author hgs
Mon, 18 Oct 2010 16:32:38 +0300
changeset 56 392f7045e621
parent 53 819e59dfc032
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:    


#include <StifLogger.h>
#include <TestScripterInternal.h>
#include <StifTestModule.h>
#include <TestclassAssert.h>
#include <e32std.h> 
#include <f32file.h> 
#include <bautils.h>

//#define ?macro ?macro_def

// Logging path
_LIT( KAppRegister_testLogPath, "\\logs\\testframework\\AppRegExec_test\\" ); 
// Log file
_LIT( KAppRegister_testLogFile, "AppRegExec_test.txt" ); 
_LIT( KAppRegister_testLogFileWithTitle, "AppRegExec_test_[%S].txt" );

_LIT( KAppRegisterEXE,"C:\\Sys\\Bin\\AppRegExec.exe");

_LIT( KAppUnRegisterEXE,"C:\\Sys\\Bin\\AppUnRegister.exe");
_LIT( KTestDataEXE,"C:\\Sys\\Bin\\Hello3.exe");
_LIT( KTestDataRSC_SRC,"C:\\data\\Hello3_reg.RSC");
_LIT( KTestDataRSC_DST,"c:\\private\\10003a3f\\import\\apps\\Hello3_reg.RSC");


class CAppRegExec_test;

*  CAppRegExec_test test class for STIF Test Framework TestScripter.
*  ?other_description_lines
*  @lib ?library
*  @since ?Series60_version
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAppRegExec_test) : public CScriptBase
    public:  // Constructors and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CAppRegExec_test* NewL( CTestModuleIf& aTestModuleIf );

        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CAppRegExec_test();

    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From CScriptBase Runs a script line.
        * @since ?Series60_version
        * @param aItem Script line containing method name and parameters
        * @return Symbian OS error code
        virtual TInt RunMethodL( CStifItemParser& aItem );


        * C++ default constructor.
        CAppRegExec_test( CTestModuleIf& aTestModuleIf );

        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL();

        // Prohibit copy constructor if not deriving from CBase.
        // ?classname( const ?classname& );
        // Prohibit assigment operator if not deriving from CBase.
        // ?classname& operator=( const ?classname& );

        * Frees all resources allocated from test methods.
        * @since ?Series60_version
        void Delete();

        * Test methods are listed below. 

         * Positive Test Method: This Test Case we assume that 
         * the console App is running in backround and will try to 
         * copy GUI app resource registration file . 
         * So the GUI app corresponding to this resource should launch successfully.
        virtual TInt Positive(CStifItemParser& aItem);
         * Negative Test Method: This Test Case checks whether the console App is not running in backround if yes, will shutdown it.
         * Then it Will try to copy resource registration file . 
         * So the GUI app corresponding to this resource should not launch.
        virtual TInt Negative(CStifItemParser& aItem);
         * StartBackRoundApp Test mothod: This Test cases should be used to launch the Backround process
         * which actually registers the GUI app.& which was shut down by Negative Test Case.
        virtual TInt StartBackRoundApp(CStifItemParser& aItem);
         * StartProcess - wil be used to launch any application.
        TInt StartProcess(const TDesC16& aFileName,TBool wait);
         * FindProcess - This function searches the given process . 
         * it will shutdown the process if running in backround & return true else False.
        TBool FindProcess(const TDesC16& aPath);
         * CheckAndDeleteL- will takes dirPath & Filename.
         * will check whether the provided file is Valid or not. If valid then delete it.
        void CheckAndDeleteL(const TDesC16& aPath,const TDesC16& aFile);
         * IsExist - will takes dirPath & Filename.
         * return True if valid file else False.
        TBool IsExist(const TDesC16& aPath,const TDesC16& aFile);
         * Method used to log version of test class
        void SendTestClassVersion();

        //[TestMethods] - Do not remove
        RFs iFsSession;

#endif      // APPREGEXEC_TEST_H

// End of File