changeset 32 189d20c34778
parent 28 075425b8d9a4
child 33 11b6825f0862
--- a/hswidgetplugin/fmradiohswidgetplugin/src/fmradiohswidget.cpp	Fri Jun 11 13:38:32 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,937 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  FM Radio home screen widget
-// System includes
-#include <HbPushButton>
-#include <HbLabel>
-#include <HbDocumentLoader>
-#include <HbFrameDrawer>
-#include <HbFrameItem>
-#include <HbIcon>
-#include <HbIconAnimationManager>
-#include <HbIconAnimationDefinition>
-#include <HbColorScheme>
-#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
-#include <QGraphicsItem>
-#include <QDesktopServices>
-#include <QTimer>
-// User includes
-#include "fmradiohswidget.h"
-#include "fmradiohswidgetprofilereader.h"
-#include "fmradiohswidgetradioserviceclient.h"
-#include "radioservicedef.h"
-#include "radio_global.h"
-#include "radiologger.h"
-    \ingroup group_fmradiohs_widget
-    \class FmRadioHsWidget
-    \brief Example implementation for home screen widget.
-    FmRadioHsWidget implements needed functions for the FM Radio home screen
-    widget.
-// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
-    Constructs a widget which is a child of \a parent, with widget flags set to \a flags.
-    Constructor should be empty and all the actual construction should be
-    done in onInitialize().
-FmRadioHsWidget::FmRadioHsWidget(QGraphicsItem* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags)
-    : HbWidget(parent, flags),
-      mTunerBackgroundPushButton(NULL),
-      mPowerToggleButton(NULL),
-      mPreviousPushButton(NULL),
-      mNextPushButton(NULL),
-      mInformationFirstRowLabel(NULL),
-      mInformationSecondRowLabel(NULL),
-      mFmRadioState(Undefined),
-      mFavoriteStations(false),
-      mRadioInformation(QHash<QString, QString>()),
-      mProfileMonitor(NULL),
-      mRadioServiceClient(NULL),
-      mRadioStartingCancelTimer(NULL)
-    Destructor
-    Getter for /r mRootPath property.
-QString FmRadioHsWidget::rootPath()const
-    return mRootPath;
-    Sets the mRoothPath propertry to /a roothPath.
-void FmRadioHsWidget::setRootPath(const QString &rootPath)
-    mRootPath = rootPath;
-    Called when widget is initialized. Constructs objects and connects them.
-void FmRadioHsWidget::onInitialize()
-    mProfileMonitor = new FmRadioHsWidgetProfileReader(this);
-    mRadioServiceClient = new FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient(this);
-    mRadioStartingCancelTimer = new QTimer(this);
-    connect(mRadioServiceClient, SIGNAL(radioInformationChanged(int, QVariant)), this,
-        SLOT(handleRadioInformationChange(int, QVariant)));
-    connect(mRadioServiceClient, SIGNAL(radioStateChanged(QVariant)), this,
-        SLOT(handleRadioStateChange(QVariant)));
-    connect(mProfileMonitor, SIGNAL(radioRunning(QVariant)), this,
-        SLOT(handleRadioStateChange(QVariant)));
-    load(KDocml);
-    mProfileMonitor->startMonitoringRadioRunningStatus();
-    Called when widget is shown in the home screen
-void FmRadioHsWidget::onShow()
-    Called when widget is hidden from the home screen
-void FmRadioHsWidget::onHide()
-    Loads docml files.
-void FmRadioHsWidget::load(const QString &docml)
-    HbDocumentLoader *documentLoader = new HbDocumentLoader();
-    documentLoader->reset();
-    bool loaded = false;
-    documentLoader->load(docml, &loaded);
-    if (loaded) {
-        // Find mainLayout
-        HbWidget *mainLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-            KDocmlObjectNameMainLayout));
-        // For drawing frame backgrounds
-        HbFrameItem *frameItem = NULL;
-        if (mainLayout) {
-            QGraphicsLinearLayout *mWidgetLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical, this);
-            // Temporarily use graphics from resources. Change to the system
-            // graphics when they are available.
-            HbFrameDrawer *drawer = new HbFrameDrawer(
-                ":/ui/resource/qtg_graf_hsradio_bg.png",
-                HbFrameDrawer::OnePiece);
-            //HbFrameDrawer *drawer = new HbFrameDrawer("qtg_fr_hswidget_normal",
-            //    HbFrameDrawer::NinePieces);
-            frameItem = new HbFrameItem(drawer, mainLayout);
-            frameItem->setPreferredSize(mainLayout->preferredSize());
-            mWidgetLayout->addItem(mainLayout);
-            setLayout(mWidgetLayout);
-        }
-        // Find stacked layout for tuner area.
-        HbWidget *tunerStackedLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-            KDocmlObjectNameTunerStackedLayout));
-        if (tunerStackedLayout) {
-            // Find stacked layout for information area.
-            HbWidget *tunerInformationStackedLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-                KDocmlObjectNameTunerInformationStackedLayout));
-            if (tunerInformationStackedLayout) {
-                // MarqueeItem tests.
-                    /*
-                    QGraphicsLinearLayout *layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical, mInformationAreaOneRowLayout);
-                    mInformationLonelyRowMarquee = new HbMarqueeItem();
-                    mInformationLonelyRowMarquee->setObjectName("marquee3");
-                    HbStyle::setItemName(mInformationLonelyRowMarquee, "marquee3");
-                    mInformationLonelyRowMarquee->setText(
-                        "Long text");
-                    mInformationLonelyRowMarquee->setLoopCount(-1);
-                    mInformationLonelyRowMarquee->startAnimation();
-                    HbFontSpec fs(HbFontSpec::Secondary);
-                    mInformationLonelyRowMarquee->setFontSpec(fs);
-                    mInformationLonelyRowMarquee->setTextColor(HbColorScheme::color("qtc_hs_list_item_title"));
-                    mInformationLonelyRowMarquee->setPreferredSize(layout->preferredSize());
-                    layout->addItem(mInformationLonelyRowMarquee);
-                    */
-                /*
-                }
-                */
-                // Find lonely label
-                mInformationLonelyRowLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-                    KDocmlObjectNameLonelyRowLabel));
-                if (mInformationLonelyRowLabel) {
-                    QColor color = HbColorScheme::color("qtc_radio_tuner_normal");
-                    if (color.isValid()) {
-                        mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setTextColor(color);
-                    }
-                }
-                // Find layout for two rows
-                mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout = qobject_cast<QGraphicsWidget *> (
-                    documentLoader->findObject(KDocmlObjectNameTwoRowsLayout));
-                if (mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout) {
-                    // Find first row
-                    mInformationFirstRowLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-                        KDocmlObjectNameFirstRowLabel));
-                    if (mInformationFirstRowLabel) {
-                        QColor color = HbColorScheme::color("qtc_radio_tuner_normal");
-                        if (color.isValid()) {
-                            mInformationFirstRowLabel->setTextColor(color);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // Find second row
-                    mInformationSecondRowLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-                        KDocmlObjectNameSecondRowLabel));
-                    if (mInformationSecondRowLabel) {
-                        QColor color = HbColorScheme::color("qtc_radio_tuner_normal");
-                        if (color.isValid()) {
-                            mInformationSecondRowLabel->setTextColor(color);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                mAnimationIcon = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-                    KDocmlObjectNameAnimationIcon));
-                if (mAnimationIcon) {
-                    // Use animation manager to define the frame-by-frame animation.
-                    HbIconAnimationManager *animationManager = HbIconAnimationManager::global();
-                    // Create animation definition.
-                    HbIconAnimationDefinition animationDefinition;
-                    QList<HbIconAnimationDefinition::AnimationFrame> animationFrameList;
-                    // This should be probably done by loading axml instead.
-                    HbIconAnimationDefinition::AnimationFrame animationFrame;
-                    QString animationFrameIconName;
-                    QString animationFrameIconNamePrefix = "qtg_anim_loading_";
-                    for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
-                        animationFrame.duration = 100;
-                        animationFrameIconName.clear();
-                        animationFrameIconName.append(animationFrameIconNamePrefix);
-                        animationFrameIconName.append(animationFrameIconName.number(i));
-                        animationFrame.iconName = animationFrameIconName;
-                        animationFrameList.append(animationFrame);
-                    }
-                    animationDefinition.setPlayMode(HbIconAnimationDefinition::Loop);
-                    animationDefinition.setFrameList(animationFrameList);
-                    animationManager->addDefinition("animation", animationDefinition);
-                    // Construct an icon using the animation definition.
-                    HbIcon icon("animation");
-                    mAnimationIcon->setIcon(icon);
-                }
-            }
-            // Find push button for tuner area.
-            mTunerBackgroundPushButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton*> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-                KDocmlObjectNameTunerBackgroundPushButton));
-            if (mTunerBackgroundPushButton) {
-                // Test different states.
-                //bool p = mTunerBackgroundPushButton->setProperty("state", "normal");
-                // Try css for controlling the appearance.
-                //bool b = QFile::exists(KCss);
-                //bool cssLoaded = HbStyleLoader::registerFilePath(KCss);
-                //HbStyle::setItemName(mTunerBackgroundPushButton, KDocmlObjectNameTunerBackgroundPushButton);
-                // Use the frame background.
-                HbFrameDrawer *tunerBackgroundButtonFrameDrawer = new HbFrameDrawer(
-                    "qtg_fr_tuner", HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesHorizontal);
-                tunerBackgroundButtonFrameDrawer->setFillWholeRect(true);
-                mTunerBackgroundPushButton->setFrameBackground(tunerBackgroundButtonFrameDrawer);
-                // Connect the button's clicked signal. 
-                connect(mTunerBackgroundPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(radioToForeground()));
-            }
-        }
-        // Find layout for control buttons.
-        HbWidget *controlButtonsLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-            KDocmlObjectNameContolButtonsLayout));
-        if (controlButtonsLayout) {
-            if (frameItem) {
-                // Stack widget's background behind it.
-                frameItem->stackBefore(controlButtonsLayout);
-            }
-            // Find power button.
-            mPowerToggleButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-                KDocmlObjectNameowerToggleButton));
-            if (mPowerToggleButton) {
-                // If power button is lathced type, use this.
-                //mPowerToggleButton->setCheckable(true);
-                changeControlButtonFrameBackground(false, Left, mPowerToggleButton);
-                // Use the graphics from resources until release contains proper graphics. 
-                mPowerToggleButton->setIcon(HbIcon(":/ui/resource/mono_power.png"));
-                // Connect the button's clicked signal.
-                connect(mPowerToggleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(radioToBackground()));
-            }
-            // Find previous button.
-            mPreviousPushButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-                KDocmlObjectNamePreviousPushButton));
-            if (mPreviousPushButton) {
-                changeControlButtonFrameBackground(false, Center, mPreviousPushButton);
-                // Connect the button's clicked signal.
-                connect(mPreviousPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(previousChannel()));
-            }
-            // Find next button.
-            mNextPushButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *> (documentLoader->findWidget(
-                KDocmlObjectNameNextPushButton));
-            if (mNextPushButton) {
-                changeControlButtonFrameBackground(false, Right, mNextPushButton);
-                // Connect the button's clicked signal.
-                connect(mNextPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextChannel()));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Loader is not needed anymore so it is deleted.
-    delete documentLoader;
- Slot for closing FM Radio application from power button.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::closeRadio()
-    mRadioServiceClient->doCloseFmRadio();
- Slot for previous button clicked.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::previousChannel()
-    clearRadioInformation();
-    mRadioServiceClient->doChangeFmRadioStation(FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::PreviousFavouriteStation);
- Slot for next button clicked.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::nextChannel()
-    clearRadioInformation();
-    mRadioServiceClient->doChangeFmRadioStation(FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::NextFavouriteStation);
- Slot for bringing the radio application to foreground.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::radioToForeground()
-    // If radio is not running start it to foreground by monitor request.
-    if (mFmRadioState == NotRunning) {
-        handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(Starting));
-        //mRadioServiceClient->doPowerOnFmRadio(FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::ToForeground);
-        mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::ToForeground);
-    }
-    else {
-        if (mFmRadioState == Closing) {
-            // Radio is closing but user wants to power it up again.
-            mRadioServiceClient->doPowerOnFmRadio();
-            mRadioServiceClient->stopMonitoring();
-            mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::ToBackground);
-            handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(Running));
-        }
-        // If radio is running, bring it to the foreground.
-        mRadioServiceClient->doChangeFmRadioVisibility(
-            FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::ToForeground);
-    }
- Slot for putting the radio application to the background.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::radioToBackground()
-    // If radio is not running start it to background by monitor request.
-    if (mFmRadioState == NotRunning) {
-        handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(Starting));
-        mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::ToBackground);
-    }
-    else if (mFmRadioState == Starting) {
-        // Do nothing if radio is starting.
-    }
-    else if (mFmRadioState == Closing) {
-        // Radio is closing but user wants to power it up again.
-        mRadioServiceClient->doPowerOnFmRadio();
-        mRadioServiceClient->stopMonitoring();
-        mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::ToBackground);
-        handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(Running));
-    }
-    else {
-        // If radio is running, put it to the background.
-        // This is little bit useless because the radio is in background if
-        // user is able to click the widget.
-        mRadioServiceClient->doChangeFmRadioVisibility(
-            FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::ToBackground);
-    }
- Handles changes in FM Radio information.
- /param type Type of changed information.
- /param value Information content.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::handleRadioInformationChange(const int notificationId,
-    const QVariant &value)
-    if (!value.isValid()) {
-        // Value is not valid so return.
-        return;
-    }
-    switch ( notificationId ) {
-        case RadioServiceNotification::FavoriteCount:
-            LEVEL2(LOG("FavoriteCount"));
-            if (value.canConvert(QVariant::Int)) {
-                int favoriteCount = value.toInt();
-                // If there are favorite stations, enable the next/previous
-                // buttons.
-                mFavoriteStations = favoriteCount > 0 ? true : false;
-                LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("favoriteCount: %d, mFavoriteStations: %d",
-                    favoriteCount, mFavoriteStations));
-            changeStationButtonsEnabledState(mFavoriteStations);
-            }
-            break;
-        case RadioServiceNotification::CurrentIsFavorite:
-            LEVEL2(LOG("CurrentIsFavorite"));
-            if (value.canConvert(QVariant::Bool)) {
-                bool currentIsFavorite = value.toBool();
-                LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("currentIsFavorite: %d", currentIsFavorite));
-                // If favorite count is 1 and current station is favorite
-                // disable next/prev buttons.
-                if (currentIsFavorite) {
-                    changeStationButtonsEnabledState(false);
-                } else {
-                    // Else eneble them.
-                    changeStationButtonsEnabledState(true);
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case RadioServiceNotification::RadioStatus:
-            LEVEL2(LOG("RadioStatus"));
-            if (value.canConvert(QVariant::Int)) {
-                int status = value.toInt();
-                switch (status) {
-                case RadioStatus::Playing:
-                    LEVEL2(LOG("Playing"));
-                    handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(ControllingAudio));
-                    break;
-                case RadioStatus::Muted:
-                    LEVEL2(LOG("Muted"));
-                    handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(NotControllingAudio));
-                    break;
-                case RadioStatus::Seeking:
-                    LEVEL2(LOG("Seeking"));
-                    handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(Seeking));
-                    break;
-                case RadioStatus::NoAntenna:
-                    LEVEL2(LOG("NoAntenna"));
-                    handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(AntennaNotConnected));
-                    break;                    
-                case RadioStatus::PoweringOff:
-                    LEVEL2(LOG("PoweringOff"));
-                    handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(Closing));
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    LEVEL2(LOG("default"));
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case RadioServiceNotification::Frequency:
-            LEVEL2(LOG("Frequency"));
-            if (value.canConvert(QVariant::UInt)) {
-                const uint frequency = value.toUInt();
-                QString frequencyString;
-                // Format the frequency to human readable text.
-                frequencyString.sprintf("%.1f", qreal(frequency) / FREQUENCY_MULTIPLIER);
-                LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("frequency: %s", GETSTRING(frequencyString)));
-                // TODO: Remove comment when localisation is working on device.
-                //frequencyString = hbTrId("txt_rad_list_l1_mhz").arg(freqString);
-                bool frequencyCleared = false;
-                // If widget has some frequency information and new frequency
-                // differs from that
-                if (mRadioInformation.contains(KRadioInformationFrequency)
-                    && mRadioInformation[KRadioInformationFrequency].compare(frequencyString) != 0) {
-                    // Clear all infromation from widget because station has changed.
-                    clearRadioInformation();
-                    frequencyCleared = true;
-                }
-                // If widget do not have any frquency information, update it.
-                bool frequencyUpdated = updateRadioInformation(KRadioInformationFrequency, frequencyString);
-                if (frequencyCleared || frequencyUpdated) {
-                    // Information changed, update the UI.
-                    radioInformationChanged();
-                }
-            }
-        break;
-        case RadioServiceNotification::Name:
-            LEVEL2(LOG("Name"));
-            if (value.canConvert(QVariant::String)) {
-                if (updateRadioInformation(KRadioInformationStationName, value.toString())) {
-                    LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("name: %s", GETSTRING(value.toString())));
-                    radioInformationChanged();
-                }
-            }
-        break;
-        case RadioServiceNotification::Genre:
-            LEVEL2(LOG("Genre"));
-            if (value.canConvert(QVariant::String)) {
-                if (updateRadioInformation(KRadioInformationPty, value.toString())) {
-                    LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("genre: %s", GETSTRING(value.toString())));
-                    radioInformationChanged();
-                }
-            }
-        break;
-        case RadioServiceNotification::RadioText:
-            LEVEL2(LOG("RadioText"));
-            if (value.canConvert(QVariant::String)) {
-                if (updateRadioInformation(KRadioInformationRt, value.toString())) {
-                    LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("radio text: %s", GETSTRING(value.toString())));
-                    radioInformationChanged();
-                }
-            }
-        break;
-        case RadioServiceNotification::DynamicPS:
-            LOG("DynamicPS");
-            if (value.canConvert(QVariant::String)) {
-                if (updateRadioInformation(KRadioInformationDynamicPsName, value.toString())) {
-                    LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("dynamicPS: %s", GETSTRING(value.toString())));
-                    radioInformationChanged();
-                }
-            }
-        break;
-    default:
-        LOG("default");
-        break;
-    }
- Check if the the radio information is changed. If it is changed update it.
- /param informationType Type of the information.
- /param information  Information text.
- /return bool If information is updated, return true. Return false otherwise.
- */
-bool FmRadioHsWidget::updateRadioInformation(const QString &informationType,
-    const QString &information)
-    LOG_METHOD_RET("%d");
-    // If hash contains this type of information.
-    if (mRadioInformation.contains(informationType)) {
-        // If new information is empty.
-        if (information.isEmpty()) {
-            // Remove old information from the hash.
-            LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %s removed", GETSTRING(informationType)));
-            mRadioInformation.remove(informationType);
-            // Return true to indicate the change.
-            return true;
-        }
-        // If new information differs from the old one.
-        if (mRadioInformation[informationType].compare(information) != 0) {
-            // Update the information.
-            LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %s = %s", GETSTRING(informationType), GETSTRING(information)));
-            mRadioInformation[informationType] = information;
-            // And return true to indicate the change.
-            return true;
-        }
-    } else { // Hash do not contain this type of information.
-        // If new information is not empty.
-        if (!information.isEmpty()) {
-            // Add it to the hash.
-            LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %s = %s", GETSTRING(informationType), GETSTRING(information)));
-            mRadioInformation[informationType] = information;
-            // Return true to indicate the change.
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    // Return false to indicate that nothing changed.
-    return false;
- Formatting radio information texts after a change.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::radioInformationChanged()
-    // Clear the rows.
-    mRadioInformationFirstRow.clear();
-    mRadioInformationSecondRow.clear();
-    // First row contains station name.
-    if (mRadioInformation.contains(KRadioInformationStationName)) {
-        mRadioInformationFirstRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(KRadioInformationStationName));
-    } else if (mRadioInformation.contains(KRadioInformationFrequency)) {
-        // Or frequency.
-        mRadioInformationFirstRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(KRadioInformationFrequency));
-    }
-    LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("mRadioInformationFirstRow: %s", GETSTRING(mRadioInformationFirstRow)));
-    // Second row of information contains radio text.
-    if (mRadioInformation.contains(KRadioInformationRt)) {
-        mRadioInformationSecondRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(KRadioInformationRt));
-    } else if (mRadioInformation.contains(KRadioInformationDynamicPsName)) {
-        // Or Dynamic PS name.
-        mRadioInformationSecondRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(
-            KRadioInformationDynamicPsName));
-    } else if (mRadioInformation.contains(KRadioInformationPty)) {
-        // Or PTY.
-        mRadioInformationSecondRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(KRadioInformationPty));
-    }
-    LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("mRadioInformationSecondRow: %s", GETSTRING(mRadioInformationSecondRow)));
-    // If second row is empty.
-    if (mRadioInformationSecondRow.isEmpty()) {
-        // Show only the lonely row.
-        mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(mRadioInformationFirstRow);
-        changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
-    }
-    else {
-        // Else display both rows.
-        mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText(mRadioInformationFirstRow);
-        mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText(mRadioInformationSecondRow);
-        changeInformationAreaLayout(TwoRows);
-    }
- Clears the radio station information. For example, when the station is
- changed, old information should be cleared.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::clearRadioInformation()
-    if (!mRadioInformation.isEmpty()) {
-        LEVEL2(LOG("clear radioInformation"));
-        mRadioInformation.clear();
-    }
- Handles changes in FM Radio state.
- /param value New state of the radio application.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::handleRadioStateChange(const QVariant &value)
-    int state;
-    if (value.canConvert(QVariant::Int)) {
-        state = value.toInt();
-    } else {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (state == mFmRadioState) {
-        // State did not change, so return.
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (state) {
-    case Undefined:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Undefined"));
-        // Something went wrong. Widget should not be in this state after onInitialize().
-        mFmRadioState = Undefined;
-        break;
-    case NotRunning:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("NotRunning"));
-        mFmRadioState = NotRunning;
-        mRadioServiceClient->stopMonitoring();
-        changePowerButtonOn(false);
-        mFavoriteStations = false;
-        changeStationButtonsEnabledState(false);
-        clearRadioInformation();
-        mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText("");
-        mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText("");
-        mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_rad_list_fm_radio"));
-        changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
-        break;
-    case Starting:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Starting"));
-        mFmRadioState = Starting;
-        changePowerButtonOn(true);
-        changeStationButtonsEnabledState(false);
-        changeInformationAreaLayout(Animation);
-        // This timer is workaround to recover from situation where radio is
-        // started from widget but user answers no to the offline start dialog.
-        // Stop timer if it is running.
-        stopRadioStartingCancelTimer();
-        // Set timer as single shot.
-        mRadioStartingCancelTimer->setSingleShot(true);
-        // Connect timeout.
-        connect(mRadioStartingCancelTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,
-            SLOT(cancelRadioStartingState()));
-        // Start to timeout after delay.
-        mRadioStartingCancelTimer->start(KRadioStartingStateCancelDelay);
-        break;
-    case Running:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Running"));
-        mFmRadioState = Running;
-        // Stop timer if it is running because radio is now running.
-        stopRadioStartingCancelTimer();
-        mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
-            FmRadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient::DoNotChange);
-        changePowerButtonOn(true);
-        changeStationButtonsEnabledState(mFavoriteStations);
-        changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
-        break;
-    case ControllingAudio:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("ControllingAudio"));
-        mFmRadioState = ControllingAudio;
-        changeStationButtonsEnabledState(mFavoriteStations);
-        radioInformationChanged();
-        break;
-    case NotControllingAudio:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("NotControllingAudio"));
-        mFmRadioState = NotControllingAudio;
-        changeStationButtonsEnabledState(mFavoriteStations);
-        radioInformationChanged();
-        break;
-    case Seeking:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Seeking"));
-        mFmRadioState = Seeking;
-        changeStationButtonsEnabledState(false);
-        changeInformationAreaLayout(Animation);
-        break;
-    case AntennaNotConnected:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("AntennaNotConnected"));
-        mFmRadioState = AntennaNotConnected;
-        changeStationButtonsEnabledState(false);
-        mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText("");
-        mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText("");
-        mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_rad_info_connect_wired_headset"));
-        changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
-        break;
-    case Closing:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Closing"));
-        mFmRadioState = Closing;
-        changePowerButtonOn(false);
-        changeStationButtonsEnabledState(false);
-        clearRadioInformation();
-        mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText("");
-        mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText("");
-        mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_rad_list_fm_radio"));
-        changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
-        break;
-    default:
-        LOG("default");
-        break;
-    }
- Changes visible widgets of information area stacked layout.
- /param InformationAreaLayout The layout to switch visible.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::changeInformationAreaLayout(const InformationAreaLayout layout)
-    switch (layout) {
-    case OneRow:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("OneRow"));
-        mInformationLonelyRowLabel->show();
-        mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout->hide();
-        mAnimationIcon->hide();
-        break;
-    case TwoRows:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("TwoRows"));
-        mInformationLonelyRowLabel->hide();
-        mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout->show();
-        mAnimationIcon->hide();
-        break;
-    case Animation:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Animation"));
-        mInformationLonelyRowLabel->hide();
-        mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout->hide();
-        mAnimationIcon->show();
-        break;
-    default:
-        LOG("default");
-        break;
-    }
- Changes state of power button.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::changePowerButtonOn(const bool isPowerOn)
-    QString iconName;
-    if (isPowerOn) {
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Power on"));
-        // Change icon to reflect power on state.
-        iconName.append("qtg_mono_power");
-        mPowerToggleButton->setIcon(HbIcon(":/ui/resource/mono_power.png"));
-        mPowerToggleButton->setText("Off");
-        // Connect clicked to closeRadio slot.
-        disconnect(mPowerToggleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(radioToBackground()));
-        connect(mPowerToggleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(closeRadio()));
-    } else {
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Power off"));
-        // Change icon to reflect power off state.
-        iconName.append("qtg_mono_power");
-        mPowerToggleButton->setIcon(HbIcon(":/ui/resource/mono_power.png"));
-        mPowerToggleButton->setText("On");
-        // Connect clicked to radioToBackground slot.
-        disconnect(mPowerToggleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(closeRadio()));
-        connect(mPowerToggleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
-            SLOT(radioToBackground()));
-    }
-    changeControlButtonFrameBackground(true, Left, mPowerToggleButton);
- Changes enabled state of station buttons.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::changeStationButtonsEnabledState(const bool enabled)
-    changeControlButtonFrameBackground(enabled, Center, mPreviousPushButton);
-    changeControlButtonFrameBackground(enabled, Right, mNextPushButton);
- Changes background of control button.
- /param enabled Is button enabled or disabled.
- /param position Position of the control button in button group.
- /param button The button to change the background.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::changeControlButtonFrameBackground(const bool enabled,
-    const ControlButtonPosition position, HbPushButton *button)
-    QString frameGraphicsName("qtg_fr_hsbutton_");
-    if (enabled) {
-        frameGraphicsName.append("normal");
-    } else {
-        frameGraphicsName.append("disabled");
-    }
-    LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("frameGraphicsName: %s", GETSTRING(frameGraphicsName)));
-    HbFrameDrawer *frameDrawer = new HbFrameDrawer(frameGraphicsName,
-        HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesHorizontal);
-    switch (position) {
-    case Left:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Left"));
-        frameDrawer->setFileNameSuffixList(QStringList() << "_l" << "_c" << "_cr");
-        break;
-    case Center:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Center"));
-        frameDrawer->setFileNameSuffixList(QStringList() << "_cl" << "_c" << "_cr");
-        break;
-    case Right:
-        LEVEL2(LOG("Right"));
-        frameDrawer->setFileNameSuffixList(QStringList() << "_cl" << "_c" << "_r");
-        break;
-    default:
-        LOG("default");
-        break;
-    }
-    button->setFrameBackground(frameDrawer);
-    button->setEnabled(enabled);
- Radio did not start on time. Let's reset the widget's state.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::cancelRadioStartingState()
-    handleRadioStateChange(QVariant(NotRunning));
- Stop the timer canceling radio starting state.
- */
-void FmRadioHsWidget::stopRadioStartingCancelTimer()
-    if (mRadioStartingCancelTimer->isActive()) {
-         mRadioStartingCancelTimer->stop();
-     }