changeset 0 d6fe6244b863
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/filebrowser/inc/FBFileUtils.h	Tue Feb 02 00:17:27 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <coedef.h>
+#include <AknServerApp.h>
+#include <msvapi.h>
+#include <AknProgressDialog.h> 
+#include <tz.h>
+_LIT(KIRAppPath, "z:\\sys\\bin\\irapp.exe");
+_LIT(KBTAppPath, "z:\\sys\\bin\\btui.exe");
+_LIT(KUSBAppPath, "z:\\sys\\bin\\usbclasschangeui.exe");
+_LIT(KErrRdPath, "c:\\resource\\ErrRd");
+_LIT(KErrRdDir, "c:\\resource\\");
+class CFileBrowserModel;
+class CFileBrowserFileOps;
+class CAknIconArray;
+class TAknsItemID;
+class CDocumentHandler;
+class CAknWaitDialog;
+class CAknProgressDialog;
+class CEikProgressInfo;
+class CFBFileOpClient;
+class CAknProgressDialog;
+class CEikProgressInfo;
+class CAknOpenFileService;
+class CMessageDigest;
+class TSearchAttributes
+	{
+    TFileName       iSearchDir;
+    TFileName       iWildCards;
+    TFileName       iTextInFile;
+    TUint           iMinSize;
+    TUint           iMaxSize;
+    TTime           iMinDate;
+    TTime           iMaxDate;
+    TBool           iRecurse;
+	};
+class TDriveEntry
+	{
+    TChar           iLetter;
+    TInt            iNumber;
+    TVolumeInfo     iVolumeInfo;
+    TBuf<64>        iMediaTypeDesc;
+    TBuf<128>       iAttributesDesc;
+    TInt            iIconId;
+	};
+class TFileEntry
+	{
+    TFileName       iPath;
+    TEntry          iEntry;
+    TInt            iDirEntries;
+    TInt            iIconId;
+	};
+class TAppIcon
+	{
+    TInt            iId;
+    TUid            iUid;
+	};
+typedef CArrayFixSeg<TDriveEntry> CDriveEntryList;
+typedef CArrayFixSeg<TFileEntry> CFileEntryList;
+typedef CArrayFixSeg<TAppIcon> CAppIconList;
+class CCommandParamsBase : public CBase
+    {
+    };
+class CCommandParamsAttribs : public CCommandParamsBase
+    {
+    TFileEntry iSourceEntry;
+    TUint iSetMask;
+    TUint iClearMask;
+    TTime iTime;
+    TUint iSwitch;
+    CCommandParamsAttribs(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, TUint aSetMask, TUint aClearMask, const TTime& aTime, TUint aSwitch) : iSourceEntry(aSourceEntry), iSetMask(aSetMask), iClearMask(aClearMask), iTime(aTime), iSwitch(aSwitch) {}
+    };
+class CCommandParamsCopyOrMove : public CCommandParamsBase
+    {
+    TFileEntry iSourceEntry;
+    TFileName iTargetPath;
+    TUint iSwitch;
+    CCommandParamsCopyOrMove(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, const TDesC& aTargetPath, TUint aSwitch) : iSourceEntry(aSourceEntry), iTargetPath(aTargetPath), iSwitch(aSwitch) {}
+    };
+class CCommandParamsRename : public CCommandParamsBase
+    {
+    TFileEntry iSourceEntry;
+    TFileName iTargetPath;
+    TUint iSwitch;
+    CCommandParamsRename(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, const TDesC& aTargetPath, TUint aSwitch) : iSourceEntry(aSourceEntry), iTargetPath(aTargetPath), iSwitch(aSwitch) {}
+    };
+class CCommandParamsDelete : public CCommandParamsBase
+    {
+    TFileEntry iSourceEntry;
+    TUint iSwitch;
+    CCommandParamsDelete(const TFileEntry& aSourceEntry, TUint aSwitch) : iSourceEntry(aSourceEntry), iSwitch(aSwitch) {}
+    };
+class CCommandParamsDriveSnapShot : public CCommandParamsBase
+    {
+    TInt iSourceDriveLetter;
+    TInt iTargetDriveLetter;
+    CCommandParamsDriveSnapShot(TChar aSourceDriveLetter, TChar aTargetDriveLetter) : iSourceDriveLetter(aSourceDriveLetter), iTargetDriveLetter(aTargetDriveLetter) {}
+    };
+class TCommand
+    {
+    TInt iCommandId;
+    CCommandParamsBase* iParameters;
+    TCommand(TInt aCommandId, CCommandParamsBase* aParameters) : iCommandId(aCommandId), iParameters(aParameters) {}
+    };
+typedef CArrayFixSeg<TCommand> CCommandArray;
+class CFileBrowserFileUtils : public CActive, public MAknServerAppExitObserver, public MMsvSessionObserver, public MProgressDialogCallback 
+	{
+    enum TState // active object states
+    	{
+    	EIdle = 0,              // do nothing
+    	};
+    enum TClipBoardMode
+    	{
+    	EClipBoardModeCut = 0,
+    	EClipBoardModeCopy
+    	};
+    enum TListingMode
+    	{
+    	ENormalEntries = 0,
+    	ESearchResults,
+    	EOpenFiles,
+    	EMsgAttachmentsInbox,
+    	EMsgAttachmentsDrafts,
+    	EMsgAttachmentsSentItems,
+    	EMsgAttachmentsOutbox
+    	};
+	static CFileBrowserFileUtils* NewL(CFileBrowserModel* aModel);
+	~CFileBrowserFileUtils();
+	CFileBrowserFileUtils(CFileBrowserModel* aModel);
+	void ConstructL();
+private: // from CActive
+	void RunL();
+    TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	void DoCancel();
+private: // from MAknServerAppExitObserver
+    void HandleServerAppExit(TInt aReason);
+private: // from MMsvSessionObserver
+    void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
+private:  //from MProgressDialogCallback
+    void DialogDismissedL(TInt aButtonId);  
+private: // command handling
+    void StartExecutingCommandsL(const TDesC& aLabel);
+    void ExecuteCommand();
+    void CheckForMoreCommandsL();
+    void AppendToCommandArrayL(TInt aCommand, CCommandParamsBase* aParameters);
+    TInt CommandArrayCount() const;
+    void ResetCommandArray();       
+private: // misc functionality
+    void GenerateDirectoryDataL();
+    void GetDriveListL();
+    void GetDirectoryListingL();
+    CAknIconArray* GenerateIconArrayL(TBool aGenerateNewBasicIconArray=EFalse);
+    void AppendGulIconToIconArrayL(CAknIconArray* aIconArray, const TDesC& aIconFile, TInt aIconId, TInt aMaskId, const TAknsItemID aAknsItemId);
+    TInt AppIconIdForUid(TUid aUid);
+    TUid GetAppUid(TFileEntry aFileEntry);
+    CDesCArray* GenerateItemTextArrayL();
+    TInt GetSelectedItemsOrCurrentItemL(CFileEntryList* aFileEntryList);
+    void DoCopyToFolderL(CFileEntryList* aEntryList, const TDesC& aTargetDir, TBool aDeleteSource);
+    TInt DoSearchFiles(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath);
+    TInt DoSearchFilesRecursiveL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath);
+    TInt DoFindFiles(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath);
+    TInt DoFindFilesRecursiveL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPath);
+    void ReadAttachmentPathsRecursiveL(CMsvSession* aSession, CMsvEntry* aContext, CDesCArray* aAttPaths);
+    void WriteMessageEntryInfoRecursiveL(CMsvSession* aSession, CMsvEntry* aContext, RFile& aFile, TInt& aLevel);
+    void DoWriteMessageEntryInfoL(CMsvEntry* aContext, RFile& aFile, TInt aLevel);
+    void ConvertCharsToPwd(TDesC& aWord, TDes8& aConverted) const;
+    HBufC8* MessageDigestInHexLC(CMessageDigest* aMD, RFile& aFile);
+    void OpenCommonFileActionQueryL();
+public: // public interfaces
+    TKeyResponse HandleOfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
+    void HandleSettingsChangeL();
+    void SetSortModeL(TInt aSortMode);
+    void SetOrderModeL(TInt aOrderMode);
+    void RefreshViewL();
+    TBool IsCurrentDriveReadOnly();
+    TBool IsCurrentItemDirectory();
+    void MoveUpOneLevelL();
+    void MoveDownToDirectoryL();
+    void ClipboardCutL();
+    void ClipboardCopyL();
+    void ClipboardPasteL();
+    void CopyToFolderL(TBool aMove=EFalse);
+    void DeleteL();
+    void TouchL();
+    void RenameL();
+    void SetAttributesL();
+    void SearchL();
+    void NewFileL();
+    void NewDirectoryL();
+    void SendToL();
+    void CompressL();
+    void DecompressL();
+    void PropertiesL();
+    void OpenWithApparcL();
+    void OpenWithDocHandlerL(TBool aEmbed);
+    void OpenWithFileServiceL();
+    TBool FileExists(const TDesC& aPath);
+    TInt LaunchProgramL(const TDesC& aPath);
+    void MemoryInfoPopupL();
+    void ShowFileCheckSumsL(TInt aType);
+    void SetErrRdL(TBool aEnable);
+    void EnableAvkonIconCacheL(TBool aEnable);
+    void SimulateLeaveL();
+    void SimulatePanicL();
+    void SimulateExceptionL();
+    void SetDebugMaskL();
+    void WriteAllAppsL();
+    void WriteAllFilesL();
+    void ListOpenFilesL();
+    void ListMessageAttachmentsL(TInt aType);
+    void WriteMsgStoreWalkL();
+    void FileEditorL(TInt aType);
+    void SetDrivePasswordL();
+    void UnlockDriveL();
+    void ClearDrivePasswordL();
+    void EraseDrivePasswordL();
+    void FormatDriveL(TBool aQuickFormat);
+    void CheckDiskL();
+    void ScanDriveL();
+    void SetDriveNameL();
+    void SetDriveVolumeLabelL();
+    void EjectDriveL();
+    void DismountFileSystemL();
+    void EraseMBRL();
+    void PartitionDriveL();
+    TBool DriveSnapShotPossible();
+    void DriveSnapShotL();
+    void EditDataTypesL();
+    void SecureBackupL(TInt aType);
+    inline TInt SortMode() { return iSortMode; }
+    inline TInt OrderMode() { return iOrderMode; }
+    inline CFileEntryList* ClipBoardList() { return iClipBoardList; }
+    inline TBool IsDriveListViewActive() { return iCurrentPath==KNullDesC && iListingMode==ENormalEntries; }
+    inline TBool IsNormalModeActive() { return iListingMode==ENormalEntries; }
+	TState                          iState;
+    CFileBrowserModel*              iModel;
+    CFileBrowserFileOps*            iFileOps;
+    CAknWaitDialog*                 iWaitDialog;
+    CAknProgressDialog*             iProgressDialog;
+    CEikProgressInfo*               iProgressInfo;
+    CCommandArray*                  iCommandArray;
+    TInt                            iCurrentEntry;
+    TInt                            iSucceededOperations;
+    TInt                            iFailedOperations;
+    TInt                            iLastError;
+    RTimer                          iTimer;
+	RFs                             iFs;
+	TListingMode                    iListingMode;
+	CFileMan*                       iFileMan;
+	TInt                            iViewMode;
+    TFileName                       iCurrentPath;
+    TInt                            iSortMode;
+    TInt                            iOrderMode;
+    TInt                            iClipboardMode;
+    CDesCArray*                     iClipboardPaths;
+    CDriveEntryList*                iDriveEntryList;
+    CFileEntryList*                 iFileEntryList;
+    CFileEntryList*                 iFindFileEntryList;
+    CAppIconList*                   iAppIconList;
+    TClipBoardMode                  iClipBoardMode;
+    CFileEntryList*                 iClipBoardList;
+    TSearchAttributes               iSearchAttributes;
+    CDocumentHandler*               iDocHandler;
+    CAknOpenFileService*		    iOpenFileService;
+    RFile                           iMsgStoreWalkFile;
+    TInt                            iPrevFolderIndex;
+    TFileName                       iPrevFolderName;
+    RTz                             iTz;
+    };
+// utility class for waiting for asychronous requests
+class CAsyncWaiter : public CActive
+	{
+	static CAsyncWaiter* NewL( TInt aPriority = EPriorityStandard );
+	static CAsyncWaiter* NewLC( TInt aPriority = EPriorityStandard );
+	~CAsyncWaiter();
+	void StartAndWait();
+	TInt Result() const;
+	CAsyncWaiter( TInt aPriority );
+	// from CActive
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+    CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
+	TInt iError;
+	};
+// End of File