author Stefan Karlsson <>
Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:36:22 +0100
changeset 15 d08a2bd7f23a
parent 0 4e91876724a2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.

* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:    Interface to Alf Objects


#include<e32base.h>                         // Container Base Class
#include <alf/ialfwidgeteventhandler.h>     //  The interface for event handlers used by widget controls 
#include <mglxmedialistobserver.h>          // Observes for changes in media list
#include <mul/imulmodel.h>                  // An interface for the data model
#include <mul/imulmodelprovider.h>          // An interface for requesting the data provider for data
#include <mul/imulwidget.h>
static const TInt LAST_INDEX = -1;

class CAlfEnv;                              // This is the UI Accelerator Toolkit environment object 
class CGlxBinding;                          // The binding is created by the binding set factory
class MGlxBoundCommand;                     // Handles user commands
class TGlxMedia;                            // Reference to a media item in the item pool
class CGlxNavigationalState;                // Class that stores the navigational state of the application

namespace Alf
    class IMulModel;                        // An interface for the data model
    class IMulWidget;                       // An interface for all Multimedia widgets
    class MulVisualItem;                    // Client need to use this class to add data in data model

    NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CGlxMulModelProviderBase ) : public CBase, public Alf::IAlfWidgetEventHandler,
											 public MGlxMediaListObserver, public Alf::IMulModelProvider 

	 * Constructor
	 * @param aWidget The widget to which the model is to be set
	CGlxMulModelProviderBase( Alf::IMulWidget& aWidget );
	 * BaseConstructL
	 * @param aEnv Alf environment
	 * @param aDefaultTemplate The default template of the widget
	void BaseConstructL( CAlfEnv& aEnv, Alf::mulwidget::TLogicalTemplate aDefaultTemplate, TInt aDataWindowSize );
	 * Destructor
     * CreateModelL
	void CreateModelL();
	 * InsertItemsL
	 * @param aIndex Start index
	 * @param aCount Number of items to insert
	 * @param aMediaListFocusIndex Focus Index to set in Model
	void InsertItemsL( TInt aIndex, TInt aCount, TInt aMediaListFocusIndex = NULL );
	 * RemoveItem
	 * @param aAtIndex media list index
    void RemoveItems( TInt aIndex, TInt aCount );
	 * UpdateItemL
	 * @param aBinding Binding used to update the item
	 * @param aMedia media item which has the updated data
	 * @param aAtIndex media list index
	void SetDataT( const CGlxBinding& aBinding, const TGlxMedia& aMedia,
        TInt aAtIndex );

    /// @todo docs	 
	void UpdateItems( TInt aIndex, TInt aCount );
     * FocusIndex
    TInt FocusIndex() const;
     * BoundCommand
     *@param aVisualItemIndex index of visual item
     *@return MGlxBoundCommand for that visual item
    MGlxBoundCommand* BoundCommand( TInt aVisualItemIndex ) const;
    // @todo docs
    void SetFocusIndex( TInt aIndex );
    void AddWidgetEventHandler();
         * HandleOrientationChanged
         * Icon Size change notification to be implemented dependent on Orientation
    virtual void HandleOrientationChanged();


	 * CreateItemT
	 * @param aBinding Binding used to update the item
	 * @param aMedia media item which has the updated data
	 * @param aIsFocused 
    std::auto_ptr<Alf::MulVisualItem> CreateItemT( const CGlxBinding& aBinding, 
        const TGlxMedia& aMedia, TBool aIsFocused );
     * IsFocused
     * @param aIndex Media list index
    TBool IsFocused( TInt aIndex ) const;
	// From MGlxMediaListObserver
    void HandleItemAddedL( TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList );
    void HandleItemRemovedL( TInt aStartIndex, TInt aEndIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList );
    void HandleAttributesAvailableL( TInt aItemIndex, 
        const RArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttributes, MGlxMediaList* aList );    
	void HandleFocusChangedL( NGlxListDefs::TFocusChangeType aType, 
    TInt aNewIndex, TInt aOldIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList );
    void HandleItemSelectedL(TInt aIndex, TBool aSelected, MGlxMediaList* aList );
    void HandleMessageL( const CMPXMessage& aMessage, MGlxMediaList* aList );
    void HandleError( TInt aError );
    void HandleCommandCompleteL( TAny* /*aSessionId*/, CMPXCommand* aCommandResult, TInt aError, 
        MGlxMediaList* aList );
    void HandleMediaL( TInt aListIndex, MGlxMediaList* aList );
    void HandleItemModifiedL( const RArray<TInt>& aItemIndexes, MGlxMediaList* aList );
	// From IAlfWidgetEventHandler
	bool accept( Alf::CAlfWidgetControl& aControl, const TAlfEvent& aEvent ) const;
    Alf::AlfEventStatus offerEvent( Alf::CAlfWidgetControl& aControl, const TAlfEvent& aEvent );
	void setActiveStates( unsigned int /*aStates*/ );
	void setEventHandlerData( const Alf::AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData& /*aData*/ );
	Alf::AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData* eventHandlerData();
	Alf::IAlfInterfaceBase* makeInterface(const Alf::IfId& /*aType */);
    AlfEventHandlerType eventHandlerType() ;
    AlfEventHandlerExecutionPhase eventExecutionPhase() ;

	 * HandleFocusChanged
	 * Focus change notification to implemented class
	virtual void HandleFocusChanged( TInt aNewFocusIndex, TInt aPreviousFocusIndex );
     * Item
     *@param aIndex index of visual item 
     *@return MulVisualItem the visual item at that index
	const Alf::MulVisualItem& Item( TInt aIndex ) const;
	//The widget to which the model will be set
	/// Never expose this widget to any other class so that the osn-symbian interface
	/// is minimised to here. (i.e., try/catch vs. trap/leave)
	Alf::IMulWidget& iWidget;
	//Owned: Model
	/// Never expose this model to any other class so that the osn-symbian interface
	/// is minimised to here. (i.e., try/catch vs. trap/leave)
	Alf::IMulModel* iModel;
	TBool iWithinFocusChangeCall;
	//previous focus index
	TInt iPreviousFocusIndex;
	CAlfEnv* iEnv; 
	Alf::mulwidget::TLogicalTemplate iDefaultTemplate;
	TInt iDataWindowSize;
	// Create navigational state 
    CGlxNavigationalState* iNavigationalState;