Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Container class of settings view.
#include <aknsettingitemlist.h> // CAknSettingItemList
#include <MSSSettingsObserver.h>
#include <ConeResLoader.h> // RConeResourceLoader
#include <AknTabObserver.h> // MAknTabObserver
#include <MProfileChangeObserver.h>
#include "MProfileExternalSettingsObserver.h"
#include "MProfileExternalSettingsHandler.h"
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
class MProfileViewHandler;
class CAknTitlePane;
class CProfileEngineHandler;
class CProfileIndexHandler;
class CProfileTabHandler;
class MProfileExtended;
class CProfileStruct;
class CAknKeySoundSystem;
class CProfileChangeNotifyHandler;
class MProfilesLocalFeatures;
class CProfileSettingsView;
class CAknView;
class CRepository;
class CCenRepNotifyHandler;
class CProfileNaviPaneContainer;
* Container class of settings view.
* Inherited from...
* MSSSettingsObserver
* to receive notifications of changes in Alternate Line Service setting.
* MAknTabObserver
* to receive notifications if tabs are changed.
* MProfileChangeObserver
* to receive notification when the active profile changes.
* @lib ProfileSettingsView.lib
* @since 1.2
class CProfileSettingsContainer : public CAknSettingItemList,
public MSSSettingsObserver,
public MAknTabObserver,
public MProfileChangeObserver,
public MProfileExternalSettingsObserver,
public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* Note, this constructor has been deprecated and should not be used.
* @return always NULL.
IMPORT_C static CProfileSettingsContainer* NewL(
CAknView& aAknView,
CProfileEngineHandler& aEngineHandler,
CProfileIndexHandler* aIndexHandler,
CProfileTabHandler* aTabHandler,
CAknTitlePane* aTitlePane );
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aAknView Parent view to get ClientRect and set MopParent.
* @param aEngineHandler Engine handler to access Profile Engine.
* @param aExternalSettingsHandler handler class for those settings that
* are saved outside of Profiles.
* @param aIndexHandler Index handler for supporting several profiles
* in view functionality. Can be NULL.
* @param aTabHandler Tab handler for supporting tab functionality
* in Settings view. Can be NULL.
* @param aTitlePane Title pane access for setting title pane text.
* Can be NULL.
IMPORT_C static CProfileSettingsContainer* NewL(
MProfileViewHandler& aProfileViewHandler,
CProfileEngineHandler& aEngineHandler,
MProfileExternalSettingsHandler& aExternalSettingsHandler,
CProfileIndexHandler* aIndexHandler,
CProfileTabHandler* aTabHandler,
CAknTitlePane* aTitlePane );
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aAknView Parent view to get ClientRect and set MopParent.
* @param aEngineHandler Engine handler to access Profile Engine.
* @param aIndexHandler Index handler for supporting several profiles
* in view functionality. Can be NULL.
* @param aTabHandler Tab handler for supporting tab functionality
* in Settings view. Can be NULL.
* @param aTitlePane Title pane access for setting title pane text.
* Can be NULL.
* @param aResourceId the id of the setting item list resource.
IMPORT_C static CProfileSettingsContainer* NewL(
MProfileViewHandler& aProfileViewHandler,
CProfileEngineHandler& aEngineHandler,
MProfileExternalSettingsHandler& aExternalSettingsHandler,
CProfileIndexHandler* aIndexHandler,
CProfileTabHandler* aTabHandler,
CAknTitlePane* aTitlePane,
TInt aResourceId );
* Destructor.
public: // New functions
* Tells if information of a setting can be changed.
* If EFalse is returned, EditItemL for the setting item in question
* should not be called and "Change" should be removed from the Options menu.
* @param aSettingItemId The setting item ID.
* @return Returns if information of a setting can be changed.
IMPORT_C TBool AllowedToChange( TInt aSettingItemId ) const;
* Runs CheckFileExistenceL (by calling DoFileCheckL)
* @param TAny* aObj CProfileSettingContainer pointer
* @return 1
static TInt StartFileCheckL( TAny* aObj );
public: // Functions from base classes
* From CAknSettingItemList.
IMPORT_C void EditItemL( TInt aIndex, TBool aCalledFromMenu );
public: // from MCentRepNotifyHandlerCallback
* @see MCentRepNotifyHandlerCallback.
* @param aId Id of the key that has changed.
* @param aNewValue The new value of the key.
void HandleNotifyInt(
TUint32 aId, TInt aNewValue );
protected: // New functions
* Frees resources allocated for profile data.
* Remember to maintain class state before calling this method!
void ReleaseProfile();
* Reads profile data from Profile Engine.
void ReadProfileL();
* Hides all setting items that have been set hidden for current profile
* ands sets visible all that aren't.
void SetHiddenFlagsL();
* Updates all setting items.
* Called when the changed settings must be updated to the UI.
* @param aReadProfileSettings if this is ETrue, the profile settings are
* read from Profiles Engine.
void UpdateSettingsL( TBool aReadProfileSettings = ETrue );
* Creates a setting item for FileListDialog.
* @param aFileName Filename.
* @param aIdentifier Setting item identifier.
* @return Returns the created setting item object.
CAknSettingItem* CreateFileListSettingItemL(
TDes& aFileName, TInt aIdentifier );
* Returns the index of a setting item in setting item array.
* @param aId Setting item identifier.
* @return Returns the index of a setting item if found, otherwise
* KErrNotFound.
TInt IndexForId( TInt aId ) const;
* Sets one setting item hidden.
* @param aId Identifier of the setting item.
* @param aArray Pointer to setting item array.
* @param aHidden Boolean hidden value.
void SetItemHidden( TInt aId, CAknSettingItemArray* aArray, TBool aHidden );
* Sets title pane text.
* @param aTitle Title pane text.
* If descriptor has zero length, the application name is used.
void SetTitlePaneTextL( const TDesC& aTitle );
* Updates names of profiles in tabs and/or title pane.
void UpdateProfileNamesL();
* Launches confirmation dialog
* @param aTitleText Dialog title text
void LaunchDialogL( const TDesC& aTitleText );
* Chechks that used tones assigned for settings can be found.
* If tone is not found, user is informed by confirmation dialog
* and tone is replaced with default tone.
void CheckFileExistenceL();
* Checks whether settingitem is hidden
* @param aId Identifier of the setting item.
* @param aArray Pointer to setting item array.
* @return Returns ETrue if item is hidden.
TBool IsItemHidden( TInt aId, CAknSettingItemArray* aArray ) const;
* Runs CheckFileExistenceL
* @param None
* @return None
void DoFileCheckL();
protected: // Functions from base classes
* From CAknSettingItemList
CAknSettingItem* CreateSettingItemL( TInt aIdentifier );
* From CCoeControl
void SizeChanged();
* From CCoeControl
void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
* From CCoeControl
void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
* From MEikListBoxObserver
void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
* From MSSSettingsObserver
void PhoneSettingChanged(
TSSSettingsSetting aSetting,
TInt aNewValue );
* From MAknTabObserver
void TabChangedL( TInt aIndex );
* From MProfileChangeObserver
void HandleActiveProfileEventL(
TProfileEvent aProfileEvent, TInt aProfileId );
* From MProfileExternalSettingsObserver
void HandleExternalSettingsChangedL();
* C++ constructor.
MProfileViewHandler& aProfileViewHandler,
CProfileEngineHandler& aEngineHandler,
MProfileExternalSettingsHandler& aExternalSettingsHandler,
CProfileIndexHandler* aIndexHandler,
CProfileTabHandler* aTabHandler,
CAknTitlePane* aTitlePane );
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
* @param aRect View rect.
* @param aResourceId the id of the setting item list resource.
void ConstructL( const TRect& aRect,
TInt aResourceId );
public: // New functions
* Is a setting item being edited?
* @return ETrue if a setting is being edited, EFalse otherwise.
IMPORT_C TBool ItemEdited() const;
TBool PowerSaveMode();
TBool PowerSaveModeL();
TBool PowerSaveMode( TInt aSettingId );
private: // Data
// For reading ALS setting and
// for receiving change notifications.
RSSSettings iSSSettings;
// Own: CR session for KProfilesLVFlags (KProEngFeatureIdTTSRingingTone)
CRepository* iTTSSession;
/// Own: CR session for KProEngDefaultRingingTone
CRepository* iSession;
// Resource loader.
RConeResourceLoader iResourceLoader;
// View handler to get ClientRect and set MopParent.
MProfileViewHandler& iProfileViewHandler;
// Profile Engine handler.
CProfileEngineHandler& iEngineHandler;
// Ref: Handler for settings that are saved outside of Profiles:
MProfileExternalSettingsHandler& iExternalSettingsHandler;
// Ref: Index handler.
CProfileIndexHandler* iIndexHandler;
// Ref: Tab handler.
CProfileTabHandler* iTabHandler;
// Ref: Title pane access.
CAknTitlePane* iTitlePane;
// Own: One profile data
MProfileExtended* iProfile;
// Own: One profile data.
CProfileStruct* iCopyProfile;
// Alternate Line Service support.
TBool iAlternateLineService;
// Own: Avkon key sounds
CAknKeySoundSystem* iKeySounds;
// Own: Profile change notify handler.
CProfileChangeNotifyHandler* iNotifier;
// ETrue if an item is currently being edited.
TBool iItemEdited;
// Not own: locally variated features of Profiles:
MProfilesLocalFeatures* iLocalFeatures;
/// Own: fileserver session
RFs* iFs;
/// Default tone
TFileName* iDefaultTone;
// VoIP supported
TBool iVoIPStatus;
// A CR and notifier for dynamic VoIP
CRepository* iVoIPVariation;
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iVoIPVariationNotifier;
/// Timer to run CheckFileExistenceL
CPeriodic* iPeriodic;
// Navi Pane Container
CProfileNaviPaneContainer* iNaviPaneContainer;
// End of File