changeset 13 46974bebc798
child 14 63aabac4416d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/radioapp/radiouiengine/src/radiostationmodel.cpp	Fri Mar 19 09:29:04 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+// System includes
+#include <qstringlist>
+#include "radiostationmodel.h"
+#include "radiostationmodel_p.h"
+#include "radiopresetstorage.h"
+#include "radioenginewrapper.h"
+#include "radiouiengine.h"
+#include "radiostation.h"
+#include "radiostation_p.h"
+#include "radiologger.h"
+ *
+ */
+static QString parseLine( const RadioStation& station )
+    QString line = "";
+    line.append( RadioUiEngine::parseFrequency( station.frequency() ) );
+    QString name =;
+    if ( !name.isEmpty() )
+    {
+        line.append( " - " );
+        line.append( name.trimmed() );
+    }
+    LOG_FORMAT( "RadioStationModel: Returning line %s", GETSTRING(line) );
+    return line;
+ *
+ */
+RadioStationModel::RadioStationModel( RadioUiEngine& uiEngine ) :
+    QAbstractListModel( &uiEngine ),
+    d_ptr( new RadioStationModelPrivate( this, uiEngine ) )
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ */
+Qt::ItemFlags RadioStationModel::flags ( const QModelIndex& index ) const
+    Qt::ItemFlags flags = QAbstractListModel::flags( index );
+    flags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable;
+    return flags;
+ *
+ */
+int RadioStationModel::rowCount( const QModelIndex& parent ) const
+    Q_UNUSED( parent );
+    Q_D( const RadioStationModel );
+    const int count = d->mStations.keys().count();
+    return count;
+ * Checks the given station and emits signals based on what member variables had been changed
+ */
+QVariant RadioStationModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
+    if ( !index.isValid() ) {
+        return QVariant();
+    }
+    Q_D( const RadioStationModel );
+    if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) {
+        RadioStation station = stationAt( index.row() );
+        QString firstLine = parseLine( station );
+        if ( d->mDetailLevel.testFlag( RadioStationModel::ShowGenre ) ) {
+            QStringList list;
+            list.append( firstLine );
+            QString genre = " "; // Empty space so that the listbox generates the second row
+            if ( station.genre() != -1 ) {
+                genre = d->mUiEngine.genreToString( station.genre() );
+            }
+            list.append( genre );
+            return list;
+        }
+        return firstLine;
+    } else if ( role == RadioStationModel::RadioStationRole ) {
+        QVariant variant;
+        variant.setValue( stationAt( index.row() ) );
+        return variant;
+    } else if ( role == Qt::DecorationRole &&
+                d->mDetailLevel.testFlag( RadioStationModel::ShowIcons ) ) {
+        RadioStation station = stationAt( index.row() );
+        QVariantList list;
+        if ( station.isFavorite() && !d->mFavoriteIcon.isNull() ) {
+            list.append( d->mFavoriteIcon );
+        } else {
+            list.append( QIcon() );
+        }
+        if ( currentStation().frequency() == station.frequency() && !d->mNowPlayingIcon.isNull() ) {
+            list.append( d->mNowPlayingIcon );
+        }
+        return list;
+    }
+    return QVariant();
+ * Checks the given station and emits signals based on what member variables had been changed
+ */
+bool RadioStationModel::setData( const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role )
+    Q_UNUSED( index );
+    if ( role == RadioStationModel::ToggleFavoriteRole ) {
+        const uint frequency = value.toUInt();
+        RadioStation station;
+        if ( findFrequency( frequency, station ) ) {
+            setFavoriteByPreset( station.presetIndex(), !station.isFavorite() );
+        } else {
+            setFavoriteByFrequency( frequency, true );
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+ * Called by the wrapper to initialize the list with given amount of presets
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::initialize( RadioPresetStorage* storage, RadioEngineWrapper* engine )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    d->mPresetStorage = storage;
+    d->mEngine = engine;
+    const int presetCount = d->mPresetStorage->presetCount();
+    int index = d->mPresetStorage->firstPreset();
+    LOG_FORMAT( "RadioStationModelPrivate::initialize: presetCount: %d, firstIndex: %d", presetCount, index );
+    while ( index >= 0 ) {
+    index = 0;
+    while ( index < presetCount ) {
+        RadioStation station;
+        station.detach();
+        RadioStationIf* preset = static_cast<RadioStationIf*>( station.data_ptr() );
+        if ( d->mPresetStorage->readPreset( index, *preset ) ) {
+            RADIO_ASSERT( station.isValid(), "RadioStationModelPrivate::initialize", "Invalid station" );
+			// TODO: Remove this if when new Preset utility is taken into use
+            if ( station.frequency() != 87500000 )
+                {
+                d->mStations.insert( station.frequency(), station );
+                }
+        }
+        ++index;
+        index = d->mPresetStorage->nextPreset( index );
+    }
+    d->setCurrentStation( d->mEngine->currentFrequency() );
+ * Sets the icons to be used in the lists
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::setIcons( const QIcon& favoriteIcon, const QIcon& nowPlayingIcon )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    d->mFavoriteIcon = favoriteIcon;
+    d->mNowPlayingIcon = nowPlayingIcon;
+ * Returns a reference to the station handler interface
+ */
+RadioStationHandlerIf& RadioStationModel::stationHandlerIf()
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    return *d;
+ * Returns a reference to the underlying QList so that it can be easily looped
+ */
+const Stations& RadioStationModel::list() const
+    Q_D( const RadioStationModel );
+    return d->mStations;
+ * Returns the station at the given index.
+ */
+RadioStation RadioStationModel::stationAt( int index ) const
+    // Get the value from the keys list instead of directly accessing the values list
+    // because QMap may have added a default-constructed value to the values list
+    Q_D( const RadioStationModel );
+    if ( index < d->mStations.keys().count() ) {
+        uint frequency = d->mStations.keys().at( index );
+        return d->mStations.value( frequency );
+    }
+    return RadioStation();
+ * Finds a station by frequency
+ */
+bool RadioStationModel::findFrequency( uint frequency, RadioStation& station )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    if ( d->mStations.contains( frequency ) ) {
+        station = d->mStations.value( frequency );
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+ * Finds a station by preset index
+ */
+int RadioStationModel::findPresetIndex( int presetIndex )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    int index = 0;
+    foreach( const RadioStation& tempStation, d->mStations ) {
+        if ( tempStation.presetIndex() == presetIndex ) {
+            return index;
+        }
+        ++index;
+    }
+    return RadioStation::NotFound;
+ * Finds a station by preset index
+ */
+int RadioStationModel::findPresetIndex( int presetIndex, RadioStation& station )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    const int index = findPresetIndex( presetIndex );
+    if ( index != RadioStation::NotFound ) {
+        station = d->mStations.values().at( index );
+    }
+    return index;
+ * Removes a station by frequency
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::removeByFrequency( uint frequency )
+    RadioStation station;
+    if ( findFrequency( frequency, station ) ) {
+        removeStation( station );
+    }
+ * Removes a station by preset index
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::removeByPresetIndex( int presetIndex )
+    RadioStation station;
+    const int index = findPresetIndex( presetIndex, station );
+    if ( index >= 0 ) {
+        removeStation( station );
+    }
+ * Removes the given station
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::removeStation( const RadioStation& station )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    const uint frequency = station.frequency();
+    if ( d->mStations.contains( frequency ) ) {
+        // If we are removing the current station, copy its data to the current station pointer
+        // to keep all of the received RDS data still available. They will be discarded when
+        // the user tunes to another frequency, but they are available if the user decides to add it back.
+        if ( d->mCurrentStation->frequency() == frequency ) {
+            *d->mCurrentStation = station;
+        }
+        // Copy the station to a temporary variable that can be used as signal parameter
+        RadioStation tempStation = station;
+        const int row = modelIndexFromFrequency( tempStation.frequency() ).row();
+        beginRemoveRows( QModelIndex(), row, row );
+        d->mPresetStorage->deletePreset( tempStation.presetIndex() );
+        d->mStations.remove( frequency );
+        endRemoveRows();
+        d->setCurrentStation( d->mEngine->currentFrequency() );
+        if ( tempStation.isFavorite() ) {
+            tempStation.setFavorite( false );
+            emit favoriteChanged( tempStation );
+        }
+    }
+ * Adds a new station to the list
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::addStation( const RadioStation& station )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    const int newIndex = findUnusedPresetIndex();
+    LOG_FORMAT( "RadioStationModelPrivate::addStation: Adding station to index %d", newIndex );
+    RadioStation newStation = station;
+    newStation.setPresetIndex( newIndex );
+    newStation.unsetType( RadioStation::Temporary );
+    // We have to call beginInsertRows() BEFORE the addition is actually done so we must figure out where
+    // the new station will go in the sorted frequency order
+//    int row = 0;
+//    const int count = rowCount();
+//    if ( count > 1 ) {
+//        Stations::const_iterator iter = d->mStations.upperBound( newStation.frequency() );
+//        uint iterFreq = iter.key();
+//        if ( d->mStations.contains( iter.key() ) ) {
+//            row = d->mStations.keys().indexOf( iter.key() );
+//        } else {
+//            row = count;
+//        }
+//    } else if ( count == 1 ) {
+//        uint existingFreq = d->mStations.keys().first();
+//        if ( station.frequency() > existingFreq ) {
+//            row = 1;
+//        }
+//    }
+    emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
+//    beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), row, row );
+    // We must add the station here because saveStation() will only update an existing station
+    d->mStations.insert( newStation.frequency(), newStation );
+    saveStation( newStation );
+    d->setCurrentStation( d->mEngine->currentFrequency() );
+//    endInsertRows();
+    emit layoutChanged();
+    emit stationAdded( station );
+ * Saves the given station. It is expected to already exist in the list
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::saveStation( RadioStation& station )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    const bool stationHasChanged = station.hasChanged();
+    RadioStation::Change changeFlags = station.changeFlags();
+    station.resetChangeFlags();
+    if ( station.isType( RadioStation::Temporary ) ) {
+        emitChangeSignals( station, changeFlags );
+    } else if ( station.isValid() && stationHasChanged && d->mStations.contains( station.frequency() )) {
+        d->mStations.insert( station.frequency(), station );
+        if ( changeFlags.testFlag( RadioStation::PersistentDataChanged ) ) {
+            const bool success = d->mPresetStorage->savePreset( *station.data_ptr() );
+            RADIO_ASSERT( success, "RadioStationModelPrivate::saveStation", "Failed to add station" );
+        }
+        emitChangeSignals( station, changeFlags );
+    }
+ * Changes the favorite status of a station by its frequency. If the station does
+ * not yet exist, it is added.
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::setFavoriteByFrequency( uint frequency, bool favorite )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    if ( d->mEngine->isFrequencyValid( frequency ) )
+    {
+        LOG_FORMAT( "RadioStationModelPrivate::setFavoriteByFrequency, frequency: %d", frequency );
+        RadioStation station;
+        if ( findFrequency( frequency, station ) )  // Update existing preset
+        {
+            if ( station.isFavorite() != favorite )
+            {
+                station.setFavorite( favorite );
+                saveStation( station );
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( favorite )                    // Add new preset if setting as favorite
+        {
+            RadioStation newStation;
+            if ( d->mCurrentStation->frequency() == frequency ) {
+                newStation = *d->mCurrentStation;
+            } else {
+                LOG( "CurrentStation frequency mismatch!" );
+                newStation.setFrequency( frequency );
+            }
+            newStation.setType( RadioStation::LocalStation | RadioStation::Favorite );
+            // If PI code has been received, it is a local station
+            if ( newStation.hasPiCode() ) {
+                newStation.setType( RadioStation::LocalStation );
+            }
+            // Emit the signals only after adding the preset and reinitializing the current station
+            // because the UI will probably query the current station in its slots that get called.
+            addStation( newStation );
+            d->setCurrentStation( frequency );
+        }
+    }
+ * Changes the favorite status of a station by its preset index
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::setFavoriteByPreset( int presetIndex, bool favorite )
+    LOG_FORMAT( "RadioStationModelPrivate::setFavoriteByPreset, presetIndex: %d", presetIndex );
+    RadioStation station;
+    if ( findPresetIndex( presetIndex, station ) != RadioStation::NotFound )
+    {
+        station.setFavorite( favorite );
+        saveStation( station );
+    }
+ * Renames a station by its preset index
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::renameStation( int presetIndex, const QString& name )
+    LOG_FORMAT( "RadioStationModelPrivate::renameStation, presetIndex: %d, name: %s", presetIndex, GETSTRING(name) );
+    RadioStation station;
+    if ( findPresetIndex( presetIndex, station ) != RadioStation::NotFound )
+    {
+        station.setUserDefinedName( name );
+        saveStation( station );
+    }
+ *
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::setFavorites( const QModelIndexList& favorites )
+    foreach ( const QModelIndex& index, favorites ) {
+        RadioStation station = stationAt( index.row() );
+        RADIO_ASSERT( station.isValid() , "RadioStationModel::setFavorites", "invalid RadioStation");
+        setFavoriteByPreset( station.presetIndex(), true );
+    }
+ * Returns the currently tuned station
+ */
+RadioStation& RadioStationModel::currentStation()
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    return *d->mCurrentStation;
+ * Returns the currently tuned station
+ */
+const RadioStation& RadioStationModel::currentStation() const
+    Q_D( const RadioStationModel );
+    return *d->mCurrentStation;
+ * Sets the model detail level
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::setDetail( Detail level )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    d->mDetailLevel = level;
+ * Returns a list of radio stations in the given frequency range
+ */
+QList<RadioStation> RadioStationModel::stationsInRange( uint minFrequency, uint maxFrequency )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    QList<RadioStation> stations;
+    foreach( const RadioStation& station, d->mStations ) {
+        if ( station.frequency() >= minFrequency && station.frequency() <= maxFrequency ) {
+            stations.append( station );
+        }
+    }
+    return stations;
+ * Returns the model index corresponding to the given frequency
+ */
+QModelIndex RadioStationModel::modelIndexFromFrequency( uint frequency )
+    RadioStation station;
+    if ( findFrequency( frequency, station ) ) {
+        return index( findPresetIndex( station.presetIndex() ), 0 );
+    }
+    return QModelIndex();
+ * Public slot
+ * Removes all stations
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::removeAll()
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    if ( d->mStations.count() == 0 ) {
+        return;
+    }
+    QList<RadioStation> favorites;
+    foreach( const RadioStation& station, d->mStations ) {
+        if ( station.isFavorite() ) {
+            favorites.append( station );
+        }
+    }
+    beginRemoveRows( QModelIndex(), 0, rowCount() - 1 );
+    // Preset utility deletes all presets with index -1
+    bool success = d->mPresetStorage->deletePreset( -1 );
+    bool success = d->mPresetStorage->deletePreset( 0 );
+    RADIO_ASSERT( success, "FMRadio", "Failed to remove station" );
+    d->mStations.clear();
+    d->setCurrentStation( d->mEngine->currentFrequency() );
+    endRemoveRows();
+    foreach( RadioStation station, favorites ) {
+        station.setFavorite( false );
+        emit favoriteChanged( station );
+    }
+ * Private slot
+ * Timer timeout slot to indicate that the dynamic PS check has ended
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::dynamicPsCheckEnded()
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    LOG_TIMESTAMP( "Finished dynamic PS check." );
+    if ( d->mCurrentStation->psType() != RadioStation::Dynamic && !d->mCurrentStation->dynamicPsText().isEmpty() )
+    {
+        d->mCurrentStation->setPsType( RadioStation::Static );
+        d->mCurrentStation->setName( d->mCurrentStation->dynamicPsText() );
+        d->mCurrentStation->setDynamicPsText( "" );
+        saveStation( *d->mCurrentStation );
+    }
+ * Checks the given station and emits signals based on what member variables had been changed
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::emitChangeSignals( const RadioStation& station, RadioStation::Change flags )
+    if ( flags.testFlag( RadioStation::NameChanged ) ||
+         flags.testFlag( RadioStation::GenreChanged ) ||
+         flags.testFlag( RadioStation::UrlChanged ) ||
+         flags.testFlag( RadioStation::TypeChanged ) ||
+         flags.testFlag( RadioStation::PiCodeChanged ) ) {
+        // Create a temporary RadioStation for the duration of the signal-slot processing
+        // The receivers can ask the station what data has changed and update accordingly
+        RadioStation tempStation( station );
+        tempStation.setChangeFlags( flags );
+        emit stationDataChanged( tempStation );
+        emitDataChanged( tempStation );
+    }
+    if ( flags.testFlag( RadioStation::RadioTextChanged ) ) {
+        emit radioTextReceived( station );
+        emitDataChanged( station );
+    }
+    if ( flags.testFlag( RadioStation::DynamicPsChanged ) ) {
+        emit dynamicPsChanged( station );
+        emitDataChanged( station );
+    }
+    if ( flags.testFlag( RadioStation::FavoriteChanged ) && station.isValid() ) {
+        emit favoriteChanged( station );
+        emitDataChanged( station );
+    }
+ *
+ */
+void RadioStationModel::emitDataChanged( const RadioStation& station )
+    const int row = findPresetIndex( station.presetIndex() );
+    QModelIndex top = index( row, 0, QModelIndex() );
+    QModelIndex bottom = index( row, 0, QModelIndex() );
+    emit dataChanged( top, bottom );
+ * Finds an unused preset index
+ */
+int RadioStationModel::findUnusedPresetIndex()
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    QList<int> indexes;
+    foreach( const RadioStation& station, d->mStations ) {
+        if ( station.isValid() ) {
+            indexes.append( station.presetIndex() );
+        }
+    }
+    int index = 0;
+    for ( ; indexes.contains( index ); ++index ) {
+        // Nothing to do here
+    }
+    LOG_FORMAT( "RadioStationModelPrivate::findUnusedPresetIndex, index: %d", index );
+    return index;
+ * Used by the RDS data setters to find the correct station where the data is set
+ */
+RadioStation RadioStationModel::findCurrentStation( uint frequency )
+    Q_D( RadioStationModel );
+    RadioStation station = *d->mCurrentStation;
+    if ( station.frequency() != frequency ) {
+        if ( !findFrequency( frequency, station ) ) {
+            return RadioStation();
+        }
+    }
+    return station;