changeset 55 2d9cac8919d3
parent 52 36d60d12b4af
equal deleted inserted replaced
53:819e59dfc032 55:2d9cac8919d3
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <hbmessagebox.h>
    20 #include <hblabel.h>
    21 #include <hbaction.h>
    22 #include <hbpopup.h>
    23 #include <hblineedit.h>
    24 #include <hbvalidator.h>
    25 #include <hbabstractitemview.h>
    26 #include <hbprogressdialog.h>
    27 #include <hbdatetimepicker.h>
    29 #include <QString>
    30 #include <QDate>
    31 #include <QRegExp>
    32 #include <QList>
    34 #include "notifications.h"
    36 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 void Notifications::showMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageBoxType type, const QString &text, const QString &label, int timeout )
    39 {
    40     HbMessageBox *messageBox = new HbMessageBox(type);
    41     messageBox->setText(text);
    42     messageBox->setStandardButtons( HbMessageBox::Ok );
    43     if(label.length())
    44         {
    45         HbLabel *header = new HbLabel(label, messageBox);
    46         messageBox->setHeadingWidget(header);
    47         }
    48     messageBox->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
    49     messageBox->setTimeout(timeout);
    50     messageBox->open();
    51 }
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 void Notifications::about()
    56 {
    57     showMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation,
    58         "Version 6.1.2 - September 9th 2010. Copyright © 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. Licensed under Eclipse Public License v1.0.",
    59         "About Creator", 
    60         HbPopup::NoTimeout
    61         );
    62 }
    64 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 void Notifications::error(const QString& errorMessage)
    67 {
    68     showMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeWarning, errorMessage, QString("Error"), 3000);
    69 }
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 HbProgressDialog* Notifications::showProgressBar(const QString& text, int max)
    75 {
    76 	HbProgressDialog *note = new HbProgressDialog(HbProgressDialog::ProgressDialog);
    77     note->setText(text);
    78     note->setMaximum(max);
    79     note->setAutoClose(false);
    80     note->show();
    81     return note;
    83 }
    85 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 void Notifications::showGlobalNote(const QString& text, HbMessageBox::MessageBoxType type, int timeout)
    88 {
    89     showMessageBox(type, text, QString("Creator"), timeout);
    90 }
    93 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 CreatorYesNoDialog::CreatorYesNoDialog(MUIObserver* observer, int userData) : 
    96     HbMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion, NULL),
    97     CreatorDialog(observer, userData)
    98 {
    99 }
   101 void CreatorYesNoDialog::launch(const QString& text, const QString& label, MUIObserver* observer, int userData) throw(std::exception)
   102 {
   103     CreatorYesNoDialog* dlg = new CreatorYesNoDialog(observer, userData);
   104     dlg->setStandardButtons( HbMessageBox::Yes | HbMessageBox::No );
   105     dlg->setText(text);
   106     if(label.length())
   107         dlg->setHeadingWidget(new HbLabel(label, dlg));
   108     dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
   109     dlg->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
   110     dlg->open(dlg, SLOT(DialogClosed(HbAction*)));
   111 }
   113 void CreatorYesNoDialog::DialogClosed(HbAction *action)
   114 {
   115     TBool PositiveAction(EFalse);
   116     if(action && (action->softKeyRole()==QAction::PositiveSoftKey || !action->text().compare("yes", Qt::CaseInsensitive))){
   117         PositiveAction = ETrue;
   118     }
   119     NotifyObserver(PositiveAction);
   120 }
   122 CreatorInputDialog::CreatorInputDialog(int* value, MUIObserver* module, int userData) : 
   123     HbInputDialog(NULL),
   124     CreatorDialog(module, userData),
   125     mIntValue(value), 
   126     mStrValue(mDummy)// will not be used
   127 {
   128     if(!value)
   129         throw std::invalid_argument("value cannot be the null!");
   130 }
   132 CreatorInputDialog::CreatorInputDialog(TDes& value, MUIObserver* module, int userData) : 
   133     HbInputDialog(NULL),
   134     CreatorDialog(module, userData),
   135     mIntValue(NULL),
   136     mStrValue(value)
   137 {
   138 }
   140 void CreatorInputDialog::launch(const QString& label, int* value, bool acceptsZero, MUIObserver* observer, int userData) throw( std::exception )
   141 {
   142     CreatorInputDialog* dlg = new CreatorInputDialog(value, observer, userData);
   143     dlg->setPromptText(label);
   144     dlg->setInputMode(IntInput);
   145     HbValidator *validator = new HbValidator(dlg);
   146     QString tmp;
   147     if (acceptsZero == false) {
   148         tmp.append("^[1-9]{1}\\d{0,4}");
   149     }
   150     else {
   151         tmp.append("^[0-9]{1,5}");
   152     }
   154     QRegExp rxBasic(tmp);
   155     validator->addField(new QRegExpValidator(rxBasic, 0), "");
   156     dlg->setValidator(validator);
   157     dlg->setValue(QVariant(*value));
   158     dlg->lineEdit()->setSelection(0, dlg->value().toString().length());
   159     dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
   160     dlg->open(dlg, SLOT(DialogClosed(HbAction*)));
   161 }
   163 void CreatorInputDialog::launch(const QString& label, TDes& value, MUIObserver* observer, int userData) throw( std::exception )
   164 {
   165     CreatorInputDialog* dlg = new CreatorInputDialog(value, observer, userData);
   166     dlg->setPromptText(label);
   167     dlg->lineEdit()->setMaxLength(value.MaxLength());
   168     dlg->setValue(QString::fromUtf16(value.Ptr(), value.Length()));
   169     dlg->lineEdit()->setSelection(0, dlg->value().toString().length());
   170     dlg->setInputMode(TextInput);
   171     dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
   172     dlg->open(dlg, SLOT(DialogClosed(HbAction*)));
   173 }
   175 void CreatorInputDialog::DialogClosed(HbAction *action)
   176 {
   177     TBool PositiveAction(EFalse);
   178     if(action && (action->softKeyRole()==QAction::PositiveSoftKey || !action->text().compare("ok", Qt::CaseInsensitive))){
   179         bool ok = true;
   180         if( inputMode() == IntInput )
   181             *mIntValue = value().toInt(&ok);
   182         else if( inputMode() == TextInput && mStrValue.MaxLength() >= value().toString().length() )
   183             mStrValue.Copy(value().toString().utf16());
   184         else
   185             ok = false;
   186         PositiveAction = ok ? ETrue : EFalse;
   187     }
   188     NotifyObserver(PositiveAction);
   189 }
   191 CreatorSelectionDialog::CreatorSelectionDialog(int* selectedItem, MUIObserver* observer, int userData) throw(std::exception) : 
   192     HbSelectionDialog(NULL),
   193     CreatorDialog(observer, userData),
   194     mSelectedItem(selectedItem),
   195     mSelectedItems(NULL)
   196 {
   197     if(!mSelectedItem)
   198         throw std::invalid_argument("selectedItem cannot be null!");
   199 }
   201 CreatorSelectionDialog::CreatorSelectionDialog(CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* selectedItems, MUIObserver* observer, int userData) throw(std::exception) : 
   202     HbSelectionDialog(NULL),
   203     CreatorDialog(observer, userData),
   204     mSelectedItem(NULL),
   205     mSelectedItems(selectedItems)
   206 {
   207     if(!mSelectedItems)
   208         throw std::invalid_argument("selectedItems cannot be null!");
   209 }
   211 void CreatorSelectionDialog::launch(const QString& label, const QStringList& items, int* selectedItem, MUIObserver* observer, int userData) throw(std::exception)
   212 {
   213     CreatorSelectionDialog* dlg = new CreatorSelectionDialog(selectedItem, observer, userData);
   214     if(label.length())
   215         dlg->setHeadingWidget(new HbLabel(label, dlg));
   216     dlg->setStringItems(items);
   217     dlg->setSelectionMode(HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); 
   218     dlg->setSelectedItems(QList<QVariant>());
   219     dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
   220     dlg->open(dlg, SLOT(DialogClosed(HbAction*)));
   221 }
   223 void CreatorSelectionDialog::launch(const QString& label, const QStringList& items, CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* selectedItems, MUIObserver* observer, int userData) throw(std::exception)
   224 {
   225     CreatorSelectionDialog* dlg = new CreatorSelectionDialog(selectedItems, observer, userData);
   226     if(label.length())
   227         dlg->setHeadingWidget(new HbLabel(label, dlg));
   228     dlg->setStringItems(items);
   229     dlg->setSelectionMode(HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection); 
   230     dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
   231     dlg->open(dlg, SLOT(DialogClosed(HbAction*)));
   232 }
   234 void CreatorSelectionDialog::DialogClosed(HbAction *action)
   235 {
   236     TBool PositiveAction(EFalse);
   237     //CreatorSelectionDialog* dlg = qobject_cast<CreatorSelectionDialog*>(sender());
   238     if(!action || (action && action->softKeyRole()==QAction::SelectSoftKey) || (action && !action->text().compare("ok", Qt::CaseInsensitive))){
   239         if(selectedItems().count()){
   240             try{
   241                 if( selectionMode() == HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection && mSelectedItem){
   242                     bool ok(false);
   243                     *mSelectedItem = selectedItems().at(0).toInt(&ok);
   244                     if(!ok)
   245                         throw std::invalid_argument("cannot obtain selected item!");
   246                 }
   247                 if( selectionMode() == HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection && mSelectedItems){
   248                     QList<QVariant> items = selectedItems();
   249                     foreach( QVariant item, items){
   250                         QT_TRAP_THROWING( mSelectedItems->AppendL( item.toInt() ) );
   251                     }
   252                 }
   253                 PositiveAction = ETrue;
   254             }
   255             catch (std::exception& e){
   256                 Notifications::error( QString("exception: ")+e.what() );
   257             }
   258         }
   259     }
   260     NotifyObserver(PositiveAction);
   261 }
   263 CreatorDateTimeDialog::CreatorDateTimeDialog(TTime* value, MUIObserver* observer, int userData) : 
   264     HbDialog(NULL),
   265     CreatorDialog(observer, userData),
   266     mValue(value)
   267 {
   268 }
   270 void CreatorDateTimeDialog::launch(const QString& label, TTime* value, MUIObserver* observer, int userData) throw( std::exception )
   271 {
   272     CreatorDateTimeDialog* dlg = new CreatorDateTimeDialog(value, observer, userData);
   273     if(!value)
   274         throw std::invalid_argument("value cannot be the null!");
   275     if(label.length())
   276         dlg->setHeadingWidget( new HbLabel(label, dlg) );
   278     // TTime to QDate
   279     TBuf<20> timeString;
   280     _LIT(KDateString,"%D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3");
   281     TRAP_IGNORE( value->FormatL(timeString, KDateString) );
   282     QString temp = QString::fromUtf16(timeString.Ptr(), timeString.Length());
   283     temp.replace(QChar('/'), QChar('-'));
   284     QDate date = QDate::fromString(temp, "dd-MM-yyyy");
   285     HbDateTimePicker* widget = new HbDateTimePicker( date, dlg );
   286     dlg->setContentWidget( widget );
   287     dlg->addAction(new HbAction("Ok", dlg));
   288     dlg->addAction(new HbAction("Cancel", dlg));
   289     dlg->setModal(true); // Dialog is modal  
   290     dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
   291     dlg->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
   292     dlg->open(dlg, SLOT(DialogClosed(HbAction*)));
   293 }
   295 void CreatorDateTimeDialog::DialogClosed(HbAction *action)
   296 {
   297     TBool PositiveAction(EFalse);
   298     if(action && (action->softKeyRole()==QAction::PositiveSoftKey || !action->text().compare("ok", Qt::CaseInsensitive))){
   299         QString str = qobject_cast<HbDateTimePicker*>(contentWidget())->date().toString(Qt::ISODate);
   300         str.remove('-');
   301         str += ":000000";// 0h 0m 0s
   302         TBuf<30> dateTimeString(str.utf16());
   303         mValue->Set(dateTimeString);
   304         PositiveAction = ETrue;
   305     }
   306     NotifyObserver(PositiveAction);
   307 }
   308 //End of File