changeset 55 2d9cac8919d3
parent 53 819e59dfc032
child 56 392f7045e621
--- a/creator/src/engine.cpp	Mon Oct 04 10:09:02 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2610 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-#include <eikenv.h>
-#include <s32file.h> 
-#include <coemain.h>
-#include <driveinfo.h>
-#include <datacreator.rsg>
-#include "mainview.h"
-#include "engine.h"
-#include "enginewrapper.h"
-#include <cntdb.h>//For Math
-#include "creator_scriptentry.h"
-#include "creator_modulebase.h"
-//#include "creator_browser.h"
-#include "creator_calendar.h"
-#include "creator_phonebookbase.h"
-#include "creator_note.h"
-#include "creator_log.h"
-//#include "creator_connectionmethodbase.h"
-#include "creator_mailbox.h"
-//#include "creator_imps.h"
-#include "creator_message.h"
-#include "creator_landmark.h"
-#include "creator_traces.h"
-#include "creator_factory.h"
-#include "creator_scriptparser.h"
-#include "creator_file.h"
-#include "creator_cmdscriptrun.h"
-#include "creator_contactsetcache.h"
-#include <apparc.h>
-#include <eikappui.h>
-#include <eikapp.h>
-#include <bitmaptransforms.h>
-_LIT(KTempPathDrive, "d");
-_LIT(KTempPath, ":\\Creator\\");
-const TInt KRegisterDrive = EDriveC;
-_LIT(KRegisterFileName, "creator_created_items.dat");
-_LIT(KResourceFileName, "z:\\Resource\\apps\\datacreator.RSC");
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCreatorEngine* CCreatorEngine::NewL(EngineWrapper *aEngineWrapper)
-    {
-    CCreatorEngine* self = CCreatorEngine::NewLC(aEngineWrapper);
-    CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCreatorEngine* CCreatorEngine::NewLC(EngineWrapper *aEngineWrapper)
-    {
-    CCreatorEngine* self = new (ELeave) CCreatorEngine();
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL(aEngineWrapper);
-    return self;
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::ConstructL(EngineWrapper *aEngineWrapper)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::ConstructL");
-    iEngineWrapper = aEngineWrapper;
-	iMemoryDetails.iENotAvailable = EFalse;
-	RequestMemoryDetails();
-    iEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
-	// add second resource file to use for creator random data generation:
-	iResourceFileId = iEnv->AddResourceFileL(KResourceFileName);
-    User::LeaveIfError(iTimer.CreateLocal());
-    // these are needed by the random data generator
-    TTime now;
-    now.HomeTime();
-    iSeed=now.Int64();
-    iTempPath = HBufC::NewL(KTempPathDrive().Length() + KTempPath().Length());
-    iTempPath->Des().Copy(KTempPathDrive);
-    iTempPath->Des().Append(KTempPath);
-	iCmdScriptRun = CCreatorCmdScriptRun::NewL(this);
-    GetRandomDataFromFileL(KNullDesC);
-    CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::~CCreatorEngine");
-    Cancel();
-    for( TInt i = 0; i < iStringArrays.Count(); ++i )
-        {
-        delete iStringArrays[i].iArrayPtr;
-        }
-    iStringArrays.Close();
-    iAllocatedFilePaths.ResetAndDestroy();
-    iAllocatedFilePaths.Close();
-    iTimer.Close();
-	iEnv->DeleteResourceFile(iResourceFileId);
-	iMemoryDetailsList.Reset();
-    delete iPictureFileArray;
-    delete iSoundFileArray;
-    delete iTempPath;
-    delete iFrameImageData;
-    delete iEncoder;
-    delete iScaler;
-    delete iDecoder;
-    delete iScaledBitmap;
-    delete iBitmap;
-    delete iBitmapData;
-    delete iCmdScriptRun;
-    iCmdScriptRun = NULL;
-    delete iCommandParser;
-    }
-void CCreatorEngine::CopyFileL(const TFileName& aSourceFile, const TFileName& aTargetFile, TBool aOverwrite )
-	{
-	if( !aOverwrite && ConeUtils::FileExists(aTargetFile))
-		{
-		// File already exists
-		return;
-		}
-	// Make sure that the path exists. Creates the directory if it does not exist already:
-	ConeUtils::EnsurePathExistsL(aTargetFile);	
-	User::LeaveIfError(BaflUtils::CopyFile(CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession(), aSourceFile, aTargetFile));
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::RequestMemoryDetails() 
-    {
-	TDriveList dl;
-    // variables for memory and disk handling
-    TVolumeInfo vinfo;
-    //*************************************************************************
-    //*************************************************************************
-    // get an access to file server
-    RFs& fsSession = CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession();
-    fsSession.DriveList(dl);
-    for(TInt driveNum = EDriveC; driveNum <= EDriveZ ; driveNum ++ )
-    	{
-		if( dl[driveNum] )
-			{
-			TMemoryDetails *memDet = new TMemoryDetails;
-			if(fsSession.Volume(vinfo, driveNum) == KErrNone)
-				{
-				memDet->iFree.Num(TInt64(vinfo.iFree/1024));
-				memDet->iSize.Num(TInt64(vinfo.iSize/1024));
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				memDet->iFree.Num( 0 );
-				memDet->iSize.Num( 0 );
-				}
-			User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.DriveToChar(driveNum,memDet->iDriveLetter));
-			iMemoryDetailsList.AppendL( memDet );
-			}
-    	}
-    // available work memory
-    TMemoryInfoV1Buf memory;
-    UserHal::MemoryInfo(memory);
-    TInt64 freeMemBytes=(TInt64)(memory().iFreeRamInBytes);
-    TInt64 sizeMemBytes=(TInt64)(memory().iTotalRamInBytes);
-    TInt64 sizeWorkMemBytes = sizeMemBytes; 
-    TInt64 sizeRomBytes = (TInt64)(memory().iTotalRomInBytes);
-    iMemoryDetails.iRamFree.Num(TInt64(freeMemBytes/1024));
-    iMemoryDetails.iRamSize.Num(TInt64(sizeWorkMemBytes/1024));
-    iMemoryDetails.iRomSize.Num(TInt64(sizeRomBytes/1024));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCreatorEngine::MMC_OK() const
-	{
-	TBool MMCstatus = EFalse;
-	TDriveNumber eDrive=EDriveE;
-    TVolumeInfo vinfo;
-    TInt err = CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession().Volume(vinfo, eDrive);
-	// check if we can access the E-drive:
-	if ( err == KErrNone)
-		{
-		MMCstatus = ETrue;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		MMCstatus = EFalse;
-		}
-	// returns ETrue if MMC working properly
-	return MMCstatus;
-	}	
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::ExecuteFirstCommandL(const TDesC& aText)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::ExecuteFirstCommand");
-    if( !iCommandArray->Count())
-        {
-        ShutDownEnginesL();
-        return;
-        }
-    // show a progress dialog
-    iEngineWrapper->ShowProgressBar(aText, CommandArrayCount());	
-    iFailedCommands = 0;
-    // starts executing commands
-    ExecuteCommand();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::ExecuteCommand()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::ExecuteCommand");
-    // make sure the engine isn't active, should never happen
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!IsActive(), User::Panic(_L("IsActive"), 500));
-    // execute a command after a very short delay (75ms)
-    iTimer.After(iStatus, 75);
-    SetActive();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::RunL()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RunL");
-    LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RunL iCommandId=%d", iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iCommandId);
-    if ( iUserCancelled ) 
-    	{
-    	return;
-    	}
-    if (!iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)
-        {
-        LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RunL - iParameters==NULL !");
-        }
-    // launch a command
-    TCreatorIds cmd = (TCreatorIds)iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iCommandId; 
-    switch( cmd )
-        {
-	    case ECmdCreateBrowserBookmarkEntries: { iBrowser->CreateBookmarkEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CBrowserParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateBrowserBookmarkFolderEntries: { iBrowser->CreateBookmarkFolderEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CBrowserParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateBrowserSavedPageEntries: { iBrowser->CreateSavedDeckEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CBrowserParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateBrowserSavedPageFolderEntries: { iBrowser->CreateSavedDeckFolderEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CBrowserParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-        case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryAppointments: { iCalendar->CreateAppointmentEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryEvents: { iCalendar->CreateEventEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryAnniversaries: { iCalendar->CreateAnniversaryEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryToDos: { iCalendar->CreateTodoEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters); } break;
-        case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryReminders: { iCalendar->CreateReminderEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreatePhoneBookEntryContacts: { iPhonebook->CreateContactEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters) ; } break;
-	    case ECmdCreatePhoneBookEntryGroups: { iPhonebook->CreateGroupEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters) ; } break;
-	    case ECmdCreatePhoneBookEntrySubscribedContacts: { iPhonebook->CreateSubscribedContactEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters) ; } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateMiscEntryNotes: { iNotepad->CreateNoteEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CNotepadParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateLogEntryMissedCalls: { iLogs->CreateMissedCallEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CLogsParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateLogEntryReceivedCalls: { iLogs->CreateReceivedCallEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CLogsParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateLogEntryDialledNumbers: { iLogs->CreateDialledNumberEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CLogsParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-        case ECmdCreateMiscEntryAccessPoints: { iAccessPoints->CreateConnectionSettingsEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters); } break;
-        case ECmdDeleteIAPs: { iAccessPoints->DeleteAllL(); } break;
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorIAPs: { iAccessPoints->DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL(); } break;
-        case ECmdCreateMiscEntryLandmarks: { iLandmarks->CreateLandmarkEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CLandmarkParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateMessagingEntryMailboxes: { iMailboxes->CreateMailboxEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CMailboxesParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-        #ifdef __PRESENCE
-  	     case ECmdCreateMiscEntryIMPSServers: { iIMPS->CreateIMPSServerEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CIMPSParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-        #endif
-	    case ECmdCreateMessagingEntryMessages:  { iMessages->CreateMessageEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CMessagesParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters), ETrue); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateMessagingEntryMessagesViaScript:  { iMessages->CreateMessageEntryL(reinterpret_cast<CMessagesParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters)); } break;
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntrySMSInbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntrySMSDrafts:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntrySMSOutbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntrySMSSent:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryMMSInbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryMMSDrafts:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryMMSOutbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryMMSSent:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryAMSInbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryAMSDrafts:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryAMSOutbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryAMSSent:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryEmailInbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryEmailDrafts:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryEmailOutbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryEmailSent:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryBIOInbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryBIODrafts:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryBIOOutbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryBIOSent:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryIRInbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryIRDrafts:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryIROutbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryIRSent:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryBTInbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryBTDrafts:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryBTOutbox:
-	    case ECmdCreateRandomEntryBTSent:
-	            { iMessages->CreateRandomMessageEntryL(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iCommandId); } break;
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryEmptyFolder:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntry3GPP_70kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryAAC_100kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryAMR_20kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryBMP_25kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryDeck_1kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryDOC_20kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryGIF_2kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryHTML_20kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryJAD_1kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryJAR_10kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryJP2_65kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_200kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_25kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_500kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryMIDI_10kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryMP3_250kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryMP4_200kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryMXMF_40kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryPNG_15kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryPPT_40kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryRAM_1kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryRM_95kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryRNG_1kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntrySVG_15kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntrySWF_15kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryTIF_25kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryTXT_10kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryTXT_70kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryVCF_1kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryVCS_1kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryWAV_20kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryXLS_15kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntrySISX_10kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryWMA_50kB:
-        case ECmdCreateFileEntryWMV_200kB:
-	            { iFiles->CreateFileEntryL( reinterpret_cast<CFilesParameters*>(iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iParameters), iCommandArray->At(iCurrentEntry).iCommandId ); } break;
-        case ECmdDeleteContacts:
-            {
-            iPhonebook->DeleteAllL(); 
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteContactGroups:
-            {
-            iPhonebook->DeleteAllGroupsL();
-            break;            
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorContacts:
-            {
-            iPhonebook->DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorContactGroups:
-            {
-            iPhonebook->DeleteAllGroupsCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;            
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCalendarEntries:
-            {
-            iCalendar->DeleteAllL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorCalendarEntries:
-            {
-            iCalendar->DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteLogs:
-            {
-            iLogs->DeleteAllL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorLogs:
-            {
-            iLogs->DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteMessages:
-            {
-            iMessages->DeleteAllL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorMessages:
-            {
-            iMessages->DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteLandmarks:
-            {
-            iLandmarks->DeleteAllL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorLandmarks:
-            {
-            iLandmarks->DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteMailboxes:
-            {
-            iMailboxes->DeleteAllL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorMailboxes:
-            {
-            iMailboxes->DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteNotes:
-            {
-            iNotepad->DeleteAllL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteIMPSs:
-            {
-//            iIMPS->DeleteAllL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorIMPSs:
-            {
-//            iIMPS->DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteBrowserBookmarks:
-            {
-            iBrowser->DeleteAllBookmarksL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserBookmarks:
-            {
-            iBrowser->DeleteAllBookmarksCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteBrowserBookmarkFolders:
-            {
-            iBrowser->DeleteAllBookmarkFoldersL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserBookmarkFolders:
-            {
-            iBrowser->DeleteAllBookmarkFoldersCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteBrowserSavedPages:
-            {
-            iBrowser->DeleteAllSavedPagesL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserSavedPages:
-            {
-            iBrowser->DeleteAllSavedPagesCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteBrowserSavedPageFolders:
-            {
-            iBrowser->DeleteAllSavedPageFoldersL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserSavedPageFolders:
-            {
-            iBrowser->DeleteAllSavedPageFoldersCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorFiles:
-            {
-            iFiles->DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL();
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            User::Panic (_L("ExecuteOptionsMenuCommandL"), 205);
-            break;
-        }
-    TRAP_IGNORE( CheckForMoreCommandsL() );
-    }
-CDesCArrayFlat* CCreatorEngine::PictureFilesL()
-    {
-    if( iPictureFileArray == 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KImageFile, "JPEG*.jpg");
-        _LIT(KImageFileDir, "C:\\Data\\");
-        _LIT(KImageFileDir2, "Z:\\Data\\");
-        iPictureFileArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(8);        
-        TInt err = CreatorFileUtils::FindFilesRecursiveL(iPictureFileArray, KImageFile, KImageFileDir);
-        if( iPictureFileArray->Count() == 0 )
-            {
-            err = CreatorFileUtils::FindFilesRecursiveL(iPictureFileArray, KImageFile, KImageFileDir2);
-            }
-        }
-    return iPictureFileArray;
-    }
-CDesCArrayFlat* CCreatorEngine::SoundFilesL()
-    {
-    if( iSoundFileArray == 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KSoundFile, "*.aac");
-        _LIT(KSoundFileDir, "Z:\\data\\Sounds\\");
-        iSoundFileArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(8);                  
-        TInt err = CreatorFileUtils::FindFilesRecursiveL(iSoundFileArray, KSoundFile, KSoundFileDir);
-        }
-    return iSoundFileArray;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCreatorEngine::RunError(TInt aError)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RunError %d", aError);
-    iFailedCommands++;
-    _LIT(KMessage, "Command error %d");
-    TBuf<128> noteMsg;
-    noteMsg.Format(KMessage, aError);
-//    iEnv->InfoMsg(noteMsg);
-	iEngineWrapper->ShowNote(noteMsg);  
-    TRAP_IGNORE( CheckForMoreCommandsL() );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::CheckForMoreCommandsL()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::CheckForMoreCommandsL");
-    if ( iUserCancelled ) 
-		{
-		return;
-		}
-    // update the progress bar
-    //iProgressInfo->IncrementAndDraw(1);
-	iEngineWrapper->IncrementProgressbarValue();
-	// check if we have more commands to be executed
-	if (iCurrentEntry >= CommandArrayCount() - 1)
-		{
-        LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::CheckForMoreCommandsL all done");
-        // all done, free resources and show a note
-        ShutDownEnginesL();
-		//iProgressDialog->ProcessFinishedL();
-		// remove the progress dialog from the screen
-        iEngineWrapper->CloseProgressbar();
-		if (iFailedCommands == 0)
-		    {
-		    iEngineWrapper->ShowNote(_L("Done"));
-		    }
-		else
-		    {
-			_LIT(KMessage, "Done, %d commands failed");
-            TBuf<128> noteMsg;
-            noteMsg.Format(KMessage, iFailedCommands);
-			iEngineWrapper->ShowNote(noteMsg);
-		    }
-	    iCmdScriptRun->RunScriptDone();
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// maintain requests
-		iCurrentEntry++;
-        LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorEngine::CheckForMoreCommandsL iCurrentEntry=%d", iCurrentEntry);
-        ExecuteCommand();
-		}
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::SortCommands()
-	{
-	TKeyArrayFix iBufKey(_FOFF(TCommand, iCommandId),ECmpTInt);
-	iCommandArray->Sort(iBufKey);
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This callback function is called when cancel button of the progress bar was pressed
-void CCreatorEngine::ProgressDialogCancelledL()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::ProgressDialogCancelledL");
-        iUserCancelled = ETrue;
-        // cancel the active object, command executer 
-        Cancel();
-        // delete parameters from the command array, otherwise there might be memory leaks
-        for (TInt i=iCurrentEntry; i<CommandArrayCount(); i++)
-            {
-            if ( iCommandArray->At(i).iParameters )
-				{
-                delete iCommandArray->At(i).iParameters;
-                iCommandArray->At(i).iParameters = NULL;
-				}
-            }
-        if ( iDecoder  )
-            {
-            iDecoder->Cancel();
-            // CancelComplete() will be called from GenerateSourceImageFileL
-            }
-        else if ( iScaler )
-            {
-            iScaler->Cancel();
-            // CancelComplete() will be called from GenerateSourceImageFileL
-            }
-        else if ( iEncoder  )
-            {
-            iEncoder->Cancel();
-            // CancelComplete() will be called from GenerateSourceImageFileL
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // free resources and show a note
-            ShutDownEnginesL();
-            iEngineWrapper->ShowNote(_L("Cancelled"));
-            }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::StartEnginesL()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::StartEnginesL");
-    // reset user cancel flag
-    iUserCancelled = EFalse;
-    // start from the beginning
-    iCurrentEntry = 0;
-    // init the command array
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iCommandArray, User::Panic(_L("iCommandArray"), 701));
-    iCommandArray = new(ELeave) CCommandArray(10000);
-    // init all modules here
-    TInt err(KErrNone);
-//    TRAP(err, iBrowser = CCreatorBrowser::NewL(this));
-    TRAP(err, iCalendar = CCreatorInterimCalendar::NewL(this));
-    TRAP(err, iPhonebook = (CCreatorPhonebookBase*)TCreatorFactory::CreatePhoneBookL(this)); 
-    TRAP(err, iNotepad = CCreatorNotepad::NewL(this));
-    TRAP(err, iLogs = CCreatorLogs::NewL(this));
-//    TRAP(err, iAccessPoints = (CCreatorConnectionSettingsBase*)TCreatorFactory::CreateConnectionSettingsL(this));
-    TRAP(err, iMailboxes = CCreatorMailboxes::NewL(this));
-    TRAP(err, iFiles = CCreatorFiles::NewL(this));
-    TRAP(err, iMessages = CCreatorMessages::NewL(this));
-    TRAP(err, iLandmarks = CCreatorLandmarks::NewL(this));
-    ContactLinkCache::InitializeL();
-    #ifdef __PRESENCE
-      TRAP(err, iIMPS = CCreatorIMPS::NewL(this));
-    #endif 
-    // ...
-    // ...
-    // ...
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::ShutDownEnginesL()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::ShutDownEnginesL");
-    // delete all modules here and free resources which aren't anymore needed
-    #ifdef __PRESENCE
-     delete iIMPS;
-     iIMPS = NULL;
-    #endif
-    delete iMessages;
-    iMessages = NULL;
-    delete iFiles;
-    iFiles = NULL;
-    delete iMailboxes;
-    iMailboxes = NULL;
- //   delete iAccessPoints;
-//    iAccessPoints = NULL;
-    delete iLogs;
-    iLogs = NULL;
-    delete iNotepad;
-    iNotepad = NULL;
-    delete iPhonebook;
-    iPhonebook = NULL;
-    delete iCalendar;
-    iCalendar = NULL;
- //   delete iBrowser;
- //   iBrowser = NULL;
-    delete iLandmarks;
-    iLandmarks = NULL;
-    ContactLinkCache::DestroyL();
-    // now delete the command array
-    delete iCommandArray;
-    iCommandArray = NULL;
-	// delete parameter array
-	iParameterArray.ResetAndDestroy();
-	iParameterArray.Close();
-	if(iCommandParser)
-	    {
-        delete iCommandParser;
-	    iCommandParser = NULL;
-	    }
-	// clear temp drive
-	CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( iEnv->FsSession() );
-	CleanupStack::PushL( fileMan );
-	fileMan->RmDir( iTempPath->Des() );
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //fileMan
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::DoCancel()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::DoCancel");
-    iTimer.Cancel();
-    }
-void CCreatorEngine::ScriptChosenL( TBool aSuccess, const TDesC& aFileName )
-    {
-    if( aSuccess )
-        {
-        // open the file for reading
-        RFile scriptFile;
-        User::LeaveIfError( scriptFile.Open( iEnv->FsSession(), aFileName, EFileRead ) );
-        CleanupClosePushL(scriptFile);
-        // wait dialog
-        /* TODO
-        CAknGlobalNote* waitDialog = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
-        waitDialog->SetSoftkeys( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_CANCEL );
-        TInt dialogId = waitDialog->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalWaitNote, _L("Parsing") );
-        */
-        TInt parseErr( KErrNone );
-        CCreatorScriptParser* scriptParser = CCreatorScriptParser::NewLC(this);
-        scriptParser->ParseL(scriptFile);
-        parseErr = scriptParser->GetError();
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( scriptParser );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &scriptFile );
-        //waitDialog->CancelNoteL( dialogId );
-        //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( waitDialog );
-        if(parseErr != KErrNone)
-            {
-            // show error note
-            _LIT(KErrMsg, "Parser error: %d");
-            TBuf<32> msgBuf;
-            msgBuf.Format(KErrMsg, parseErr);
-            iEngineWrapper->ShowErrorMessage(msgBuf);
-            ShutDownEnginesL();
-            return;
-            }         
-        }
-    // start executing commands if commands in the command array
-    if (CommandArrayCount() > 0)
-        {
-        ExecuteFirstCommandL( KSavingText );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        ShutDownEnginesL();
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::RunScriptL()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RunScriptL");
-    // startup modules (also inits the command array):
-    StartEnginesL();
-    // use the command parser module to init the command array from a script file
-    delete iCommandParser;
-    iCommandParser = NULL;
-    iCommandParser = CCommandParser::NewL(this);
-    TBool ret = EFalse;
-    TRAPD(err, ret = iCommandParser->OpenScriptL( this ) );
-    if( err != KErrNone || ret == EFalse)
-        {
-        ShutDownEnginesL();
-        User::LeaveIfError(err);
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCreatorEngine::RunScriptL(const TDesC& aScriptFile)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RunScriptL");
-    // startup modules (also inits the command array):
-    StartEnginesL();
-    RFile scriptFile;
-    if (scriptFile.Open(CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession(), aScriptFile, EFileRead) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	ShutDownEnginesL();
-    	return KErrNotFound; // file error
-    	}
-    CleanupClosePushL(scriptFile);
-    CCreatorScriptParser* scriptParser = CCreatorScriptParser::NewLC(this);
-    scriptParser->ParseL(scriptFile);
-    TInt err = scriptParser->GetError();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //scriptParser
-    CleanupStack::Pop(); // scriptFile
-    scriptFile.Close();
-    if (err != KErrNone)
-        {
-        ShutDownEnginesL();
-        return KErrCorrupt; // parser error
-        }         
-    // start executing commands if commands in the command array
-    if (CommandArrayCount() > 0)
-        {
-        ExecuteFirstCommandL( KSavingText );
-        return KErrNone; // executing commands is started
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        ShutDownEnginesL();
-        return KErrCompletion; // nothing to do
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::QueryDialogClosedL( TBool aPositiveAction, TInt aUserData )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::QueryDialogClosedL");
-    if( aPositiveAction == EFalse )
-        {
-        ShutDownEnginesL();
-        return;
-        }
-    switch(aUserData)
-        {
-        case ECreatorEngineDeleteAllEntries:
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteContacts, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteContactGroups, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCalendarEntries, NULL, 1 );
-            //AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteBrowserBookmarks, NULL, 1 );
-            //AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteBrowserBookmarkFolders, NULL, 1 );
-            //AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteBrowserSavedPages, NULL, 1 );
-            //AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteBrowserSavedPageFolders, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteLogs, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteMessages, NULL, 1 );
-            //AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteIAPs, NULL, 1 );
-            //AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteIMPSs, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteNotes, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteLandmarks, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorFiles, NULL, 1 );
-            // started exucuting delete commands
-            ExecuteFirstCommandL( KDeletingText );
-            break;
-        case ECreatorEngineDeleteAllCreatorEntries:
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorContacts, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorContactGroups, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorCalendarEntries, NULL, 1 );
-            /*
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserBookmarks, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserBookmarkFolders, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserSavedPages, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserSavedPageFolders, NULL, 1 );
-            */
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorFiles, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorLogs, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorMessages, NULL, 1 );
-            //AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorIAPs, NULL, 1 );
-            //AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorIMPSs, NULL, 1 );
-            AppendToCommandArrayL( ECmdDeleteCreatorLandmarks, NULL, 1 );
-            // started exucuting delete commands
-            ExecuteFirstCommandL( KDeletingText );
-            break;
-        default:
-            //some error
-             ShutDownEnginesL();
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::ExecuteOptionsMenuCommandL(TInt aCommand)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::ExecuteOptionsMenuCommandL");
-    // startup modules (also inits the command array):
-    StartEnginesL();
-    // set the home module
-    switch(aCommand)
-        {
-        case ECmdCreateBrowserBookmarkEntries:
-	    case ECmdCreateBrowserBookmarkFolderEntries:
-	    case ECmdCreateBrowserSavedPageEntries:
-	    case ECmdCreateBrowserSavedPageFolderEntries:
-	    case ECmdDeleteBrowserBookmarks:
-	    case ECmdDeleteBrowserBookmarkFolders:
-	    case ECmdDeleteBrowserSavedPages:
-	    case ECmdDeleteBrowserSavedPageFolders:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserBookmarks:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserBookmarkFolders:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserSavedPages:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserSavedPageFolders:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iBrowser;
-            }
-            break;
-        case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryAppointments:
-	    case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryEvents:
-	    case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryAnniversaries:
-	    case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryToDos:
-	    case ECmdCreateCalendarEntryReminders:
-	    case ECmdDeleteCalendarEntries:
-	    case ECmdDeleteCreatorCalendarEntries:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iCalendar;
-            }
-            break;
-	    case ECmdCreatePhoneBookEntryContacts:
-	    case ECmdCreatePhoneBookEntryGroups:
-	    case ECmdCreatePhoneBookEntrySubscribedContacts:
-	    case ECmdDeleteContacts:
-	    case ECmdDeleteCreatorContacts:
-        case ECmdDeleteContactGroups:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorContactGroups:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iPhonebook;
-            }
-            break;
-	    case ECmdCreateMiscEntryNotes:
-	    case ECmdDeleteNotes:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iNotepad;
-            }
-            break;
-	    case ECmdCreateLogEntryMissedCalls:
-	    case ECmdCreateLogEntryReceivedCalls:
-	    case ECmdCreateLogEntryDialledNumbers:
-	    case ECmdDeleteLogs:
-	    case ECmdDeleteCreatorLogs:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iLogs;
-            }
-            break;
-	    case ECmdCreateMiscEntryAccessPoints:
-	    case ECmdDeleteIAPs:
-	    case ECmdDeleteCreatorIAPs:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iAccessPoints;
-            }
-            break;
-	    case ECmdCreateMessagingEntryMailboxes:
-	    case ECmdDeleteMailboxes:
-	    case ECmdDeleteCreatorMailboxes:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iMailboxes;
-            }
-            break;
-        #ifdef __PRESENCE
-	      case ECmdCreateMiscEntryIMPSServers:
-	      case ECmdDeleteIMPSs:
-	      case ECmdDeleteCreatorIMPSs:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iIMPS;
-            }
-            break;
-        #endif
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryEmptyFolder:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntry3GPP_70kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryAAC_100kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryAMR_20kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryBMP_25kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryDeck_1kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryDOC_20kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryGIF_2kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryHTML_20kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryJAD_1kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryJAR_10kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryJP2_65kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_200kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_25kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_500kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryMIDI_10kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryMP3_250kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryMP4_200kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryMXMF_40kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryPNG_15kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryPPT_40kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryRAM_1kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryRM_95kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryRNG_1kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntrySVG_15kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntrySWF_15kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryTIF_25kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryTXT_10kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryTXT_70kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryVCF_1kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryVCS_1kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryWAV_20kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryXLS_15kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntrySISX_10kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryWMA_50kB:
-	      case ECmdCreateFileEntryWMV_200kB:
-	      case ECmdDeleteCreatorFiles:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iFiles;
-            }
-            break;
-        case ECmdCreateMessagingEntryMessages:
-        case ECmdDeleteMessages:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorMessages:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iMessages;
-            }
-            break;
-        case ECmdCreateMiscEntryLandmarks:
-        case ECmdDeleteLandmarks:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorLandmarks:
-            {
-            iUsedOptionsMenuModule = iLandmarks;
-            }
-            break;
-        case ECmdDeleteAllEntries:
-        case ECmdDeleteAllCreatorEntries:
-            {
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            User::Panic (_L("ExecuteOptionsMenuCommandL"), 201);
-            break;
-        }
-    //If it's a delete command, asking do you really want to delete
-    if( IsDeleteCommand( aCommand ) )
-        {
-        if ( aCommand == ECmdDeleteAllEntries )
-            {
-            if ( !iEngineWrapper->YesNoQueryDialog( _L("Delete all entries?"), this, ECreatorEngineDeleteAllEntries) )
-                {
-                // cancelled, free resources
-                ShutDownEnginesL();
-                }
-            }
-        else if ( aCommand == ECmdDeleteAllCreatorEntries )
-            {
-            if ( !iEngineWrapper->YesNoQueryDialog( _L("Delete all entries created with Creator?"), this, ECreatorEngineDeleteAllCreatorEntries ) )
-                {
-                // cancelled, free resources
-                ShutDownEnginesL();
-                }
-            }
-        else if ( !iUsedOptionsMenuModule->AskDataFromUserL( aCommand )  )
-            {
-            // cancelled or error, free resources
-            ShutDownEnginesL();
-            }
-        }
-    // ask user data, if query accepted start processing...
-    else if (!iUsedOptionsMenuModule->AskDataFromUserL(aCommand))
-        {
-        // cancelled or error, free resources
-        ShutDownEnginesL();
-        }
-    }
-TBool CCreatorEngine::IsDeleteCommand(TInt aCommand)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::IsDeleteCommand");
-    switch(aCommand)
-        {
-        //Add supported delete command here        
-        case ECmdDeleteAllEntries:
-        case ECmdDeleteAllCreatorEntries:
-        case ECmdDeleteEntries:
-        case ECmdDeleteContacts:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorContacts:
-        case ECmdDeleteContactGroups:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorContactGroups:
-        case ECmdDeleteCalendarEntries:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorCalendarEntries:
-        case ECmdDeleteBrowserBookmarks:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserBookmarks:
-        case ECmdDeleteBrowserBookmarkFolders:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserBookmarkFolders:
-        case ECmdDeleteBrowserSavedPages:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserSavedPages:
-        case ECmdDeleteBrowserSavedPageFolders:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorBrowserSavedPageFolders:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorFiles:
-        case ECmdDeleteLogs:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorLogs:
-        case ECmdDeleteMessages:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorMessages:
-        case ECmdDeleteMailboxes:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorMailboxes:
-        case ECmdDeleteIAPs:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorIAPs:
-        case ECmdDeleteIMPSs:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorIMPSs:
-        case ECmdDeleteNotes:
-        case ECmdDeleteLandmarks:
-        case ECmdDeleteCreatorLandmarks:
-            {
-            return ETrue;
-            }
-        default:
-            {
-            return EFalse;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::RandomDataFileChosenL( TBool aSuccess, const TDesC& aFileName )
-    {
-    if( aSuccess )
-        {
-        GetRandomDataFromFileL( aFileName );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCreatorEngine::GetRandomDataL()
-	{
-    delete iCommandParser;
-    iCommandParser = NULL;
-    iCommandParser = CCommandParser::NewL( this );
-	return iCommandParser->GetRandomDataFilenameL( this );
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCreatorEngine::GetRandomDataFromFileL(const TDesC& aFilename)
-	{
-    // wait dialog
-	// TODO
-    //CAknGlobalNote* waitDialog = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
-    //waitDialog->SetSoftkeys(R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_CANCEL);
-    //TInt dialogId = waitDialog->ShowNoteL(EAknGlobalWaitNote, _L("Reading random data"));
-    for (TInt i = 0; i < iStringArrays.Count(); ++i)
-        {
-        delete iStringArrays[i].iArrayPtr;
-        }
-    iStringArrays.Reset();
-    TBool errorDetected = EFalse;
-    // NOTE: These must be exactly in same order as in enumeration:
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EFirstName, R_DATA_FIRSTNAMES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EFirstName) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(ESurname, R_DATA_SURNAMES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::ESurname) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(ECompany, R_DATA_COMPANIES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::ECompany) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EAddress, R_DATA_ADDRESSES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EAddress) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EJobTitle, R_DATA_JOBTITLES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EJobTitle) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EPhoneNumber, R_DATA_PHONENUMBERS, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EPhoneNumber) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EGroupName, R_DATA_GROUPNAMES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EGroupName) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EMeetingReason, R_DATA_MEETINGREASONS, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EMeetingReason) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EMeetingPlace, R_DATA_MEETINGPLACES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EMeetingPlace) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EMemoText, R_DATA_MEMOS, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EMemoText) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EAnniversaryReason, R_DATA_ANNIVERSARIES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EAnniversaryReason) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EToDoText, R_DATA_TODOS, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EToDoText) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EReminderText, R_DATA_REMINDERS, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EReminderText) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EMessageSubject, R_DATA_MESSAGESUBJECTS, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EMessageSubject) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EMessageText, R_DATA_MESSAGETEXTS, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EMessageText) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(ECity, R_DATA_CITIES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::ECity) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(ECountry, R_DATA_COUNTRIES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::ECountry) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EPostcode, R_DATA_POSTCODES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EPostcode) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EState, R_DATA_STATES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EState) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EPobox, R_DATA_POBOXES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EPobox) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(EPrefix, R_DATA_PREFIXES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::EPrefix) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(ESuffix, R_DATA_SUFFIXES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::ESuffix) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(ELandmarkName, R_DATA_LANDMARK_NAMES, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::ELandmarkName) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    if (ReadRandomDataL(ELandmarkDescription, R_DATA_LANDMARK_DESCRIPTIONS, aFilename, CCreatorRandomDataParser::ELandmarkDescription) != KErrNone)
-    	{
-    	errorDetected = ETrue;
-    	}
-    // remove the wait dialog
-    //waitDialog->CancelNoteL(dialogId);
-    //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(waitDialog);
-    if (errorDetected)
-    	{
-		iEngineWrapper->ShowNote(_L("Error in reading random data."));
-   	}
-    return !errorDetected;
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCreatorEngine::ReadRandomDataL(const TRandomStringType aRandomStringType,
-		                             const TInt aResourceId,
-		                             const TDesC& aFilename,
-		                             const CCreatorRandomDataParser::TRandomDataType aRandomDataType)
-	{
-	TInt error = KErrNone;
-	if (aFilename == KNullDesC)
-		{
-        iStringArrays.AppendL(TStringArrayPtr(aRandomStringType, iEnv->ReadDesCArrayResourceL(aResourceId)));
-		}
-	else
-		{
-	    CCreatorRandomDataParser* dataParser = CCreatorRandomDataParser::NewLC();
-		CDesCArrayFlat* array = NULL;
-		TRAP(error, array = dataParser->ParseL(aFilename, aRandomDataType));
-		if (error == KErrNone)
-			{
-			error = dataParser->GetError();
-			}
-	    if ((error == KErrNone) && (array->MdcaCount() > 0))
-	    	{
-	    	iStringArrays.AppendL(TStringArrayPtr(aRandomStringType, array));
-	    	}
-	    else
-	    	{
-	    	if (array)
-	    		{
-	    		array->Reset();
-	    		delete array;
-	    		}
-	        iStringArrays.AppendL(TStringArrayPtr(aRandomStringType, iEnv->ReadDesCArrayResourceL(aResourceId)));
-	    	}
-		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dataParser);
-		}
-	return error;
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::AppendToCommandArrayL(TInt aCommand, CCreatorModuleBaseParameters* aParameters, TInt aNumberOfEntries)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::AppendToCommandArrayL");
-    iParameterArray.AppendL(aParameters);
-    for (TInt i=0; i<aNumberOfEntries; i++)
-        iCommandArray->AppendL( TCommand(aCommand, aParameters) );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCreatorEngine::CommandArrayCount()
-    {
-    TInt count(0);
-    if (iCommandArray)
-        count = iCommandArray->Count();
-    LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorEngine::CommandArrayCount returns %d", count);
-    return count;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//returs fileid by its name, eg. 1 in 
-TInt CCreatorEngine::GetAttachmentIdL( const TDesC& aAttachmentIdStr ) const
-    {
-    TInt mapCount = sizeof(FileMap) / sizeof(FileMapping);
-    for( TInt i = 0; i < mapCount; ++i )
-        {
-        if( FileMap[i].FileName() == aAttachmentIdStr )
-            return FileMap[i].FileId();
-        }
-    LOGSTRING2("CCreatorEngine::GetAttachmentIdL: Unknown attachment file id: %s", &aAttachmentIdStr);
-    User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
-    return KErrNotFound; // Not reached, but disables a compiler warning
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// returns a random string from the resource files
-TPtrC CCreatorEngine::TestDataPathL (enum TTestDataPath aTestDataPath )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::TestDataPathL");
-    static TFileName filePath;
-    switch (aTestDataPath )
-        {
-        case ESavedDeck_1kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("Deck-1kB.saveddeck") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EJPEG_25kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("JPEG-25kB.jpg") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EJPEG_200kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("JPEG-200kB.jpg") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EJPEG_500kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("JPEG-500kB.jpg") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EPNG_15kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("PNG-15kB.png") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EGIF_2kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("GIF-2kB.gif") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ERNG_1kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("RNG-1kB.rng") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EMIDI_10kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("MIDI-10kB.mid") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EWAVE_20kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("WAV-20kB.wav") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EAMR_20kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("AMR-20kB.amr") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EExcel_15kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("XLS-15kB.xls") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EWord_20kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("DOC-20kB.doc") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EPowerPoint_40kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("PPT-40kB.ppt") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EText_10kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("TXT-10kB.txt") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EText_70kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("TXT-70kB.txt") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case E3GPP_70kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("3GPP-70kB.3gpp") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EMP3_250kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("MP3-250kB.mp3") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EAAC_100kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("AAC-100kB.aac") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ERM_95kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("RM-95kB.rm") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EBMP_25kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("BMP-25kB.bmp") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EHTML_20kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("HTML-20kB.html") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EJAD_1kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("JAD-1kB.jad") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EJAR_10kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("JAR-10kB.jar") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EJP2_65kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("JP2-65kB.jp2") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EMP4_200kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("MP4-200kB.mp4") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EMXMF_40kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("MXMF-40kB.mxmf") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ERAM_1kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("RAM-1kB.ram") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ESVG_15kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("SVG-15kB.svg") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ESWF_15kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("SWF-15kB.swf") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ETIF_25kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("TIF-25kB.tif") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EVCF_1kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("VCF-1kB.vcf") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EVCS_1kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("VCS-1kB.vcs") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ESISX_10kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("SISX-10kB.sisx") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EWMA_50kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("WMA-50kB.wma") );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EWMV_200kB:
-            {
-            filePath.Copy (_L("WMV-200kB.wmv") );
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            User::Panic (_L("Test data"), 401 );
-            break;
-        }
-    TFileName fullTargetPath;
-    fullTargetPath.Copy( iTempPath->Des() );
-    fullTargetPath.Append( filePath );
-    if (ConeUtils::FileExists(fullTargetPath))
-        {        
-        // No need to copy, if the file already exists.
-        LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorEngine::TestDataPathL %S already exists", &fullTargetPath);
-        return fullTargetPath;
-        }
-    // Define the path where the testdata can be retrieved
-	// get the data from the private directory in secure platform
-    TFileName fullAppPath = iEnv->EikAppUi()->Application()->AppFullName();
-	TChar driveLetter = fullAppPath[0];
-	TInt driveNumber;
-	iEnv->FsSession().CharToDrive(driveLetter, driveNumber);
-	iEnv->FsSession().SetSessionToPrivate( driveNumber );   // "\\private\\20011383\\"
-    // check the file exists
-    if (!ConeUtils::FileExists(filePath))
-        {
-        LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorEngine::TestDataPathL %S not found", &filePath);
-        TInt generatingError( KErrNone );
-        // The file could be on C drive
-        iEnv->FsSession().SetSessionToPrivate( KRegisterDrive );
-        if ( !ConeUtils::FileExists( filePath ) )
-            {
-            // The file is not on C drive, see if we can generate it
-            // Make sure that the private path of this app in c-drive exists
-            iEnv->FsSession().CreatePrivatePath( KRegisterDrive );
-            TFileName privatePath;
-            iEnv->FsSession().PrivatePath( privatePath );
-            privatePath.Append( filePath );
-            TChar privateDriveChar;
-            iEnv->FsSession().DriveToChar( KRegisterDrive, privateDriveChar );
-            TFileName fullPrivatePath; // full path of a file to be generated
-            fullPrivatePath.Append( privateDriveChar );
-            fullPrivatePath.Append( ':' );
-            fullPrivatePath.Append( privatePath );
-            switch ( aTestDataPath )
-                {
-                case EJPEG_25kB:
-                case EJPEG_200kB:
-                case EJPEG_500kB:
-                case EBMP_25kB:
-                case EGIF_2kB:
-                    {
-                    TRAP( generatingError, GenerateSourceImageFileL( aTestDataPath, fullPrivatePath ) );
-                    // GenerateSourceImageFileL calls TestDataPathL -> private session points to z
-                    // change it back to KRegisterDrive, because generated source file is there
-                    // and we need to copy it at the end of this function.
-                    iEnv->FsSession().SetSessionToPrivate( KRegisterDrive );
-                    break;
-                    }
-                case EText_10kB:
-                    {
-                    TRAP( generatingError, GenereteSourceTextFileL( fullPrivatePath, 10000 ) );
-                    // GenerateSourceImageFileL calls TestDataPathL -> private session points to z
-                    // change it back to KRegisterDrive, because generated source file is there
-                    // and we need to copy it at the end of this function.
-                    iEnv->FsSession().SetSessionToPrivate( KRegisterDrive );
-                    break;
-                    }
-                case EText_70kB:
-                    {
-                    TRAP( generatingError, GenereteSourceTextFileL( fullPrivatePath, 70000 ) );
-                    break;
-                    }
-                default:
-                    {
-                    generatingError = KErrNotSupported;
-                    break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        if ( iUserCancelled )
-            {
-            LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::TestDataPathL iUserCancelled" );
-            User::Leave( KErrCancel );
-            }
-        if ( generatingError )
-            {
-            // Generating the file failed
-            // cancel the dialog
-            //iProgressDialog->ProcessFinishedL();
-            //DialogDismissedL(EAknSoftkeyBack);
-			// remove the progress dialog from the screen
-			iEngineWrapper->CloseProgressbar();
-            // show error note
-            iEngineWrapper->ShowNote(_L("Test data missing"));
-            User::Leave(KErrPathNotFound);
-            }
-        }
-	// now copy the data to D-drive to make the file public
-	iEnv->FsSession().MkDirAll( iTempPath->Des() );
-	TInt copyErr = BaflUtils::CopyFile(iEnv->FsSession(), filePath, fullTargetPath);
-	LOGSTRING4("Creator: CCreatorEngine::TestDataPathL copy %S to %S returns=%d", &filePath, &fullTargetPath, copyErr);
-	// make sure that the file won't have a read only attribute
-	TEntry fileEntry;
-	iEnv->FsSession().Entry(fullTargetPath, fileEntry);
-	iEnv->FsSession().SetEntry(fullTargetPath, fileEntry.iModified, NULL, KEntryAttReadOnly);
-	filePath = fullTargetPath;  // change the reference to the temp path
-    return filePath;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// a method to return a default Internet Access Point
-TUint32 CCreatorEngine::GetDefaultIAPL()
-	{
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::GetDefaultIAPL");
-	TUint32 lIAPid = 1; // Default value
-	CCommsDatabase* cDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(cDatabase);
-	CCommsDbTableView* tableView = cDatabase->OpenTableLC(TPtrC(IAP));
-	TInt errorCode = tableView->GotoFirstRecord();
-	if ( errorCode == KErrNone ) 
-		{
-		TUint32	iValue;
-		tableView->ReadUintL(TPtrC(COMMDB_ID),iValue);
-		lIAPid = iValue;
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // cDatabase,tableView
-	return lIAPid;
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint32 CCreatorEngine::AccessPointNameToIdL(const TDesC& /*aAPName*/, TBool /*aAnyIfNotFound*/ )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::AccessPointNameToIdL");
-    // Accespoint impl moved from engine to accespoint implementations for supporting 3.0-3.1 and 3.2->
-    //return iAccessPoints->AccessPointNameToIdL(aAPName, aAnyIfNotFound );
-    return 0;
-    }
-static CCreatorEngine::TTestDataPath SoundFiles[] = {
-        CCreatorEngine::EMIDI_10kB,
-        CCreatorEngine::EWAVE_20kB,  
-        CCreatorEngine::EMP3_250kB,
-        CCreatorEngine::EAAC_100kB
-        };
-static CCreatorEngine::TTestDataPath PictureFiles[] = 
-    {
-    CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_25kB,
-    CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_200kB,
-    CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_500kB,
-    CCreatorEngine::EPNG_15kB,
-    CCreatorEngine::EGIF_2kB
-    };
-TPtrC CCreatorEngine::CreateSoundFileL(TTestDataPath aId)
-	TPtrC tempPath(TestDataPathL(aId));
-	// Copy file to permanent location:
-    TParse parser;
-    parser.Set(tempPath, NULL, NULL);
-    TPtrC fileName(parser.NameAndExt());
-    HBufC* fullTargetPath = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
-    fullTargetPath->Des().Copy( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() );
-    fullTargetPath->Des().Append( PathInfo::DigitalSoundsPath() );
-    fullTargetPath->Des().Append(fileName);
-    CopyFileL(tempPath, *fullTargetPath);
-    iAllocatedFilePaths.AppendL(fullTargetPath);
-    CleanupStack::Pop(); // fullTargetPath
-    return fullTargetPath->Des(); 
-TPtrC CCreatorEngine::CreateRandomSoundFileL()
-    TInt numOfFiles = sizeof(SoundFiles) / sizeof(TTestDataPath);
-    return CreateSoundFileL(SoundFiles[RandomNumber(0, numOfFiles-1)]);
-TPtrC CCreatorEngine::RandomSoundFileL()
-    TInt numOfFiles = sizeof(SoundFiles) / sizeof(TTestDataPath);
-    return TestDataPathL(SoundFiles[RandomNumber(0, numOfFiles-1)]);
-void CCreatorEngine::RandomPictureFileL(TDes& aPath)
-    TInt numOfFiles = sizeof(PictureFiles) / sizeof(TTestDataPath);
-    aPath = TestDataPathL(PictureFiles[RandomNumber(0, numOfFiles-1)]);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// returns a random string from the resource files
-TPtrC CCreatorEngine::RandomString(enum TRandomStringType aRandomStringType)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RandomString");
-    // Let's see if the array is OK and the string arrays are in correct order:
-    if( ((TInt) aRandomStringType) < iStringArrays.Count() && 
-        iStringArrays[aRandomStringType].iStringType == aRandomStringType)
-        {        
-        TInt rand = (TInt) (iStringArrays[aRandomStringType].iArrayPtr->Count() * Math::FRand(iSeed));
-        return (*iStringArrays[aRandomStringType].iArrayPtr)[rand];
-        }
-    // Now let's loop the arrays and try to find one with the type:
-    for( TInt i = 0; i < iStringArrays.Count(); ++i )
-        {
-        if( iStringArrays[i].iStringType == aRandomStringType )
-            {
-            TInt rand = (TInt) (iStringArrays[i].iArrayPtr->Count() * Math::FRand(iSeed));
-            return (*iStringArrays[i].iArrayPtr)[rand];
-            }
-        }
-    User::Panic (_L("Random string"), 402);    
-    return NULL;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// returns a random number
-TInt CCreatorEngine::RandomNumber(TInt aRange)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RandomNumber aRange=%d", aRange);
-    return (TInt) (aRange*Math::FRand(iSeed));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// returns a random number
-TInt CCreatorEngine::RandomNumber(TInt aMin, TInt aMax)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING3("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RandomNumber aMin=%d aMax=%d", aMin, aMax);
-    TInt range = (aMax > aMin ? aMax - aMin : aMin - aMax) + 1;
-    TInt random = (TInt) (range*Math::FRand(iSeed));
-    random = (random % range) + aMin;
-    if (random > aMax)
-        random = aMax;
-    else if (random < aMin)
-        random = aMin;
-    return random;
-    }
-TTime CCreatorEngine::RandomTime(TTime baseTime, TRandomDateType type, TInt aMinHours, TInt aMaxHours, TInt aMinMinutes, TInt aMaxMinutes )
-    {
-    TInt randomHours = RandomNumber(aMinHours, aMaxHours);
-    TInt randomMinutes = RandomNumber(aMinMinutes, aMaxMinutes);
-    switch( type )
-    {
-    case EDatePast:
-        return (baseTime - TTimeIntervalHours(randomHours)) - TTimeIntervalMinutes(randomMinutes);
-    case EDateFuture:
-        return (baseTime + TTimeIntervalHours(randomHours)) + TTimeIntervalMinutes(randomMinutes);
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-    return baseTime;
-    }
-TTime CCreatorEngine::RandomDate(TTime baseTime, TRandomDateType type, TInt aMinDays, TInt aMaxDays)
-    {
-    TInt random = RandomNumber(aMinDays, aMaxDays);
-    switch( type )
-    {
-    case EDatePast:
-        return baseTime - TTimeIntervalDays(random);
-    case EDateFuture:
-        return baseTime + TTimeIntervalDays(random);
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-    return baseTime;
-    }
-TTime CCreatorEngine::RandomDate(TRandomDateType type, TInt aMinDays, TInt aMaxDays)
-    {    
-    TTime time;
-    // Set to current time:
-    time.HomeTime();
-    return RandomDate(time, type, aMinDays, aMaxDays);
-    }
-HBufC* CCreatorEngine::CreateEmailAddressLC()
-    {
-    _LIT(KCountry, "com");    
-    return CreateEmailAddressLC(RandomString(EFirstName), RandomString(ESurname), RandomString(ECompany), KCountry);
-    }
-HBufC* CCreatorEngine::CreateHTTPUrlLC()
-    {
-    _LIT(KProtocol, "http://");
-    _LIT(KPrefix, "www");
-    _LIT(KCountry, "com");
-    return CreateUrlLC(KProtocol, KPrefix, RandomString(ECompany), KCountry);
-    }
-HBufC* CCreatorEngine::CreateRandomStringLC(TInt aStrLen)
-    {
-    TInt minAscii = 65;
-    TInt maxAscii = 90;
-    HBufC* str = HBufC::NewL(aStrLen);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(str);
-    for( TInt i = 0; i < aStrLen; ++i )
-        {
-        TInt random = RandomNumber(minAscii, maxAscii);
-        TChar randomChar = TChar((TUint) random);
-        str->Des().Append(randomChar);
-        }    
-    return str;
-    }
-HBufC* CCreatorEngine::CreateEmailAddressLC(
-        const TDesC& firstname,
-        const TDesC& lastname,
-        const TDesC& domain,
-        const TDesC& country ) const
-        {
-        HBufC* email = HBufC::New(firstname.Length() + lastname.Length() + domain.Length() + country.Length() + 3);
-        CleanupStack::PushL(email);        
-        _LIT(KEmailAddr, "%S.%S@%S.%S");
-        email->Des().Format(KEmailAddr, &firstname, &lastname, &domain, &country);
-        return email;
-        }
-HBufC* CCreatorEngine::CreateUrlLC(
-        const TDesC& protocol,
-        const TDesC& prefix,
-        const TDesC& domain,
-        const TDesC& country) const
-    {
-    HBufC* url = HBufC::New(protocol.Size() + prefix.Size() + domain.Size() + country.Size() + 2);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(url);
-    _LIT(KUrl, "%S%S.%S.%S");
-    url->Des().Format(KUrl, &protocol, &prefix, &domain, &country);    
-    return url;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::SetDefaultPathForFileCommandL(TInt aCommand, TFileName& aPath)
-	{
-	aPath.Copy( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() );
-	switch (aCommand)
-	{
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_25kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_200kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_500kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryPNG_15kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryGIF_2kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryBMP_25kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntrySVG_15kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryTIF_25kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryJP2_65kB:
-		{  aPath.Append( PathInfo::ImagesPath() );  break;  }
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryRNG_1kB:
-		{  aPath.Append( PathInfo::SimpleSoundsPath() );  break;  }
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryMIDI_10kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryWAV_20kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryAMR_20kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryMP3_250kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryAAC_100kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryWMA_50kB:
-		{  aPath.Append( PathInfo::DigitalSoundsPath() );  break;  }
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntry3GPP_70kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryRM_95kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryMP4_200kB:
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryWMV_200kB:
-		{  aPath.Append( PathInfo::VideosPath() );  break;  }
-	case ECmdCreateFileEntryEmptyFolder:
-		{  aPath.Append( _L("MyFolder\\") );  break;  }
-	default:
-		{  aPath.Append( PathInfo::OthersPath() );  break;  }
-	}
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::CancelComplete()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::CancelComplete");
-    // free resources and show a note
-    TRAP_IGNORE( ShutDownEnginesL() );
-    TRAP_IGNORE(iEngineWrapper->ShowNote(_L("Cancelled")));
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TCommand::TCommand(TInt aCommandId, CCreatorModuleBaseParameters* aParameters)
-    {
-    iCommandId = aCommandId;
-    iParameters = aParameters;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CAsyncWaiter* CAsyncWaiter::NewL(TInt aPriority)
-	{
-	CAsyncWaiter* self = new(ELeave) CAsyncWaiter(aPriority);
-	return self;
-	}
-CAsyncWaiter* CAsyncWaiter::NewLC(TInt aPriority)
-	{
-	CAsyncWaiter* self = new(ELeave) CAsyncWaiter(aPriority);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	return self;
-	}
-CAsyncWaiter::CAsyncWaiter(TInt aPriority) : CActive(aPriority)
-	{
-	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
-	}	
-	{
-	Cancel();
-	}
-void CAsyncWaiter::StartAndWait()
-	{
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CAsyncWaiter::StartAndWait");
-    iStatus = KRequestPending;
-    SetActive();
-    iWait.Start();
-	}
-TInt CAsyncWaiter::Result() const
-	{
-	return iError;
-	}
-void CAsyncWaiter::RunL()
-	{
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CAsyncWaiter::RunL");
-	iError = iStatus.Int();
-	//CAknEnv::StopSchedulerWaitWithBusyMessage( iWait );
-	iWait.AsyncStop();
-	}
-void CAsyncWaiter::DoCancel()
-	{
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CAsyncWaiter::DoCancel");
-	iError = KErrCancel;
-    if( iStatus == KRequestPending )
-        {
-        TRequestStatus* s=&iStatus;
-        User::RequestComplete( s, KErrCancel );
-        }
-    iWait.AsyncStop();
-    //CAknEnv::StopSchedulerWaitWithBusyMessage( iWait );
-	}
-FileMapping::FileMapping( const TDesC& aAttName, TInt aAttId, TInt aCommandId )
-    :
-    iFileName(aAttName),
-    iFileId(aAttId),
-    iCommandId(aCommandId)
-    {}
-    const TDesC& FileMapping::FileName() const
-    {
-        return iFileName;
-    }
-    TInt FileMapping::FileId() const
-    {
-        return iFileId;
-    }   
-    TInt FileMapping::CommandId() const
-    {
-        return iCommandId;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  
-CDictionaryFileStore* CCreatorEngine::FileStoreLC()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::FileStoreLC");
-    CDictionaryFileStore* store;
-    // make sure that the private path of this app in c-drive exists
-    CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession().CreatePrivatePath( KRegisterDrive ); // c:\\private\\20011383\\
-    // handle register always in the private directory 
-    User::LeaveIfError( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession().SetSessionToPrivate( KRegisterDrive ) );
-    store = CDictionaryFileStore::OpenLC( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession(), KRegisterFileName, KUidCreatorApp );
-    return store;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::ReadEntryIdsFromStoreL( RArray<TInt>& aEntryIds, const TUid aModuleUid )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::ReadEntryIdsFromStoreL");
-    CDictionaryFileStore* store = FileStoreLC();
-    User::LeaveIfNull( store );
-    if ( store->IsPresentL( aModuleUid ) )
-        {
-        RDictionaryReadStream in;
-        in.OpenLC( *store, aModuleUid );
-        TFileName fullPath;
-        TInt err( KErrNone );
-        TInt id( KErrNotFound );
-        while ( !err )
-            {
-            TRAP( err, id = in.ReadInt32L() );  // will leave with KErrEof
-            if ( !err )
-                {
-                aEntryIds.AppendL( id );
-                }
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &in );
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::WriteEntryIdsToStoreL( RArray<TInt>& aEntryIds, const TUid aModuleUid )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::WriteEntryIdsToStoreL");
-    CDictionaryFileStore* store = FileStoreLC();
-    User::LeaveIfNull( store );
-    // backup previous ids from store
-    // otherwise they would be overwritten when calling out.WriteL
-    RArray<TInt> previousIds;
-    CleanupClosePushL( previousIds );
-    if ( store->IsPresentL( aModuleUid ) )
-        {
-        RDictionaryReadStream in;
-        in.OpenLC( *store, aModuleUid );        
-        TInt err( KErrNone );
-        TInt id( KErrNotFound );
-        while ( !err ) 
-            {
-            TRAP( err, id = in.ReadInt32L() ); // will leave with KErrEof
-            if ( !err )
-                {
-                previousIds.AppendL( id );
-                }
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &in );
-        }
-    RDictionaryWriteStream out;       
-    out.AssignLC( *store, aModuleUid );
-    // restore previous ids to store
-    for ( TInt i = 0; i < previousIds.Count(); i++ )
-        {
-        out.WriteInt32L( previousIds[i] );            
-        }
-    // write new ids to store
-    for ( TInt i = 0; i < aEntryIds.Count(); i++ )
-        {
-        out.WriteInt32L( aEntryIds[i] );        
-        }
-    out.CommitL();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &out );
-    store->CommitL();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &previousIds );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::ReadEntryIdsFromStoreL( RArray<TUint32>& aEntryIds, const TUid aModuleUid )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::ReadEntryIdsFromStoreL");
-    CDictionaryFileStore* store = FileStoreLC();
-    User::LeaveIfNull( store );
-    if ( store->IsPresentL( aModuleUid ) )
-        {
-        RDictionaryReadStream in;
-        in.OpenLC( *store, aModuleUid );
-        TFileName fullPath;
-        TInt err( KErrNone );
-        TUint32 id( KErrNone ); 
-        while ( !err )
-            {
-            TRAP( err, id = in.ReadUint32L() );  // will leave with KErrEof
-            if ( !err )
-                {
-                aEntryIds.AppendL( id );
-                }
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &in );
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::WriteEntryIdsToStoreL( RArray<TUint32>& aEntryIds, const TUid aModuleUid )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::WriteEntryIdsToStoreL");
-    CDictionaryFileStore* store = FileStoreLC();
-    User::LeaveIfNull( store );
-    // backup previous ids from store
-    // otherwise they would be overwritten when calling out.WriteL
-    RArray<TUint32> previousIds;
-    CleanupClosePushL( previousIds );
-    if ( store->IsPresentL( aModuleUid ) )
-        {
-        RDictionaryReadStream in;
-        in.OpenLC( *store, aModuleUid );
-        TInt err( KErrNone );
-        TUint32 id( KErrNone );
-        while ( !err ) 
-            {
-            TRAP( err, id = in.ReadUint32L() ); // will leave with KErrEof
-            if ( !err )
-                {
-                previousIds.AppendL( id );
-                }
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &in );
-        }
-    RDictionaryWriteStream out;       
-    out.AssignLC( *store, aModuleUid );
-    // restore previous ids to store
-    for ( TInt i = 0; i < previousIds.Count(); i++ )
-        {
-        out.WriteUint32L( previousIds[i] );            
-        }
-    // write new ids to store
-    for ( TInt i = 0; i < aEntryIds.Count(); i++ )
-        {
-        out.WriteUint32L( aEntryIds[i] );        
-        }
-    out.CommitL();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &out );
-    store->CommitL();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &previousIds );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCreatorEngine::RemoveStoreL( const TUid aModuleUid )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::RemoveStoreL");
-    CDictionaryFileStore* store = FileStoreLC();
-    User::LeaveIfNull( store );
-    if ( store->IsPresentL( aModuleUid ) )
-        {        
-        // entries of this module should be deleted by now,
-        // remove the Creator internal registry for this module
-        store->Remove( aModuleUid );
-        store->CommitL();
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
-    }
-void CCreatorEngine::GenerateSourceImageFileL(
-    const CCreatorEngine::TTestDataPath aFileType,
-    const TDesC& aFileName )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::GenerateSourceImageFileL");
-    // Peek file size
-    RFile file;
-    TInt fileSize( 0 );
-    // Using png file as the source file
-    TFileName fileName = TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EPNG_15kB );
-    User::LeaveIfError( file.Open( iEnv->FsSession(),
-                                   fileName,
-                                   EFileRead | EFileShareAny ) );
-    CleanupClosePushL( file );
-    User::LeaveIfError( file.Size( fileSize ) );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file );
-    // Using heap variables, because bitmaps 
-    // may reserve large amount of memory.
-    // Read data from the file
-    RFileReadStream ws;    
-    User::LeaveIfError( ws.Open( iEnv->FsSession(),
-                                 fileName,
-                                 EFileStream | EFileRead | EFileShareAny ) );
-    CleanupClosePushL( ws );
-    delete iBitmapData;
-    iBitmapData = NULL;
-    iBitmapData = HBufC8::NewL( fileSize );
-    TPtr8 dataPtr = iBitmapData->Des();
-    ws.ReadL( dataPtr, fileSize );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ws );
-    // Create decoder for the data
-    delete iDecoder;
-    iDecoder = NULL;
-    iDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL( iEnv->FsSession(), dataPtr );
-    iFrameinfo = iDecoder->FrameInfo();
-    // Create bitmap handle for the source image
-    iBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
-    User::LeaveIfError( iBitmap->Create( iFrameinfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.Size(), EColor16M ) );
-    // Convert the data from the file into bitmap format (inmemory)  
-    CAsyncWaiter* waiter = CAsyncWaiter::NewLC();
-    iDecoder->Convert( &waiter->iStatus, *iBitmap );
-    waiter->StartAndWait();
-    delete iDecoder;
-    iDecoder = NULL;
-    delete iBitmapData;
-    iBitmapData = NULL;
-    if ( iUserCancelled )
-        {
-        CancelComplete();
-        User::Leave( KErrCancel );
-        }
-    User::LeaveIfError( waiter->Result() );
-    // Define the target dimensions and image quality
-    // so that the generated file size will match required size.
-    // Quality and scaling factors are defined experimentally.
-    delete iScaler;
-    iScaler = NULL;
-    iScaler = CBitmapScaler::NewL();
-    iScaledBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
-    // use original size as base
-    TSize scaledSize( iFrameinfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels.Size() );
-    delete iFrameImageData;
-    iFrameImageData = NULL;
-    iFrameImageData = CFrameImageData::NewL();
-    TBuf8<64> mimeType;
-    TJpegImageData* jpegImageData( NULL );
-    TBmpImageData* bmpImageData( NULL );
-    switch ( aFileType )
-        {
-        case CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_25kB:
-            // QualityFactor = 93 and size factor = 2 -> 25kB jpeg file
-            mimeType.Copy( _L8("image/jpeg") );
-            jpegImageData = new (ELeave) TJpegImageData;
-            // Set some format specific data
-            jpegImageData->iSampleScheme = TJpegImageData::EColor444;
-            jpegImageData->iQualityFactor = 93; // 0..100
-            // ownership passed to iFrameImageData after AppendImageData
-            User::LeaveIfError( iFrameImageData->AppendImageData( jpegImageData ) );
-            scaledSize.iHeight *= 2;
-            scaledSize.iWidth *= 2;
-            break;
-        case CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_200kB:
-            {
-            mimeType.Copy( _L8("image/jpeg") );
-            jpegImageData = new (ELeave) TJpegImageData;
-            // Set some format specific data
-            jpegImageData->iSampleScheme = TJpegImageData::EColor444;
-#ifdef __WINS__
-            // QualityFactor = 95 and size factor = 7 -> 196kB jpeg file
-            jpegImageData->iQualityFactor = 95; // 0..100
-            scaledSize.iHeight *= 7;
-            scaledSize.iWidth *= 7;
-            // In hw the image compression seems to work
-            // more efficiently. Need to set greater values.
-            jpegImageData->iQualityFactor = 100; // 0..100
-            scaledSize.iHeight *= 7;
-            scaledSize.iWidth *= 7;
-            // 100, 7, 7 -> 213kB
-            // ownership passed to iFrameImageData after AppendImageData
-            User::LeaveIfError( iFrameImageData->AppendImageData( jpegImageData ) );
-            break;
-            }
-        case CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_500kB:
-            {
-            mimeType.Copy( _L8("image/jpeg") );
-            jpegImageData = new (ELeave) TJpegImageData;
-            // Set some format specific data
-            jpegImageData->iSampleScheme = TJpegImageData::EColor444;
-#ifdef __WINS__
-            // QualityFactor = 99 and size factor = 8 -> 514kB jpeg file
-            jpegImageData->iQualityFactor = 99; // 0..100
-            scaledSize.iHeight *= 8;
-            scaledSize.iWidth *= 8;
-            // In hw the image compression seems to work
-            // more efficiently. Need to set greater values. 
-            jpegImageData->iQualityFactor = 100; // 0..100
-            scaledSize.iHeight *= 13;
-            scaledSize.iWidth *= 13;
-            // 100, 13, 13 -> 535kB
-            // ownership passed to iFrameImageData after AppendImageData
-            User::LeaveIfError( iFrameImageData->AppendImageData( jpegImageData ) );
-            break;
-            }
-        case CCreatorEngine::EBMP_25kB:
-            {
-            // bit depyh 8 and 11/10 size factor -> 25kB bmp
-            mimeType.Copy( _L8("image/bmp") );
-            bmpImageData = new (ELeave) TBmpImageData;
-            bmpImageData->iBitsPerPixel = 8;
-            // ownership passed to iFrameImageData after AppendImageData
-            User::LeaveIfError( iFrameImageData->AppendImageData( bmpImageData ) );
-            scaledSize.iHeight *= 11;
-            scaledSize.iWidth *= 11;
-            scaledSize.iHeight /= 10;
-            scaledSize.iWidth /= 10;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CCreatorEngine::EGIF_2kB:
-            {
-            // size factor 1/2 -> 2560B gif
-            mimeType.Copy( _L8("image/gif") );
-            // GIF encoder is not configurable, only the size matters here
-            scaledSize.iHeight /= 2;
-            scaledSize.iWidth /= 2;
-            break;
-            }
-        default: break;
-        }
-    // Scale to reach target size
-    User::LeaveIfError( iScaledBitmap->Create( scaledSize, EColor16M ) );
-    iScaler->Scale( &waiter->iStatus, *iBitmap, *iScaledBitmap );
-    waiter->StartAndWait();
-    delete iBitmap;
-    iBitmap = NULL;
-    delete iScaler;
-    iScaler = NULL;
-    if ( iUserCancelled )
-        {
-        CancelComplete();
-        User::Leave( KErrCancel );
-        }
-    User::LeaveIfError( waiter->Result() );
-    // Encode to target format
-    delete iEncoder;
-    iEncoder = NULL;
-    // Creating CImageEncoder opens the target file
-    iEncoder = CImageEncoder::FileNewL( iEnv->FsSession(), aFileName, mimeType );
-    // Do the conversion to target format, this will write to the file
-    iEncoder->Convert( &waiter->iStatus, *iScaledBitmap, iFrameImageData );
-    waiter->StartAndWait();
-    delete iEncoder;
-    iEncoder = NULL;
-    delete iFrameImageData;
-    iFrameImageData = NULL;
-    delete iScaledBitmap;
-    iScaledBitmap = NULL;
-    if ( iUserCancelled )
-        {
-        CancelComplete();
-        User::Leave( KErrCancel );
-        }
-    User::LeaveIfError( waiter->Result() );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( waiter );
-    }
-void CCreatorEngine::GenereteSourceTextFileL( const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aSize )
-    {
-    LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorEngine::GenereteSourceTextFileL");
-    RFile txtFile;
-    _LIT8( KTestContent, "Testing... ");
-    _LIT8( KTestContentCRLF, "\r\n");
-    txtFile.Create( iEnv->FsSession(),
-                    aFileName,
-                    EFileStreamText | EFileWrite | EFileShareAny );
-    CleanupClosePushL( txtFile );
-    for ( TInt i = 1; i*KTestContent().Length() < aSize; i++ )
-        {
-        User::LeaveIfError( txtFile.Write( KTestContent ) );
-        if ( !( i % 10 ) ) // linefeed for every 10th
-            {
-            User::LeaveIfError( txtFile.Write( KTestContentCRLF ) );
-            }
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &txtFile );
-    }