changeset 45 cce62ebc198e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/radioapp/radiowidgets/src/radiofrequencyscanner.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:15:02 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+// System includes
+#include <HbProgressDialog>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <HbLabel>
+#include <HbPushButton>
+#include <HbMessageBox>
+// User includes
+#include "radiofrequencyscanner.h"
+#include "radioscannerengine.h"
+#include "radiouiengine.h"
+#include "radiologger.h"
+#include "radiostationmodel.h"
+#include "radiofrequencystrip.h"
+#include "radiostationcarousel.h"
+#include "radioutil.h"
+#include "radiomainview.h"
+// Constants
+const int EXTRA_TO_PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE = 100000;
+const int STRIP_FINISH_SCROLL_TIME = 1100;
+const int CAROUSEL_SCROLL_TIME = 1000;
+const int STRIP_SCROLL_TIME = 1100;
+const int START_DELAY = 1000;
+ *
+ */
+RadioFrequencyScanner::RadioFrequencyScanner( RadioUiEngine& uiEngine, QObject* parent ) :
+    QObject( parent ),
+    mUiEngine( uiEngine ),
+    mInMainView( parent->metaObject()->className() == RadioMainView::staticMetaObject.className() ),
+    mScannerEngine( mUiEngine.createScannerEngine() ),
+    mStripScrollTime( 0 ),
+    mCarouselScrollTime( 0 ),
+    mIsAlive( false ),
+    mUserCanceled( false )
+    RadioUtil::setFrequencyScanner( this );
+    Radio::connect(,  SIGNAL(stationFound(RadioStation)),
+                    this,                   SLOT(updateScanProgress(RadioStation)) );
+ *
+ */
+    RadioUtil::setScanStatus( Scan::NotScanning );
+ *
+ */
+void RadioFrequencyScanner::startScanning()
+    mIsAlive = true;
+    RadioFrequencyStrip* frequencyStrip = RadioUtil::frequencyStrip();
+    RadioStationCarousel* carousel = RadioUtil::carousel();
+    if ( mInMainView ) {
+        // If this is the first time start, bring application to foreground
+        if ( mUiEngine.isFirstTimeStart() ) {
+            static_cast<RadioMainView*>( parent() )->bringToForeground();
+        }
+        RadioUtil::setScanStatus( Scan::ScanningInMainView );
+        mStripScrollTime = frequencyStrip->autoScrollTime();
+        mCarouselScrollTime = carousel->autoScrollTime();
+        carousel->setScanningMode( true );
+        carousel->setAutoScrollTime( CAROUSEL_SCROLL_TIME );
+        frequencyStrip->setAutoScrollTime( STRIP_SCROLL_TIME );
+        Radio::connect( carousel,               SIGNAL(scanAnimationFinished()),
+                        this,                   SLOT(continueScanning()) );
+        static_cast<RadioMainView*>( parent() )->setScanningMode( true );
+        frequencyStrip->setScanningMode( true );
+    } else {
+        RadioUtil::setScanStatus( Scan::ScanningInStationsView );
+        mScanningProgressNote = new HbProgressDialog( HbProgressDialog::ProgressDialog );
+>setModal( true );
+>setAutoClose( true );
+        // Add some extra to the maximum value to allow room for the station at the low band edge
+>setRange( mUiEngine.minFrequency(), mUiEngine.maxFrequency() + EXTRA_TO_PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE );
+>setProgressValue( mUiEngine.minFrequency() );
+>setText( hbTrId( "txt_rad_info_searching_local_stations_please_wait" ) );
+>setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
+        Radio::connect(,   SIGNAL(cancelled()),
+                        this,                           SLOT(cancelScanning()) );
+    }
+    QTimer::singleShot( START_DELAY, this, SLOT(delayedStart()) );
+ *
+ */
+bool RadioFrequencyScanner::isAlive() const
+    return mIsAlive;
+ * Public slot
+ *
+ */
+void RadioFrequencyScanner::cancelScanning()
+    mUserCanceled = true;
+    RadioUtil::carousel()->cancelAnimation();
+    finishScanning();
+ * Private slot
+ *
+ */
+void RadioFrequencyScanner::delayedStart()
+    mScannerEngine->startScanning();
+ * Private slot
+ *
+ */
+void RadioFrequencyScanner::updateScanProgress( const RadioStation& station )
+    if ( !station.isValid() ) {
+        finishScanning();
+        return;
+    }
+    const uint frequency = station.frequency();
+    LOG_FORMAT( "RadioFrequencyScanner::updateScanAndSaveProgress frequency: %d", frequency );
+    if ( mInMainView ) {
+        RadioUtil::frequencyStrip()->setFrequency( frequency, TuneReason::StationScan );
+        RadioUtil::carousel()->animateNewStation( station );
+    } else {
+        // Check for special case that can happen during scanning.
+        // If there is a valid radio station at the low frequency band edge it will be reported last after
+        // all of the higher frequencies. We don't update the progress value here because the value would
+        // be lower than the previous one. The progress value is set to maximum when the scanner finishes.
+        if ( frequency != mUiEngine.minFrequency() ) {
+  >setProgressValue( frequency );
+        }
+        mScannerEngine->continueScanning();
+    }
+ * Private slot
+ *
+ */
+void RadioFrequencyScanner::continueScanning()
+    if ( !mUserCanceled ) {
+        RadioUtil::frequencyStrip()->addScannedStation( mUiEngine.stationModel().currentStation().frequency() );
+        mScannerEngine->continueScanning();
+    }
+ * Private slot
+ *
+ */
+void RadioFrequencyScanner::restoreUiControls()
+    if ( mInMainView ) {
+        disconnect( RadioUtil::carousel(), SIGNAL(scrollingEnded()), this, 0 );
+        RadioUtil::frequencyStrip()->setScanningMode( false );
+        static_cast<RadioMainView*>( parent() )->setScanningMode( false );
+        RadioUtil::carousel()->setScanningMode( false );
+    }
+    deleteLater();
+ *
+ */
+void RadioFrequencyScanner::finishScanning()
+    mScannerEngine->cancel();
+    RadioUtil::setScanStatus( Scan::NotScanning );
+    RadioUtil::setFrequencyScanner( NULL );
+    RadioFrequencyStrip* frequencyStrip = RadioUtil::frequencyStrip();
+    RadioStationCarousel* carousel = RadioUtil::carousel();
+    disconnect(, SIGNAL(stationFound(RadioStation)), this, 0 );
+    RadioStationModel& model = mUiEngine.stationModel();
+    const int stationCount = model.rowCount();
+    if ( mInMainView ) {
+        disconnect( carousel, SIGNAL(scanAnimationFinished()), this, 0 );
+        // Scroll the carousel and frequency strip through all of the scanned stations
+        if ( stationCount > 1 ) {
+            frequencyStrip->setAutoScrollTime( STRIP_FINISH_SCROLL_TIME );
+            carousel->setAutoScrollTime( CAROUSEL_FINISH_SCROLL_TIME );
+            Radio::connect( carousel,   SIGNAL(scrollingEnded()),
+                            this,       SLOT(restoreUiControls()) );
+            const uint frequency = model.stationAt( 0 ).frequency();
+            mUiEngine.setFrequency( frequency, TuneReason::StationScanFinalize );
+            frequencyStrip->setFrequency( frequency, TuneReason::StationScanFinalize, Scroll::Right );
+            carousel->setFrequency( frequency, TuneReason::StationScanFinalize, Scroll::Right );
+            frequencyStrip->setAutoScrollTime( mStripScrollTime );
+            carousel->setAutoScrollTime( mCarouselScrollTime );
+        } else {
+            const uint frequency = mUiEngine.minFrequency();
+            frequencyStrip->setFrequency( frequency, TuneReason::Unspecified );
+            carousel->setFrequency( frequency, TuneReason::Unspecified );
+            if ( !mUserCanceled ) {
+                HbMessageBox* box = new HbMessageBox( HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation );
+                box->setTimeout( HbPopup::NoTimeout );
+                box->setText( hbTrId( "txt_rad_dpophead_no_stations_found_try_searching" ) );
+                box->setDismissPolicy( HbPopup::NoDismiss );
+                box->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
+                box->open();
+            }
+            restoreUiControls();
+        }
+    } else {
+        if ( !mUserCanceled ) {
+            if ( mScanningProgressNote ) {
+      >setProgressValue(>maximum() );
+      >close();
+            }
+            if ( stationCount == 0 ) {
+                HbMessageBox* box = new HbMessageBox( HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation );
+                box->setTimeout( HbPopup::NoTimeout );
+                box->setText( hbTrId( "txt_rad_dpophead_no_stations_found_try_searching" ) );
+                box->setDismissPolicy( HbPopup::NoDismiss );
+                box->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );
+                box->open();
+            }
+        }
+        const uint frequency = model.stationAt( 0 ).frequency();
+        mUiEngine.setFrequency( frequency, TuneReason::StationScanFinalize );
+    }
+    mIsAlive = false;
+    emit frequencyScannerFinished();
+    if ( !mInMainView ) {
+        if ( mUserCanceled ) {
+            deleteLater();
+        } else {
+            delete this; //TODO: Remove this weird hack once the problem with deleteLater is clear
+        }
+    }