author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 02 Sep 2010 20:26:56 +0300
changeset 48 e14766a36cdc
parent 28 075425b8d9a4
child 37 451b2e1545b2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:


// User includes
#include "mradioenginesettings.h"
#include "mradiosettingssetter.h"
#include "cradioregion.h"

// Forward declarations
class MRadioSettingsObserver;
class CRepository;
class CRadioSettingsImp;

// Constants

 * Maximum size of the network country code. 
 * From CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1 in etel3rdparty.h
enum { KNetworkCountryCodeSize  = 4  };

 * Maximum size of the network identity.
 * From CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1 in etel3rdparty.h
enum { KNetworkIdentitySize     = 8  };

 * Concrete implementation of radio settings.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CRadioEngineSettings ) : public CBase
                                          , public MRadioSettingsSetter


    static CRadioEngineSettings* NewL( CRadioSettingsImp& aRadioSettingsImp );


     * Determines if region is allowed.
    TBool IsRegionAllowed( TRadioRegion aRegionId ) const;


    CRadioEngineSettings( CRadioSettingsImp& aRadioSettingsImp );

    void ConstructL();

// from base class MRadioEngineSettings

    TInt HeadsetVolume() const;
    TInt SpeakerVolume() const;
    TInt Volume() const;
    TInt OutputMode() const;
    TInt AudioRoute() const;
    TBool IsHeadsetVolMuted() const;
    TBool IsSpeakerVolMuted() const;
    TBool IsVolMuted() const;
    TBool IsPowerOn() const;
    TUint32 TunedFrequency() const;
    TInt DefaultMinVolumeLevel() const;
    TInt CountRegions() const;
    CRadioRegion& Region( TInt aIndex ) const;
    TRadioRegion RegionId() const;
    TUint32 FrequencyStepSize() const;
    TUint32 MaxFrequency() const;
    TUint32 MinFrequency() const;
    TInt DecimalCount() const;
    TRadioRegion DefaultRegion() const;
    TPtrC NetworkId() const;
    TPtrC CountryCode() const;

// from base class MRadioSettingsSetter

    void SetObserver( MRadioSettingsObserver* aObserver );
    TInt SetHeadsetVolume( TInt aVolume );
    TInt SetSpeakerVolume( TInt aVolume );
    TInt SetVolume( TInt aVolume );
    TInt SetOutputMode( TInt aOutputMode );
    TInt SetAudioRoute( TInt aAudioRoute );
    TInt SetHeadsetVolMuted( TBool aMuted );
    TInt SetSpeakerVolMuted( TBool aMuted );
    TInt SetVolMuted( TBool aMuted );
    TInt SetPowerOn( TBool aPowerState );
    TInt SetTunedFrequency( TUint32 aFrequency );
    TInt SetRegionId( TInt aRegion );
    TInt SetNetworkId( const TDesC& aNetworkId );
    TInt SetCountryCode( const TDesC& aCountryCode );

// New functions

     * Initializes the data holders
    void InitializeDataHolders();

     * Gets a repository value and sets the default value if the key is not found
    TBool GetRepositoryValue( int aKey, TInt& aValue, TInt aDefault );
     * Sets a boolean value to cenrep and data holder
    TInt SetFlagValue( int aKey, int aFlagId, TInt aValue );
     * Initializes the regions as defined in the resource file.
    void InitializeRegionsL();
     * Converts Region ID to index
     * @param aRegionId The region ID that is wanted to convert
     * @return The region index, KErrNotFound if no match found
    TInt RegionIndexForId( TInt aRegionId ) const;

     * Updates the current region index
     * @param aRegionId The new region ID
     void UpdateCurrentRegionIdx( TInt aRegionId );

private: // data

     * The observer for the setting changes.
     * Not own.
    MRadioSettingsObserver*         iObserver;

     * The available regions.
    RRadioRegionArray               iRegions;

     * The current region.
    TInt                            iCurrentRegionIdx;
    CRadioSettingsImp&              iRadioSettingsImp;

    RResourceFile                   iResFile;

    CRepository*                    iRepository;

    // Data holders for quick access   
    TBitFlags                       iFlags;
    TBuf<KNetworkIdentitySize>      iNetworkId;
    TBuf<KNetworkCountryCodeSize>   iCountryCode;
    TInt                            iHeadsetVolume;
    TInt                            iSpeakerVolume;
    TUint32                         iFrequency;
    TInt                            iDefaultMinVolume;
    TRadioRegion                    iDefaultRegion;
    TRadioRegion                    iRegionId;
