changeset 59 8e5f6eea9c9f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ui/views/fullscreenview/src/glxcoverflow.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:14:51 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   ?Description
+#include <hbiconitem.h>
+#include <QAbstractItemModel>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QGesture>
+#include <hbpangesture.h>
+#include <hbiconanimator.h>
+#include <hbinstance.h>
+//User Includes
+#include <glxmodelparm.h>
+#include <glxcoverflow.h>
+#include "glxviewids.h"
+GlxCoverFlow::GlxCoverFlow( QGraphicsItem *parent ) 
+     : HbWidget( parent ), 
+       mSelItemIndex ( 0 ),
+       mRows( 0 ),
+       mSelIndex ( 0 ),
+       mStripLen ( 0 ),
+       mCurrentPos( 0 ),
+       mItemSize ( QSize( 0, 0 ) ),
+       mModel ( NULL ),
+       mMoveDir( NO_MOVE ),
+       mSpeed ( GLX_COVERFLOW_SPEED ),
+	   mZoomOn( false ),
+	   mMultitouchFilter( NULL ),
+       mTimerId( 0 ),
+       mIsInit( false )
+    qDebug( "GlxCoverFlow::GlxCoverFlow" );
+    mIsAutoMoving = FALSE;
+    grabGesture( Qt::PanGesture );
+    grabGesture( Qt::TapGesture );
+    connect( this, SIGNAL( autoLeftMoveSignal() ), this, SLOT( autoLeftMove() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
+    connect( this, SIGNAL( autoRightMoveSignal() ), this, SLOT( autoRightMove() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
+    connect( this, SIGNAL( moveNextSignal() ), this, SLOT( moveNextImage() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
+    connect( this, SIGNAL( movePreviousSignal() ), this, SLOT( movePreviousImage() ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); 
+void GlxCoverFlow::setMultitouchFilter(QGraphicsItem* mtFilter)
+	mMultitouchFilter = mtFilter;
+void GlxCoverFlow::setCoverFlow()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::setCoverFlow");
+    for ( qint8 i = 0; i < NBR_ICON_ITEM ; i++ ) {
+        mIconItem[i] = new HbIconItem( this );
+        mIconItem[i]->grabGesture( Qt::PinchGesture, Qt::ReceivePartialGestures );
+        mIconItem[i]->installSceneEventFilter( mMultitouchFilter );
+        mIconItem[i]->setBrush( QBrush( Qt::black ) );
+        mIconItem[i]->setSize( QSize( 0, 0 ) );
+        mIconItem[i]->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
+        mIconItem[i]->setObjectName( QString( "Cover%1" ).arg( i ) );
+    }
+    mIsInit = true;
+    mUiOn = false;
+    mBounceBackDeltaX = GLX_BOUNCEBACK_DELTA;
+void GlxCoverFlow::setItemSize(QSize &size)
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::setSize width = %d",size.width() );
+    if( mItemSize != size) {
+        mItemSize = size;
+        resetCoverFlow();
+    }    
+void GlxCoverFlow::setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model)
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::setModel model change = %d", model  );
+    if ( model == mModel) {
+        return ;
+    }
+    clearCurrentModel();
+    mModel = model;
+    initializeNewModel();
+    resetCoverFlow();
+void GlxCoverFlow::indexChanged( int index )
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::indexChanged index = %d mSelIndex = %d ",index, mSelIndex );
+    if ( index != mSelIndex && mModel) {
+        loadIconItems();
+    }
+void GlxCoverFlow::gestureEvent(QGestureEvent *event)
+    if(QTapGesture *gesture = static_cast<QTapGesture *>(event->gesture(Qt::TapGesture))) {        
+        if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished) {
+            if(!mTimerId) {
+                mTimerId = startTimer( DOUBLETAP_TIMEINTERVAL );
+            }
+            else {
+                killTimer(mTimerId);
+                mTimerId = 0;
+                emit doubleTapEventReceived(hbInstance->allMainWindows().first()->mapToScene(gesture->position().toPoint()));
+            }
+            event->accept(gesture);
+        }
+    }
+    if (QPanGesture *panningGesture = qobject_cast<QPanGesture*>(event->gesture(Qt::PanGesture))) {
+        HbPanGesture *hbPanGesture = qobject_cast<HbPanGesture *>(panningGesture);
+        if (hbPanGesture) {
+            if(hbPanGesture->state() == Qt::GestureUpdated) {
+                QPointF delta(hbPanGesture->sceneDelta());
+                panGesture(delta);
+                event->accept(panningGesture);            
+            }
+            if( hbPanGesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished  ) {
+                if( mIsAutoMoving == FALSE ) {
+                    switch( mMoveDir ) {
+                        case LEFT_MOVE : 
+                            mMoveDir = NO_MOVE;
+                            mBounceBackDeltaX = ( mItemSize.width() >> 2 )  + ( mItemSize.width() >> 3 );
+                            emit autoLeftMoveSignal();
+                            mIsAutoMoving = TRUE;
+                            break ;
+                        case RIGHT_MOVE :
+                            mMoveDir = NO_MOVE;
+                            mBounceBackDeltaX = ( mItemSize.width() >> 2 )  + ( mItemSize.width() >> 3 );
+                            emit autoRightMoveSignal();
+                            mIsAutoMoving = TRUE;
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            break;
+                    } 
+                }
+                event->accept(panningGesture);
+            }
+        }
+    }  
+void GlxCoverFlow::panGesture ( const QPointF & delta )  
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::panGesture deltaX= %d", (int)delta.x());  
+    if( !mIsInit || getSubState() == IMAGEVIEWER_S || getSubState() == FETCHER_S || mIsAutoMoving == TRUE ) {
+        return;
+    }
+    move( ( int ) delta.x() );    
+    if( delta.x() > 0 ) {     
+        mMoveDir = RIGHT_MOVE;
+    }
+    else if ( delta.x() < 0) {
+        mMoveDir = LEFT_MOVE;
+    }
+    if ( mUiOn == TRUE  ) {
+        emit coverFlowEvent( PANNING_START_EVENT );
+        mUiOn = FALSE;
+    }
+void GlxCoverFlow::dataChanged(QModelIndex startIndex, QModelIndex endIndex)
+    Q_UNUSED(endIndex);
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::dataChanged startIndex = %d mSelIndex = %d ", startIndex.row(), mSelIndex  );
+    int index = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < NBR_ICON_ITEM ; i++) {
+        index = calculateIndex( mSelIndex + i - 2 );
+        if ( index == startIndex.row() ) {
+            index = ( mSelItemIndex + i - 2 + NBR_ICON_ITEM ) % NBR_ICON_ITEM;
+            qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::dataChanged index = %d mSelItemIndex = %d ", index, mSelItemIndex );
+            mIconItem[ index ]->setIcon( getIcon( startIndex.row() ) );
+            if ( index == mSelItemIndex ) {
+                playAnimation( );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void GlxCoverFlow::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::rowsInserted");
+    Q_UNUSED(parent);
+    Q_UNUSED(start);
+    Q_UNUSED(end);
+    resetCoverFlow();  
+    emit changeSelectedIndex ( mModel->index ( mSelIndex, 0 ) ) ;
+void GlxCoverFlow::rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    Q_UNUSED(parent);
+    Q_UNUSED(start);
+    Q_UNUSED(end);
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::rowsRemoved model %d", mModel);
+    if ( mModel->rowCount() <= 0 ) {
+        emit coverFlowEvent( EMPTY_ROW_EVENT );
+    }
+    else {
+        resetCoverFlow();   
+        emit changeSelectedIndex ( mModel->index ( mSelIndex, 0 ) ) ;
+    }
+void GlxCoverFlow::modelDestroyed()
+    mModel = NULL ;    
+void GlxCoverFlow::autoLeftMove()
+    int width = mItemSize.width() ;
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::autoLeftMove current pos = %d mBounceBackDeltaX x = %d", mCurrentPos, mBounceBackDeltaX);
+    if ( !mIsInit ) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if ( mSelIndex == ( mRows -1 ) ) {
+        mSpeed = GLX_BOUNCEBACK_SPEED;
+    }
+    //for bounce back effect for last image ( it will do the back)
+    if ( ( mCurrentPos + width ) > ( mStripLen + mBounceBackDeltaX ) && mMoveDir == NO_MOVE ) {
+        mMoveDir = LEFT_MOVE;
+        mBounceBackDeltaX = GLX_BOUNCEBACK_DELTA;
+        autoRightMoveSignal();
+        return ;
+    }
+    int deltaX = width - mCurrentPos %  width ; 
+    int moveX = deltaX > mSpeed ? mSpeed : deltaX;
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::autoLeftMove delta x = %d current pos = %d move x = %d", deltaX, mCurrentPos, moveX);
+    move (-moveX);//move the image
+    deltaX -= moveX; //To know the auto move is required or not
+    if ( deltaX ) {
+        emit autoLeftMoveSignal();
+    }
+    else {
+        //for bounce back of first image
+        if ( mMoveDir == RIGHT_MOVE ) {
+            emit autoRightMoveSignal();
+        }
+        else {
+            emit moveNextSignal();
+        }        
+    }   
+void GlxCoverFlow::autoRightMove()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::autoRightMove ");
+    if ( !mIsInit ) {
+        return;
+    }
+    int width = mItemSize.width()  ;
+    int diffX = mStripLen - mCurrentPos ;
+    //slow the speed for bounce back effect
+    if ( mSelIndex == 0 ) {
+        mSpeed = GLX_BOUNCEBACK_SPEED;
+    }
+    //for bounce back effect for back image ( it will do the back)
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::autoRightMove diffX x = %d current pos = %d mBounceBackDeltaX x = %d", diffX, mCurrentPos, mBounceBackDeltaX);
+    if ( diffX > mBounceBackDeltaX && diffX < width && mMoveDir == NO_MOVE ){
+        mMoveDir = RIGHT_MOVE;
+        mBounceBackDeltaX = GLX_BOUNCEBACK_DELTA;
+        autoLeftMoveSignal();  
+        return ;
+    }
+    int deltaX = mCurrentPos %  width ; 
+    //in the case of deltaX == 0 ( right flick case ) complete image should move
+    deltaX = deltaX ? deltaX : width ; 
+    int moveX = deltaX > mSpeed ? mSpeed : deltaX;
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::autoRightMove delta x = %d current pos = %d move x = %d", deltaX, mCurrentPos, moveX);
+    move (moveX);
+    deltaX -= moveX;
+    if ( deltaX ) {
+        emit autoRightMoveSignal();
+    }
+    else {
+        //for bounce back of last image
+        if ( mMoveDir == LEFT_MOVE ) {
+            emit autoLeftMoveSignal();
+        }
+        else {
+            emit movePreviousSignal();
+        }
+    }
+void GlxCoverFlow::moveNextImage()
+    int width = mItemSize.width() ;
+    int selIndex = mCurrentPos / width ;
+    if ( mRows == 1 || selIndex != mSelIndex ) {
+        stopAnimation() ;
+        mSelIndex = selIndex ;
+        mSelItemIndex = ( ++mSelItemIndex ) % NBR_ICON_ITEM ;
+        selIndex = ( mSelItemIndex + 2 ) % NBR_ICON_ITEM ;
+        updateIconItem( mSelIndex + 2, selIndex, width * 2 ) ;
+        playAnimation() ;
+        if( !mZoomOn ) {
+            emit changeSelectedIndex ( mModel->index ( mSelIndex, 0 ) ) ;
+        }
+    }
+    mMoveDir = NO_MOVE;
+    mIsAutoMoving = FALSE;
+    mBounceBackDeltaX = GLX_BOUNCEBACK_DELTA ;
+void GlxCoverFlow::movePreviousImage()
+    int width = mItemSize.width();
+    int selIndex = mCurrentPos / width;
+    if ( mRows == 1 || selIndex != mSelIndex ) {
+        stopAnimation();
+        mSelIndex = selIndex;
+        mSelItemIndex = ( mSelItemIndex == 0 ) ?  NBR_ICON_ITEM -1 : --mSelItemIndex;
+        selIndex = ( mSelItemIndex + 3 ) % NBR_ICON_ITEM;
+        updateIconItem( mSelIndex - 2, selIndex, - width * 2 ) ;
+        playAnimation();
+        if(!mZoomOn) {
+            emit changeSelectedIndex ( mModel->index ( mSelIndex, 0 ) ) ;
+        }
+    }
+    mMoveDir = NO_MOVE;
+    mIsAutoMoving = FALSE;
+    mBounceBackDeltaX = GLX_BOUNCEBACK_DELTA;
+void GlxCoverFlow::move(int value)
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::move ");
+    QPointF pos(0,0);
+    for ( qint8 i = 0; i < NBR_ICON_ITEM ; i++ ) {
+        pos.setX( mIconItem[i]->pos().x() + value );
+        pos.setY( mIconItem[i]->pos().y() );
+        mIconItem[i]->setPos( pos );
+    }
+    mCurrentPos -= value;
+    if ( mCurrentPos < 0 ) {
+        mCurrentPos += mStripLen;
+    }
+    else if ( mCurrentPos >= mStripLen ) {
+        mCurrentPos -= mStripLen;
+    }
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::Move value = %d current pos = %d", value, mCurrentPos); 
+void GlxCoverFlow::setRows()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::setRows ");
+    if (mModel) {
+        mRows = mModel->rowCount();
+    }
+    else {
+        mRows = 0;
+    }
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::setRows number of rows = %d", mRows);
+void GlxCoverFlow::setStripLen()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::setStripLen ");
+    mStripLen = mRows * mItemSize.width();  
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::setStripLen rows = %d, striplen %d", mRows, mStripLen);
+int GlxCoverFlow::calculateIndex(int index)
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::calculateIndex index = %d, mRows = %d", index, mRows);
+    if ( mRows == 1 )
+        return 0;
+    if ( index < 0 ) 
+        return ( index + mRows );
+    if ( index >= mRows ) 
+        return ( index - mRows ) ;
+    return index;        
+void GlxCoverFlow::loadIconItems()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::loadIconItems ");
+    if ( !mIsInit ) {
+        return ;
+    }
+    int index = 0;
+    stopAnimation();
+    mSelIndex = getFocusIndex();
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::loadIconItems index = %d, width = %d", mSelIndex, size().width() );    
+    for ( qint8 i = 0; i < NBR_ICON_ITEM ; i++ ) {
+        index = calculateIndex ( mSelIndex - 2 + i) ; 
+        mIconItem[i]->setIcon( getIcon( index ) );
+        mIconItem[i]->setSize ( mItemSize );
+        mIconItem[i]->setPos ( QPointF ( (i - 2) * mItemSize.width(), 0) );   
+    }
+    mSelItemIndex = 2;
+    mCurrentPos = mItemSize.width() * mSelIndex;
+    playAnimation();
+void GlxCoverFlow::playAnimation()
+    if ( isAnimatedImage( mSelIndex ) ) {
+        mIconItem[ mSelItemIndex ]->setIcon( HbIcon( getUri( mSelIndex ) ) );
+        mIconItem[ mSelItemIndex ]->animator().startAnimation();
+    }
+void GlxCoverFlow::stopAnimation()
+    mIconItem[ mSelItemIndex ]->animator().stopAnimation();
+    mIconItem[ mSelItemIndex ]->setIcon( getIcon( mSelIndex ) );
+void GlxCoverFlow::updateIconItem (qint16 selIndex, qint16 selItemIndex, qint16 posX)
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::updateIconItem selIndex = %d, selIconIndex = %d posX = %d", selIndex, selItemIndex, posX );
+    selIndex = calculateIndex( selIndex );
+    mIconItem[ selItemIndex ]->setPos( QPointF( posX, 0 ) );    
+    mIconItem[ selItemIndex ]->setIcon( getIcon( selIndex ) );
+    mIconItem[ selItemIndex ]->setSize ( mItemSize );    
+void GlxCoverFlow::clearCurrentModel()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::clearCurrentModel ");
+    if ( mModel ) {
+        disconnect( mModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), this, SLOT( dataChanged( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ) );
+        disconnect( mModel, SIGNAL( rowsInserted( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( rowsInserted( QModelIndex, int, int ) ) );
+        disconnect( mModel, SIGNAL( rowsRemoved( QModelIndex, int, int) ), this, SLOT( rowsRemoved( QModelIndex, int, int ) ) );
+        disconnect( mModel, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( modelDestroyed() ) );
+        mModel = NULL ;
+    } 
+void GlxCoverFlow::initializeNewModel()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::initializeNewModel" );
+    if ( mModel ) {
+        connect( mModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), this, SLOT( dataChanged( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ) );
+        connect( mModel, SIGNAL( rowsInserted( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( rowsInserted( QModelIndex, int, int ) ) );
+        connect( mModel, SIGNAL( rowsRemoved( QModelIndex, int, int) ), this, SLOT( rowsRemoved( QModelIndex, int, int ) ) );
+        connect( mModel, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( modelDestroyed() ) );
+    } 
+void GlxCoverFlow::resetCoverFlow()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::resetCoverFlow model %u", mModel );
+    setRows();
+    setStripLen();
+    if ( mModel ) {
+        loadIconItems( ) ;  
+    }
+void GlxCoverFlow::partiallyClean()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::partiallyClean Enter");
+    clearCurrentModel(); //during the animation data update will not cause the crash
+    mIsInit = false;
+    for ( qint8 i = 0; i < NBR_ICON_ITEM ; i++ ) {
+        if ( mSelItemIndex != i){
+            delete mIconItem[i] ;
+            mIconItem[i] = NULL;
+        }
+    }      
+void GlxCoverFlow::partiallyCreate( QAbstractItemModel *model, QSize itemSize, int posY )
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::resetpartiallyCreated poxY %d", posY );
+    mIconItem[2]->setSize ( itemSize );
+    mIconItem[2]->setPos ( QPointF ( 0, posY ) ); 
+    mModel = model ; 
+    mSelIndex = getFocusIndex();
+    mIconItem[2]->setIcon( getIcon( mSelIndex ) ) ;
+    mModel = NULL;
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::~GlxCoverFlow model " );
+    ClearCoverFlow();
+    disconnect( this, SIGNAL( autoLeftMoveSignal() ), this, SLOT( autoLeftMove() ) );
+    disconnect( this, SIGNAL( autoRightMoveSignal() ), this, SLOT( autoRightMove() ) );
+void GlxCoverFlow::ClearCoverFlow()
+    qDebug("GlxCoverFlow::ClearCoverFlow  " );
+    mIsInit = false;
+    clearCurrentModel();    
+    for ( qint8 i = 0; i < NBR_ICON_ITEM ; i++ ) {
+        if(mIconItem[i] != NULL ) {
+            delete mIconItem[i] ;
+            mIconItem[i] = NULL;
+        }
+    }   
+int GlxCoverFlow::getSubState()
+    int substate = NO_FULLSCREEN_S;
+    QVariant variant = mModel->data( mModel->index(0,0), GlxSubStateRole );    
+    if ( variant.isValid() &&  variant.canConvert<int> ()  ) {
+        substate = variant.value<int>();
+    }
+    return substate;
+void GlxCoverFlow::zoomStarted(int index)
+    Q_UNUSED(index)
+    emit coverFlowEvent( ZOOM_START_EVENT );
+    stopAnimation();
+	mZoomOn = true;	
+void GlxCoverFlow::zoomFinished( int index )
+	mZoomOn = false;
+	playAnimation();
+	indexChanged(index);
+void GlxCoverFlow::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *event )
+    if(mTimerId == event->timerId()) {
+        killTimer( mTimerId );
+        mTimerId = 0;
+        emit coverFlowEvent( TAP_EVENT );
+    }
+int GlxCoverFlow::getFocusIndex()
+    QVariant variant = mModel->data( mModel->index( 0, 0 ), GlxFocusIndexRole ) ;
+    if ( variant.isValid() && variant.canConvert< int > () ) {
+        return variant.value< int > ();
+    }
+    return -1;
+HbIcon GlxCoverFlow::getIcon( int index )
+    QVariant variant = mModel->data( mModel->index( index, 0 ), GlxFsImageRole );
+    if ( variant.isValid() &&  variant.canConvert< HbIcon > () ) {
+        return variant.value<HbIcon> () ;       
+    }
+    return HbIcon() ;
+QString GlxCoverFlow::getUri( int index )
+    QVariant variant = mModel->data( mModel->index( index, 0 ), GlxUriRole );
+    if ( variant.isValid() && variant.canConvert< QString > () ){
+        return variant.value< QString > () ;
+    }
+    return QString();
+bool GlxCoverFlow::isAnimatedImage( int index )
+    int frameCount = 0;
+    QVariant variant = mModel->data( mModel->index( index, 0 ), GlxFrameCount );
+    if ( variant.isValid() && variant.canConvert< int > () ) {
+         frameCount = variant.value< int > () ;
+    }
+    return frameCount > 1 ? true : false ;