* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// System includes
#include <RadioRdsUtility.h>
// User includes
#include "mradioenginesettings.h"
#include "mradiordsdataobserver.h"
#include "mradiordsreceiver.h"
// Forward declarations
class CRadioUtility;
// Class declaration
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CRadioRdsReceiverBase ) : public CBase
, public MRadioRdsReceiver
, public MRadioRdsObserver
* The destructor
virtual ~CRadioRdsReceiverBase();
* Adds an observer wich will be notified of the new RDS data
* If observer already exists, it is not added
* @param aObserver pointer of the observer instance.
void AddObserverL( MRadioRdsDataObserver* aObserver );
* Removes the rds observer.
void RemoveObserver( MRadioRdsDataObserver* aObserver );
* Getter for automatic switching state of alternate frequencies
* @return ETrue if automatic switching is enabled
TBool AutomaticSwitchingEnabled() const;
* Getter for the programme service name
* @return Programme service name
const TDesC& ProgrammeService() const;
* Getter for the radio text.
* @return Radio text.
const TDesC& RadioText() const;
* Getter for the RDS signal availability
* @return ETrue if RDS signal is available, otherwise EFalse
TBool SignalAvailable() const;
* Setter for automatic switching of alternate frequencies
* If this method is overridden, the base implementation should be called
* @param aEnable ETrue, if automatic swithing is to be enabled
virtual void SetAutomaticSwitchingL( TBool aEnable );
* Clears the RDS information
void ClearRdsInformation();
CRadioRdsReceiverBase( MRadioEngineSettings& aSettings );
void BaseConstructL();
// from base class MRadioRdsObserver
void MrroStationSeekByPTYComplete( TInt aError, TInt aFrequency );
void MrroStationSeekByTAComplete( TInt aError, TInt aFrequency );
void MrroStationSeekByTPComplete( TInt aError, TInt aFrequency );
void MrroGetFreqByPTYComplete( TInt aError, RArray<TInt>& aFreqList );
void MrroGetFreqByTAComplete( TInt aError, RArray<TInt>& aFreqList );
void MrroGetPSByPTYComplete( TInt aError, RArray<TRdsPSName>& aPsList );
void MrroGetPSByTAComplete( TInt aError, RArray<TRdsPSName>& aPsList );
void MrroRdsDataPI( TInt aPi );
void MrroRdsDataPTY( TRdsProgrammeType aPty );
void MrroRdsDataPS( TRdsPSName& aPs );
void MrroRdsDataRT( TRdsRadioText& aRt );
void MrroRdsDataCT( TDateTime& aCt );
void MrroRdsDataTA( TBool aTaOn );
void MrroRdsDataRTplus( TRdsRTplusClass aRtPlusClass, TRdsRadioText& aRtPlusData );
void MrroRdsSearchBeginAF();
void MrroRdsSearchEndAF( TInt aError, TInt aFrequency );
void MrroRdsStationChangeTA( TInt aFrequency );
void MrroRdsEventAutomaticSwitchingChange( TBool aAuto );
void MrroRdsEventAutomaticTrafficAnnouncement( TBool aAuto );
void MrroRdsEventSignalChange( TBool aSignal );
protected: // data
* The radio settings
MRadioEngineSettings& iSettings;
private: // data
* Array of RDS observers.
RPointerArray<MRadioRdsDataObserver> iObservers;
* The programme service name cache.
* Own.
HBufC* iPsName;
* The RDS radio text
* Own.
RBuf iRadioText;
* ETrue if the RDS signal is available
TBool iSignalAvailable;
* ETrue if AF is enabled
TBool iAfEnabled;