changeset 35 98924d2efce9
parent 19 4b22a598b890
--- a/memspyui/ui/hb/src/memspythreaddetailview.cpp	Wed Jun 23 18:13:31 2010 +0300
+++ b/memspyui/ui/hb/src/memspythreaddetailview.cpp	Tue Jul 06 14:17:03 2010 +0300
@@ -35,16 +35,26 @@
 int MemSpyThreadDetailModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
-	return mThreadInfo.count();
+	return qMax(mThreadInfo.count(), 1);
 QVariant MemSpyThreadDetailModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
 	if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
-		QStringList lines;
-		lines <<>caption();
-		lines <<>value();
-		return lines;
+	    if (mThreadInfo.count()) {
+            QStringList lines;
+            lines <<>caption();
+            lines <<>value();
+            return lines;
+	    }
+	    return tr("(no items found)");
+	}
+	if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole && mThreadInfo.count() == 0) {
+	    return Qt::AlignHCenter;
 	return QVariant();
@@ -52,12 +62,49 @@
 void MemSpyThreadDetailView::initialize(const QVariantMap& params)
+    mProcessName = params["pname"].toString();
+    mThreadName = params["tname"].toString();
+    // TODO: Remove duplicates with memspythreaddetailindexview
+    QMap<int, QString> titleMap;
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeGeneral] = tr("General");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeHeap] = tr("Heap");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeStack] = tr("Stack");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeChunk] = tr("Chunks");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeCodeSeg] = tr("Code Segments"); 
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeOpenFiles] = tr("Open Files");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeActiveObjects] = tr("Active Objects");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeOwnedThreadHandles] = tr("Handles to other Threads");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeOwnedProcessHandles] = tr("Handles to other Processes");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeServer] = tr("Servers Running in Thread");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeSession] = tr("Client <-> Server connections");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeSemaphore] = tr("Semaphores");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeOtherThreads] = tr("References this Thread");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeOtherProcesses] = tr("References this Process");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeMutex] = tr("Mutexes");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeTimer] = tr("Timers");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeChannel] = tr("Logical DD Channels");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeChangeNotifier] = tr("Change Notifiers"); 
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeUndertaker] = tr("Undertakers");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypeLDD] = tr("Logical Device Drivers");
+    titleMap[ThreadInfoTypePDD] = tr("Physical Device Drivers");
+    setTitle(titleMap.value(params["type"].toInt()));
-	setTitle(tr("Thread Details"));
 	ThreadId threadId = qVariantValue<ThreadId>(params["tid"]);
 	ThreadInfoType type = static_cast<ThreadInfoType>(qVariantValue<int>(params["type"]));
 	mListView.setModel(new MemSpyThreadDetailModel(mEngine, threadId, type, this));
+bool MemSpyThreadDetailView::isBreadCrumbVisible() const
+    return true;
+QString MemSpyThreadDetailView::getBreadCrumbText() const
+    return tr("Processes > %1 > Threads > %2").arg(mProcessName).arg(mThreadName);