changeset 24 6df133bd92e1
parent 13 46974bebc798
child 57 21be958eb3ce
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/radioapp/radioenginewrapper/src/t_radiodataparser.cpp	Fri Jun 04 10:21:36 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "t_radiodataparser.h"
+const int KThousand                     = 1000;
+const int KMillion                      = KThousand * KThousand;
+const QString KDataFile                 = "./settings.xml";
+const QString KXmlMilliseconds          = "ms";
+const QString KXmlSeconds               = "s";
+const QString KXmlMinutes               = "m";
+const QString KXmlRadioSettings         = "RadioSettings";
+const QString KXmlMaxVolume             = "maxvolume";
+const QString KXmlFrequencyStepSize     = "FrequencyStepSize";
+const QString KXmlRegion                = "region";
+const QString KXmlMinFrequency          = "MinFrequency";
+const QString KXmlMaxFrequency          = "MaxFrequency";
+const QString KXmlRadioStations         = "RadioStations";
+const QString KXmlSetting               = "setting";
+const QString KXmlStation               = "Station";
+const QString KXmlName                  = "name";
+const QString KXmlValue                 = "value";
+const QString KXmlFrequency             = "frequency";
+const QString KXmlBooleanTrue           = "TRUE";
+const QString KXmlRds                   = "Rds";
+const QString KXmlRdsItem               = "RdsItem";
+const QString KXmlInterval              = "SendInterval";
+const QString KXmlType                  = "type";
+const QString KXmlCount                 = "count";
+const QString KXmlDelay                 = "delay";
+const QString KXmlRdsGroup              = "RdsGroup";
+const QString KXmlRdsPsName             = "PsName";
+const QString KXmlRdsPiCode             = "PiCode";
+const QString KXmlRdsRt                 = "RT";
+const QString KXmlRdsRtPlus             = "RtPlus";
+const QString KXmlRdsRtPlusItem         = "RtPlusItem";
+const QString KXmlRdsRtPlusTag          = "RtPlusTag";
+const QString KXmlRdsRtPlusTagDelay     = "delay";
+const QString KXmlRdsRtPlusTagArtist    = "artist";
+const QString KXmlRdsRtPlusTagTitle     = "title";
+const QString KXmlRdsPty                = "Pty";
+ *
+ */
+static bool isEqual( const QString& first, const QString& second )
+    return second, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0;
+ *
+ */
+T_RadioDataParser::T_RadioDataParser() :
+    mReader( new QXmlSimpleReader() )
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ */
+bool T_RadioDataParser::parse()
+    QFile file( KDataFile );
+    if ( file.exists() ) {
+        mSource.reset( new QXmlInputSource( &file ) );
+        mReader->setContentHandler( this );;
+        mReader->setErrorHandler( this );
+        return mReader->parse( );
+    } else {
+        mErrorString = QString( "Data file %1 not found!" ).arg( file.fileName() );
+    }
+    return false;
+ * \reimp
+ */
+bool T_RadioDataParser::startDocument()
+    return true;
+ * \reimp
+ */
+bool T_RadioDataParser::endDocument()
+    return true;
+ * \reimp
+ */
+bool T_RadioDataParser::startElement( const QString& namespaceURI,
+                                      const QString& localName,
+                                      const QString& qName,
+                                      const QXmlAttributes& atts )
+    if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlRadioSettings ) )
+    {
+        handleStartRadioSettings( atts );
+    }
+    else if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlSetting ) )
+    {
+        handleStartSetting( atts );
+    }
+    else if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlRadioStations ) )
+    {
+//        handleStartRdsData( atts );
+    }
+    else if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlStation ) )
+    {
+        handleStartStation( atts );
+    }
+    else if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlRdsGroup ) )
+    {
+        handleStartRdsGroup( atts );
+    }
+    else if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlRds ) )
+    {
+        handleStartRdsData( atts );
+    }
+    return true;
+ * \reimp
+ */
+bool T_RadioDataParser::endElement( const QString& namespaceURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName )
+    if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlRadioSettings ) )
+        {
+        handleEndRadioSettings();
+        }
+    else if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlSetting ) )
+        {
+        handleEndSetting();
+        }
+    else if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlStation ) )
+        {
+        handleEndStation();
+        }
+    else if ( isEqual( localName, KXmlRds ) )
+        {
+        handleEndRdsData();
+        }
+    return true;
+ * \reimp
+ */
+bool T_RadioDataParser::characters( const QString& ch )
+    return true;
+ * \reimp
+ */
+bool T_RadioDataParser::error( const QXmlParseException& exception )
+    mErrorString = QString( "Line: %1, Column: %2, Msg: %3" )
+                   .arg( exception.lineNumber() )
+                   .arg( exception.columnNumber() )
+                   .arg( exception.message() );
+    return true;
+ * \reimp
+ */
+bool T_RadioDataParser::fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception )
+    mErrorString = QString( "Error in data XML. Line: %1, Column: %2, Msg: %3" )
+                   .arg( exception.lineNumber() )
+                   .arg( exception.columnNumber() )
+                   .arg( exception.message() );
+    return false;
+ * \reimp
+ */
+QString T_RadioDataParser::errorString() const
+    return mErrorString;
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleStartRadioSettings( const QXmlAttributes& atts )
+    Q_UNUSED( atts );
+    RadioData::EngineSettings* engineSettings = new RadioData::EngineSettings;
+    pushToSettingStack( engineSettings, mSettingStack );
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleEndRadioSettings()
+    RadioData::EngineSettings* engineSettings
+            = static_cast<RadioData::EngineSettings*>( popFromSettingStack( mSettingStack ) );
+    if ( engineSettings )
+    {
+        mEngineSettings = *engineSettings;
+        delete engineSettings;
+        engineSettings = 0;
+    }
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleStartSetting( const QXmlAttributes& atts )
+    RadioData::SettingHolder* holder = new RadioData::SettingHolder;
+    RadioData::Setting* parentHolder = topOfSettingStack( mSettingHolderStack );
+    if ( parentHolder ) {
+        static_cast<RadioData::SettingHolder*>( parentHolder )->mChildren.append( holder );
+    }
+    pushToSettingStack( holder, mSettingHolderStack );
+    for ( int i = 0; i < atts.count(); ++i )
+    {
+        QString attrName = atts.localName( i );
+        if ( isEqual( attrName, KXmlName ) )
+        {
+            holder->mName = atts.value( i );
+        }
+        else if ( isEqual( attrName, KXmlValue ) == 0 )
+        {
+            holder->mValue = atts.value( i );
+        }
+    }
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleEndSetting()
+    QScopedPointer<RadioData::SettingHolder> holder(
+            static_cast<RadioData::SettingHolder*>( popFromSettingStack( mSettingHolderStack ) ) );
+    if ( mSettingHolderStack.count() == 0 )
+    {
+        if ( RadioData::Setting* setting = topOfSettingStack( mSettingStack ) )
+        {
+            setting->setValue( *holder, *this );
+        }
+    }
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleStartStation( const QXmlAttributes& atts )
+    RadioData::Station* station = new RadioData::Station;
+    pushToSettingStack( station, mSettingStack );
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleEndStation()
+    RadioData::Station* station = static_cast<RadioData::Station*>( popFromSettingStack( mSettingStack ) );
+    mStations.append( station );
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleStartRdsGroup( const QXmlAttributes& atts )
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleEndRdsGroup()
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleStartRdsData( const QXmlAttributes& atts )
+    RadioData::RdsItem* rds = new RadioData::RdsItem;
+    pushToSettingStack( rds, mSettingStack );
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::handleEndRdsData()
+    QScopedPointer<RadioData::RdsItem> rds(
+            static_cast<RadioData::RdsItem*>( popFromSettingStack( mSettingStack ) ) );
+    RadioData::Station* station = dynamic_cast<RadioData::Station*>( topOfSettingStack( mSettingStack ) );
+    if ( rds && station )
+    {
+        station->mRdsArray.append( rds.take() );
+    }
+ *
+ */
+void T_RadioDataParser::pushToSettingStack( RadioData::Setting* setting, RadioData::SettingArray& array )
+    array.append( setting );
+ *
+ */
+RadioData::Setting* T_RadioDataParser::topOfSettingStack( RadioData::SettingArray& array )
+    if ( array.count() > 0 )
+        {
+        return array[ array.count() - 1 ];
+        }
+    return 0;
+ *
+ */
+RadioData::Setting* T_RadioDataParser::popFromSettingStack( RadioData::SettingArray& array )
+    const int lastIndex = array.count() - 1;
+    RadioData::Setting* setting = array[lastIndex];
+    array.removeAt( lastIndex );
+    return setting;
+ *
+ */
+int T_RadioDataParser::parseInt( const QString& string, int defaultVal )
+    bool ok = false;
+    int ret = string.toInt( &ok );
+    if ( ok ) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    return defaultVal;
+ *
+ */
+int T_RadioDataParser::parseTime( const QString& string, int defaultVal )
+    if ( isEqual( string.right( 2 ), KXmlMilliseconds ) ) {
+        QString temp = string.mid( 0, string.length() - 2 );
+        return parseInt( temp, defaultVal );
+    } else if ( isEqual( string.right( 1 ), KXmlSeconds ) ) {
+        QString temp = string.mid( 0, string.length() - 1 );
+        return parseInt( temp, defaultVal ) * KThousand;
+    } else if ( isEqual( string.right( 1 ), KXmlMinutes ) ) {
+        QString temp = string.mid( 0, string.length() - 1 );
+        return parseInt( temp, defaultVal ) * KMillion;
+    } else {
+        // Default time is seconds
+        return parseInt( string, defaultVal ) * KThousand;
+    }
+RadioData::RdsGroup::RdsGroup( const QXmlAttributes& atts, T_RadioDataParser& parser ) :
+    mInterval( 0 ),
+    mCount( 0 )
+    for ( int i = 0; i < atts.count(); ++i ) {
+        QString attrName = atts.localName( i );
+        if ( isEqual( attrName, KXmlInterval ) )
+        {
+            mInterval = parser.parseTime( atts.value( i ), 0 );
+        }
+        else if ( isEqual( attrName, KXmlCount ) == 0 )
+        {
+            mCount = parser.parseInt( atts.value( i ), 0 );
+        }
+    }
+RadioData::Station::Station() :
+    mFrequency( 0 )
+    qDeleteAll( mRdsArray );
+    mRdsArray.clear();
+void RadioData::Station::setValue( SettingHolder& holder, T_RadioDataParser& parser )
+    if ( isEqual( holder.mName, KXmlFrequency ) )
+    {
+        int valueInt = 0;
+        parser.parseInt( holder.mValue, valueInt );
+        mFrequency = static_cast<uint>( valueInt );
+    }
+RadioData::RdsItem::RdsItem() :
+    mCurrentRtPlusIndex( 0 ),
+    mType( RadioData::RdsItem::Unknown )
+RadioData::RdsItem::RtPlusHolder::RtPlusHolder() :
+    mDelay( 0 ),
+    mRtClass( 0 )
+    qDeleteAll( mRtPlusItems );
+    mRtPlusItems.clear();
+void RadioData::RdsItem::setValue( SettingHolder& holder, T_RadioDataParser& parser )
+    if ( holder.mChildren.count() == 0 )
+    {
+        if ( isEqual( holder.mName, KXmlInterval ) )
+        {
+            mInterval = parser.parseInt( holder.mValue, 0 );
+        }
+        else if ( isEqual( holder.mName, KXmlType ) )
+        {
+            if ( isEqual( holder.mValue, KXmlRdsPsName ) )
+            {
+                mType = RadioData::RdsItem::RdsPsName;
+            }
+            else if ( isEqual( holder.mValue, KXmlRdsRt ) )
+            {
+                mType = RadioData::RdsItem::RdsRadioText;
+            }
+            else if ( isEqual( holder.mValue, KXmlRdsRt ) )
+            {
+                mType = RadioData::RdsItem::RdsRadioText;
+            }
+            else if ( isEqual( holder.mValue, KXmlRdsRtPlus ) )
+            {
+                mType = RadioData::RdsItem::RdsRadioTextPlus;
+            }
+            else if ( isEqual( holder.mValue, KXmlRdsPty ) )
+            {
+                mType = RadioData::RdsItem::RdsPty;
+            }
+            if ( isEqual( holder.mValue, KXmlRdsPiCode ) )
+            {
+                mType = RadioData::RdsItem::RdsPiCode;
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( isEqual( holder.mName, KXmlRdsItem ) )
+        {
+            mRdsItems.append( holder.mValue );
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        initChildren( holder, parser );
+    }
+void RadioData::RdsItem::initChildren( SettingHolder& holder, T_RadioDataParser& parser )
+    mRdsItems.append( holder.mValue );
+    for ( int i = 0; i < holder.mChildren.count(); ++i )
+    {
+        RtPlusHolder* rtPlusHolder = new RtPlusHolder;
+        mRtPlusItems.append( rtPlusHolder );
+        SettingHolder* child = holder.mChildren[i];
+        if ( isEqual( child->mName, KXmlRdsRtPlusTag ) )
+        {
+            rtPlusHolder->mRtClass = RadioData::RdsItem::Title;
+            if ( isEqual( child->mValue, KXmlRdsRtPlusTagArtist ) )
+            {
+                rtPlusHolder->mRtClass = RadioData::RdsItem::Artist;
+            }
+        }
+        for ( int j = 0; j < child->mChildren.count(); ++j )
+        {
+            SettingHolder* grandChild = child->mChildren[j];
+            if ( isEqual( grandChild->mName, KXmlRdsRtPlusTagDelay ) )
+            {
+                parser.parseInt( grandChild->mValue, rtPlusHolder->mDelay );
+            }
+            else if ( isEqual( grandChild->mName, KXmlRdsItem ) )
+            {
+                rtPlusHolder->mRtItem = grandChild->mValue;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    qDeleteAll( mChildren );
+    mChildren.clear();
+RadioData::EngineSettings::EngineSettings() :
+    mMaxVolume( 0 ),
+    mFrequencyStepSize( 0 ),
+    mRegionId( 0 ),
+    mMinFrequency( 0 ),
+    mMaxFrequency( 0 )
+void RadioData::EngineSettings::setValue( SettingHolder& holder, T_RadioDataParser& parser )
+    if ( isEqual( holder.mName, KXmlMaxVolume ) )
+    {
+        parser.parseInt( holder.mValue, mMaxVolume );
+    }
+    else if ( isEqual( holder.mName, KXmlFrequencyStepSize ) )
+    {
+        parser.parseInt( holder.mValue, mFrequencyStepSize );
+    }
+    else if ( isEqual( holder.mName, KXmlRegion ) )
+    {
+        parser.parseInt( holder.mValue, mRegionId );
+    }
+    else if ( isEqual( holder.mName, KXmlMinFrequency ) )
+    {
+        int valueInt = 0;
+        parser.parseInt( holder.mValue, valueInt );
+        mMinFrequency = static_cast<uint>( valueInt );
+    }
+    else if ( isEqual( holder.mName, KXmlMaxFrequency ) )
+    {
+        int valueInt = 0;
+        parser.parseInt( holder.mValue, valueInt );
+        mMaxFrequency = static_cast<uint>( valueInt );
+    }