changeset 22 822c625f7adc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/piprofilerui/ui/avkon/src/profiler_gui_model.cpp	Wed Jun 09 09:42:37 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1176 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   
+#include "profiler_gui_samplersettingsviewdlg.h"
+#include "profiler_gui_model.h"
+#include "profiler_gui_app.h"
+#include "profiler_gui_settingsviewdlg.h"
+#include "profiler_gui_maincontainer.h"
+#include "profiler_gui.hrh"
+#include <piprofilerui.rsg>
+#include <coeutils.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
+#include <AknGlobalNote.h>
+#include <aknmessagequerydialog.h> 
+#include <e32math.h> 
+#include <akntitle.h> 
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
+#include <sysutil.h>
+// UIDs
+#include <piprofiler/EngineUIDs.h>
+#include <piprofiler/ProfilerTraces.h>
+#include <piprofiler/ProfilerSession.h>
+_LIT(KAppName, "PI Profiler");
+_LIT(KWarningNote, "NOTE: output changed!\n");
+_LIT(KProfilerEngineExe, "PIProfilerEngine.exe");
+// literals for default general setting values
+_LIT8(KTraceOutput, "file_system");
+_LIT8(KTraceDebugOutput, "debug_output");
+_LIT8(KProfilerDefaultDrive, "E:\\data");
+_LIT8(KProfilerDefaultPrefix, "Profiler_#");
+// ===================================== MEMBER FUNCTIONS =====================================
+CProfilerGuiModel* CProfilerGuiModel::NewL() 
+	{
+	CProfilerGuiModel* self = new(ELeave) CProfilerGuiModel;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CProfilerGuiModel::CProfilerGuiModel() : CActive(EPriorityStandard)
+	{
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::ConstructL()
+	{
+	// initialize basic settings
+	iDrawState = EDrawStateInvalid;
+	iReferenceNumber = 0;
+	iState = MProfilerStatusObserver::EIdle;
+    iEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
+    // profiler engine specific initialization
+    LaunchProfilerEngineL();
+    // max sampler item list length is 64, i.e. max 64 sampler plugins loaded 
+    iSamplerItemList = new(ELeave) CSamplerItemList(64);
+    // initialize attribute arrays
+    iSamplerAttributes = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSamplerAttributes>(20); // max sampler count is 20
+    // engine status checker
+    iStatusChecker = CProfilerEngineStatusChecker::NewL();
+    iStatusChecker->SetObserver(this);
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+	}
+void CProfilerGuiModel::UpdateUIRunningStateL()
+    {
+    // prevent the control of sampler specific settings during the trace 
+    iMainContainer->SetDimmed(ETrue);
+    // update status pane
+    iMainView->UpdateStatusPaneL(iState);
+    // show an info popup showing the logging method
+    iMainContainer->ShowWriterInfoPopupL(KNullDesC);
+    // refresh view
+    RefreshViewL();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::NotifyContainerReadyL()
+	{
+	// load initial plugins
+    LoadPluginsL();
+    // get the initial state
+    if( iStatusChecker->GetInitialState() == MProfilerStatusObserver::ERunning )
+        {
+        // set model state to restarting and grabbing an existing profiler process
+        iState = MProfilerStatusObserver::ERestarting;
+        // update status pane to correspond the running mode
+        UpdateUIRunningStateL();
+        // set model state to running
+        iState = MProfilerStatusObserver::ERunning;
+        }
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::ActivateModelL()
+	{
+	// load general settings
+	if( LoadGeneralSettingsL() != KErrNone )
+	    {
+	    LOGTEXT(_L("ProfilerGuiAppUi::ActivateModelL - could not connect profiler engine"));
+	    }
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::DeActivateModelL()
+	{
+	Cancel();
+	// for a faster exit, send the application to background
+    TApaTask selfTask(iEnv->WsSession());
+    selfTask.SetWgId(iEnv->RootWin().Identifier());
+    selfTask.SendToBackground();
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	{
+    if (iSamplerItemList)
+        {
+        DeleteAllSamplerItems();
+        delete iSamplerItemList;
+        iSamplerItemList = NULL;
+        }
+    if(iStatusChecker)
+        {
+        iStatusChecker->Cancel();
+        delete iStatusChecker;
+        iStatusChecker = NULL;
+        }
+    if(iSamplerAttributes)
+        {
+        iSamplerAttributes->Reset();
+        delete iSamplerAttributes;
+        iSamplerAttributes = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::DoCancel()
+	{
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::RunL()
+	{
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::SetMainContainer(CProfilerGuiMainContainer* aContainer)
+    {
+    iMainContainer = aContainer;
+    iDrawState = EDrawStateMain;
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::UpdateState(TInt aState)
+	{
+	iState = aState;
+	}
+TInt CProfilerGuiModel::FindProcessL(RProcess& aProc)
+    {
+    TProcessId engId;
+    TFindProcess procName;
+    procName.Find(_L("PIProfilerEngine.exe*"));
+    TFullName aResult;
+    TFullName aResult2;
+    TInt err(KErrNone);
+    // find the first appearance
+    err = procName.Next(aResult);
+    if(err != KErrNone)
+        {
+        // did not find any engine process
+        return err;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        err = aProc.Open(procName);
+        if(err == KErrNone)
+            {
+            if(aProc.ExitCategory().Length() > 0)
+                {
+                aProc.Close();
+                // process already exited => create a new one
+                return KErrNotFound;
+                }
+            aProc.Close();
+            }
+        }
+//    // check now if a second appearance exists in process list, 
+//    // i.e. engine started from eshell => two engine processes appear in normal case
+//    procName.Next(aResult2);
+//    // check if aResult2 contained the second appearance of profiler engine
+//    if(aResult2.CompareF(aResult) > 0)
+//        {
+//        // other process found, i.e. right process to communicate with, in case started from eshell
+//        err = aProc.Open(procName);
+//        if(err == KErrNone)
+//            {
+//            if(aProc.ExitCategory().Length() > 0)
+//                {
+//                // process already exited => create a new one
+//                return KErrNotFound;
+//                }
+//            aProc.Close();
+//            }
+//        }
+    return err;
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::LaunchProfilerEngineL()
+    {
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::LaunchProfilerEngineL - start"));
+    TRequestStatus stat = KRequestPending;
+    RProcess proc;
+    TInt err(KErrNone);
+    // check if process exists
+    err = FindProcessL(proc);
+    // check if already exists and don't start a new eshell profiling
+    if( err == KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        // try create new process
+        err = proc.Create(KProfilerEngineExe, _L(""));
+        // check if RProcess::Create() succeeded
+        if( err == KErrNone )
+            {
+            // Trigger rendezvous on the supplied TRequestStatus object
+            proc.Rendezvous(stat); 
+            // kick off the engine process
+            proc.Resume();
+            // wait for the constructor to complete 
+            User::WaitForRequest(stat); 
+            // just lose the handle
+            proc.Close();
+            }
+        }
+    // Increase the client reference count in server:
+    AttachClient();    
+    }
+// CProfilerGuiModel::TerminateProfilerL()
+// Stops Profiler Engine if it has been launched by this launcher. 
+void CProfilerGuiModel::TerminateProfilerL()
+    {
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::TerminateProfiler - entry"));
+    // exit profiler engine 
+    RProfiler::ExitProfiler();
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::TerminateProfiler - exit"));
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::AttachClient()
+    {
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::AttachClient - entry"));
+    // 
+    RProfiler::AttachClient();
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::AttachClient - exit"));
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::RemoveClient()
+    {
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::RemoveClient - entry"));
+    // 
+    RProfiler::RemoveClient();
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::RemoveClient - exit"));
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::AddNewSamplersL(CArrayFixFlat<TSamplerAttributes>& aAttributes)
+	{
+	TSamplerAttributes item;
+	TInt count(aAttributes.Count());
+	// loop the attribute array and insert them into view list
+	for (TInt i(0);i<count;i++)
+		{
+    	// get a TSamplerAttributes from list at a time  
+		item = aAttributes.At(i);
+		iReferenceNumber++;
+        // add item to the array
+        AppendToSamplerItemListL(item);
+        // update the listbox
+        RefreshViewL(EFalse);
+        // set item index to the begin	
+        iMainContainer->ListBox()->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw(iMainContainer->ListBox()->Model()->NumberOfItems()-1);
+		}
+    // refresh again
+    if(iReferenceNumber > 0)
+        {
+        RefreshViewL(ETrue);
+        }
+	}
+TBool CProfilerGuiModel::CheckTraceLocationSanityL(TGeneralAttributes& aAttr, TBool aQuietCheck)
+    {
+    RFs fs;
+    User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+    TBuf<32> drive;
+    CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(drive, aAttr.iSaveFileDrive);
+    TDriveUnit driveUnit = TDriveUnit(drive);
+    TBool ret(EFalse);
+    // check that the root folder is correct
+    if (drive.Length() > 2 && BaflUtils::CheckFolder(fs, drive.Left(3)) == KErrNone )
+        {
+        // check then if drive has still some space
+        if(!SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(&fs, 0, driveUnit))
+            {
+            ret = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    // check if the sanity check failed
+    if(!ret)
+        {
+        // show an error note
+        if(aQuietCheck == EFalse)
+            {
+            CAknErrorNote* note = new(ELeave) CAknErrorNote();
+            note->ExecuteLD(_L("Invalid path, check settings!"));
+            }
+        }
+    fs.Close();
+    return ret;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CProfilerGuiModel::LaunchSettingsDialogL()
+    {
+    // launch the settings dialog
+    TGeneralAttributes newSettings = iGeneralAttributes;
+    TBool quietCheck(EFalse);
+    CProfilerGuiSettingsViewDlg* dlg = CProfilerGuiSettingsViewDlg::NewL(newSettings);
+    TInt returnValue = dlg->ExecuteLD(R_PROFILER_GUI_SETTINGS_DIALOG);
+    // check if exit command => no error note to user
+    if(returnValue == EAknCmdExit)
+        quietCheck = ETrue;
+    // always save settings since the settings dialog does not provide a possibility to cancel
+    iGeneralAttributes.iTraceOutput.Copy(newSettings.iTraceOutput);
+    iGeneralAttributes.iTraceFilePrefix.Copy(newSettings.iTraceFilePrefix);
+    iGeneralAttributes.iTimedSamplingPeriod = newSettings.iTimedSamplingPeriod;
+    // check if debug output selected no check of
+    if(newSettings.iTraceOutput.CompareF(KTraceDebugOutput) != 0)
+        {
+        // Check save file drive sanity
+        if(CheckTraceLocationSanityL(newSettings, quietCheck))
+            {
+            // save the new location
+            iGeneralAttributes.iSaveFileDrive.Copy(newSettings.iSaveFileDrive);
+            }
+        }
+    // saves the general settings to profiler engine
+    SaveGeneralSettingsL();   
+    // make sure that the title of the application is correct
+    CEikStatusPane* sp = iEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
+    CAknTitlePane* tp = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*>( sp->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
+    tp->SetTextL(KAppName);
+    return returnValue;
+    }
+TPtrC CProfilerGuiModel::GetWriterInfoNoteL(const TDesC& aNote)
+	{
+    TBuf<256> buf;
+    TBuf<128> descBuf;
+    buf.Zero();
+    // get active profiler since it 
+    RProfiler::GetActiveWriter(buf);
+	if(iGeneralAttributes.iTraceOutput.CompareF(KTraceOutput) == 0)
+		{
+		if(iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::EInitializing ||
+                iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::ERestarting )
+			{
+			descBuf.Zero();
+			// set the additional note if available
+			buf.Copy(aNote); 
+			RProfiler::GetFileName(descBuf);
+			buf.Append(_L("Writing to "));
+			buf.Append(descBuf);
+			}
+		else if(iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::EIdle ||
+		        iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::EStopping ||
+		        iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::ERunning )
+			{
+			descBuf.Zero();
+            // set the additional note if available
+            buf.Copy(aNote); 
+            RProfiler::GetFileName(descBuf);
+			buf.Append(_L("Wrote trace data to "));
+			buf.Append(descBuf);
+			}
+		else
+		    {
+	          buf.Copy(KNullDesC);
+		    }
+		}
+	else if(iGeneralAttributes.iTraceOutput.CompareF(KTraceDebugOutput) == 0)
+		{
+		if(iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::EInitializing ||
+                iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::ERestarting )
+			{
+			buf.Copy(_L("Writing to debug output..."));
+			}
+		else if( iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::EIdle || 
+	             iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::EStopping ||
+		         iState == MProfilerStatusObserver::ERunning )
+			{
+			buf.Copy(_L("Wrote trace data to debug output"));
+			}
+		else
+		    {
+		    buf.Copy(KNullDesC);
+		    }
+		}
+	else
+	    {
+	    // should not reach this point
+        buf.Copy(KNullDesC);
+	    }
+    return TPtrC(buf);	
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CProfilerGuiModel::EditSamplerL(TSamplerAttributes& aItem)
+    {
+    // edit sampler specific settings i.e. attributes
+    TSamplerAttributes& newSettings = aItem;
+    TInt indexToReplace(iMainContainer->CurrentListBoxItemIndex());
+    // create a new settings editor dialog
+    CProfilerSamplerSettingsViewDlg* dlg = CProfilerSamplerSettingsViewDlg::NewL(newSettings);
+    TInt returnValue = dlg->ExecuteLD(R_PROFILER_SAMPLER_SETTINGS_DIALOG);
+    // save settings
+    aItem = newSettings;
+    // replace the old attribute container with saved values
+    iSamplerItemList->Delete(indexToReplace);
+    iSamplerItemList->InsertL(indexToReplace, newSettings);
+    // save the settings to sampler item
+    RProfiler::SetSamplerAttributes(newSettings);
+    // make sure that the title of the application is correct
+    CEikStatusPane* sp = iEnv->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
+    CAknTitlePane* tp = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*>( sp->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
+    tp->SetTextL(KAppName);
+    return returnValue;
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::SamplerInfoL(TSamplerAttributes& aItem)
+    {
+    TBuf<64> header;
+    TBuf<256> info;
+    _LIT(KSamplerStr, "Sampler Info");
+//    CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(header, aItem.iName);
+    header.Append(KSamplerStr);
+    CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(info, aItem.iDescription);
+    CAknMessageQueryDialog* dialog = new(ELeave) CAknMessageQueryDialog;
+    //dialog->ExecuteLD(info);
+    dialog->SetHeaderText(header);
+    dialog->SetMessageTextL(info);
+    dialog->RunLD(); 
+    RefreshViewL(EFalse);
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::StartAllSamplerItemsL(TProfilingMode aProfilingMode)
+    {
+    TBuf<256> activeWriterDes;
+    TBuf8<256> writer8;
+    iState = MProfilerStatusObserver::EInitializing;
+    RProfiler::TProfilingMode profilingMode = aProfilingMode == EProfilingModeTimed ? RProfiler::EProfilingModeTimed : RProfiler::EProfilingModeNormal;
+    // update status pane to correspond the initializing mode
+    // prevent the control of sampler specific settings during the trace 
+    iMainContainer->SetDimmed(ETrue);
+    // update status pane
+    iMainView->UpdateStatusPaneL(iState);
+    // refresh view
+    RefreshViewL();
+    // try to start profiling process through client-server interface
+    if(RProfiler::StartSampling(profilingMode) == KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        // profiler stopped (e.g. from eshell) and must be restarted 
+        LaunchProfilerEngineL();
+        // set general attributes
+        SaveGeneralSettingsL();
+        // set sampler attributes
+        for(TInt i(0);i<iSamplerAttributes->Count();i++)
+            {
+            // set the attributes for each sampler loaded in the UI
+            RProfiler::SetSamplerAttributes(iSamplerAttributes->At(i));
+            }
+        // try to launch sampling again
+        RProfiler::StartSampling(profilingMode);
+        }
+    // get selected writer
+    RProfiler::GetActiveWriter(activeWriterDes);
+    CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(writer8, activeWriterDes);
+    // check that output mode has not changed for a problem with trace file name
+    // problem cases:
+    // - trace file name and/or path false
+    // - disk full, cannot write to given location
+    // - false drive, e.g. x:
+    if(writer8.CompareF(iGeneralAttributes.iTraceOutput) != 0)
+        {
+        // save change also to general attributes
+        iGeneralAttributes.iTraceOutput.Copy(writer8);
+        // show an info popup showing the logging method
+        iMainContainer->ShowWriterInfoPopupL(KWarningNote);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // show an info popup showing the logging method
+        iMainContainer->ShowWriterInfoPopupL(KNullDesC);
+        }
+    // update the view
+    RefreshViewL();    
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::DeleteAllSamplerItemsL()
+    {
+    DeleteAllSamplerItems();
+    RefreshViewL();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::StopAllSamplerItemsL()
+    {
+    // show an info popup showing the logging method
+    iMainContainer->ShowWriterInfoPopupL(KNullDesC);
+    // Stop profiling process through CS session
+    RProfiler::StopSampling();
+    RefreshViewL();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::RefreshViewL(TBool aClearSelection)
+    {
+    // refresh the main list view
+    if (iMainContainer && iDrawState == EDrawStateMain && iMainContainer->ListBox())
+        {
+        // clear selections if any
+        iMainContainer->ListBox()->ClearSelection();
+        // set item index to 0
+        if (aClearSelection)
+            iMainContainer->ListBox()->SetCurrentItemIndex(0); 
+        // set text items
+        iMainContainer->SetListBoxTextArrayL(GenerateListBoxItemTextArrayL());
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::AppendToSamplerItemListL(TSamplerAttributes& aItem)
+    {
+    // append single sampler item into sampler item list
+    if (iSamplerItemList)
+        iSamplerItemList->AppendL( aItem );
+    else
+        User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::DisableOrEnableFromSamplerItemListL(TInt aIndex)
+    {
+    if (iSamplerItemList)
+        {
+        if (iSamplerItemList->Count() > aIndex && aIndex >= 0)
+            {
+            TSamplerAttributes& attr = iSamplerItemList->At(aIndex);
+            if (attr.iEnabled)
+                {
+                attr.iEnabled = EFalse;
+                }
+            else if (!attr.iEnabled)
+                {
+                attr.iEnabled = ETrue;
+                }
+            // save settings to engine
+            RProfiler::SetSamplerAttributes(attr);
+            }
+        else
+            User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CProfilerGuiModel::SamplerItemCount() const
+    {
+    TInt count(0);
+    if (iSamplerItemList)
+        count = iSamplerItemList->Count();
+    return count;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::DeleteAllSamplerItems()
+    {
+    // reset sampler array
+    iSamplerItemList->Reset();    
+    }  
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CDesCArray* CProfilerGuiModel::GenerateListBoxItemTextArrayL()
+    {
+    CDesCArray* textArray = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(64);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(textArray);
+    _LIT(KEntryTemplateRedIcon,   "1\t%S\t\t");
+    _LIT(KEntryTemplateGreenIcon, "2\t%S\t\t");
+    TSamplerAttributes attr;
+    TInt itemCount(SamplerItemCount()); 
+    for (TInt i(0); i<itemCount; i++)
+        {
+        // add description from each entry
+        TBuf<512> textEntry;
+        TBuf<512> description; 
+        attr = iSamplerItemList->At(i);
+        description.Copy(attr.iName);
+        if (attr.iEnabled)
+            textEntry.Format(KEntryTemplateGreenIcon, &description);
+        else
+            textEntry.Format(KEntryTemplateRedIcon, &description);
+        textArray->AppendL(textEntry);
+        }    
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); //textArray
+    return textArray;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CProfilerGuiModel::GetSelectedItemEnabled()
+    {
+    TInt currentItemIndex = iMainContainer->CurrentListBoxItemIndex();
+    if (SamplerItemCount() > currentItemIndex && currentItemIndex >= 0)
+        {
+        return iSamplerItemList->At(currentItemIndex).iEnabled;
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CProfilerGuiModel::GetSelectedItemHasSettings()
+    {
+    TInt currentItemIndex = iMainContainer->CurrentListBoxItemIndex();
+    if (SamplerItemCount() > currentItemIndex && currentItemIndex >= 0)
+        {
+        if(iSamplerItemList->At(currentItemIndex).iItemCount != 0 || 
+                iSamplerItemList->At(currentItemIndex).iSampleRate != KErrNotFound)
+            {
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            return EFalse;
+            }
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CProfilerGuiModel::GetSelectedItemHidden()
+    {
+    TInt currentItemIndex = iMainContainer->CurrentListBoxItemIndex();
+    if (SamplerItemCount() > currentItemIndex && currentItemIndex >= 0)
+        {
+        if(iSamplerItemList->At(currentItemIndex).iIsHidden)
+            {
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            return EFalse;
+            }
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CProfilerGuiModel::EditSelectedSamplerL(TInt index)
+    {
+    TSamplerAttributes sampler;
+    if(SamplerItemCount() > index && index >= 0)
+        {
+        sampler = iSamplerItemList->At(index);
+        return EditSamplerL(sampler);
+        }
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::SelectedSamplerInfoL(TInt index)
+    {
+    if(SamplerItemCount() > index && index >= 0)
+        {
+        SamplerInfoL(iSamplerItemList->At(index));
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::ShowItemActionMenuL()
+    {
+    TInt currentItemIndex = iMainContainer->CurrentListBoxItemIndex();
+    if (SamplerItemCount() > currentItemIndex && currentItemIndex >= 0)
+        {
+        // show a query dialog    
+        TInt queryIndex(0);
+        CAknListQueryDialog* listQueryDlg = new(ELeave) CAknListQueryDialog(&queryIndex);
+        TInt resource = 0;
+        TSamplerAttributes sampler = iSamplerItemList->At(currentItemIndex);
+        // check if sampler enabled
+        if(sampler.iEnabled)
+        	{
+        	resource = R_ITEM_ACTION_QUERY_ENABLED;
+            }
+        else
+        	{
+        	resource = R_ITEM_ACTION_QUERY_DISABLED;
+        	}
+        // check if sampler plugin hidden => don't allow starting and stopping of sampling
+        if(sampler.iIsHidden)
+        	{
+        	}
+        else if(( sampler.iItemCount == 0 && 
+        		sampler.iSampleRate == KErrNotFound ) && 
+        		sampler.iEnabled )
+            {
+            }
+        else if(( sampler.iItemCount == 0 && 
+                sampler.iSampleRate == KErrNotFound ) && 
+                !sampler.iEnabled )
+            {
+            }
+        // execute query dialog with the given resource
+        if (listQueryDlg->ExecuteLD(resource))
+            {
+            if(!sampler.iIsHidden)
+            	{
+            	if(sampler.iItemCount != 0 || 
+            	        sampler.iSampleRate != KErrNotFound )
+            	    {
+                    // enable/disable sampler
+                    if (queryIndex == EItemActionMenuTypeEnable)
+                        {
+                        DisableOrEnableSelectedOrHighlightedItemsL();
+                        }
+                    // edit sampler settings
+                    else if (queryIndex == EItemActionMenuTypeEditSettings - 1)
+                        {
+                        EditSamplerL(sampler);
+                        }
+                    // info
+                    else if (queryIndex == EItemActionMenuTypeInfo - 1)
+                        {
+                        SamplerInfoL(sampler);
+                        }
+            	    }
+            	else
+            	    {
+                    // special case, use raw query indexes
+                     if (queryIndex == 0)
+                         {
+                         DisableOrEnableSelectedOrHighlightedItemsL();
+                         }
+                     else if (queryIndex == 1)
+                         {
+                         SamplerInfoL(sampler);
+                         }
+            	    }
+            	}
+            else
+				{
+				if(sampler.iItemCount != 0 || 
+				        sampler.iSampleRate != KErrNotFound)
+					{
+					// special case, use raw query indexes
+					// edit sampler settings
+					if (queryIndex == 0)
+						{
+						EditSamplerL(sampler);
+						}
+					// sampler info
+					else if (queryIndex == 1)
+						{
+						SamplerInfoL(sampler);
+						}
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// only sampler info available if hidden and no setting items to be set
+					if (queryIndex == 0)
+						{
+						SamplerInfoL(sampler);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::DisableOrEnableSelectedOrHighlightedItemsL()
+    {
+    const CArrayFix<TInt>* selectionIndexes = iMainContainer->ListBoxSelectionIndexes();
+    // by default use selected items
+    if (selectionIndexes && selectionIndexes->Count() > 0)
+        {
+        TInt ref(0);
+        TKeyArrayFix key(0, ECmpTUint16);
+        TInt index(0);
+        for (TInt i=0; i<SamplerItemCount(); i++)
+            {
+            ref = i;
+            if (selectionIndexes->Find(ref, key, index) == 0)  
+                {
+                DisableOrEnableFromSamplerItemListL(i);
+                }
+            }
+        RefreshViewL(EFalse);
+        }
+    // or if none selected, use the current item index
+    else
+        {
+        TInt currentItemIndex = iMainContainer->CurrentListBoxItemIndex();
+        if (SamplerItemCount() > currentItemIndex && currentItemIndex >= 0)
+            {
+            DisableOrEnableFromSamplerItemListL(currentItemIndex);
+            RefreshViewL(EFalse);
+            }
+        }  
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::LoadPluginsL()
+	{
+    // get samplers from Profiler Engine (client-server session) 
+	// and add the to the samplers list for the first time
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::LoadPlugins - get sampler plugins"));
+    TInt err = RProfiler::GetSamplerAttributes(*iSamplerAttributes);
+    // check if engine provided a list of samplers
+    if( err != KErrNone )
+        {
+        // could not get samplers from engine
+        LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::LoadPlugins - failed to connect engine"));
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::LoadPlugins - adding new samplers into view"));
+        AddNewSamplersL(*iSamplerAttributes);
+        }
+    LOGTEXT(_L("CProfilerGuiModel::LoadPlugins - exit"));
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CProfilerGuiModel::LoadGeneralSettingsL()
+    {
+    // local variable for getting saved settings from profiler engine
+    TGeneralAttributes generalAttr;
+    TInt err(KErrNone);
+    // before loading saved settings (from settings file) set the default values 
+    iGeneralAttributes.iTraceOutput.Copy(KTraceOutput);
+    iGeneralAttributes.iTraceFilePrefix.Copy(KProfilerDefaultPrefix);
+    iGeneralAttributes.iSaveFileDrive.Copy(KProfilerDefaultDrive);
+    iGeneralAttributes.iTimedSamplingPeriod = KDefaultTimedSamplingPeriod;
+    // request to 
+    err = RProfiler::GetGeneralAttributes(generalAttr);
+    // check that request succesfull
+    if( err != KErrNone )
+        {
+        // could not connect profiler engine, use 
+        return err;
+        }
+    // check if saved settings different than the default
+    if(generalAttr.iTraceOutput.MatchF(iGeneralAttributes.iTraceOutput) == KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        iGeneralAttributes.iTraceOutput.Copy(generalAttr.iTraceOutput);
+        }
+    if(generalAttr.iTraceFilePrefix.MatchF(iGeneralAttributes.iTraceFilePrefix) == KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        iGeneralAttributes.iTraceFilePrefix.Copy(generalAttr.iTraceFilePrefix);
+        }
+    if(generalAttr.iSaveFileDrive.MatchF(iGeneralAttributes.iSaveFileDrive) == KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        iGeneralAttributes.iSaveFileDrive.Copy(generalAttr.iSaveFileDrive);
+        }
+    if( generalAttr.iTimedSamplingPeriod > 0)
+        {
+        iGeneralAttributes.iTimedSamplingPeriod = generalAttr.iTimedSamplingPeriod;
+        }
+    return err;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::SaveGeneralSettingsL()
+    {
+    TInt err(KErrNone);
+    // save general attributes to Profiler Engine
+    err = RProfiler::SetGeneralAttributes(iGeneralAttributes);
+    // check if save failed
+    if(err == KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        // profiler stopped (e.g. from eshell) and must be restarted 
+        LaunchProfilerEngineL();
+        err = RProfiler::SetGeneralAttributes(iGeneralAttributes);
+        if(err != KErrNone)
+            {
+            // leave no use to continue
+            User::Leave(err);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::SetMainView(CProfilerGuiMainView* aMainView)
+    {
+    iMainView = aMainView;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CProfilerGuiModel::HandleProfilerStatusChange( KProfilerStatus aStatus )
+    {
+    iState = aStatus;
+    if( aStatus == EIdle )
+        {
+        iMainContainer->ShowWriterInfoPopupL(KNullDesC);
+        // set plugin list back to enabled
+        iMainContainer->SetDimmed(EFalse);
+        }
+    TRAP_IGNORE(iMainView->UpdateStatusPaneL(aStatus));
+    }
+void CProfilerGuiModel::HandleProfilerErrorL( TInt aError )
+    {
+    TBuf<64> errorMsg;
+    _LIT(KErrorMessage, "Error: ");
+    _LIT(KNoMemory, "Cannot write to file, check settings");
+    errorMsg.Copy(KErrorMessage);
+    // message from pwr sampler
+    if( aError < -1000 )
+        {
+        errorMsg.Append(_L("Stop other power measurement tools!"));
+        }
+    else if( aError == KErrAlreadyExists || aError == 11 )
+        {
+        errorMsg.Append(_L("Close old Profiler before start!"));
+        }
+    else if( aError == KErrNotReady )
+        {
+        errorMsg.Append(_L("Memory card removed, failed to write!"));
+        }
+    else if( aError == KErrPathNotFound )
+        {
+        errorMsg.Append(_L("Given trace data location does not exist"));
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if( aError == KErrNoMemory || 
+                aError == KErrOverflow || 
+                aError == KErrDirFull || 
+                aError == KErrDiskFull || 
+                aError == KErrNotReady )
+            {
+            errorMsg.Append(KNoMemory);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            errorMsg.Append(_L("code: "));
+            errorMsg.AppendNum(aError);
+            }
+        }
+    // simply show an error note
+    CAknErrorNote* note = new(ELeave) CAknErrorNote();
+    note->ExecuteLD(errorMsg);
+    // set state idle in all error cases
+    iState = MProfilerStatusObserver::EIdle;
+    // update status pane
+    iMainView->UpdateStatusPaneL(iState);
+    // set plugin list back to enabled
+    iMainContainer->SetDimmed(EFalse);
+    // refresh and set menus etc. in correct state
+    RefreshViewL();
+    }
+// End of File