changeset 60 6646c35e558c
parent 50 9b2cffad4b5e
equal deleted inserted replaced
50:9b2cffad4b5e 60:6646c35e558c
   152     }
   152     }
   154 /*
   154 /*
   155  *
   155  *
   156  */
   156  */
   157 void CCreatorMessageElement::AsyncExecuteCommandL()
   158     {
   159     LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorMessageElement::AsyncExecuteCommandL");
   161     // Find out the message type:
   162     const CCreatorScriptAttribute* msgTypeAttr = this->FindAttributeByName(KType);
   163     TPtrC msgType;
   164     if( msgTypeAttr )
   165         {
   166         msgType.Set(msgTypeAttr->Value());
   167         }
   168     else
   169         {
   170         LOGSTRING("ERROR in CCreatorMessageElement::AsyncExecuteCommandL: Type attribute is missing.");
   171         User::Leave(KErrGeneral); // type is required attribute
   172         }
   174     // Find out the amount of calendar entries:
   175     const CCreatorScriptAttribute* msgAmountAttr = this->FindAttributeByName(KAmount);
   176     TInt msgAmount = 1;    
   177     if( msgAmountAttr )
   178         {
   179         msgAmount = ConvertStrToIntL(msgAmountAttr->Value());
   180         }    
   182     // Get 'fields' element 
   183     CCreatorScriptElement* fieldsElement = FindSubElement(KFields);
   184     if( fieldsElement && fieldsElement->SubElements().Count() > 0 )
   185         {
   186         // Get sub-elements (i.e the message field elements)
   187         const RPointerArray<CCreatorScriptElement>& fields = fieldsElement->SubElements();
   189         // Create message entries, the amount of entries is defined by msgAmount:
   190         if( iLoopIndex < msgAmount )
   191             {
   192             CMessagesParameters* param = new (ELeave) CMessagesParameters;
   193             CleanupStack::PushL(param);
   195             // Message type:
   196             if( msgTypeAttr )
   197                 {
   198                 SetMessageTypeL(*param, msgTypeAttr->Value());
   199                 }           
   201             // Loop all the message field elements:
   202             for( TInt i = 0; i < fields.Count(); ++i )
   203                 {
   204                 CCreatorScriptElement* field = fields[i];
   205                 TPtrC elemName = field->Name();
   206                 TPtrC elemContent = field->Content();
   207                 const RPointerArray<CCreatorScriptElement>& contactReferences = field->SubElements();
   208                 const CCreatorScriptAttribute* randomAttr = field->FindAttributeByName(KRandomLength);
   209                 const CCreatorScriptAttribute* amountAttr = field->FindAttributeByName(KAmount);
   210                 const CCreatorScriptAttribute* increaseAttr = field->FindAttributeByName(KIncrease);
   211                 TBool increase( EFalse );
   212                 if ( increaseAttr )
   213                     {
   214                     increase = ConvertStrToBooleanL( increaseAttr->Value() );
   215                     }
   216                 TInt fieldAmount = 1;
   217                 if( amountAttr )
   218                     {
   219                     fieldAmount = ConvertStrToIntL(amountAttr->Value());
   220                     }               
   222                 if( elemName == KTo )
   223                     {
   224                     // Recipient ('to'-field)
   225                     for( TInt amountIndex = 0; amountIndex < fieldAmount; ++amountIndex )
   226                         {
   227                         if( (randomAttr || elemContent.Length() == 0 ) && contactReferences.Count() == 0 )
   228                             {                        
   229                             // Random content
   230                             HBufC* toAddr = CreateMessageAddressLC(msgType);
   231                             if( toAddr )
   232                                 {
   233                                 param->iRecipientAddressArray.AppendL(toAddr);
   234                                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // toAddr
   235                                 }
   236                             }
   237                         else
   238                             {                            
   239                             if( elemContent.Length() > 0 && contactReferences.Count() == 0)
   240                                 {
   241                                 // Explicit recipient given
   242                                 HBufC* recipient = HBufC::NewL( elemContent.Length() + 3 );
   243                                 CleanupStack::PushL(recipient);
   244                                 if ( increase )
   245                                     {
   246                                     IncreasePhoneNumL( elemContent, iLoopIndex, recipient );
   247                                     }
   248                                 else
   249                                     {
   250                                     recipient->Des().Copy(elemContent);
   251                                     }
   252                                 param->iRecipientAddressArray.AppendL(recipient);
   253                                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // recipient
   254                                 }
   255                             else
   256                                 {
   257                                 // Recipients specified with contact-set-references (if any)
   258                                 for( TInt csI = 0; csI < contactReferences.Count(); ++csI )
   259                                     {                            
   260                                     CCreatorScriptElement* contactSetRef = contactReferences[csI];
   261                                     AppendContactSetReferenceL(*contactSetRef, param->iRecipientLinkIds);                                
   262                                     }
   263                                 }
   264                             }
   265                         }
   266                     }
   267                 else if( elemName == KFrom )
   268                     {
   269                     // Sender ('from'-field)
   270                     // Amount attribute for sender is ignored, because there can be only one sender                 
   271                     delete param->iSenderAddress;
   272                     param->iSenderAddress = 0;
   273                     if( (randomAttr || elemContent.Length() == 0 ) && contactReferences.Count() == 0 )
   274                         {
   275                         // Get random address
   276                         param->iSenderAddress = CreateMessageAddressLC(msgType);
   277                         CleanupStack::Pop(); // param->iSenderAddress
   278                         }
   279                     else
   280                         {                        
   281                         if( elemContent.Length() > 0 && contactReferences.Count() == 0)
   282                             {
   283                             // Explicit sender address given
   284                             param->iSenderAddress = HBufC::NewL(elemContent.Length());
   285                             if ( increase )
   286                                 {
   287                                 IncreasePhoneNumL( elemContent, iLoopIndex, param->iSenderAddress );
   288                                 }
   289                             else
   290                                 {
   291                                 param->iSenderAddress->Des().Copy(elemContent);
   292                                 }
   293                             }
   294                         else
   295                             {
   296                             // Senders specified with contact-set-references (if any)
   297                             for( TInt csI = 0; csI < contactReferences.Count(); ++csI )
   298                                 {                            
   299                                 CCreatorScriptElement* contactSetRef = contactReferences[csI];
   300                                 AppendContactSetReferenceL(*contactSetRef, param->iSenderLinkIds);                                
   301                                 }
   302                             }                           
   303                         }
   304                     }
   305                 else if( elemName == KFolder )              
   306                     {
   307                     // Folder type
   308                     if( CompareIgnoreCase(elemContent, KSent) == 0 )
   309                         {
   310                         param->iFolderType = ESent;
   311                         }
   312                     else if( CompareIgnoreCase(elemContent, KInbox) == 0 )
   313                         {
   314                         param->iFolderType = EInbox;
   315                         }
   316                     else if( CompareIgnoreCase(elemContent, KOutbox) == 0 )
   317                         {
   318                         param->iFolderType = EOutbox;
   319                         }
   320                     else if( CompareIgnoreCase(elemContent, KDraft) == 0 )
   321                         {
   322                         param->iFolderType = EDrafts;
   323                         }                        
   324                     }
   325                 else if( elemName == KSubject )
   326                     {
   327                     // Message subject
   328                     delete param->iMessageSubject;
   329                     param->iMessageSubject = 0;
   331                     if( randomAttr || elemContent.Length() == 0 )
   332                         {
   333                         // Random data should be used
   334                         TPtrC temp = iEngine->RandomString(CCreatorEngine::EMessageSubject);
   335                         param->iMessageSubject = HBufC::NewL(temp.Length());
   336                         param->iMessageSubject->Des().Copy(temp);
   337                         }
   338                     else
   339                         {                        
   340                         param->iMessageSubject = HBufC::NewL(elemContent.Length());
   341                         param->iMessageSubject->Des().Copy(elemContent);
   342                         }
   343                     }
   344                 else if( elemName == KText )
   345                     {
   346                     // Body text
   347                     delete param->iMessageBodyText;
   348                     param->iMessageBodyText = 0;
   350                     if( randomAttr || elemContent.Length() == 0 )
   351                         {
   352                         // Put random text:
   353                         if( randomAttr && randomAttr->Value() != KDefault )
   354                             {
   355                             // Get the random length
   356                             TInt len = GetRandomBodyLengthL(randomAttr->Value(), msgTypeAttr->Value());
   357                             if( len != KUndef )
   358                                 {
   359                                 param->iMessageBodyText = iEngine->CreateRandomStringLC(len);
   360                                 CleanupStack::Pop(); // param->iMessageBodyText
   361                                 }
   362                             }
   363                         else
   364                             {
   365                             // Use default random data
   366                             TPtrC temp = iEngine->RandomString(CCreatorEngine::EMessageText);
   367                             param->iMessageBodyText = HBufC::NewL(temp.Length());
   368                             param->iMessageBodyText->Des().Copy(temp);
   369                             }
   370                         }
   371                     else
   372                         {
   373                         param->iMessageBodyText = HBufC::NewL(elemContent.Length());
   374                         param->iMessageBodyText->Des().Copy(elemContent);
   375                         }
   376                     }
   377                 else if( elemName == KAttachmentId )
   378                     {
   379                     // Attachment file id
   380                     for( TInt amountIndex = 0; amountIndex < fieldAmount; ++amountIndex )
   381                         {                        
   382                         if( randomAttr  || elemContent.Length() == 0)
   383                             {
   384                             //When type is AMS, attachement will be audio
   385                             if(param->iMessageType == EAMS)
   386                                 {
   387                                 param->iAttachments->AppendL(CCreatorEngine::EMP3_250kB);
   388                                 }
   389                             //Otherwise attachement can be any file
   390                             else
   391                                 {
   392                                 //EJPEG_25kB is first (0) in the enum and LAST_FILE_ID is last in the enum, so real last item id is one before LAST_FILE_ID
   393                                 param->iAttachments->AppendL( iEngine->RandomNumber(CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_25kB, CCreatorEngine::LAST_FILE_ID-1) );                                
   394                                 }
   395                             }
   396                         else
   397                             {
   398                             //When user has been set attechment by it self, we trust user selection (not validating value, e.g. if message is SMS and there is attachement)
   399                             TInt id = iEngine->GetAttachmentIdL(elemContent);
   400                             if( id != KUndef )
   401                                 {
   402                                 param->iAttachments->AppendL( id );
   403                                 }
   404                             }
   405                         }
   406                     }
   407                 // Attachment file path handling 
   408                 //E.g. C:\data\others\DOC-20kB.doc
   409                 else if( elemName == KAttachmentPath )
   410                     {
   411                     // Attachment file id
   412                     for( TInt amountIndex = 0; amountIndex < fieldAmount; ++amountIndex )
   413                         {
   414                         //Path is random, getting one of the files (not even using path attribute, but id with random)
   415                         if( randomAttr  || elemContent.Length() == 0)
   416                             {
   417                             //EJPEG_25kB is first (0) in the enum and LAST_FILE_ID is last in the enum, so real last item id is one before LAST_FILE_ID
   418                             param->iAttachments->AppendL( iEngine->RandomNumber(CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_25kB, CCreatorEngine::LAST_FILE_ID -1) );
   419                             }
   420                         //Otherwise adding attachement path as it is to paths.
   421                         else
   422                             {
   423                             //Adding Attachement file path
   424                             HBufC* elemData = elemContent.AllocLC();
   425                             param->iAttachmentPaths.AppendL( elemData );     
   426                             CleanupStack::Pop(elemData);
   427                             }
   428                         }
   429                     }
   430                 else if ( elemName == KStatus )
   431                     {
   432                     if( CompareIgnoreCase( elemContent, KNew ) == 0 )
   433                         {
   434                         param->iCreateAsUnread = ETrue;
   435                         }
   436                     else if( CompareIgnoreCase( elemContent, KRead ) == 0 )
   437                         {
   438                         param->iCreateAsUnread = EFalse;
   439                         }
   440                     }
   441                 }
   442             iEngine->AppendToCommandArrayL(ECmdCreateMessagingEntryMessagesViaScript, param);
   443             CleanupStack::Pop(); // param
   444             StartNextLoop();
   445             }
   446         else
   447             {
   448             AsyncCommandFinished();
   449             }
   450         }
   451     else
   452     	{
   453     	if( iLoopIndex < msgAmount )
   454     		{
   455     		TInt randMsg = 0;
   456     		if( msgType == KSms )
   457     			randMsg = iEngine->RandomNumber(ECmdCreateRandomEntrySMSInbox, ECmdCreateRandomEntrySMSSent);
   458     		else if( msgType == KMms )
   459     			randMsg = iEngine->RandomNumber(ECmdCreateRandomEntryMMSInbox, ECmdCreateRandomEntryMMSSent);
   460     		else if( msgType == KAms )
   461     			randMsg = iEngine->RandomNumber(ECmdCreateRandomEntryAMSInbox, ECmdCreateRandomEntryAMSSent);
   462     		else if( msgType == KEmail )
   463     			randMsg = iEngine->RandomNumber(ECmdCreateRandomEntryEmailInbox, ECmdCreateRandomEntryEmailSent);
   464     		else if( msgType == KSmart )
   465     			randMsg = iEngine->RandomNumber(ECmdCreateRandomEntryBIOInbox, ECmdCreateRandomEntryBIOSent);
   466     		else if( msgType == KBt )
   467     			randMsg = iEngine->RandomNumber(ECmdCreateRandomEntryBTInbox, ECmdCreateRandomEntryBTSent);
   468     		else if( msgType == KIr )
   469     			randMsg = iEngine->RandomNumber(ECmdCreateRandomEntryIRInbox, ECmdCreateRandomEntryIRSent);
   471     		if( randMsg > 0 )
   472     			{
   473     			iEngine->AppendToCommandArrayL(randMsg, 0, 1);
   474     			}
   475     		StartNextLoop();
   476     		}
   477     	else
   478     	    {
   479     	    AsyncCommandFinished();
   480     	    }
   481     	}
   482     }
   483 void CCreatorMessageElement::ExecuteCommandL()
   157 void CCreatorMessageElement::ExecuteCommandL()
   484     {
   158     {
   485     LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorMessageElement::ExecuteCommandL");
   159     LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorMessageElement::ExecuteCommandL");
   487     // Find out the message type:
   161     // Find out the message type: