changeset 0 4e91876724a2
child 2 7d9067c6fcb1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e91876724a2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Media List View Base
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include "glxmedialistviewbase.h"
    23 #include <mpxcollectionutility.h>
    24 #include <glxcommandhandler.h>
    25 #include <glxassert.h>
    26 #include <glxgallery.hrh>
    27 #include <glxattributecontext.h>
    28 #include <glxuistd.h>
    29 #include <glxfetchcontextremover.h>
    30 #include <glxcommandhandlers.hrh>
    31 #include <AknUtils.h>
    32 #include <glxtracer.h>                         // For Logs
    33 #include <glxattributeretriever.h>
    34 #include "glxtitlefetcher.h"
    35 #include "glxmedialistfactory.h"
    36 #include "mglxmedialist.h"
    38  _LIT(KBlankTitle,"    ");
    40 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    41 // Constructor
    42 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    43 //	
    44 EXPORT_C CGlxMediaListViewBase::CGlxMediaListViewBase()
    45     {
    46     }
    48 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // MLViewBaseConstructL
    50 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 //	
    52 EXPORT_C void CGlxMediaListViewBase::MLViewBaseConstructL(
    53         MGlxMediaListFactory* aMediaListFactory, 
    54         const TDesC& aTitle,TBool aEnableMiddleSoftkey)
    55     {
    56     iMediaListFactory = aMediaListFactory;
    57     iCollectionUtility = MMPXCollectionUtility::NewL(NULL, KMcModeDefault);
    58     iEnableMidddleSoftkey = aEnableMiddleSoftkey; 
    60     iSelectionIterator.SetRange(KMaxTInt);
    61     iPreloadContextForCommandHandlers  = new (ELeave) CGlxAttributeContext(&iSelectionIterator);
    63     if(aTitle.Length() > 0)
    64         {
    65         iFixedTitle = aTitle.AllocL();
    66         }
    69     if(iUiUtility->IsPenSupported())
    70         {
    71         // Responsible for controlling the ui states of toolbar
    72         // Create ToolbarController only for touch supported devices.
    73            iToolbarControl = CGlxToolbarController::NewL();
    74         }
    75     else
    76         {
    77         // Responsible for controlling the middle softkey if enabled.
    78         // Create Middle Softkey Controller only for non-touch devices
    79             iCbaControl = CGlxMSKController::NewL();
    80         }   
    81     }
    83 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // Destructor
    85 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 //	
    87 EXPORT_C CGlxMediaListViewBase::~CGlxMediaListViewBase()
    88     {
    89     CloseMediaList();
    91     if ( iCollectionUtility )
    92         {
    93         iCollectionUtility->Close();
    94         }
    96     delete iFixedTitle;
    97     delete iTitleFetcher;
    98     delete iPreloadContextForCommandHandlers;
   100     if( iCbaControl )
   101         {
   102         delete iCbaControl;                                          
   103         }
   105     if( iToolbarControl )
   106         {
   107         delete iToolbarControl;        
   108         }    
   109     }
   111 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 // MediaList
   113 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 //	
   115 EXPORT_C MGlxMediaList& CGlxMediaListViewBase::MediaList()
   116     {
   117     GLX_ASSERT_ALWAYS( iMediaList, Panic( EGlxPanicNullMediaList ),
   118                        "Media list has been closed" );
   119     return *iMediaList;
   120     }
   122 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 // DoViewActivateL
   124 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   125 //	
   126 EXPORT_C void CGlxMediaListViewBase::DoViewActivateL(
   127         const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId, TUid aCustomMessageId, 
   128         const TDesC8& aCustomMessage)
   129     {
   130     TRACER ("CGlxMediaListViewBase::DoViewActivateL()");
   131     iUiUtility->SetAppOrientationL( EGlxOrientationDefault );	
   132     if ( iMediaList )
   133         {
   134         // may need to refresh the media list if it has got out of sync
   135         // with the current navigational state, e.g. when jumping back two views
   136         // instead of just one, the intermediate view's media list will not have
   137         // been closed so if that view is subsequently re-opened its media list
   138         // could contain out of date items
   139         CMPXCollectionPath* path = iMediaList->PathLC();
   140         // current navigational state
   141         CMPXCollectionPath* navigationalState = 
   142             iCollectionUtility->Collection().PathL();
   143         CleanupStack::PushL( navigationalState );
   144         // current node id in UI Hierarchy
   145         TMPXItemId navStateNodeId = 
   146             navigationalState->Id( navigationalState->Levels() - 2 );
   147         // current media list's node id in UI hierarchy
   148         TMPXItemId mediaListNodeId = path->Id( path->Levels() - 2 );
   150         if ( mediaListNodeId != navStateNodeId )
   151             {
   152             // the node ids are out of synch so close the media list
   153             // for it to be recreated later on
   154             CloseMediaList();
   155             }
   156         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( navigationalState );
   157         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( path );        
   158         }
   160     if (!iMediaList && iMediaListFactory)
   161         {
   162         iMediaList = &iMediaListFactory->CreateMediaListL(*iCollectionUtility);
   163     	iMediaList->AddContextL(iPreloadContextForCommandHandlers, 0);
   164         }
   166     if(iFixedTitle)
   167         {
   168         // If there is a fixed title, set it
   169         SetTitleL(*iFixedTitle);
   170         }
   171     else
   172         {
   173         // else obtain a title from the media list
   174         // First set a blank title to claim the title space
   175         SetTitleL(KBlankTitle);
   177         CMPXCollectionPath* path = iMediaList->PathLC( NGlxListDefs::EPathParent );
   178         iTitleFetcher = CGlxTitleFetcher::NewL(*this, path);
   179         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(path);
   180         }
   182     //Allow the MskController to observe medialist everytime a view with a valid
   183     //medialist becomes active
   184     if( iCbaControl && iMediaList && Cba()&& iEnableMidddleSoftkey )
   185         {
   186         CMPXCollectionPath* navigationalState = iCollectionUtility->Collection().PathL();
   187         CleanupStack::PushL(navigationalState);
   188         iCbaControl->AddToObserverL(*iMediaList,Cba()); 
   189         if(!(1 == navigationalState->Levels())) // Checking for the main list view
   190           {
   191             iCbaControl->SetStatusOnViewActivationL(iMediaList);
   192             }
   193         else
   194             {
   195             iCbaControl->SetMainStatusL();
   196             }
   197         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(navigationalState);
   198         }
   200     //Allow the toolbarController to observe medialist everytime a view with a valid
   201     //medialist becomes active
   202     if( Toolbar() && iToolbarControl )
   203         {
   204         iToolbarControl->AddToObserverL(*iMediaList, Toolbar());
   205         iToolbarControl->SetStatusOnViewActivationL(iMediaList);
   206         }    
   208     DoMLViewActivateL(aPrevViewId, aCustomMessageId, aCustomMessage);
   209     }
   211 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 // DoViewDeactivate
   213 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 //	
   215 EXPORT_C void CGlxMediaListViewBase::DoViewDeactivate()
   216     {
   217     DoMLViewDeactivate();
   218     if( iCbaControl && iMediaList && Cba() )
   219         {
   220         //Remove Mskcontroller from medialist observer
   221         iCbaControl->RemoveFromObserver(*iMediaList);
   222         }
   223     if( Toolbar() && iToolbarControl )
   224         {
   225         //Remove Toolbarcontroller from medialist observer
   226         iToolbarControl->RemoveFromObserver(*iMediaList);
   227         }    
   229     // Only close the medialist if navigating backwards
   230     if ( iUiUtility->ViewNavigationDirection() == EGlxNavigationBackwards )
   231         {
   232         CloseMediaList();
   233         }
   235     delete iTitleFetcher;
   236     iTitleFetcher = NULL;
   237     }
   239 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   240 // CGlxMediaListViewBase::FetchAttributesL
   241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 //	
   243 EXPORT_C void CGlxMediaListViewBase::FetchAttributesL()
   244 	{
   245 	FetchAttributesL(EFalse);
   246 	}
   248 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   249 // CGlxMediaListViewBase::FetchAttributesForCommandL
   250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   251 //	
   252 EXPORT_C void CGlxMediaListViewBase::FetchAttributesForCommandL(TInt aCommand)
   253 	{
   254 	FetchAttributesL(ETrue, aCommand);
   255 	}
   257 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 // SetToolbarStateL
   259 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 //
   261 EXPORT_C void CGlxMediaListViewBase::SetToolbarStateL()
   262     {
   263     TRACER("CGlxMediaListViewBase::SetToolbarStateL");
   265     if( iToolbarControl && iMediaList )
   266         {
   267         iToolbarControl->SetStatusL(iMediaList);
   268         }
   269     }
   271 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 // CGlxMediaListViewBase::FetchAttributesL
   273 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   274 //	
   275 void CGlxMediaListViewBase::FetchAttributesL(TBool aFilterUsingCommandId, 
   276 		                                                   TInt aCommandId)
   277 	{
   278 	TRACER("CGlxMediaListViewBase::FetchAttributesL");
   280     TGlxSelectionIterator iterator;
   281     CGlxAttributeContext* attributeContext = new(ELeave) CGlxAttributeContext(&iterator);
   282     CleanupStack::PushL(attributeContext);
   284 	TInt commandHandlerCount = iCommandHandlerList.Count();
   285 	for (TInt i = 0; i < commandHandlerCount; i++)
   286 		{
   287 		AddAttributesToContextL(*attributeContext, iCommandHandlerList[i], ETrue, aFilterUsingCommandId, aCommandId);
   288 		}
   290 	if (attributeContext->AttributeCount())
   291 		{
   292 		// Check if media attributes are already fetched.
   293 		// If media item is NULL, Cancel the previous pending request
   294 		MediaList().CancelPreviousRequests();
   296 	    MediaList().AddContextL(attributeContext, KGlxFetchContextPriorityCommandHandlerOpening );
   298     	// TGlxContextRemover will remove the context when it goes out of scope
   299     	// Used here to avoid a trap and still have safe cleanup
   300 	    	TGlxFetchContextRemover contextRemover(attributeContext, MediaList());
   301         // put to cleanupstack as cleanupstack is emptied before stack objects
   302         // are deleted
   303         CleanupClosePushL( contextRemover );
   304         // retrieve attributes, ignore return value
   305     	(void)GlxAttributeRetriever::RetrieveL(*attributeContext, MediaList(), ETrue);
   306         // context off the list
   307         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &contextRemover );
   308 		}
   310 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(attributeContext);
   311 	}
   313 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314 // HandleTitleAvailableL
   315 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 //	
   317 EXPORT_C void CGlxMediaListViewBase::HandleTitleAvailableL(
   318         const TDesC& aTitle)
   319     {
   320 	 // Convertion of unsigned short  to unsigned int  
   321     TUint16* tileConv = const_cast<TUint16*>(aTitle.Ptr());
   322 	TInt titleLen = aTitle.Length();
   323 	TPtr titlePtr(tileConv,titleLen,titleLen);
   325 	//to convert between arabic-indic digits and european digits.
   326 	//based on existing language setting.
   327     AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion(titlePtr);
   329     // Set a title after it has been obtained by the title fetcher
   330     SetTitleL(aTitle);
   331     }
   333 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   334 // CGlxMediaListViewBase::DoPrepareCommandHandlerL
   335 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   336 //
   337 EXPORT_C void CGlxMediaListViewBase::DoPrepareCommandHandlerL(
   338 											CGlxCommandHandler* aCommandHandler)
   339 	{
   340 	AddAttributesToContextL(*iPreloadContextForCommandHandlers, 
   341 			                                            aCommandHandler, EFalse, EFalse);
   342 	}
   344 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 // CGlxMediaListViewBase::CloseMediaList
   346 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 //
   348 void CGlxMediaListViewBase::CloseMediaList()
   349 	{
   350     if (iMediaList)
   351         {
   352         iMediaList->RemoveContext(iPreloadContextForCommandHandlers);
   353         iMediaList->Close();
   354         iMediaList = NULL;
   355         }
   356 	}
   358 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   359 // CGlxMediaListViewBase::AddAttributesToContextL
   360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 //
   362 void CGlxMediaListViewBase::AddAttributesToContextL(
   363 								 CGlxAttributeContext& aAttributeContext, 
   364 			                     CGlxCommandHandler* aCommandHandler, 
   365 			                     TBool aFilterUsingSelection, 
   366 			                     TBool aFilterUsingCommandId, 
   367 			                     TInt aCommandId)
   368     {
   369 	RArray<TMPXAttribute> requiredAttributes;
   370 	CleanupClosePushL(requiredAttributes); 
   371 	aCommandHandler->
   372 	GetRequiredAttributesL(requiredAttributes, aFilterUsingSelection, aFilterUsingCommandId, aCommandId); 
   374 	TInt attributeCount = requiredAttributes.Count();
   375 	for (TInt i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++)
   376 		{
   377 		aAttributeContext.AddAttributeL(requiredAttributes[i]);
   378 		}
   379 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&requiredAttributes);
   380 	}
   382 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 // HandleViewCommandL
   384 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   385 //	
   386 EXPORT_C TBool CGlxMediaListViewBase::HandleViewCommandL(TInt /*aCommand*/)
   387 	{
   388 	return EFalse;
   389 	}
   391 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   392 // DoHandleCommandL
   393 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   394 //
   395 EXPORT_C TInt CGlxMediaListViewBase::DoHandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)
   396     {
   397     // Pass the command to the deriving class
   398     return HandleViewCommandL( aCommand );
   399     }