changeset 59 8e5f6eea9c9f
equal deleted inserted replaced
57:ea65f74e6de4 59:8e5f6eea9c9f
     1  /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   glxzoomwidget.cpp
    15 *               description of the class GlxGlxZoomWidget which controls the Zoom behavior of coverflow.
    16 *
    17 */
    18 #include <QPinchGesture>
    19 #include <hbiconitem.h>
    20 #include <QTimeLine>
    21 #include <QGesture>
    22 #include <hbinstance.h>
    23 #include "glximagedecoderwrapper.h"
    24 #include "glxmodelparm.h"
    25 #include "glxzoomwidget.h"
    27 const int MAXZVALUE = 100;
    28 const int MINZVALUE = 0;
    29 const int NOOFSTEPSZI = 24;
    30 const int NOOFSTEPSZO = 18;
    31 const float MAXDTZOOMIN = 3.5;
    33 GlxZoomWidget::GlxZoomWidget(QGraphicsItem *parent):HbScrollArea(parent), 
    34             mModel(NULL), mMinZValue(MINZVALUE), 
    35             mMaxZValue(MAXZVALUE), mTimerId(0),
    36             mImageDecodeRequestSend(false), 
    37             mPinchGestureOngoing(false), mDecodedImageAvailable(false),
    38             mZoomOngoing(false)
    39 {
    40     grabGesture(Qt::PinchGesture);
    41     grabGesture(Qt::TapGesture);
    42     setAcceptTouchEvents(true) ;
    43     setFrictionEnabled(true);
    44     setZValue(mMinZValue);
    45     //create the child items and background
    46     mZoomWidget = new QGraphicsWidget(this);
    47     mZoomItem = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(mZoomWidget);
    48     mZoomItem->setTransformationMode(Qt::SmoothTransformation);
    49     //the black background
    50     //replace when a proper substitute for setting backgrounds is known
    51     mBlackBackgroundItem = new HbIconItem(this);
    52     mBlackBackgroundItem->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::black));
    53     mBlackBackgroundItem->hide();
    54     //does not work so is commented
    55     //setBackgroundItem(mBlackBackgroundItem);
    57     //initializing the image decoder
    58     mImageDecoder = new GlxImageDecoderWrapper;
    60     setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
    61     setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
    62 	//AA: signal and slot to perform double tap animation
    63     //after every step redraw, signal is emitted to perform the next step
    64 	connect( this, SIGNAL( stepZoom() ), this, SLOT( animateDoubleTap() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
    65 }
    67 GlxZoomWidget::~GlxZoomWidget()
    68 {
    69     //disconnect all existing signals
    70     disconnect(this,SIGNAL( pinchGestureReceived(int) ), this, SLOT( sendDecodeRequest(int) ) );
    71     //AA
    72     disconnect( this, SIGNAL( stepZoom() ), this, SLOT( animateDoubleTap()));
    73     //no Null checks required
    74     delete mZoomItem;
    75 //    delete mZoomWidget; //as this is a content widegt it will automatically be deleted
    76     delete mBlackBackgroundItem;
    77     //reset the decoder to cancel pending tasks
    78     if(mImageDecoder) {
    79         mImageDecoder->resetDecoder();
    80         delete mImageDecoder;
    81     }
    82 }
    84 void GlxZoomWidget::setModel (QAbstractItemModel *model)
    85 {
    86     if(model)
    87     {
    88         mModel = model;
    89         retreiveFocusedImage(); //Update mZoomItem with focused Image
    90         connect( mModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex) ), this, SLOT( dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex) ) );
    91         connect( mModel, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( modelDestroyed() ) );
    92     }
    93 }
    95 void GlxZoomWidget::setWindowSize(QSize windowSize)
    96 {
    97     mWindowSize = windowSize;
    98     mBlackBackgroundItem->setGeometry(QRectF(QPointF(0,0), mWindowSize));
    99     //try to reset the max and min zoomed size here
   100     //In case the zoom widget is in background reset it
   101     if(!mZoomOngoing && mModel) {
   102         retreiveFocusedImage();
   103     }
   104     setZoomParams();
   105 }
   107 void GlxZoomWidget::forceZoomToBackground()
   108 {
   109     mBlackBackgroundItem->hide();
   110     //push the widget back to background
   111     setZValue(mMinZValue);
   112     mZoomOngoing = false;
   113     emit zoomWidgetMovedBackground(mFocusIndex);
   114     //this actually resets the ZoomWidget and decoder
   115     if(mImageDecoder) {
   116         mImageDecoder->resetDecoder();
   117     }
   118     retreiveFocusedImage();
   120 }
   122 void GlxZoomWidget::indexChanged(int index)
   123 {
   124     if(mFocusIndex != index) {
   125         mImageDecoder->resetDecoder();//reset the decoder first to cancel pending tasks
   126         mImageDecodeRequestSend = false;
   127         mDecodedImageAvailable = false;
   128         retreiveFocusedImage();  //Update mZoomItem with focused Image
   129     }
   130 }
   132 void GlxZoomWidget::cleanUp()
   133 {
   134     if(mModel) {
   135         disconnect( mModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex) ), this, SLOT( dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex) ) );
   136         disconnect( mModel, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( modelDestroyed() ) );
   137         mModel = NULL;
   138     }
   139     if(mImageDecoder) {
   140         mImageDecoder->resetDecoder();
   141     }
   142     mZoomItem->setPixmap(QPixmap());
   143 }
   145 void GlxZoomWidget::activate()
   146 {
   147 }
   149 void GlxZoomWidget::setMinMaxZValue(int minZvalue, int maxZvalue)
   150 {
   151     mMinZValue = minZvalue;
   152     mMaxZValue = maxZvalue;
   153 }
   155 void GlxZoomWidget::connectDecodeRequestToPinchEvent()
   156 {
   157     connect(this,SIGNAL( pinchGestureReceived(int) ), this, SLOT( sendDecodeRequest(int) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
   158 }
   160 bool GlxZoomWidget::sceneEvent(QEvent *event)
   161 {
   162     bool consume(false);
   163     if (event->type() == QEvent::Gesture) {
   164         consume = executeGestureEvent(this, static_cast<QGestureEvent*>(event));
   165     }
   166     if(!consume)
   167     {
   168         consume = HbScrollArea::sceneEvent(event);
   169     }
   170     return consume;
   171 }
   173 bool GlxZoomWidget::sceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem *watched,QEvent *event)
   174 {
   175     qDebug( "GlxZoomWidget::sceneEventFilter enter event type %d ", event->type() );
   176     bool consume = false;
   177     if (event->type() == QEvent::Gesture) {
   178         consume = executeGestureEvent(watched, static_cast<QGestureEvent*>(event));
   179     }
   181     if(!consume) {
   182         consume = HbScrollArea::sceneEventFilter(watched,event);
   183     }
   184     return consume;
   186 }
   188 bool GlxZoomWidget::executeGestureEvent(QGraphicsItem *source,QGestureEvent *event)
   189 {
   190          if(QTapGesture *gesture = static_cast<QTapGesture *>(event->gesture(Qt::TapGesture))) {        
   191             if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished) {
   192                 if(!mTimerId) {
   193                     mTimerId = startTimer( DOUBLETAP_TIMEINTERVAL );
   194                 }
   195             else {
   196                 killTimer(mTimerId);
   197                 mTimerId = 0;
   198                 animateZoomOut(hbInstance->allMainWindows().first()->mapToScene(gesture->position().toPoint()));
   199             }
   200         }
   201         event->accept(gesture);
   202         return true;
   203     }
   204      if (QGesture *pinch = event->gesture(Qt::PinchGesture))  {
   205          if (isFocussedItemCorrupt()){
   206          return true;
   207          }
   208        QPinchGesture* pinchG = static_cast<QPinchGesture *>(pinch);
   209        QPinchGesture::ChangeFlags changeFlags = pinchG->changeFlags();
   210        if (changeFlags & QPinchGesture::ScaleFactorChanged) {
   211             mPinchGestureOngoing = true;
   212             mZoomOngoing = true;
   214             //retreive the gesture values
   215             qreal value = pinchG->scaleFactor() / pinchG->lastScaleFactor();
   216             QPointF center = pinchG->property("centerPoint").toPointF();
   217             //set the gesture center to the scene coordinates
   218             QPointF sceneGestureCenter = hbInstance->allMainWindows().first()->mapToScene(center.toPoint());
   219             zoomImage(value, sceneGestureCenter);
   221         }
   222        if (pinchG->state() == Qt::GestureStarted) {
   223            emit pinchGestureReceived(mFocusIndex);
   224            //bring the zoom widget to foreground
   225             setZValue(mMaxZValue);
   226             //show the black background
   227             mBlackBackgroundItem->setParentItem(parentItem());
   228             mBlackBackgroundItem->setZValue(mMaxZValue - 1);
   229             mBlackBackgroundItem->show();
   230        }
   232        if (pinchG->state() == Qt::GestureFinished) {
   233                //For giving a spring effect when user has zoomed more than normal.
   234                if(mStepCurrentSize.width() > mMaxScaleDecSize.width())   {
   235                    //scale the image to limited size
   236                    qreal value = mMaxScaleDecSize.width()/mCurrentSize.width();
   237                    QPointF center(mWindowSize.width()/2, mWindowSize.height()/2);
   238                    QPointF sceneGestureCenter = source->sceneTransform().map(center);
   239                    zoomImage(value, sceneGestureCenter);
   240                }
   241                mPinchGestureOngoing = false;
   242                 //finalize the transforms to the geometry else panning will not work
   243                 finalizeWidgetTransform();
   245 //push the Zoom widget to background when zoomed image size nears FS image
   246            if(mStepCurrentSize.width() <= mMinDecScaleSize.width()*1.3)  {
   247                mBlackBackgroundItem->hide();
   248                //push the widget back to background
   249                setZValue(mMinZValue);
   250                mZoomOngoing = false;
   251                emit zoomWidgetMovedBackground(mFocusIndex);
   252                //do not reset the transform here as it will then zoom-in the widget to decoded image size
   253            }
   254        }
   255        //gesture accepted
   256        return true;
   257      }
   258      //gesture rejected
   259      if(!mPinchGestureOngoing) {
   260          return false; 
   261      }
   262      return true;
   264 }
   266 void GlxZoomWidget::zoomImage(qreal zoomFactor, QPointF center)
   267 {
   268         // Pinch event filtering for very small zoom factors
   269     if (qAbs(1.0 - zoomFactor) < 0.007) {
   270         return;
   271     }
   272     adjustGestureCenter(center, zoomFactor);
   273     QSizeF requiredSize(mCurrentSize.width()*zoomFactor, mCurrentSize.height()*zoomFactor);
   274     limitRequiredSize(requiredSize);
   275     if(requiredSize != mCurrentSize) {
   276         QTransform zoomTransform = mZoomWidget->transform();
   277         QPointF transformedCenter = mZoomWidget->sceneTransform().inverted().map(center);
   278         zoomTransform.translate(transformedCenter.x(),transformedCenter.y());
   279         zoomTransform.scale(requiredSize.width()/mCurrentSize.width(), requiredSize.height()/mCurrentSize.height());
   280         zoomTransform.translate(-transformedCenter.x(),-transformedCenter.y());
   281         mZoomWidget->setTransform(zoomTransform);
   282         mCurrentSize = requiredSize;
   283     }
   285 }
   288 void GlxZoomWidget::limitRequiredSize(QSizeF &requiredSize)
   289 {
   290     if(requiredSize.width() > mMaxScaleSize.width() ) {
   291         requiredSize = mMaxScaleSize ;
   292     }
   293     else if(requiredSize.width() < mMinDecScaleSize.width() ) {
   294         requiredSize = mMinDecScaleSize ;
   295     }
   298 }
   300 //makes sure that the gesture is on the screen center if the image is smaller than the screen
   301 void GlxZoomWidget::adjustGestureCenter(QPointF & gestureCenter, qreal& zoomFactor)
   302 {
   304     //clip zoom factor for pinch zoom. Double tap zoomfactor should never exceed
   305     //1.2 or 0.8 in any given step  
   306 /*    if(zoomFactor > 1.2 )  {
   307         zoomFactor = 1.2;
   308     }
   309     if(zoomFactor < 0.7 )   {
   310         zoomFactor = 0.8;
   311     }*/
   313     qDebug("AA::adjustGestureCenter::ZoomFactor (%f)",zoomFactor);
   314     QPointF itemOriginPos = mZoomWidget->sceneTransform().map(QPointF(0,0)); 
   315     QPointF gesCenter = mZoomWidget->sceneTransform().map(gestureCenter); 
   318     //keep smaller image centered irrespective of zoomin or zoom out
   319     //note, only if the image is smaller than window size, else preserve the 
   320     //gesture center. Adjustments need to be done for both height/width
   321     //only one of them will be applicable, unless the image is smaller than
   322     //fullscreen size on both dimensions
   323     if( (mCurrentSize.width() <= mWindowSize.width()))  {
   324        //requires adjustment only in portrait orientation 
   325        if(mWindowSize.width() > mWindowSize.height())
   326            gestureCenter.setX(mWindowSize.width()/2);
   327     }
   328     //handle the case when CurrentSize is grater than window size
   329     //this applies to zoomout flow
   330     else  {
   331         //when the image is positioned beyond the left edge of the window
   332         //clamp the image to left edge
   333         if(itemOriginPos.x() >= 0) {
   334             gestureCenter.setX(itemOriginPos.x());    
   335         }
   336         //same applies when the image needs clamping on right edge
   337         else if(itemOriginPos.x()+ mCurrentSize.width() <= mWindowSize.width()){
   338             gestureCenter.setX(itemOriginPos.x() + mCurrentSize.width());
   339         }
   340         //else no clamping is required, theg esture center can be preserved
   341         //as is for the zoom step
   342    }
   344     //same logic applied for Y axis
   345     if( (mCurrentSize.height() <= mWindowSize.height())  )  {
   346         //requires adjustment only in landscape orientation
   347         if(mWindowSize.width() < mWindowSize.height())
   348                    gestureCenter.setY(mWindowSize.height()/2);
   349     }     
   350     else  {
   351             if(itemOriginPos.y() >= 0) {
   352                gestureCenter.setY(itemOriginPos.y());    
   353             }
   354             else if(itemOriginPos.y()+ mCurrentSize.height() <= mWindowSize.height()){
   355                 gestureCenter.setY(itemOriginPos.y() + mCurrentSize.height());
   356             }
   357         }
   359     //special case for images that are smaller on both sides
   360     //centering of the gesture is important to prevent movement of the image
   361     //while zoom in or out
   362     if( (mCurrentSize.height() <= mWindowSize.height()) && (mCurrentSize.width() <= mWindowSize.width()) ) {
   363         gestureCenter.setX(mWindowSize.width()/2);
   364         gestureCenter.setY(mWindowSize.height()/2);
   365     }
   367     //reduce the ZF so as to show a decelerated effect at max/min levels
   368 /*
   369     if(mCurrentSize.width() > mMaxScaleDecSize.width() && zoomFactor > 1 ) {
   370         zoomFactor = 1.0 + ((zoomFactor-1.0)/6) ;
   371     }
   372         if(mCurrentSize.width() < mMinDecScaleSize.width() && zoomFactor < 1 ) {
   373         zoomFactor = 1.0 - ((1.0-zoomFactor)/6) ;
   374     }
   375 */
   377 }
   379 //get the latest focused image and set it to mZoomItem
   380 void GlxZoomWidget::retreiveFocusedImage()
   381 {
   383     QPixmap targetPixmap(getFocusedImage());
   384     //initialize all the variables wrt the focussed pixmap
   385     mZoomWidget->resetTransform();
   386     mItemSize = targetPixmap.size();
   387     mMaxScaleSize = mItemSize;
   388     mMaxScaleSize.scale(mWindowSize*13, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
   389     mMaxScaleDecSize = mItemSize;
   390     mMaxScaleDecSize.scale(mWindowSize*7, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
   391     mMinScaleSize = mItemSize* 0.7;
   392     mMinDecScaleSize = mItemSize;
   393     QPointF originPos = sceneTransform().map(QPointF(0,0));
   394     mZoomWidget->setGeometry(QRectF(QPointF(mWindowSize.width()/2 - mItemSize.width()/2,mWindowSize.height()/2 - mItemSize.height()/2),mItemSize )); //chk this
   395     mZoomWidget->setPreferredSize(mItemSize);
   396     mZoomItem->setPixmap(targetPixmap);
   397     mCurrentSize = mItemSize;
   398     mStepCurrentSize = mItemSize;
   399     setContentWidget(mZoomWidget);
   400     show();
   401 }
   404 void GlxZoomWidget::dataChanged(QModelIndex startIndex, QModelIndex endIndex)
   405 {
   406     if(mFocusIndex >= startIndex.row() && mFocusIndex <= endIndex.row()) {
   407         //get the latest image from the model
   408         //will replace a decoded image if callback is received after decoded image is received so a fix is required
   409         //retreiveFocusedImage();
   410         if(!mDecodedImageAvailable)  {
   411         QPixmap targetPixmap(getFocusedImage());
   412         mItemSize = targetPixmap.size();
   413         mMaxScaleSize = mItemSize;
   414         mMaxScaleSize.scale(mWindowSize*13, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
   415         mMaxScaleDecSize = mItemSize;
   416         mMaxScaleDecSize.scale(mWindowSize*7, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
   417         mMinScaleSize = mItemSize* 0.7;
   418         mMinDecScaleSize = mItemSize;
   419         mCurrentSize = mItemSize;
   420         mZoomItem->setPixmap(targetPixmap);
   421         finalizeWidgetTransform();
   422         }
   423     }
   424 }
   426 void GlxZoomWidget::modelDestroyed()
   427 {
   428     mModel = NULL ;    
   429 }
   431 void GlxZoomWidget::indexChanged()
   432     {
   433     retreiveFocusedImage();
   434     }
   436 void GlxZoomWidget::decodedImageAvailable()
   437 {
   438     //new bitmap with better resolution is available
   439     //so set it to the item
   440     QPixmap decodedPixmap = mImageDecoder->getPixmap();
   441     disconnect(mImageDecoder, SIGNAL(pixmapDecoded()), this, SLOT(decodedImageAvailable()));
   442     if(decodedPixmap.isNull()){
   443         return;
   444     }
   445     mDecodedImageAvailable = true;
   446     mZoomItem->setPixmap(decodedPixmap);
   447     mItemSize = decodedPixmap.size();
   448     //this is important if not done then old transforms will be applied on the new image
   449     finalizeWidgetTransform();
   450 }
   452 void GlxZoomWidget::sendDecodeRequest(int index)
   453 {
   454     if(!mImageDecodeRequestSend) {
   455         QString imagePath = (mModel->data(mModel->index(index,0),GlxUriRole)).value<QString>();
   456         mImageDecoder->decodeImage(imagePath);
   457         connect(mImageDecoder, SIGNAL(pixmapDecoded()), this, SLOT(decodedImageAvailable()));
   458         mImageDecodeRequestSend = true;
   459     }
   460 }
   463 void GlxZoomWidget::finalizeWidgetTransform()
   464 {
   465     QPointF widgetPos = mZoomWidget->sceneTransform().map(QPointF(0,0)); //Map the origin wrt scene
   466     mZoomWidget->resetTransform();
   467     mZoomWidget->scale(mCurrentSize.width()/mItemSize.width(), mCurrentSize.height()/mItemSize.height());
   468     mZoomWidget->setGeometry(QRectF(widgetPos , mCurrentSize));
   469     // this updates HbScrollArea on the sizeHint of ZoomWidget
   470     mZoomWidget->setPreferredSize(mCurrentSize);
   471     mStepCurrentSize = mCurrentSize;
   472 }
   474 QPixmap GlxZoomWidget::getFocusedImage()
   475 {
   476     mFocusIndex = mModel->data(mModel->index(0,0),GlxFocusIndexRole).value<int>();
   477     QVariant iconVariant = mModel->data(mModel->index(mFocusIndex,0),GlxFsImageRole);
   478     QVariant sizeVariant = mModel->data(mModel->index(mFocusIndex,0),GlxDimensionsRole);
   479     QPixmap targetPixmap;
   480     //retreive pixmap from the HbIcon received from model
   481     //should change the model to return and save pixmaps and convert to HbIcons Instead
   482     if ( iconVariant.isValid() &&  iconVariant.canConvert<HbIcon> () ) {
   483          QIcon itemIcon = iconVariant.value<HbIcon>().qicon();
   484          QSize itemSize = itemIcon.actualSize(mWindowSize);
   485          QSize scaleSize;
   486          if(sizeVariant.isValid() &&  sizeVariant.canConvert<QSize> ()) {
   487              scaleSize = sizeVariant.toSize();
   488              if(!(scaleSize.width() < mWindowSize.width() && scaleSize.height() < mWindowSize.height()))  {
   489                  scaleSize = mWindowSize;
   490              }
   491          }
   492          targetPixmap = itemIcon.pixmap(itemSize).scaled(scaleSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
   493          mItemSize = targetPixmap.size();
   494     }
   495     return targetPixmap;
   497 }
   499 void GlxZoomWidget::setZoomParams()
   500 {
   501     if (mModel)  {
   502         QVariant sizeVariant = mModel->data(mModel->index(mFocusIndex,0),GlxDimensionsRole);
   503         QSize fsSize;
   504         if(sizeVariant.isValid() &&  sizeVariant.canConvert<QSize> ()) {
   505             fsSize = sizeVariant.toSize();
   506             if(!(fsSize.width() < mWindowSize.width() && fsSize.height() < mWindowSize.height()))  {
   507                 fsSize.scale( mWindowSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
   508             }
   509             mMaxScaleSize = fsSize;
   510             mMaxScaleSize.scale(mWindowSize*13, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
   511             mMaxScaleDecSize = fsSize;
   512             mMaxScaleDecSize.scale(mWindowSize*7, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
   513             mMinScaleSize = fsSize* 0.7;
   514             mMinDecScaleSize = fsSize;
   515         }
   516     }
   519 }
   523 void GlxZoomWidget::animateZoomIn(QPointF animRefPoint)
   524 {
   525     if (isFocussedItemCorrupt()){
   526     return;
   527     }
   528     emit pinchGestureReceived(mFocusIndex);
   529     //bring the zoom widget to foreground
   530     mZoomOngoing = true;
   531     setZValue(mMaxZValue);
   532     //show the black background
   533     mBlackBackgroundItem->setParentItem(parentItem());
   534     mBlackBackgroundItem->setZValue(mMaxZValue - 1);
   535     mBlackBackgroundItem->show();
   536     m_AnimRefPoint = animRefPoint;
   537     QSizeF requiredSize = mMinDecScaleSize;
   538     //MAXDTZOOMIN size is set to 3.5 times window size
   539     requiredSize.scale(mWindowSize*MAXDTZOOMIN, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
   540 	m_FinalAnimatedScaleFactor = requiredSize.width()/mMinDecScaleSize.width();
   541 	//initiale variable for double tap animation
   542     mIncSF = 1;
   543     //preserve the size when zoom out was initiated, requried for calculates applicable/req scale factor
   544     //SF has to always greater than 1 for upscaling, hence range for zoomout is [1,m_FinalAnimatedScaleFactor]
   545     msfInc = (m_FinalAnimatedScaleFactor-1)/(NOOFSTEPSZI);
   546     //preserve the size when zoom out was initiated, requried for calculates applicable/req scale factor
   547     minitSize = mCurrentSize;
   548     //set the no. of steps for double tap animation 
   549     mdoubletapSteps = NOOFSTEPSZI;
   550     animateDoubleTap();
   552 }
   553 void GlxZoomWidget::animateZoomOut(QPointF animRefPoint)
   554 {
   555     m_AnimRefPoint = animRefPoint;
   556     //Zoom out to FS (mMinDecScaleSize) from the currentsize
   557     m_FinalAnimatedScaleFactor = mMinDecScaleSize.width()/mCurrentSize.width();
   558     //initiale variable for double tap animation
   559     mIncSF = 1;
   560     //calculate the step increment SF for each step
   561     msfInc = (1 - m_FinalAnimatedScaleFactor)/(NOOFSTEPSZO);
   562     //preserve the size when zoom out was initiated, requried for calculates applicable/req scale factor
   563     minitSize = mCurrentSize;
   564     //set the no. of steps for double tap animation 
   565     //AA:: the no.of steps are kept the same for zoomin/zoomout, however tweaking them can be considered
   566     mdoubletapSteps = NOOFSTEPSZO;
   567     animateDoubleTap();
   568     //AA
   570 }
   573 void GlxZoomWidget::animateDoubleTap()
   574     {
   575     //calculate increamental scale factor based on the step and then calculate the applicable scale factor this step
   576     //increamental SF works on the ImageSize when double tap started, applicable(required) SF calculates the delate SF
   577     if(m_FinalAnimatedScaleFactor > 1) {
   578         //AA::zoomin case
   579         mIncSF += msfInc;
   580         qreal reqSF = (minitSize.width()*(mIncSF))/mCurrentSize.width();
   581         zoomImage(reqSF, m_AnimRefPoint);
   582         }
   583     if(m_FinalAnimatedScaleFactor < 1) {
   584         //AA::zoomout case
   585         mIncSF -= msfInc;
   586         qreal reqSF = (minitSize.width()* mIncSF)/mCurrentSize.width();
   587         zoomImage(reqSF, m_AnimRefPoint);
   588         }   
   589     //check if all steps are done,if not emit signal to continue the animation
   590     if(mdoubletapSteps > 1 ){
   591         mdoubletapSteps -= 1;
   592         emit stepZoom();    
   593         }
   594     else {
   595         //animation is complete, finalize the widget transform using setgeometry
   596         //reset the counter
   597         mdoubletapSteps = 0;
   598         animationTimeLineFinished();
   599         }
   601     }
   602 void GlxZoomWidget::animationTimeLineFinished()
   603 {
   604 	finalizeWidgetTransform();
   605 //push the Zoom widget to background when zoomed image size nears FS image
   606            if(mStepCurrentSize.width() <= mMinDecScaleSize.width()*1.3)  {
   607                mBlackBackgroundItem->hide();
   608                //push the widget back to background
   609                setZValue(mMinZValue);
   610                mZoomOngoing = false;
   611                emit zoomWidgetMovedBackground(mFocusIndex);
   612                //do not reset the transform here as it will then zoom-in the widget to decoded image size
   613            }
   614 }
   617 void GlxZoomWidget::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
   618 {
   619     if(mTimerId == event->timerId())
   620     {
   621         killTimer(mTimerId);
   622         mTimerId = 0;
   623     }
   624     else {
   625         HbScrollArea::timerEvent( event );
   626     }
   627 }
   629 bool GlxZoomWidget::isFocussedItemCorrupt()
   630 {
   631     QVariant variant = mModel->data( mModel->index( mFocusIndex, 0 ), GlxImageCorruptRole );
   632     if ( variant.isValid() && variant.canConvert< bool> () ) {
   633         return variant.value< bool > () ;
   634     }
   635     return false ;    
   636 }