changeset 13 46974bebc798
child 14 63aabac4416d
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:f3d95d9c00ab 13:46974bebc798
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 // System includes
    19 #include <qgraphicslinearlayout>
    20 #include <hbanchorlayout.h>
    21 #include <hbpushbutton.h>
    22 #include <qpixmap>
    23 #include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
    24 #include <hbeffect>
    26 // User includes
    27 #include "radiostationcarousel.h"
    28 #include "radiouiengine.h"
    29 #include "radiostationmodel.h"
    30 #include "radiofadinglabel.h"
    31 #include "radiologger.h"
    32 #include "radiolocalization.h"
    33 #include "radiostationfiltermodel.h"
    34 #include "radio_global.h"
    37     const QString KFavoriteIconPath = "e:/radiotest/images/favoriteiconactive.png";
    38     const QString KNonFavoriteIconPath = "e:/radiotest/images/favoriteiconinactive.png";
    39 #else
    40     const QString KFavoriteIconPath = ":/images/favoriteiconactive.png";
    41     const QString KNonFavoriteIconPath = ":/images/favoriteiconinactive.png";
    42 #endif
    44 // =============================================
    45 // Station Item
    46 // =============================================
    48 /*!
    49  *
    50  */
    51 RadioStationItem::RadioStationItem( QGraphicsItem* parent ) :
    52     HbAbstractViewItem( parent ),
    53     mLayout( 0 ),
    54     mNameLabel( 0 ),
    55     mIconButton( 0 ),
    56     mGenreLabel( 0 ),
    57     mRadiotextLabel( 0 )
    58 {
    59     setFlag( QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable, true );
    60 }
    62 /*!
    63  * From HbAbstractViewItem
    64  *
    65  */
    66 HbAbstractViewItem* RadioStationItem::createItem()
    67 {
    68     return new RadioStationItem( *this ); // Calls copy constructor
    69 }
    71 /*!
    72  * From HbAbstractViewItem
    73  */
    74 void RadioStationItem::updateChildItems()
    75 {
    76     if ( !mLayout )
    77     {
    78         mNameLabel = new RadioFadingLabel( this );
    79         HbFontSpec spec = mNameLabel->fontSpec();
    80         spec.setTextPaneHeight( 40 );
    81         spec.setRole( HbFontSpec::Primary );
    82         mNameLabel->setFontSpec( spec );
    83         mNameLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
    85         spec.setRole( HbFontSpec::Secondary );
    86         spec.setPointSize( 6 );
    88         mIconButton = new HbPushButton( this );
    89         QPixmap background( QSize( 50, 50 ) );
    90         background.fill( Qt::transparent );        
    91         mIconButton->setBackground( HbIcon( background ) );
    92         HbIcon favoriteIcon( KFavoriteIconPath );
    93         mIconButton->setOrientation( Qt::Horizontal );
    94         mIconButton->setIcon( favoriteIcon );
    95         mIconButton->setPreferredSize( 50, 50 );
    96         connectAndTest( mIconButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleFavorite()));
    98         mGenreLabel = new RadioFadingLabel( this );
    99         mGenreLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
   100 //        mGenreLabel->setFadingEnabled( true );    TODO
   101         mGenreLabel->setFontSpec( spec );
   102         mGenreLabel->setTextColor( Qt::white );
   104         mRadiotextLabel = new RadioFadingLabel( this );
   105         mRadiotextLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
   106         mRadiotextLabel->setTextWrapping( Hb::TextWordWrap );
   107 //        mRadiotextLabel->setFadingEnabled( true );    TODO
   108         mRadiotextLabel->setFontSpec( spec );
   109         mRadiotextLabel->setTextColor( Qt::white );
   111         mLayout = new HbAnchorLayout();
   113         mLayout->setAnchor( mLayout, Hb::TopEdge, mIconButton, Hb::TopEdge, 40.0 );
   114         mLayout->setAnchor( mLayout, Hb::LeftEdge, mIconButton, Hb::LeftEdge, 20.0 );
   116         mLayout->setAnchor( mLayout, Hb::TopEdge, mNameLabel, Hb::TopEdge, 40.0 );
   117         mLayout->setAnchor( mIconButton, Hb::RightEdge, mNameLabel, Hb::LeftEdge, 10.0 );
   118         mLayout->setAnchor( mLayout, Hb::RightEdge, mNameLabel, Hb::RightEdge, 10.0 );
   120         mLayout->setAnchor( mNameLabel, Hb::BottomEdge, mGenreLabel, Hb::TopEdge, 0.0 );
   122         mLayout->setAnchor( mLayout, Hb::LeftEdge, mGenreLabel, Hb::LeftEdge, 10.0 );
   123         mLayout->setAnchor( mLayout, Hb::CenterHEdge, mGenreLabel, Hb::CenterHEdge, 0.0 );
   125         mLayout->setAnchor( mGenreLabel, Hb::BottomEdge, mRadiotextLabel, Hb::TopEdge, 0.0 );
   126         mLayout->setAnchor( mLayout, Hb::LeftEdge, mRadiotextLabel, Hb::LeftEdge, 10.0 );
   127         mLayout->setAnchor( mLayout, Hb::CenterHEdge, mRadiotextLabel, Hb::CenterHEdge, 0.0 );
   128         mLayout->setAnchor( mLayout, Hb::BottomEdge, mRadiotextLabel, Hb::BottomEdge, -20.0 );
   130         setLayout( mLayout );
   131     }
   133     update();
   134 }
   136 /*!
   137  * Private slot
   138  *
   139  */
   140 void RadioStationItem::toggleFavorite()
   141 {
   142     carousel()->uiEngine().model().setData( modelIndex(), mFrequency, RadioStationModel::ToggleFavoriteRole );
   143 }
   145 /*!
   146  *
   147  */
   148 uint RadioStationItem::frequency() const
   149 {
   150     return mFrequency;
   151 }
   153 /*!
   154  *
   155  */
   156 void RadioStationItem::update( const RadioStation* station )
   157 {
   158     QModelIndex index = modelIndex();
   159     if ( !( station && station->isValid() ) && !index.isValid() )
   160         {
   161         return;
   162         }
   164     RadioStation tempStation = ( station && station->isValid() ) ? *station
   165                     : RadioStationModel::RadioStationRole ).value<RadioStation>();
   167     mNameLabel->setTextWithoutFading( RadioUiEngine::nameOrFrequency( tempStation ) );
   168     QString dynamicPs = tempStation.dynamicPsText();
   169     mGenreLabel->setText( dynamicPs.isEmpty() ? carousel()->uiEngine().genreToString( tempStation.genre() ) : dynamicPs );
   170     mRadiotextLabel->setText( carousel()->isAntennaAttached() ? tempStation.radioText() : TRANSLATE(KConnectHeadsetAntenna) );
   171     mFrequency = tempStation.frequency();
   173     updateFavoriteIcon( tempStation.isFavorite() );
   174 }
   176 /*!
   177  *
   178  */
   179 void RadioStationItem::setFrequency( uint frequency )
   180 {
   181     LOG_FORMAT( "RadioStationItem::setFrequency: %u", frequency );
   182     mNameLabel->setTextWithoutFading( RadioUiEngine::parseFrequency( frequency ) );
   183     mGenreLabel->setTextWithoutFading( "" );
   184     mRadiotextLabel->setTextWithoutFading( carousel()->isAntennaAttached() ? "" : TRANSLATE(KConnectHeadsetAntenna) );
   185     mFrequency = frequency;
   186     updateFavoriteIcon( false );
   187 }
   189 /*!
   190  *
   191  */
   192 void RadioStationItem::setSeekingText()
   193 {
   194     mNameLabel->setTextWithoutFading( TRANSLATE( KHeadingSeeking ) );
   195     mGenreLabel->setTextWithoutFading( "" );
   196     mRadiotextLabel->setTextWithoutFading( "" );
   197 }
   199 /*!
   200  *
   201  */
   202 void RadioStationItem::updateFavoriteIcon( bool isFavorite )
   203 {
   204 //    mIconButton->setOpacity( isFavorite ? 1.0 : 0.5 );
   205     mIconButton->setIcon( isFavorite ? KFavoriteIconPath : KNonFavoriteIconPath );
   206 }
   208 /*!
   209  *
   210  */
   211 RadioStationCarousel* RadioStationItem::carousel()
   212 {
   213     return static_cast<RadioStationCarousel*>( itemView() );
   214 }
   216 // =============================================
   217 // Station Carousel
   218 // =============================================
   220 /*!
   221  *
   222  */
   223 RadioStationCarousel::RadioStationCarousel( RadioUiEngine& uiEngine, QGraphicsItem* parent ) :
   224     HbGridView( parent ),
   225     mUiEngine( uiEngine ),
   226     mAntennaAttached( false ),
   227     mAutoScrollTime( 1000 ),
   228     mPreviousButtonPos( 0.0 ),
   229     mMovingLeft( false ),
   230     mCurrentItem( 0 )
   231 {
   232     mAntennaAttached = mUiEngine.isAntennaAttached();
   234     setScrollDirections( Qt::Horizontal );
   235     setFrictionEnabled( true );
   236     setRowCount( 1 );
   237     setColumnCount( 1 );
   238     setClampingStyle( HbScrollArea::BounceBackClamping );
   239     setScrollingStyle( HbScrollArea::PanOrFlick );
   240     setLongPressEnabled( false );
   241     setItemRecycling( false ); // TODO: Enable recycling
   242     setUniformItemSizes( true );
   243     setItemPrototype( new RadioStationItem( this ) );
   244     setSelectionMode( SingleSelection );
   246     RadioStationFilterModel* filterModel = mUiEngine.createNewFilterModel( this );
   247     filterModel->setCyclic( false );
   249     setModel( filterModel );
   250     mCurrentItem = static_cast<RadioStationItem*>( itemByIndex( model()->index( 0, 0 ) ) );
   252     updateFrequencies();
   254     connectAndTest( model(),        SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)),
   255                     this,           SLOT(insertFrequency(QModelIndex,int,int)) );
   256     connectAndTest( model(),        SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)),
   257                     this,           SLOT(removeFrequency(QModelIndex,int,int)) );
   258 //    connectAndTest( model(),        SIGNAL(layoutChanged()),
   259 //                    this,           SLOT(updateFrequencies()) );
   260     connectAndTest( this,           SIGNAL(scrollingEnded()),
   261                     this,           SLOT(updateLoopedPos()) );
   263     RadioStationModel* stationModel = &mUiEngine.model();
   264     connectAndTest( stationModel,   SIGNAL(favoriteChanged(RadioStation)),
   265                     this,           SLOT(update(RadioStation)) );
   266     connectAndTest( stationModel,   SIGNAL(stationDataChanged(RadioStation)),
   267                     this,           SLOT(update(RadioStation)));
   268     connectAndTest( stationModel,   SIGNAL(radioTextReceived(RadioStation)),
   269                     this,           SLOT(update(RadioStation)));
   270     connectAndTest( stationModel,   SIGNAL(dynamicPsChanged(RadioStation)),
   271                     this,           SLOT(update(RadioStation)));
   272 }
   274 /*!
   275  * Property
   276  *
   277  */
   278 void RadioStationCarousel::setBackground( const HbIcon& background )
   279 {
   280     mBackground = background;
   281 }
   283 /*!
   284  * Property
   285  *
   286  */
   287 HbIcon RadioStationCarousel::background() const
   288 {
   289     return mBackground;
   290 }
   292 /*!
   293  *
   294  */
   295 RadioUiEngine& RadioStationCarousel::uiEngine()
   296 {
   297     return mUiEngine;
   298 }
   300 /*!
   301  *
   302  */
   303 bool RadioStationCarousel::isAntennaAttached() const
   304 {
   305     return mAntennaAttached;
   306 }
   308 /*!
   309  * Private slot
   310  */
   311 void RadioStationCarousel::update( const RadioStation& station )
   312 {
   313     RadioStationItem* item = currentStationItem();
   314     if ( item && item->frequency() == station.frequency() ) {
   315         item->update( &station );
   316     }
   317 }
   319 /*!
   320  * Private slot
   321  */
   322 void RadioStationCarousel::leftGesture( int speedPixelsPerSecond )
   323 {
   324     Q_UNUSED( speedPixelsPerSecond );
   325     QModelIndex index = currentIndex();
   327     if ( index == model()->index( model()->rowCount() - 1, 0 ) ) {
   328         index = model()->index( 0, 0 );
   329     } else {
   330         index = nextIndex( index );
   331     }
   333     scrollToIndex( index, mAutoScrollTime );
   334 }
   336 /*!
   337  * Private slot
   338  */
   339 void RadioStationCarousel::rightGesture( int speedPixelsPerSecond )
   340 {
   341     Q_UNUSED( speedPixelsPerSecond );
   342     QModelIndex index = currentIndex();
   344     if ( index == model()->index( 0, 0 ) ) {
   345         index = model()->index( model()->rowCount() - 1, 0 );
   346     } else {
   347         index = previousIndex( index );
   348     }
   350     scrollToIndex( index, mAutoScrollTime );
   351 }
   353 /*!
   354  * Private slot
   355  */
   356 void RadioStationCarousel::insertFrequency( const QModelIndex& parent, int first, int last )
   357 {
   358     Q_UNUSED( parent );
   359     QAbstractItemModel* freqModel = model();
   360     for ( int i = first; i <= last; ++i ) {
   361         QModelIndex index = freqModel->index( i, 0 );
   362         RadioStation station = freqModel->data( index, RadioStationModel::RadioStationRole ).value<RadioStation>();
   363         mModelIndexes.insert( station.frequency(), index );
   364         LOG_FORMAT( "Added frequency %u", station.frequency() );
   365         scrollToIndex( index, 0 );
   366     }
   367 }
   369 /*!
   370  * Private slot
   371  */
   372 void RadioStationCarousel::removeFrequency( const QModelIndex& parent, int first, int last )
   373 {
   374     Q_UNUSED( parent );
   375     QAbstractItemModel* freqModel = model();
   376     for ( int i = first; i <= last; ++i ) {
   377         QModelIndex index = freqModel->index( i, 0 );
   378         RadioStation station = freqModel->data( index, RadioStationModel::RadioStationRole ).value<RadioStation>();
   379         mModelIndexes.remove( station.frequency() );
   380     }
   381 }
   383 /*!
   384  * Private slot
   385  */
   386 void RadioStationCarousel::updateFrequencies()
   387 {
   388     mModelIndexes.clear();
   389     QAbstractItemModel* itemModel = model();
   390     const int count = itemModel->rowCount();
   391     for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
   392         QModelIndex index = itemModel->index( i, 0 );
   393         uint frequency = itemModel->data( index, RadioStationModel::RadioStationRole ).value<RadioStation>().frequency();
   394         mModelIndexes.insert( frequency, index );
   395     }
   396 }
   398 /*!
   399  * Private slot
   400  */
   401 void RadioStationCarousel::updateLoopedPos()
   402 {
   403     const int row = currentIndex().row();
   404     if ( filterModel()->hasLooped( currentIndex() ) ) {
   405         QModelIndex realIndex = filterModel()->realIndex( currentIndex() );
   406         scrollTo( realIndex );
   407         setCurrentIndex( realIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
   408 //        scrollToIndex( realIndex , 0 );
   409         LOG_FORMAT( "Index %d has looped. real index is %d", row, realIndex.row() );
   410     }
   411 }
   413 /*!
   414  * Public slot
   415  *
   416  */
   417 void RadioStationCarousel::setFrequency( uint frequency )
   418 {
   419     RadioStationItem* item = currentStationItem();
   420     if ( item && item->mFrequency == frequency ) {
   421         return;
   422     }
   423 /*
   424     QModelIndex index = static_cast<RadioStationFilterModel*>( model() )->modelIndexFromFrequency( frequency );
   425     if ( index.isValid() ) {
   426         scrollToIndex( index, 0 );
   427     } else {
   428         if ( item ) {
   429             item->setFrequency( frequency );
   430         }
   431     }
   432     */
   433 /*
   436     QAbstractItemModel* itemModel = model();
   437     const int count = itemModel->rowCount();
   438     for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
   439         QModelIndex index = itemModel->index( i, 0 );
   440         uint stationFrequency = itemModel->data( index, RadioStationModel::RadioStationRole ).value<RadioStation>().frequency();
   441         if ( frequency == stationFrequency ) {
   442             scrollToIndex( index, mAutoScrollTime );
   443             return;
   444         }
   445     }
   446  */
   448     if ( mModelIndexes.contains( frequency ) ) {
   449         QModelIndex index = mModelIndexes.value( frequency );
   450         scrollToIndex( index, 0 );
   451     } else {
   452         if ( item ) {
   453             item->setFrequency( frequency );
   454         }
   455     }
   456 }
   458 /*!
   459  * Public slot
   460  *
   461  */
   462 void RadioStationCarousel::setSeekingText()
   463 {
   464     RadioStationItem* item = currentStationItem();
   465     if ( item ) {
   466         item->setSeekingText();
   467     }
   468 }
   470 /*!
   471  * Public slot
   472  */
   473 void RadioStationCarousel::updateHeadsetStatus( bool connected )
   474 {
   475     mAntennaAttached = connected;
   476     RadioStationItem* item = currentStationItem();
   477     if ( item  ) {
   478         item->update();
   479     }
   480 }
   482 /*!
   483  * \reimp
   484  *
   485  */
   486 void RadioStationCarousel::paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget )
   487 {
   488     mBackground.paint( painter, QRectF( QPoint( 0, 0 ), size() ), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio );
   489     HbGridView::paint( painter, option, widget );
   490 }
   492 /*!
   493  * \reimp
   494  */
   495 void RadioStationCarousel::mouseMoveEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event )
   496 {
   497     HbGridView::mouseMoveEvent( event );
   498 }
   500 /*!
   501  * \reimp
   502  */
   503 void RadioStationCarousel::mouseReleaseEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event )
   504 {
   505     QPointF pos = QPointF( size().width() / 2, size().height() / 2 );
   506     HbAbstractViewItem* item = itemAtPosition( pos );
   507     if ( item ) {
   508         scrollToIndex( item->modelIndex(), mAutoScrollTime );
   509     }
   511     HbGridView::mouseReleaseEvent( event );
   512 }
   514 /*!
   515  * \reimp
   516  */
   517 void RadioStationCarousel::resizeEvent( QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent* event )
   518 {
   519     HbGridView::resizeEvent( event );
   520     QModelIndex index = filterModel()->modelIndexFromFrequency( mUiEngine.currentFrequency() );
   521     setCurrentIndex( index, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
   522     scrollTo( index );
   523 }
   525 /*!
   526  *
   527  */
   528 RadioStationItem* RadioStationCarousel::currentStationItem()
   529 {
   530     return static_cast<RadioStationItem*>( currentViewItem() );
   531 //    return mCurrentItem;
   532 }
   534 /*!
   535  *
   536  */
   537 RadioStationFilterModel* RadioStationCarousel::filterModel() const
   538 {
   539     return static_cast<RadioStationFilterModel*>( model() );
   540 }
   542 /*!
   543  *
   544  */
   545 void RadioStationCarousel::scrollToIndex( const QModelIndex& index, int time )
   546 {
   547     RadioStationItem* item = static_cast<RadioStationItem*>( itemByIndex( index ) );
   548     if ( index.isValid() && item ) {
   549         int posX = item->pos().x();
   550         const int currentRow = currentIndex().row();
   551         const int nextRow = index.row();
   552         if ( currentRow != nextRow ) {
   553             LOG_FORMAT( "Current row is %d, scrolling to row %d", currentRow, nextRow);
   554         }
   555         if ( !filterModel()->isEqual( currentIndex(), index ) ) {
   556             setCurrentIndex( index, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
   557             mCurrentItem = static_cast<RadioStationItem*>( item );
   558             emit frequencyChanged( static_cast<RadioStationItem*>( item )->frequency(), CommandSender::StationCarousel );
   559         }
   560         scrollContentsTo( QPointF( posX, 0 ) , time );
   561     }
   562 }