changeset 23 74c9f037fd5d
child 24 99ad1390cd33
equal deleted inserted replaced
5:f7f0874bfe7d 23:74c9f037fd5d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <graphics/surface.h>
    19 #include <graphics/surfacemanager.h>
    20 #include <graphics/surfaceupdateclient.h>
    21 #include <e32math.h>
    23 #include <imageconversion.h> 
    24 #include <fbs.h>
    25 #include <glxtracer.h>
    26 #include <glxlog.h>
    28 #include "glxactivecallback.h"
    29 #include "glxhdmisurfaceupdater.h"
    30 #include "glxactivedecoder.h"
    32 // 720p image size
    33 const TInt KHdTvWidth = 1280;
    34 const TInt KHdTvHeight = 720;
    35 const TInt KMulFactorToCreateBitmap = 4;
    36 const TInt KZoomDelay = 10000;
    37 //100 , is decide for 20 steps of zooming , with each step being 5 pixels.
    38 const TInt KMaxZoomLimit = 100;
    39 //evey time we zoom , there is a increase in the ht amd width by 10 pixels.
    40 const TInt KSingleStepForZoom = 10;
    42 const TInt KSleepTime = 50*1000; // 100 ms
    43 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 // NewLC
    45 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater* CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::NewL(RWindow* aWindow, const TDesC& aImageFile, 
    47         TSize aImageDimensions, TInt aFrameCount, MGlxGenCallback* aCallBack)
    48     {
    49     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater* CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::NewL()");
    50     CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater* self = new (ELeave) CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater(aWindow, aImageFile,
    51             aImageDimensions, aFrameCount, aCallBack);
    52     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    53     self->ConstructL(aImageDimensions);
    54     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    55     return self;
    56     }
    58 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 // destructor 
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::~CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater()
    62     {
    63     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::~CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater()");
    64     ReleaseContent();
    65     if(iWindow)
    66         {
    67         iWindow->RemoveBackgroundSurface(ETrue);
    68         }
    69     if(iTimer->IsActive())
    70         {
    71         iTimer->Cancel();
    72         }
    73     delete iTimer;   
    74     if (iGlxDecoderAO)
    75         {
    76         delete iGlxDecoderAO;
    77         }        
    78     iGlxDecoderAO = NULL;
    79     iFsSession.Close();
    80     if (iSurfManager)
    81         {
    82         GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::~CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater() - Close"); 
    83         iSurfUpdateSession.Close();
    84         if (iSurfChunk)
    85             {
    86             iSurfChunk->Close();
    87             }            
    88         delete iSurfChunk;
    89         iSurfChunk = NULL;        
    90         GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::~CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater(). iSurfManager->CloseSurface()"); 
    91         iSurfManager->CloseSurface(iSurfId);
    92         GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::~CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater(). iSurfManager->Close()"); 
    93         iSurfManager->Close();
    94         delete iSurfManager;
    95         iSurfManager = NULL;       
    96         }
    97     }
    99 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 // ReleaseContent 
   101 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ReleaseContent()
   103     {
   104     TRACER("void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ReleaseContent()"); 
   105     if ( iGlxDecoderAO )
   106         {
   107         iGlxDecoderAO->Cancel();
   108         }
   109     // Delete the animation timer
   110     if(iAnimationTimer && iAnimationTimer->IsActive())
   111         {
   112         iAnimationTimer->Cancel();
   113         delete iAnimationTimer;   
   114         }
   115     for (TInt i=0; i<= iFrameCount-1; i++)
   116         {
   117         GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ReleaseContent(). Releasing AnimBitmaps %d", i);
   118         delete(iDecodedBitmap[i]);
   119         iDecodedBitmap[i] = NULL;
   120         }
   121     if ( iSurfBufferAO->IsActive() )
   122         {
   123         iSurfBufferAO->Cancel();        
   124         }
   125     if ( iImageDecoder )
   126         {
   127         delete iImageDecoder;
   128         iImageDecoder = NULL;    
   129         }
   130     iSurfUpdateSession.CancelAllUpdateNotifications();
   131     }
   133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 // CTor 
   135 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   136 CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater(RWindow* aWindow, const TDesC& aImageFile, 
   137         TSize aOrigImageDimensions, TInt aFrameCount, MGlxGenCallback* aCallBack): 
   138         iWindow(aWindow), iImagePath(aImageFile), iOrigImageDimensions(aOrigImageDimensions),
   139         iFrameCount(aFrameCount ),iCallBack(aCallBack)
   140     {
   141     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater()");
   142     // Implement nothing here
   143     }
   145 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 // ConstructL 
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ConstructL(TSize /*aImageDimensions*/)
   149     {
   150     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ConstructL()");
   151     TInt error = iFsSession.Connect ();
   152     if ( KErrNone!= iFsSession.Connect () )
   153         {
   154         User::LeaveIfError(error);
   155         }
   156     iBitmapReady = EFalse;
   157     iAnimCount = 0;
   158     // Create the active object
   159     iGlxDecoderAO = CGlxHdmiDecoderAO::NewL(this, iFrameCount);
   160     CreateImageDecoderL(iImagePath);
   161     CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL();
   162     CreateHdmiL();
   163     error = iSurfUpdateSession.Connect();
   164 #ifdef _DEBUG
   165     iStartTime.HomeTime();
   166 #endif
   167     if (KErrNone !=error)
   168         {
   169         GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ConstructL() Surface update Session Connect Failed with error = %d", error);
   170         User::LeaveIfError(error);
   171         }
   172     iLeftCornerForZoom.iX = 0; 
   173     iLeftCornerForZoom.iY = 0;
   174     iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   175     iZoom = ETrue;
   176     }
   178 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   179 // UpdateNewImageL 
   180 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::UpdateNewImageL(const TDesC& aImageFile, 
   182         TInt aFrameCount,TSize aImageDimensions)
   183     {
   184     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::UpdateNewImageL()");
   185     // First release the contents before proceeding further
   186     ReleaseContent();   
   187     iOrigImageDimensions = aImageDimensions;
   188     iFrameCount = aFrameCount;
   189 	iBitmapReady = EFalse;
   190 	iAnimCount = 0;
   192     CreateImageDecoderL(aImageFile);    
   193     CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL();
   194     CreateHdmiL(EFalse);
   195 #ifdef _DEBUG
   196     iStartTime.HomeTime();
   197 #endif
   198     }
   200 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 // CreateHDMI 
   202 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateHdmiL(TBool aCreateSurface)
   204     {
   205     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateHdmiL()");
   207     if (aCreateSurface)
   208         {
   209         GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateHdmiL() Create Surface");
   210         CreateSurfaceL();        
   211         }
   213     // Active objects for double buffered draw signalling
   214     if(!iSurfBufferAO)
   215         {
   216         iSurfBufferAO = new(ELeave) CGlxActiveCallBack(TCallBack(SurfBuffer0Ready, this),
   217                     CActive::EPriorityStandard-1);
   218         CActiveScheduler::Add(iSurfBufferAO);    
   219         }
   220     }
   222 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 // CreateSurfaceL 
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateSurfaceL()
   226     {
   227     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateSurfaceL()");
   228     TSize surfaceSize = iWindow->Size();   // create surface of the screen size, i.e 1280x720
   229     iSurfManager = new(ELeave) RSurfaceManager();
   230     TInt error = iSurfManager->Open();
   231     if (error != KErrNone)
   232         {
   233         GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateSurfaceL Open Surface manager failed with error = %d", error);
   234         User::LeaveIfError(error);
   235         }
   236     RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributesBuf attributes;
   237     attributes().iPixelFormat           = EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888;// EUidPixelFormatYUV_420Planar;
   238     attributes().iSize                  = surfaceSize;
   240     attributes().iBuffers               = 1;
   241     attributes().iStride                = surfaceSize.iWidth * KMulFactorToCreateBitmap;  
   242     attributes().iAlignment             = KMulFactorToCreateBitmap;
   243     attributes().iContiguous            = EFalse;
   244     attributes().iMappable              = ETrue;
   246     error = iSurfManager->CreateSurface(attributes, iSurfId);
   247     if(error)
   248         {
   249         GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateSurfaceL, Creating surface failed with error : %d",error);
   250         User::LeaveIfError(error);
   251         }    
   252     //Map the surface and stride the surface info
   253     MapSurfaceL();
   254     // Set the Configuration to the surface ID when creating a surface
   255     iConfig.SetSurfaceId(iSurfId);
   256     }
   258 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   259 // MapSurfaceL 
   260 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::MapSurfaceL()
   262     {
   263     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::MapSurfaceL()");
   265     //Create chunk to map it to the surface ID.
   266     iSurfChunk = new(ELeave) RChunk();
   267     User::LeaveIfNull(iSurfChunk);    
   268     TInt error = iSurfManager->MapSurface(iSurfId, *iSurfChunk);
   269     if(error!=KErrNone)
   270         {
   271         GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateSurfaceL(), MapSurface Failed wint error : %d",error);
   272         }  
   274     // Get the info from the surfaceManager
   275     // and store pointers to the pixel data
   276     RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf info;
   277     error = iSurfManager->SurfaceInfo(iSurfId, info);    
   278     iSurfaceStride = info().iStride;
   279     User::LeaveIfError(error);  
   280     TInt offset = 0;
   281     iSurfManager->GetBufferOffset( iSurfId, 0,offset);
   282     iSurfBuffer = iSurfChunk->Base()+offset;
   283     }
   285 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   286 // SurfBuffer0Ready 
   287 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   288 TInt CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::SurfBuffer0Ready(TAny* /*aObject*/)
   289     {
   290     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::SurfBuffer0Ready()");
   291     return ETrue;
   292     }
   294 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 // Refresh 
   296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::Refresh()
   298     {
   299     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::Refresh()");
   300     // Advance animation
   301     // if the animation count is becoming maximum [8], then set it to zero, 
   302     // such that it can animate again frm begining
   303     if (++iAnimCount >= iFrameCount)
   304         iAnimCount = 0; 
   305     GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::Refresh() animCOunt = %d",iAnimCount);
   306     // copy the decoded bitmap on to the surface
   307     SwapBuffers();   
   308     // Modify the surface position with respect to the buffer size 
   309 	ModifySurfacePostion();
   310 	// refresh the window
   311     iCallBack->DoGenCallback();       
   312     }
   314 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   315 // SwapBuffers
   316 // This is used to sawp the buffers shown and to be shown 
   317 // After this is done, a refresh to the window should be done to refresh the TV
   318 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::SwapBuffers()
   320     {
   321     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::SwapBuffers()"); 
   322     GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::SwapBuffers() animCOunt = %d",iAnimCount);
   323     // Lock the heap so that subsequent call to dataaddress doesnt happen
   324     iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->LockHeap();    
   326     // Data stride
   327     TUint fs = iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->DataStride();    
   329     //Bitmap address from where the data has to be copied.
   330     TUint8* from = (TUint8*)iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->DataAddress();
   332     //surface chunk address to where the bitmap data has to be copied.
   333     TUint8* to = (TUint8*)iSurfBuffer;    
   335     // To buffer (32 bit colors)
   336     TUint ts = iSurfaceStride;
   337     //No of bytes to be copied on to the surface.
   338     TUint bytes = iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->SizeInPixels().iWidth * KMulFactorToCreateBitmap;
   340     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::SwapBuffers() - decodeSize width = %d and height %d",
   341             iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->SizeInPixels().iWidth, iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->SizeInPixels().iHeight );
   343     // Copy the bitmap on to the surface.
   344     for (TInt y = iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->SizeInPixels().iHeight; y >0; y--)
   345         {
   346         Mem::Copy(to, from, bytes);        
   347         to += ts;        
   348         from += fs;        
   349         }            
   350     iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->UnlockHeap();
   351     }
   353 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 // CreateBitmapL 
   355 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   356 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL()
   357     {
   358     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL()");
   359     TSize scrnSize = iWindow->Size();
   360     TSize targetBitmapSize;
   361     if (iFrameCount>1)
   362         {
   363         iAnimationTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityLow );
   364         }
   366 //    if (iFrameCount >1)
   367 //        {
   368 //        // For Gif images , use the same size of its dimensions, as Image decoder wont decode to different size.
   369 //        GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL() -1");
   370 //        targetBitmapSize = iOrigImageDimensions;
   371 //        }
   372 //    else
   373 //        {
   374         // for all other images, re calculate the size of the image based on aspect ratio and fit the screen
   375         GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL() -2");
   376         GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL() - bitmapsize=%d, %d",iOrigImageDimensions.iWidth,iOrigImageDimensions.iHeight);
   377     TReal32 scaleFactor = 0.0f;
   378     if (scrnSize.iWidth * iOrigImageDimensions.iHeight > scrnSize.iHeight
   379             * iOrigImageDimensions.iWidth)
   380         {
   381         scaleFactor = (TReal32) scrnSize.iHeight
   382                 / (TReal32) iOrigImageDimensions.iHeight;
   383         }
   384     else
   385         {
   386         scaleFactor = (TReal32) scrnSize.iWidth
   387                 / (TReal32) iOrigImageDimensions.iWidth;
   388         }
   389         GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL() - scaleFactor=%f",scaleFactor);
   390         targetBitmapSize.iHeight = iOrigImageDimensions.iHeight * scaleFactor;
   391         targetBitmapSize.iWidth = iOrigImageDimensions.iWidth * scaleFactor;
   392 //        }
   393     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL() - targetBitmapSize=%d, %d",targetBitmapSize.iWidth,targetBitmapSize.iHeight);
   394     //create the bitmap for the required size
   395     iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount] = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   397     TInt err = iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->Create(targetBitmapSize, EColor16MU);
   398     User::LeaveIfNull(iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]);
   399     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL() FrameCOunt = %d, AnimCOunt =%d",iFrameCount, iAnimCount);
   400     //start decoding the image
   401     iGlxDecoderAO->ConvertImageL(*iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount],iAnimCount,iImageDecoder);
   402     }
   404 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   405 // HandleRunL 
   406 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   407 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::HandleRunL(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   408     {
   409     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::HandleRunL()");
   411     if (iFrameCount >1 && iAnimCount !=iFrameCount-1)
   412         {
   413         GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::HandleRunL() - gif image - iAnimCount= %d,FrameCOunt =%d",iAnimCount,iFrameCount);
   414         while(iAnimCount != iFrameCount-1 && !iGlxDecoderAO->IsActive())
   415             {
   416             iAnimCount++;
   417             GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::HandleRunL() - gif image - iAnimCount= %d",iAnimCount);
   418             CreateBitmapAndStartDecodingL();
   419             }
   420         }
   421     else
   422         {
   423 #ifdef _DEBUG
   424         iStopTime.HomeTime();
   425         GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::HandleRunL() ConvertImageL took"
   426                 " <%d> us", (TInt)iStopTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iStartTime).Int64());
   427 #endif
   428         if(aStatus.Int() !=KErrNone)
   429             {
   430             GLX_LOG_INFO1("HandleRunL - Convert failed with error=%d",aStatus.Int());
   431             ShiftToCloningMode();
   432             }
   433         else
   434             {
   435             iBitmapReady = ETrue;
   436             iZoomRectSz = iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->SizeInPixels();
   437             ProcessTvImageL();
   438             }
   439         //release imagedecoder after the conversion is over     
   440         if(iImageDecoder)
   441             {
   442             delete iImageDecoder;
   443             iImageDecoder = NULL;    
   444             }
   445         }
   446     }
   448 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   449 // CreateImageDecoderL 
   450 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ProcessTvImageL()
   452     {
   453     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ProcessTvImageL()");
   454     if (iSurfBufferAO->iStatus != KRequestPending
   455             && !iSurfBufferAO->IsActive())
   456         {
   457         Refresh();
   458         iSurfBufferAO->iStatus = KRequestPending;
   459         iSurfBufferAO->SetActive();
   460         iSurfUpdateSession.NotifyWhenAvailable(iSurfBufferAO->iStatus);
   461         TInt err = iSurfUpdateSession.SubmitUpdate(1, iSurfId, 0, NULL);
   462         // If the Animation framecount is more that 1, it means this is a gif image, 
   463         // start the timer to refresh the TV 
   464         if (iFrameCount>1)
   465             {
   466             GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ProcessTvImageL() :Gif Image, ANimCOUnt =%d",iAnimCount);
   467             iAnimationTimer->Cancel();   
   469             // Next frame
   470             iAnimationTimer->Start(KSleepTime, KSleepTime, TCallBack(TimerCallbackL, this));       
   471             }
   472         }
   473     }
   474 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 // CreateImageDecoderL 
   476 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::CreateImageDecoderL(const TDesC& aImageFile)
   478     {
   479     TRACER("CGlxHdmiController::CreateImageDecoderL()");
   480      // Create a decoder for the image in the named file
   481     TRAPD(error,iImageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL(iFsSession, 
   482             aImageFile, CImageDecoder::EOptionNone, KNullUid));
   483     if (error!=KErrNone)
   484         {
   485         User::Leave(error);
   486         }
   487     }
   489 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   490 // ActivateZoom 
   491 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   492 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ActivateZoom()
   493     {
   494     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ActivateZoom()");
   495     iZoom = ETrue;
   496     if (!(iFrameCount >1))
   497         {
   498         if(!iTimer->IsActive() && iBitmapReady)
   499            {
   500            iTimer->Start(KZoomDelay,KZoomDelay,TCallBack( TimeOut,this ));
   501            }
   502         }
   503     }
   505 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 // DeactivateZoom 
   507 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   508 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::DeactivateZoom()
   509     {
   510     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::DeactivateZoom()");
   511     if(iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount] && !(iFrameCount >1))
   512         {
   513         TSize bitmapsize = iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->SizeInPixels(); 
   514         iConfig.SetViewport(TRect(0,0,bitmapsize.iWidth,bitmapsize.iHeight));
   515         iConfig.SetExtent(TRect(0,0,bitmapsize.iWidth,bitmapsize.iHeight));
   516         iWindow->SetBackgroundSurface(iConfig, ETrue);
   517         }
   518     }
   520 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   521 // TimeOut
   522 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   523 //  
   524 TInt CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::TimeOut(TAny* aSelf)
   525     {
   526     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::TimeOut");
   527     if(aSelf)
   528         {
   529         CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater* self = static_cast <CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater*> (aSelf);
   530         if (self)
   531             {            
   532              self->Zoom(ETrue);
   533             }
   534         }
   535     return KErrNone;
   536     }
   538 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   539 // TimerCallbackL 
   540 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   541 TInt CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::TimerCallbackL(TAny* aThis)
   542     {
   543     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::TimerCallbackL()");
   544     static_cast<CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater*>(aThis)->ProcessTimerEventL();
   545     return NULL;
   546     }
   548 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   549 // ProcessTimerEventL 
   550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ProcessTimerEventL()
   552     {
   553     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ProcessTimerEventL()");
   554     ProcessTvImageL();
   555     }
   557 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   558 // Zoom 
   559 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   560 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::Zoom(TBool aZoom)
   561     {
   562     TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::Zoom()");
   563     if(iLeftCornerForZoom.iX == KMaxZoomLimit)
   564         {
   565         iZoom = EFalse;
   566         }    
   567     if(aZoom && iZoom)
   568         {
   569         iZoomRectSz.iWidth = TInt(iZoomRectSz.iWidth-KSingleStepForZoom);
   570         iZoomRectSz.iHeight = TInt(iZoomRectSz.iHeight-KSingleStepForZoom);
   571         iLeftCornerForZoom.iX =iLeftCornerForZoom.iX+KSingleStepForZoom/2;
   572         iLeftCornerForZoom.iY =iLeftCornerForZoom.iY+KSingleStepForZoom/2;           
   573         GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::Zoom()--- 2,iZoomRectSz.iWidth = %d, iZoomRectSz.iHeight = %d", iZoomRectSz.iWidth,iZoomRectSz.iHeight);
   574         iConfig.SetViewport(TRect(iLeftCornerForZoom.iX,iLeftCornerForZoom.iY,
   575                 iZoomRectSz.iWidth,iZoomRectSz.iHeight));
   576         }
   577     else
   578         {
   579         iZoomRectSz.iWidth = TInt(iZoomRectSz.iWidth+KSingleStepForZoom);
   580         iZoomRectSz.iHeight = TInt(iZoomRectSz.iHeight+KSingleStepForZoom);
   581         iLeftCornerForZoom.iX =iLeftCornerForZoom.iX-KSingleStepForZoom/2;
   582         iLeftCornerForZoom.iY =iLeftCornerForZoom.iY-KSingleStepForZoom/2; 
   583         if(iLeftCornerForZoom.iX == 0)
   584             {
   585             iTimer->Cancel();
   586             iZoom = ETrue;
   587             }
   588         GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::Zoom()--- 4,iZoomRectSz.iWidth = %d, iZoomRectSz.iHeight = %d", iZoomRectSz.iWidth,iZoomRectSz.iHeight);
   589         iConfig.SetViewport(TRect(iLeftCornerForZoom.iX,iLeftCornerForZoom.iY,
   590                 iZoomRectSz.iWidth,iZoomRectSz.iHeight));
   591         }
   592     iWindow->SetBackgroundSurface(iConfig, ETrue);   
   593     }
   595 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   596 // ModifySurfacePostion 
   597 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   598 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ModifySurfacePostion()
   599 	{
   600 	TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ModifySurfacePostion()");
   601 	TSize bitmapSize = iDecodedBitmap[iAnimCount]->SizeInPixels();
   602 	TPoint startPoint(0,0);
   603 	if (bitmapSize.iWidth <KHdTvWidth)
   604 	    {
   605 	    startPoint.iX = (KHdTvWidth - bitmapSize.iWidth)/2; 
   606 	    }
   607 	if (bitmapSize.iHeight <KHdTvHeight)
   608 	    {
   609 	    startPoint.iY = (KHdTvHeight - bitmapSize.iHeight)/2;
   610 	    }
   611     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ModifySurfacePostion() - target bitmapsize=%d, %d",bitmapSize.iWidth,bitmapSize.iHeight);
   612     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ModifySurfacePostion() - startPoint =%d, %d",startPoint.iX,startPoint.iY);
   614     // target
   615     iConfig.SetExtent(TRect(startPoint.iX,startPoint.iY,(KHdTvWidth-startPoint.iX),
   616             (KHdTvHeight-startPoint.iY)));
   617     // source
   618     iConfig.SetViewport(TRect(TPoint(0,0),TSize(bitmapSize.iWidth,bitmapSize.iHeight)));
   619 #ifdef _DEBUG
   620     TRect ex, vp;
   621     iConfig.GetExtent(ex);
   622     iConfig.GetViewport(vp);
   623     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ModifySurfacePostion() - vp - TL=%d, %d",vp.iTl.iX,vp.iTl.iY);
   624     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ModifySurfacePostion() - vp - BR=%d, %d",vp.iBr.iX,vp.iBr.iY);
   625     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ModifySurfacePostion() - ex - TL=%d, %d",ex.iTl.iX,ex.iTl.iY);
   626     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ModifySurfacePostion() - ex - BR=%d, %d",ex.iBr.iX,ex.iBr.iY);
   627 #endif
   628     iWindow->SetBackgroundSurface(iConfig, ETrue);   
   629     }
   631 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   632 // ShiftToCloningMode 
   633 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   634 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ShiftToCloningMode()
   635 	{
   636 	TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ShiftToCloningMode()");
   637 	iWindow->RemoveBackgroundSurface(ETrue);
   638 	}
   640 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   641 // ShiftToPostingMode 
   642 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   643 void CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ShiftToPostingMode()
   644 	{
   645 	TRACER("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ShiftToPostingMode()");
   646 #ifdef _DEBUG
   647 	TRect ex, vp;
   648 	iConfig.GetExtent(ex);
   649     iConfig.GetViewport(vp);
   650     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ShiftToPostingMode() - vp - TL=%d, %d",vp.iTl.iX,vp.iTl.iY);
   651     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ShiftToPostingMode() - vp - BR=%d, %d",vp.iBr.iX,vp.iBr.iY);
   652     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ShiftToPostingMode() - ex - TL=%d, %d",ex.iTl.iX,ex.iTl.iY);
   653     GLX_LOG_INFO2("CGlxHdmiSurfaceUpdater::ShiftToPostingMode() - ex - BR=%d, %d",ex.iBr.iX,ex.iBr.iY);
   654 #endif
   655     iWindow->SetBackgroundSurface(iConfig, ETrue);
   656 	}