* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// System includes
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <aknlists.h>
#include <eikimage.h>
#include <AknDialog.h>
// User includes
#include "MemSpyViewBase.h"
// Engine includes
#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperfbserv.h>
class CMemSpyViewFBServBase : public CMemSpyViewBase
CMemSpyViewFBServBase( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray* aBitmaps );
public: // From CMemSpyViewBase
TBool HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
public: // Menu framework
TUint MenuCascadeResourceId() const { return R_MEMSPY_MENUPANE_IMAGES; }
TInt MenuCascadeCommandId() const { return EMemSpyCmdImages; }
protected: // Command handlers
void OnCmdSlideShowL();
void OnCmdExportToMemoryCardL();
void OnCmdImageListingL();
protected: // Data members
CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray* iBitmaps;
class CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps : public CMemSpyViewFBServBase, public MMemSpyEngineFbSerbBitmapArrayObserver
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver );
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray* aBitmaps );
void ConstructL( const TRect& aRect, CCoeControl& aContainer, TAny* aSelectionRune = NULL );
public: // From CMemSpyViewBase
void RefreshL();
TMemSpyViewType ViewType() const;
CMemSpyViewBase* PrepareParentViewL();
CMemSpyViewBase* PrepareChildViewL();
private: // From MMemSpyEngineFbSerbBitmapArrayObserver
void HandleFbServBitmapArrayEventL( TEvent aEvent );
private: // From CMemSpyViewBase
void SetListBoxModelL();
void HandleListBoxItemActionedL( TInt aIndex );
void HandleListBoxItemSelectedL( TInt aIndex );
private: // Idle timer update
static TInt IdleUpdateListBoxModel( TAny* aSelf );
void DoIdleUpdateListBoxModelL();
private: // Data members
RArray<TInt> iBitmapHandles;
CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap* iCurrentBitmap;
CPeriodic* iIdleResetListboxTimer;
class CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo : public CMemSpyViewFBServBase
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray* aBitmaps, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& aSelectedBitmap );
void ConstructL( const TRect& aRect, CCoeControl& aContainer, TAny* aSelectionRune = NULL );
public: // From CMemSpyViewBase
void RefreshL();
TMemSpyViewType ViewType() const;
CMemSpyViewBase* PrepareParentViewL();
CMemSpyViewBase* PrepareChildViewL();
private: // From CMemSpyViewBase
void SetListBoxModelL();
void HandleListBoxItemActionedL( TInt aIndex );
private: // Data members
CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& iBitmapObject;
class CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer : public CMemSpyViewFBServBase
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray* aBitmaps, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& aSelectedBitmap );
void ConstructL( const TRect& aRect, CCoeControl& aContainer, TAny* aSelectionRune = NULL );
public: // From CMemSpyViewBase
void RefreshL();
TMemSpyViewType ViewType() const;
CMemSpyViewBase* PrepareParentViewL();
private: // From CMemSpyViewBase
void SetListBoxModelL();
CEikListBox* ConstructListBoxL();
private: // From CCoeControl
void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
void SizeChanged();
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
private: // Data members
CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& iBitmapObject;
CEikImage* iImage;
TRect iBorderRect;
class CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow : public CAknDialog
static void NewLD( CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray& aBitmaps, TInt& aIndex );
CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow( CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray& aBitmaps, TInt& aIndex );
void ConstructL();
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
TBool OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId);
private: // Idle timer update
static TInt IdleUpdate( TAny* aSelf );
void ShowNextImageL();
private: // Data members
CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray& iBitmaps;
TInt& iIndex;
CPeriodic* iTimer;