changeset 0 4e91876724a2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/photosgallery/viewframework/commandhandlers/commandhandlerupnp/src/glxupnprendererimpl.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:45:44 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    Implements rendering of the Image/Video
+#include "glxupnprendererimpl.h"
+#include <glxattributecontext.h>         // CGlxAttributeContext
+#include <glxattributeretriever.h>  	 // CGlxAttributeRetriever
+#include <glxuiutility.h>				 // CGlxUiUtility
+#include <glxtracer.h>                      
+#include <glxlog.h>                      // GLX_LOG 
+#include <glxmedialist.h>                // CGlxMediaList
+#include <glxthumbnailattributeinfo.h>   // KGlxMediaIdThumbnail
+#include <glxthumbnailcontext.h>         // CGlxThumbnailContext
+#include <glxuistd.h>                    // Fetch context priority def'ns
+#include <glxerrormanager.h>             // GlxErrorManager
+#include <glxmedia.h>                    // TGlxMedia
+#include "glxupnprenderer.h"    
+const TInt KVideoIconThumbnailWidth = 640;
+const TInt KVideoIconThumbnailHeight = 480;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CGlxUpnpRendererImpl* CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::NewL()
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::NewL()");  
+    CGlxUpnpRendererImpl* self = new(ELeave) CGlxUpnpRendererImpl;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+//	Defalut Constructor
+    {    
+    //Do Nothing
+    }
+//	2nd phase Constructor
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::ConstructL()
+    {    
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::ConstructL()");        
+    // Create the asynchronous callback for focus changes
+    iHandleFocusChangeCallback = new ( ELeave )
+        CAsyncCallBack( TCallBack( DoFocusChanged, this ),
+                CActive::EPriorityStandard );
+    //Create the showcommand to query the upnpframework 
+    iUpnpShowCommand = CUpnpShowCommand::NewL(this);   
+    if(iUpnpShowCommand)
+	    {
+	    iUpnpSupported = ETrue;	    
+	    }
+    //Allocate the UPNP resources to show the Image/Video	    
+	if(iUpnpSupported)
+		{
+	    iUpnpShowCommand->StartShowingL();	
+	    }    	
+    iUpnpErrorStatus = NGlxUpnpRenderer::EUpnpKErrNone;    
+    PrepareMediaListL(); 
+    }
+//	Destructor
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::~CGlxUpnpRendererImpl()");    
+    // delete also cancels the callback
+    delete iHandleFocusChangeCallback;
+    if ( iActiveMediaList )                             //cleanup the current list 
+        {
+        iActiveMediaList->RemoveMediaListObserver(this);
+        iActiveMediaList->RemoveContext( iAttributeContext );	
+        iActiveMediaList->RemoveContext( iThumbnailContext );	        
+        }        
+    if (iActiveMediaListResolver)
+        {
+        iActiveMediaListResolver->Close( this );
+        }        
+    delete iAttributeContext;    
+    delete iThumbnailContext;   
+    delete iThumbnailSaver; 
+    if( iUpnpShowCommand ) 
+        {
+        //To check if we can delete the showcommand without StopShowing
+        TRAP_IGNORE(iUpnpShowCommand->StopShowingL ( ) );       
+        delete iUpnpShowCommand;      
+        }
+    }	
+// If the access point is defined
+TBool CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::IsSupported()
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::IsSupported()");    
+    TInt isSupported = EFalse;
+    //need to trap as we cannot leave
+    TRAP_IGNORE( isSupported = CUpnpShowCommand::IsAvailableL ( ) );
+    return isSupported;
+    }
+// Error Status when Show Image/Video
+NGlxUpnpRenderer::TErrorStatus CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::UpnpErrorStatus()
+	{
+	TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::UpnpErrorStatus()");
+	//The UPnP Show Image/Video error status after the Show request to UPnP Framework
+	return iUpnpErrorStatus;		
+	}
+// Show the Video after a user action
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::UpnpShowVideoL()
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::UpnpShowVideoL");
+    User::LeaveIfError( GlxAttributeRetriever::RetrieveL ( *iAttributeContext,*iActiveMediaList ) );
+    if(iUpnpSupported)
+	    {
+    	const TDesC& videoUri = iActiveMediaList->Item( iActiveMediaList->FocusIndex() ).Uri();
+    	iUpnpShowCommand->ShowVideoL( videoUri );
+	    }
+    iIsVideoShow = ETrue;  
+    //Hiding the HUI display,so that the UPnPFw will take the
+    //view control and update the view for a video
+    CGlxUiUtility::HideAlfDisplayL();
+    }
+//	Preare the media list
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::PrepareMediaListL()
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::PrepareMediaListL");
+    if ( !iActiveMediaListResolver ) //get the singleton instance for the resolver	
+        {
+        iActiveMediaListResolver= MGlxActiveMediaListResolver::InstanceL( this );
+        }
+    iActiveMediaList= iActiveMediaListResolver->ActiveMediaList();   //get the currently active medialist
+    if ( iActiveMediaList )
+        {
+        CreateContextL();
+        iActiveMediaList->AddContextL( iAttributeContext, 
+                                            KGlxFetchContextPriorityNormal );
+        iActiveMediaList->AddContextL( iThumbnailContext, 
+                                            KGlxFetchContextPriorityNormal );
+        iActiveMediaList->AddMediaListObserverL(this);
+        }
+    }
+// Create the context for the medialist
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::CreateContextL()
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::CreateContextL");
+    iAttributeContext = CGlxDefaultAttributeContext::NewL( );
+    iAttributeContext->AddAttributeL( KMPXMediaGeneralUri );
+    iThumbnailContext = CGlxDefaultThumbnailContext::NewL( );          // set the thumbnail context
+    iThumbnailContext->SetDefaultSpec( KVideoIconThumbnailWidth, KVideoIconThumbnailHeight );  // 640 pixels wide and 480 pixel height-VGA.
+    }
+//	media object item added	     
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemAddedL(TInt /*aStartIndex*/, TInt /*aEndIndex*/,MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemAddedL");	
+    }
+//	media object is now available for an item 
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleMediaL(TInt /*aListIndex*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemAddedL");	
+    }
+//	media item was removed from the list
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemRemovedL(TInt /*aStartIndex*/, TInt /*aEndIndex*/,MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemAddedL");	
+    }
+//	Media item was changed
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemModifiedL(const RArray<TInt>& /*aItemIndexes*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/) 
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemAddedL");	
+    }
+//	Attribute is available	     
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleAttributesAvailableL(TInt aItemIndex,const RArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttributes,
+                                                MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleAttributesAvailableL");	
+    if ( aItemIndex == iActiveMediaList->FocusIndex() )
+        {
+        SendFocusedItemL(aItemIndex,aAttributes);   
+        }
+    }
+//	 Focus has moved
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleFocusChangedL(
+    NGlxListDefs::TFocusChangeType /*aType*/, TInt /*aNewIndex*/,
+        TInt /*aOldIndex*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleFocusChangedL");
+    // fix for ERBS-7CFCJE, make focus change handling asynchronous to prevent 
+    // UPnP from blocking our garbage collection if the UPnP framework
+    // displays a dialog (e.g. when showing a DRM-protected item).
+    if ( iHandleFocusChangeCallback->IsActive() )
+        {
+        iHandleFocusChangeCallback->Cancel();
+        }
+    iHandleFocusChangeCallback->CallBack();
+    } 
+//  Item has been selected
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemSelectedL(TInt /*aIndex*/, TBool /*aSelected*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemAddedL");	
+    }
+//	Notification from the collection
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleMessageL(const CMPXMessage& /*aMessage*/, MGlxMediaList* /*aList*/)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleItemAddedL");	
+    }
+//From MGlxActiveMediaListChangeObserver	
+//	Active media list pointer has changed.
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleActiveMediaListChanged()
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleActiveMediaListChanged()");
+    if ( iActiveMediaList )                             //cleanup the current list 
+        {
+        iActiveMediaList->RemoveMediaListObserver( this );
+        iActiveMediaList->RemoveContext( iAttributeContext );
+        iActiveMediaList->RemoveContext( iThumbnailContext );	        
+        }    
+    TRAP_IGNORE(PrepareMediaListL());  // will give a new list 	
+    }
+//From MUpnpCommandObserver	
+// Show Command has been completed.
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::CommandComplete( TInt aStatusCode ) 
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::CommandComplete");  
+    TRAP_IGNORE( CommandCompleteL(aStatusCode) );
+    }
+// Show Command has been completed.
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::CommandCompleteL( TInt aStatusCode )   
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::CommandCompleteL");   
+    if( KErrNone == aStatusCode )
+        {
+        GLX_LOG_INFO("Error code is KErrNone");        
+        iUpnpErrorStatus = NGlxUpnpRenderer::EUpnpKErrNone;        
+        }
+    else if( KErrDisconnected == aStatusCode )   
+        {
+        GLX_LOG_INFO("Error code is KErrDisconnected");
+        iUpnpErrorStatus = NGlxUpnpRenderer::EUpnpKErrDisconnected;  
+        iIsVideoShow = EFalse; 
+        //Show the HUI display   
+        CGlxUiUtility::ShowAlfDisplayL();
+        // Send state changed command
+        GlxUpnpRenderer::ChangeCommandStateL(); 
+        } 
+	 if(iUpnpSupported)
+		 {
+		 if( KUpnpCommandStatusStartPlayVideo  == aStatusCode )
+	        {
+	        GLX_LOG_INFO("KUpnpCommandStatusStartPlayVideo");
+	        // Photos hiding their UI
+	        CGlxUiUtility::HideAlfDisplayL();
+	        }	
+		 }
+    //Check if the show on the rendering device was a video	        
+    else if( ( iIsVideoShow ) && ( GlxUpnpRenderer::Status() == NGlxUpnpRenderer::EActive ) )
+        {
+        GLX_LOG_INFO("Video play is complete");        
+        //Need to trap as we cannot leave
+        ShowImageAfterVideoL();
+        }             
+    }
+// Display the Image after the Video play is Complete
+  void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::ShowImageAfterVideoL()
+  	{
+  	TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::ShowVideoComplete");
+  	//Show the HUI display once the video play is completed    
+    CGlxUiUtility::ShowAlfDisplayL();
+    if(iUpnpSupported)
+	     {
+	     iUpnpShowCommand->ShowImageL( iVideoThumbnail );        	
+	     }
+    iIsVideoShow = EFalse;  	
+    }
+//From MGlxThumbnailSaveComplete	
+// Call back for thumbnail save completion
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleFileSaveCompleteL(const TDesC& aPath)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::HandleFileSaveCompleteL");
+    iVideoThumbnail.Copy( aPath );
+    if(iUpnpSupported)
+	    {
+	    iUpnpShowCommand->ShowImageL( iVideoThumbnail );	
+	    }    
+    }
+// Send the focussed item to the device
+void  CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::SendFocusedItemL(TInt aNewIndex)	
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::SendFocusedItemL");
+    if(KErrNotFound!=aNewIndex)
+        {
+        const TGlxMedia& item = iActiveMediaList->Item(aNewIndex);       
+        TMPXAttribute attrThumb(KGlxMediaIdThumbnail, 
+        GlxFullThumbnailAttributeId(ETrue, KVideoIconThumbnailWidth, KVideoIconThumbnailHeight));
+        if ( (iActiveMediaList) && (!item.IsStatic()) )
+            {
+            if( item.Uri().Length() > 0)
+                {
+                GetImageL(item);
+                GetVideoL(item,attrThumb);
+                }                
+            }            
+        }
+    }
+// Send the focussed item to the device
+void  CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::SendFocusedItemL(TInt aNewIndex,const RArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttributes)	
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::SendFocusedItemL");
+    if( KErrNotFound != aNewIndex )
+        {
+        const TGlxMedia& item = iActiveMediaList->Item(aNewIndex);
+        TMPXAttribute attrThumb(KGlxMediaIdThumbnail, 
+        GlxFullThumbnailAttributeId(ETrue, KVideoIconThumbnailWidth, KVideoIconThumbnailHeight));
+        // Loop untill it checks for all the avialable attributes
+        for ( TInt i = aAttributes.Count() - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
+            {
+            if ( (iActiveMediaList) && (!item.IsStatic()) )
+                {
+                if( item.Uri().Length() > 0)               
+                    {
+                    //retrive the attribute for showing image                       
+                    if( EMPXImage == item.Category())
+                        {                    
+                        GetImageL(item);
+                        }
+                    //retrive the attribute for showing Video                    
+                    else if ( EMPXVideo == item.Category() )
+                        {                  
+                        GetVideoL(item,attrThumb);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// Get the image attribute
+void  CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::GetImageL(const TGlxMedia& aMedia)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::GetImageL");
+    //retrive the attribute for showing image 
+    const CGlxMedia* item = aMedia.Properties();
+    if(EMPXImage == aMedia.Category())
+    {
+    if (!iThumbnailSaver)
+        {
+        iThumbnailSaver=CGlxThumbnailSaver::NewL( this );
+        }
+    if((GlxErrorManager::HasAttributeErrorL(item, KGlxMediaIdThumbnail) != KErrNone))
+   		{
+     	iThumbnailSaver->CreateDefaultImageIconL();
+    	}
+    if  ((iPreviouslySentMediaId != aMedia.Id( ) ) )
+        {
+        iPreviouslySentMediaId=aMedia.Id();        
+        //show the image Via upnp device
+        if(iUpnpSupported)
+	        {
+	        const TDesC& imageUri = aMedia.Uri();
+	        iUpnpShowCommand->ShowImageL( imageUri );
+	        }        
+        }
+    }
+    }
+// Get the video attribute
+void  CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::GetVideoL(const TGlxMedia& aMedia,TMPXAttribute& aAttrThumbnail)
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::GetVideoL");
+    const CGlxMedia* item = aMedia.Properties();
+    if(EMPXVideo == aMedia.Category())
+    { 
+    if (!iThumbnailSaver)
+        {
+        iThumbnailSaver=CGlxThumbnailSaver::NewL( this );
+        }
+    if ( ( aMedia.ThumbnailAttribute( aAttrThumbnail ) ) 
+        &&  ( iPreviouslySentMediaId!=aMedia.Id( )) )
+        { 
+        iPreviouslySentMediaId=aMedia.Id();
+        //get the thumbnail image
+        const CGlxThumbnailAttribute* value = aMedia.ThumbnailAttribute( aAttrThumbnail );
+        iThumbnailSaver->CreateVideoIconL( value->iBitmap );
+        }
+        else if ((GlxErrorManager::HasAttributeErrorL(item, KGlxMediaIdThumbnail) != KErrNone))
+        {
+          // send the default thumbnail
+          iThumbnailSaver->CreateDefaultVideoIconL();
+        }
+    }
+    }
+// DoFocusChanged callback
+TInt CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::DoFocusChanged( TAny* aPtr )
+    {
+    TRACER("CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::DoFocusChanged");
+    CGlxUpnpRendererImpl* self
+                    = reinterpret_cast< CGlxUpnpRendererImpl* >( aPtr );
+    TRAP_IGNORE( self->DoFocusChangedL() );
+    return 0;
+    }
+// DoFocusChangedL
+void CGlxUpnpRendererImpl::DoFocusChangedL()
+    {
+    // SendFocusedItemL validates the index so no need to do it here too
+    TInt index = iActiveMediaList->FocusIndex();
+    SendFocusedItemL( index );
+    }