changeset 0 4a5361db8937
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4a5361db8937
     1 require 'matti'
     3 ### Constants
     5 VoiceIcon_Const = ':/callVoice.svg'
     6 VideoIcon_Const = ':/callVideo.svg'
     7 DirInIcon_Const = ':/dirIn.svg'
     8 DirOutIcon_Const = ':/dirOut.svg'
     9 DirMissedIcon_Const = ':/dirMissed.svg'
    10 DataAndTimeIcon_Const = ':/callDateAndTime.svg'
    11 RemoteInfoIcon_Const = ':/remoteInfo.svg'
    12 CallDurationIcon_Const = ':/callDuration.svg'
    15 ## Parent class for all TC_ classes. Contains common functionality related to intializing and running the cases,
    16 ## and other functionality that can be re-used by different tests  
    17 class CommonFunctions
    18  # Run when the class is intialized. Takes logging file and MATTI sut in.
    19  def initialize(log, my_sut)
    20   	@log = log
    21   	@my_sut = my_sut
    22   end
    24 	# Running test case logic. The case name is taken in from the test list file and then a function that has the
    25 	# same name is called. 
    26 	def run(testName)
    27 		begin
    28 			result = send(testName)
    29 		rescue Exception => e
    30 	 		@log.fatal("Error, case execution terminated.")
    31 	 		@log.fatal("Error code: #{e.message}")
    32 	 		@log.fatal("Error line: #{e.backtrace.inspect}")
    33 	 		if(@my_sut.application.attribute("FullName") == 'Z:\sys\bin\logs.exe')
    34 	 			@appControl.closeApplication()
    35 	 		end
    36 	 		result = -2
    37 		end
    38 		return result
    39 	end
    41 	# Initializes the test by generating the log events
    42 	def initializeTest(caseName)
    43 		@appControl = ApplicationControl.new(@log, @my_sut)
    44 		@appControl.clearList()
    45 		@appControl.addEvents(caseName)
    46 		@my_app = @appControl.startApplication()
    47 		sleep 3
    48 		# Note! Use only these in the test cases so that maintenance is easier. 
    49 		@mainWindow = @my_app.LogsMainWindow
    50 		@recentCallsView = @mainWindow.HbContentWidget.LogsRecentCallsView.HbWidget
    51 		@eventContainer = @recentCallsView.HbListView.HbAbstractItemContainer		
    52 	end
    54 	# Initializes the test by generating the log events and starting application by pressing send Key
    55 	def initializeTestSendKey(caseName)
    56 		@appControl = ApplicationControl.new(@log, @my_sut)
    57 		@appControl.clearList()
    58 		@appControl.addEvents(caseName)
    59 		@appControl.pressSendKey
    61 		sleep 4
    62 		puts @my_sut.application.attribute("FullName") 
    63 		@mainWindow = @my_app.LogsMainWindow
    64 		@recentCallsView = @mainWindow.HbContentWidget.LogsRecentCallsView.HbWidget
    65 		@eventContainer = @recentCallsView.HbListView.HbAbstractItemContainer
    67 	end
    70 	# Selects a wanted view. First it verifies the current view and then the next view is selected.
    71 	def selectView(currentView, nextView)
    72 		@log.debug("Tapping on Show button")
    73 		showButton = @mainWindow.HbToolBar(:name=>'logs_toolbar').HbToolButton(:toolTipText=>'Show')
    74 		showButton.tap
    75 		sleep 1
    76 		sort_menu = @mainWindow.HbMenu.HbMenuListView.HbAbstractItemContainer
    77 		@log.debug("Verifying the current view in sort menu. Menu should be: #{currentView}")
    79 		if(currentView == "Recent")	
    80 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'0').HbTextItem(:text=>'Recent calls')
    81 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'0').HbIconItem(:iconName => 'qtg_indi_list_selected')
    82 		elsif(currentView == "Dialled")
    83 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'2').HbTextItem(:text=>'Dialled calls')
    84 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'2').HbIconItem(:iconName => 'qtg_indi_list_selected')
    85 		elsif(currentView == "Received")
    86 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'1').HbTextItem(:text=>'Received calls')
    87 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'1').HbIconItem(:iconName => 'qtg_indi_list_selected')
    88 		elsif(currentView == "Missed")
    89 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'3').HbTextItem(:text=>'Missed calls')
    90 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'3').HbIconItem(:iconName => 'qtg_indi_list_selected')
    91 		end
    92 		@log.debug("Selecting the next view in sort menu. Selection: #{nextView}")
    94 		if(nextView == "Recent")	
    95 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'0').tap
    96 			@currentView = "Recent"
    97 		elsif(nextView == "Dialled")
    98 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'2').tap
    99 			@currentView = "Dialled"
   100 		elsif(nextView == "Received")
   101 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'1').tap
   102 			@currentView = "Received"
   103 		elsif(nextView == "Missed")
   104 			sort_menu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'3').tap
   105 			@currentView = "Missed"
   106 		end
   107 	end
   109 	# Intiates a call to the event that is in specified row passed in as a parameter. 
   110 	# Verifies the call is made to correct number
   111 	def initiate_call(row, phoneNumber)
   112 		@log.debug("Initiating call. Row: #{row} Phone number: #{phoneNumber}")
   113 		firstDialledEvent = @eventContainer.HbListViewItem(:row=>"#{row}").HbTextItem(:text=>"#{phoneNumber}")
   114 		firstDialledEvent.tap
   115 		sleep 2
   116 		# Verify that the Telephone is calling to the correct number!! Currently no environment for that!!!!
   117 		puts @serviceApp.attribute("FullName")
   118 		return 0
   120   end
   122   # Intiates a call to the first event in the current view by pressing Send key
   123 	# Verifies the call is made to correct number
   124   def initiate_call_with_send_key
   125 		@log.debug("Initiating call by pressing Send key")
   126 		#recentCallsView = @my_app.HbMainWindow.HbContentWidget.LogsRecentCallsView.HbWidget
   127 		firstEvent = @eventContainer.HbAbstractViewItem(:row=>"0")#.HbTextItem(:text=>"#{phoneNumber}")
   128 		@appControl.pressSendKey()
   129 		# Verify that the Telephone is calling to the correct number!! Currently no environment for that!!!!
   130 		return 0
   131   end	
   133   ## Common functionality for testing the that the last call is dislplayed correctly in
   134   ## selected view.
   135   ## Check the Call type (voice / video) and call direction
   136   def last_call(caseName, phoneNumber, direction, type)
   137   	initializeTest(caseName)
   138   	@log.debug('Verifying the first recent calls item.')
   139 		verify_event(0, phoneNumber, direction, type)
   140 		@log.debug('Changing the view from Recent to Dialled and verifying the event')
   141 		if(direction == DirMissedIcon_Const)
   142 			selectView("Recent", "Missed")
   143 		elsif(direction == DirOutIcon_Const)
   144 			selectView("Recent", "Dialled")
   145 		else
   146 			selectView("Recent", "Received")
   147 		end
   148 		verify_event(0, phoneNumber, direction, type)
   149 		@log.debug('Add one event')
   150 		@appControl.addEvents(caseName + "b")
   151 		verify_event(0, phoneNumber + '1', direction, type)
   152 		verify_event(1, phoneNumber, direction, type)
   153 		result = 0
   154   	@appControl.closeApplication()
   155     return result
   156    end
   158   ## Function for verifying that the event is correct in the selected row.
   159   ## Check the Call type (voice / video), call direction and phone number
   160   def verify_event(row, contact, direction, type)
   161   	puts "Verifying that row: #{row} has a contact/phone number: #{contact}"
   162 		@log.debug("Verifying that row: #{row} contact/phone number: #{contact}")
   163   	@eventContainer.HbListViewItem(:row=>"#{row}").HbTextItem(:text=>"#{contact}")
   164   	@log.debug("Verifying the call type: #{type} by checking the icon")
   165   	@eventContainer.HbListViewItem(:row=>"#{row}").HbIconItem(:iconName=>"#{type}")
   166   	@log.debug("Verifying the call direction: #{direction} by checking the icon")
   168   	#@recentCallsView.HbAbstractItemContainer.HbAbstractViewItem(:row=>"#{row}").HbIconItem(:iconName=>"#{direction}")
   169   end 
   172 end