,
   390 				EMbmGlxiconsQgn_prop_image_notcreated);
   391 		AknIconUtils::SetSize(bitmap, CHgGrid::PreferredImageSize());
   392 		TRect rect = iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->ClientRect();
   393 		// Create Hg grid object
   394 		iHgGrid = CHgGrid::NewL (rect,mediaCount,CGulIcon::NewL(bitmap));
   395 		}
   396 	if (mediaCount)
   397 		{
   398 		// Mediacount would give the no of static items present and
   399 		// coz medialist doesnt have all the item at
   400 		// this stage, it will focus index for only download icons.
   401 		// For other grid views, we have to set focus elsewhere
   402 		for (TInt i=0; i<mediaCount; i++)
   403 			{
   404 			const TGlxMedia& item = iMediaList->Item(i);
   405 			TIconInfo icon;
   406 			if (item.GetIconInfo(icon) )
   407 				{
   408 				CFbsBitmap* bitmap = AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(icon.bmpfile, icon.bitmapId);
   409 				AknIconUtils::SetSize(bitmap, CHgGrid::PreferredImageSize());
   410 				iHgGrid->ItemL(i).SetIcon(CGulIcon::NewL(bitmap));
   411 				}
   412 			}
   413 		// Setting the initial focus
   414 		iHgGrid->SetSelectedIndex(iMediaList->FocusIndex());
   415 		}
   416 	// Setting to MopParent to update background skin
   417 	iHgGrid->SetMopParent(this);
   418 	// Setting Selction observer for getting callback on key event change
   419 	iHgGrid->SetSelectionObserver(*this);
   421 	// This Displays the scrollbar at the opening of the Grid view
   422 	iHgGrid->SetScrollBarTypeL(CHgScroller::EHgScrollerTimeStrip );
   424 	// Enable Buffer support
   425 	iHgGrid->EnableScrollBufferL(*this, (KNoOfPages * iItemsPerPage),
   426 			KBufferTresholdSize);
   428 	// Enable Marking support
   429 	iHgGrid->SetMarkingObserver(*this);
   430 	iHgGrid->SetFocus(ETrue);
   431 	/*
   432 	 * note: don't push hggrid to the control stack
   433 	 */
   434 	}
   436 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   437 // CreateGridL
   438 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   439 //
   440 void CGlxGridViewContainer::CreateGridL()
   441 	{
   442 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::CreateGridL()");
   443 	// Set the Grid thumbnail context and iterator
   444 	SetGridThumbnailContextL();
   445 	// Create HG Grid widget
   446 	CreateHgGridWidgetL();
   447 	// Create an observer and pass MediaList and HGGrid objects
   448 	CreateGridMediaListObserverL();
   449 	// Create Grid once again after returning from FS as No calls for handleItem added.
   450 	CreateGridAfterFSDeactivatedL();
   451 	if (iUiUtility->IsPenSupported())
   452 		{
   453 		// Fetch fullscreen thumbnails of the focused item with low priority
   454 		FetchFSThumbnailL();
   455 		}
   456 	}
   458 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 // SetGridThumbnailContextL
   460 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 //
   462 void CGlxGridViewContainer::SetGridThumbnailContextL()
   463 	{
   464 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::SetGridThumbnailContextL()");
   465 	// show static items again
   466 	iMediaList->SetStaticItemsEnabled(ETrue);
   468 	iThumbnailContext = CGlxThumbnailContext::NewL( &iBlockyIterator ); // set the thumbnail context
   469 	iThumbnailContext->SetDefaultSpec( iGridIconSize.iWidth,iGridIconSize.iHeight );
   470 	iMediaList->AddContextL(iThumbnailContext, KGlxFetchContextPriorityNormal );
   472 	iDownloadsPlugin = EFalse;
   473 	CMPXCollectionPath* path = iMediaList->PathLC( NGlxListDefs::EPathParent );
   474 	if (path->Id() == KGlxCollectionPluginDownloadsImplementationUid)
   475 		{
   476 		iDownloadsPlugin = ETrue;
   477 		}
   478 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(path);
   479 	}
   481 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   482 // CreateGridMediaListObserverL
   483 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   484 //
   485 void CGlxGridViewContainer::CreateGridMediaListObserverL()
   486 	{
   487 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::CreateGridMediaListObserverL()");
   488 	// Creating the Medialist observer for HG Grid
   489 	iGlxGridMLObserver = CGlxGridViewMLObserver::NewL(*iMediaList, iHgGrid);
   490 	}
   492 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   493 // CreateGridAfterFSDeactivatedL
   494 // On Returning from the FS View, There is no calls to the handle attribut available,
   495 // So repeating the code to view Grid on FS return
   496 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   497 //
   498 void CGlxGridViewContainer::CreateGridAfterFSDeactivatedL()
   499 	{
   500 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::CreateGridAfterFSDeactivatedL()");
   501 	if (iBackwardActivation)
   502 		{
   503 		TInt mlCount = iMediaList->Count();
   504 		GLX_LOG_INFO1("CreateGridAfterFSDeactivatedL() mlCount=%d", mlCount);
   506 		// Setting the Empty Text
   507 		HBufC* emptyText =
   508 		StringLoader::LoadLC(R_GRID_EMPTY_VIEW_TEXT);
   509 		iHgGrid->SetEmptyTextL(*emptyText);
   510 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(emptyText);
   512 		if (mlCount <= 0)
   513 			{
   514 			GLX_LOG_INFO("CreateGridAfterFSDeactivatedL() - SetEmptyTextL()");
   515 			iHgGrid->DrawNow();
   516 			}
   518 		TInt focusIndex = iMediaList->FocusIndex();
   519 		TSize setSize = CHgGrid::PreferredImageSize();
   520 		TFileName resFile(KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR);
   521 		resFile.Append(KGlxIconsFilename);
   523 		for (TInt index=0; index<mlCount; index++)
   524 			{
   525 			SetIconsL(index);
   526 			}
   528 		SetDownloadLinksTimeL();
   530 		iHgGrid->SetSelectedIndex(focusIndex);
   531 		iHgGrid->RefreshScreen(focusIndex);
   532 		}
   533 	iBackwardActivation = EFalse;
   534 	}
   536 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   537 // SetIconsL
   538 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   539 //
   540 void CGlxGridViewContainer::SetIconsL(TInt index)
   541 	{
   542 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::SetIconsL()");
   543 	const TGlxMedia& item = iMediaList->Item(index);
   544 	TSize setSize = CHgGrid::PreferredImageSize();
   545 	TFileName resFile(KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR);
   546 	resFile.Append(KGlxIconsFilename);
   547 	TIconInfo icon;
   548 	TInt tnError = GlxErrorManager::HasAttributeErrorL(
   549 			item.Properties(), KGlxMediaIdThumbnail );
   551 	const CGlxThumbnailAttribute* qualityTn = item.ThumbnailAttribute( iQualityTnAttrib );
   552 	const CGlxThumbnailAttribute* speedTn = item.ThumbnailAttribute( iSpeedTnAttrib );
   554 	if (qualityTn)
   555 		{
   556 		CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   557 		bitmap->Duplicate( qualityTn->iBitmap->Handle());
   558 		iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetIcon(CGulIcon::NewL(bitmap));
   559 		GLX_LOG_INFO1("### CGlxGridViewContainer::SetIconsL qualityTn-Index is %d",index);
   560 		}
   561 	else if (speedTn)
   562 		{
   563 		CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   564 		bitmap->Duplicate( speedTn->iBitmap->Handle());
   565 		iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetIcon(CGulIcon::NewL(bitmap));
   566 		GLX_LOG_INFO1("### CGlxGridViewContainer::SetIconsL speedTn-Index is %d",index);
   567 		}
   568 	else if (item.GetIconInfo(icon))
   569 		{
   570 		GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxGridViewContainer::SetIconsL - icon(%d)", index);
   571 		CFbsBitmap* bitmap = AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(icon.bmpfile, icon.bitmapId);
   572 		AknIconUtils::SetSize(bitmap, setSize);
   573 		iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetIcon(CGulIcon::NewL(bitmap));
   574 		GLX_LOG_INFO1("### CGlxGridViewContainer::SetIconsL GetIconInfo-Index is %d",index);
   575 		}
   576 	else if ( KErrNone != tnError && KErrNotSupported != tnError && KErrCANoRights !=tnError)
   577 		{
   578 		GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxGridViewContainer::SetIconsL - image_corrupted tnError(%d), i(%d)",
   579 				tnError, index);
   580 		CFbsBitmap* bitmap = AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(resFile,
   581 				EMbmGlxiconsQgn_prop_image_corrupted);
   582 		AknIconUtils::SetSize(bitmap, setSize);
   583 		iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetIcon(CGulIcon::NewL(bitmap));
   584 		}
   585 	else if (KErrCANoRights ==tnError)
   586 		{
   587 		/*fix for EABI-7RKHDG
   588 		 * this is a safe code added to show default
   589 		 * TNM returns -17452 in case SD DRM files
   590 		 * this code is added as coming from other view to
   591 		 * gridview,it draws broken TN then the callback goes to
   592 		 * glxgridviewobserver and redraws a not-created TN.
   593 		 * with this part of code that TN swich will not be visible
   594 		 */
   595 		GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxGridViewContainer::SetIconsL - image_defaultthumbnail tnError(%d), i(%d)",
   596 				tnError, index);
   597 		CFbsBitmap* bitmap = AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(resFile,
   598 				EMbmGlxiconsQgn_prop_image_notcreated);
   599 		AknIconUtils::SetSize(bitmap, setSize);
   600 		iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetIcon(CGulIcon::NewL(bitmap));
   601 		}
   602 	else if(KErrNotSupported == tnError)
   603 		{
   604 		GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxGridViewContainer::SetIconsL - image_defaultthumbnail tnError(%d), i(%d)",
   605 				tnError, index);
   606 		CFbsBitmap* bitmap = AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(resFile,
   607 				EMbmGlxiconsQgn_prop_image_corrupted);
   608 		AknIconUtils::SetSize(bitmap, setSize);
   609 		iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetIcon(CGulIcon::NewL(bitmap));
   610 		}
   612 	if (item.IsDrmProtected())
   613 		{
   614 		const TDesC& uri = item.Uri();
   615 		if( uri.Length() > 0)
   616 			{
   617 			if(iDRMUtility->IsForwardLockedL(uri))
   618 				{
   619 				/*
   620 				 * fix for EABI-7RKHDG
   621 				 * to show the invalid DRM icon
   622 				 */
   623 				TMPXGeneralCategory  cat = item.Category();
   624 				TBool checkViewRights = (cat==EMPXImage);
   626 				if(iDRMUtility->CheckOpenRightsL(uri, checkViewRights))
   627 					{
   628 					iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetFlags(CHgItem::EHgItemFlagsDrmRightsValid);
   629 					}
   630 				else
   631 					{
   632 					iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetFlags(CHgItem::EHgItemFlagsDrmRightsExpired);
   633 					}
   634 				}
   635 			else
   636 				{
   637 				TMPXGeneralCategory  cat = item.Category();
   638 				TBool checkViewRights = (cat==EMPXImage);
   640 				if(iDRMUtility->CheckOpenRightsL(uri, checkViewRights))
   641 					{
   642 					iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetFlags(CHgItem::EHgItemFlagsDrmRightsValid);
   643 					}
   644 				else
   645 					{
   646 					iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetFlags(CHgItem::EHgItemFlagsDrmRightsExpired);
   647 					}
   648 				}
   649 			}
   650 		}
   651 	TTime time(0);
   652 	if (item.GetDate(time))
   653 		{
   654 		iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetTime(time);
   655 		}
   657 	if (item.Category() == EMPXVideo)
   658 		{
   659 		iHgGrid->ItemL(index).SetFlags(CHgItem::EHgItemFlagsVideo);
   660 		}
   661 	}
   663 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   664 // FetchFSThumbnailL
   665 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   666 //
   667 void CGlxGridViewContainer::FetchFSThumbnailL()
   668 	{
   669 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::FetchFSThumbnailL()");
   670 	TSize dispSize = iUiUtility->DisplaySize();
   671 	iFsFromFocusOutwardIterator.SetRangeOffsets(0,0);
   673 	iFsThumbnailContext = CGlxThumbnailContext::NewL(&iFsFromFocusOutwardIterator);
   675 	if (dispSize.iHeight > dispSize.iWidth)
   676 		{
   677 		iFsThumbnailContext->SetDefaultSpec(dispSize.iHeight, dispSize.iWidth);
   678 		}
   679 	else
   680 		{
   681 		iFsThumbnailContext->SetDefaultSpec(dispSize.iWidth, dispSize.iHeight);
   682 		}
   683 	iMediaList->AddContextL(iFsThumbnailContext, KGlxFetchContextPriorityLow);
   684 	}
   686 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   687 // SetDownloadLinksTimeL
   688 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   689 //
   690 void CGlxGridViewContainer::SetDownloadLinksTimeL()
   691 	{
   692 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::SetDownloadLinksTimeL()");
   693 	// Sets up TLS, must be done before FeatureManager is used.
   694 	FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
   695 	TInt mediaCount = iMediaList->Count();
   696 	if (FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdSeamlessLinks))
   697 		{
   698 		if (iDownloadsPlugin && mediaCount > iHgGrid->ItemsOnScreen() )
   699 			{
   700 			TTime time(0);
   701 			if (iMediaList->Item(KMaxNoOfSeamlessLinks).GetDate(time))
   702 				{
   703 				if (iMediaList->Item(0).IsStatic())
   704 					{
   705 					iHgGrid->ItemL(0).SetTime(time); // Image Downloads link Icon
   706 					}
   707 				if (iMediaList->Item(1).IsStatic())
   708 					{
   709 					iHgGrid->ItemL(1).SetTime(time); // Video Downloads link Icon
   710 					}
   711 				}
   712 			}
   713 		}
   714 	// Frees the TLS. Must be done after FeatureManager is used.
   715 	FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
   716 	}
   718 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   719 // RemoveFSThumbnailContext
   720 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   721 //
   722 void CGlxGridViewContainer::RemoveFSThumbnailContext()
   723 	{
   724 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::RemoveFSThumbnailContext()");
   725 	if (iMediaList)
   726 		{
   727 		iMediaList->RemoveContext(iFsThumbnailContext);
   728 		delete iFsThumbnailContext;
   729 		iFsThumbnailContext = NULL;
   730 		}
   731 	}
   733 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   734 // MopSupplyObject
   735 // To handle Skin support
   736 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   737 //
   738 TTypeUid::Ptr CGlxGridViewContainer::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId)
   739 	{
   740 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::MopSupplyObject()");
   741 	if (iBgContext)
   742 		{
   743 		return MAknsControlContext::SupplyMopObject(aId, iBgContext );
   744 		}
   745 	return CCoeControl::MopSupplyObject( aId );
   746 	}
   748 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   749 // HandleMultipleMarkingL
   750 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   751 //
   752 void CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleMultipleMarkingL(TInt aIndex , TBool aMarked )
   753 	{
   754 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleMultipleMarkingL()");
   755 	//@ fix for EIZU-7RE43S
   756 	if(!iMediaList->Item(aIndex).IsStatic() && iHgGrid)
   757 		{
   758 		if(aMarked)
   759 			{
   760 			iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(EAknCmdMark) ;
   762 			}
   763 		else
   764 			{
   765 			iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(EAknCmdUnmark) ;
   767 			}
   768 		}
   770 	// This check is only implicated when multiple marking mode and we mark static items
   771 	// As Hg Grid marks the items on the screen, we have to unmark the same.
   772 	if (iMediaList->Item(aIndex).IsStatic())
   773 		{
   774 		iHgGrid->UnMark(aIndex);
   775 		}
   776 	}
   778 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   779 // HandleViewCommandL
   780 // Command handling function.
   781 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   782 TBool CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleViewCommandL(TInt aCommand)
   783 	{
   784 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleViewCommandL()");
   785 	GLX_LOG_INFO1( "CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleViewCommandL(%x) entering", aCommand );
   787 	TBool retVal = EFalse;
   788 	TInt focusIndex = iMediaList->FocusIndex();
   789 	switch (aCommand)
   790 		{
   791 		case EAknCmdOpen:
   792 			{
   793 			GLX_LOG_INFO( "EAknCmdOpen" );
   794 			// Activate Fullscreen
   795 			GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleViewCommandL - EAKnCmdOpen received");
   796 			if ( !iFullscreenViewActivated && !iMultipleMarkingActive &&
   797 					focusIndex != KErrNotFound)
   798 				{
   799 				const TGlxMedia& item = iMediaList->Item(focusIndex);
   800 				const TDesC& uri = item.Uri();
   802 				if ( item.IsStatic() )
   803 					{
   804 					TInt cmd = 0;
   805 					if( item.GetStaticItemCommand(cmd) )
   806 						{
   807 						iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(cmd) ;
   808 						}
   809 					}
   810 				else if(item.Category() == EMPXVideo)
   811 					{
   812 					//Fix for ESLM-7U58CG - here since we get
   813 					//multiple HandleOpen( ) event on multiple tap
   814 					//we need to guard the event by a flag.
   815 					if(!iIsFSVideoViewActivating)
   816 						{
   817 						iIsFSVideoViewActivating = ETrue;
   818 						iFullscreenViewActivated = ETrue;
   819 						iIsFSVideoViewActivating = EFalse;
   820 						iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(EGlxCmdPlay) ;
   821 						}
   822 					}
   823 				else
   824 					{
   825 					iFullscreenViewActivated = ETrue;
   826 					iNavigationalstate->SetToViewMode();
   827 					}
   828 				}
   830 			//@ fix for EIZU-7RE43S
   831 			if(iMultipleMarkingActive)
   832 				{
   833 				//If in marking mode Mark/Unmark the item
   834 				//appropriately.
   835 				if(iMediaList->IsSelected(focusIndex))
   836 					{
   837 					iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(EAknCmdUnmark) ;
   838 					}
   839 				else
   840 					{
   841 					iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(EAknCmdMark) ;
   842 					}
   843 				}
   844 			retVal = ETrue;
   845 			break;
   846 			}
   848 		case EAknCmdMark:
   849 			{
   850 			iHgGrid->SetFlags( CHgScroller::EHgScrollerSelectionMode );
   851 			//Start Marking mode on grid.
   852 			iMultipleMarkingActive = ETrue;
   853 			//@ fix for EIZU-7RE43S
   854 			iHgGrid->Mark(focusIndex);
   855 			iHgGrid->RefreshScreen(focusIndex);
   856 			retVal = ETrue;
   857 			break;
   858 			}
   860 		case EAknCmdUnmark:
   861 			{
   862 			//@ fix for EIZU-7RE43S
   863 			iHgGrid->UnMark(focusIndex);
   864 			iHgGrid->RefreshScreen(focusIndex);
   865 			retVal = ETrue;
   866 			break;
   867 			}
   869 		case EAknMarkAll:
   870 			{
   871 			//Start Marking mode on grid.
   872 			iMultipleMarkingActive = ETrue;
   873 			iHgGrid->SetFlags( CHgScroller::EHgScrollerSelectionMode );
   874 			iHgGrid->MarkAll();
   876 			// If the 0th item is static, then it must be downloads,
   877 			// so unmark 0th and 1st item
   878 			// corresponding to image and vieo icons
   879 			const TGlxMedia& item = iMediaList->Item(0);
   880 			if (item.IsStatic())
   881 				{
   882 				// Assuming that the first two items are static
   883 				iHgGrid->UnMark(0);
   884 				iHgGrid->UnMark(1);
   885 				}
   886 			// When mark all after some item is marked using toolbar
   887 			// it directly goes to commandhandler, so it returns not
   888 			// consumed after marking medialist
   889 			// and view marks on the display
   890 			// The Check prevents looping from view to mark and vice versa
   891 			// @ fix for ESLM-7TQGMP
   892 			if (iMediaList->SelectionCount() < 1)
   893 				{
   894 				iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(aCommand) ;
   895 				}
   896 			retVal = ETrue;
   897 			break;
   898 			}
   900 		case EAknUnmarkAll:
   901 			{
   902 			if(iHgGrid)
   903 				{
   904 				iHgGrid->UnMarkAll();
   905 				iHgGrid->RefreshScreen(iMediaList->Count()-1);
   906 				if (!iMultipleMarkingActive)
   907 					{
   908 					iHgGrid->ClearFlags( CHgScroller::EHgScrollerSelectionMode );
   909 					}
   910 				}
   911 			break;
   912 			}
   914 		case EGlxCmdEndMultipleMarking:
   915 			{
   916 			iMultipleMarkingActive = EFalse;
   917 			iHgGrid->ClearFlags( CHgScroller::EHgScrollerSelectionMode );
   918 			// Turn off the marking mode only if the event is from toolbar marking button.
   919 			//Unlatch the mark toolbar button upon exiting the marking mode
   920 			if(iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBar())
   921 				{
   922 				// This will unmark the items after adding an album/tag
   923 				// Have to find a better solution and unmark only the items
   924 				// marked and not all, might be a perf hit
   925 				if(iHgGrid)
   926 					{
   927 					iHgGrid->UnMarkAll();
   928 					}
   929 				iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleLatchToolbar();
   930 				}
   931 			retVal = ETrue;
   932 			break;
   933 			}
   935 		case EGlxCmdStartMultipleMarking:
   936 			{
   937 			if( iHgGrid->Flags() & CHgScroller::EHgScrollerSelectionMode )
   938 				{
   939 				iHgGrid->ClearFlags( CHgScroller::EHgScrollerSelectionMode );
   940 				// Refreshing the items selected after unmark
   941 				for (TInt i= 0;i<iMediaList->SelectionCount();i++)
   942 					{
   943 					TInt selectedItemIndex = iMediaList->SelectedItemIndex(i);
   944 					iHgGrid->UnMark(selectedItemIndex);
   945 					iHgGrid->RefreshScreen(selectedItemIndex);
   946 					}
   947 				iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(EGlxCmdEndMultipleMarking) ;
   948 				}
   949 			else
   950 				{
   951 				//Start Marking mode on grid.
   952 				iMultipleMarkingActive = ETrue;
   953 				iHgGrid->SetFlags(CHgScroller::EHgScrollerSelectionMode);
   954 				}
   955 			retVal = ETrue;
   956 			break;
   957 			}
   959 		case EAknSoftkeyCancel:
   960 			{
   961 			//@ fix for EIZU-7RE43S
   962 			if( iHgGrid->Flags() & CHgScroller::EHgScrollerSelectionMode )
   963 				{
   964 				iGlxGridViewObserver.HandleGridEventsL(EGlxCmdEndMultipleMarking) ;
   965 				}
   966 			retVal = ETrue;
   967 			break;
   969 			}
   970 		case EGlxCmdResetView:
   971 			{
   972 			//@ fix for ESLM-7VRGKH
   973 			if(iHgGrid)
   974 				{
   975 				iHgGrid->InitScreenL(iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->ClientRect());
   976 				}
   977 			retVal = ETrue;
   978 			break;
   979 			}
   980 		default:
   981 			break;
   982 		}
   983 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleViewCommandL() exiting");
   984 	return retVal;
   985 	}
   987 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   988 // HandleResourceChange
   989 // Handle BG screen context && Hg grid orientaion
   990 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   991 //
   992 void CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleResourceChange(TInt aId)
   993 	{
   994 	TRACER("CGlxGridViewContainer::HandleResourceChange()");
   995 	CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange(aId);
   996 	if ( iBgContext )
   997 		{
   998 		TRect apRect = iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->ApplicationRect();
   999 		iBgContext->SetRect( apRect );
  1000 		}
  1001 	if(iHgGrid)
  1002 		{
  1003 		TRAP_IGNORE (iHgGrid->InitScreenL(iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->ClientRect()); )
  1004 		}
  1005 	}
  1006 //end of file