changeset 43 48060abbbeaf
parent 42 d40e813b23c0
child 45 b3cee849fa46
--- a/htiui/HtiServicePlugins/HtiPIMServicePlugin/src/HtiSimDirHandler.cpp	Thu Jul 15 18:39:46 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- * All rights reserved.
- * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
- * at the URL "".
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
- *
- * Contributors:
- *
- * Description:  Implementation of SIM card contacts handling using the new
- *                Virtual Phonebook API
- *
- */
-#include "HtiSimDirHandler.h"
-#include "HtiPIMServicePlugin.h"
-#include <HtiDispatcherInterface.h>
-#include <HtiLogging.h>
-#include <mmtsy_names.h>
-#include <mpbutil.h> 
-const TInt KSimInfoResponseLength = 12;
-const TInt KOneSimContactBufferSize = 512;
-_LIT8( KErrorUnrecognizedCommand, "Unrecognized command" );
-_LIT8( KErrorInvalidParameters, "Invalid command parameters" );
-_LIT8( KErrorImportFailed, "Contact import failed" );
-_LIT8( KErrorDeleteFailed, "Failed to delete contact" );
-_LIT8( KErrorSimCardInfoFailed, "Failed to get SIM card info" );
-_LIT8( KErrorFieldNotSupported, "Field is not supported");
-_LIT8( KErrorFieldTooBig, "Filed is too long");
-//_LIT8( KErrorSimStoreOpenFailed, "Failed to open SIM contact store" );
-//_LIT8( KErrorSimStoreUnavailable, "SIM contact store unavailable" );
-//_LIT8( KErrorContactOperationFailed, "SIM contact operation failed" );
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CHtiSimDirHandler* CHtiSimDirHandler::NewL()
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::NewL" );
-    CHtiSimDirHandler* self = new (ELeave) CHtiSimDirHandler();
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop();
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::NewL" );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::CHtiSimDirHandler
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CHtiSimDirHandler::CHtiSimDirHandler() :
-    iIsBusy(EFalse), iStoreIsOpen(EFalse)
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::CHtiSimDirHandler" );
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::CHtiSimDirHandler" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::~CHtiSimDirHandler
-// Destructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::~CHtiSimDirHandler" );
-    iEtelStore.Close();
-    iEtelPhone.Close();
-    iEtelServer.Close();
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::~CHtiSimDirHandler" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHtiSimDirHandler::ConstructL()
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::ConstructL" );
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::ConstructL" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::SetDispatcher
-// Sets the dispatcher pointer.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHtiSimDirHandler::SetDispatcher(MHtiDispatcher* aDispatcher)
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::SetDispatcher" );
-    iDispatcher = aDispatcher;
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::SetDispatcher" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::ProcessMessageL
-// Parses the received message and calls handler functions.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHtiSimDirHandler::ProcessMessageL(const TDesC8& aMessage,
-        THtiMessagePriority /*aPriority*/)
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::ProcessMessageL" );
-    if (iStoreIsOpen == EFalse)
-        {
-        User::LeaveIfError(iEtelServer.Connect());
-        User::LeaveIfError(iEtelServer.LoadPhoneModule(KMmTsyModuleName));
-        User::LeaveIfError(iEtelPhone.Open(iEtelServer, KMmTsyPhoneName));
-        User::LeaveIfError(iEtelStore.Open(iEtelPhone, KETelIccAdnPhoneBook));
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT( "SIM card open" );
-        iStoreIsOpen = ETrue;
-        }
-    if (iIsBusy)
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT( "HtiSimDirHandler is busy - leaving" );
-        User::Leave(KErrInUse);
-        }
-    // Will be set to EFalse in the SendOkMsgL or SendErrorMessageL methods.
-    iIsBusy = ETrue;
-    // Zero legth of aMessage tested already in CHtiPIMServicePlugin.
-    // Other sanity checks must be done here.
-    TInt err = KErrNone;
-    TUint8 command = aMessage.Ptr()[0];
-    switch (command)
-        {
-        case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::ESimCardInfo:
-            {
-            TRAP(err ,HandleSimCardInfoL(aMessage.Right(aMessage.Length() - 1)));
-            break;
-            }
-        case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EImportSimContact:
-            {
-            TRAP(err ,HandleSimContactImportL(aMessage.Right(aMessage.Length() - 1)));
-            break;
-            }
-        case CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EDeleteSimContact:
-            {
-            TRAP(err ,HandleSimContactDeleteL(aMessage.Right(aMessage.Length() - 1)));
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            {
-            SendErrorMessageL(KErrArgument, KErrorUnrecognizedCommand);
-            return;
-            }
-        }
-    if (err != KErrNone)
-        {
-        iIsBusy = EFalse;
-        User::Leave(err);
-        } 
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::ProcessMessageL" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::IsBusy
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CHtiSimDirHandler::IsBusy()
-    {
-    return iIsBusy;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimCardInfoL
-// Gets information about the SIM card.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimCardInfoL(const TDesC8& aData)
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimCardInfoL" );
-    if (aData.Length() != 0)
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CHtiSimDirHandler: wrong length of data" );
-        SendErrorMessageL(KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidParameters);
-        return;
-        }
-    RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV5 etelStoreInfo;
-    RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV5Pckg etelStoreInfoPckg(etelStoreInfo);
-    TRequestStatus requestStatus;
-    iEtelStore.GetInfo(requestStatus, (TDes8&) etelStoreInfoPckg);
-    User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
-    if (requestStatus.Int() != KErrNone)
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CHtiSimDirHandler: Failed to get SIM card info" );
-        SendErrorMessageL(requestStatus.Int(), KErrorSimCardInfoFailed);
-        return;
-        }
-    // Create and send response message
-    TBuf8<KSimInfoResponseLength> reply;
-    reply.Append(etelStoreInfo.iMaxSecondNames > 0 ? etelStoreInfo.iMaxSecondNames : 0);
-    reply.Append(etelStoreInfo.iMaxAdditionalNumbers > 0 ? etelStoreInfo.iMaxAdditionalNumbers : 0);
-    reply.Append(etelStoreInfo.iMaxEmailAddr > 0 ? etelStoreInfo.iMaxEmailAddr : 0);
-    reply.Append(etelStoreInfo.iMaxTextLength > 0 ? etelStoreInfo.iMaxTextLength : 0);
-    reply.Append(etelStoreInfo.iMaxNumLength > 0 ? etelStoreInfo.iMaxNumLength : 0);
-    reply.Append(etelStoreInfo.iMaxTextLengthSecondName > 0 ? 
-        etelStoreInfo.iMaxTextLengthSecondName : 0);
-    reply.Append(etelStoreInfo.iMaxNumLengthAdditionalNumber > 0?
-        etelStoreInfo.iMaxNumLengthAdditionalNumber : 0);
-    reply.Append(etelStoreInfo.iMaxTextLengthEmailAddr > 0 ? etelStoreInfo.iMaxTextLengthEmailAddr : 0);
-    reply.Append( ( TUint8* ) ( &etelStoreInfo.iTotalEntries ), 2 );
-    reply.Append( ( TUint8* ) ( &etelStoreInfo.iUsedEntries ), 2 );
-    SendOkMsgL(reply);
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimCardInfoL" );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimContactImportL
-// Imports the contact to SIM card.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimContactImportL(const TDesC8& aData)
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimContactImportL" );
-    if(CheckImportMsg(aData) == EFalse)
-        {
-        return;
-        }
-    RBuf8 buffer;
-    buffer.CreateL(KOneSimContactBufferSize);
-    CleanupClosePushL(buffer);
-    CPhoneBookBuffer* pbBuffer = new (ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer();
-    CleanupStack::PushL(pbBuffer);
-    pbBuffer->Set(&buffer);
-    //add new enty tag
-    User::LeaveIfError(pbBuffer->AddNewEntryTag());
-    TInt offset = 0;
-    TInt fieldCount = aData[offset];
-    offset++;
-    for (TInt i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Processing field %d", i + 1 );
-        TContactFieldType type = (TContactFieldType) aData[offset];
-        offset++;
-        TInt fieldLength = aData[offset];
-        offset++;
-        HBufC* fieldData = HBufC::NewLC(fieldLength);
-        fieldData->Des().Copy(aData.Mid(offset, fieldLength));
-        switch (type)
-            {
-            case ENameField:
-                User::LeaveIfError(pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue(
-                        RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, fieldData->Des()));
-                break;
-            case ESecondNameField:
-                User::LeaveIfError(pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue(
-                        RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBSecondName,
-                        fieldData->Des()));
-                break;
-            case EPhoneNumberField:
-                User::LeaveIfError(
-                        pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue(
-                                RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber,
-                                fieldData->Des()));
-                break;
-            case EEMailField:
-                User::LeaveIfError(pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue(
-                        RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBEmailAddress,
-                        fieldData->Des()));
-                break;
-            case EAdditNumberField:
-                User::LeaveIfError(pbBuffer->AddNewNumberTag());
-                User::LeaveIfError(
-                        pbBuffer->PutTagAndValue(
-                                RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber,
-                                fieldData->Des()));
-                break;
-            default:
-                HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Unknown field type %d", type );
-                User::Leave(KErrArgument);
-                break;
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fieldData
-        offset += fieldLength;
-        }
-    // save contact into sim card
-    TInt index = -1;
-    TRequestStatus status;
-    //store the entry in the first free location and then return 
-    //this location within index when it completes the request
-    iEtelStore.Write(status, buffer, index);
-    User::WaitForRequest(status);
-    if(status.Int() != KErrNone)
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT("Failed to add SIM contact");
-        SendErrorMessageL( status.Int(), KErrorImportFailed );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT( "SIM contact added" );
-        TBuf8<4> idBuf;
-        idBuf.Append( ( TUint8* ) &index, 4 );
-        SendOkMsgL( idBuf );
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // buffer, pbBuffer
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimContactImportL" );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimContactDeleteL
-// Creates a contact view containing the contacts to be deleted.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimContactDeleteL(const TDesC8& aData)
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimContactDeleteL" );
-    TInt dataLength = aData.Length();
-    if ( dataLength != 0 && dataLength != 4 )
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CHtiSimDirHandler: Wrong length of data" )
-        SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidParameters );
-        return;
-        }
-    TRequestStatus status;
-    if (dataLength == 0) //delete all
-        {
-        iEtelStore.DeleteAll(status);
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT("Delete all SIM contacts");
-        }
-    else //delete one contact with given id
-        {
-        TInt id = aData[0] + (aData[1] << 8) + (aData[2] << 16) + (aData[3]
-                << 24);
-        HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Delete SIM contact with id %d", id );
-        iEtelStore.Delete(status, id);
-        }
-    User::WaitForRequest(status);
-    if(status.Int() != KErrNone)
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT("Failed to delete contact(s)");
-        SendErrorMessageL( status.Int(), KErrorDeleteFailed );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT("SIM contact(s) deleted");
-        SendOkMsgL( KNullDesC8 );
-        }
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::HandleSimContactDeleteL" );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::CheckImportMsg
-// Validates the syntax of import contact message.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CHtiSimDirHandler::CheckImportMsg(const TDesC8& aData)
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::CheckImportMsg" );
-    // Import command syntax:
-    //   amount of fields     (1 byte)   __
-    //   type of field        (1 byte)     |
-    //   length of data field (1 byte)     | repeated <amount of fields> times
-    //   field data           (variable) __|
-    TInt length = aData.Length();
-    if (length < 4) // min length 4 bytes
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Message too short %d", length );
-        SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidParameters );
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV5 etelStoreInfo;
-    RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV5Pckg etelStoreInfoPckg(etelStoreInfo);
-    TRequestStatus requestStatus;
-    iEtelStore.GetInfo(requestStatus, (TDes8&) etelStoreInfoPckg);
-    User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus);
-    if (requestStatus.Int() != KErrNone)
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT( "CHtiSimDirHandler: Failed to get SIM card info" );
-        SendErrorMessageL(requestStatus.Int(), KErrorSimCardInfoFailed);
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    TInt offset = 0;
-    TInt fieldCount = aData[offset];
-    HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Fields %d", fieldCount );
-    if (fieldCount < 1) // must be at least one field
-        {
-        SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidParameters );
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    offset++;
-    TInt fieldsFound = 0;
-    while (offset < length)
-        {
-        fieldsFound++;
-        TContactFieldType fieldType = (TContactFieldType) aData[offset];
-        HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Field type %d", fieldType );
-        TInt maxLength = 0;
-        if(fieldType == ENameField)
-            {
-            maxLength = etelStoreInfo.iMaxTextLength;
-            }
-        else if(fieldType == ESecondNameField)
-            {
-            maxLength = etelStoreInfo.iMaxTextLengthSecondName;
-            }
-        else if(fieldType == EPhoneNumberField)
-            {
-            maxLength = etelStoreInfo.iMaxNumLength;
-            }
-        else if(fieldType == EEMailField)
-            {
-            maxLength = etelStoreInfo.iMaxTextLengthEmailAddr;
-            }
-        else if(fieldType == EAdditNumberField)
-            {
-            maxLength = etelStoreInfo.iMaxNumLengthAdditionalNumber;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            HTI_LOG_TEXT("Unknown field type");
-            SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidParameters );
-            return EFalse; // invalid field type
-            }
-        if(maxLength <= 0)
-            {
-            HTI_LOG_TEXT("Field not supported");
-            SendErrorMessageL(KErrArgument, KErrorFieldNotSupported);
-            return EFalse;
-            }
-        offset++; // the type of field byte
-        if (offset >= length)
-            {
-            SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidParameters );
-            return EFalse;
-            }
-        TInt fieldLength = aData[offset];
-        HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Field length %d", fieldLength );
-        if (fieldLength < 1)
-            {
-            SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidParameters );
-            return EFalse; // Field data can not be empty
-            }
-        else if(fieldLength > maxLength)
-            {
-            HTI_LOG_TEXT("The length of field is too long");
-            SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorFieldTooBig );
-            return EFalse;
-            }
-        offset++; // advance over the length of data byte
-        offset += fieldLength; // and the field data
-        }
-    if (offset == length && fieldsFound == fieldCount)
-        {
-        HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Message OK" );
-        return ETrue;
-        }
-    SendErrorMessageL( KErrArgument, KErrorInvalidParameters );
-    return EFalse;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::SendOkMsgL
-// Helper function for sending response messages.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHtiSimDirHandler::SendOkMsgL(const TDesC8& aData)
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::SendOkMsgL" );
-    iIsBusy = EFalse; // Done with the current request
-    User::LeaveIfNull(iDispatcher);
-    HBufC8* temp = HBufC8::NewL(aData.Length() + 1);
-    TPtr8 response = temp->Des();
-    response.Append((TChar) CHtiPIMServicePlugin::EResultOk);
-    response.Append(aData);
-    User::LeaveIfError(iDispatcher->DispatchOutgoingMessage(temp,
-            KPIMServiceUid));
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::SendOkMsgL" );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CHtiSimDirHandler::SendErrorMessageL
-// Helper function for sending error response messages.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CHtiSimDirHandler::SendErrorMessageL(TInt aError,
-        const TDesC8& aDescription)
-    {
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiSimDirHandler::SendErrorMessageL" );
-    iIsBusy = EFalse; // Done with the current request
-    User::LeaveIfNull(iDispatcher);
-    User::LeaveIfError(iDispatcher->DispatchOutgoingErrorMessage(aError,
-            aDescription, KPIMServiceUid));
-    HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiSimDirHandler::SendErrorMessageL" );
-    }
-// End of file