changeset 0 4e91876724a2
child 18 bcb43dc84c44
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e91876724a2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Visual list manager
    15 *
    16 */
    21 /**
    22  * @internal reviewed 04/07/2007 by M Byrne
    23  */
    25 #include <coemain.h>
    26 #include <eikappui.h>
    27 #include <eikenv.h>
    28 #include <alf/alfborderbrush.h>
    29 #include <alf/alfimagevisual.h>
    30 #include <alf/alfanchorlayout.h>
    31 #include <alf/alfenv.h> 
    32 #include <alf/alftexturemanager.h>
    33 #include <alf/alfbrush.h>
    34 #include <alf/alfcontrolgroup.h>
    35 #include <alf/alfdisplay.h>
    36 #include <alf/alfroster.h>
    37 #include <alf/alftexture.h>
    38 #include <alf/alfdecklayout.h>
    39 #include <mpxmediageneraldefs.h>
    40 #include <glxuiutility.h>
    41 #include <glxtexturemanager.h>
    42 #include <glxmediageneraldefs.h>
    43 #include <glxattributecontext.h>
    44 #include <glxuistd.h>
    45 #include <alf/alflayout.h>
    46 #include <mglxmedialist.h>
    47 #include <glxlog.h>
    48 #include <glxtracer.h>
    50 #include "glxvisuallistcontrol.h"
    51 #include "mglxvisuallistobserver.h" 
    52 #include "glxvisuallistwindow.h" 
    53 #include "glxitemvisual.h"
    54 #include "glxvisualiconmanager.h" // for iVisualIconManager
    55 #include "mglxlayoutobserver.h"
    57 const TInt KMaxTimeBetweenNavigationsForSpeedConsideration = 2000;
    58 const TInt KGlxVisualFetchOffset = 2;
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 // Two-phased constructor.
    62 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 //
    64 CGlxVisualListControl* CGlxVisualListControl::NewLC(
    65         MGlxMediaList& aMediaList, 
    66         CAlfEnv& aEnv, 
    67         CAlfDisplay& aDisplay,
    68         CAlfImageVisual::TScaleMode aThumbnailScaleMode )
    69     {
    70     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::NewLC");
    71     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::NewLC");
    72     CGlxVisualListControl* self =
    73         new (ELeave) CGlxVisualListControl( 
    74             aMediaList, aEnv, aThumbnailScaleMode );
    75     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    76     self->ConstructL( aEnv, aDisplay );
    77     return self;
    78     }
    80 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 // Constructor
    82 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 //
    84 CGlxVisualListControl::CGlxVisualListControl(
    85         MGlxMediaList& aMediaList,
    86         CAlfEnv& aEnv, 
    87 		CAlfImageVisual::TScaleMode aThumbnailScaleMode )
    88     : iMediaList(aMediaList ),
    89       iEnv( aEnv ),
    90       iScaleMode( aThumbnailScaleMode )
    91 	{
    92 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::CGlxVisualListControl");
    93 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::CGlxVisualListControl");
    94 	// set current time
    95 	TTime time;
    96 	time.HomeTime();
    97     iLastTime = time;
    98 	}
   100 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 // ConstructL
   102 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   103 //
   104 void CGlxVisualListControl::ConstructL( CAlfEnv& aEnv, 
   105 		CAlfDisplay& aDisplay ) 
   106 	{
   107 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::ConstructL");
   108 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::ConstructL");
   109 	// call base class ConstructL
   110     CAlfControl::ConstructL( aEnv );
   111 	BindDisplay( aDisplay );    
   112 	iParentLayout = CAlfAnchorLayout::AddNewL(*this);
   113 	iParentLayout->SetFlags(EAlfVisualFlagLayoutUpdateNotification);
   114 	iParentLayout->EnableTransformationL();
   116 	iBorderBrush = CAlfBorderBrush::NewL( iEnv, 1, 1, 0, 0 );
   117 	iBorderBrush->SetColor(KRgbBlack);
   119 	iMediaList.AddMediaListObserverL( this );
   121     iUiUtility = CGlxUiUtility::UtilityL();
   122     // create the visual list window
   123     iVisualWindow = CGlxVisualListWindow::NewL(this,&iMediaList, iUiUtility, iScaleMode);
   125     //@todo below method not found    
   126     //iVisualWindow->SetOwnsObjects( ETrue );   
   127 	iControlGroupId = reinterpret_cast<int>((void*)this);   // @todo: Temp, have better logic for control group ids
   128 	iControlGroup = &Env().NewControlGroupL(iControlGroupId);
   129 	iControlGroup->AppendL(this);
   131 	// The media list might not be empty, so add items if there are any
   132 	TInt count = iMediaList.Count();
   133 	if (count > 0) 
   134 		{
   135 		// add the items to the visual list first
   136 		HandleItemAddedL( 0, count - 1, &iMediaList );
   137 		// then set the focus as media list may have been navigated before
   138 		iVisualWindow->SetFocusIndexL( iMediaList.FocusIndex() );
   139 		}
   140     iAttributeContext = CGlxDefaultAttributeContext::NewL();
   141     iAttributeContext->AddAttributeL(KMPXMediaGeneralUri);
   142     iAttributeContext->AddAttributeL(KGlxMediaGeneralFramecount);
   143     iAttributeContext->SetRangeOffsets(KGlxVisualFetchOffset,
   144                                         KGlxVisualFetchOffset);
   145     iMediaList.AddContextL( iAttributeContext, KGlxFetchContextPriorityLow );
   148     }
   150 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 // Destructor
   152 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   153 //
   154 CGlxVisualListControl::~CGlxVisualListControl()
   155 	{
   156 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::~CGlxVisualListControl");
   157 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::~CGlxVisualListControl");
   158 	// delete visual icon manager just in case
   159 	delete iVisualIconManager;
   160 	iVisualIconManager = NULL;
   162 	// This control has to be removed from the control group, since deleting 
   163 	// the control group also deletes the control (this object), and would
   164 	// delete the control twice.
   165 	if ( iControlGroup )
   166 		{
   167 		iControlGroup->Remove(this); // Gives ownership to caller, but I'm being deleted anyway
   168 		Env().DeleteControlGroup(iControlGroupId);
   169 		iControlGroup = NULL;
   170 		}
   172     if ( iAttributeContext )
   173         {
   174         iMediaList.RemoveContext( iAttributeContext );
   175         }
   176     delete iAttributeContext;
   177     iAttributeContext = NULL;
   179 	// and media list observer
   180 	iMediaList.RemoveMediaListObserver( this );
   181 	delete iVisualWindow;
   182 	iVisualWindow = NULL;
   183 	iContexts.Close();
   184 	iObservers.Close();
   185 	delete iBorderBrush;
   186 	iBorderBrush = NULL;
   187     if ( iUiUtility )
   188         {
   189         iUiUtility->Close();
   190         iUiUtility = NULL;
   191         }
   192 	}
   194 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 // AddReference
   196 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   197 //
   198 TInt CGlxVisualListControl::AddReference()
   199 	{
   200 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::AddReference");
   201 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::AddReference");
   202 	iReferenceCount++;
   203 	return iReferenceCount;
   204 	}
   206 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   207 // RemoveReference
   208 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 //
   210 TInt CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveReference()
   211 	{
   212 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveReference");
   213 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveReference");
   214 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iReferenceCount > 0, Panic(EGlxPanicLogicError));
   215 	iReferenceCount--;
   216 	return iReferenceCount;
   217 	}
   219 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   220 // MediaList
   221 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   222 //
   223 const MGlxMediaList& CGlxVisualListControl::MediaList() const
   224     {
   225     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::MediaList");
   226     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::MediaList");
   227     return iMediaList;
   228     }
   230 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   231 // Id
   232 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 //
   234 TGlxVisualListId CGlxVisualListControl::Id() const 
   235 	{
   236 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::Id");
   237 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::Id");
   238 	return TGlxVisualListId(reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>((void*)this));
   239 	}
   241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 // Returns visual by index
   243 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   244 //
   245 CAlfVisual* CGlxVisualListControl::Visual( TInt aListIndex )
   246 	{
   247 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::Visual");
   248 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::Visual");
   249     CGlxVisualObject* visualObject = Item( aListIndex );
   250     if ( visualObject )
   251         {
   252         return visualObject->Visual();
   253         }
   254     return NULL;
   255 	}
   257 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 // Returns visual by index
   259 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 //
   261 CGlxVisualObject* CGlxVisualListControl::Item( TInt aListIndex )
   262     {
   263     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::Item");
   264     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::Item");
   265     return iVisualWindow->ObjectByIndex( aListIndex );
   266     }
   268 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   269 // Returns item count
   270 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 //
   272 TInt CGlxVisualListControl::ItemCount(NGlxListDefs::TCountType aType) const
   273 	{
   274 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::ItemCount");
   275 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::ItemCount");
   276 	return iMediaList.Count(aType);
   277 	}
   279 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   280 // Returns focus index
   281 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 //
   283 TInt CGlxVisualListControl::FocusIndex() const
   284 	{
   285 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::FocusIndex");
   286 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::FocusIndex");
   287 	return iMediaList.FocusIndex();
   288 	}
   290 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   291 // ControlGroup
   292 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 //
   294 CAlfControlGroup* CGlxVisualListControl::ControlGroup() const 
   295 	{
   296 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::ControlGroup");
   297 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::ControlGroup");
   298 	return iControlGroup;
   299 	}
   301 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   302 // AddContextL
   303 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   304 //
   305 void CGlxVisualListControl::AddObserverL(MGlxVisualListObserver* aObserver) 
   306 	{
   307 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::AddObserverL");
   308 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::AddObserverL");
   309 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iObservers.Find(aObserver) == KErrNotFound, 
   310 	                    Panic(EGlxPanicIllegalArgument)); // Already exists
   311 	iObservers.Append(aObserver);
   312 	}
   314 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   315 // AddContextL
   316 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 //
   318 void CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveObserver(MGlxVisualListObserver* aObserver)
   319 	{
   320 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveObserver");
   321 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveObserver");
   322 	TInt i = iObservers.Find(aObserver);
   323 	if (i != KErrNotFound)
   324 		{
   325 		iObservers.Remove(i);
   326 		}
   327 	}
   329 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 // AddContextL
   331 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   332 //
   333 TGlxViewContextId CGlxVisualListControl::AddContextL(
   334                 TInt aFrontVisibleRangeOffset, TInt aRearVisibleRangeOffset )
   335 	{
   336 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::AddContextL");
   337 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::AddContextL");
   338 	iContexts.ReserveL( iContexts.Count() + 1 );
   339 	TGlxViewContextId nextId;
   340 	iContextIdProvider.NextId(nextId);
   342 	// Add the context to define which visuals should be created
   343 	TContext context;
   344 	context.iId = nextId;
   345 	context.iFrontVisibleRangeOffset = aFrontVisibleRangeOffset;
   346 	context.aRearVisibleRangeOffset = aRearVisibleRangeOffset;
   347 	iContexts.Append(context); // Cannot fail thanks to reservation
   349 	// Combine the contexts, and update the window
   350 	TInt frontOffset = 0;
   351 	TInt rearOffset = 0;
   352 	RangeOffsets(frontOffset, rearOffset);
   353 	iVisualWindow->SetRangeOffsetsL(frontOffset, rearOffset);
   355 	iVisualWindow->UpdatePositions();
   357 	return nextId;
   358 	}
   360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 // RemoveContext
   362 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   363 //
   364 void CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveContext(const TGlxViewContextId& aContextId) 
   365 	{
   366 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveContext");
   367 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveContext");
   368 	// Remove context
   369 	TInt count = iContexts.Count();
   370 	TInt i;
   371 	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
   372 		{
   373 		if (iContexts[i].iId == aContextId)
   374 			{
   375 			iContexts.Remove(i);
   376 			break;
   377 			}
   378 		}
   379 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(i != count, Panic(EGlxPanicIllegalArgument)); // No such context
   381 	// Combine the contexts, and update the window
   382 	TInt frontOffset = 0;
   383 	TInt rearOffset = 0;
   384 	RangeOffsets(frontOffset, rearOffset); 
   385 	// This can actually never fail (read CVieListWindow header). Trapped in case maintenance
   386 	// changes change the behavior of window base class
   387 	TRAP_IGNORE(iVisualWindow->SetRangeOffsetsL(frontOffset, rearOffset));
   388 	}
   390 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   391 // RangeOffsets
   392 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   393 //
   394 void CGlxVisualListControl::RangeOffsets(TInt& aFrontOffset, TInt& aRearOffsets)
   395 	{
   396 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::RangeOffsets");
   397 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::RangeOffsets");
   398 	// Combine the contexts, and update the window
   399 	aFrontOffset = 0;
   400 	aRearOffsets = 0;
   402 	TInt count = iContexts.Count();
   403 	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   404 		{
   405 		TContext& context = iContexts[i];
   406 		// Pick smallest start offset
   407 		aFrontOffset = Min(aFrontOffset, context.iFrontVisibleRangeOffset);
   408 		// Pick largest end offset
   409 		aRearOffsets = Max(aRearOffsets, context.aRearVisibleRangeOffset);
   410 		}
   411 	}
   413 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   414 // AddLayoutL
   415 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   416 //
   417 void CGlxVisualListControl::AddLayoutL(MGlxLayout* /*aLayout*/)
   418 	{
   419 	// add the layout to the blender
   420 	//iLayoutBlender.AddLayoutL( aLayout );
   421 	}
   423 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   424 // RemoveLayout
   425 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   426 //
   427 void CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveLayout(const MGlxLayout* /*aLayout*/)
   428 	{
   429 	// remove layout
   430 	//iLayoutBlender.RemoveLayout( aLayout );
   431 	}
   433 // BringVisualsToFront
   434 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   435 //
   436 void CGlxVisualListControl::BringVisualsToFront()
   437     {
   438     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::BringVisualsToFront");
   439     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::BringVisualsToFront");
   440     iUiUtility->Display()->Roster().MoveVisualToFront( *iParentLayout );
   441     }
   443 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   444 // HandleItemAddedL
   445 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   446 //
   447 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleItemAddedL(TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex,
   448 		MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
   449 	{
   450 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleItemAddedL");
   451 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleItemAddedL");
   452 	iVisualWindow->AddObjects( aStartIndex, aEndIndex );
   453 	iVisualWindow->UpdatePositions();
   454 	}
   456 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   457 // HandleMediaL
   458 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 //
   460 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleMediaL(TInt /*aIndex*/, MGlxMediaList* aList)
   461 	{
   462 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleMediaL");
   463 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleMediaL");
   464 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aList == &iMediaList, Panic(EGlxPanicIllegalArgument));
   465 	}
   467 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   468 // HandleItemRemovedL
   469 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   470 //
   471 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleItemRemovedL(TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex,
   472 		MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
   473 	{
   474 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleItemRemovedL");
   475 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleItemRemovedL");
   476 	iVisualWindow->RemoveObjects( aStartIndex, aEndIndex );
   477 	iVisualWindow->UpdatePositions();
   478 	}
   480 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   481 // HandleItemModifiedL
   482 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   483 //
   484 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleItemModifiedL(
   485             const RArray<TInt>& /*aItemIndexes*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/ )
   486     {
   487     // No implementation
   488     }
   490 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   491 // HandleAttributesAvailableL
   492 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   493 //
   494 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleAttributesAvailableL( TInt aItemIndex, 	
   495 		const RArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttributes, MGlxMediaList* aList ) 
   496 	{
   497 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleAttributesAvailableL");
   498 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleAttributesAvailableL");
   499 	__ASSERT_DEBUG( aList == &iMediaList, Panic( EGlxPanicIllegalArgument ) );
   501     // forward the attribute availability info to the matching visual object,
   502     // if it exists in the window
   503     CGlxVisualObject* visualObject = iVisualWindow->ObjectByIndex( aItemIndex );
   504 	if( visualObject )
   505 		{
   506 		visualObject->HandleAttributesAvailableL( aList->IdSpaceId( aItemIndex ), 
   507             aList->Item( aItemIndex ), aAttributes );
   508 		}
   509 	}
   511 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   512 // HandleFocusChangedL
   513 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   514 //
   515 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleFocusChangedL( 
   516                 NGlxListDefs::TFocusChangeType aType, 
   517                 TInt aNewIndex, TInt aOldIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList )
   518     {
   519     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleFocusChangedL");
   520     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleFocusChangedL");
   521     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aList == &iMediaList, Panic( EGlxPanicIllegalArgument ) );
   523     iVisualWindow->SetFocusIndexL( aNewIndex );
   525     // Move the focused visual to front to make sure focused visual is above
   526     // other visuals
   527     if ( aNewIndex >= 0 )
   528         {
   529          iVisualWindow->ObjectByIndex( aNewIndex )->Visual()->MoveToFront();
   530         }
   532     // get the current time
   533     TTime time_now;
   534     time_now.HomeTime();
   535     // get the delta
   536     TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds elapsed = time_now.MicroSecondsFrom( iLastTime );
   537     // set last time to be time now
   538     iLastTime = time_now;
   540     TReal32 speed = 0;
   541     // Only consider the focus change if there was a focus before
   542     if ( aOldIndex != KErrNotFound
   543         && elapsed < KMaxTimeBetweenNavigationsForSpeedConsideration )
   544         {
   545         TInt indexesMoved = 0;
   547         if ( aType == NGlxListDefs::EForward ) 
   548             {
   549             indexesMoved = aNewIndex - aOldIndex;
   550             }
   551         else if ( aType == NGlxListDefs::EBackward ) 
   552             {
   553             indexesMoved = aOldIndex - aNewIndex;
   554             }
   555         else 
   556             {
   557             // Client did not use NavigateL for setting the focus index =>
   558             // don't guess, instead provide no speed.
   559             }
   561         if ( indexesMoved < 0 )
   562             {
   563             indexesMoved += ItemCount();
   564             }
   565         //speed = indexesMoved / elapsed;		
   566         }
   568 	TInt count = iObservers.Count();
   569 	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   570 		{
   571 		iObservers[i]->HandleFocusChangedL( aNewIndex, speed, this, aType );
   572 		}
   573 	} 
   575 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   576 // Handles item selection/deselection
   577 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   578 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleItemSelectedL( TInt /*aIndex*/,
   579                                 TBool /*aSelected*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/ )
   580 	{
   581 	// No implementation
   582 	}
   584 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   585 // Handles collection notification
   586 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   587 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleMessageL( const CMPXMessage& /*aMessage*/,
   588                                             MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/ )
   589 	{
   590 	// No implementation
   591 	}
   593 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   594 // NavigateL
   595 // From MViuVisualOwner
   596 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   597 //
   598 void CGlxVisualListControl::NavigateL(TInt aIndexCount)
   599 	{
   600 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::NavigateL");
   601 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::NavigateL");
   602 	if (aIndexCount == 0)
   603 		{
   604  		__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EGlxPanicIllegalArgument)); // no navigation to either direction
   605 		return;
   606 		}
   607 	iMediaList.SetFocusL(NGlxListDefs::ERelative, aIndexCount);
   608 	}
   610 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   611 // NavigateL
   612 // From MViuVisualOwner
   613 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   614 //
   615  TSize CGlxVisualListControl::Size() const 
   616  	{
   617  	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::Size");
   618  	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::Size");
   619 	return iParentLayout->Size().Target().AsSize();
   620  	}
   622 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   623 // NavigateL
   624 // From CHuiControl
   625 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   626 //
   627 void CGlxVisualListControl::VisualLayoutUpdated( CAlfVisual& aVisual )
   628 	{
   629 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::VisualLayoutUpdated");
   630 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::VisualLayoutUpdated");
   631 	if (&aVisual == iParentLayout) 
   632 		{
   633 		TSize size = iParentLayout->Size().Target().AsSize();
   634 		if(size != iCurrentLayoutSize)
   635 		    {
   636             iCurrentLayoutSize = size;		    
   637     		TInt count = iObservers.Count();
   638     		for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   639     			{
   640     			iObservers[i]->HandleSizeChanged(size, this);
   641     			}
   642 		    }
   643 		}
   644 	}
   646 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   647 // HandleVisualRemoved
   648 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   649 //
   650 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleVisualRemoved(const CAlfVisual* aVisual)
   651 	{
   652 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleVisualRemoved");
   653 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleVisualRemoved");
   654 	TInt count = iObservers.Count();
   655 	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   656 		{
   657 		iObservers[i]->HandleVisualRemoved(aVisual, this);
   658 		}
   659 	}
   661 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   662 // HandleVisualRemoved
   663 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   664 //
   665 void CGlxVisualListControl::HandleVisualAddedL(CAlfVisual* aVisual, TInt aIndex)
   666 	{
   667 	TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleVisualAddedL");
   668 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::HandleVisualAddedL");
   669 	//iVisualWindow->ObjectByIndex(aIndex)->AddObserver(this);
   670 	TInt count = iObservers.Count();
   671 	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   672 		{
   673 		iObservers[i]->HandleVisualAddedL(aVisual, aIndex, this);
   674 		}
   675 	}
   677 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   678 // EnableAnimationL
   679 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   680 //
   681 void CGlxVisualListControl::EnableAnimationL(TBool aAnimate, TInt aIndex)
   682     {
   683     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::EnableAnimationL");
   684     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::EnableAnimationL");
   685     CGlxVisualObject* visualObject = iVisualWindow->ObjectByIndex( aIndex );
   686     if ( visualObject )
   687         {
   688         //iVisualWindow->ObjectByIndex(aIndex)->RemoveObserver(this);
   689         if( aAnimate )
   690             {
   691             visualObject->TryAnimateL( iMediaList.Item( aIndex ) );
   692     		}
   693         else
   694             {
   695             // Stop animation
   696     		visualObject->StopAnimation();
   697             visualObject->SetAnimateWhenAttributesAvailable( EFalse );
   698             }
   699         }
   700     }
   702 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   703 // SetDefaultIconBehaviourL
   704 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   705 void CGlxVisualListControl::SetDefaultIconBehaviourL( TBool aEnable )
   706     {
   707     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::SetDefaultIconBehaviourL");
   708     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::SetDefaultIconBehaviourL");
   709     // do we want to disable
   710     if( !aEnable )
   711     	{
   712     	// disable by deleting it
   713     	delete iVisualIconManager;
   714     	// prevent double delete
   715     	iVisualIconManager = NULL;
   716     	}
   717     // do we want to enable and we dont yet have icon manager
   718     else if( !iVisualIconManager )
   719     	{
   720 	    iVisualIconManager = CGlxVisualIconManager::NewL( iMediaList, *this );
   721     	}
   722     else
   723         {
   724         }
   725     }
   727 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   728 // ThumbnailScaleMode
   729 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   730 //
   731 CAlfImageVisual::TScaleMode CGlxVisualListControl::ThumbnailScaleMode()
   732     {
   733     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::ThumbnailScaleMode");
   734     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::ThumbnailScaleMode");
   735     return iScaleMode;
   736     }
   738 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   739 // AddIconL
   740 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   741 //    
   742 void CGlxVisualListControl::AddIconL( TInt aListIndex, const CAlfTexture& aTexture, 
   743             NGlxIconMgrDefs::TGlxIconPosition aIconPos,
   744             TBool aForeground, TBool aStretch, TInt aBorderMargin,
   745             TReal32 aWidth, TReal32 aHeight )
   746     {
   747     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::AddIconL");
   748     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::AddIconL");
   749     CGlxVisualObject* visItem = Item( aListIndex );
   750     if( visItem )
   751         {
   752         visItem->AddIconL( aTexture, aIconPos, 
   753                        aForeground, aStretch, aBorderMargin, aWidth, aHeight );
   754         }
   755     }
   757 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   758 // RemoveIconL
   759 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   760 //   
   761 TBool CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveIcon( TInt aListIndex, const CAlfTexture& aTexture )
   762     {
   763     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveIcon");
   764     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::RemoveIcon");
   765     TBool iconRemoved = EFalse;
   767     CGlxVisualObject* visItem = Item( aListIndex );
   768     if( visItem )
   769         {
   770         iconRemoved = visItem->RemoveIcon( aTexture );
   771         }
   773     return iconRemoved;
   774     }    
   776 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   777 // SetIconVisibility
   778 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   779 //
   780 void CGlxVisualListControl::SetIconVisibility( TInt aListIndex, 
   781                                 const CAlfTexture& aTexture, TBool aVisible )
   782     {
   783     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::SetIconVisibility");
   784     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::SetIconVisibility");
   785     CGlxVisualObject* visItem = Item( aListIndex );
   786     if( visItem )
   787         {
   788         visItem->SetIconVisibility( aTexture, aVisible );
   789         }
   790     }
   792 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   793 // VisualObjectLayoutRefreshed
   794 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   795 //
   796 void CGlxVisualListControl::VisualObjectLayoutRefreshed(TInt aListIndex ,TSize /*aScreensize*/)
   797     {
   798     TRACER("CGlxVisualListControl::VisualObjectLayoutRefreshed");
   799     GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxVisualListControl::VisualObjectLayoutRefreshed");
   800      iLayoutObserver->UpdateLayout( * ( Visual ( aListIndex ) ) );
   801     }