1 // HttpClient.cpp |
2 |
3 |
4 #include <e32base.h> |
5 #include <http/rhttpheaders.h> |
6 #include <http.h> |
7 #include <commdb.h> |
8 #include <eikenv.h> |
9 #include <es_sock.h> |
10 #include <bautils.h> |
11 #include <CommDbConnPref.h> |
12 #include "debug.h" |
13 #include "constants.h" |
14 #include "HttpClient.h" |
15 #include "connectionengine.h" |
16 #include "settingsengine.h" |
17 |
18 const TInt KTempBufferSize = 100; |
19 |
20 CHttpClient::~CHttpClient() |
21 { |
22 if (iHandler) |
23 { |
24 iHandler->CloseSaveFile(); |
25 delete iHandler; |
26 } |
27 |
28 iSession.Close(); |
29 } |
30 |
31 CHttpClient* CHttpClient::NewL(CPodcastModel& aPodcastModel, MHttpClientObserver& aObserver) |
32 { |
33 CHttpClient* me = NewLC(aPodcastModel, aObserver); |
34 CleanupStack::Pop(me); |
35 return me; |
36 } |
37 |
38 CHttpClient::CHttpClient(CPodcastModel& aPodcastModel, MHttpClientObserver& aObserver) : iPodcastModel(aPodcastModel), iObserver(aObserver) |
39 { |
40 iResumeEnabled = EFalse; |
41 } |
42 |
43 CHttpClient* CHttpClient::NewLC(CPodcastModel& aPodcastModel, MHttpClientObserver& aObserver) |
44 { |
45 CHttpClient* me = new (ELeave) CHttpClient(aPodcastModel, aObserver); |
46 CleanupStack::PushL(me); |
47 me->ConstructL(); |
48 return me; |
49 } |
50 |
51 void CHttpClient::ConstructL() |
52 { |
53 iPodcastModel.ConnectionEngine().AddObserver(this); |
54 } |
55 |
56 void CHttpClient::SetHeaderL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, TInt aHdrField, const TDesC8& aHdrValue) |
57 { |
58 RStringF valStr = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(aHdrValue); |
59 THTTPHdrVal val(valStr); |
60 aHeaders.SetFieldL(iSession.StringPool().StringF(aHdrField, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), val); |
61 valStr.Close(); |
62 } |
63 |
64 TBool CHttpClient::IsActive() |
65 { |
66 return iIsActive; |
67 } |
68 |
69 void CHttpClient::SetResumeEnabled(TBool aEnabled) |
70 { |
71 iResumeEnabled = aEnabled; |
72 } |
73 |
74 |
75 void CHttpClient::ConnectHttpSessionL() |
76 { |
77 DP("ConnectHttpSessionL START"); |
78 CConnectionEngine::TConnectionState connState = iPodcastModel.ConnectionEngine().ConnectionState(); |
79 if(connState == CConnectionEngine::EConnected) |
80 { |
81 DP("ConnectionState == CConnectionEngine::EConnected"); |
82 // Session already connected, call connect complete directly but return status since URLs or so might be faulty |
83 ConnectCompleteL(KErrNone); |
84 return; |
85 } |
86 |
87 if(connState == CConnectionEngine::ENotConnected) |
88 { |
89 DP1("SpecificIAP() == %d",iPodcastModel.SettingsEngine().SpecificIAP()); |
90 |
91 if(iPodcastModel.SettingsEngine().SpecificIAP() == -1) |
92 { |
93 iPodcastModel.ConnectionEngine().StartL(CConnectionEngine::EUserSelectConnection); |
94 } |
95 else if ( iPodcastModel.SettingsEngine().SpecificIAP() == 0 ) |
96 { |
97 iPodcastModel.ConnectionEngine().StartL(CConnectionEngine::EDefaultConnection); |
98 } |
99 else if( (iPodcastModel.SettingsEngine().SpecificIAP()&KUseIAPFlag)) |
100 { |
101 iPodcastModel.ConnectionEngine().StartL(CConnectionEngine::EIAPConnection); |
102 } |
103 else |
104 { |
105 iPodcastModel.ConnectionEngine().StartL(CConnectionEngine::EMobilityConnection); |
106 } |
107 } |
108 DP("ConnectHttpSessionL END"); |
109 } |
110 |
111 void CHttpClient::ConnectCompleteL(TInt aErrorCode) |
112 { |
113 if(iWaitingForGet) |
114 { |
115 iWaitingForGet = EFalse; |
116 if( aErrorCode == KErrNone) |
117 { |
118 RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = iSession.ConnectionInfo(); |
119 RStringPool pool = iSession.StringPool(); |
120 // Attach to socket server |
121 connInfo.SetPropertyL(pool.StringF(HTTP::EHttpSocketServ, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), THTTPHdrVal(iPodcastModel.ConnectionEngine().SockServ().Handle())); |
122 // Attach to connection |
123 TInt connPtr = REINTERPRET_CAST(TInt, &iPodcastModel.ConnectionEngine().Connection()); |
124 connInfo.SetPropertyL(pool.StringF(HTTP::EHttpSocketConnection, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), THTTPHdrVal(connPtr)); |
125 |
126 |
127 iPodcastModel.SetProxyUsageIfNeededL(iSession); |
128 DoGetAfterConnectL(); |
129 } |
130 else |
131 { |
132 ClientRequestCompleteL(KErrCouldNotConnect); |
133 iSession.Close(); |
134 } |
135 } |
136 } |
137 |
138 void CHttpClient::Disconnected() |
139 { |
140 iIsActive = EFalse; |
141 iSession.Close(); |
142 } |
143 |
144 void CHttpClient::DoGetAfterConnectL() |
145 { |
146 // since nothing should be downloading now. Delete the handler |
147 if (iHandler) |
148 { |
149 delete iHandler; |
150 iHandler = NULL; |
151 } |
152 |
153 iHandler = CHttpEventHandler::NewL(this, iObserver, iPodcastModel.FsSession()); |
154 iHandler->SetSilent(iSilentGet); |
155 |
156 TEntry entry; |
157 TBuf8<KTempBufferSize> rangeText; |
158 |
159 if (iResumeEnabled && iPodcastModel.FsSession().Entry(iCurrentFileName, entry) == KErrNone) { |
160 DP1("Found file, with size=%d", entry.iSize); |
161 // file exists, so we should probably resume |
162 rangeText.Format(_L8("bytes=%d-"), entry.iSize-KByteOverlap); |
163 iHandler->SetSaveFileName(iCurrentFileName, ETrue); |
164 } else { |
165 // otherwise just make sure the directory exists |
166 BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL(iPodcastModel.FsSession(),iCurrentFileName); |
167 iHandler->SetSaveFileName(iCurrentFileName); |
168 } |
169 |
170 RStringPool strP = iSession.StringPool(); |
171 RStringF method; |
172 method = strP.StringF(HTTP::EGET, RHTTPSession::GetTable()); |
173 |
174 iTrans = iSession.OpenTransactionL(iUriParser, *iHandler, method); |
175 RHTTPHeaders hdr = iTrans.Request().GetHeaderCollection(); |
176 // Add headers appropriate to all methods |
177 SetHeaderL(hdr, HTTP::EUserAgent, KUserAgent); |
178 SetHeaderL(hdr, HTTP::EAccept, KAccept); |
179 TBuf<KTempBufferSize> range16; |
180 range16.Copy(rangeText); |
181 DP1("range text: %S", &range16); |
182 if (rangeText.Length() > 0) { |
183 SetHeaderL(hdr, HTTP::ERange, rangeText); |
184 } |
185 iTransactionCount++; |
186 // submit the transaction |
187 iTrans.SubmitL(); |
188 iIsActive = ETrue; |
189 DP("CHttpClient::Get END"); |
190 } |
191 |
192 TBool CHttpClient::GetL(const TDesC& aUrl, const TDesC& aFileName, TBool aSilent) { |
193 DP("CHttpClient::Get START"); |
194 DP2("Getting '%S' to '%S'", &aUrl, &aFileName); |
195 __ASSERT_DEBUG((iIsActive==EFalse), User::Panic(_L("Already active"), -2)); |
196 iCurrentURL.Copy(aUrl); |
197 |
198 TInt urlError = iUriParser.Parse(iCurrentURL); |
199 |
200 if(urlError != KErrNone ||!iUriParser.IsSchemeValid()) |
201 { |
202 iCurrentURL = KNullDesC8; |
203 iSession.Close(); |
204 iObserver.CompleteL(this, KErrHttpInvalidUri); |
205 return EFalse; |
206 } |
207 |
208 iSilentGet = aSilent; |
209 iCurrentFileName.Copy(aFileName); |
210 iWaitingForGet = ETrue; |
211 |
212 if (iTransactionCount == 0) |
213 { |
214 DP("CHttpClient::GetL\t*** Opening HTTP session ***"); |
215 iSession.Close(); |
216 iSession.OpenL(); |
217 ConnectHttpSessionL(); |
218 } |
219 else |
220 { |
221 DoGetAfterConnectL(); |
222 } |
223 return ETrue; |
224 } |
225 |
226 void CHttpClient::Stop() |
227 { |
228 iIsActive = EFalse; |
229 if(iHandler != NULL) |
230 { |
231 // cancel the ongoing transaction |
232 iTrans.Cancel(); |
233 iTransactionCount = 0; |
234 |
235 // make sure that we save the file |
236 iHandler->CloseSaveFile(); |
237 |
238 // we could now delete the handler since a new will be created |
239 delete iHandler; |
240 iHandler = NULL; |
241 |
242 // close the session |
243 DP("CHttpClient::Stop\t*** Closing HTTP session ***"); |
244 iSession.Close(); |
245 } |
246 |
247 TRAP_IGNORE(iObserver.CompleteL(this, KErrDisconnected)); |
248 |
249 } |
250 |
251 void CHttpClient::ClientRequestCompleteL(TInt aErrorCode) { |
252 iIsActive = EFalse; |
253 iObserver.CompleteL(this, aErrorCode); |
254 DP("CHttpClient::ClientRequestCompleteL"); |
255 if(iTransactionCount>0) |
256 { |
257 iTransactionCount--; |
258 |
259 if(iTransactionCount == 0) |
260 { |
261 DP("CHttpClient::ClientRequestCompleteL\t*** Closing HTTP session ***"); |
262 delete iHandler; |
263 iHandler = NULL; |
264 iSession.Close(); |
265 } |
266 } |
267 } |