* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Settings handler for the settings outside of Profiles.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
#include <MProfileExternalSettingsHandler.h>
#include "MProfilesGSTonesPluginItemDataInterface.h"
#include "CProfilesGSTonesViewFeatures.h"
#include "CProfilesGSTonesViewSettings.h"
class CCoeEnv;
class CRepository;
class MProfileExternalSettingsObserver;
class CDRMHelper;
class CProfilesGSTonesPluginCalendarDataInterface;
class CProfilesGSTonesPluginClockDataInterface;
class TCoeHelpContext;
* Setting item class for tone selection.
* CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler launches File List Dialog common component
* from which user can select a file for ringing tone.
* @lib ProfileSettingsView.lib
* @since 1.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler )
: public CBase,
public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback,
public MProfileExternalSettingsHandler
friend class CProfilesGSTonesPluginCalendarDataInterface; // CSI: 36 # This friend is defined in this very same file
friend class CProfilesGSTonesPluginClockDataInterface; // CSI: 36 # This friend is defined in this very same file
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler* NewL( CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv );
* Destructor.
* Variated destructor.
void DrmDelete();
private: // Functions from base classes
* From MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
void HandleNotifyString( TUint32 aId, const TDesC16& aNewValue );
* From MProfilesExternalSettingsHandler
CAknSettingItem* CreateSettingItemL( TInt aIdentifier );
* From MProfilesExternalSettingsHandler
void SetObserver(
MProfileExternalSettingsObserver& aObserver );
* From MProfilesExternalSettingsHandler
TBool AllowedToChange( TInt aSettingItemId ) const;
* From MProfilesExternalSettingsHandler
TBool GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
* From MProfilesExternalSettingsHandler
void SetHiddenItems( CAknSettingItemArray& aSettingItemArray ) const;
* From MProfilesExternalSettingsHandler
void StoreIfChangedL( TInt aSettingId );
* C++ constructor.
CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler( CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv );
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Variated constructor.
void DrmConstructL();
private: // New functions
* Stores the new Calendar alarm tone in the Central Repository.
* @param aTone the file to be used as the new Calendar alarm tone.
void StoreCalendarToneL( const TDesC& aTone );
* Stores the new Clock alarm tone in the Central Repository.
* @param aTone the file to be used as the new Clock alarm tone.
void StoreClockToneL( const TDesC& aTone );
* Removes the given tone from the list of automated content.
* @param aOldTone tone to be removed from the automated content list.
void RemoveAutomatedContent( const TDesC& aOldTone );
private: // Data
/// Ref: Observer for the settings controlled by this handler
MProfileExternalSettingsObserver* iObserver;
/// Own: Pointer to Central Repository of Clock App
CRepository* iClockSession;
/// Own: Pointer to Central Repository of Calendar App
CRepository* iCalendarSession;
/// Own: Pointer to clock alert tone notify handler
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iClockNotifyHandler;
/// Own: Pointer to calendar alert tone notify handler
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iCalendarNotifyHandler;
/// Current Clock alert tone
TFileName iClockTone;
/// Current Calendar alert tone
TFileName iCalendarTone;
/// Ref: Pointer to the control environment
CCoeEnv* iCoeEnv;
/// Own: Interface for File list setting item for calendar tone
CProfilesGSTonesPluginCalendarDataInterface* iCalendarInterface;
/// Own: Interface for File list setting item for clock tone
CProfilesGSTonesPluginClockDataInterface* iClockInterface;
/// Own: Drm helper for removing automated content when needed:
CDRMHelper* iDrmHelper;
/// Own: The variable features of Tones View
CProfilesGSTonesViewFeatures* iFeatures;
/// Own: The settings only in Tones View
CProfilesGSTonesViewSettings* iTonesViewSettings;
// This friend class of CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler provides the
// interface for the setting item to actually load and store the Calendar
// alert tone name to the handler above.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CProfilesGSTonesPluginCalendarDataInterface )
: public CBase,
public MProfilesGSTonesPluginItemDataInterface
public: // Constructors and destructor
* C++ constructor.
CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler& aSettingsHandler );
* Destructor.
~CProfilesGSTonesPluginCalendarDataInterface() {};
private: // Functions from base classes
* From MProfilesGSTonesPluginItemDataInterface
virtual const TDesC& ItemData();
* From MProfilesGSTonesPluginItemDataInterface
virtual void SetItemDataL( const TDesC& aDataBuf );
private: // Data
/// Settings handler containing the setting to be controlled
CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler& iSettingsHandler;
// This friend class of CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler provides the
// interface for the setting item to actually load and store the Clock
// alert tone name to the handler above.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CProfilesGSTonesPluginClockDataInterface )
: public CBase,
public MProfilesGSTonesPluginItemDataInterface
public: // Constructors and destructor
* C++ constructor.
CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler& aSettingsHandler );
* Destructor.
~CProfilesGSTonesPluginClockDataInterface() {};
private: // Functions from base classes
* From MProfilesGSTonesPluginItemDataInterface
virtual const TDesC& ItemData();
* From MProfilesGSTonesPluginItemDataInterface
virtual void SetItemDataL( const TDesC& aDataBuf );
private: // Data
/// Settings handler containing the setting to be controlled
CProfilesGSTonesPluginSettingsHandler& iSettingsHandler;
// End of File