1 |
2 |
* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
3 |
* All rights reserved.
4 |
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
5 |
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
6 |
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
7 |
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
8 |
9 |
* Initial Contributors:
10 |
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
11 |
12 |
* Contributors:
13 |
14 |
* Description:
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
#include <e32base.h>
23 |
#include <f32file.h>
24 |
#include <w32std.h>
25 |
#include <badesca.h>
26 |
#include <coedef.h>
27 |
#include <msvapi.h>
28 |
#include <tz.h>
29 |
#include "FB.hrh"
30 |
31 |
_LIT(KIRAppPath, "z:\\sys\\bin\\irapp.exe");
32 |
_LIT(KBTAppPath, "z:\\sys\\bin\\btui.exe");
33 |
_LIT(KUSBAppPath, "z:\\sys\\bin\\usbclasschangeui.exe");
34 |
_LIT(KErrRdPath, "c:\\resource\\ErrRd");
35 |
_LIT(KErrRdDir, "c:\\resource\\");
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
class CEngine;
40 |
class CFileBrowserFileOps;
41 |
class CDocumentHandler;
42 |
class CEikProgressInfo;
43 |
class CFBFileOpClient;
44 |
class CEikProgressInfo;
45 |
class CMessageDigest;
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
class TSearchAttributes
50 |
51 |
52 |
TFileName iSearchDir;
53 |
TFileName iWildCards;
54 |
TFileName iTextInFile;
55 |
TUint iMinSize;
56 |
TUint iMaxSize;
57 |
TTime iMinDate;
58 |
TTime iMaxDate;
59 |
TBool iRecurse;
60 |
TBool iDefaultWildCard;
61 |
62 |
63 |
class TDriveEntry
64 |
65 |
66 |
TChar iLetter;
67 |
TInt iNumber;
68 |
TVolumeInfo iVolumeInfo;
69 |
TBuf<64> iMediaTypeDesc;
70 |
TBuf<128> iAttributesDesc;
71 |
TInt iIconId;
72 |
73 |
74 |
class TFileEntry
75 |
76 |
77 |
TFileName iFullName;
78 |
TFileName iPath;
79 |
TEntry iEntry;
80 |
TInt iDirEntries;
81 |
TInt iIconId;
82 |
83 |
84 |
class TAppIcon
85 |
86 |
87 |
TInt iId;
88 |
TUid iUid;
89 |
90 |
91 |
typedef CArrayFixSeg<TDriveEntry> CDriveEntryList;
92 |
typedef CArrayFixSeg<TFileEntry> CFileEntryList;
93 |
typedef CArrayFixSeg<TAppIcon> CAppIconList;
94 |
95 |
class TSearchResults
96 |
97 |
98 |
TInt iNumberOfFoundFiles;
99 |
//CFileEntryList iFoundFilesList;
100 |
101 |
102 |
class TOverwriteOptions
103 |
104 |
105 |
TBool iDoFileOperations/*(ETrue)*/;
106 |
TInt iQueryIndex/*(0)*/;
107 |
TFileName iPostFix;
108 |
TInt iOverWriteFlags/* = CFileMan::EOverWrite*/;
109 |
110 |
111 |
class CCommandParamsBase : public CBase
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
class CCommandParamsAttribs : public CCommandParamsBase
116 |
117 |
118 |
TFileEntry iSourceEntry;
119 |
TUint iSetMask;
120 |
TUint iClearMask;
121 |
TTime iTime;
122 |
TUint iSwitch;
123 |
124 |
CCommandParamsAttribs(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, TUint aSetMask, TUint aClearMask, const TTime& aTime, TUint aSwitch) : iSourceEntry(aSourceEntry), iSetMask(aSetMask), iClearMask(aClearMask), iTime(aTime), iSwitch(aSwitch) {}
125 |
126 |
127 |
class CCommandParamsCopyOrMove : public CCommandParamsBase
128 |
129 |
130 |
TFileEntry iSourceEntry;
131 |
TFileName iTargetPath;
132 |
TUint iSwitch;
133 |
134 |
CCommandParamsCopyOrMove(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, const TDesC& aTargetPath, TUint aSwitch) : iSourceEntry(aSourceEntry), iTargetPath(aTargetPath), iSwitch(aSwitch) {}
135 |
136 |
137 |
class CCommandParamsRename : public CCommandParamsBase
138 |
139 |
140 |
TFileEntry iSourceEntry;
141 |
TFileName iTargetPath;
142 |
TUint iSwitch;
143 |
144 |
CCommandParamsRename(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, const TDesC& aTargetPath, TUint aSwitch) : iSourceEntry(aSourceEntry), iTargetPath(aTargetPath), iSwitch(aSwitch) {}
145 |
146 |
147 |
class CCommandParamsDelete : public CCommandParamsBase
148 |
149 |
150 |
TFileEntry iSourceEntry;
151 |
TUint iSwitch;
152 |
153 |
CCommandParamsDelete(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, TUint aSwitch) : iSourceEntry(aSourceEntry), iSwitch(aSwitch) {}
154 |
155 |
156 |
class CCommandParamsDriveSnapShot : public CCommandParamsBase
157 |
158 |
159 |
TInt iSourceDriveLetter;
160 |
TInt iTargetDriveLetter;
161 |
162 |
CCommandParamsDriveSnapShot(TChar aSourceDriveLetter, TChar aTargetDriveLetter) : iSourceDriveLetter(aSourceDriveLetter), iTargetDriveLetter(aTargetDriveLetter) {}
163 |
164 |
165 |
class TCommand
166 |
167 |
168 |
TInt iCommandId;
169 |
CCommandParamsBase* iParameters;
170 |
171 |
TCommand(TInt aCommandId, CCommandParamsBase* aParameters) : iCommandId(aCommandId), iParameters(aParameters) {}
172 |
173 |
174 |
typedef CArrayFixSeg<TCommand> CCommandArray;
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
class CFileBrowserFileUtils : public CActive, public MMsvSessionObserver
179 |
180 |
181 |
enum TState // active object states
182 |
183 |
EIdle = 0, // do nothing
184 |
185 |
186 |
// enum TClipBoardMode
187 |
// {
188 |
// EClipBoardModeCut = 0,
189 |
// EClipBoardModeCopy
190 |
// };
191 |
192 |
193 |
static CFileBrowserFileUtils* NewL(CEngine* aEngine);
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
CFileBrowserFileUtils(CEngine* aEngine);
198 |
void ConstructL();
199 |
200 |
private: // from CActive
201 |
void RunL();
202 |
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
203 |
void DoCancel();
204 |
205 |
private: // from MMsvSessionObserver
206 |
void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
207 |
208 |
public: //from MProgressDialogCallback
209 |
void DialogDismissedL(/*TInt aButtonId*/);
210 |
211 |
public: // command handling
212 |
void StartExecutingCommandsL(const TDesC& aLabel);
213 |
private: // command handling
214 |
void ExecuteCommand();
215 |
void CheckForMoreCommandsL();
216 |
void AppendToCommandArrayL(TInt aCommand, CCommandParamsBase* aParameters);
217 |
TInt CommandArrayCount() const;
218 |
void ResetCommandArray();
219 |
220 |
private: // misc functionality
221 |
void GenerateDirectoryDataL();
222 |
void GetDriveListL();
223 |
void GetDirectoryListingL();
224 |
// CAknIconArray* GenerateIconArrayL(TBool aGenerateNewBasicIconArray=EFalse);
225 |
// void AppendGulIconToIconArrayL(CAknIconArray* aIconArray, const TDesC& aIconFile, TInt aIconId, TInt aMaskId, const TAknsItemID aAknsItemId);
226 |
TInt AppIconIdForUid(TUid aUid);
227 |
TUid GetAppUid(const TFileEntry &aFileEntry);
228 |
// CDesCArray* GenerateItemTextArrayL();
229 |
// TInt GetSelectedItemsOrCurrentItemL(CFileEntryList* aFileEntryList);
230 |
TInt SetSelectedItemsOrCurrentItemL(const CArrayFix<TInt>* selectionIndexes,
231 |
CFileEntryList* aFileEntryList);
232 |
233 |
// TBool IsDestinationEntriesExists(const CFileEntryList* aEntryList, const TDesC& aTargetDir);
234 |
void DoCopyToFolderL(CFileEntryList* aEntryList, const TDesC& aTargetDir, const TOverwriteOptions &aOverwriteOptions, TBool aDeleteSource);
235 |
TInt DoSearchFiles(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath);
236 |
TInt DoSearchFilesRecursiveL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath);
237 |
TInt DoFindFiles(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath);
238 |
TInt DoFindFilesRecursiveL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath);
239 |
void ReadAttachmentPathsRecursiveL(CMsvSession* aSession, CMsvEntry* aContext, CDesCArray* aAttPaths);
240 |
void WriteMessageEntryInfoRecursiveL(CMsvSession* aSession, CMsvEntry* aContext, RFile& aFile, TInt& aLevel);
241 |
void DoWriteMessageEntryInfoL(CMsvEntry* aContext, RFile& aFile, TInt aLevel);
242 |
void ConvertCharsToPwd(const TDesC& aWord, TDes8& aConverted) const;
243 |
HBufC8* MessageDigestInHexLC(CMessageDigest* aMD, RFile& aFile);
244 |
void OpenCommonFileActionQueryL(TInt aCurrentItemIndex);
245 |
246 |
public: // public interfaces
247 |
TKeyResponse HandleOfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
248 |
void HandleSettingsChangeL();
249 |
void SetSortModeL(TInt aSortMode);
250 |
void SetOrderModeL(TInt aOrderMode);
251 |
void RefreshViewL();
252 |
TBool IsCurrentDriveReadOnly();
253 |
TBool IsItemDirectory(TInt aCurrentItemIndex);
254 |
void MoveUpOneLevelL();
255 |
void MoveDownToDirectoryL(TInt aIndex);
256 |
TInt ClipboardCutL(const CArrayFix<TInt>* aSelectionIndices);
257 |
TInt ClipboardCopyL(const CArrayFix<TInt>* aSelectionIndices);
258 |
void ClipboardPasteL(const TOverwriteOptions &aOverwriteOptions);
259 |
TInt SetCurrentSelection(const CArrayFix<TInt>* aSelectionIndices);
260 |
void CopyToFolderL(const TFileName &, const TOverwriteOptions &, TBool aMove=EFalse);
261 |
void DeleteL();
262 |
TBool SelectionHasDirs();
263 |
void TouchL(TBool aRecurse);
264 |
void RenameL(const TInt aIndex, const TFileName &newName);
265 |
void SetAttributesL(TUint &aSetAttMask, TUint &aClearAttMask, TBool &aRecurse);
266 |
void SearchL();
267 |
void NewFileL(const TFileName &aNewFileName);
268 |
void NewDirectoryL(const TFileName &aNewDirectoryName);
269 |
void SendToL();
270 |
void CompressL();
271 |
void DecompressL();
272 |
TInt GetFilesCount(const TFileName &aDriveRoot);
273 |
TInt GetFilesCountAndSize(const TFileName &aFullPath, TInt64 &aSize);
274 |
TInt GetEntriesCount(const TFileName &aFullPath);
275 |
TFileName GetMimeType(const TFileName &aFullPath);
276 |
TFileName GetOpenWith(const TFileName &aFullPath);
277 |
void OpenWithApparcL(const TFileName &);
278 |
void OpenWithDocHandlerL(const TFileName &, TBool);
279 |
void OpenWithFileServiceL(TInt aCurrentItemIndex);
280 |
TBool FileExists(const TDesC& aPath);
281 |
TInt LaunchProgramL(const TDesC& aPath);
282 |
void MemoryInfoPopupL();
283 |
void ShowFileCheckSumsL(TInt aCurrentItemIndex, TInt aType);
284 |
void SetErrRdL(TBool aEnable);
285 |
// void EnableAvkonIconCacheL(TBool aEnable);
286 |
void SimulateLeaveL(TInt aLeaveCode);
287 |
void SimulatePanicL(const TDesC& aPanicCategory, TInt aPanicCode);
288 |
void SimulateExceptionL(TInt aExceptionCode);
289 |
TUint32 GetDebugMask();
290 |
void SetDebugMaskL(TUint32 aDbgMask);
291 |
void WriteAllAppsL();
292 |
void WriteAllFilesL();
293 |
void ListOpenFilesL();
294 |
void ListMessageAttachmentsL(TInt aType);
295 |
void WriteMsgStoreWalkL();
296 |
void FileEditorL(TInt aCurrentItemIndex, TInt aType);
297 |
void SetDrivePasswordL(TInt aIndex, const TFileName &aOldPassword, const TFileName &aNewPassword);
298 |
void UnlockDriveL(TInt aIndex, const TFileName &aOldPassword);
299 |
void ClearDrivePasswordL(TInt aIndex, const TFileName &aOldPassword);
300 |
void EraseDrivePasswordL(TInt aIndex);
301 |
void FormatDriveL(TInt aIndex, TBool aQuickFormat);
302 |
void CheckDiskL(TInt aIndex);
303 |
void ScanDriveL(TInt aIndex);
304 |
void SetDriveNameL(TInt aIndex, const TFileName &aDriveName);
305 |
void SetDriveVolumeLabelL(TInt aIndex, const TFileName &aVolumeLabel);
306 |
void EjectDriveL(TInt aIndex);
307 |
void DismountFileSystemL(TInt aIndex);
308 |
void EraseMBRL(TInt aIndex);
309 |
void PartitionDriveL(TInt aIndex, TBool aEraseMBR, TInt aAmountOfPartitions);
310 |
TBool DriveSnapShotPossible();
311 |
void DriveSnapShotL();
312 |
void EditDataTypesL();
313 |
void SecureBackupL(TInt aType);
314 |
315 |
TBool IsDestinationEntriesExists(const TDesC& aTargetDir);
316 |
TBool TargetExists(const TInt aIndex, const TFileName &newName);
317 |
void GetDriveName(TInt aIndex, TFileName &aDriveName);
318 |
void GetDriveVolumeLabel(TInt aIndex, TFileName &aVolumeLabel);
319 |
320 |
CFileEntryList* FileEntries() const;
321 |
CDriveEntryList* DriveEntries() const;
322 |
323 |
TFileName ResolveErrorMessage(TInt aErrCode);
324 |
325 |
326 |
inline TInt SortMode() { return iSortMode; }
327 |
inline TInt OrderMode() { return iOrderMode; }
328 |
inline CFileEntryList* ClipBoardList() { return iClipBoardList; }
329 |
inline CFileEntryList* CurrentSelectionList() { return iCurrentSelectionList; }
330 |
inline TBool IsDriveListViewActive() { return iCurrentPath==KNullDesC && iListingMode==ENormalEntries; }
331 |
inline TBool IsNormalModeActive() { return iListingMode==ENormalEntries; }
332 |
inline TListingMode ListingMode() { return iListingMode; }
333 |
inline TFileName CurrentPath() { return iCurrentPath; }
334 |
335 |
inline TSearchAttributes GetSearchAttributes(){ return iSearchAttributes; };
336 |
inline void ChangeAttributes(const TSearchAttributes &attributes) { iSearchAttributes = attributes; };
337 |
inline TSearchResults SearchResults(){ return iFileSearchResults; };
338 |
inline CFileEntryList* FoundFiles() { return iFileEntryList; };
339 |
inline void SetAllowProcessing(TBool aAllowProcessing) { iAllowProcessing = aAllowProcessing; }
340 |
TClipBoardMode GetClipBoardMode() { return iClipBoardMode; }
341 |
342 |
343 |
TState iState;
344 |
CEngine* iEngine;
345 |
CFileBrowserFileOps* iFileOps;
346 |
347 |
TBool isWaitDialog;
348 |
TBool isProgressDialog;
349 |
350 |
//CEikProgressInfo* iProgressInfo;
351 |
CCommandArray* iCommandArray;
352 |
TInt iCurrentEntry;
353 |
TInt iSucceededOperations;
354 |
TInt iFailedOperations;
355 |
TInt iLastError;
356 |
RTimer iTimer;
357 |
RFs iFs;
358 |
TListingMode iListingMode;
359 |
CFileMan* iFileMan;
360 |
TInt iViewMode;
361 |
TFileName iCurrentPath;
362 |
TInt iSortMode;
363 |
TInt iOrderMode;
364 |
// TInt iClipboardMode;
365 |
CDesCArray* iClipboardPaths;
366 |
CDriveEntryList* iDriveEntryList;
367 |
CFileEntryList* iFileEntryList;
368 |
CFileEntryList* iFindFileEntryList;
369 |
CAppIconList* iAppIconList;
370 |
TClipBoardMode iClipBoardMode;
371 |
CFileEntryList* iClipBoardList;
372 |
CFileEntryList* iCurrentSelectionList;
373 |
TSearchAttributes iSearchAttributes;
374 |
CDocumentHandler* iDocHandler;
375 |
376 |
RFile iMsgStoreWalkFile;
377 |
TInt iPrevFolderIndex;
378 |
TFileName iPrevFolderName;
379 |
RTz iTz;
380 |
TSearchResults iFileSearchResults;
381 |
CDesCArray* iTextArray;
382 |
TBool iAllowProcessing;
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
// utility class for waiting for asychronous requests
387 |
class CAsyncWaiter : public CActive
388 |
389 |
390 |
static CAsyncWaiter* NewL( TInt aPriority = EPriorityStandard );
391 |
static CAsyncWaiter* NewLC( TInt aPriority = EPriorityStandard );
392 |
393 |
394 |
void StartAndWait();
395 |
TInt Result() const;
396 |
397 |
398 |
CAsyncWaiter( TInt aPriority );
399 |
400 |
// from CActive
401 |
void RunL();
402 |
void DoCancel();
403 |
404 |
405 |
CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
406 |
TInt iError;
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
// End of File
413 |