2010-10-28 Sebastian Brannstrom Fix for DB being read only when template is copied from Z: RCL_3
2010-10-23 Sebastian Brannstrom Fix for startup bug in Symbian 3 version; new SIS v 1.00.6 RCL_3
2010-07-28 Sebastian Brannstrom Added debug mechanism to copy SQLite DB to c:\data symbian1
2010-07-10 Sebastian Brannstrom Now compiles for 3rd ed, but does not launch due to malloc error in SQLite 3rded
2010-07-07 Sebastian Brannstrom Catch up with default branch; New v 27 SIS symbian1
2010-07-07 Sebastian Brannstrom Fix for bug 3169 - Podcatching failing to open due to missing DB
2010-06-03 Brendan Donegan Cleanup from the merge symbian1
2010-05-26 teknolog Merged show playback error handling from S^3 branch symbian1
2010-05-26 teknolog Fix for KErrCorrupted bug in ShowEngine; Capabilities added to allow interaction with music player and MPXCollection
2010-05-26 teknolog Merged playback functionality from FCL Symbian1 branch
2010-05-13 teknolog Import from FCL default branch
2010-04-24 teknolog Added method that checks for deleted downloaded files and updates DB accordingly
2010-04-05 teknolog Fixed DEF files. Tested with Qt SQLite.
2010-04-04 teknolog Even more robustness improvements for HTTP client - specifically disk full problems
2010-04-04 teknolog Cleaned up panic handling
2010-04-04 teknolog Fix for memory leak when opening Show View
2010-04-04 teknolog Added "Reset database" option in settings. Further robustness fixes for Feeds.
2010-04-04 teknolog Significantly improved database robustness
2010-03-31 teknolog Merge with lars' fixes
2010-03-31 Lars Persson We always build the static version of sqlite for now. Further improvements for signaling when icons has been generated so these can be used in the feedview
2010-03-31 Lars Persson Remove icon index. Start caching icons as mbms.
2010-05-15 teknolog Added support for launching music and video player when tapping on a downloaded show symbian1
2010-05-11 teknolog Likely fix for bug 2434.
2010-05-11 teknolog Moved call to DeleteOldShowsByFeedL to when a feed is listed. This prevents a race condition which likely caused symbian1
2010-05-01 teknolog Workaround to allow Podcatcher to start even if RCmManager.Open returns -1, which it does for some reasaon in PDK 3.0.h
2010-04-28 teknolog merge
2010-04-28 teknolog merge with Symbian3 branch
2010-04-27 teknolog Moved development branch from MCL to FCL
2010-03-13 teknolog Fix for bug 2152 plus minor fix for S1 UI
2010-03-10 teknolog Removed unused SoundEngine symbian1
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