changeset 60 5b3385a43d68
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/photosgallery/viewframework/views/zoomview/inc/glxzoomcontrol.h	Wed Sep 01 12:33:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    Definition of CGlxZoomControl
+ *
+#include <w32std.h>            // For TEventCode
+#include <alf/alfcontrol.h>
+#include <alf/ialfwidgeteventhandler.h>
+#include <gestureobserver.h>
+#include <gesturehelper.h>
+#include <mglxtextureobserver.h>
+#include <mglxmedialist.h>
+#include <mglxzoomeventhandlers.h>
+#include <glxfullscreenview.hrh>
+#include <glxzoomeventhandler.h>
+#include <mglxtvobserver.h>     // for inteface MGlxTvObserver
+#include "glxrequestfreegoom.h"
+//Gesture Helper namespace
+namespace GestureHelper
+    {
+    class CGestureHelper;
+    }
+namespace Alf
+    {
+    class IAlfViewWidget;
+    class IMulSliderWidget;
+    class IMulSliderModel;
+    class IAlfWidgetEventHandler;
+    }
+class CGlxDefaultAttributeContext;
+class CGlxUiUtility;
+class MGlxUiCommandHandler;
+class CAlfImageVisual;
+class CAlfViewportLayout;
+class TAlfImage;
+class CEikButtonGroupContainer;
+class CGlxTextureManager;
+class CGestureHelper;
+class MGestureObserver;
+class CGlxTv;
+using namespace Alf;
+// Commands sent to the view in response to zoom keys
+const TInt KGlxZoomInCommand    = 1 ;
+const TInt KGlxZoomOutCommand   = 2 ;
+const TInt KGlxZoomOrientationChange   =3;
+const TInt KGlxVerticalImageOrientationThreshold   = 4 ;
+ * Control for zooming in the FullScreen view.
+ * @ingroup glx_view_zoomed_view
+ */
+class CGlxZoomControl : public CAlfControl,
+                        public IAlfWidgetEventHandler,
+                        public MGlxTextureObserver,
+                        public MGlxZoomEventHandlers,
+                        public GestureHelper::MGestureObserver,
+                        public MGlxTvObserver,
+                        public MGoomNotifierObserver
+    {
+    // Constructors and destructor
+    /**
+    * Two-phased constructor.
+    * @param aCommandHandler: Handler for commands.
+    * @param aMediaList     : Reference to media list.
+    * @param aZoomKeys      : Reference to Back Key.
+    * @param aSliderWidget  : Reference to  slider widget created in fullscreen view.
+    */
+    IMPORT_C static CGlxZoomControl* NewL(
+    MGlxUiCommandHandler& aCommandHandler,
+    MGlxMediaList& aMediaList,CEikButtonGroupContainer& aZoomKeys,
+    IMulSliderWidget& aSliderWidget, GestureHelper::CGestureHelper* aGestureHelper);
+    /**
+    * Destructor.
+    */
+    ~CGlxZoomControl();
+    /**
+    * Show the control and begin zooming in.
+    * @param aIntialZoomLevel:The Initial Zoom Level shown when zoom is active from full screen view.
+    * @param aTap            :if the zoom was launched by tapping or by pressing volume key.
+    * @param aViewingMode	 :if the image is opened from imgviewer or not
+	*/
+    IMPORT_C void ActivateL(TInt aIntialZoomRatio,TZoomStartMode aStartMode,TInt aFocusIndex, 
+                                    TGlxMedia& aItem,  TPoint* aZoomFocus = NULL
+                                    ,TBool aViewingMode = EFalse);
+    /**
+    * Hide the control and disable zooming.
+    */
+    IMPORT_C void Deactivate();
+    /**
+    * to check if the zoom  control is activated?
+    */
+    IMPORT_C TBool Activated();
+    /**
+    * Zoom Foreground event handling function
+    * @param aForeground: value signify if it is in foreground or not.
+    */
+    IMPORT_C void HandleZoomForegroundEvent(TBool aForeground);
+    void UpdateViewPort(
+            TPoint& aViewPortTopLeft ,
+            TInt aTransitionTime ,
+            TSize  *apViewPortDimension = NULL,
+            TInt aPrimarySliderLevel = -1);
+    /**
+    * Retrieve the UI State of the Zoom view 
+    */
+    IMPORT_C TUiState ZoomUiState();
+private:// From MGlxTvObserver
+    virtual void HandleTvStatusChangedL ( TTvChangeType aChangeType );
+private:  // From CAlfControl
+    TBool OfferEventL(const TAlfEvent &aEvent);
+    void VisualLayoutUpdated(CAlfVisual &aVisual);
+private:  //From IAlfWidgetEventHandler
+    AlfEventStatus offerEvent( CAlfWidgetControl& /*aControl*/, const TAlfEvent& aEvent );
+    bool accept( CAlfWidgetControl& aControl, const TAlfEvent& aEvent ) const;
+    void setEventHandlerData( const AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData& aData );
+    AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData* eventHandlerData();
+    void setActiveStates( unsigned int aStates );
+    IAlfInterfaceBase* makeInterface( const IfId& aType );
+    AlfEventHandlerType eventHandlerType() ;
+    AlfEventHandlerExecutionPhase eventExecutionPhase() ;
+private: // From MGlxTextureObserver
+    void TextureContentChangedL( TBool aHasContent , CAlfTexture* aNewTexture);
+private: // From MGlxZoomEventHandlers
+    void HandleViewPortParametersChanged(TPoint& aViewPortTopLeft ,
+            TInt aTransitionTime ,
+            TSize  *apViewPortDimension = NULL,
+            TInt aPrimarySliderLevel = -1);
+    void HandleShowUi(TBool aShow= EFalse) ;
+    void HandleZoomOutL(TInt aCommandId);    
+        /*
+        * Call back function for the CPeriodic
+        */
+       static TInt TimeOut(TAny* aSelf);
+       void ActivateFullscreen();
+       void StartZoomAnimation(TZoomStartMode aStartMode);
+    /**
+    * C++ default constructor.
+    */
+    CGlxZoomControl(MGlxUiCommandHandler& aCommandHandler,
+            MGlxMediaList& aMediaList,CEikButtonGroupContainer& aZoomKeys,
+            IMulSliderWidget& aSliderWidget, GestureHelper::CGestureHelper* aGestureHelper);
+    /**
+    * Does the necessary Initialization of iUiUtility,control group and the Media list.
+    */
+    void ConstructL();
+    /**
+    * Creation of zoomvisual:creates the zoom visual and sets the Black Background behind the image
+    * and also sets the ViewPort Layout.
+    */
+    void CreateZoomVisualL();
+    /**
+    * Turn the UI/Screen Furniture[Back Key/Slider] on
+    */
+    void ShowUi(TBool aShow);
+    /**
+    * Cleanup function resets all the memeber variable on deactivating the ZoomControl
+    */
+    void CleanUpVisual();
+    /*
+    * Get Orientation of the file ,
+    * This code is DUPLICATE and second copy implemented in bitmapdecoder,
+    * Got to plan for removing this duplicacy
+    */
+    TUint16 GetOrientationL(const TDesC& aFileName) ;
+    /*
+    * This Function Shows/Hides the zoom
+    * by setting the level of Opacity
+    */
+    void ShowZoom(TBool aShow);
+    /*
+    * Retrieves the Screensize with the help of Alf utility
+    */
+    TSize ScreenSize();
+    void HandleGestureL( const GestureHelper::MGestureEvent& aEvent );
+    TBool HandlePointerEventsL(const TAlfEvent &aEvent);
+    TReal32 GetInitialZoomLevel(TSize& aSize );
+    /*
+    * Does the zoom out on pinch released event
+    */
+    void HandleHDMIGestureReleased();
+    /*
+     * @ Notification from MGoomNotifierObserver
+     */
+    void HandleGoomMemoryReleased(TInt aStatus);
+private:    // Data
+    CAlfEnv* iEnv;                                      // AlfEnv
+    MGlxMediaList& iMediaList;                          // Medialist (not owned)
+    GestureHelper::CGestureHelper* iGestureHelper;                     // Attribute context for image dimensions
+    IMulSliderModel* iZoomSliderModel;                  // Zoom slider model
+    IMulSliderWidget& iZoomSliderWidget;                // Zoom slider Widget
+    CEikButtonGroupContainer* iZoomBackKey;             // Back zoom soft key(not owned)
+    CGlxDefaultAttributeContext* iAttributeContext;     // Attribute context for image dimensions
+    CAlfDisplay* iDisplay;                              // Alf Display
+    CGlxUiUtility* iUiUtility;                          // UI utility
+    CGlxTextureManager* iTextureMgr;                    // TextureManager
+    CAlfControlGroup* iControlGroup;                    // Control group for the Zoom control
+    CAlfViewportLayout* iViewPort;                      // Parent Layout for Zooming/Panning
+    CAlfImageVisual* iImageVisual;                      // Child visual for normal image items (not owned)
+    CAlfTexture* iImageTexture;                         // Texture to be zoomed
+    TBool iIsdrag;                                      // To determine if drag occured to evaluate the single tap
+    TBool iZoomActive;                                  // This variable is updated when Zoom is activated.
+    TSize iOriginalDimensions;
+    MGlxUiCommandHandler& iCommandHandler;              // For Handling ZoomOut commands
+    CGlxZoomPanEventHandler* iEventHandler;             // The event handler for the Zoom Pan Engine
+    TSize iScreenSize;
+    TBool iMultiTouchGestureOngoing;
+    CGlxTv*  iGlxTvOut;
+    CPeriodic* iTimer;
+    TBool iZoomIn;
+    CGlxRelaseGPUMemory* iGPUMemMonitor;
+    };
+// End of File