changeset 0 4a5361db8937
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/logsui/tsrc/MATTItests/TC_OptionsMenu.rb	Tue May 04 12:39:37 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+require 'CommonFunctions.rb'
+class TC_OptionsMenu < CommonFunctions
+	## Initializes the Application. Log events are created and application is started.
+	def initializeOptionsMenu(caseName)
+		initializeTest(caseName)
+	end
+	## Test that event list can be cleaned in recent view
+  def clear_event_list_recent_view
+  	initializeOptionsMenu("case8")
+		@log.debug('Tapping the options menu')
+		@mainWindow.HbTitlePane.tap
+		@log.debug('Selecting "Clear list" options menu')
+		@optionsMenu = @mainWindow.HbMenu.HbMenuListView.HbAbstractItemContainer
+		@optionsMenu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'1').HbTextItem(:text=>'Clear list').tap
+		begin
+			@log.debug('Verify that there are no event items anymore left')
+			@eventContainer.HbListViewItem(:row=>"0")
+  	rescue
+  		#Expected, case passed as no items left anymore	
+  		result = 0
+	  	@appControl.closeApplication()
+	    return result
+  	end
+  	@log.fatal('There are still event items left!')
+  	return -2
+  end
+  ## Test that event list can be cleaned in recent view
+  def clear_event_list_missed_view
+  	return clear_event_list("Missed")
+  end
+  ## Test that event list can be cleaned in recent view
+  def clear_event_list_dialled_view
+  	return clear_event_list("Dialled")
+  end
+  ## Test that event list can be cleaned in recent view
+  def clear_event_list_received_view
+  	return clear_event_list("Received")
+  end
+  def clear_event_list(view)
+  	initializeOptionsMenu("case8")
+  	selectView("Recent", view)
+		@log.debug('Tapping the options menu')
+		@mainWindow.HbTitlePane.tap
+		@log.debug('Selecting "Clear list" options menu')
+		@optionsMenu = @mainWindow.HbMenu.HbMenuListView.HbAbstractItemContainer
+		@optionsMenu.HbMenuItem(:row=>'1').HbTextItem(:text=>'Clear list').tap
+		begin
+			@log.debug('Verify that there are no event items anymore left')
+  		@eventContainer.HbListViewItem(:row=>"0")
+  	rescue
+  		#Expected, no items left in selected view view
+  		@log.debug("No event items anymore left in #{view} view")
+  		@log.debug('Verify Recent view, all other event items should be still there')
+  		if(view == "Missed")
+  			selectView("Missed", "Recent")
+  			verify_event("0", "880123456789", DirInIcon_Const, VoiceIcon_Const)
+  			verify_event("3", "+358012345678910", DirOutIcon_Const, VoiceIcon_Const)
+  		elsif(view == "Dialled")
+  			selectView("Dialled", "Recent")
+  			verify_event("0", "088012345678911", DirMissedIcon_Const, VoiceIcon_Const)
+  			verify_event("3", "88012345678910", DirInIcon_Const, VoiceIcon_Const)
+  		else
+ 				selectView("Received", "Recent")
+ 				verify_event("0", "088012345678911", DirMissedIcon_Const, VoiceIcon_Const)
+ 				verify_event("3", "+358012345678910", DirOutIcon_Const, VoiceIcon_Const)
+  		end
+  		result = 0
+  		@appControl.closeApplication()
+    	return result
+  	end
+  	@log.fatal('There are still event items left in #{view} view!')
+  	return -2
+  end
+ 	## Test that logs application is closed when tapping on back
+  def exit_logs_by_selecting_back		
+  	initializeOptionsMenu("case8")
+		@log.debug('Tapping the Back button')
+		@my_app.LogsMainWindow.HbSoftKey({:visibleOnScreen => 'true'}).tap 
+  	if(@my_sut.application.attribute("FullName") == "Z:\sys\bin\logs.exe")
+  	  log.fatal("Error in closing logs application from Exit options menu. Logs still running!") 
+  	  appControl.closeApplication()
+  	  result = -2
+  	else
+  		result = 0 
+  	end
+    return result
+  end
+  ## Test that logs application is closed when selecting exit from options menu
+  def exit_logs_by_selecting_exit_from_options_menu
+  	initializeOptionsMenu("case8")
+		@log.debug('Tapping the options menu')
+		@my_app.LogsMainWindow.HbTitlePane.tap
+		@log.debug('Selecting "Exit" options menu')
+		@my_app.LogsMainWindow.HbMenu.HbMenuListView.HbAbstractItemContainer.HbMenuItem(:row=>'3').HbTextItem(:text=>'Exit').tap
+  	if(@my_sut.application.attribute("FullName") == "Z:\sys\bin\logs.exe")
+  	  log.fatal("Error in closing logs application from Exit options menu. Logs still running!") 
+  	  appControl.closeApplication()
+  	  result = -2
+  	else
+  		result = 0 
+  	end
+    return result
+  end
+ 	#@my_sut.capture_screen(:Filename => 'c:/temp/live.png')
+		#puts @my_sut.application.attribute("FullName")
+		#f = File.new('c:\temp\decorator.xml', "w")
+		#xml = @my_sut.get_ui_dump()
+		#f.puts xml