changeset 28 d59c248c9d36
parent 0 d11fb78c4374
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ImagePrint/ImagePrintEngine/DeviceProtocols/upnpprotocolfw2/inc/cupprintingjob.h	Wed Sep 01 12:30:38 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Declares CUPPrintingJob class
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <upnpitem.h>
+#include <upnpmediaserverclient.h>
+#include "upconsts.h"
+#include "tprintcapability.h"
+#include "cupprintfactory.h"
+#include "cupjobstate.h"
+class CUPPrinter;
+class CUPFileSharingActive;
+enum TUpnpContainerType
+	EImageAndVideo = 0
+#define KMaxIdLength 		10
+* @class 		CUPPrintingJob
+* @description	This class contains the necessary printing 
+*				job information between UPnPStack and MProtPrintingDevice
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CUPPrintingJob) : public CBase
+	{
+		public:
+			/*
+			* @function 	NewL
+			* @description	Constructs the CUPPrintingJob object. 
+			* 				NOTE: The ownership of aFileFactory does not change here!
+			* @param		aPrinter		Selected printer for the job
+			* @param		aImages			Array of images to be printed
+			* @param		aFileFactory	Pointer to XHTML-print file factory
+			* @param		aUserName		User name got from central repository
+			*/
+			static CUPPrintingJob* NewL(CUPPrinter* aPrinter, RArray<TFileName>& aImages, CUPPrintFactory* aFileFactory, const TDesC8& aUserName);
+			/*
+			* @function 	Destructor
+			* @description	Destroys the object and frees the memory allocated by this object
+			*/
+			~CUPPrintingJob();
+			/*
+			* @function 	SetSessionId
+			* @description	Initializes the session id used for printer communication with this job
+			* @param		TInt aId
+			*/
+			void SetSessionId(TInt aId);
+			/*
+			* @function 	SessionId
+			* @description	Returns the session id
+			* @return 		TInt
+			*/
+			TInt SessionId();
+			/*
+			* @function 	SetJobId
+			* @description	Initializes the job id
+			* @param		TDesC& aId
+			*/
+			void SetJobId(const TDesC8& aId);
+			/*
+			* @function 	GetJobId
+			* @description	Returns the job id as const TDes8&
+			* @param 		const TDes8&
+			*/
+			void GetJobId(TDes8& aId);
+			/*
+			* @function 	GetJobName
+			* @description	Returns the file path
+			* @param 		TDes8&
+			*/
+			void GetJobName(TDes8& aJobName);
+			/*
+			* @function 	ImageCount
+			* @description	Returns the number of images in job.
+			* @return 		TInt
+			*/
+			TInt ImageCount();
+			/*
+			* @function 	Images
+			* @description	Returns job's images as CImageInfo
+			* @param		RArray<CImageInfo> Output parameter
+			*/
+			void Images(RArray<CImageInfo>& aImages);
+			/*
+			* @function 	PrinterId
+			* @description	Returns the printer id
+			* @param		TInt
+			*/
+			TInt PrinterId();
+			/*
+			* @function 	ShareFileL
+			* @description	Shares the images via UPnP Media Server and destroys object CUPnPItem.
+			* @param		CUPnPItem*	UPnP Item to share
+			*/
+			void ShareFileL(CUpnpItem* aItemToShare);
+			/*
+			* @function 	ShareImagesL
+			* @description	Shares the images via UPnP Media Server
+			*/
+			void ShareImagesL();
+			/*
+			* @function 	UnShareImages
+			* @description	Removes the sharing of all images from UPnP Media Server
+			* @return 		TInt	System wide error code
+			*/
+			TInt UnShareImages();
+			/*
+			* @function 	UnShareImages
+			* @description	Removes the sharing of file from UPnP Media Server
+			* @param 		TInt	UPnP item ID
+			* @return 		TInt	System wide error code
+			*/
+			TInt UnShareFile(TInt aItemId);
+			/*
+			* @function 	GetUserName
+			* @description	Returns the user name
+			* @param 		TPtrC8&
+			*/
+			void GetUserName(TPtrC8& aDocFormat);
+			/*
+			* @function 	SetNumsOfCopies
+			* @description	Sets the number of copies for certain image.
+			* @param 		TInt aCapabilityId
+			* @param		TInt aValue
+			* @return		TInt System wide error code
+			*/
+			TInt SetNumsOfCopies( const RArray<TInt>& aNumsOfCopies);
+			/*
+			* @function 	XhtmlPrintFile
+			* @description	Returns the file path of generated XHTML-Print file
+			* @param 		TDes8&
+			*/
+			void GetPrintFileL(TDes8& aPrintFile);
+			/*
+			* @function 	Sheets
+			* @description	Returns the total number of sheets the job requires
+			* @return 		TInt
+			*/
+			TInt Sheets();
+			/*
+			* @function 	Progress
+			* @description	Returns the progress percentage of the job
+			* @return 		TInt
+			*/
+			TInt Progress();
+			/*
+			* @function 	JobState
+			* @description	Returns the pointer to the job state maintainer
+			* @return 		CUPJobState
+			*/
+			CUPJobState* JobState();
+			/*
+			* @function 	JobStateReason
+			* @description	Returns the reason for the job's state
+			* @return 		TInt
+			*/
+			TInt JobStateReason();
+	        /**
+	    	* StateUpdatedResponse callback function DEPRECATED
+	        * @since Series60 3.1
+			* @param	TDesC8& New printer state
+			* @param	TDesC8& Reason for the printer state		
+			* @param	TDesC8& List of job ids pending at the printer queue		
+			* @param	TDesC8& Current job ID
+			* @param	TDesC8& Number of the printed sheets
+	        */
+			TUPnPState UpdateJobState(const TDesC8& aPrinterState, 
+									  const TDesC8& aReason, 	
+									  const TDesC8& aJobList, 
+									  const TDesC8& aJobId, 
+									  const TDesC8& aJobMediaSheetsCompleted);
+			/*
+			* @function		PrinterStateUpdated
+			* @description	Returns the state of the job after printer state updated 
+			* @param		TDesC8& New printer state
+			* @return		TUPnPState
+			*/
+			TUPnPState PrinterStateUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
+			/*
+			* @function		PrinterStateReasonsUpdated
+			* @description	Returns the state of the job after printer state reason updated 
+			* @param		TDesC8& Reason for the printer state		
+			* @return		TUPnPState
+			*/
+			TUPnPState PrinterStateReasonsUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
+			/*
+			* @function		JobIdListUpdated
+			* @description	Returns the state of the job after job ID list updated 
+			* @param		TDesC8& List of job ids pending at the printer queue		
+			* @return		TUPnPState
+			*/
+			TUPnPState JobIdListUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
+			/*
+			* @function		JobEndStateUpdatedL
+			* @description	Returns the state of the job after job end state updated 
+			* @param		TDesC8& The end state of last printed job. Format: 
+			*						<id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,<state>
+			* @return		TUPnPState
+			*/
+			TUPnPState JobEndStateUpdatedL( const TDesC8& aEvent );
+			/*
+			* @function		JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated
+			* @description	Returns the state of the job after media sheets completed list updated 
+			* @param		TDesC8& Number of the printed sheets
+			* @return		TUPnPState
+			*/
+			TUPnPState JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
+			/*
+			* @function		JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated
+			* @description	Returns the state of the job after media sheets completed list updated 
+			* @param		TDesC8& ID of the current job
+			* @param		TDesC8& Number of the printed sheets
+			* @return		TUPnPState
+			*/
+			TUPnPState JobMediaSheetsCompletedUpdated(const TDesC8& aId, const TDesC8& aEvent );
+			/*
+			* @function		JobAbortStateUpdatedL
+			* @description	Returns the state of the job after job abort state updated 
+			* @param		TDesC8& The abort state of last aborted job. Format: 
+			*						<id>,<name>,<originator>,<completed sheets>,aborted,<reason>
+			* @return		TUPnPState
+			*/
+			TUPnPState JobAbortStateUpdatedL( const TDesC8& aEvent );
+			/*
+			* @function		ContentCompleteListUpdated
+			* @description	Returns the state of the job after content completed list updated 
+			* @param		TDesC8& Number of the sheets completedly received in printer
+			* @return		TUPnPState
+			*/
+			TUPnPState ContentCompleteListUpdated( const TDesC8& aEvent );
+		protected:
+			/*
+			* @function 	ConstructL
+			* @description	Construction's second phase
+			* @param		aPriner		Selected printer for the job
+			* @param		aImages		Array of images to be printed
+			*/
+			void ConstructL(CUPPrinter* aPrinter, RArray<TFileName>& aImages, const TDesC8& aUserName);
+		private:
+			/*
+			* @function 	CUPPrintingJob
+			* @description	C++ constructor
+			* @param		aPrinterId	Id of the printer to be used for this job.
+			*
+			*/
+			CUPPrintingJob(CUPPrintFactory* aFileFactory);
+			/*
+			* @function 	UPnPItemLC
+			* @description	Returns the image's UPnP item for file sharing
+			* @param		TInt	Index of the image, which UPnP item is requested 
+			* @param		TDesC8&	Name of the file used as base for UPnPItem
+			* @param		TInt	On return contains the UPnP item ID
+			* @return		CUPnPItem*
+			*/
+			CUpnpItem* UPnPItemLC(TInt aItemId, const TDesC8& aFileName, const TDesC8& aObjectType, const TDesC8& aMimeType);
+		private:
+		//@var iSessionId			Session id used in sending this job to printer
+		TInt iSessionId;
+		//@var iJobId				Id for printing job received from printer control point
+		TBuf8<KMaxIdLength> iJobId;
+		//@var iPrinterId			Defines the printer to be used. Has to be a valid index of CUAPrinterContainer.
+		TInt iPrinterId;
+		//@var iUserName			Name of the user (phone model)
+		TPtrC8 iUserName;
+		//@var iImages				Job's images
+		RArray<CImageInfo> iImages;
+		//@var iPrintFactory	Object for creating XHTML-Print file
+		CUPPrintFactory* iPrintFactory;
+		//@var iJobState			Object to maintain job's state
+		CUPJobState* iJobState;
+		//@var iSheets				Number of sheets to print
+		TInt iSheets;
+		//@var iXhtmlFileShareId			ID for sharing xhtml file
+		TInt iXhtmlFileShareId;
+		//@var iFileSharing			File sharing resource
+		CUPFileSharingActive* iFileSharing;
+		//@var iMediaServerClient			Media server to map the file sharing resource
+		RUpnpMediaServerClient iMediaServerClient;
+		//@var iiMediaServerAddress   media server's ip and port address.
+		TFileName8 iMediaServerAddress;
+		//@var iOrgMediaServerStatus   mediaserver's running status before we use it.
+		TInt iOrgMediaServerStatus;
+	};
+//  End of File