changeset 25 59ea2209bb67
parent 23 08cc4cc059d4
parent 15 a92d00fca574
--- a/ImagePrint/ImagePrintEngine/DeviceProtocols/btprotocol/src/cbtprintingdevice.cpp	Fri Jun 11 16:24:10 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1666 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <barsc.h>
-#include <btprotocol.rsg>
-#include <fbs.h>
-#include "cbtprintingdevice.h"
-#include "printcapabilitycodes.h"
-#include "printmessagecodes.h"
-#include "rsutils.h"
-#include "crsbtdevice.h"
-#include "cbtdevicecontainer.h"
-#include "clog.h"
-#include "tbtmapper.h"
-#include "crsbtdiscoverengine.h"
-	{
-	/// Bluetooth BPP/OPP Version Major.
-	const static TInt KBtVersionMajor = 3;
-	/// Bluetooth BPP/OPP Version Minor.
-	const static TInt KBtVersionMinor = 0;
-	/// Bluetooth BPP/OPP Version Build.
-	const static TInt KBtVersionBuild = 1;
-	}
-// CBtPrintingDevice::NewL
-MProtPrintingDevice* CBtPrintingDevice::NewL()
-	return new (ELeave) CBtPrintingDevice();
-// CBtPrintingDevice::CBtPrintingDevice
-CBtPrintingDevice::CBtPrintingDevice() :
-	CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard),
-	iState( ENone ),
-	iPrintingJob( NULL ),
-	iPrinterController( NULL ),
-	iDeviceContainer( NULL ),
-	iRequestedProtocols( 0 ),
-	iPrintError( KErrNone ),
-	iPrintErrorMsgCode( 0 ),
-	iPendingCount(KPendingLimit),
-	iPrinterTimer( NULL ),
-	iProggress( 0 )
-	iDiscoveryObserver = NULL;
-	iPrintEventObserver = NULL;
-	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
-// CBtPrintingDevice::ConstructL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::ConstructL(const TDesC& /*aDLLPath*/)
-	LOG("CBtPrintingDevice ****************************************************");
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::ConstructL]\t begin");
-	iPrinterController 	= CBtPrinterController::NewL(*this);
-	iDeviceContainer 	= CBtDeviceContainer::NewL();
-	iPrinterTimer 		= CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
-	LOG("CBtPrintingDevice::ConstructL end");
-// CBtPrintingDevice::~CBtPrintingDevice
-	LOG("CBtPrintingDevice::~CBtPrintingDevice begin");
-	Deactivate();
-	if(iPrinterTimer)
-	{
-		if(iPrinterTimer->IsActive())
-			iPrinterTimer->Cancel();
-		delete iPrinterTimer;
-	}
-	if(iPrinterController)
-	{
-		iPrinterController->Stop();
-		delete iPrinterController;
-	}
-	if(iPrintingJob)
-		delete iPrintingJob;
-	if(iDeviceContainer)
-		delete iDeviceContainer;
-	REComSession::DestroyedImplementation( iDtor_ID_Key );
-	LOG("CBtPrintingDevice::~CBtPrintingDevice end");
-// CBtPrintingDevice::RunL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::RunL()
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::RunL]\t iStatus: %d", iStatus.Int());
-	if(KErrNone != iStatus.Int())
-	{
-		User::Leave(iStatus.Int());
-	}
-	switch( iState )
-	{
-		case EFinish:
-			FinishPrinting(iStatus.Int());
-			break;
-		case EGetJobAttributes:
-			GetJobAttributesL();
-			break;
-		case EGetPrinterState:
-			GetPrinterStateL();
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-	}
-// CBtPrintingDevice::RunError
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::RunError(TInt aError)
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::RunError]\t iStatus: %d, aError: %d", iStatus.Int(), aError);
-	FinishPrinting(aError);
-	return KErrNone;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::DoCancel
-void CBtPrintingDevice::DoCancel()
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::DoCancel]\t iStatus: %d", iStatus.Int());
-	ResetTimer();
-// CBtPrintingDevice::Deactivate
-void CBtPrintingDevice::Deactivate()
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::Deactivate]\t iStatus: %d iState %d", iStatus.Int(), iState);
-	ResetTimer();
-	Cancel();
-	iStatus = KErrNone;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::Version
-TVersion CBtPrintingDevice::Version()
-	return TVersion(KBtVersionMajor, KBtVersionMinor, KBtVersionBuild);
-// CBtPrintingDevice::SupportedProtocols
-TUint CBtPrintingDevice::SupportedProtocols()
-	return KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_BPP |
-		   KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_Printer |
-		   KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_PC;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::DiscoveryError
-void CBtPrintingDevice::DiscoveryError(TInt aError)
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::DiscoveryError]\t aError: %d", aError);
-	if(0 < iDeviceContainer->Count())
-	{
-		iState = EReady;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		iState = ENone;
-	}
-  	iPrinterController->CancelDiscovery();
-  	Deactivate();
-	if( iDiscoveryObserver )
-	{
-		if(KErrNone == aError)// discovery finished, update not-found cached devices
-			UpdateCacheList();
-		//We're not interested if the call back leaves
-		TRAP_IGNORE(iDiscoveryObserver->DiscoveryStatusL(EDiscoveryFinished, aError));
-	}
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::DiscoveryError]\t end");
-// CBtPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL(MProtDiscoveryObserver& aObserver, TUint aProtocol)
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL]\t aProtocol: %d", aProtocol);
-	iDiscoveryObserver = &aObserver;
-	// already discovering
-	if(EDiscovering == iState)
-		return;
-	if((aProtocol & SupportedProtocols()))
-	{
-		iRequestedProtocols = aProtocol;
-		iDeviceContainer->Reset();
-		iPrinterController->Stop();
-		// If GetUsedDevicesL fails, no can do. Just continue.
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL]\t Get used devices");
-		TInt leave;
-		TRAP(leave, GetUsedDevicesL() );
-		LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL]\t Get used devices leaves with %d", leave);
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL]\t Calling iPrinterController");
-	  	iPrinterController->StartDiscoveryL(aProtocol);
-		iState = EDiscovering;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		LOG("CBtPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL NO protocol match, ending discovery...");
-		if( iDiscoveryObserver )
-		{
-			//We're not interested if the call back leaves
-			TRAP_IGNORE(iDiscoveryObserver->DiscoveryStatusL(EDiscoveryFinished, KErrNone));
-		}
-	}
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::StartDiscoveryL]\t end");
-// CBtPrintingDevice::RemoveCachedDeviceL
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::RemoveCachedDeviceL(TInt aDeviceID)
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::RemoveCachedDeviceL aDeviceID: %d", aDeviceID);
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	CRsBtDevice* device = FindDevice(aDeviceID);
-	if( device )
-	{
-		device->SetUsed(EFalse);
-		iDeviceContainer->StoreL();
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		err = KErrInvalidData;
-	}
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::RemoveCachedDeviceL end with: %d", err);
-	return err;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::UpdateCacheListL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::UpdateCacheList()
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::UpdateCacheList]\t");
-	for(TInt i = 0; i < iDeviceContainer->Count(); ++i)
-	{
-		CRsBtDevice* device = iDeviceContainer->At(i);
-		if(device && !device->IsJustFound())
-			DeviceDisappeared(*device);
-	}
-// CBtPrintingDevice::CancelDiscovery
-void CBtPrintingDevice::CancelDiscovery(TBool aDoCallBack)
-  	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelDiscovery]\t aDoCallBack: %d", aDoCallBack);
-	if(0 < iDeviceContainer->Count())
-	{
-		iState = EReady;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		iState = ENone;
-	}
-  	iPrinterController->CancelDiscovery();
-  	Deactivate();
-	if( aDoCallBack && iDiscoveryObserver )
-	{
-		//We're not interested if the call back leaves
-		TRAP_IGNORE(iDiscoveryObserver->DiscoveryStatusL(EDiscoveryCancelling, KErrNone));
-	}
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelDiscovery]\t end");
-// CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL(TInt aDeviceID, RPointerArray<TDesC>& aImages, MProtPrintEventObserver& aObserver)
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL]\t begin");
-  	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL]\t aDeviceID: %d, aImages.Count(): %d", aDeviceID, aImages.Count());
-	iPrintEventObserver = &aObserver;
-	CRsBtDevice *printer = FindDevice( aDeviceID );
-	if( printer == NULL )
-	{
-		LOG("CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL no device found, returning error");
-		return KErrInvalidData;
-	}
-	if(iPrintingJob && 
-	  (CPrintJob::EStateSubmitted == iPrintingJob->JobState() ||
-	   CPrintJob::EStateSending == iPrintingJob->JobState() ||
-	   CPrintJob::EStatePrinting == iPrintingJob->JobState()) )
-	{
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL]\t Printing job already");
-		return KErrInvalidSequence;
-	}
-	iPendingCount = 0;
-	GetCapabilities(*printer);
-	InitJobL(printer, aImages);
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL]\t job created");
-	iPrintingJob->UpdateJobState(CPrintJob::EStateCreated);
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePrintJobL]\t end - status: %d", iState);
-	return KErrNone;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL()
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL] begin");
-	TInt err = KErrInvalidSequence;
-	if( iPrintingJob && iPrintingJob->JobState() == CPrintJob::EStateCreated )
-	{
-		// We try to find the Device specified in our list.
-		CRsBtDevice* device = static_cast<CRsBtDevice*>(User::LeaveIfNull(
-				FindDevice(iPrintingJob->PrinterId())));
-		LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL] iPrintingJob.iPrinterID: %d", iPrintingJob->PrinterId() );
-		// save used bluetooth profile
-		iUsedBtProfile = device->UsedProtocol();
-		if( !(device->UsedProtocol() & SupportedProtocols()) )
-		{
-			LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL]\t can't select a protocol");
-			err = KErrInvalidData;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL]\t Submitting to printer \"%S\"", &(device->FriendlyName()));
-			iState = EJobProgress;
-			StartTimer(KPrinterResponseTimeout, KPrinterResponseTimeout, TCallBack(HandleTimeout, this) );
-			iPendingCount = 0;
-			iProggress = 0;
-			TRAP(err, iPrinterController->CreateJobL(*device, *iPrintingJob) );
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL]\t CreateJobL leaves with %d", err);
-			if(KErrNone == err)
-			{
-				device->SetUsed(ETrue);
-				iDeviceContainer->StoreL();
-				if( iPrintingJob->JobState() != CPrintJob::EStateSending &&
-					iPrintingJob->JobState() != CPrintJob::EStatePrinting )
-				{
-					iPrintingJob->UpdateJobState(CPrintJob::EStateSubmitted);
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-					CreateJobResponse(KErrNotFound, err);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL]\t ***Invalid Sequence***. Job state wrong or job not created");
-	if(KErrNone != err)
-	{
-		LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL]\t return error %d", err);
-		if (iPrintEventObserver)
-			iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobErrorEvent(err);
-		else
-			User::Leave(err);
-	}
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::SubmitPrintJobL] end");
-// CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob()
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob]\t begin");
-	TInt retVal( KErrInvalidSequence );
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob]\t iPrintingJob: %d", iPrintingJob);
-	if(iPrintingJob)
-	{
-        retVal = KErrNone;
-		LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob]\t iPrintingJob->JobState(): %d", iPrintingJob->JobState());
-		if(iPrintingJob->JobState() == CPrintJob::EStateCancel)
-		{
-			LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob]\t Already cancelling. Return.");
-			retVal = KErrCancel;
-		}
-		else if( iPrintingJob->JobState() == CPrintJob::EStateSubmitted || 
-                 iPrintingJob->JobState() == CPrintJob::EStateSending || 
-                 iPrintingJob->JobState() == CPrintJob::EStatePrinting )
-		{
-			// cancel job
-			TInt leave; // for remove compiling errors
-			TRAP(leave, CancelJobL());
-			if( leave == KErrDisconnected )
-			    {
-			  	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob]\t calling OPPJobRollBack...");
-			  	OPPJobRollBack();
-				}
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob]\t CancelJobL() leaves with %d.", leave);
-		}
-		else
-        {
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob]\t No print job, just cancel all (forced stop) if connections exist: %d", iPrinterController->IsConnected());
-			FinishPrinting( KErrInvalidSequence );
-		}
-	}
-	if( iPrintEventObserver )
-	    {
-		iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent( EDone, iPrinterController->GetPercentSent(), ECancelling );
-        }
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::CancelPrintJob end with: %d", retVal);
-	return retVal;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::OPPJobRollBack
-void CBtPrintingDevice::OPPJobRollBack()
-    LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::OPPJobRollBack ]\t begin");
-    Cancel();
-    TInt err = KErrNone;
-    iState = EFinish;
-    TRequestStatus* tmpStatus = &iStatus;
-    User::RequestComplete( tmpStatus, err );
-    SetActive();
-    LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::OPPJobRollBack ]\t end");
-// CBtPrintingDevice::ContinuePrintJobL
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::ContinuePrintJobL()
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::ContinuePrintJobL returns with: %d", KErrNotSupported);
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetNumPrintPages
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::GetNumPrintPages()
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetNumPrintPages]\t");
-	if( iPrintingJob )
-		return iPrintingJob->Sheets();
-	else
-		return KErrInvalidSequence;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrintJobStatus
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrintJobStatus()
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrintJobStatus returns with: %d", KErrNotSupported);
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStatus
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStatus(TInt /*aDeviceID*/)
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStatus returns with: %d", KErrNotSupported);
-	return KErrNotSupported;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityIDsL
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityIDsL(TInt aDeviceID, RArray<TInt>& aCapabilityIDs)
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityIDsL]\t begins with aDeviceID: %d", aDeviceID);
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	aCapabilityIDs.Reset();
-	CRsBtDevice *printer = FindDevice( aDeviceID );
-	if( printer == NULL )
-	{
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityIDsL]\t no device found, returning error");
-		return KErrInvalidData;
-	}
-	GetCapabilities(*printer);
-	printer->GetCapabilityIDs(aCapabilityIDs);
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityIDsL]\t ends with err: %d", err);
-	return err;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityL
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityL(TInt aDeviceID, TInt aCapabilityID, TPrintCapability& aCapability)
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityL begins with aDeviceID: %d", aDeviceID);
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityL begins with aCapabilityID: %d", aCapabilityID);
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	CRsBtDevice* printer = FindDevice(aDeviceID);
-	if( printer )
-	{
-		printer->GetCapability(aCapabilityID, aCapability);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		err = KErrInvalidData;
-	}
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::GetDeviceCapabilityL ends with err: %d", err);
-	return err;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobSetting
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobSetting(TInt aCapabilityID, TInt& aValue)
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobSetting begins with aCapabilityID: %d", aCapabilityID);
-	TInt res = KErrInvalidSequence;
-	aValue = KErrNotFound;
-	if(iPrintingJob)
-		res = iPrintingJob->GetPrintSetting(aCapabilityID, aValue);
-	return res;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL(TInt aCapabilityID, TInt aValue, TInt& aAffectedCapability)
-	{
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL]\t begins with aCapabilityID: %d", aCapabilityID);
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL]\t begins with aValue: %d", aValue);
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL]\t begins with aAffectedCapability: %d", aAffectedCapability);
-	if( !iPrintingJob || iPrintingJob->JobState() == CPrintJob::EStateNone )
-	{
-		LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL]\t iPrintingJob: %d || job state == EJobStateNone; return KErrInvalidSequence", iPrintingJob);
-		return KErrInvalidSequence;
-	}
-	aAffectedCapability = 0;
-	// Get the Target printer and capability
-	CRsBtDevice* printer = FindDevice( iPrintingJob->PrinterId() );
-	if( printer == NULL )
-	{
-		LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL]\t printer == NULL; return %d", KErrInvalidData);
-		return KErrInvalidData;
-	}
-	TInt res = printer->SetDefaultCapability(aCapabilityID, aValue);
-	if(KErrNone == res)
-	{
-		iPrintingJob->SetPrintSetting(aCapabilityID, aValue);
-		aAffectedCapability = aCapabilityID;
-		TRAPD(err, iDeviceContainer->StoreL());
-		if(KErrNone != err)
-		{
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL]\t Storing fails: %d", err);
-		}
-	}
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SetJobSettingL]\t ends. aAffectedCapability: %d", aAffectedCapability);
-	return res;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetNumPreviewPages
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::GetNumPreviewPages()
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::GetNumPreviewPages ends with: %d", 1);
-	return 1;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobTemplateIconL
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobTemplateIconL(TInt /*aTemplateID*/, TInt& /*aFsBitmapHandle*/)
-	return KErrNone;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePreviewImage
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::CreatePreviewImage(TInt /*aPageNumber*/)
-	return KErrNone;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::CreateJobResponse
-void CBtPrintingDevice::CreateJobResponse( TInt aJobId, TInt aErrorCode )
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::CreateJobResponse]\t iState: %d, Error: %d", iState, aErrorCode);
-	ResetTimer();
-	if (ECancelJob == iState)
-	{
-		LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::CreateJobResponse]\t wrong sequence: iState: %d, iPrintingJob->JobState(): %d", iState, iPrintingJob->JobState());
-		return;
-	}
-	if(KErrNone != aErrorCode)
-	{
-		LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::CreateJobResponse]\t error occured: %d. Finish.", aErrorCode);
-		ManagePrintingState(KErrNotFound, EBtStateAborted, EBtStateIdle, KErrNone, aErrorCode);
-		return;
-	}
-    iPrintingJob->SetJobId(aJobId);
-	iState = EJobProgress;
-	LOG( "[CBtPrintingDevice]\t                                 ******");
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice]\t -Printing started with job id:  * %2d", aJobId);
-	LOG( "[CBtPrintingDevice]\t                                 ******");
-	// Printing started - restart timer
-	StartTimer(KPrinterResponseTimeout, KPrinterResponseTimeout, TCallBack(HandleTimeout, this) );
-// CBtPrintingDevice::CancelJobResponse
-void CBtPrintingDevice::CancelJobResponse(TInt aErrorCode )
-	LOG1("[CUPnPPrintingDevice::CancelJobResponse]\t Error: %d", aErrorCode);
-	ManagePrintingState(iPrintingJob->JobId(), EBtStateCancelled, EBtStateIdle, KErrNone, aErrorCode);
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStateResponse
-void CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStateResponse(TInt aState, TInt aStateReasons,
-								 				TInt aOperationStatus, TInt aDeviceId)
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStateResponse]\t iState: %d, Error: %d", iState, aOperationStatus);
-	if(EGetPrinterState != iState)
-		return;
-	Deactivate();
-	CRsBtDevice* printer = FindDevice( aDeviceId );
-	if(!printer)
-	{
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStateResponse]\t panic PANIC panic: printer not found");
-		return;
-	}
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStateResponse] Printer state: %d - %d", aState, aOperationStatus);
-	if(KErrNone != aOperationStatus)
-	{
-		// handle operation status in ManagePrintingState as a printer state
-		aState = EBtStateStopped;
-		aStateReasons = aOperationStatus;
-	}
-	if(EBtStateStopped == aState)
-	{
-		ManagePrintingState(KErrNotFound, EBtStateUnknown, aState, aStateReasons, aOperationStatus);
-		return;
-	}
-	else if (EBtStateIdle == aState)
-	{
-		// maybe we cannot touch to iState: it maybe set to somethin on purpose...
-		//iState = EReady;
-	}
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetEventResponse
-void CBtPrintingDevice::GetEventResponse(TInt aJobId, TInt aJobState, TInt aPrinterState,
-					  					 TInt aStateReasons, TInt aOperationStatus)
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetEventResponse]\t");
-	ManagePrintingState(aJobId, aJobState, aPrinterState, aStateReasons, aOperationStatus);
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse
-void CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse( TInt  aJobState,
-												  const TDesC8&  aJobName,
-												  const TDesC8&  /*aOriginator*/,
-												  TInt aSheetsCompleted,
-												  TInt aPendingJobs,
-												  TInt aOperationStatus )
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t iState: %d", iState);
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t aOperationStatus: %d / 0x%X", aOperationStatus, aOperationStatus);
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t aJobState: %d aSheetsCompleted: %d", aJobState, aSheetsCompleted);
-	LOG82("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t aPendingJobs: %d aJobName: %S", aPendingJobs, &aJobName);
-	if(EFinish == iState)
-	{
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t Finishing... return.");
-		return;
-	}
-	if(KErrNone == aOperationStatus)
-	{
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t aOperationStatus OK");
-		if(0 < aPendingJobs)
-		{
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t pending: %d", aPendingJobs);
-			aJobState = EBtStateWaiting;
-		}
-		else if(iPrintingJob->Sheets() == aSheetsCompleted)
-		{
-			LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t Job Completed.");
-			aJobState = EBtStateCompleted;
-			if(CPrintJob::EStateCancel == iPrintingJob->JobState())
-				iPrintingJob->UpdateJobState(CPrintJob::EStatePrinting);
-		}
-		else if(KPendingLimit == iPendingCount)
-		{
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t timeout. pending too long: %d", iPendingCount);
-			aOperationStatus = EPbCheckPrinter;
-		}
-		else if (aJobState == EBtStateStopped || aJobState == EBtStateAborted || aJobState == EBtStateUnknown || aJobState == EBtStateWaiting || aJobState == EBtStateCompleted)
-		{
-			Deactivate();
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesResponse]\t aJobState NOK: %d. Get printer attributes", aJobState);
-			TRequestStatus* tmpStatus = &iStatus;
-			iState = EGetPrinterState;
-			User::RequestComplete(tmpStatus, KErrNone);
-			SetActive();
-			return;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			iState = EGetJobAttributes;
-			aJobState = EBtStatePrinting;
-		}
-	}
-	ManagePrintingState(iPrintingJob->JobId(), aJobState, EBtStatePrinting, ENoMessage, aOperationStatus);
-	return;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::FindDevice
-CRsBtDevice* CBtPrintingDevice::FindDevice(TInt aDeviceID)
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::FindDevice] begins with aDeviceID: %d", aDeviceID);
-	TInt pos = iDeviceContainer->Find(aDeviceID);
-	if(KErrNotFound != pos)
-	{
-		return iDeviceContainer->At(pos);
-	}
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::FindDevice] device NOT found");
-	return NULL;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL( const RArray<TInt>& aNumsOfCopies, TInt& aErr )
-	{
-	if( !iPrintingJob || iPrintingJob->JobState() != CPrintJob::EStateCreated )
-	{
-		aErr = KErrInvalidSequence;
-		return;
-	}
-    LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL]\t iPrintingJob->JobState(): %d", iPrintingJob->JobState());
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL]\t ImageCount(): %d, copies count: %d ",
-				iPrintingJob->ImageCount(), aNumsOfCopies.Count());
-	if( iPrintingJob->ImageCount() != aNumsOfCopies.Count() )
-	{
-		aErr = KErrInvalidData;
-		return;
-	}
-	aErr = iPrintingJob->SetNumsOfCopies(aNumsOfCopies);
-	LOG1("CBtPrintingDevice::SetNumsOfCopiesL aErr: %d", aErr);
-	}
-// CBtPrintingDevice::InitJobL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::InitJobL(CRsBtDevice *aPrinter, RPointerArray<TDesC>& aImages)
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::InitJobL]");
-	if (iPrintingJob)
-	{
-		delete iPrintingJob;
-		iPrintingJob = NULL;
-	}
-	// Change format of file list
-	RArray<TFileName> imageList;
-	CleanupClosePushL(imageList);
-	for (TInt i=0; i < aImages.Count(); i++)
-	{
-		LOG1("[InitJobL]\t %S", aImages[i]);
-		imageList.Append( *(aImages[i]) );
-	}
-	// Get local BT name
-	TBuf8<0x100> name;
-	GetLocalBTNameL(name);
-	// Create job object
-	iPrintingJob = CPrintJob::NewL(aPrinter, imageList, name);
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&imageList);
-	RArray<TInt> capabIDs;
-	CleanupClosePushL(capabIDs);
-	aPrinter ->GetCapabilityIDs(capabIDs);
-	for(TInt i = 0; i < capabIDs.Count(); ++i)
-	{
-		TPrintCapability capab;
-		aPrinter->GetCapability(capabIDs[i], capab);
-		iPrintingJob->SetPrintSetting(capabIDs[i], capab.iDefaultValue);
-	}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&capabIDs);
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetCapabilities
-void CBtPrintingDevice::GetCapabilities(CRsBtDevice& aPrinter, TBool aForcedGet)
-	{
-	// gets printer capabilities. If cannot get, sets defaults.
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetCapabilities] already found %d", aPrinter.CapabilityCount());
-	// Capabilities already got
-	if (0 < aPrinter.CapabilityCount() && !aForcedGet )
-		return;
-	TDeviceState tmpState = iState;
-	iPendingCount = 0;
-	StartTimer(KPrinterResponseTimeout, KPrinterResponseTimeout, TCallBack(HandleTimeout, this) );
-	/*Get printer's capabilities*/
-	TRAPD(leave, iPrinterController->GetCapabilitiesL(aPrinter) );
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetCapabilities] GetCapabilitiesL leaves with %d", leave);
-	if ( ( leave == KErrNotFound && aPrinter.UsedProtocol() == KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_BPP ) ||
-		 ( leave == KErrArgument && aPrinter.UsedProtocol() == KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_BPP ) )
-		{		
-		LOG( "Capabilities not received from BPP Printer - Thus Force OPP ON to avoid problems ");
-		LOG( "This case indicates that there is possible problem in the BPP printer. ");
-		aPrinter.SetUsedProtocol( KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_Printer );
-		aPrinter.SetSupportedProtocols( KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_Printer );
-		iUsedBtProfile = KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_Printer;
-		leave = KErrNone;		
-		}
-	ResetTimer();
-	iPendingCount = 0;
-	iState = tmpState;
-	if(KErrNone != leave)
-		{
-		// cleanup connections
-		Cancel();
-		iPrinterController->Stop();
-		RArray<TPrintCapability> c;
-		GetDefaultCapabilities(c);
-		for (TInt i = 0; i < c.Count(); ++i)
-			{
-			aPrinter.AddCapability(c[i]);
-			}
-		c.Close();
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// store connected printer
-		aPrinter.SetUsed(ETrue);
-		// If this fails, no can do. Continue.
-		TRAP_IGNORE( iDeviceContainer->StoreL() );
-		}
-	}
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetDefaultCapabilities
-void CBtPrintingDevice::GetDefaultCapabilities(RArray<TPrintCapability>& aCapabilities)
-	// Layout
-	TPrintCapability layout;
-	layout.iCapabilityID = EPrintCapabLayout;
-	layout.iType = TPrintCapability::Enum;
-	layout.iDefaultValue = EPrintCapabLayout1Up;
-	layout.iLow = 0;
-	layout.iHigh = 0;
-	layout.iEnumCodes[0] = layout.iDefaultValue;
-	layout.iEnumCount = 1;
-	// Quality
-	TPrintCapability quality;
-	quality.iCapabilityID = EPrintCapabQuality;
-	quality.iType = TPrintCapability::Enum;
-	quality.iDefaultValue = EPrintCapabQualityDefault;
-	quality.iLow = 0;
-	quality.iHigh = 0;
-	quality.iEnumCodes[0] = quality.iDefaultValue;
-	quality.iEnumCount = 1;
-	// Paper size
-	TPrintCapability paper;
-	paper.iCapabilityID = EPrintCapabPaperSize;
-	paper.iType = TPrintCapability::Enum;
-	paper.iDefaultValue = EPrintCapabPaperSizeAuto;
-	paper.iLow = 0;
-	paper.iHigh = 0;
-	paper.iEnumCodes[0] = paper.iDefaultValue;
-	paper.iEnumCount = 1;
-	aCapabilities.Append(layout);
-	aCapabilities.Append(quality);
-	aCapabilities.Append(paper);
-// CBtPrintingDevice::FoundDevice
-void CBtPrintingDevice::FoundDeviceL(CRsBtDevice& aDevice)
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::FoundDeviceL]\t protocol: %d, DeviceId: %d", aDevice.UsedProtocol(), aDevice.DeviceId());
-	TBool inform = EFalse;
-	if( aDevice.UsedProtocol() == KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_BPP )
-		{
-		inform = ETrue;
-		}
-	else if( aDevice.UsedProtocol() == KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_Printer )
-		{
-		inform = ETrue;
-		}
-	else if( aDevice.UsedProtocol() == KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_PC )
-		{
-		inform = ETrue;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// avoid lint error
-		inform = EFalse;
-		}
-	if( iDiscoveryObserver && inform)
-		{
-		TPrinter printer = aDevice.ToTPrinter();
-		iDiscoveryObserver->FoundDeviceL( printer );
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::FoundDeviceL] observer informed");
-		}
-// CBtPrintingDevice::AddBtDeviceL
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::AddBtDeviceL(CRsBtDevice& aDevice)
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::AddBtDeviceL]\t");
-	CRsBtDevice* device = NULL;
-	TInt pos = iDeviceContainer->Find(aDevice);
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::AddBtDeviceL]\t pos: %d", pos);
-	if(KErrNotFound != pos)
-	{
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::AddBtDeviceL]\t device exists");
-		device = iDeviceContainer->At(pos);
-		// create TPrinter of old device for informing of update
-		TPrinter oldPrinter = device->ToTPrinter();
-		// update existing
-		TBool modified = device->UpdateUsedL(aDevice);
-		device->SetJustFound(ETrue);
-		// Be sure the if updated device is updated in observer
-		if( iDiscoveryObserver && modified)
-			{
-			iDiscoveryObserver->RemoveDeviceL( oldPrinter );
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::FoundDeviceL] observer informed: remove \"%S\"", &oldPrinter.iDisplayName);
-			TPrinter printer = device->ToTPrinter();
-			iDiscoveryObserver->FoundDeviceL( printer );
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::FoundDeviceL] observer informed: found \"%S\"", &printer.iDisplayName);
-			}
-		return KErrNone;
-	}
-	device = CRsBtDevice::NewL(aDevice);
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::AddBtDeviceL]\t newDevice address: %d", (TInt)device);
-	device->SetUsed(EFalse);
-	device->SetDisappeared(EFalse);
-	device->ComposeUsedProtocol(iRequestedProtocols);
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::AddBtDeviceL]\t usedProtocol: %d", device->UsedProtocol());
-	iDeviceContainer->AppendL(device);
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::AddBtDeviceL]\t preparing info for observer");
-	FoundDeviceL( *device );
-	return KErrNone;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetUsedDevicesL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::GetUsedDevicesL()
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetUsedDevicesL]\t");
-	iDeviceContainer->RestoreL(); 
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetUsedDevicesL]\t found %d devices.", iDeviceContainer->Count());
-	for(TInt i = 0; i < iDeviceContainer->Count(); ++i)
-		{
-		iDeviceContainer->At(i)->ComposeUsedProtocol(iRequestedProtocols);
-		FoundDeviceL( *(iDeviceContainer->At(i)) );
-		}
-// CBtPrintingDevice::FinishPrinting
-void CBtPrintingDevice::FinishPrinting(TInt aErrorCode)
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::FinishPrinting]\t ");
-	iState = EFinish;
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::FinishPrinting]\t -Reset timer");
-	Deactivate();
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::FinishPrinting]\t -Init ids");
-	iPendingCount = KPendingLimit;
-	// if error occures when geting capabilities, the job not created yet.
-	if(iPrintingJob)
-	{
-		//Cancel job. if leaves, there is no chance to cancel the job -> continue
-		//else return, the timeout or cancel job response will complete finish
-		TRAPD(leave, CancelJobL());
-		if(KErrNone != leave)
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::FinishPrinting]\t -CancelJobL() leaves with %d", leave);
-		else
-			return;
-		iPrintingJob->UpdateJobState(CPrintJob::EStateCreated);
-	}
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::FinishPrinting]\t FinishPrinting: state=%d", iState);
-	// Inform controller
-	iPrinterController->FinishPrinting();
-	if(KErrNone != aErrorCode)
-	{
-		if (iPrintEventObserver)
-			iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobErrorEvent(aErrorCode);
-	}
-	iState = EReady;
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::FinishPrinting]\t -out");
-// CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDiscovered
-void CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDiscovered( CRsBtDevice& aDevice )
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDiscovered]\t");
-	TInt err; // for remove compiling errors
-	TRAP(err, AddBtDeviceL(aDevice));
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDiscovered]\t Device added with leave: %d", err);
-// CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDisappeared
-void CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDisappeared( CRsBtDevice& aDevice )
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDisappeared]\t");
-	CRsBtDevice* device = FindDevice(aDevice.DeviceId());
-	if(!device)
-	{
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDisappeared]\t Device not found. Return.");
-		return;
-	}
-	TPrinter printer = device->ToTPrinter();
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDisappeared]\t printer.iDisplayName: %S", &(printer.iDisplayName));
-	device->SetDisappeared(ETrue);
-	// Ignore leave; the call back
-	TRAP_IGNORE(iDiscoveryObserver->RemoveDeviceL(printer));
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::DeviceDisappeared]\t end");
-// CBtPrintingDevice::ResetTimer
-void CBtPrintingDevice::ResetTimer()
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::ResetTimer]\t");
-	if(iPrinterTimer)
-	{
-		if(iPrinterTimer->IsActive())
-			iPrinterTimer->Cancel();
-	}
-	iPendingCount = 0;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::StartTimer
-void CBtPrintingDevice::StartTimer(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDelay,
-							TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 anInterval,
-							TCallBack aCallBack)
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::StartTimer]\t");
-	ResetTimer();
-	iPrinterTimer->Start(aDelay, anInterval, aCallBack);
-// CBtPrintingDevice::ConnectionTimeout
-TBool CBtPrintingDevice::HandleTimeout(TAny *aWho)
-	CBtPrintingDevice *cbTarget = static_cast<CBtPrintingDevice*>(aWho);
-	return cbTarget->DoHandleTimeout();
-// CBtPrintingDevice::DoConnectionTimeout
-TBool CBtPrintingDevice::DoHandleTimeout()
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::DoHandleTimeout]\t iState: %d", iState);
-	TInt err = KErrTimedOut;
-	if(iUsedBtProfile != KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_OPP_Printer)
-	{
-		if(KPendingLimit > iPendingCount)
-		{
-			++iPendingCount;
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::DoHandleTimeout]\t pending: %d", iPendingCount);
-			//Continue waiting...
-			return ETrue;
-		}
-		// when timeout occures during printing, try anyway get printer state
-		if(KPendingLimit == iPendingCount && EJobProgress == iState)
-		{
-			err = KErrNone;
-			iState = EGetJobAttributes;
-			--iPendingCount;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if(KOppPendingLimit > iPendingCount)
-		{
-			++iPendingCount;
-			LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::DoHandleTimeout]\t opp print pending: %d", iPendingCount);
-			//Continue waiting...
-			return ETrue;
-		}
-		// when timeout occures during printing, try anyway get printer state
-		if(KOppPendingLimit == iPendingCount && EJobProgress == iState)
-		{
-			err = KErrNone;
-			iState = EFinish;
-			--iPendingCount;
-		}
-	}
-	Cancel();
-	TRequestStatus* tmpStatus = &iStatus;
-	User::RequestComplete(tmpStatus, err);
-	SetActive();
-	return EFalse;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState
-void CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState(TInt aJobId, TInt aJobState, TInt aPrinterState,
-					  					 TInt aStateReasons, TInt aOperationStatus)
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t begin: iState: %d", iState);
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t aOperationStatus: %d / 0x%X", aOperationStatus, aOperationStatus);
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t jobId: %d state: %d", aJobId, aJobState);
-	LOG2("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t aPrinterState: %d aStateReasons: %d", aPrinterState, aStateReasons);
-	// already stopping, cancelling or idle... No reason to continue
-	if( EFinish == iState || EReady == iState )
-		return;
-	Deactivate();
-	TInt percents = 0;
-	// Always inform anyway. No matter the state.
-	// First the error cases:
- 	TInt err = KErrNone;
- 	// Set tmpState
- 	TDeviceState tmpState = EFinish;
-	if(KErrNone != aOperationStatus)
-	{
-		// if cancelling, ignore errors
-		if(ECancelJob == iState && KErrDisconnected == aOperationStatus)
-			return;
-		err = aOperationStatus;
-	}
-	else if(EBtStateStopped == aPrinterState)
-	{
-		LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState] Printer state stopped.");
-		if(iPrintEventObserver)
-			iPrintEventObserver->PrinterStatusEvent(aStateReasons, KErrNone);
-		// Mustn't give error here:
-		// inform via PrinterStatusEvent not at FinishPrinting via PrintJobErrorEvent
-		err = KErrNone;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		switch (aJobState)
-		{
-			case EBtStateUnknown:
-			case EBtStateStopped:
-			case EBtStateAborted:
-				err = aStateReasons;
-				break;
-			case EBtStateWaiting:
-				LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t Waiting. Cancel.");
-				// Don't care if cancel fails: no can do anyway.
-				CancelPrintJob();
-				err = EPbStatusErrorReasonHardwarePrinterBusy;
-				break;
-			case EBtStateCompleted:
-				LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t Completed.");
-				LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t iPrinting->JobState: %d", iPrintingJob->JobState());
-				if(CPrintJob::EStatePrinting == iPrintingJob->JobState() || 
-				   CPrintJob::EStateSending == iPrintingJob->JobState())
-				{
-					if(iPrintEventObserver)
-						iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent(EDone, 100, ENoMessage);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					err = EObexSendError;
-				}
-				iPrintingJob->UpdateJobState(CPrintJob::EStateCreated);
-				break;
-			case EBtStateCancelled:
-				LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t Cancelled");
-				// If Bt print is cancelled by Image Print, show error "Check status of Printer"
-				err = EPbStatusErrorReasonNoReason;				
-				break;
-			// continue cases
-			case EBtStatePrinting:
-				iPrintingJob->UpdateJobState(CPrintJob::EStatePrinting);
-				percents = UpdateProggress();
-				LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t Printing proggress %d", percents);
-				if(iPrintEventObserver)
-					iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent(EActive, percents, EPrinting);
-				tmpState = EGetJobAttributes;
-				StartTimer(KPrinterResponseTimeout, KPrinterResponseTimeout, TCallBack(HandleTimeout, this) );
-				break;
-			case EBtStateSending:
-				iPrintingJob->UpdateJobState(CPrintJob::EStateSending);
-				percents = UpdateProggress();
-				LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::ManagePrintingState]\t Sending proggress %d", percents);
-				if(iPrintEventObserver)
-					iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent(EActive, percents, ECopying);
-				tmpState = EJobProgress;
-				StartTimer(KPrinterResponseTimeout, KPrinterResponseTimeout, TCallBack(HandleTimeout, this) );
-			return;
-			default:
-				tmpState = iState;
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	iPrintError = err;
-	TRequestStatus* tmpStatus = &iStatus;
-	iState = tmpState;
-	User::RequestComplete(tmpStatus, err);
-	SetActive();
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesL()
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesL]\t begin: iState: %d", iState);
-	CRsBtDevice* printer = static_cast<CRsBtDevice*>(User::LeaveIfNull(
-					FindDevice(iPrintingJob->PrinterId())));
-	iPrinterController->GetJobAttributesL(*printer, iPrintingJob->JobId());
-	iState = EGetJobAttributes;
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetJobAttributesL]\t out");
-	StartTimer(KPrinterResponseTimeout, KPrinterResponseTimeout, TCallBack(HandleTimeout, this) );
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterAttributesL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterStateL()
-	LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterAttributesL]\t begin: iState: %d", iState);
-	CRsBtDevice* printer = static_cast<CRsBtDevice*>(User::LeaveIfNull(
-					FindDevice(iPrintingJob->PrinterId())));
-	iPrinterController->GetPrinterStateL(*printer);
-	iState = EGetPrinterState;
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetPrinterAttributesL]\t out");
-	StartTimer(KPrinterResponseTimeout, KPrinterResponseTimeout, TCallBack(HandleTimeout, this) );
-// CBtPrintingDevice::CancelJobL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::CancelJobL()
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelJobL]\t begin");
-	// If not submitted, return
-	if( !iPrintingJob || 
-	   (CPrintJob::EStateSubmitted != iPrintingJob->JobState() &&
-	   	CPrintJob::EStateSending != iPrintingJob->JobState() &&
-	   	CPrintJob::EStatePrinting != iPrintingJob->JobState()) )
-		User::Leave(KErrInvalidSequence);
-    LOG1("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelJobL]\t begin at iPrintingJob->JobState(): %d", iPrintingJob->JobState());
-	CRsBtDevice* printer = static_cast<CRsBtDevice*>(User::LeaveIfNull(
-					FindDevice(iPrintingJob->PrinterId())));
-	iPrintingJob->UpdateJobState(CPrintJob::EStateCancel);
-	iPrinterController->CancelJobL(*printer, iPrintingJob->JobId());
-	iState = ECancelJob;
-	TRequestStatus* tmpStatus = &iStatus;
-	User::RequestComplete(tmpStatus, KErrNone);
-	SetActive();
-	LOG("[CBtPrintingDevice::CancelJobL]\t out");
-	StartTimer(KPrinterResponseTimeout, KPrinterResponseTimeout, TCallBack(HandleTimeout, this) );
-// CBtPrintingDevice::CheckProggress
-TInt CBtPrintingDevice::UpdateProggress()
-	TInt percents = iPrinterController->GetPercentSent();
-	if(iProggress != percents && 0 != percents)
-	{
-		iProggress = percents;
-		iPendingCount = 0;
-	}
-	// don't return 100% until the job is reported to be completed.
-	// that way also the physical printing is included in percents.
-	if(95 < iProggress)
-		return 95;
-	else
-		return iProggress;
-// CBtPrintingDevice::GetLocalBTNameL
-void CBtPrintingDevice::GetLocalBTNameL(TDes8& aName)
-	RsUtils::GetLocalBTNameL(aName);
-	LOG81("[CBtPrintingDevice::GetLocalBTNameL]\t GetLocalBTNameL(%S)", &aName);
-// CBtPrintingDevice::OPPSendProgress
-void CBtPrintingDevice::OPPSendProgress( TInt aProgress )
-	{
-	if(iPrintEventObserver)
-		{	
-		// If sendind is finished ( Bytes sent == Job size) it's OK to remove progress bar.
-		if (aProgress == 100)
-			{
-			iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent(EDone, 100, ENoMessage);			
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			// If sending is in progress update progress bar.
-			iPrintEventObserver->PrintJobProgressEvent(EActive, aProgress, EPrinting);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-//  End of File