changeset 17 4f2773374eff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/stifui/avkon/uitestserverstarter/src/AknUiEnvProxy.cpp	Fri May 14 15:53:02 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This module contains the implementation of 
+* CAknUiEnvProxy class member functions.
+#include "AknUiEnvProxy.h"
+#include "UITestServerStarterAppUi.h"
+#include "EventUtil.h"
+#include <coeaui.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <apgtask.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =========================================
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: NewL
+     Description: NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
+     NewL is first phase of two-phased constructor.
+     Parameters: CUITestServerStarterAppUi* aAppUi: in: Pointer to CUITestServerStarterAppUi.
+     Return Values: Pointer to new CAknUiEnvProxy object.
+     Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if new or ConstructL leaves.
+     Status: Draft
+CAknUiEnvProxy* CAknUiEnvProxy::NewL( CUITestServerStarterAppUi* aAppUi )
+	{
+	CAknUiEnvProxy* self = new(ELeave)CAknUiEnvProxy();
+	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+	self->ConstructL( aAppUi );
+	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+	return self;
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: ConstructL
+     Description: ConstructL is second phase of two-phased constructor.
+     Performs construction of CAknUiEnvProxy object.
+     Parameters: CUITestServerStarterAppUi* aAppUi: in: Pointer to CUITestServerStarterAppUi.
+     Return Values: None.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+void CAknUiEnvProxy::ConstructL( CUITestServerStarterAppUi* aAppUi )
+	{	
+	iAppUi = aAppUi;
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: BringToForeground
+     Description: Brings UI component container to foreground.
+     Brings UI component container to foreground. 
+     Parameters: None.
+     Return Values: None.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+void CAknUiEnvProxy::BringToForeground()
+	{
+	TApaTask task( CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession() );
+	task.SetWgId( CCoeEnv::Static()->RootWin().Identifier() );
+	task.BringToForeground();	
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: SendToBackground
+     Description: Sends UI component container to background.
+     Sends UI component container to background.
+     Parameters: None.
+     Return Values: None.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+void CAknUiEnvProxy::SendToBackground(  )
+	{
+	TApaTask task( CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession() );
+	task.SetWgId( CCoeEnv::Static()->RootWin().Identifier() ); 
+	task.SendToBackground();		
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: PressKeyL
+     Description: Sends local key press event to UI component.
+     Sends key press event to UI component. UI component must be first added to 
+     AppUi stack to be able to recive this key event. 
+     Parameters: TRequestStatus* aStatus: out: Pointer to request status used to notify that
+     										   key event was recived.
+     			 TUint aKeyCode: in: Key code.
+     			 TInt aKeyScanCode: in: Key scan code.
+     			 TUint aKeyModifiers: in: Key modifiers
+     			 TInt aKeyRepeats: in: Key press repeats count.
+     Return Values: None.
+     Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if some error occurs during key event sending.
+     Status: Draft
+void CAknUiEnvProxy::PressKeyL( TRequestStatus* aStatus, TUint aKeyCode, TInt aKeyScanCode, 
+							   TUint aKeyModifiers, TInt aKeyRepeats )
+	{
+	// Fill key event structure
+	TWsEvent wsEvent;
+	wsEvent.SetType(EEventKey);
+	TKeyEvent* keyEvent = wsEvent.Key();
+	keyEvent->iCode = aKeyCode;
+	keyEvent->iScanCode = aKeyScanCode;
+	keyEvent->iModifiers = aKeyModifiers;
+	keyEvent->iRepeats = aKeyRepeats;
+	// Send info to AppUi that we are going to send key event
+	iAppUi->PrepareToPressKey();
+	RWsSession& wsSession = CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession();
+	TInt wgId = CCoeEnv::Static()->RootWin().Identifier();	
+	// Send key event
+	TInt ret = wsSession.SendEventToWindowGroup( wgId, wsEvent );
+	User::LeaveIfError( ret );
+	wsSession.Flush();
+	// Request notification when key press is handled
+	*aStatus = KRequestPending;
+	iAppUi->NotifyAboutHandledKeyPress( aStatus );
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: PressKeyL
+     Description: Sends global key press event to UI component.
+     Sends key press event to UI component which is currently focuused. 
+     Parameters: TUint aKeyCode: in: Key code.
+     			 TInt aKeyScanCode: in: Key scan code.
+     			 TUint aKeyModifiers: in: Key modifiers
+     			 TInt aKeyRepeats: in: Key press repeats count.
+     Return Values: None.
+     Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if some error occurs during key event sending.
+     Status: Draft
+void CAknUiEnvProxy::PressKeyL( TUint aKeyCode, TInt aKeyScanCode, 
+							   TUint aKeyModifiers, TInt aKeyRepeats )
+	{	
+	// Fill key event structure
+	TWsEvent wsEvent;
+	wsEvent.SetType(EEventKey);
+	TKeyEvent* keyEvent = wsEvent.Key();
+	keyEvent->iCode = aKeyCode;
+	keyEvent->iScanCode = aKeyScanCode;
+	keyEvent->iModifiers = aKeyModifiers;
+	keyEvent->iRepeats = aKeyRepeats;
+	RWsSession& wsSession = CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession();	
+	TInt wgId = wsSession.GetFocusWindowGroup();	
+	TInt ret = wsSession.SendEventToWindowGroup( wgId, wsEvent );	
+	User::LeaveIfError( ret );
+	wsSession.Flush();
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: TypeTextL
+     Description: Sends text to UI component.
+     Sends text to UI component. UI component must be first added to 
+     AppUi stack to be able to recive this key event. 
+     Parameters: TRequestStatus* aStatus: out: Pointer to request status used to notify that
+     										   key event was recived.
+    			 TPtrC aText: in: Text which will be send to UI component. 
+     Return Values: None.
+     Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if some error occurs during key event sending.
+     Status: Draft
+void CAknUiEnvProxy::TypeTextL( TRequestStatus* aStatus, const TDesC& aText )
+	{
+	TLex textParser( aText );
+	// Send info to AppUi that we are going to send text
+	iAppUi->PrepareToTypeText( aText.Length() );
+	TInt wgId = CCoeEnv::Static()->RootWin().Identifier();
+	RWsSession& wsSession = CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession();
+	TChar character = 0;
+	while ( ( character = textParser.Get() ) != 0 )
+		{
+		// Fill key event structure
+		TWsEvent wsEvent;
+		wsEvent.SetType(EEventKey);
+		TKeyEvent* keyEvent = wsEvent.Key();
+		keyEvent->iCode = character;
+		keyEvent->iScanCode = 0;
+		keyEvent->iModifiers = 0;
+		keyEvent->iRepeats = 0;
+		// Send single character from text to UI component
+		TInt ret = wsSession.SendEventToWindowGroup( wgId, wsEvent );
+		User::LeaveIfError( ret );
+		wsSession.Flush();
+		}
+	// Request notification when send text is recived
+	*aStatus = KRequestPending;
+	iAppUi->NotifyAboutHandledTextType( aStatus );	
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: TypeTextL
+     Description: Sends global text to UI component.
+     Sends global text to UI component. UI component must be focused to receive that event. 
+     Parameters: TPtrC aText: in: Text which will be send to UI component. 
+     Return Values: None.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+void CAknUiEnvProxy::TypeTextL( const TDesC& aText )
+	{
+	TLex textParser( aText );
+	RWsSession& wsSession = CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession();
+	TInt wgId = wsSession.GetFocusWindowGroup();
+	TChar character = 0;	
+	while ( ( character = textParser.Get() ) != 0 )
+		{
+		// Fill key event structure
+		TWsEvent wsEvent;
+		wsEvent.SetType(EEventKey);
+		TKeyEvent* keyEvent = wsEvent.Key();
+		keyEvent->iCode = character;
+		keyEvent->iScanCode = 0;
+		keyEvent->iModifiers = 0;
+		keyEvent->iRepeats = 0;
+		// Send single character from text to UI component
+		TInt ret = wsSession.SendEventToWindowGroup( wgId, wsEvent );			
+		User::LeaveIfError( ret );
+		wsSession.Flush();
+		}
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: SendPointerEventL
+     Description: Send pointer event
+     Send pointer event.
+     Parameters: TUint aType: in: KEvent type.
+     			 const TPoint& aPosition: in: Position.
+     Return Values: None.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+void CAknUiEnvProxy::SendPointerEventL( TUint aType, const TPoint& aPosition )
+	{
+	RWsSession& wsSession = CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession();
+	TRawEvent pointerEvent;
+	if ( aType < TEventUtil::EButton1 ) {
+		pointerEvent.Set( ( TRawEvent::TType )aType, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+		wsSession.SimulateRawEvent( pointerEvent );
+		} 
+	else if ( ( aType >= TEventUtil::EButton1 ) && ( aType <= TEventUtil::EButton3 ) )
+		{
+		TRawEvent pointerEventDown;
+		TRawEvent pointerEventUp;
+		switch ( aType )
+			{
+			case TEventUtil::EButton1:
+				{
+				pointerEventDown.Set( TRawEvent::EButton1Down, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				pointerEventUp.Set( TRawEvent::EButton1Up, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				}
+				break;
+			case TEventUtil::EButton2:
+				{
+				pointerEventDown.Set( TRawEvent::EButton2Down, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				pointerEventUp.Set( TRawEvent::EButton2Up, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				}
+				break;
+			case TEventUtil::EButton3:
+				{
+				pointerEventDown.Set( TRawEvent::EButton3Down, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				pointerEventUp.Set( TRawEvent::EButton3Up, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+			}
+		wsSession.SimulateRawEvent( pointerEventDown );
+		wsSession.Flush();
+		wsSession.SimulateRawEvent( pointerEventUp );
+		wsSession.Flush();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+		}	
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: SendPointerEventL
+     Description: Send pointer event
+     Send pointer event.
+     Parameters: TRequestStatus* aStatus: in: Pointer to request status used to notify that
+     										  pointer event was recived.
+     			 TUint aType: in: KEvent type.
+     			 const TPoint& aPosition: in: Position.
+     Return Values: None.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+void CAknUiEnvProxy::SendPointerEventL( TRequestStatus* aStatus, TUint aType, const TPoint& aPosition )
+	{
+	RWsSession& wsSession = CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession();
+	if ( aType < TEventUtil::EButton1 ) {
+		TRawEvent pointerEvent;
+		pointerEvent.Set( ( TRawEvent::TType )aType, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+		// Send info to AppUi that we are going to send key event
+		iAppUi->PrepareToPointerEvent();
+		wsSession.SimulateRawEvent( pointerEvent );
+		// Request notification when key press is handled
+		*aStatus = KRequestPending;
+		iAppUi->NotifyAboutHandledPointerEvent( aStatus );	
+		} 
+	else if ( ( aType >= TEventUtil::EButton1 ) && ( aType <= TEventUtil::EButton3 ) )
+		{
+		TRawEvent pointerEventDown;
+		TRawEvent pointerEventUp;
+		switch ( aType )
+			{
+			case TEventUtil::EButton1:
+				{
+				pointerEventDown.Set( TRawEvent::EButton1Down, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				pointerEventUp.Set( TRawEvent::EButton1Up, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				}
+				break;
+			case TEventUtil::EButton2:
+				{
+				pointerEventDown.Set( TRawEvent::EButton2Down, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				pointerEventUp.Set( TRawEvent::EButton2Up, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				}
+				break;
+			case TEventUtil::EButton3:
+				{
+				pointerEventDown.Set( TRawEvent::EButton3Down, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				pointerEventUp.Set( TRawEvent::EButton3Up, aPosition.iX, aPosition.iY );
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+			}
+			CCoeEnv::Static()->RootWin().SimulatePointerEvent( pointerEventDown );
+			wsSession.Flush();
+			// Send info to AppUi that we are going to send key event
+			iAppUi->PrepareToPointerEvent();
+			CCoeEnv::Static()->RootWin().SimulatePointerEvent( pointerEventUp );
+			wsSession.Flush();
+			// Request notification when key press is handled
+			*aStatus = KRequestPending;
+			iAppUi->NotifyAboutHandledPointerEvent( aStatus );	
+		} 
+	else
+		{
+		User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+		}
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: ParseKeyCode
+     Description: Parses key code.
+     Parses key code.
+     Parameters: TDesC& aKeyCodeName: in: Key code name.
+     			 TUint& aKeyCode: out: Parsed key code.
+     Return Values: KErrNone if no error occures during parsing.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+TInt CAknUiEnvProxy::ParseKeyCode( const TDesC& aKeyCodeName, TUint& aKeyCode ) const
+	{
+	return TEventUtil::ParseKeyCode( aKeyCodeName, aKeyCode );
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: ParseKeyScanCode
+     Description: Parses key scan code.
+     Parses key scan code.
+     Parameters: TDesC& aKeyScanCodeName: in: Key scan code name.
+     			 TUint& aKeyScanCode: out: Parsed key scan code.
+     Return Values: KErrNone if no error occures during parsing.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+TInt CAknUiEnvProxy::ParseKeyScanCode( const TDesC& aKeyScanCodeName, TInt& aKeyScanCode ) const
+	{
+	return TEventUtil::ParseKeyScanCode( aKeyScanCodeName, aKeyScanCode );
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: ParseModifier
+     Description: Parses key modifier.
+     Parses key modifier.
+     Parameters: TDesC& aModifierName: in: Key modifier.
+     			 TUint& aModifier: out: Parsed key modifier.
+     Return Values: KErrNone if no error occures during parsing.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+TInt CAknUiEnvProxy::ParseModifier( const TDesC& aModifierName, TUint& aModifier ) const
+	{
+	return TEventUtil::ParseModifier( aModifierName, aModifier );
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: ParsePointerEventType
+     Description: Parses pointer event type.
+     Parses key modifier.
+     Parameters: const TDesC& aPointerEventTypeName: in: Pointer event type.
+     			 TUint& aModifier: out: Parsed pointer event type.
+     Return Values: KErrNone if no error occures during parsing.
+     Errors/Exceptions: None.
+     Status: Draft
+TInt CAknUiEnvProxy::ParsePointerEventType( const TDesC& aPointerEventTypeName, TUint& aPointerEventType ) const
+	{
+	return TEventUtil::ParsePointerEventType( aPointerEventTypeName, aPointerEventType );
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Description: C++ constructor.
+     C++ constructor.
+     Parameters: None
+     Return Values: None
+     Errors/Exceptions: None
+     Status: Draft
+	{	
+	}
+     Class: CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Method: ~CAknUiEnvProxy
+     Description: C++ destructor.
+     C++ destructor.
+     Parameters: None
+     Return Values: None
+     Errors/Exceptions: None
+     Status: Draft
+	{	
+	}
+// End of File