* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <imageprintapp.rsg>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
#include "tidleevent.h"
#include "cidleprinteventcatcher.h"
#include "crealfactory.h"
#include "midleprinteventobserver.h"
#include "cprinteventcatcher.h"
#include "mprintsettings.h"
#include "clog.h"
#include "mdiscoveryobserver.h"
#include "midleprinteventregisterif.h"
#include "mdiscoveryobserver.h"
CIdlePrintEventCatcher* CIdlePrintEventCatcher::NewL(
CRealFactory* aFactory /*,
MIdlePrintEventObserver* aIdleUIObserver*/ )
CIdlePrintEventCatcher* self = CIdlePrintEventCatcher::NewLC( aFactory/*, aIdleUIObserver*/ );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
CIdlePrintEventCatcher* CIdlePrintEventCatcher::NewLC(
CRealFactory* aFactory/*,
MIdlePrintEventObserver* aIdleUIObserver*/ )
CIdlePrintEventCatcher* self =
new ( ELeave ) CIdlePrintEventCatcher( aFactory/*, aIdleUIObserver*/ );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Constructor
CRealFactory* aFactory/*,
MIdlePrintEventObserver* aIdleUIObserver*/ ) :
iFactory( aFactory )/*,
iIdleUIObserver( aIdleUIObserver )*/
// Destructor
// 2nd phase constructor
void CIdlePrintEventCatcher::ConstructL()
void CIdlePrintEventCatcher::StatusEvent( const TEvent &aEvent,
TInt aError,
TInt aMsgCode )
LOG1("CIdlePrintEventCatcher::StatusEvent, aEventType: %d", aEvent.iEventType);
LOG2("CIdlePrintEventCatcher::StatusEvent, aError: %d, aMsgCode: %d", aError, aMsgCode );
TInt obsCount = iObservers.Count();
switch ( aEvent.iEventType )
///The protocol has made a connection to the printer, device or transport
case EConnect:
LOG( "CIdlePrintEventCatcher::StatusEvent CONNECT " );
if ( (TUint)aEvent.iProtocol == KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_PictBridge )
for( TInt i=0; i<obsCount; i++ )
iFactory->SettingsIF()->SetUsbState( ETrue );
///The protocol has been disconnected from the printer, device or transport
case EDisconnect:
if ( (TUint)aEvent.iProtocol == KImagePrint_PrinterProtocol_PictBridge )
// If idle print event is called while usb printing is still ongoing,
// printing is cancelled.
if ( iFactory->IsPrinting() &&
( iFactory->SettingsIF()->GetCurrentPrinterProtocol() ==
MDiscoveryObserver::EUSB ) && aError != KErrDisconnected)
LOG2("printing pictbridge, aError = %d, aMsgCode = %d", aError, aMsgCode );
iFactory->PrintEventObserverIF()->PrintJobErrorEvent( KErrDisconnected, KErrNone );
iFactory->SettingsIF()->SetUsbState( EFalse );
LOG2("not printing or not pictbridge, aError = %d, aMsgCode = %d", aError, aMsgCode );
if ( ( aError == KErrDisconnected) &&
( iFactory->SettingsIF()->GetCurrentPrinterProtocol() ==
MDiscoveryObserver::EUSB ) )
LOG( "CIdlePrintEventCatcher::StatusEvent 'Connection to printer lost' " );
TInt error ( KErrNone );
TRAP( error, iBuf = StringLoader::LoadL( R_NOTE_DISCONNECT_PRINT_ERROR ));
CAknErrorNote* errornote = new CAknErrorNote( ETrue );
TInt err ( KErrNone );
TRAP( err, errornote->ExecuteLD( *iBuf ));
if ( iBuf )
delete iBuf;
iBuf = NULL;
for( TInt i=0; i<obsCount; i++ )
///The event is notifying a change in the device status,
///or is reporting an error sent from the device
case EPrinterStatus:
if ( EWarning==aEvent.iSeverity || EFatal==aEvent.iSeverity )
for( TInt i=0; i<obsCount; i++ )
iObservers[i]->UsbStateChanged( ENOUSBEvent, aMsgCode );
///The event is notifying that an asynchronous leave has occurred
///in server and user should be notified in some way
case EAsynchronousLeave:
LOG( "CIdlePrintEventCatcher::StatusEvent EAsynchronousLeave!");
LOG2( "CIdlePrintEventCatcher::StatusEvent protocol: %d, error: %d",
aEvent.iProtocol, aError );
for( TInt i=0; i<obsCount; i++ )
iObservers[i]->AsynchronousServerLeave( aError );
CCoeEnv::Static()->HandleError( aError );
// Should not be never called
LOG("CIdlePrintEventCatcher::StatusEvent END");
void CIdlePrintEventCatcher::RegisterObserver( MIdlePrintEventObserver* aIdleObserver )
iObservers.Append( aIdleObserver );
void CIdlePrintEventCatcher::UnRegisterObserver( MIdlePrintEventObserver* aIdleObserver )
TInt observerPosition = iObservers.Find( aIdleObserver );
if( observerPosition != KErrNotFound )
iObservers.Remove( observerPosition );
// End of File