Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "MemSpyViewFBServBitmaps.h"
// System includes
#include <memspyui.rsg>
// Engine includes
#include <memspy/engine/memspyengine.h>
#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectprocess.h>
#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectthread.h>
#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectcontainer.h>
#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectthreadinfoobjects.h>
#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectthreadinfocontainer.h>
#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperprocess.h>
#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperheap.h>
// User includes
#include "MemSpyUiUtils.h"
#include "MemSpyViewMainMenu.h"
#include "MemSpyViewThreads.h"
#include "MemSpyContainerObserver.h"
#include "MemSpyExportBitmapsToMemoryCardDialog.h"
// Constants
const TInt KMemSpyIdleResetListboxTimerPeriod = 500000;
const TInt KMemSpyImageSlideshowPeriod = 1000000;
CMemSpyViewFBServBase::CMemSpyViewFBServBase( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray* aBitmaps )
: CMemSpyViewBase( aEngine, aObserver ), iBitmaps( aBitmaps )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Printf("CMemSpyViewFBServBase::~CMemSpyViewFBServBase() - deleting bitmaps: 0x%08x", iBitmaps );
delete iBitmaps;
TBool CMemSpyViewFBServBase::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
TBool handled = ETrue;
switch ( aCommand )
case EMemSpyCmdImagesSlideshow:
#ifndef __WINS__
case EMemSpyCmdImagesSaveAllToMemoryCard:
case EMemSpyCmdImagesListing:
handled = CMemSpyViewBase::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
return handled;
void CMemSpyViewFBServBase::OnCmdSlideShowL()
TInt index = 0;
CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow::NewLD( *iBitmaps, index );
// Select the item that was last displayed
const TInt count = iBitmaps->Count();
if ( iListBox && index >= 0 && index < count )
iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( index );
HandleListBoxItemSelectedL( index );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBase::OnCmdExportToMemoryCardL()
// Deletes itself
CMemSpyExportBitmapsToMemoryCardDialog::NewL( iCoeEnv->FsSession(), *iBitmaps );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBase::OnCmdImageListingL()
// Begin a new data stream
_LIT( KMemSpyContext, "Bitmap List - " );
_LIT( KMemSpyFolder, "Bitmaps" );
iEngine.Sink().DataStreamBeginL( KMemSpyContext, KMemSpyFolder );
// Set prefix for overall listing
_LIT(KOverallPrefix, "Bitmap List - ");
iEngine.Sink().OutputPrefixSetLC( KOverallPrefix );
// Create header
CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap::OutputDataColumnsL( iEngine );
// List items
const TInt count = iBitmaps->Count();
for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
const CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& bitmap = iBitmaps->At( i );
bitmap.OutputDataL( iEngine );
// Tidy up
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // prefix
// End data stream
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver )
: CMemSpyViewFBServBase( aEngine, aObserver, NULL )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Printf("CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps(1) - iBitmaps is: 0x%08x", iBitmaps );
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray* aBitmaps )
: CMemSpyViewFBServBase( aEngine, aObserver, aBitmaps )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Printf("CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps(2) - iBitmaps is: 0x%08x", iBitmaps );
delete iIdleResetListboxTimer;
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect, CCoeControl& aContainer, TAny* aSelectionRune )
_LIT( KTitle, "Font & Bitmap Server" );
SetTitleL( KTitle );
if ( iBitmaps == NULL )
// Prepare bitmap handles
iEngine.HelperFbServ().GetArrayOfBitmapHandlesL( iBitmapHandles );
// Create bitmap array - construction occurs asynchronously
iBitmaps = CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle, iBitmapHandles, *this );
// Finish construction
CMemSpyViewBase::ConstructL( aRect, aContainer, aSelectionRune );
// Create idle listbox refresh timer
if ( iBitmaps->Count() == 0 )
iIdleResetListboxTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityLow );
if ( aSelectionRune != NULL )
iCurrentBitmap = reinterpret_cast< CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap* >( aSelectionRune );
const TInt index = iBitmaps->BitmapIndexByHandle( iCurrentBitmap->Handle() );
iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( index );
HandleListBoxItemSelectedL( index );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::RefreshL()
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Printf("CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::RefreshL() - iBitmaps->Count(): %d", iBitmaps->Count());
TMemSpyViewType CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::ViewType() const
return EMemSpyViewTypeFBServBitmaps;
CMemSpyViewBase* CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::PrepareParentViewL()
CMemSpyViewMainMenu* parent = new(ELeave) CMemSpyViewMainMenu( iEngine, iObserver );
CleanupStack::PushL( parent );
parent->ConstructL( Rect(), *Parent(), (TAny*) ViewType() );
CleanupStack::Pop( parent );
return parent;
CMemSpyViewBase* CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::PrepareChildViewL()
CMemSpyViewBase* child = new(ELeave) CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo( iEngine, iObserver, iBitmaps, *iCurrentBitmap );
// Ownership is transferred to child. Cleanupstack guarantees it will be destroyed now.
// This object is about to die in any case.
iBitmaps = NULL;
CleanupStack::PushL( child );
child->ConstructL( Rect(), *Parent() );
CleanupStack::Pop( child );
return child;
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::HandleFbServBitmapArrayEventL( TEvent aEvent )
if ( aEvent == EBitmapItemsCreated )
else if ( aEvent == EBitmapArrayConstructionComplete )
iIdleResetListboxTimer->Start( KMemSpyIdleResetListboxTimerPeriod/2, KMemSpyIdleResetListboxTimerPeriod, TCallBack( IdleUpdateListBoxModel, this ) );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::SetListBoxModelL()
CAknSettingStyleListBox* listbox = static_cast< CAknSettingStyleListBox* >( iListBox );
listbox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iBitmaps );
listbox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::HandleListBoxItemActionedL( TInt aIndex )
const TInt count = iBitmaps->Count();
if ( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < count )
CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& bitmap = iBitmaps->At( aIndex );
iCurrentBitmap = &bitmap;
iCurrentBitmap = NULL;
// Notify observer about item selection
ReportEventL( MMemSpyViewObserver::EEventItemActioned );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::HandleListBoxItemSelectedL( TInt aIndex )
const TInt count = iBitmaps->Count();
if ( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < count )
CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& bitmap = iBitmaps->At( aIndex );
iCurrentBitmap = &bitmap;
iCurrentBitmap = NULL;
// Notify observer about item selection
ReportEventL( MMemSpyViewObserver::EEventItemSelected );
TInt CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::IdleUpdateListBoxModel( TAny* aSelf )
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps* self = reinterpret_cast< CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps* >( aSelf );
TRAP_IGNORE( self->DoIdleUpdateListBoxModelL() );
return EFalse;
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps::DoIdleUpdateListBoxModelL()
// Try to maintain current item selection if at all possible.
TInt handle = 0;
if ( iCurrentBitmap )
handle = iCurrentBitmap->Handle();
iCurrentBitmap = NULL;
// Update list box & model
// Try to select previous item if it is still available
const TInt index = iBitmaps->BitmapIndexByHandle( handle );
if ( index >= 0 && index < iBitmaps->Count() )
iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( index );
HandleListBoxItemSelectedL( index );
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo::CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray* aBitmaps, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& aSelectedBitmap )
: CMemSpyViewFBServBase( aEngine, aObserver, aBitmaps ), iBitmapObject( aSelectedBitmap )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Printf("CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo::CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo() - iBitmaps is: 0x%08x", iBitmaps );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect, CCoeControl& aContainer, TAny* aSelectionRune )
_LIT( KTitle, "Bitmap Details" );
SetTitleL( KTitle );
// Finish construction
CMemSpyViewBase::ConstructL( aRect, aContainer, aSelectionRune );
if ( iBitmaps->Count() )
iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( 0 );
HandleListBoxItemSelectedL( 0 );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo::RefreshL()
TMemSpyViewType CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo::ViewType() const
return EMemSpyViewTypeFBServBitmapInfo;
CMemSpyViewBase* CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo::PrepareParentViewL()
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps* parent = new(ELeave) CMemSpyViewFBServBitmaps( iEngine, iObserver, iBitmaps );
// Ownership is transferred to child. Cleanupstack guarantees it will be destroyed now.
// This object is about to die in any case.
iBitmaps = NULL;
CleanupStack::PushL( parent );
parent->ConstructL( Rect(), *Parent(), &iBitmapObject );
CleanupStack::Pop( parent );
return parent;
CMemSpyViewBase* CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo::PrepareChildViewL()
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer* child = new(ELeave) CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer( iEngine, iObserver, iBitmaps, iBitmapObject );
// Ownership is transferred to child. Cleanupstack guarantees it will be destroyed now.
// This object is about to die in any case.
iBitmaps = NULL;
CleanupStack::PushL( child );
CEikAppUi* appUi = static_cast< CEikAppUi* >( iEikonEnv->AppUi() );
const TRect rect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), appUi->ClientRect().Size() );
child->ConstructL( rect, *Parent() );
CleanupStack::Pop( child );
return child;
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo::SetListBoxModelL()
CAknSettingStyleListBox* listbox = static_cast< CAknSettingStyleListBox* >( iListBox );
listbox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( &iBitmapObject );
listbox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo::HandleListBoxItemActionedL( TInt aIndex )
// Only report the event if its the first item that was actioned
if ( aIndex == 0 )
ReportEventL( MMemSpyViewObserver::EEventItemActioned );
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine, MMemSpyViewObserver& aObserver, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray* aBitmaps, CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& aSelectedBitmap )
: CMemSpyViewFBServBase( aEngine, aObserver, aBitmaps ), iBitmapObject( aSelectedBitmap )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Printf("CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer() - iBitmaps is: 0x%08x", iBitmaps );
delete iImage;
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect, CCoeControl& aContainer, TAny* aSelectionRune )
_LIT( KTitle, "Bitmap Preview" );
SetTitleL( KTitle );
// Finish construction
CMemSpyViewBase::ConstructL( aRect, aContainer, aSelectionRune );
// Prepare image
iImage = new(ELeave) CEikImage();
iImage->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
iImage->SetPicture( &iBitmapObject.Bitmap(), NULL );
iImage->SetPictureOwnedExternally( ETrue );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::RefreshL()
TMemSpyViewType CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::ViewType() const
return EMemSpyViewTypeFBServBitmapViewer;
CMemSpyViewBase* CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::PrepareParentViewL()
CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo* parent = new(ELeave) CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapInfo( iEngine, iObserver, iBitmaps, iBitmapObject );
// Ownership is transferred to child. Cleanupstack guarantees it will be destroyed now.
// This object is about to die in any case.
iBitmaps = NULL;
CleanupStack::PushL( parent );
CEikAppUi* appUi = static_cast< CEikAppUi* >( iEikonEnv->AppUi() );
const TRect rect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), appUi->ClientRect().Size() );
parent->ConstructL( rect, *Parent() );
CleanupStack::Pop( parent );
return parent;
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::SetListBoxModelL()
CEikListBox* CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::ConstructListBoxL()
return NULL;
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
gc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullPen );
gc.SetBrushColor( KRgbWhite );
gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
gc.DrawRect( Rect() );
gc.SetBrushColor( KRgbBlack );
gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
gc.DrawRect( iBorderRect );
void CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::SizeChanged()
TRect rect( Rect() );
TSize size( rect.Size() );
TSize bitmapSize( iBitmapObject.Bitmap().SizeInPixels() );
// Try to center image, if possible.
if ( bitmapSize.iWidth < size.iWidth )
const TInt offset = ( size.iWidth - bitmapSize.iWidth) / 2;
rect.Move( offset, 0 );
size.iWidth = bitmapSize.iWidth;
if ( bitmapSize.iHeight < size.iHeight )
const TInt offset = ( size.iHeight - bitmapSize.iHeight) / 2;
rect.Move( 0, offset );
size.iHeight = bitmapSize.iHeight;
rect.SetSize( size );
if ( iImage )
iImage->SetRect( rect );
iBorderRect = rect;
iBorderRect.Grow( 2, 2 );
TInt CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::CountComponentControls() const
TInt count = 0;
if ( iImage )
return count;
CCoeControl* CMemSpyViewFBServBitmapViewer::ComponentControl( TInt /*aIndex*/ ) const
return iImage;
CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow::CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow( CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray& aBitmaps, TInt& aIndex )
: iBitmaps( aBitmaps ), iIndex( aIndex )
delete iTimer;
void CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow::ConstructL()
iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityLow );
iTimer->Start( KMemSpyImageSlideshowPeriod, KMemSpyImageSlideshowPeriod, TCallBack( IdleUpdate, this ) );
void CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow::NewLD( CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmapArray& aBitmaps, TInt& aIndex )
CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow* self = new(ELeave) CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow( aBitmaps, aIndex );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
void CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow::PreLayoutDynInitL()
TBool CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow::OkToExitL( TInt /*aButtonId*/ )
return ETrue;
TInt CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow::IdleUpdate( TAny* aSelf )
CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow* self = reinterpret_cast< CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow* >( aSelf );
TRAP_IGNORE( self->ShowNextImageL() );
return EFalse;
void CMemSpyViewFBServSlideshow::ShowNextImageL()
CEikImage* imageControl = static_cast< CEikImage* >( Control(EMemSpyCtrlIdSlideShowImage) );
// Get the right image
const TInt imageCount = iBitmaps.Count();
if ( iIndex < imageCount )
CMemSpyEngineFbServBitmap& bitmap = iBitmaps.At( iIndex );
imageControl->SetPicture( &bitmap.Bitmap(), NULL );
imageControl->SetPictureOwnedExternally( ETrue );
// Prepare title
const TSize size( bitmap.Bitmap().SizeInPixels() );
_LIT(KTitleFormat, "%3d x %3d");
TBuf<128> title;
title.Format( KTitleFormat, size.iWidth, size.iHeight );
SetTitleL( title );
// Dismiss myself.
delete this;