changeset 60 5b3385a43d68
child 75 01504893d9cb
equal deleted inserted replaced
59:8e5f6eea9c9f 60:5b3385a43d68
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Implementation of CGlxZoomControl
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include "glxzoomcontrol.h"
    23 // INCLUDES
    24 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    25 #include <eikbtgpc.h>                       //For CEikButtonGroupContainer
    26 #include <ExifRead.h>
    28 //Alf Headers
    29 #include <alf/alfviewportlayout.h>          //  For CAlfViewPortLayout
    30 #include <alf/alfimagevisual.h>             //  For CAlfImageVisual
    31 #include <alf/alfcontrolgroup.h>            //  For CAlfControlGroup
    32 #include <alf/alfdisplay.h>                 //  For CAlfDisplay
    33 #include <alf/alfroster.h>                  //  For CAlfRoster
    34 #include <alf/alfutil.h>                    //  For AlfUtil
    35 // Antariksh
    36 #include <mul/imulsliderwidget.h>           //  For Slider Widget
    37 #include <mul/mulevent.h>                   //  For Slider events
    39 #include <gesturehelper.h>
    40 #include <e32math.h>
    42 using namespace GestureHelper;
    44 //Gallery Headers
    45 #include <glxuiutility.h>
    46 #include <glxattributecontext.h>
    47 #include <glxtracer.h>                      //  For Tracer
    48 #include <glxlog.h>                         //  For Log
    49 #include <glxtexturemanager.h>              //  For Creating Texture
    50 #include <glxuistd.h>                       //  For Fetch Context Priority
    51 #include <mglxmedialist.h>                  //  For MGlxMediaList
    52 #include <mglxuicommandhandler.h>           //  For MGlxUiCommandHandler
    54 #include "glxtv.h"                          // for CGlxTv
    56 const TReal KGlxOpacityOpaque = 1.0;
    57 const TInt KGlxMaxExifSize = 0x10000;   
    58 const TReal KGlxOpacityTransparent = 0.0;
    59 //zoom delay for animation while hdmi cable,
    60 //is connected and zoom is initiated
    61 const TInt KHDMIZoomDelay = 250000; 
    62 //Zoom level for the animation , assuming the innitial level is 1.
    63 const TReal KGlxZoomLevel = 1.5;
    65 const TInt KGlxDecodingThreshold = 3000000; // pixels
    68 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    70 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // CGlxZoomControl::CGlxZoomControl
    72 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
    73 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 //
    75 CGlxZoomControl::CGlxZoomControl(MGlxUiCommandHandler& aCommandHandler,
    76         MGlxMediaList& aMediaList,CEikButtonGroupContainer& aZoomBackKeys,
    77         IMulSliderWidget& aSliderWidget, GestureHelper::CGestureHelper* aGestureHelper) :
    78         iMediaList(aMediaList), iGestureHelper(aGestureHelper),
    79         iZoomSliderWidget(aSliderWidget), iZoomBackKey(&aZoomBackKeys), 
    80         iCommandHandler(aCommandHandler)
    81     {
    82     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::CGlxZoomControl");
    83     }
    85 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 // CGlxZoomControl::ConstructL
    87 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    88 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 //
    90 void CGlxZoomControl::ConstructL()
    91     {
    92     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::ConstructL()");
    93     iAttributeContext = CGlxDefaultAttributeContext::NewL();
    94     iAttributeContext->AddAttributeL(KGlxMediaGeneralDimensions);
    95     iMediaList.AddContextL( iAttributeContext, KGlxFetchContextPriorityLow );
    96     iUiUtility = CGlxUiUtility::UtilityL();
    97     iEnv = iUiUtility->Env();
    98     iDisplay = iUiUtility->Display();
    99     iTextureMgr = &iUiUtility->GlxTextureManager();
   100     iScreenSize = ScreenSize();
   102     iDisplay->SetVisibleArea(TRect(TPoint(0,0),iScreenSize));
   103     CAlfControl::ConstructL(*iEnv);
   105     //Func creating black background and visual that has to zoomed     
   106     CreateZoomVisualL();
   108     iControlGroup = &iEnv->NewControlGroupL(0x119);
   109     iControlGroup->AppendL(this);
   111     iDisplay->Roster().ShowL( *iControlGroup);
   113     // Hide the Zoom at the construction
   114     ShowZoom(EFalse);
   115     iZoomActive = EFalse;
   117     //To know if HDMi cable is connected.
   118     iGlxTvOut = CGlxTv::NewL(*this);
   119     iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   120     iGPUMemMonitor = CGlxRelaseGPUMemory::NewL(*this);
   121     }
   123 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 // ScreenSize : gets the screensize, Note that , this is not stored in member variable as
   125 // Screen rect can change based on orientation
   126 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 //
   128 TSize CGlxZoomControl::ScreenSize()
   129     {
   130     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::ScreenSize()");
   131     return AlfUtil::ScreenSize();
   132     }
   134 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   135 // ShowZoom
   136 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 //    
   138 void CGlxZoomControl::ShowZoom(TBool aShow)
   139     {
   140     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::ShowZoom()");
   141     if (aShow)
   142         {
   143         iViewPort->SetOpacity(KGlxOpacityOpaque);
   144         iGestureHelper->AddObserver(this);
   145         }
   146     else
   147         {
   148         iViewPort->SetOpacity(KGlxOpacityTransparent);
   149         }
   150     }
   152 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   153 // CreateZoomVisual
   154 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 //    
   156 void CGlxZoomControl::CreateZoomVisualL()
   157     {
   158     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::CreateZoomVisualL()");
   160     CAlfTexture *blackoutTexture = &(iTextureMgr->CreateFlatColourTextureL(KRgbBlack));
   161     CleanupStack::PushL(blackoutTexture);
   163     iViewPort = CAlfViewportLayout::AddNewL(*this);
   164     //Create the Image visual ,which holds the texture,which is complete black in color
   165     CAlfImageVisual *blackoutImageVisual = CAlfImageVisual::AddNewL(*this,iViewPort);
   166     CleanupStack::PushL(blackoutImageVisual);
   168     // Visual is larger than the screen to deal with control transformations that
   169     // may show areas usually outside the normal screen coordinates
   170     TInt16 blackImageSize =(iScreenSize.iWidth > iScreenSize.iHeight) ?iScreenSize.iWidth:iScreenSize.iHeight;
   171     blackoutImageVisual->SetImage(TAlfImage(*blackoutTexture));
   172     blackoutImageVisual->SetFlag(EAlfVisualFlagManualLayout);
   173     blackoutImageVisual->SetSize(TAlfRealSize(blackImageSize, blackImageSize));
   174     blackoutImageVisual->SetPos(TAlfRealPoint(0, 0));
   175     CleanupStack::Pop(blackoutImageVisual);
   176     CleanupStack::Pop(blackoutTexture);
   178     //  VisualLayoutUpdated
   179     //  Enable scrolling of the Viewport.
   180     //  The content area of a layout can be thought to be larger than the real visible size. 
   181     //  Scrolling changes which portion of the layout’s content is actually visible at  the moment.
   182     iViewPort->SetFlag(EAlfVisualFlagLayoutUpdateNotification);
   183     iViewPort->SetVirtualSize(TAlfRealSize(iScreenSize.iWidth,iScreenSize.iHeight), 0);
   184     iViewPort->SetViewportSize(TAlfRealSize(iScreenSize.iWidth,iScreenSize.iHeight), 0);
   185     iViewPort->SetViewportPos(TAlfRealPoint(0,0), 0);
   186     iViewPort->SetClipping(EFalse);
   187     iViewPort->SetOrigin( EAlfVisualHOriginLeft, EAlfVisualVOriginTop );
   189     //Enable scrolling of the Viewport.
   190     //The content area of a layout can be thought to be larger than the real visible size. 
   191     //Scrolling changes which portion of the layout’s content is actually visible at  the moment.
   192     iViewPort->EnableScrollingL();
   193     iViewPort->EnableTransformationL();
   195     iImageVisual = CAlfImageVisual::AddNewL(*this,iViewPort);
   196     iImageVisual->SetScaleMode(CAlfImageVisual::EScaleFitInside);
   198     iEventHandler = CGlxZoomPanEventHandler::NewL(*this);
   199     }
   201 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 // CGlxZoomControl::NewL
   203 // Two-phased constructor.
   204 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 //
   206 EXPORT_C CGlxZoomControl* CGlxZoomControl::NewL(
   207         MGlxUiCommandHandler& aCommandHandler,
   208         MGlxMediaList& aMediaList,CEikButtonGroupContainer& aZoomKeys,
   209         IMulSliderWidget& aSliderWidget, GestureHelper::CGestureHelper* aGestureHelper)
   210     {
   211     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::NewL");
   212     CGlxZoomControl* self = new (ELeave) CGlxZoomControl(aCommandHandler,
   213             aMediaList,aZoomKeys,aSliderWidget,aGestureHelper);
   215     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   216     self->ConstructL();
   218     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   219     return self;
   220     }
   222 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 // Destructor
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 //
   226 CGlxZoomControl::~CGlxZoomControl()
   227     {
   228     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::~CGlxZoomControl()");
   229     if(iTimer->IsActive())
   230         {
   231         iTimer->Cancel();
   232         }
   233     delete iTimer;
   235     if(iGPUMemMonitor)
   236         {
   237         delete iGPUMemMonitor;
   238         }
   240     if(iGlxTvOut)
   241         {
   242         delete iGlxTvOut;
   243         }
   245     if(iEventHandler)
   246         {
   247         delete iEventHandler;
   248         iEventHandler = NULL ;
   249         }
   251     if(iViewPort)
   252         {
   253         iViewPort->RemoveAndDestroyAllD();
   254         iViewPort = NULL;
   255         }
   256     iMediaList.RemoveContext(iAttributeContext);
   257     delete iAttributeContext;
   258     if(iImageTexture)
   259         {
   260         delete iImageTexture;
   261         iImageTexture=NULL;
   262         }
   263     iDisplay->Roster().Hide(*iControlGroup);
   264     if ( iControlGroup )
   265         {
   266         iControlGroup->Remove(this);
   267         iEnv->DeleteControlGroup(0x119);
   268         iControlGroup = NULL;
   269         }
   270     if ( iUiUtility )
   271         {
   272         iUiUtility->Close();
   273         }
   274     }
   276 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   277 // ActivateL:Activates the Zoom Control,set the image visual ,do the initial setup
   278 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   279 //
   280 EXPORT_C void CGlxZoomControl::ActivateL(TInt aInitialZoomRatio, TZoomStartMode aStartMode, 
   281         TInt aFocusIndex, TGlxMedia& aItem, TPoint* aZoomFocus,TBool aViewingMode)
   282     {
   283     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::ActivateL()");
   285     //Request to release GPU mem parallelly
   286     iGPUMemMonitor->RequestMemory(EFalse);
   288     if ( !iZoomActive )
   289         {
   290         //To Retrive the image details
   291         TMPXAttribute thumbNailAttribute(0,0);
   293         TGlxIdSpaceId idspace = iMediaList.IdSpaceId( aFocusIndex );
   294         //Get the texture Created in fullscreen View.
   295         iImageTexture = &(iTextureMgr->CreateNewTextureForMediaL(
   296                 ScreenSize(),aItem, idspace, this ));
   297         iImageVisual->SetImage(*iImageTexture);
   299         if(iGlxTvOut->IsHDMIConnected()&& !aViewingMode )
   300             {
   301             StartZoomAnimation(aStartMode);
   302             }
   303         else
   304             {
   305             ShowZoom(ETrue);
   306             iZoomSliderWidget.AddEventHandler(*this);
   307             iZoomSliderWidget.SetHandleKeyEvent(EFalse);
   308             iZoomSliderModel = (IMulSliderModel*) iZoomSliderWidget.model();
   310             if(iZoomSliderWidget.IsHidden())
   311                 {
   312                 iEventHandler->SetZoomUiState(EUiOff);
   313                 }
   314             else
   315                 {
   316                 iEventHandler->SetZoomUiState(EUiOn);
   317                 }
   318             // Get size, return value tells us if it was available
   319             //We need this Value to calculate the size of the visual/Layout corresponding to the Zoom factor
   320             TSize imageSize;
   321             aItem.GetDimensions( imageSize );
   322             TSize maxVirtualImageSize = imageSize;
   324             if (KGlxDecodingThreshold < (imageSize.iWidth * imageSize.iHeight))
   325                 {
   326                 TReal areaRatio = TReal(imageSize.iWidth*imageSize.iHeight)/KGlxDecodingThreshold ;
   328                 TReal sideRatio;
   329                 Math::Sqrt(sideRatio, areaRatio);
   331                 maxVirtualImageSize.iHeight = imageSize.iHeight /  sideRatio ;
   332                 maxVirtualImageSize.iWidth  = imageSize.iWidth  /  sideRatio ;
   333                 }
   335             // Now since our maximum size possible is 3 MP. all our zoom percentages will be relative to it. 
   336             // So our initial zoom ratio will be different and cnsequently our minimum slider value too will change. 
   339             GLX_LOG_INFO1("ActivateZoomControlL: Slider MaxRange = %d   ", iZoomSliderModel->MaxRange() );
   340             GLX_LOG_INFO1("ActivateZoomControlL: Slider MinRange = %d   ", iZoomSliderModel->MinRange() );
   341             GLX_LOG_INFO1("ActivateZoomControlL: Slider PrimaryValue= %d", iZoomSliderModel->PrimaryValue() );
   343             iEventHandler->SetZoomActivated(ETrue);
   344             if (aStartMode == EZoomStartSlider) 
   345                 {
   346                 iEventHandler->ActivateZoom(aInitialZoomRatio,
   347                         maxVirtualImageSize,
   348                         aStartMode,
   349                         iZoomSliderModel->MinRange(), 
   350                         iZoomSliderModel->MaxRange(),
   351                         aZoomFocus);
   352                 }
   353             else 
   354                 {
   355                 iEventHandler->ActivateZoom(aInitialZoomRatio,
   356                         maxVirtualImageSize,
   357                         aStartMode,
   358                         iZoomSliderModel->MinRange(), 
   359                         iZoomSliderModel->MaxRange(),
   360                         aZoomFocus);
   361                 }
   362             TRAP_IGNORE(iImageTexture = 
   363             &(iTextureMgr->CreateZoomedTextureL(aItem,thumbNailAttribute,idspace,this)));
   365             //This is for handling the alaram interrupt events,that causes the phone to freeze.
   366             CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();
   367             if (NULL != cba)
   368                 {
   369                 if (cba->IsVisible())
   370                     {
   371                     cba->ActivateL();
   372                     }
   373                 }
   374             }
   375         // Now the zoom activation process is complete.
   376         // Now is when truly zoom is active. 
   377         iZoomActive = ETrue;
   378         }
   379     }
   380 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   381 // StartZoomAnimation
   382 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 // 
   384 void CGlxZoomControl::StartZoomAnimation(TZoomStartMode aStartMode)
   385     {
   386     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::StartZoomAnimation()");
   387     iZoomIn = ETrue;
   388     //Set zoom visible but not enable the gesturehelper events    
   389     iViewPort->SetOpacity(KGlxOpacityOpaque);    
   390     TAlfTimedValue timedvalue;
   391     //using KGlxOpacityOpaque for the value 1 , assuming the initial zoom level as 1.
   392     timedvalue.SetValueNow(KGlxOpacityOpaque); 
   393     timedvalue.SetTarget(KGlxZoomLevel,KHDMIZoomDelay/1000);    
   394     iImageVisual->SetScale(timedvalue);
   396     //If zoom is not done using pinch, zoom out with the rubber effect
   397     //Else wait for the gesture helper event for zooming out.
   398     if(aStartMode != EZoomStartPinch)
   399         {
   400         iTimer->Cancel();
   401         iTimer->Start(KHDMIZoomDelay,KHDMIZoomDelay,TCallBack( TimeOut,this ));
   402         }
   403     else
   404         {
   405         iGestureHelper->AddObserver(this);
   406         }
   407     }
   408 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 // TimeOut
   410 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   411 //  
   412 TInt CGlxZoomControl::TimeOut(TAny* aSelf)
   413     {
   414     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::TimeOut");
   415     if(aSelf)
   416         {
   417         CGlxZoomControl* self = static_cast <CGlxZoomControl*> (aSelf);
   418         self->ActivateFullscreen();            
   419         }
   420     return KErrNone;
   421     }
   422 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 // ActivateZoomAnimation
   424 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 //
   426 void CGlxZoomControl::ActivateFullscreen()
   427     {
   428     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::ActivateFullscreen");
   429     if(iZoomIn)
   430         {
   431         iZoomIn = EFalse;
   432         TAlfTimedValue timedvalue;
   433         timedvalue.SetValueNow(KGlxZoomLevel);
   434         timedvalue.SetTarget(KGlxOpacityOpaque,KHDMIZoomDelay/1000);
   435         iImageVisual->SetScale(timedvalue);
   436         }
   437     else
   438         {
   439         if(iTimer->IsActive())
   440           {
   441           iTimer->Cancel();
   442           }
   443         //once the animation  is done come back to fullscreen.
   444         HandleZoomOutL(KGlxZoomOutCommand);
   445         }
   446     }
   448 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   449 // Deactivate:Remove the screen furniture ,cancel the timers if any
   450 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 //
   452 EXPORT_C void CGlxZoomControl::Deactivate()
   453     {
   454     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::Deactivate()");
   455     if (iZoomActive)
   456         {
   457         if (iTimer->IsActive())
   458             {
   459             iTimer->Cancel();
   460             }
   461         iZoomSliderWidget.RemoveEventHandler(*this);
   462         iZoomBackKey->MakeVisible(EFalse);
   463         iTextureMgr->RemoveZoomList();
   465         iImageVisual->SetImage(*iImageTexture);
   466         iEventHandler->DeactivateZoom();
   467         CleanUpVisual();
   469         iZoomActive = EFalse;
   470         iEventHandler->SetZoomActivated(EFalse);
   471         }
   472     // Hide the Zoom View
   473     ShowZoom(EFalse);
   474     } 
   476 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 // HandleZoomForegroundEventL:Zoom Foreground event handling function
   478 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 //
   480 EXPORT_C void CGlxZoomControl::HandleZoomForegroundEvent(TBool aForeground)
   481     {
   482     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::HandleZoomForegroundEventL()");
   484     if (!aForeground)
   485         {
   486         ShowUi(EFalse);
   487         iEventHandler->CancelZoomPanTimer();
   488         iEventHandler->CancelUITimer();
   489         iEventHandler->CancelAnimationTimer();
   490         }
   491     else
   492         {
   493         iGPUMemMonitor->RequestMemory();
   494         }
   495     } 
   497 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 // CleanUpVisual:reset the values of the variables.
   499 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   500 //
   501 void CGlxZoomControl::CleanUpVisual()
   502     {
   503     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::CleanUpVisual() ");
   504     }
   505 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 // Activated
   507 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   508 //
   509 EXPORT_C TBool CGlxZoomControl::Activated()
   510     {
   511     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::Activated");
   512     return iZoomActive;
   513     }
   515 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 // OfferEventL
   517 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   518 //
   519 TBool CGlxZoomControl::OfferEventL(const TAlfEvent &aEvent)
   520     {
   521     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::OfferEventL()");
   523     GLX_LOG_INFO1("OfferEventL 2: iZoomEnabled = %d   ", iZoomActive );
   524     // All the events related to the keys and pointers will be coming to this offerevent
   525     return iEventHandler->HandleEventL(aEvent) ;
   526     }
   529 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   530 // offerEvent
   531 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   532 //
   533 AlfEventStatus CGlxZoomControl::offerEvent( CAlfWidgetControl& /*aControl*/,
   534         const TAlfEvent& aEvent)
   535     {
   536     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::OfferEvent( CAlfWidgetControl& /*aControl*/)");
   537     // All the events which are related to slider widget will be coming
   538     // to this offerevent.
   539     AlfEventStatus eventStatus = EEventNotHandled;
   541     TBool consumed = iEventHandler->HandleEvent(aEvent);
   542     if ( consumed )
   543         {
   544         eventStatus = EEventConsumed;
   545         }
   547     return eventStatus;
   548     }
   551 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   552 // TextureContentChangedL
   553 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   554 //
   555 void CGlxZoomControl::TextureContentChangedL( TBool /*aHasContent*/ , CAlfTexture* aNewTexture)
   556     {
   557     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::TextureContentChangedL ");
   558     //if both the textures are null that means we do not have memory to 
   559     //decode and show anything. So try and check if the fullscreen texture 
   560     //is created by now if not then go to fullscreen view.
   562     if(NULL == aNewTexture )
   563         {
   564         if(NULL == iImageTexture)
   565             {
   566             TSize TextureSize = ScreenSize();
   567             TInt focus = iMediaList.FocusIndex();
   568             TGlxMedia item = iMediaList.Item( focus );
   569             TGlxIdSpaceId idspace = iMediaList.IdSpaceId( focus );
   571             CAlfTexture* newTexture = NULL;
   572             //Get the texture Created in fullscreen View.
   573             TRAPD(errtexture, newTexture = &(iTextureMgr->CreateNewTextureForMediaL(
   574                             TextureSize,item, idspace, this )));
   576             if(errtexture != KErrNone)
   577                 {
   578                 GLX_LOG_INFO( "CGlxTextureManagerImpl::HandleBitmapDecodedL::CreateNewTextureForMediaL Failed");
   579                 //Exit zoom and goto fullscreen
   580                 HandleZoomOutL(KGlxZoomOutCommand);
   581                 }
   582             else
   583                 {
   584                 //show the fullscreen texture.
   585                 iImageTexture = newTexture;
   586                 iImageVisual->SetImage( *iImageTexture );   
   587                 }           
   588             }
   589          else
   590             {
   591             //show the existing first level decoded image texture in case second level
   592             //decoding fails
   593             iImageVisual->SetImage( *iImageTexture );   
   594             }                   
   595         }
   596     else
   597         {
   598         iImageTexture = aNewTexture;
   599         iImageVisual->SetImage( *iImageTexture );        
   600         }
   601     }
   603 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   604 //  VisualLayoutUpdated:updates the co-ordinates when phone is tilted
   605 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   606 //
   607 void CGlxZoomControl::VisualLayoutUpdated(CAlfVisual& aVisual)
   608     {
   609     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::VisualLayoutUpdated ");
   610     // Callback comes to this function when there is a  resolution change
   612     if(iGlxTvOut->IsHDMIConnected())
   613         {
   614         return;
   615         }
   617     TRect rect;
   618     rect = AlfUtil::ScreenSize();
   619     if ( (rect.Width() != iScreenSize.iWidth) && ( rect.Height() != iScreenSize.iHeight))
   620         {
   621         //notify slider about Orientation Change
   622         iZoomSliderWidget.ContainerLayout().Owner().VisualLayoutUpdated(aVisual);
   623         //when the Phone is tilted,Height becomes the width and vice versa. So update with the new dimensions
   624         iScreenSize.iWidth = rect.Width();     
   625         iScreenSize.iHeight = rect.Height();   
   626         iDisplay->SetVisibleArea(TRect(TPoint(0,0),iScreenSize));
   628         //[TODO]: Use the Maths engine ro arrive at this figure (virtual and viewport sizes). else there might be problems in fringe conditions
   629         iViewPort->SetVirtualSize(TAlfRealSize(iScreenSize.iWidth,iScreenSize.iHeight), 0);
   630         iViewPort->SetViewportSize(TAlfRealSize(iScreenSize.iWidth,iScreenSize.iHeight), 0);
   631 		if(Activated())
   632         	{
   633 	        iEventHandler->OrientationChanged(rect);
   634       		}
   635 		iCommandHandler.HandleCommandL(KGlxZoomOrientationChange, this);
   636         }
   637     }
   639 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   640 // ShowUi
   641 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   642 //  
   643 void CGlxZoomControl::ShowUi(TBool aShow)
   644     {
   645     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::ShowUi ");
   647     if (aShow)
   648         {
   649         iEventHandler->SetZoomUiState(EUiOn);
   650         }
   651     else
   652         {
   653         iEventHandler->SetZoomUiState(EUiOff);
   654         }
   656     iZoomBackKey->MakeVisible( aShow );
   657     iZoomSliderWidget.ShowWidget( aShow, 0 );
   658     }
   660 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   661 // From IAlfWidgetEventHandler..
   662 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   663 //
   664 bool CGlxZoomControl::accept( CAlfWidgetControl& /*aControl*/,
   665         const TAlfEvent& /*aEvent*/) const
   666     {
   667     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::accept ");
   668     return ETrue;
   669     }
   671 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   672 // From IAlfWidgetEventHandler..
   673 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   674 //
   675 void CGlxZoomControl::setEventHandlerData(
   676         const AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData& /*aData*/)
   677     {
   678     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::setEventHandlerData ");
   679     }
   680 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   681 // From IAlfWidgetEventHandler..
   682 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   683 //
   685 AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData* CGlxZoomControl::eventHandlerData()
   686     {
   687     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::eventHandlerData ");
   688     return NULL;
   689     }
   690 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   691 // From IAlfWidgetEventHandler.
   692 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   693 //
   695 void CGlxZoomControl::setActiveStates( unsigned int /*aStates*/ )
   696     {
   697     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::setActiveStates ");
   698     }
   699 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   700 // From IAlfWidgetEventHandler.
   701 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   702 //
   704 IAlfInterfaceBase* CGlxZoomControl::makeInterface( const IfId& /*aType*/ )
   705     {
   706     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::makeInterface Enter/Exit");
   707     return NULL;
   708     }
   709 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   710 // eventHandlerType
   711 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   712 //
   713 IAlfWidgetEventHandler::AlfEventHandlerType CGlxZoomControl::eventHandlerType() 
   714     {
   715     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::eventHandlerType Enter/Exit");
   716     return IAlfWidgetEventHandler::ELogicalEventHandler;
   717     }
   719 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   720 // eventExecutionPhase
   721 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   722 //
   723 IAlfWidgetEventHandler::AlfEventHandlerExecutionPhase CGlxZoomControl::eventExecutionPhase()
   724     {
   725     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::eventExecutionPhase Enter/Exit");
   726     return EBubblingPhaseEventHandler;
   727     }
   729 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   730 // GetOrientationL: to retreive orientation from the exif tags in the file
   731 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   732 //    
   733 TUint16 CGlxZoomControl::GetOrientationL(const TDesC& aFileName) 
   734     {
   735     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::GetOrientationL()");
   736     //Get Exif Metadata and the orientation tag from the file first
   737     RFs fs;
   738     CleanupClosePushL(fs);
   739     User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
   741     RFile file;
   742     CleanupClosePushL(file);
   743     User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(fs,
   744             aFileName, EFileRead));
   746     TInt size;
   747     User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(size));
   748     if ( KGlxMaxExifSize < size )
   749         {
   750         size = KGlxMaxExifSize;
   751         }
   752     TUint16 orientation = 0;
   753     HBufC8* exifData = HBufC8::NewLC(size);
   754     TPtr8 ptr(exifData->Des());
   755     User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(ptr));
   756     CExifRead* exifReader = NULL;
   757     TRAPD(exifErr,exifReader = CExifRead::NewL(*exifData, CExifRead::ENoJpeg));
   758     if(exifErr == KErrNone)
   759         {
   760         CleanupStack::PushL(exifReader);
   762         TInt readErr = exifReader->GetOrientation(orientation);
   763         if(readErr != KErrNone)
   764             {
   765             orientation = 0;
   766             }
   767         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(exifReader);
   768         }
   769     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(exifData);
   770     //Close and pop file Session
   771     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&file);
   772     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fs);
   773     return orientation;
   775     }
   777 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   778 // UpdateViewPort
   779 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   780 //
   781 void CGlxZoomControl::UpdateViewPort(TPoint& aViewPortTopLeft,
   782         TInt aTransitionTime,
   783         TSize *apViewPortDimension,
   784         TInt aPrimarySliderRatio)
   785     {
   786     TRACER("void CGlxZoomControl::UpdateViewPort");
   788     iViewPort->SetViewportPos(aViewPortTopLeft,aTransitionTime);
   790     if (apViewPortDimension)
   791         {
   792         iViewPort->SetVirtualSize(*apViewPortDimension,0);
   793         }
   795     if(aPrimarySliderRatio >= 0)
   796         {
   797         iZoomSliderModel->SetPrimaryValue(aPrimarySliderRatio);
   798         }
   800     GLX_LOG_INFO1(" CGlxZoomControl::UpdateViewPort aPrimarySliderRatio = [%d]", aPrimarySliderRatio);
   802     }
   804 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   805 // HandleShowUi
   806 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   807 //
   808 void CGlxZoomControl::HandleShowUi( TBool aShow)
   809     {
   810     TRACER("void CGlxZoomControl::HandleShowUi");
   811     ShowUi(aShow);
   812     }
   816 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   817 // HandleSetViewPort
   818 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   819 //
   820 void CGlxZoomControl::HandleViewPortParametersChanged(TPoint& aViewPortTopLeft ,
   821         TInt aTransitionTime ,
   822         TSize *apViewPortDimension ,
   823         TInt aPrimarySliderLevel  )
   824     {
   825     TRACER("void CGlxZoomControl::HandleSetViewPort");
   826     UpdateViewPort(aViewPortTopLeft, aTransitionTime, apViewPortDimension, 
   827                                                             aPrimarySliderLevel);
   828     }
   830 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   831 // HandleZoomOut
   832 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   833 //
   834 void CGlxZoomControl::HandleZoomOutL(TInt aCommandId)
   835     {
   836     TRACER("void CGlxZoomControl::HandleZoomOut");
   837     iCommandHandler.HandleCommandL(aCommandId, this);
   838     }
   841 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   842 // HandleHDMIGestureReleased
   843 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   844 //
   845 void CGlxZoomControl::HandleHDMIGestureReleased()
   846     {
   847     TRACER("void CGlxZoomControl::HandlePinchReleased");
   848     if ( iGlxTvOut->IsHDMIConnected() && iZoomActive)
   849         {
   850         //On HDMI pinch release, zoom out to fullscreen
   851         GLX_LOG_INFO("_PHOTOS_LOG_: void CGlxZoomControl::HandlePinchReleased Start ZoomOut");
   852         iTimer->Cancel();
   853         iTimer->Start(KHDMIZoomDelay,KHDMIZoomDelay,TCallBack( TimeOut,this ));
   854         }
   855     }
   857 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   858 // HandlePointerEventsL
   859 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   860 //
   861 TBool CGlxZoomControl::HandlePointerEventsL(const TAlfEvent &aEvent)
   862     {
   863     TRACER("void CGlxZoomControl::HandlePointerEventsL");    
   865     return iGestureHelper->OfferEventL(aEvent);
   867     }
   869 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   870 // HandleGestureL
   871 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   872 //
   873 void CGlxZoomControl::HandleGestureL( const GestureHelper::MGestureEvent& aEvent )
   874     {
   875     TRACER("void CGlxZoomControl::HandleGestureL");
   877     TGestureCode code = aEvent.Code(MGestureEvent::EAxisBoth); 
   878 	GLX_LOG_INFO1("_PHOTOS_LOG_: void CGlxZoomControl::HandleGestureL  Code : %d", code);
   880 	//In HDMI pinch mode we will handle only released gesture
   881     //to zoom out the image to fullscreeen.
   882 	if( iGlxTvOut->IsHDMIConnected() )	    
   883 	    {        
   884         if(code == EGestureReleased)
   885             {
   886             HandleHDMIGestureReleased();
   887             }
   888 	    }
   889 	else
   890 	    {
   891         // Todo: This switch should go into the event handler.  
   892         switch (code)
   893             {
   894             case EGestureDrag:
   895             if (aEvent.Visual() == iImageVisual) 
   896                 {
   897                 iEventHandler->HandleDragEvent(aEvent);
   898                 }
   899                 break;
   900             case EGestureTap:            
   901                 iEventHandler->HandleSingleTap(aEvent);
   902                 break;
   903             case EGesturePinch:
   904                 iEventHandler->HandlePinchEventL(aEvent);
   905                 break;
   906             case EGestureDoubleTap:
   907             if (aEvent.Visual() == iImageVisual)
   908                 {
   909                 iEventHandler->HandleDoubleTap(aEvent);
   910                 }
   911                 break;
   912             case EGestureReleased:
   913                 iEventHandler->HandleGestureReleased(aEvent);
   914                 break;
   915             default :
   916                 break;
   917             }
   918 	    }
   919     iEventHandler->SetPreviousEventCode(code);
   920     }
   922 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   923 // HandleTvStatusChangedL 
   924 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   925 void CGlxZoomControl::HandleTvStatusChangedL( TTvChangeType aChangeType )
   926     {
   927     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::HandleTvStatusChangedL()");
   928     if ( aChangeType == ETvConnectionChanged )          
   929         {
   930         if ( iGlxTvOut->IsHDMIConnected() && iZoomActive)
   931             {
   932             //initialise all the zoom values to full-screen when hdmi is connected.
   933             if(iEventHandler)
   934                 {
   935                 iEventHandler->ZoomToMinimumL();
   936                 }
   937             }
   938         }
   939     }
   941 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   942 // ZoomUiState
   943 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   944 //  
   945 EXPORT_C TUiState CGlxZoomControl::ZoomUiState()    
   946     {
   947     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::ZoomUiState");
   948     return iEventHandler->ZoomUiState();
   949     }
   951 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   952 // HandleGoomMemoryReleased
   953 // Callback from memMonitor CGlxRelaseGPUMemory
   954 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   955 //  
   956 void CGlxZoomControl::HandleGoomMemoryReleased(TInt aStatus)
   957     {
   958     TRACER("CGlxZoomControl::HandleGoomMemoryReleased");
   959     if (aStatus == KErrNone)
   960         {
   961         //Refeed the textures if we are coming back to foreground from background
   962         //To Retrive the image details
   963         TMPXAttribute thumbNailAttribute(0, 0);
   964         TInt focusIndex = iMediaList.FocusIndex();
   965         TGlxIdSpaceId idspace = iMediaList.IdSpaceId(focusIndex);
   966         //Get the texture Created in fullscreen View.
   967         TGlxMedia item = iMediaList.Item(focusIndex);
   969         // if we already have the decoded zoomed image bitmap use the texture corresponding to that.
   970         // Else make do with the fullscreen texture till that happens.  
   971         TRAP_IGNORE(iImageTexture =
   972                 iTextureMgr->CreateZoomedTextureL());
   974         if (NULL == iImageTexture)
   975             {
   976             TRAP_IGNORE(iImageTexture = &(iTextureMgr->CreateNewTextureForMediaL(
   977                                     ScreenSize(), item, idspace, this)))
   978             }
   980         if (NULL != iImageTexture)
   981             {
   982             iImageVisual->SetImage(*iImageTexture);
   983             return;
   984             }
   985         }
   987     // No GPU Memory, return back to Fullscreenview
   988     ActivateFullscreen();
   989     }
   990 //  End of File