author Brendan Donegan <>
Sat, 06 Mar 2010 10:28:29 +0000
changeset 36 e010fc411ddc
parent 24 ca50ea154990
child 37 1644b7cd063e
child 38 c11e52c5acd2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge, plus minor fix to CFeedEngine

 * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Sebastian Brannstrom, Lars Persson, EmbedDev AB
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL "".
 * Initial Contributors:
 * EmbedDev AB - initial contribution.
 * Contributors:
 * Description:

// list view commands
rls_string STRING_r_listbox_listview_cmd_close_debug "Close (debug)"
rls_string STRING_r_listbox_listview_cmd_close_debug_shorttext "Close"

// Menu commands, view filtering and navigation
rls_string STRING_r_view_cmd "View"

// Navigation to shows view
rls_string STRING_r_view_main_cmd "Main"
rls_string STRING_r_view_new_shows_cmd "Unplayed"
rls_string STRING_r_view_about_cmd "About"

// Navigation to feeds
rls_string STRING_r_view_feeds_cmd "Feeds"
rls_string STRING_r_view_remove_download_short_cmd "Remove"
rls_string STRING_r_view_remove_download_cmd "Remove Download"

// Actions for feeds
rls_string STRING_r_view_add_feed_cmd "Add Feed"
rls_string STRING_r_view_add_feed_cmd_short "Add"
rls_string STRING_r_view_edit_feed_cmd "Edit Feed"
rls_string STRING_r_view_edit_feed_cmd_short "Edit"

rls_string STRING_r_view_delete_feed_cmd "Remove Feed"
rls_string STRING_r_view_delete_feed_cmd_short "Remove"
rls_string STRING_r_view_delete_played_cmd "Delete All Played"
rls_string STRING_r_update_feed_cmd "Update Feed"
rls_string STRING_r_update_feed_short_cmd "Update"
rls_string STRING_r_update_all_feeds_cmd "Update All"
rls_string STRING_r_update_all_feeds_short_cmd "Upd. All"

rls_string STRING_r_podcast_feeds_update_message "Updating..."
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_feeds_update_error "Update failed!"

// Actions for shows
rls_string STRING_r_view_download_show_cmd "Get"
rls_string STRING_r_view_delete_show_cmd "Delete"
rls_string STRING_r_view_delete_shows_cmd "Delete All"
rls_string STRING_r_view_delete_show_cmd "Delete"
rls_string STRING_r_view_stop_downloads_cmd "Suspend Downloading"
rls_string STRING_r_view_resume_downloads_cmd "Resume Downloading"
rls_string STRING_r_view_mark_all_played_cmd "Mark all old"
rls_string STRING_r_view_show_unplayed_cmd "Show Unplayed Only"
rls_string STRING_r_view_show_info_cmd "Info"
rls_string STRING_r_view_show_play_cmd "Play"
// Common actions
rls_string STRING_r_settings_cmd "Settings"

// Categories (strings max 20 character long)
rls_string STRING_r_category_all "All Shows"
rls_string STRING_r_category_new "Unplayed"
rls_string STRING_r_category_dled "Shows on Phone"
rls_string STRING_r_category_pending "Downloader"

// View titles
rls_string STRING_r_view_feeds_title "Feeds"

// Shows view status strings
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_shows_title_format "%d Unplayed, %d Total"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_shows_title_download "%d Queued"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_shows_downloads_suspended "%d Queued (Suspended)"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_shows_no_items "No items"

// Feeds view status strings
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_feeds_title_format "%d Feeds"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_feeds_status_format "%d new"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_shows_never_updated "Never"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_feeds_is_updating "Updating..."
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_no_feeds "(no feeds)"

// DIALOG string
rls_string STRING_r_about_title "About"

rls_string STRING_r_add_feed_title "Add feed"
rls_string STRING_r_edit_feed_title "Edit feed"

rls_string STRING_r_add_feed_prompt "Enter search terms or feed URL"
rls_string STRING_r_edit_feed_prompt "Feed URL"
rls_string STRING_r_add_feed_title_prompt "Feed Title"

rls_string STRING_r_remove_feed_title "Remove feed"
rls_string STRING_r_remove_feed_prompt "Remove feed '%S'?"

rls_string STRING_r_enable_downloads_title "Resume downloading"
rls_string STRING_r_enable_downloads_prompt "There are shows in the download queue. Do you want to download now?"

rls_string STRING_r_update_new_feed_title "Update feed"
rls_string STRING_r_update_new_feed_prompt "Do you want to update the feed now?"

rls_string STRING_r_delete_show_title "Delete Show"
rls_string STRING_r_delete_show_prompt "Delete show '%S'?"

// Settings view
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_settings_title "Settings"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_setting_showdir "Podcast directory"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_setting_autoupdate "Automatic update"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_setting_autodownload "Automatic download"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_setting_connection "Connection"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_setting_default "Use default"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_setting_alwaysask "Always ask"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_setting_useiap "Select Access point"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_setting_iaplist "Access points"

// Choicelist for autodownload
rls_string STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option1 "Off"
rls_string STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option2 "Every hour"
rls_string STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option3 "Four times a day"
rls_string STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option4 "Twice a day"
rls_string STRING_podcast_autoupdate_option5 "Daily"

// Latest strings here

rls_string STRING_r_view_import_export_feeds_cmd "Import/export feeds" // Import feeds cmd in feedview

rls_string STRING_r_view_import_feeds_cmd "Import feeds" // Import feeds cmd in feedview
rls_string STRING_r_view_import_feeds_cmd_short "Import"

rls_string STRING_r_view_import_feeds_title "Select OPML file"

rls_string STRING_r_view_feeds_status "%d Feeds" // Used in base view listbox for feeds status text max 32 chars

rls_string STRING_r_cancel_update_all_feeds_cmd "Cancel update"
rls_string STRING_r_cancel_update_all_feeds_short_cmd "Cancel"

rls_string STRING_r_suspend_download_cmd "Suspend" // String used for cmd to suspend current download rather than removing it from the que.
rls_string STRING_r_view_resume_short_dls_cmd "Resume" // Short download cmd
rls_string STRING_r_view_onphone_status "%d Unplayed, %d Total" // Used in base view listbox status for shows on phone text max 32 chars
rls_string STRING_r_view_onphone_status_unknown "Unknown" // Used for unknown status event

rls_string STRING_r_view_remove_all_downloads_cmd "Remove All"
rls_string STRING_r_view_remove_all_downloads_cmd_short "Clear"

rls_string STRING_r_podcast_subtitle ""

rls_string STRING_r_add_feed_exists "A feed with this URL already exists" // shown when adding or changing a feed to a URL that already exists
rls_string STRING_r_add_feed_exists_title "Duplicate Feed" // title of error dialogs when adding feeds

rls_string STRING_r_add_feed_replace "All existing shows in this feed will be deleted! Continue?" // shown when changing an existing feed URL
rls_string STRING_r_add_feed_replace_title "Warning" // title to dialog
rls_string STRING_r_view_export_feeds_cmd "Export feeds" // Export feeds cmd in feedview
rls_string STRING_r_view_export_feeds_cmd_short "Export"

rls_string STRING_r_catchup_feed "Mark all shows as played?" // shown when first updating a new feed
rls_string STRING_r_catchup_feed_title "First Update" // title to dialog

rls_string STRING_r_on "On"
rls_string STRING_r_off "Off"

rls_string STRING_r_enter_filename "Enter file name"
rls_string STRING_r_view_export_feeds_title "Select folder"
rls_string STRING_r_view_export_feeds_softkey "Select"

rls_string STRING_r_playview_tab_info "Info"
rls_string STRING_r_playview_tab_play "Play"
rls_string STRING_r_exit_cmd "Exit"
rls_string STRING_r_cba_options "Options"
rls_string STRING_r_cba_hide "Hide"

rls_string STRING_r_tabgroup_feeds "Feeds"
rls_string STRING_r_tabgroup_queue "Queue"
rls_string STRING_r_tabgroup_queue_counter "Queue (%d)"
rls_string STRING_r_tabgroup_shows "Shows"

rls_string STRING_r_podcast_empty_queue "(queue empty)"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_empty_list "(no shows)"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_empty_search "(no search results)"
rls_string STRING_r_podcast_empty_list_updating "(updating...)"

rls_string STRING_r_view_help "Help"
rls_string STRING_r_view_mark_as_played_cmd_short "Mark old"
rls_string STRING_r_view_mark_as_unplayed_cmd_short "Mark new"
rls_string STRING_r_view_more_options "More actions"

rls_string STRING_r_search "Search"
rls_string STRING_r_search_help "Search for podcasts"
rls_string STRING_r_search_title "Enter search terms"

rls_string STRING_add_feed_title "Add feed"
rls_string STRING_add_feed_query "Add feed '%S'?"
rls_string STRING_add_feed_success "Feed added. Update now?"
rls_string STRING_add_feed_error "Could not add feed"

rls_string STRING_import_feed_success "%d feeds imported. Update all feeds now?"
rls_string STRING_import_feed_failure "Feed import failed"
rls_string STRING_export_feed_success "%d feeds exported"
rls_string STRING_export_feed_failure "Feed export failed"

rls_string STRING_r_clear_query "Clear download queue?"
rls_string STRING_r_search_noresults "No search results"
rls_string STRING_r_cba_search "Search"
rls_string STRING_r_searching "Searching..."
rls_string STRING_r_importing "Importing..."
rls_string STRING_r_exporting "Exporting..."

rls_string STRING_r_cba_cancel "Cancel"

rls_string STRING_r_podcast_connection_error "Connection failed. Check connection settings."
rls_string STRING_r_exit_shows_downloading "Shows are being downloaded. Exit anyway?"

rls_string STRING_r_search_results "Search results"