changeset 0 4a5361db8937
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4a5361db8937
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "logsthumbnailmanager.h"
    19 #include "logslogger.h"
    20 #include "logsengdefs.h"
    21 #include <thumbnailmanager_qt.h>
    22 #include <hbicon.h>
    24 const int KMaxQueueSize = 25;
    25 const int KContactFetchTimer1 = 400;
    26 const int KContactFetchTimer2 = 20;
    27 const int KLogsMaxCacheSize   = 50;
    29 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 //
    31 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 //
    33 LogsThumbIconManager::LogsThumbIconManager(QObject *parent)
    34     : QObject(parent),
    35       mQueueCount(0),
    36       mDefaultIcon(0)
    37 {
    38     mThumbnailManager = new ThumbnailManager(this);
    39     mThumbnailManager->setMode(ThumbnailManager::Default);
    40     mThumbnailManager->setQualityPreference(ThumbnailManager::OptimizeForPerformance);
    41     mThumbnailManager->setThumbnailSize(ThumbnailManager::ThumbnailSmall);
    43     connect(mThumbnailManager, SIGNAL(thumbnailReady(QPixmap, void *, int, int)),
    44              this, SLOT(thumbnailReady(QPixmap, void *, int, int)));
    46     mTimer = new QTimer();
    47     connect( mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timerTimeout()) );
    48     mDefaultIcon = new HbIcon(logsThumbUnknownId);
    49     mImageCache.setMaxCost(KLogsMaxCacheSize);
    50 }
    52 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 //
    54 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 //
    56 LogsThumbIconManager::~LogsThumbIconManager()
    57 {
    58     cancel();
    59     mImageCache.clear();
    60     delete mTimer;
    61     delete mDefaultIcon;
    62 }
    64 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 // Get the icon for the requested avatarPath or send a new request
    66 // to the thumbnailmanager if it doesn't exist yet, default icon is returned
    67 // if cached icon does not exist
    68 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 //
    70 QIcon& LogsThumbIconManager::contactIcon(const QString &avatarPath, int index)
    71 {
    72     LOGS_QDEBUG( "logs [ENG] -> LogsThumbIconManager::contactIcon()" )
    73     QIcon* icon = 0;
    74     if ( avatarPath.isEmpty() ){
    75         icon = &defaultIcon();
    76     } else if ( mImageCache.contains(avatarPath) ) {
    77         icon = mImageCache.object(avatarPath);
    78         LOGS_QDEBUG( "logs [ENG] -> LogsThumbIconManager::contactIcon() image was cached" )
    79     }
    80     else
    81     {
    82         icon = &defaultIcon();
    83         mTimer->stop();
    84         mTimer->start(KContactFetchTimer1); 
    85         mQueueCount++;
    86         mRequestQueue.enqueue(qMakePair(avatarPath, index));
    87         if( mQueueCount > KMaxQueueSize ){
    88             LOGS_QDEBUG( "logs [ENG] -> LogsThumbIconManager::contactIcon() image was not cached" )
    89             mRequestQueue.dequeue();
    90             mQueueCount--;
    91         }        
    92     }
    93     return *icon;
    94 }
    96 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 //
    98 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 QIcon& LogsThumbIconManager::defaultIcon()
   101 {
   102     return mDefaultIcon->qicon();
   103 }
   105 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 // Cancel all requests
   107 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 //
   109 void LogsThumbIconManager::cancel()
   110 {
   111     LOGS_QDEBUG( "logs [ENG] -> LogsThumbIconManager::cancel()" )
   112     if (!mTnmReqMap.empty()){
   113         QMapIterator<int, QString> iter(mTnmReqMap);
   114         while (iter.hasNext()){
   115             iter.next();
   116             bool result = mThumbnailManager->cancelRequest(iter.key());
   117         }
   118     }
   119     mTnmReqMap.clear();
   120     mRequestQueue.clear();
   121     mQueueCount = 0;
   122     mImageCache.clear();
   123 }
   126 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 // Called when thumbnailmanager finishes creating a thumbnail,
   128 // emits a signal for LogsMatchesModelModel to update icon for a contact
   129 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 //
   131 void LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailReady(const QPixmap& pixmap, void *data, int id, int error)
   132 {
   133 	LOGS_QDEBUG_2("LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailReady:: error:", error );
   134     // Find the index
   135     if (mTnmReqMap.contains(id)){
   136         QString avatarPath = mTnmReqMap[id];
   137         LOGS_QDEBUG_3( "LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailReady (avatarPath, error):", avatarPath, error );
   138         mTnmReqMap.remove(id);
   139         if ( error == 0 ){
   140             int *clientData = (int *)data;
   141             int index = *clientData;
   142             QIcon* icon = new QIcon(pixmap);
   143             LOGS_QDEBUG_3( "LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailReady (avatarPath, mImageCache.count()):", avatarPath, mImageCache.count() );
   144             mImageCache.insert(avatarPath, icon);
   145             LOGS_QDEBUG_3( "LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailReady (avatarPath, mImageCache.count()):", avatarPath, mImageCache.count() );
   146             emit contactIconReady(index);
   147             LOGS_QDEBUG("LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailReady - signal emitted");
   148             if (!mRequestQueue.isEmpty()){
   149                 mTimer->start(KContactFetchTimer2);                
   150             }
   151             delete clientData;
   152         } else {
   153         	  thumbnailLoad();
   154         }
   155     }
   156 }
   157 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 //
   159 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 //
   161 void LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailLoad()
   162 {
   163     LOGS_QDEBUG( "logs [ENG] -> LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailLoad()->" )
   164 	mTimer->stop();
   165     if (!mRequestQueue.isEmpty()){
   166 		mQueueCount--;
   167         QPair<QString, int> req = mRequestQueue.dequeue();
   168         QString avatarPath = req.first;
   169         int index = req.second;
   170         int *clientData = new int(index);
   171         LOGS_QDEBUG_2("LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailLoad clientData is ", clientData );
   172         int reqId = mThumbnailManager->getThumbnail(avatarPath, clientData, 0);
   173         LOGS_QDEBUG_2("LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailLoad reqId is ", reqId );
   174         mTnmReqMap.insert(reqId, avatarPath);
   175     }
   176     LOGS_QDEBUG( "logs [ENG] -> LogsThumbIconManager::thumbnailLoad()<-" )
   177 }
   179 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 //
   181 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 //
   183 void LogsThumbIconManager::timerTimeout()
   184 {
   185     thumbnailLoad();
   187 }