changeset 0 4a5361db8937
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/logsui/tsrc/MATTItests/TC_DialledCalls.rb	Tue May 04 12:39:37 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+require 'CommonFunctions.rb'
+class TC_DialledCalls < CommonFunctions
+	## Initializes the Dialled view. Log events are created and application is started.
+	## Calls are sorted by Dialled option
+	def initializeDialledView(caseName)
+		initializeTest(caseName)
+		selectView("Recent", "Dialled")
+	end
+	## Initializes the Dialled view. Log events are created and application is started by pressing Send key
+	## Calls are sorted by Dialled option
+	def intializeDialledViewSendKey(caseName)
+		initializeTestSendKey(caseName)
+		selectView("Recent", "Dialled")
+	end
+	## Test that last dialled CS call is shown in dialled view
+  def last_dialled_CS_call_in_dialled_view
+  	result = last_call("case1", "+35812345790", DirOutIcon_Const, VoiceIcon_Const)
+  	return result
+  end
+  ## Test that last dialled video call is shown in dialled view
+  def last_dialled_video_call_in_dialled_view
+  	result = last_call("case2", "+358123457918888", DirOutIcon_Const, VideoIcon_Const)
+  	return result
+  end
+	## Test initiating a quick CS callback in dialled calls view
+	def initiate_CS_callback_in_dialled_view
+		intializeDialledViewSendKey("case7")
+		# call to function in CommonFunctions.rb
+  	initiate_call_with_send_key()
+	end
+	## Test initiating a quick video callback in dialled calls view
+	def initiate_video_callback_in_dialled_view
+		intializeDialledViewSendKey("case9")
+		# call to function in CommonFunctions.rb
+  	initiate_call_with_send_key()
+	end
+	## Test initiating a quick video callback in dialled calls view once the 
+	## list is scrolled down
+	def initiate_video_callback_in_dialled_view_scrolling
+		intializeDialledViewSendKey("case9")
+		# call to function in CommonFunctions.rb
+		# Scroll down the list!! IMPLEMENT THIS
+  	initiate_call_with_send_key()
+	end
+	## Test initiating CS call to first event in dialled calls view
+	def initiate_CS_call_to_first_event_in_dialled_view
+		initializeDialledView("case8")
+		# call to function in CommonFunctions.rb
+  	initiate_call("0", "+3580123456789")
+	end
+	## Test initiating CS call to last event in dialled calls view
+	def initiate_CS_call_to_last_event_in_dialled_view
+		initializeDialledView("case8")
+		# call to function in CommonFunctions.rb
+  	initiate_call("1", "+358012345678910")
+	end
+	## Test that contact name is displyed correctly in dialled view
+	def matching_contact_name_dialled_CS_call
+		initializeDialledView("case10")
+		#match_conctact("2", "Test")
+		verify_event(1, "Test", DirOutIcon_Const, VoiceIcon_Const)
+		@appControl.closeApplication()
+		return 0
+	end
+	## Test that contact name is displyed correctly in dialled view
+	def matching_contact_name_dialled_video_call
+		initializeDialledView("case10")
+		verify_event(0, "Testing The Test", DirOutIcon_Const, VideoIcon_Const)
+		@appControl.closeApplication()
+		return 0
+	end
+	## Test pressing Send key in Idle mode and verify that dialled calls view is opened
+	def pressing_send_key_in_idle_mode
+		intializeDialledViewSendKey("case8")
+		sleep 5
+		#my_app = @my_sut.application.attribute("FullName")
+		#puts my_app
+		#@my_sut.application.close
+		#my_app = @my_sut.application.attribute("FullName")
+		#puts my_app
+		# Verfiy that the application is logs and the menu is dialled
+		# case is not finished
+		# Check the UI components that must be there. If not there, case fails
+		#dialledCallsView = my_app.HbMainWindow.HbContentWidget.LogsDialledCallsView.HbWidget
+		#@log.debug('Verifying that the view name is "Recent calls"')
+	  #dialledCallsView.HbLabel(:text=>'Dialed calls')
+	end
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