--- a/htiui/HtiAdminQt/mainview.cpp Fri Jun 11 16:29:34 2010 +0100
+++ b/htiui/HtiAdminQt/mainview.cpp Thu Jul 22 16:33:59 2010 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include <hblabel.h>
#include <hbinputdialog.h>
#include <qgraphicslinearlayout.h>
-//#include <HbListDialog.h>
+#include <hbselectiondialog.h>
#include <hbmessagebox.h>
@@ -260,200 +260,231 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MainView::enableComm()
//Get current selection
-// QString currentComm;
-// mEngineWrapper.getSelectedComm(currentComm);
-// int curSelection = mPluginList.indexOf(currentComm, 0);
-// QStringList selection;
-// bool ok = false;
-// selection = HbListDialog::getStringItems("Select Comm", mPluginList, curSelection, &ok, HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-// if(ok){
-// if(selection[0] == QString("Bt serial comm")){
-// enableBTComm();
-// }
-// else if(selection[0] == QString("IP comm")){
-// enableIPComm();
-// }
-// else if(selection[0] == QString("SERIAL comm")){
-// enableSerialComm();
-// }
-// else{
-// //All other comm plugins
-// mEngineWrapper.enableOtherComm(selection[0]);
-// }
-// }
+ QString currentComm;
+ mEngineWrapper.getSelectedComm(currentComm);
+ int curSelection = mPluginList.indexOf(currentComm, 0);
+ openListDialog(mPluginList, curSelection, QString("Select Comm"), this, SLOT(doSelectComm(HbAction*)));
+void MainView::doSelectComm(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlg && dlg->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlg->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlg->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ if (mPluginList[selectionIndex] == QString("Bt serial comm"))
+ {
+ enableBTComm();
+ }
+ else if (mPluginList[selectionIndex] == QString("IP comm"))
+ {
+ enableIPComm();
+ }
+ else if (mPluginList[selectionIndex] == QString("SERIAL comm"))
+ {
+ enableSerialComm();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //All other comm plugins
+ mEngineWrapper.enableOtherComm(mPluginList[selectionIndex]);
+ }
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MainView::enableSerialComm()
-// bool ok = false;
-// QString str = HbInputDialog::getText(
-// "Set Comm Port number ",
-// "",
-// &ok);
-// if(ok){
-// mEngineWrapper.enableSerial(str);
-// }
+ QString heading = QString("Set Comm Port number");
+ HbInputDialog::getInteger(heading, this, SLOT(doEnableSerialComm(HbAction*)), 0, scene());
+void MainView::doEnableSerialComm(HbAction* action)
+ HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+ if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+ {
+ QString strPortNumber = dlg->value().toString();
+ mEngineWrapper.enableSerial(strPortNumber);
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MainView::enableIPComm()
// Get IAPs list
-// QStringList iapsList;
-// mEngineWrapper.listIAPs(iapsList);
-// if(iapsList.count() == 0)
-// {
-// HbMessageBox msg("No IAPs for selection!", HbMessageBox::MessageTypeWarning);
-// msg.exec();
-// return;
-// }
-// // Get current selection
-// QString curIapName;
-// QString param = "IAPName";
-// mEngineWrapper.getIPCfgParam(param, curIapName);
-// int curSelction = iapsList.indexOf(curIapName, 0);
-// QString iap;
-// QStringList selection;
-// bool ok = false;
-// selection = HbListDialog::getStringItems("Select IAP:", iapsList, curSelction, &ok, HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-// if(ok)
-// {
-// iap = selection[0];
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// return;
-// }
-// QStringList srcList;
-// srcList <<"Listen" <<"Connect";
-// selection = HbListDialog::getStringItems("Select IP Comm", srcList, 0, &ok, HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-// if(ok){
-// if(selection[0] == srcList[0]){
-// QString port = HbInputDialog::getText(
-// "Local port",
-// "",
-// &ok);
-// if(ok){
-// mEngineWrapper.ipListen(port, iap);
-// }
-// }
-// else{
-// QString host = HbInputDialog::getText(
-// "Remote Host",
-// "",
-// &ok);
-// if(ok){
-// QString port = HbInputDialog::getText(
-// "Remote port",
-// "",
-// &ok);
-// if(ok){
-// mEngineWrapper.ipConnect(host, port, iap);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
+ QStringList iapsList;
+ mEngineWrapper.listIAPs(iapsList);
+ if(iapsList.count() == 0)
+ {
+ HbMessageBox::warning(QString("No IAPs for selection!"));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get current selection
+ QString curIapName;
+ QString param = "IAPName";
+ mEngineWrapper.getIPCfgParam(param, curIapName);
+ int curSelection = iapsList.indexOf(curIapName, 0);
+ openListDialog(iapsList, curSelection, QString("Select IAP:"), this, SLOT(doSelectIAP(HbAction*)));
+void MainView::doSelectIAP(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlg && dlg->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlg->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlg->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ mIapSelection = dlg->stringItems()[selectionIndex];
+ QStringList items;
+ items <<"Listen" <<"Connect";
+ openListDialog(items, 0, QString("Select IP Comm"), this, SLOT(doSelectIpComm(HbAction*)));
+ }
+void MainView::doSelectIpComm(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlg && dlg->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlg->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlg->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ if(selectionIndex == 0) //Listen
+ {
+ HbInputDialog::getInteger(QString("Local port"), this, SLOT(doListenOnPort(HbAction*)), 0, scene());
+ }
+ else //Connect
+ {
+ openIPAddressDialog(QString("Remote Host"), this, SLOT(doConnectRemoteHost(HbAction*)));
+ }
+ }
+void MainView::doListenOnPort(HbAction* action)
+ HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+ if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+ {
+ QString port = dlg->value().toString();
+ mEngineWrapper.ipListen(port, mIapSelection);
+ }
+void MainView::doConnectRemoteHost(HbAction* action)
+ HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+ if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+ {
+ QString host = dlg->value(0).toString();
+ QString port = dlg->value(1).toString();
+ mEngineWrapper.ipConnect(host, port, mIapSelection);
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MainView::enableBTComm()
-// QStringList srcList;
-// QStringList selection;
-// srcList <<"BT address" <<"BT name" <<"Search when starting" ;
-// bool ok = false;
-// selection = HbListDialog::getStringItems("", srcList, 0, &ok, HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-// if(ok){
-// if(selection[0] == srcList[0]){
-// QString address = HbInputDialog::getText(
-// "BT address",
-// "",
-// &ok);
-// if(ok){
-// mEngineWrapper.enableBtByAddress(address);
-// }
-// }
-// else if(selection[0] == srcList[1]){
-// QString name = HbInputDialog::getText(
-// "BT name",
-// "",
-// &ok);
-// if(ok){
-// mEngineWrapper.enableBtByName(name);
-// }
-// }
-// else if(selection[0] == srcList[2]){
-// mEngineWrapper.btSearch();
-// }
-// }
+ QStringList items;
+ items <<"BT address" <<"BT name" <<"Search when starting" ;
+ openListDialog(items, 0, QString("Bluetooth Comm"), this, SLOT(doSelectBTComm(HbAction*)));
+void MainView::doSelectBTComm(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlg && dlg->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlg->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlg->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ if(selectionIndex == 0)
+ {
+ HbInputDialog::getText(QString("BT address"), this, SLOT(doEnableByBTAddress(HbAction*)));
+ }
+ else if(selectionIndex == 1)
+ {
+ HbInputDialog::getText(QString("BT name"), this, SLOT(doEnableByBTName(HbAction*)));
+ }
+ else if(selectionIndex == 2)
+ {
+ mEngineWrapper.btSearch();
+ }
+ }
+void MainView::doEnableByBTAddress(HbAction* action)
+ HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+ if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+ {
+ QString address = dlg->value().toString();
+ mEngineWrapper.enableBtByAddress(address);
+ }
+void MainView::doEnableByBTName(HbAction* action)
+ HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+ if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+ {
+ QString name = dlg->value().toString();
+ mEngineWrapper.enableBtByName(name);
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MainView::setPriority()
// Get current priority
-// bool ok = false;
-// QString curPriority;
-// QString param = "Priority";
-// mEngineWrapper.getHtiCfgParam(param, curPriority);
-// int curSelection = curPriority.toInt(&ok);
-// if(ok){
-// curSelection--;
-// }
-// else{
-// curSelection = 2;
-// }
-// QStringList srcList;
-// QStringList selection;
-// srcList <<"Backgroung" <<"Foregound" <<"High" << "Absolute High";
-// selection = HbListDialog::getStringItems("Select Hti Priority", srcList, curSelection, &ok, HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-// if(ok){
-// if(selection[0] == srcList[0]){
-// mEngineWrapper.setPriorityBackground();
-// }
-// else if(selection[0] == srcList[1]){
-// mEngineWrapper.setPriorityForeground();
-// }
-// else if(selection[0] == srcList[2]){
-// mEngineWrapper.setPriorityHigh();
-// }
-// else{
-// mEngineWrapper.setPriorityAbsoluteHigh();
-// }
-// }
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString curPriority;
+ QString param = "Priority";
+ mEngineWrapper.getHtiCfgParam(param, curPriority);
+ int curSelection = curPriority.toInt(&ok);
+ if(ok){
+ curSelection--;
+ }
+ else{
+ curSelection = 2;
+ }
+ QStringList items;
+ items <<"Backgroung" <<"Foregound" <<"High" << "Absolute High";
+ openListDialog(items, curSelection, QString("Select Hti Priority"),
+ this, SLOT(doSetPriority(HbAction*)));
+void MainView::doSetPriority(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlg && dlg->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlg->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlg->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ if(selectionIndex == 0)
+ {
+ mEngineWrapper.setPriorityBackground();
+ }
+ else if(selectionIndex == 1)
+ {
+ mEngineWrapper.setPriorityForeground();
+ }
+ else if(selectionIndex == 2)
+ {
+ mEngineWrapper.setPriorityHigh();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mEngineWrapper.setPriorityAbsoluteHigh();
+ }
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MainView::enableAutoStart()
@@ -493,62 +524,203 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MainView::showParamList()
-// QStringList srcList;
-// QStringList selection;
-// QString value;
-// QString name;
-// QString cfgSelection;
-// QString paramSelection;
-// QString cfgHti = "Hti.cfg";
-// QString cfgBtComm ="HtiBtComm.cfg";
-// QString cfgSerialComm = "HtiSerialComm.cfg";
-// QString cfgIPComm = "HtiIPComm.cfg";
-// srcList <<cfgHti <<cfgBtComm <<cfgSerialComm << cfgIPComm;
-// bool ok = false;
-// selection = HbListDialog::getStringItems("Select cfg file to modify", srcList, 0, &ok, HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-// if(ok){
-// cfgSelection = selection[0];
-// srcList.clear();
-// if(cfgSelection == cfgHti){
-// srcList <<"CommPlugin" <<"MaxMsgSize" <<"MaxQueueSize" <<"MaxHeapSize"<<"Priority"
-// <<"ShowConsole"<<"MaxWaitTime"<<"StartUpDelay"<<"EnableHtiWatchDog"
-// <<"EnableHtiAutoStart"<<"ShowErrorDialogs"<<"ReconnectDelay";
-// }
-// else if(cfgSelection == cfgBtComm){
-// srcList <<"BtDeviceName" <<"BtDeviceName";
-// }
-// else if(cfgSelection == cfgSerialComm){
-// srcList <<"CommPort" <<"DataRate"<<"Parity"<<"DataBits"<<"StopBits"<<"SendDelay"<<"Handshake";
-// }
-// else{
-// srcList <<"IAPName"<<"LocalPort"<<"RemoteHost"<<"RemotePort"<<"ConnectTimeout";
-// }
-// selection = HbListDialog::getStringItems("Select a parameter name in" + cfgSelection, srcList, 0, &ok, HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-// }
-// if(ok){
-// name = selection[0];
-// value = HbInputDialog::getText("Value for paramater " + name, "", &ok);
-// }
-// if(ok){
-// if(cfgSelection == cfgHti){
-// mEngineWrapper.setHtiCfgParam(name, value);
-// }
-// else if(cfgSelection == cfgBtComm){
-// mEngineWrapper.setBtCfgParam(name, value);
-// }
-// else if(cfgSelection == cfgSerialComm){
-// mEngineWrapper.setSerialCfgParam(name, value);
-// }
-// else{
-// mEngineWrapper.setIPCfgParam(name, value);
-// }
-// }
+ QStringList items;
+ items << "Hti.cfg" << "HtiBtComm.cfg" << "HtiSerialComm.cfg" << "HtiIPComm.cfg";
+ openListDialog(items, 0, QString("Select cfg file to modify"),
+ this, SLOT(doSelectCfgFile(HbAction*)));
+void MainView::doSelectCfgFile(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlg && dlg->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlg->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlg->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ QStringList items;
+ if(selectionIndex == 0)
+ {
+ items <<"CommPlugin" <<"MaxMsgSize" <<"MaxQueueSize" <<"MaxHeapSize"<<"Priority"
+ <<"ShowConsole"<<"MaxWaitTime"<<"StartUpDelay"<<"EnableHtiWatchDog"
+ <<"EnableHtiAutoStart"<<"ShowErrorDialogs"<<"ReconnectDelay";
+ openListDialog(items, 0, QString("Hti.cfg"), this, SLOT(doModifyHtiCfgFile(HbAction*)));
+ }
+ else if(selectionIndex == 1)
+ {
+ items <<"BtDeviceName" <<"BtDeviceName";
+ openListDialog(items, 0, QString("HtiBtComm.cfg"), this, SLOT(doModifyBtCfgFile(HbAction*)));
+ }
+ else if(selectionIndex == 2)
+ {
+ items <<"CommPort" <<"DataRate"<<"Parity"<<"DataBits"<<"StopBits"<<"SendDelay"<<"Handshake";
+ openListDialog(items, 0, QString("HtiSerialComm.cfg"), this, SLOT(doModifySerialCfgFile(HbAction*)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ items <<"IAPName"<<"LocalPort"<<"RemoteHost"<<"RemotePort"<<"ConnectTimeout";
+ openListDialog(items, 0, QString("HtiIPComm.cfg"), this, SLOT(doModifyIPCfgFile(HbAction*)));
+ }
+ }
+void MainView::doModifyHtiCfgFile(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlgSelection = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlgSelection && dlgSelection->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlgSelection->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlgSelection->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ HbInputDialog* dlgInput = new HbInputDialog();
+ dlgInput->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ dlgInput->setPromptText(dlgSelection->stringItems()[selectionIndex]);
+ dlgInput->setInputMode(HbInputDialog::TextInput);
+ HbLabel *title = new HbLabel(dlgInput);
+ title->setPlainText(QString("Set parameter value"));
+ dlgInput->setHeadingWidget(title);
+ dlgInput->open(this, SLOT(doSetHtiCfgParameter(HbAction*)));
+ }
+void MainView::doSetHtiCfgParameter(HbAction* action)
+ HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+ if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+ {
+ QString parameter = dlg->promptText();
+ QString value = dlg->value().toString();
+ mEngineWrapper.setHtiCfgParam(parameter, value);
+ }
+void MainView::doModifyBtCfgFile(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlgSelection = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlgSelection && dlgSelection->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlgSelection->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlgSelection->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ HbInputDialog* dlgInput = new HbInputDialog();
+ dlgInput->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ dlgInput->setPromptText(dlgSelection->stringItems()[selectionIndex]);
+ dlgInput->setInputMode(HbInputDialog::TextInput);
+ HbLabel *title = new HbLabel(dlgInput);
+ title->setPlainText(QString("Set parameter value"));
+ dlgInput->setHeadingWidget(title);
+ dlgInput->open(this, SLOT(doSetBtCfgParameter(HbAction*)));
+ }
+void MainView::doSetBtCfgParameter(HbAction* action)
+ HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+ if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+ {
+ QString parameter = dlg->promptText();
+ QString value = dlg->value().toString();
+ mEngineWrapper.setBtCfgParam(parameter, value);
+ }
+void MainView::doModifySerialCfgFile(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlgSelection = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlgSelection && dlgSelection->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlgSelection->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlgSelection->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ HbInputDialog* dlgInput = new HbInputDialog();
+ dlgInput->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ dlgInput->setPromptText(dlgSelection->stringItems()[selectionIndex]);
+ dlgInput->setInputMode(HbInputDialog::TextInput);
+ HbLabel *title = new HbLabel(dlgInput);
+ title->setPlainText(QString("Set parameter value"));
+ dlgInput->setHeadingWidget(title);
+ dlgInput->open(this, SLOT(doSetSerialCfgParameter(HbAction*)));
+ }
+void MainView::doSetSerialCfgParameter(HbAction* action)
+ HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+ if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+ {
+ QString parameter = dlg->promptText();
+ QString value = dlg->value().toString();
+ mEngineWrapper.setSerialCfgParam(parameter, value);
+ }
+void MainView::doModifyIPCfgFile(HbAction* action)
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlgSelection = static_cast<HbSelectionDialog*>(sender());
+ if(dlgSelection && dlgSelection->selectedModelIndexes().count() &&
+ (!action || action == dlgSelection->actions().at(0)))
+ {
+ int selectionIndex = dlgSelection->selectedModelIndexes().at(0).row();
+ HbInputDialog* dlgInput = new HbInputDialog();
+ dlgInput->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ dlgInput->setPromptText(dlgSelection->stringItems()[selectionIndex]);
+ dlgInput->setInputMode(HbInputDialog::TextInput);
+ HbLabel *title = new HbLabel(dlgInput);
+ title->setPlainText(QString("Set parameter value"));
+ dlgInput->setHeadingWidget(title);
+ dlgInput->open(this, SLOT(doSetIPCfgParameter(HbAction*)));
+ }
+void MainView::doSetIPCfgParameter(HbAction* action)
+ HbInputDialog *dlg = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+ if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+ {
+ QString parameter = dlg->promptText();
+ QString value = dlg->value().toString();
+ mEngineWrapper.setIPCfgParam(parameter, value);
+ }
+void MainView::openListDialog(const QStringList& items, const int currentSelection,
+ const QString &titleText, QObject* receiver, const char* member)
+ // Create a list and some simple content for it
+ HbSelectionDialog *dlg = new HbSelectionDialog();
+ dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ // Set items to be popup's content
+ dlg->setStringItems(items);
+ dlg->setSelectionMode(HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
+ QList<QVariant> current;
+ current.append(QVariant(currentSelection));
+ dlg->setSelectedItems(current);
+ HbLabel *title = new HbLabel(dlg);
+ title->setPlainText(titleText);
+ dlg->setHeadingWidget(title);
+ // Launch popup and handle the user response:
+ dlg->open(receiver, member);
+void MainView::openIPAddressDialog(const QString &titleText, QObject* receiver, const char* member)
+ HbInputDialog* dlg = new HbInputDialog();
+ dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ dlg->setAdditionalRowVisible(true);
+ dlg->setPromptText(QString("IP Address:"), 0);
+ dlg->setInputMode(HbInputDialog::IpInput, 0);
+ dlg->setPromptText(QString("Port:"), 1);
+ dlg->setInputMode(HbInputDialog::IntInput, 1);
+ HbLabel *title = new HbLabel(dlg);
+ title->setPlainText(titleText);
+ dlg->setHeadingWidget(title);
+ dlg->open(receiver, member);