changeset 23 74c9f037fd5d
child 24 99ad1390cd33
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ui/uiengine/model/mediamodel/src/glxmediamodel.cpp	Fri Mar 19 09:28:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   ?Description
+#include <glxmediamodel.h>
+#include <hbicon.h>
+#include <glxmodelparm.h>
+#include <QCache>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include <hal_data.h>
+#include <glxfiltergeneraldefs.h>
+#include <glxperformancemacro.h>
+GlxMediaModel::GlxMediaModel(GlxModelParm & modelParm)
+	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::GlxMediaModel");
+	mMLWrapper = new GlxMLWrapper(modelParm.collection(),0,EGlxFilterImage);
+	mMLWrapper->setContextMode(GlxContextGrid);
+	mContextMode = GlxContextGrid;
+	int err = connect(mMLWrapper, SIGNAL(updateItem(int, GlxTBContextType)), this, SLOT(itemUpdated1(int, GlxTBContextType)));
+	qDebug("updateItem() connection status %d", err);
+	err = connect(mMLWrapper, SIGNAL(itemCorrupted(int)), this, SLOT(itemCorrupted(int)));
+	qDebug("itemCorrupted() connection status %d", err);
+	err = connect(mMLWrapper, SIGNAL(insertItems(int, int)), this, SLOT(itemsAdded(int, int)));
+	qDebug("updateItem() connection status %d", err);
+	err = connect(mMLWrapper, SIGNAL(removeItems(int, int)), this, SLOT(itemsRemoved(int, int)));
+	qDebug("updateItem() connection status %d", err);
+	err = connect(this, SIGNAL(iconAvailable(int, HbIcon*, GlxTBContextType)), this, SLOT(updateItemIcon(int, HbIcon*, GlxTBContextType)));
+	qDebug("iconAvailable() connection status %d", err);
+	//itemadded.resize(mMLWrapper->getItemCount());
+	itemIconCache.setMaxCost(50);
+	itemFsIconCache.setMaxCost(5);
+	itemExternalIconCache.setMaxCost(0);
+	//todo get this Default icon from some generic path and not directly.
+	m_DefaultIcon = new HbIcon(":/data/All_default.png");
+	mExternalItems = NULL;
+	externalDataCount = 0;
+	mFocusIndex = -1;
+    //itemadded.clear();
+	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::~GlxMediaModel");
+	int freeMemory = 0;
+	int err1 = HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, freeMemory );
+	qDebug("####mediaModel : Memory available before cache cleanup  = %d and error is = %d ", freeMemory , err1 );
+	itemIconCache.clear();
+	itemFsIconCache.clear();
+	delete m_DefaultIcon;
+	m_DefaultIcon = NULL;
+	clearExternalItems();
+	err1 = HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, freeMemory );
+	qDebug("####mediaModel : Memory available after cache cleanup  = %d and error is = %d ", freeMemory , err1 );
+    int err = disconnect(mMLWrapper, SIGNAL(updateIcon(int, HbIcon*)), this, SLOT(itemUpdated1(int, HbIcon*)));
+	err = disconnect(mMLWrapper, SIGNAL(itemCorrupted(int)), this, SLOT(itemCorrupted(int)));
+	err = disconnect(mMLWrapper, SIGNAL(insertItems(int, int)), this, SLOT(itemsAdded(int, int)));
+	err = disconnect(mMLWrapper, SIGNAL(removeItems(int, int)), this, SLOT(itemsRemoved(int, int)));
+	err = disconnect(this, SIGNAL(iconAvailable(int, HbIcon*, GlxTBContextType)), this, SLOT(updateItemIcon(int, HbIcon*, GlxTBContextType)));
+    delete mMLWrapper;
+void GlxMediaModel::setContextMode(GlxContextMode contextMode)
+	if(mContextMode != contextMode)	{
+		itemFsIconCache.clear();
+		mMLWrapper->setContextMode(contextMode);
+		mContextMode = contextMode;
+	}
+//to add external data to the model
+void GlxMediaModel::addExternalItems(GlxExternalData* externalItems)
+	externalDataCount = externalItems->count();
+	beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, externalDataCount);
+	mExternalItems = externalItems;
+	itemExternalIconCache.setMaxCost(15);
+	endInsertRows();
+	setFocusIndex(index(0,0));
+*for removing all external image data from the model. 
+void GlxMediaModel::clearExternalItems()
+	beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, externalDataCount);
+	if(mExternalItems) {
+		delete mExternalItems;
+		mExternalItems = NULL;
+		externalDataCount = 0;
+	}
+	itemExternalIconCache.clear();
+	endRemoveRows();
+int GlxMediaModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent ) const
+	Q_UNUSED(parent);
+	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::rowCount %d", mMLWrapper->getItemCount());
+    return (mMLWrapper->getItemCount() + externalDataCount);
+int GlxMediaModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent ) const
+    Q_UNUSED(parent);
+    return 1;
+QModelIndex GlxMediaModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
+    Q_UNUSED(child);
+    //returns always invalid model index
+    return QModelIndex();
+//todo refactor this whole function ... too many return statements are not good
+QVariant GlxMediaModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+    HbIcon* itemIcon = NULL;
+    int itemIndex = index.row();
+    qDebug("GlxMediaModel::data buffer concept index %d role %d", index.row(), role);
+    if ((!index.isValid()) || (index.row() > rowCount()-1)) {
+         return QVariant();
+    }
+//external data are always placed at the beginning of the Media List
+//Check if the index can be mapped to the external data
+//if not then map the index to Ml Index
+    if(itemIndex < externalDataCount) {
+        if(role == Qt::DecorationRole || role == GlxFsImageRole){
+            return *(GetExternalIconItem(itemIndex,GlxTBContextExternal));
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        itemIndex -=  externalDataCount;
+    }
+//retrieve Data from Media List		
+    if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) {
+        // char temp[100];
+        // sprintf(temp, "Thumbnail %d requiest time ", index.row());
+        // WRITE_TIMESTAMP(temp)
+        // sprintf(temp, "Response time of Thumbnail Request %d", index.row());
+        // PERFORMANCE_ADV( d1, temp) {
+        itemIcon = GetGridIconItem(itemIndex,GlxTBContextGrid);
+        if(itemIcon == NULL || itemIcon->isNull() ){
+            itemIcon = m_DefaultIcon;
+        // }
+        }
+        return *itemIcon;
+    }
+    if (role == GlxFsImageRole){
+        if(mContextMode == GlxContextLsFs){
+            itemIcon = GetFsIconItem(itemIndex,GlxTBContextLsFs);
+        }
+        else if (mContextMode == GlxContextPtFs){
+            itemIcon = GetFsIconItem(itemIndex,GlxTBContextPtFs);
+        }
+        if ( itemIcon == NULL) {
+            //itemIcon = GetGridIconItem(itemIndex,GlxTBContextGrid);    
+            HbIcon* tempIcon = GetGridIconItem( itemIndex, GlxTBContextGrid );
+            if (tempIcon && !tempIcon->isNull()) {
+                qDebug("GlxMediaModel::scaling thumbnail");
+                QPixmap tempPixmap = tempIcon->qicon().pixmap(128, 128);
+                QSize sz = ( mContextMode == GlxContextLsFs ) ? QSize ( 640, 360) : QSize ( 360, 640 );
+                tempPixmap = tempPixmap.scaled(sz, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
+                HbIcon tmp = HbIcon( QIcon(tempPixmap)) ;
+				if(!tmp.isNull()){
+					return tmp;
+				}
+            }
+        }
+        if ( itemIcon == NULL || itemIcon->isNull() ) {
+            itemIcon = m_DefaultIcon;
+        }
+        return *itemIcon;
+    }
+    QModelIndex idx;
+    if ( GlxFocusIndexRole == role ) {
+        idx = getFocusIndex();
+        return idx.row();
+    }
+    if(role == GlxUriRole) {
+        return (mMLWrapper->retrieveItemUri(itemIndex));
+    }
+    if(role == GlxDimensionsRole) {
+        return (mMLWrapper->retrieveItemDimension(itemIndex));
+    }
+    if(role == GlxDateRole ) {
+    	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::data GlxDateRole ");
+    	return (mMLWrapper->retrieveItemDate(itemIndex));
+    }
+    if (role == GlxFrameCount) {
+    qDebug("GlxMediaModel:: GlxFrameCount ");
+    return (mMLWrapper->retrieveItemFrameCount(itemIndex));
+    }
+    return QVariant();
+HbIcon* GlxMediaModel::GetGridIconItem(int itemIndex, GlxTBContextType tbContextType) const
+	HbIcon* itemIcon = itemIconCache[itemIndex];  //Initialize icon from the Cache will be NULL if Item not present
+	if (!itemIcon)
+	{
+		itemIcon =  mMLWrapper->retrieveItemIcon(itemIndex, tbContextType);
+		if(itemIcon){
+            emit iconAvailable(itemIndex,itemIcon, GlxTBContextGrid);
+		}
+		itemIcon = itemIconCache[itemIndex];
+	}
+	return itemIcon;
+HbIcon* GlxMediaModel::GetFsIconItem(int itemIndex, GlxTBContextType tbContextType) const
+	HbIcon* itemIcon = itemFsIconCache[itemIndex];  //Initialize icon from the Cache will be NULL if Item not present
+	if (!itemIcon) {
+		itemIcon =  mMLWrapper->retrieveItemIcon(itemIndex, tbContextType);
+		if(itemIcon){
+            emit iconAvailable(itemIndex,itemIcon, tbContextType);
+		}
+		itemIcon = itemFsIconCache[itemIndex];
+		/*if(!itemIcon){
+		itemIcon = GetGridIconItem(itemIndex, GlxTBContextGrid);
+		}*/
+	}
+	return itemIcon;
+HbIcon* GlxMediaModel::GetExternalIconItem(int itemIndex,GlxTBContextType tbContextType) const
+	//todo add asserts here as the cache and the array is not preinitialized
+	HbIcon* itemIcon = itemExternalIconCache[itemIndex];  //Initialize icon from the Cache will be NULL if Item not present
+	if (!itemIcon) {
+		QPixmap* itemPixmap = mExternalItems->at(itemIndex).image;
+		itemIcon = new HbIcon(QIcon(*itemPixmap));
+		emit iconAvailable(itemIndex,itemIcon, tbContextType);
+	}
+	return itemIcon;
+void GlxMediaModel::itemUpdated1(int mlIndex,GlxTBContextType tbContextType  )
+	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::itemUpdated %d", mlIndex);
+	//clear the grid and FS cache if they have any icons with them for that index
+	if(tbContextType == GlxTBContextGrid) {
+		itemIconCache.remove(mlIndex);
+	}
+	if(tbContextType == GlxTBContextLsFs || tbContextType == GlxTBContextPtFs) {
+		itemFsIconCache.remove(mlIndex);
+	}
+	emit dataChanged(index(mlIndex+externalDataCount,0),index(mlIndex+externalDataCount,0));
+void GlxMediaModel::itemCorrupted(int itemIndex)
+	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::itemCorrupted %d", itemIndex);
+	emit dataChanged(index(itemIndex+externalDataCount,0),index(itemIndex+externalDataCount,0));	
+void GlxMediaModel::itemsAdded(int startIndex, int endIndex)
+	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::itemsAdded %d %d", startIndex, endIndex);
+	mFocusIndex = -1;
+	//emit rowsAboutToBeInserted(index(startIndex,0), startIndex, endIndex );
+	beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), startIndex+externalDataCount, endIndex+externalDataCount);
+    //itemadded.insert(startIndex,(endIndex - startIndex),NULL );
+	itemIconCache.clear();
+	itemFsIconCache.clear();
+    endInsertRows();
+	//emit rowsInserted(index(startIndex,0), startIndex, endIndex );
+void GlxMediaModel::itemsRemoved(int startIndex, int endIndex)
+	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::itemsRemoved %d %d", startIndex, endIndex);
+	mFocusIndex = -1;
+	//emit rowsAboutToBeRemoved(index(startIndex,0), startIndex, endIndex );
+	beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), startIndex+externalDataCount, endIndex+externalDataCount);
+	//itemadded.remove(startIndex,(endIndex - startIndex) );
+	itemIconCache.clear();
+	itemFsIconCache.clear();
+	endRemoveRows();
+	//emit rowsRemoved(index(startIndex,0), startIndex, endIndex );
+void GlxMediaModel::updateItemIcon(int itemIndex, HbIcon* itemIcon, GlxTBContextType tbContextType)
+	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::updateItemIcon %d", itemIndex);
+	if(tbContextType == GlxTBContextGrid){
+		itemIconCache.insert(itemIndex, itemIcon);
+	}
+	else if(tbContextType == GlxTBContextLsFs || tbContextType == GlxTBContextPtFs){
+		itemFsIconCache.insert(itemIndex, itemIcon);
+	}
+	else if (tbContextType == GlxTBContextExternal){
+		itemExternalIconCache.insert(itemIndex, itemIcon);	
+	}
+void GlxMediaModel::setFocusIndex(const QModelIndex &index)
+	qDebug("GlxMediaModel::setFocusIndex%d", index.row());
+	int itemIndex = index.row();
+	if(itemIndex >=externalDataCount)
+	{
+		int mlIndex = itemIndex - externalDataCount;
+		mMLWrapper->setFocusIndex(mlIndex);
+		mFocusIndex = -1;
+	}
+	else{
+		mFocusIndex = itemIndex;
+		if(rowCount() > externalDataCount) {
+			mMLWrapper->setFocusIndex(0);
+		}
+	}
+QModelIndex GlxMediaModel::getFocusIndex() const
+	int itemIndex = 0;
+	//return index(itemIndex+externalDataCount,0);
+	if(mFocusIndex == -1){
+		int mlIndex = mMLWrapper->getFocusIndex();
+		itemIndex = mlIndex + externalDataCount;
+	}
+	else {
+		itemIndex = mFocusIndex;
+	}
+	return index(itemIndex,0);
+void GlxMediaModel::setSelectedIndex(const QModelIndex &index)
+    int itemIndex = index.row();
+    qDebug("GlxMediaModel::setSelectedIndex()%d", itemIndex);    
+    mMLWrapper->setSelectedIndex(itemIndex);
+bool GlxMediaModel::setData ( const QModelIndex & idx, const QVariant & value, int role )
+    Q_UNUSED( idx )
+    if ( GlxContextRole == role ) {
+        if ( value.isValid() &&  value.canConvert <int> () ) {
+            setContextMode( (GlxContextMode) value.value <int> () );
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( GlxFocusIndexRole == role ) {
+        if ( value.isValid() &&  value.canConvert <int> () ) {
+            setFocusIndex( index( value.value <int> (), 0) );
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( GlxVisualWindowIndex == role ) {
+        if ( value.isValid() &&  value.canConvert <int> () ) {
+            mMLWrapper->setVisibleWindowIndex(  value.value <int> () );
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( GlxSelectedIndexRole == role ) {
+        qDebug("GlxMediaModel::setData::GlxSelectedIndexRole()::BEFORE%d", idx.row());    
+        if ( value.isValid() &&  value.canConvert <int> () ) {
+        qDebug("GlxMediaModel::setData()::GlxSelectedIndexRole%d", idx.row());    
+            setSelectedIndex( index( value.value <int> (), 0) );
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+QModelIndex GlxMediaModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    Q_UNUSED(parent)
+    qDebug("GlxMediaModel::index row %d column %d", row, column);
+    if ( ( row < 0 )
+        || ( row >= rowCount() )
+        || ( column < 0 )
+        || ( column >= columnCount() ) ) {
+        return QModelIndex();
+    }
+    return QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(row, column);           