changeset 0 ca436256272f
child 1 09d076ed0f23
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ca436256272f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Container class of settings view.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 // CLASS HEADER
    21 #include    "CProfileSettingsContainer.h"
    24 #include    "CProfileEngineHandler.h"
    25 #include    "CProfileIndexHandler.h"
    26 #include    "CProfileTabHandler.h"
    27 #include    "ProfileSettingsView.hrh"
    28 #include    "CProfile3dSettingItem.h"
    29 #include    "CProfileFeedbackSettingItem.h"
    30 #include    "CProfileVibraSettingItem.h"
    31 #include    "CProfilePlayingVolumeSettingItem.h"
    32 #include    "CProfileNameSettingItem.h"
    33 #include    "CProfileKeypadVolumeSettingItem.h"
    34 #include    "CProfileFileListSettingItem.h"
    35 #include    "CProfileAlertForSettingItem.h"
    36 #include    "CProfileStruct.h"
    37 #include    "mprofileslocalfeatures.h"
    38 #include    "profilesvariant.hrh"  // KProEngFeatureIdVTRingingTone
    39 #include	"CProfileSettingsView.h"
    40 #include	"MProfileViewHandler.h" 
    41 #include    "ProfilesDebug.h"
    44 #include 	<AknDef.h>
    45 #include    <aknview.h>
    46 #include    <akntitle.h>
    47 #include    <akntextsettingpage.h>
    48 #include    <aknsoundsystem.h>
    49 #include    <eikapp.h>
    50 #include    <csxhelp/mode.hlp.hrh>
    51 #include    <featmgr.h>
    52 #include    <mprofileextended.h>
    54 #include    <mprofile3dtonesettings.h>
    55 #include    <mprofilefeedbacksettings.h>
    56 #include    <mprofileextrasettings.h>
    58 #include    <mprofileengineextended.h>
    59 #include    <mprofilesnamesarray.h>
    60 #include    <mprofilename.h>
    61 #include    <cprofilechangenotifyhandler.h>
    62 #include    <ProfileSettingsView.rsg>
    63 #include 	<data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    64 #include 	<centralrepository.h>
    65 #include    <settingsinternalcrkeys.h>
    66 #include	<bautils.h>	// For BaflUtils
    67 #include	<StringLoader.h>	// For StringLoader
    68 #include	<profileenginesdkcrkeys.h>	// For KCRUidProfileEngine
    69 #include	<profileengineinternalcrkeys.h>	// For KProEngDefaultRingingTone
    70 #include	<AknQueryDialog.h>	// For CAknQueryDialog
    71 #include    "CProfileNaviPaneContainer.h" // For CProfileNaviPaneContainer
    72 #include    <aknnotewrappers.h> // For CAknInformationNote
    74 // for power save mode handling
    75 #include    <psmsettings.h>
    76 #include    <psmsrvdomaincrkeys.h>
    77 #include    <e32property.h>
    78 #include    <profileengineprivatepskeys.h>
    80 namespace
    81 	{
    82 	// CONSTANTS
    83 	const TUid KUidProfileApp = { 0x100058F8 }; // UID of the application
    84 	const TInt KVoIPOFF = 0;
    86 	const TInt KFileCheckDelay = 100000; // microseconds
    87 	const TInt KFileCheckInterval = 5000000;
    89 	_LIT( KSettingsViewResourceFileName, "z:PROFILESETTINGSVIEW.RSC" );
    91 	}
    93 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    95 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CProfileSettingsContainer::CProfileSettingsContainer
    97 // C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
    98 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 CProfileSettingsContainer::CProfileSettingsContainer(
   101     MProfileViewHandler& aProfileViewHandler,
   102     CProfileEngineHandler& aEngineHandler,
   103     MProfileExternalSettingsHandler& aExternalSettingsHandler,
   104     CProfileIndexHandler* aIndexHandler,
   105     CProfileTabHandler* aTabHandler,
   106     CAknTitlePane* aTitlePane )
   107     :
   108     iResourceLoader( *iCoeEnv ),
   109     iProfileViewHandler( aProfileViewHandler ),
   110     iEngineHandler( aEngineHandler ),
   111     iExternalSettingsHandler( aExternalSettingsHandler ),
   112     iIndexHandler( aIndexHandler ),
   113     iTabHandler( aTabHandler ),
   114     iTitlePane( aTitlePane ),
   115     iAlternateLineService( EFalse )
   116     {
   117     SetMopParent( &( iProfileViewHandler.View() ) );
   118     }
   120 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 // CProfileSettingsContainer::ConstructL
   122 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   123 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 //
   125 void CProfileSettingsContainer::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect,
   126                                             TInt aResourceId )
   127     {
   128     iFs = new ( ELeave ) RFs;
   129     User::LeaveIfError( iFs->Connect() );
   131     PRODEBUG1( "CProfileSettingsContainer ConstructL(%d)",aResourceId );
   132     if( iIndexHandler )
   133         {
   134         iIndexHandler->CreateIndexArrayL();
   135         }
   137     iCopyProfile = CProfileStruct::NewL();
   139     iLocalFeatures = &( iEngineHandler.Engine()->LocalFeatures() );
   141     // Read settings of currently selected profile
   142     ReadProfileL();
   144     // Read alternate line service setting and register as observer
   145     if( iSSSettings.Open() == KErrNone )
   146         {
   147         iSSSettings.Register( ESSSettingsAls, *this ); // ignore return value
   148         TInt als( ESSSettingsAlsNotSupported );
   149         iSSSettings.Get( ESSSettingsAls, als ); // ignore return value
   150         if( als != ESSSettingsAlsNotSupported )
   151             {
   152             iAlternateLineService = ETrue;
   153             }
   154         }
   156 	// CRepository session for TTS ringingtone
   157 	iTTSSession = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidProfilesLV );
   159 	iDefaultTone = new( ELeave ) TFileName();
   161     iSession = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidProfileEngine);
   162     User::LeaveIfError( iSession->Get( KProEngDefaultRingingTone, *iDefaultTone ) );
   164 	TInt VoIPSupported( 0 );
   165 	iVoIPVariation = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidTelephonySettings );
   166 	iVoIPVariation->Get( KDynamicVoIP, VoIPSupported );
   167 	iVoIPVariationNotifier = CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewL( *this, *iVoIPVariation,
   168         CCenRepNotifyHandler::EIntKey, KDynamicVoIP );
   169     iVoIPVariationNotifier->StartListeningL();
   171     iVoIPStatus = KVoIPOFF != VoIPSupported;
   173     iKeySounds = static_cast< CAknAppUi* > ( iEikonEnv->AppUi() )->KeySounds();
   175 	TParse* fp = new(ELeave) TParse();
   176 	fp->Set(KSettingsViewResourceFileName, &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, NULL);
   177 	TFileName resourceFileName( fp->FullName() );
   178 	delete fp;
   180 	iResourceLoader.OpenL( resourceFileName );
   182     // Construct the setting items
   183     CAknSettingItemList::ConstructFromResourceL( aResourceId );
   184     // Hide all items that must be hidden
   185     SetHiddenFlagsL();
   187     if( iIndexHandler )
   188         {
   189         iIndexHandler->SetListBox( ListBox() );
   190         }
   191     if( iTabHandler )
   192         {
   193         iTabHandler->SetTabObserver( this );
   194         }
   195     else
   196         {
   197         // If the iTabHandler is NULL, set the navi label text to 
   198         // the name of current profile.
   199         iNaviPaneContainer = CProfileNaviPaneContainer::NewL(
   200                 *( iAvkonAppUi->StatusPane() ), iEngineHandler );
   202         MProfilesNamesArray* nameArray = iEngineHandler.IdArray();
   203         iNaviPaneContainer->SetNaviPaneTextL( 
   204             nameArray->MdcaPoint( iIndexHandler->CurrentProfileIndex() ) );
   205         }
   207     iNotifier = CProfileChangeNotifyHandler::NewL( this );
   209     iExternalSettingsHandler.SetObserver( *this );
   210     SetRect( aRect );
   211     ActivateL();
   212     PRODEBUG1( "CProfileSettingsContainer ConstructL(%d) return",aResourceId );
   214     //CheckFileExistenceL();
   215     // If CheckFileExistenceL is called directly from
   216     // ConstructL, DoActivateL in ProfileApp::CProfileSettingsView will be
   217     // blocked while the notes are displayed, causing problems.
   218 	// This timer will trigger only once (after 100 ms). After
   219 	// that it will be destroyed.
   220 	iPeriodic = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   221 	iPeriodic->Start(KFileCheckDelay,
   222 					KFileCheckInterval,
   223 					TCallBack( CProfileSettingsContainer::StartFileCheckL, this )
   224 					);
   226     }
   228 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   229 // CProfileSettingsContainer::NewL
   230 // Two-phased constructor. Note, this constructor is DEPRECATED and will return
   231 // only NULL if called.
   232 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 //
   234 EXPORT_C CProfileSettingsContainer* CProfileSettingsContainer::NewL(
   235     CAknView& /* aAknView */,
   236     CProfileEngineHandler& /* aEngineHandler */,
   237     CProfileIndexHandler* /* aIndexHandler */,
   238     CProfileTabHandler* /* aTabHandler */,
   239     CAknTitlePane* /* aTitlePane */ )
   240     {
   241     return NULL;
   242     }
   244 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 // CProfileSettingsContainer::NewL
   246 // Two-phased constructor.
   247 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   248 //
   249 EXPORT_C CProfileSettingsContainer* CProfileSettingsContainer::NewL(
   250     MProfileViewHandler& aProfileViewHandler,
   251     CProfileEngineHandler& aEngineHandler,
   252     MProfileExternalSettingsHandler& aExternalSettingsHandler,
   253     CProfileIndexHandler* aIndexHandler,
   254     CProfileTabHandler* aTabHandler,
   255     CAknTitlePane* aTitlePane )
   256     {
   257     return CProfileSettingsContainer::NewL( aProfileViewHandler, aEngineHandler,
   258             aExternalSettingsHandler, aIndexHandler, aTabHandler, aTitlePane,
   259             R_PROFILE_SETTING_ITEM_LIST );
   260     }
   262 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 // CProfileSettingsContainer::NewL
   264 // Two-phased constructor.
   265 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   266 //
   267 EXPORT_C CProfileSettingsContainer* CProfileSettingsContainer::NewL(
   268     MProfileViewHandler& aProfileViewHandler,
   269     CProfileEngineHandler& aEngineHandler,
   270     MProfileExternalSettingsHandler& aExternalSettingsHandler,
   271     CProfileIndexHandler* aIndexHandler,
   272     CProfileTabHandler* aTabHandler,
   273     CAknTitlePane* aTitlePane,
   274     TInt aResourceId )
   275     {
   276     CProfileSettingsContainer* self = new( ELeave ) CProfileSettingsContainer(
   277         aProfileViewHandler, aEngineHandler, aExternalSettingsHandler,
   278         aIndexHandler, aTabHandler, aTitlePane );
   279     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   280     self->ConstructL( aProfileViewHandler.View().ClientRect(), aResourceId );
   281     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   282     return self;
   283     }
   285 // Destructor.
   286 CProfileSettingsContainer::~CProfileSettingsContainer()
   287     {
   288 	if( iPeriodic )
   289 		{
   290 		iPeriodic->Cancel();
   291 		delete iPeriodic;
   292 		}
   294     if( iFs )
   295     	{
   296     	iFs->Close();
   297     	}
   298     delete iFs;
   300     PRODEBUG( "~CProfileSettingsContainer begin" );
   301     delete iNotifier;
   302     PRODEBUG( "~CProfileSettingsContainer 2" );
   303     if( iTabHandler )
   304         {
   305         iTabHandler->SetTabObserver( NULL );
   306         }
   307     PRODEBUG( "~CProfileSettingsContainer 3" );
   308     if( iIndexHandler )
   309         {
   310         iIndexHandler->SetListBox( NULL );
   311         }
   312     PRODEBUG( "~CProfileSettingsContainer 4" );
   313     iResourceLoader.Close();
   314     PRODEBUG( "~CProfileSettingsContainer 5" );
   315     ReleaseProfile();
   316     PRODEBUG( "~CProfileSettingsContainer 6" );
   317     delete iCopyProfile;
   318     PRODEBUG( "~CProfileSettingsContainer 7" );
   320     if ( iVoIPVariationNotifier )
   321         {
   322         iVoIPVariationNotifier->StopListening();
   323         delete iVoIPVariationNotifier;
   324         }
   325     if ( iVoIPVariation )
   326         {
   327     	delete iVoIPVariation;
   328     	}
   330     delete iTTSSession;
   331     delete iSession;
   333     delete iDefaultTone;
   334     PRODEBUG( "~CProfileSettingsContainer 8" );
   336    	iSSSettings.Close();
   337     PRODEBUG( "~CProfileSettingsContainer end" );
   338     delete iNaviPaneContainer;
   339     }
   341 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   342 // CProfileSettingsContainer::StartFileCheckL
   343 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   344 //
   345 TInt CProfileSettingsContainer::StartFileCheckL( TAny* aObj )
   346 	{
   347 	static_cast<CProfileSettingsContainer*>(aObj)->DoFileCheckL();
   348 	return 1;
   349 	}
   351 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   352 // CProfileSettingsContainer::DoFileCheckL
   353 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 //
   355 void CProfileSettingsContainer::DoFileCheckL()
   356 	{
   357 	if( iPeriodic )
   358 		{
   359 		iPeriodic->Cancel();
   360 		delete iPeriodic;
   361 		iPeriodic = NULL;
   362 		}
   364 	CheckFileExistenceL();
   365 	}
   367 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 // CProfileSettingsContainer::AllowedToChange
   369 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   370 //
   371 EXPORT_C TBool CProfileSettingsContainer::AllowedToChange(
   372     TInt aSettingItemId ) const
   373     {
   374     TUint32 flags( iProfile->ModifiableFlags() );
   375     switch( aSettingItemId )
   376         {
   377         // Fall through: If ringing tone is not allowed to change, then none of
   378         // these setting items are allowed to change.
   379         case EProfileSettingRingingToneId:
   380         case EProfileSettingRingingToneLine1Id:
   381         case EProfileSettingRingingToneLine2Id:
   382             {
   383             TInt profileId( 0 );
   384             // Get id of the edited profile
   385             profileId=iProfile->ProfileName().Id();
   386             if( profileId == EProfileOffLineId )
   387                 {
   388                 // VOIP Changes: WLAN can be enabled also in off-line profile
   389                 TBool featuresSupported(
   390                         FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdCommonVoip)
   391                         &&
   392                         FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdProtocolWlan)
   393                         );
   394                 return ( ( flags & EProfileFlagRingingTone ) &&
   395                          featuresSupported && iVoIPStatus );
   396                 }
   397             else
   398                 {
   399                 return flags & EProfileFlagRingingTone;
   400                 }
   401             }
   404         case EProfileSettingVideoCallToneId:
   405             {
   406             return flags & EProfileFlagVideoCallRingingTone;
   407             }
   408 	    case EProfileSettingRingingTypeId:
   409             {
   410             return flags & EProfileFlagRingingType;
   411             }
   412         case EProfileSettingRingingVolumeId:
   413             {
   414             return flags & EProfileFlagRingingVolume;
   415             }
   416 		 case EProfileSettingMediaVolumeId:
   417             {
   418             return flags & EProfileFlagMediaVolume;
   419             }
   420         case EProfileSettingMessageAlertToneId:
   421             {
   422             return flags & EProfileFlagMessageAlertTone;
   423             }
   424         case EProfileSettingEmailAlertToneId:
   425             {
   426             return flags & EProfileFlagEmailAlertTone;
   427             }
   428         case EProfileSettingVibratingAlertId:
   429             {
   430             return flags & EProfileFlagVibratingAlert;
   431             }
   432         case EProfileSettingEmailVibratingAlertId:
   433             {
   434             return flags & EProfileFlagVibratingAlert;
   435             }           
   436         case EProfileSettingKeypadVolumeId:
   437             {
   438             return flags & EProfileFlagKeypadVolume;
   439             }
   440         case EProfileSettingWarningAndGameTonesId:
   441             {
   442             return flags & EProfileFlagWarningTones;
   443             }
   444 		case EProfileSettingTTSRingingToneId:
   445 			{
   446 			return flags & EProfileFlagTextToSpeechTone;
   447 			}
   448         case EProfileSettingAlertForId:
   449             {
   450             return flags & EProfileFlagAlertFor;
   451             }
   452         case EProfileSettingProfileNameId:
   453             {
   454             return flags & EProfileFlagProfileName;
   455             }
   456         case EProfileSettingPTTRingingToneId:
   457             {
   458             return flags & EProfileFlagPttTone;
   459             }
   460         case EProfileSettingPTTStatusId:
   461             {
   462             return flags & EProfileFlagPttStatus;
   463             }
   464         case EProfileSettingTactileFeedbackId:
   465             {
   466             return flags & EProfileFlagTactileFeedback;
   467             }
   468     	case EProfileSettingAudioFeedbackId:
   469             {
   470             return flags & EProfileFlagAudioFeedback;
   471             }            
   472         case EProfileSetting3dEffectId:
   473             {
   474             return flags & EProfileFlag3DEffect;
   475             }
   476  		case EProfileSetting3dEchoId:
   477             {
   478             return flags & EProfileFlag3DEcho;
   479             }            
   481         default:
   482             {
   483             return iExternalSettingsHandler.AllowedToChange( aSettingItemId );
   484             }
   485         }
   486     }
   488 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   489 // CProfileSettingsContainer::ReleaseProfile
   490 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   491 //
   492 void CProfileSettingsContainer::ReleaseProfile()
   493     {
   494     if( iProfile )
   495         {
   496         iProfile->Release();
   497         iProfile = NULL;
   498         }
   499     }
   501 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 // CProfileSettingsContainer::ReadProfileL
   503 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   504 //
   505 void CProfileSettingsContainer::ReadProfileL()
   506     {
   507     TInt profileId( KErrNotFound );
   508     if( iIndexHandler )
   509         {
   510         // Index handler is set, get id of the edited profile
   511         profileId = iEngineHandler.IdForIndex(
   512             iIndexHandler->CurrentProfileIndex() );
   513         }
   514     else
   515         {
   516         // Index handler is not set.
   517         profileId = User::LeaveIfError(
   518             iEngineHandler.Engine()->ActiveProfileId() );
   519         }
   520     MProfileExtended* profile = iEngineHandler.Engine()->ProfileLC( profileId );
   521     iCopyProfile->LoadL( profile );
   522     CleanupStack::Pop(); // profile
   523     ReleaseProfile(); // delete old iProfile
   524     iProfile = profile;
   525     }
   527 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 // CProfileSettingsContainer::SetHiddenFlagsL
   529 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   530 //
   531 void CProfileSettingsContainer::SetHiddenFlagsL()
   532     {
   533     CAknSettingItemArray* array = SettingItemArray();
   534     TUint32 flags( iProfile->VisibleFlags() );
   535     TInt profileId( 0 );
   537     TBool hide3DEcho = EFalse;
   538     TInt effect = iProfile->ProfileExtraSettings().Profile3DToneSettings().Effect();
   539     if ( effect == EProfile3DEffectOff || effect == EProfile3DEffectStereoWidening )
   540         {
   541         hide3DEcho = ETrue;
   542         }
   544     // Get id of the edited profile
   545     profileId=iProfile->ProfileName().Id();
   547     if( profileId == EProfileOffLineId )
   548         {
   549         TBool featuresSupported(
   550                 FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdCommonVoip ) &&
   551                 FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdProtocolWlan) );
   552         SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneId, array,
   553             ( iAlternateLineService ) || ( ( ~flags & EProfileFlagRingingTone )
   554             || !featuresSupported || !iVoIPStatus ) );
   555         SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneLine1Id, array,
   556             ( !iAlternateLineService ) || ( ( ~flags & EProfileFlagRingingTone )
   557             || !featuresSupported || !iVoIPStatus ) );
   558         SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneLine2Id, array,
   559             ( !iAlternateLineService ) || ( ( ~flags & EProfileFlagRingingTone )
   560             || !featuresSupported || !iVoIPStatus ) );
   561 	  	SetItemHidden( EProfileSetting3dEffectId, array,
   562 	  		!( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureId3DRingingTones ) ) &&
   563 	        ( flags & EProfileFlag3DEffect ) && featuresSupported ) );
   564 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSetting3dEchoId, array,
   565 	  		!( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureId3DRingingTones ) ) &&
   566 	        ( flags & EProfileFlag3DEcho ) && featuresSupported ) );
   567         }
   568     else
   569         {
   570         SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneId, array,
   571             ( iAlternateLineService ) || ( ~flags & EProfileFlagRingingTone ) );
   572         SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneLine1Id, array,
   573             ( !iAlternateLineService ) || ( ~flags & EProfileFlagRingingTone ) );
   574         SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneLine2Id, array,
   575             ( !iAlternateLineService ) || ( ~flags & EProfileFlagRingingTone ) );
   576 	  	SetItemHidden( EProfileSetting3dEffectId, array,
   577 	  		!( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureId3DRingingTones ) ) &&
   578 	        ( flags & EProfileFlag3DEffect ) ) );
   579 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSetting3dEchoId, array,
   580 	  		!( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureId3DRingingTones ) ) &&
   581 	        ( flags & EProfileFlag3DEcho ) ) );
   582         }
   584     if ( hide3DEcho )
   585         {
   586       	SetItemHidden( EProfileSetting3dEchoId, array, ETrue );
   587         }
   589     SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingVideoCallToneId, array,
   590         !( ( iLocalFeatures->IsFeatureSupported(
   591         KProEngFeatureIdVTRingingTone ) ) &&
   592         ( flags & EProfileFlagVideoCallRingingTone ) &&
   593         FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdCsVideoTelephony ) ) );
   595 	SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingMessageAlertToneId, array,
   596         ~flags & EProfileFlagMessageAlertTone );
   598     SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingEmailAlertToneId, array,
   599         !( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdAlwaysOnLineEmail ) ) &&
   600         ( flags & EProfileFlagEmailAlertTone ) ) );
   602 	SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingTypeId, array,
   603         ~flags & EProfileFlagRingingType );
   605     SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingVolumeId, array,
   606         ~flags & EProfileFlagRingingVolume );
   608     SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingMediaVolumeId, array,
   609 		!( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdProtocolCdma ) ) &&
   610 		( flags & EProfileFlagMediaVolume ) ) );
   612 	SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingVibratingAlertId, array,
   613         ~flags & EProfileFlagVibratingAlert );
   615 	SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingEmailVibratingAlertId, array,
   616         ~flags & EProfileFlagVibratingAlert );
   617     SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingKeypadVolumeId, array,
   618         ~flags & EProfileFlagKeypadVolume );
   620     SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingWarningAndGameTonesId, array,
   621         ~flags & EProfileFlagWarningTones );
   623 	// Check if TTS ringingtone is supported
   624 	TBool textToSpeech( EFalse );
   625    	User::LeaveIfError( iTTSSession->Get( KProfilesLVFlags, textToSpeech ) );
   626    	textToSpeech &= KProEngFeatureIdTTSRingingTone;
   628 	SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingTTSRingingToneId, array,
   629 		!( textToSpeech && ( flags & EProfileFlagTextToSpeechTone ) ) );
   631     SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingAlertForId, array,
   632         ~flags & EProfileFlagAlertFor );
   634     SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingProfileNameId, array,
   635         ~flags & EProfileFlagProfileName );
   637 	SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingPTTRingingToneId, array,
   638 		!( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdOmaPoc ) ) &&
   639 		( flags & EProfileFlagPttTone ) ) );
   641 	SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingPTTStatusId, array,
   642 		!( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdOmaPoc ) ) &&
   643 		( flags & EProfileFlagPttStatus ) ) );
   645   	SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingTactileFeedbackId, array,
   646   		!( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTactileFeedback ) ) &&
   647         ( flags & EProfileFlagTactileFeedback ) ) );
   648 	SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingAudioFeedbackId, array,
   649 		!( ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTactileFeedback ) ) &&
   650         ( flags & EProfileFlagAudioFeedback ) ) );
   653 	// Check if SilentMode is supported
   654 	TBool silentMode(
   655 	 iLocalFeatures->IsFeatureSupported( KProEngFeatureIdForceSilentMode ) );	
   657 	if( ( silentMode ) && ( profileId == EProfileSilentId ) )
   658 		{
   659 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneId, array, ETrue );
   660 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneLine1Id, array, ETrue );
   661 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneLine2Id, array, ETrue );
   662 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingVideoCallToneId, array, ETrue );
   663 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingTTSRingingToneId, array, ETrue );
   664 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingTypeId, array, ETrue );
   665 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingVolumeId, array, ETrue );
   666 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingMessageAlertToneId, array, ETrue );
   667 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingEmailAlertToneId, array, ETrue );
   668 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingKeypadVolumeId, array, ETrue );
   669 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingWarningAndGameTonesId, array, ETrue );
   670 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingPTTRingingToneId, array, ETrue );
   671 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingProfileNameId, array, ETrue );
   672 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSettingAudioFeedbackId, array, ETrue );
   673 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSetting3dEffectId, array, ETrue );
   674 		SetItemHidden( EProfileSetting3dEchoId, array, ETrue );
   675 		}
   677     iExternalSettingsHandler.SetHiddenItems( *array );
   679     if( iIndexHandler )
   680     	{
   681 	    iIndexHandler->LoadIndices();
   682     	}
   684     HandleChangeInItemArrayOrVisibilityL();
   685     }
   687 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   688 // CProfileSettingsContainer::UpdateSettingsL
   689 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   690 //
   691 void CProfileSettingsContainer::UpdateSettingsL( TBool aReadProfileSettings )
   692     {
   693 	// Set listbox invicible to avoid flicker
   694     CEikListBox* listBox = ListBox();
   695     listBox->MakeVisible( EFalse );
   697     // Leavable function calls must be trapped in order to set listbox
   698     // back to visible again if a leave occurs
   699     TRAPD( error,
   700         if( aReadProfileSettings )
   701             {
   702             ReadProfileL();
   703             }
   704         LoadSettingsL(); // from CAknSettingItemList
   705         SetHiddenFlagsL();
   706         );
   708     if( aReadProfileSettings && iIndexHandler )
   709         {
   710         // Set focus back on correct index
   711         iIndexHandler->LoadIndices();
   712         }
   714     // Set listbox back to visible
   715     listBox->MakeVisible( ETrue );
   717     // Now proceed with the leave if one occured
   718     User::LeaveIfError( error );
   719     }
   721 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   722 // CProfileSettingsContainer::EditItemL
   723 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   724 //
   725 EXPORT_C void CProfileSettingsContainer::EditItemL( TInt aIndex, TBool aCalledFromMenu )
   726     {
   727     PRODEBUG1( "CProfileSettingsContainer EditItemL(%d) begin",aIndex );
   729     // Prevent opening of several setting items
   730     if( iItemEdited )
   731     	{
   732     	return;
   733     	}
   735     CAknSettingItem* item = SettingItemArray()->At( aIndex );
   736     TInt identifier( item->Identifier() );
   738     if ( PowerSaveMode( identifier ) )
   739         {
   740         HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_PROFILE_TEXT_PSM_INFONOTE );
   741         CAknInformationNote* queryDialog = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
   742      	queryDialog->ExecuteLD( *buf );
   743         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
   744         return;
   745         }
   747     if( !AllowedToChange( identifier ) )
   748         {
   749         // If a setting is not allowed to change, "swallow" list box event.
   750         return;
   751         }
   753     HBufC* titleText = NULL;
   755     if( ( identifier != EProfileSettingRingingToneId ) &&
   756         ( identifier != EProfileSettingRingingToneLine1Id ) &&
   757         ( identifier != EProfileSettingRingingToneLine2Id ) &&
   758         ( identifier != EProfileSettingVideoCallToneId ) &&
   759         ( identifier != EProfileSettingMessageAlertToneId ) &&
   760         ( identifier != EProfileSettingEmailAlertToneId ) &&
   761         ( identifier != EProfileSettingPTTRingingToneId ) )
   762         {
   763         if( aCalledFromMenu ||
   764             !( identifier == EProfileSettingVibratingAlertId ||
   765                identifier == EProfileSettingEmailVibratingAlertId ||
   766                identifier == EProfileSettingWarningAndGameTonesId ||
   767                identifier == EProfileSettingTTSRingingToneId ) )
   768             {
   769             // Set profile name as title pane text.
   770             // Tone selections launch a pop-up, so title pane is not changed.
   771             // Binary pop-up setting item with two available values does not
   772             // launch a setting page when not called from menu so title pane
   773             // is not changed.
   774             if( iTitlePane )
   775                 {
   776                 titleText = iTitlePane->Text()->AllocLC();
   777                 SetTitlePaneTextL( iCopyProfile->iTitleName );
   778                 }
   779             }
   780         }
   783     TInt threeDEffect = iCopyProfile->i3DEffect;
   784     if( identifier == EProfileSetting3dEffectId && iIndexHandler )
   785     	{
   786     	iIndexHandler->StoreIndices();
   787     	}
   789     // Set boolean value to ETrue that we know that the settings container
   790     // is in editing mode.
   791     iItemEdited = ETrue;
   792     // Store currently active profile id
   793     TInt activeProfileId( iEngineHandler.Engine()->ActiveProfileId() );
   795     // Trap to set boolean value back to EFalse after EditItemL finalized.
   796     PRODEBUG1( "CProfileSettingsContainer EditItemL before list::EditItemL(%d)",aIndex );
   797     TRAPD( error, CAknSettingItemList::EditItemL( aIndex, aCalledFromMenu ) );
   798     PRODEBUG1( "CProfileSettingsContainer EditItemL after list::EditItemL(),error=%d",error );
   799     iItemEdited = EFalse;
   800     User::LeaveIfError( error );
   802     // We don't know whether user cancelled or oked the setting so we must
   803     // store the data from setting item to the modified profile (iCopyProfile).
   804     item->StoreL();
   805     // Compare the settings of the modified profile
   806     // to the settings currently in Profile Engine.
   807     if( !iCopyProfile->CompareL( iProfile ) )
   808         {
   809         // Handle removing of DRM automated content
   810         iCopyProfile->RemoveAutomatedContentL( iProfile );
   811         // Something has changed. Store settings of modified profile.
   812         iCopyProfile->StoreL( iProfile );
   813         // Trap saving of the profile. If for example flash memory runs out
   814         // we can still revert the UI to its previous state.
   815         TRAP( error, iEngineHandler.Engine()->CommitChangeL( *iProfile ) );
   816         if( error != KErrNone || PowerSaveMode() )
   817             {
   818             // An User::Leave occurred. Try to read old settings to memory.
   819             ReadProfileL();
   820             // Update setting item so UI is left to correct state.
   821             item->LoadL();
   822             item->UpdateListBoxTextL();
   823             }
   824   		else if( identifier ==  EProfileSettingProfileNameId )
   825             {
   826             // Profile name was changed.
   827             UpdateProfileNamesL();
   828             }
   830         if ( threeDEffect != iCopyProfile->i3DEffect )
   831             {
   832             UpdateSettingsL( EFalse );  // hide 3DEcho if 3DEffect is off
   833             }
   834         }
   835     // If the setting is an external (= only in Tones View):
   836     iExternalSettingsHandler.StoreIfChangedL( identifier );
   838     if( titleText )
   839         {
   840         // Set title pane text back
   841         SetTitlePaneTextL( *titleText );
   842         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( titleText );
   843         }
   844     // Compare active profile to previously active profile
   845     TInt newActiveProfileId( iEngineHandler.Engine()->ActiveProfileId() );
   846     if( activeProfileId != newActiveProfileId )
   847         {
   848         // Active profile has changed while editing. Update UI.
   849         HandleActiveProfileEventL( EProfileNewActiveProfile, newActiveProfileId );
   850         }
   851     User::LeaveIfError( error );
   852     }
   854 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   855 // CProfileSettingsContainer::CreateSettingItemL
   856 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   857 //
   858 CAknSettingItem* CProfileSettingsContainer::CreateSettingItemL(
   859     TInt aIdentifier )
   860     {
   861     PRODEBUG1( "CProfileSettingsContainer CreateSettingsItemL(%d)",aIdentifier );
   862     CAknSettingItem* settingItem = NULL;
   864     switch( aIdentifier )
   865         {
   866         // Flow through: Ringing tone and RT line 1 are stored to the same
   867         // variable because they can not exist at the same time.
   868         case EProfileSettingRingingToneId:
   869         case EProfileSettingRingingToneLine1Id:
   870             {
   871             settingItem = CreateFileListSettingItemL(
   872                 *iCopyProfile->iRingingTone, aIdentifier );
   873             break;
   874             }
   875         case EProfileSettingRingingToneLine2Id:
   876             {
   877             settingItem = CreateFileListSettingItemL(
   878                 *iCopyProfile->iRingingToneLine2, aIdentifier );
   879             break;
   880             }
   881         case EProfileSettingVideoCallToneId:
   882             {
   883             settingItem = CreateFileListSettingItemL(
   884                 *iCopyProfile->iVideoCallTone, aIdentifier );
   885             break;
   886             }
   887         case EProfileSettingMessageAlertToneId:
   888             {
   889             settingItem = CreateFileListSettingItemL(
   890                 *iCopyProfile->iMessageAlertTone, aIdentifier );
   891             break;
   892             }
   893         case EProfileSettingEmailAlertToneId:
   894             {
   895             settingItem = CreateFileListSettingItemL(
   896                 *iCopyProfile->iEmailAlertTone, aIdentifier );
   897             break;
   898             }
   899         case EProfileSettingRingingTypeId:
   900             {
   901             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem(
   902                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iRingingType );
   903             break;
   904             }
   905         case EProfileSettingRingingVolumeId:
   906             {
   907             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfilePlayingVolumeSettingItem(
   908                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iRingingVolume,
   909                 *iCopyProfile->iRingingTone,
   910                 iCopyProfile->iRingingType,
   911                 iCopyProfile->iVibratingAlert,
   912                 ETrue ); //Display confirmation note for maximum volume
   913             break;
   914             }
   915 		 case EProfileSettingMediaVolumeId:
   916             {
   917             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfilePlayingVolumeSettingItem(
   918                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iMediaVolume,
   919                 *iCopyProfile->iRingingTone,
   920                 iCopyProfile->iRingingType,
   921                 iCopyProfile->iVibratingAlert,
   922                 EFalse ); //Do not display confirmation note for maximum volume
   923             break;
   924             }
   925         case EProfileSettingVibratingAlertId:
   926             {
   927             /*
   928             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknBinaryPopupSettingItem(
   929                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iVibratingAlert );
   930             */
   931             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfileFeedbackSettingItem(
   932                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iVibratingAlert );
   933             break;
   934             }
   935         case EProfileSettingEmailVibratingAlertId:
   936             {
   937             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknBinaryPopupSettingItem(
   938                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iEmailVibratingAlert );
   939             break;
   940             }
   941         case EProfileSettingKeypadVolumeId:
   942             {
   943             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfileKeypadVolumeSettingItem(
   944                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iKeypadVolume, iKeySounds );
   945             break;
   946             }
   947         case EProfileSettingWarningAndGameTonesId:
   948             {
   949             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknBinaryPopupSettingItem(
   950                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iWarningAndGameTones );
   951             break;
   952             }
   953         case EProfileSettingAlertForId:
   954             {
   955             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfileAlertForSettingItem(
   956                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iContactList, iCoeEnv );
   957             break;
   958             }
   959         case EProfileSettingProfileNameId:
   960             {
   961             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfileNameSettingItem(
   962                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iProfileName, iEngineHandler );
   963             break;
   964             }
   965 		case EProfileSettingTTSRingingToneId:
   966 			{
   967 			settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknBinaryPopupSettingItem(
   968                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iTextToSpeech );
   969 			break;
   970 			}
   971 		case EProfileSettingPTTRingingToneId:
   972 			{
   973 		 	settingItem = CreateFileListSettingItemL(
   974                 *iCopyProfile->iPTTRingingTone, aIdentifier );
   975 			break;
   976 			}
   977 		case EProfileSettingPTTStatusId:
   978 			{
   979 			settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem(
   980                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iPTTStatus );
   981 			break;
   982 			}
   983 		case EProfileSettingTactileFeedbackId:
   984             {
   985             /*
   986             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem(
   987                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iTactileFeedback );
   988             */
   989             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfileFeedbackSettingItem(
   990                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iTactileFeedback );
   991             break;
   992             }    
   993 		case EProfileSettingAudioFeedbackId:
   994             {
   995             /*
   996             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem(
   997                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iAudioFeedback );
   998             */
   999             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfileFeedbackSettingItem(
  1000                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->iAudioFeedback );
  1001             break;
  1002             }
  1003 		case EProfileSetting3dEffectId:
  1004             {
  1005             /*
  1006             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem(
  1007                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->i3DEffect );
  1008             */
  1009             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfile3dSettingItem(
  1010                 aIdentifier,
  1011                 iCopyProfile->i3DEffect,
  1012                 *iCopyProfile->iRingingTone,
  1013                 iCopyProfile->iRingingType,
  1014                 iCopyProfile->iVibratingAlert,
  1015                 iCopyProfile->iRingingVolume,
  1016                 iCopyProfile->i3DEcho );
  1017             break;
  1018             }    
  1019 		case EProfileSetting3dEchoId:
  1020             {
  1021             /*
  1022             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CAknEnumeratedTextPopupSettingItem(
  1023                 aIdentifier, iCopyProfile->i3DEcho );
  1024             */
  1025             settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfile3dSettingItem(
  1026                 aIdentifier,
  1027                 iCopyProfile->i3DEcho,
  1028                 *iCopyProfile->iRingingTone,
  1029                 iCopyProfile->iRingingType,
  1030                 iCopyProfile->iVibratingAlert,
  1031                 iCopyProfile->iRingingVolume,
  1032                 iCopyProfile->i3DEffect );
  1033             break;
  1034             }
  1036         default:
  1037             {
  1038             PRODEBUG1( "CProfileSettingsContainer before extShandler::CreateSI(%d)",aIdentifier );
  1039             settingItem = iExternalSettingsHandler.CreateSettingItemL( aIdentifier );
  1040             PRODEBUG( "CProfileSettingsContainer after extShandler::CreateSI" );
  1041             break;
  1042             }
  1043         }
  1044     PRODEBUG1( "CProfileSettingsContainer CreateSettingsItemL(%d) before return",aIdentifier );
  1045     return settingItem;
  1046     }
  1048 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1049 // CProfileSettingsContainer::CheckFileExistenceL
  1050 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1051 //  
  1052 void CProfileSettingsContainer::CheckFileExistenceL()
  1053 	{
  1054 	 CAknSettingItemArray* array = SettingItemArray();
  1056 	if( !IsItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneId, array ) )
  1057 		{
  1058 		if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( *iFs, *iCopyProfile->iRingingTone ) )
  1059 			{
  1060 			TParsePtrC tone( *iCopyProfile->iRingingTone );
  1061         	HBufC* ringtoneNotFoundText =
  1062         		StringLoader::LoadLC(
  1063         		R_PROFILE_CONFIRM_RINGTONE_FOUND, tone.NameAndExt() );
  1065 	    	CProfileSettingsContainer::LaunchDialogL( *ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1066         	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1067 			}
  1068 		}
  1070 	if( !IsItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneLine1Id, array ) )
  1071 		{
  1072 		if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( *iFs, *iCopyProfile->iRingingTone ) )
  1073 			{
  1074 			TParsePtrC tone( *iCopyProfile->iRingingTone );
  1075         	HBufC* ringtoneNotFoundText =
  1076         		StringLoader::LoadLC(
  1077         		R_PROFILE_CONFIRM_RINGTONE_FOUND, tone.NameAndExt() );
  1079 	    	CProfileSettingsContainer::LaunchDialogL( *ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1080         	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1081 			}
  1082 		}	
  1084 	if( !IsItemHidden( EProfileSettingRingingToneLine2Id, array ) )
  1085 		{
  1086 		if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( *iFs, *iCopyProfile->iRingingToneLine2 ) )
  1087 			{
  1088 			TParsePtrC tone( *iCopyProfile->iRingingToneLine2 );
  1089         	HBufC* ringtoneNotFoundText =
  1090         		StringLoader::LoadLC(
  1091         		R_PROFILE_CONFIRM_RINGTONE_FOUND, tone.NameAndExt() );
  1093 			CProfileSettingsContainer::LaunchDialogL( *ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1094 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1095 			}
  1096 		}
  1098 	if( !IsItemHidden( EProfileSettingVideoCallToneId, array ) )
  1099 		{		
  1100 		if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( *iFs, *iCopyProfile->iVideoCallTone ) )
  1101 			{
  1102 			TParsePtrC tone( *iCopyProfile->iVideoCallTone );
  1103     		HBufC* ringtoneNotFoundText =
  1104     			StringLoader::LoadLC(
  1105         		R_PROFILE_CONFIRM_RINGTONE_FOUND, tone.NameAndExt() );
  1107 	    	CProfileSettingsContainer::LaunchDialogL( *ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1108         	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1109 			}
  1110 		}
  1112 	if( !IsItemHidden( EProfileSettingMessageAlertToneId, array ) )
  1113 		{	
  1114 		if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( *iFs, *iCopyProfile->iMessageAlertTone ) )
  1115 			{
  1116 			TParsePtrC tone( *iCopyProfile->iMessageAlertTone );
  1117     		HBufC* ringtoneNotFoundText =
  1118     			StringLoader::LoadLC(
  1119         		R_PROFILE_CONFIRM_RINGTONE_FOUND, tone.NameAndExt() );
  1121 	    	CProfileSettingsContainer::LaunchDialogL( *ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1122         	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1123 			}
  1124 		}
  1126 	if( !IsItemHidden( EProfileSettingEmailAlertToneId, array ) )
  1127 		{	
  1128 		if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( *iFs, *iCopyProfile->iEmailAlertTone ) )
  1129 			{
  1130 			TParsePtrC tone( *iCopyProfile->iEmailAlertTone );
  1131     		HBufC* ringtoneNotFoundText =
  1132     			StringLoader::LoadLC(
  1133         		R_PROFILE_CONFIRM_RINGTONE_FOUND, tone.NameAndExt() );
  1135 	    	CProfileSettingsContainer::LaunchDialogL( *ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1136         	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1137 			}
  1138 		}
  1140 	if( !IsItemHidden( EProfileSettingPTTRingingToneId, array ) )
  1141 		{	
  1142 		if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( *iFs, *iCopyProfile->iPTTRingingTone ) )
  1143 			{
  1144 			TParsePtrC tone( *iCopyProfile->iPTTRingingTone );
  1145     		HBufC* ringtoneNotFoundText =
  1146     			StringLoader::LoadLC(
  1147         		R_PROFILE_CONFIRM_RINGTONE_FOUND, tone.NameAndExt() );
  1149 	    	CProfileSettingsContainer::LaunchDialogL( *ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1150         	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ringtoneNotFoundText );
  1151 			}
  1152 		}
  1153 	}
  1155 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1156 // CProfileSettingsContainer::LaunchDialogL
  1157 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1158 //
  1159 void CProfileSettingsContainer::LaunchDialogL( const TDesC& aTitleText )
  1160 	{
  1161 	CAknQueryDialog* query = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
  1162     	const TInt ret( query->ExecuteLD(
  1164 	}
  1166 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1167 // CProfileSettingsContainer::CreateFileListSettingItemL
  1168 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1169 //
  1170 CAknSettingItem* CProfileSettingsContainer::CreateFileListSettingItemL(
  1171     TDes& aFileName, TInt aIdentifier )
  1172     {
  1173     CAknSettingItem* settingItem = new( ELeave ) CProfileFileListSettingItem(
  1174         aIdentifier,
  1175         aFileName,
  1176         iCopyProfile->iRingingType,
  1177         iCopyProfile->iRingingVolume,
  1178         iCopyProfile->iVibratingAlert,
  1179         iCopyProfile->i3DEffect,
  1180         iCopyProfile->i3DEcho,
  1181         iCoeEnv );
  1183     return settingItem;
  1184     }
  1186 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1187 // CProfileSettingsContainer::IndexForId
  1188 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1189 //
  1190 TInt CProfileSettingsContainer::IndexForId( TInt aId ) const
  1191     {
  1192     CAknSettingItemArray* array = SettingItemArray();
  1193     TInt count( array->Count() );
  1194     for( TInt index( 0 ); index < count; index++ )
  1195         {
  1196         if( array->At( index )->Identifier() == aId )
  1197             {
  1198             // Searched ID was found, return index
  1199             return index;
  1200             }
  1201         }
  1202     return KErrNotFound;
  1203     }
  1205 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1206 // CProfileSettingsContainer::SetItemHidden
  1207 // Sets an item hidden if an index for the id is found.
  1208 // In other words does nothing if feature is not supported.
  1209 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1210 //
  1211 void CProfileSettingsContainer::SetItemHidden( TInt aId,
  1212     CAknSettingItemArray* aArray, TBool aHidden )
  1213     {
  1214     TInt index( IndexForId( aId ) );
  1215     if( index == KErrNotFound )
  1216         {
  1217         return;
  1218         }
  1219     aArray->At( index )->SetHidden( aHidden );
  1220     }
  1222 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1223 // CProfileSettingsContainer::IsItemHidden
  1224 // 
  1225 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1226 //
  1227 TBool CProfileSettingsContainer::IsItemHidden( TInt aId,
  1228     CAknSettingItemArray* aArray ) const
  1229     {
  1230     TInt index( IndexForId( aId ) );
  1231     if( index == KErrNotFound )
  1232         {
  1233         return ETrue;
  1234         }
  1236     return aArray->At( index )->IsHidden();
  1237     }    
  1239 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1240 // CProfileSettingsContainer::SetTitlePaneTextL
  1241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1242 //
  1243 void CProfileSettingsContainer::SetTitlePaneTextL( const TDesC& aTitle )
  1244 	{
  1245     if( !iTitlePane )
  1246         {
  1247         return;
  1248         }
  1250     if( aTitle.Length() > 0 )
  1251 		{
  1252 		iTitlePane->SetTextL( aTitle );
  1253 		}
  1254 	else
  1255 		{
  1256 		iTitlePane->SetTextToDefaultL(); // Application name
  1257 		}
  1258 	}
  1260 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1261 // CProfileSettingsContainer::UpdateProfileNamesL
  1262 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1263 //
  1264 void CProfileSettingsContainer::UpdateProfileNamesL()
  1265     {
  1266     if( iIndexHandler )
  1267         {
  1268         TInt newProfileIndex( iIndexHandler->ReadIdArrayAndUpdateL() );
  1269         if( iTabHandler )
  1270             {
  1271             // Refresh tabs with changed profile names
  1272             iTabHandler->RefreshTabsL();
  1273             iTabHandler->SetActiveTab( newProfileIndex );
  1274             }
  1275         else
  1276             {
  1277             // If the iTabHandler is NULL and the iNaviPaneContainer is not NULL
  1278             // Set the text of navi pane to currently personlize profile's name.
  1279             if ( iNaviPaneContainer )
  1280                 {
  1281                 MProfilesNamesArray* nameArray = iEngineHandler.IdArray();
  1282                 iNaviPaneContainer->SetNaviPaneTextL( 
  1283                         nameArray->MdcaPoint( newProfileIndex ) );
  1284                 }
  1285             }
  1286         }
  1287     else
  1288         {
  1289         // No index handler. Just refresh profile name array.
  1290         iEngineHandler.ReadIdArrayL();
  1291         }
  1292     }
  1294 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1295 // CProfileSettingsContainer::SizeChanged
  1296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1297 //
  1298 void CProfileSettingsContainer::SizeChanged()
  1299     {
  1300     CEikListBox* lb = ListBox();
  1301     if( lb )
  1302         {
  1303         lb->SetRect( Rect() );  // Set container's rect to listbox
  1304         }
  1305     }
  1307 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1308 // CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleListBoxEventL
  1309 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1310 //
  1311 void CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleListBoxEventL(
  1312     CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType )
  1313     {
  1314     if( aEventType == EEventEnterKeyPressed ||
  1315         aEventType == EEventItemDoubleClicked )
  1316         {
  1317         CAknSettingItemArray* array = SettingItemArray();
  1318         if( !AllowedToChange( array->At( array->ItemIndexFromVisibleIndex(
  1319               ListBox()->CurrentItemIndex() ) )->Identifier() ) )
  1320             {
  1321             // If a setting is not allowed to change, "swallow" list box event.
  1322             return;
  1323             }
  1324         }
  1325     CAknSettingItemList::HandleListBoxEventL( aListBox, aEventType );
  1326     }
  1328 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1329 // CProfileSettingsContainer::GetHelpContext
  1330 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1331 //
  1332 void CProfileSettingsContainer::GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const
  1333     {
  1334     aContext.iMajor = KUidProfileApp;
  1335     if( !iExternalSettingsHandler.GetHelpContext( aContext ) )
  1336         {
  1337         aContext.iContext = KMODE_HLP_PERSONALISE;
  1338         }
  1339     }
  1341 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1342 // CProfileSettingsContainer::PhoneSettingChanged
  1343 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1344 //
  1345 void CProfileSettingsContainer::PhoneSettingChanged(
  1346     TSSSettingsSetting aSetting, TInt aNewValue )
  1347     {
  1348     if( aSetting == ESSSettingsAls )
  1349         {
  1350         iAlternateLineService = ( aNewValue != ESSSettingsAlsNotSupported );
  1351         if( iIndexHandler )
  1352             {
  1353             iIndexHandler->StoreIndices();
  1354             }
  1355         // error ignored. If not enough memory to refresh the UI,
  1356         // don't bother launching an error note.
  1357         TRAP_IGNORE( SetHiddenFlagsL() );
  1358         if( iIndexHandler )
  1359             {
  1360             iIndexHandler->LoadIndices();
  1361             }
  1362         }
  1363     }
  1365 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1366 // CProfileSettingsContainer::TabChangedL
  1367 // When a tab changes, this method gets called.
  1368 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1369 //
  1370 void CProfileSettingsContainer::TabChangedL( TInt /* aIndex */ )
  1371     {
  1372     UpdateSettingsL();
  1374     CEikListBox* listBox = ListBox();
  1375     if( listBox )
  1376     	{
  1377     	listBox->UpdateScrollBarsL();
  1378     	}
  1379     }
  1381 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1382 // CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleActiveProfileEventL
  1383 // When active profile changes, this method gets called.
  1384 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1385 //
  1386 void CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleActiveProfileEventL(
  1387     TProfileEvent /* aProfileEvent */, TInt /* aProfileId */ )
  1388     {
  1389     /*
  1390     if( iItemEdited )
  1391         {
  1392         // Do not update UI if an item is being edited.
  1393         return;
  1394         }
  1395     */
  1396     UpdateProfileNamesL();
  1397     UpdateSettingsL();
  1398     }
  1400 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1401 // CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleExternalSettingsChangedL
  1402 // When external settings change, this method gets called.
  1403 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1404 //
  1405 void CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleExternalSettingsChangedL()
  1406     {
  1407     UpdateSettingsL( EFalse );
  1408     }
  1410 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1411 // CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleResourceChange
  1412 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1413 //
  1414 void CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
  1415     {
  1416     if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch ||
  1417          aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
  1418         {
  1419         iProfileViewHandler.UpdateClientRect();
  1420         }
  1421     CAknSettingItemList::HandleResourceChange( aType );
  1422     }
  1424 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1425 //  CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleNotifyInt
  1426 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1427 //
  1428 void CProfileSettingsContainer::HandleNotifyInt(
  1429     const TUint32 aID,
  1430     const TInt aNewValue )
  1431     {
  1432     if ( KDynamicVoIP == aID)
  1433         {
  1434         iVoIPStatus = KVoIPOFF != aNewValue;
  1435         }
  1436     }
  1438 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1439 // CProfileSettingsContainer::ItemEdited
  1440 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1441 //
  1442 EXPORT_C TBool CProfileSettingsContainer::ItemEdited() const
  1443     {
  1444     return iItemEdited;
  1445     }
  1447 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1448 // CProfileSettingsContainer::PowerSaveMode
  1449 //
  1450 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1451 //
  1452 TBool CProfileSettingsContainer::PowerSaveMode( TInt aSettingId )
  1453     {
  1454     TInt ret = EFalse;
  1456     if ( aSettingId == EProfileSettingVibratingAlertId ||
  1457          aSettingId == EProfileSettingKeypadVolumeId ||
  1458          aSettingId == EProfileSettingTactileFeedbackId ||
  1459          aSettingId == EProfileSettingAudioFeedbackId ||aSettingId == EProfileSettingEmailVibratingAlertId)
  1460         {
  1461       	ret = PowerSaveMode();
  1462         }
  1464     return ret;
  1465     }
  1468 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1469 // CProfileSettingsContainer::PowerSaveModeL
  1470 //
  1471 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1472 //
  1473 TBool CProfileSettingsContainer::PowerSaveModeL()
  1474     {
  1475     if( !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdPowerSave ) )
  1476         {
  1477         return EFalse;
  1478         }
  1480     TInt psm = EPsmsrvModeNormal;
  1482     // KProEngPsmChanged PubSub key is set by GSProfilesPlugin when power save
  1483     // mode changes. If the key cannot be read (doesn't exist), PSM hasn't
  1484     // changed since the last boot and the mode is read from PSM CenRep.
  1485     if( RProperty::Get( KPSUidProfileEngine, KProEngPsmChanged, psm ) != KErrNone )
  1486         {
  1487         CRepository* cenrep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidPowerSaveMode );
  1488         User::LeaveIfError( cenrep->Get( KPsmCurrentMode, psm ) );
  1489         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenrep );
  1490         }
  1492     if ( psm == EPsmsrvModePowerSave )
  1493         {
  1494         return ETrue;
  1495         }
  1497     return EFalse;
  1498     }
  1501 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1502 // CProfileSettingsContainer::PowerSaveMode
  1503 //
  1504 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1505 //
  1506 TBool CProfileSettingsContainer::PowerSaveMode()
  1507     {
  1508     TBool psm = EFalse;
  1510     TRAPD( err, psm = PowerSaveModeL() );
  1512     if ( err != KErrNone )
  1513         {
  1514         return EFalse;
  1515         }
  1517     return psm;
  1518     }
  1522 // End of File