* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "creator_file.h"
#include <DRMRights.h>
#include <caf/supplier.h>
#include <caf/importfile.h>
#include "creator_traces.h"
using namespace ContentAccess;
static const TInt KFilesFieldLength = 256;
//_LIT(KCreatorFilesPrefixName, "CR_");
//_LIT(KCreatorFilesPrefixFolderName, "CR_FLDR_");
LOGSTRING("Creator: CFilesParameters::CFilesParameters");
iFullFilePath = HBufC::New(KFilesFieldLength);
CFilesParameters::CFilesParameters( CFilesParameters& aCopy )
LOGSTRING("Creator: CFilesParameters::CFilesParameters");
iFullFilePath = HBufC::New(KFilesFieldLength);
iFullFilePath->Des().Copy( *aCopy.iFullFilePath );
iFileCommand = aCopy.iFileCommand;
iEncrypt = aCopy.iEncrypt;
if ( aCopy.iPermission )
iPermission = CDRMPermission::NewL();
iPermission->DuplicateL( *aCopy.iPermission );
LOGSTRING("Creator: CFilesParameters::~CFilesParameters");
delete iFullFilePath;
delete iPermission;
CCreatorFiles* CCreatorFiles::NewL(CCreatorEngine* aEngine)
CCreatorFiles* self = CCreatorFiles::NewLC(aEngine);
return self;
CCreatorFiles* CCreatorFiles::NewLC(CCreatorEngine* aEngine)
CCreatorFiles* self = new (ELeave) CCreatorFiles;
return self;
CCreatorFiles::CCreatorFiles() :
iFs ( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession() )
void CCreatorFiles::ConstructL(CCreatorEngine* aEngine)
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::ConstructL");
iEngine = aEngine;
iDirectoryQueriedFromUser = HBufC::New(KFilesFieldLength);
User::LeaveIfError( iApaLs.Connect() );
iFilePaths = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 4 );
// Restore file id
CDictionaryFileStore* store = iEngine->FileStoreLC();
User::LeaveIfNull( store );
if ( store->IsPresentL( KUidDictionaryUidFiles ) )
RDictionaryReadStream in;
in.OpenLC( *store, KUidDictionaryUidFiles );
TRAPD( err, iFileId = in.ReadInt32L() );
if ( err )
iFileId = 1;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // in
iFileId = 1;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::~CCreatorFiles");
// this is done only once per file operation:
if ( iFilePaths && iFilePaths->Count() )
TRAP_IGNORE( StorePathsForDeleteL( *iFilePaths ) );
delete iFilePaths;
delete iDirectoryQueriedFromUser;
delete iParameters;
delete iUserParameters;
TBool CCreatorFiles::AskDataFromUserL(TInt aCommand, TInt& aNumberOfEntries)
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::AskDataFromUserL");
if ( aCommand == ECmdDeleteCreatorFiles )
return iEngine->YesNoQueryDialogL( _L("Delete all files created with Creator?") );
delete iUserParameters;
iUserParameters = NULL;
iUserParameters = new(ELeave) CFilesParameters();
iDirectoryQueriedFromUser->Des().Copy( KNullDesC );
if (iEngine->EntriesQueryDialogL(aNumberOfEntries, _L("How many entries to create?")))
// set a default directory (eg. c:\Nokia\Images\)
TFileName directory;
iEngine->SetDefaultPathForFileCommandL(aCommand, directory);
// directory query dialog
CAknTextQueryDialog* textDialog = CAknTextQueryDialog::NewL(directory, CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone);
TBuf<50> promptText;
if (aCommand == ECmdCreateFileEntryEmptyFolder)
promptText.Copy( _L("Specify the folder path and name") );
promptText.Copy( _L("Specify the directory") );
if (textDialog->ExecuteLD(R_DIRECTORY_QUERY, promptText))
// check that the root folder is correct
if (directory.Length() < 3 || BaflUtils::CheckFolder(iFs, directory.Left(3)) != KErrNone)
CAknErrorNote* errorNote = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote;
errorNote->ExecuteLD(_L("Invalid path"));
return EFalse;
// check the directory contains a trailing backlash
if (directory.Right(1) != _L("\\"))
// copy the directory name to a class member
iDirectoryQueriedFromUser->Des() = directory;
if ( aCommand == ECmdCreateFileEntryEmptyFolder ) return ETrue;
else return AskDRMDataFromUserL();
return EFalse;
return EFalse;
TInt CCreatorFiles::CreateFileEntryL(CFilesParameters *aParameters, TInt aCommand)
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::CreateFileEntryL");
// clear any existing parameter definations
delete iParameters;
iParameters = NULL;
TFileName directoryToBeCreated;
CFilesParameters* parameters = aParameters;
if (!parameters)
if ( iUserParameters )
iParameters = new (ELeave) CFilesParameters( *iUserParameters );
// iUserParameters = NULL;
// random data needed if no predefined data available
iParameters = new (ELeave) CFilesParameters;
parameters = iParameters;
TInt err = KErrNone;
// if we just create directories
if ( aCommand == ECmdCreateFileEntryEmptyFolder)
// strip the last backslash from the path
if( iDirectoryQueriedFromUser && iDirectoryQueriedFromUser->Des().Length() > 0)
directoryToBeCreated = iDirectoryQueriedFromUser->Des();
else if( parameters->iFullFilePath && parameters->iFullFilePath->Des().Length() > 0 )
directoryToBeCreated = parameters->iFullFilePath->Des();
return err;
_LIT(KSlash, "\\");
if( directoryToBeCreated.Right(1) == KSlash )
directoryToBeCreated.SetLength ( directoryToBeCreated.Length() - 1 );
// generate a unique file name
err = CApaApplication::GenerateFileName( iFs, directoryToBeCreated);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
// now append the backslah back
directoryToBeCreated.Append( _L("\\") );
// now create the new directory
err = iFs.MkDirAll( directoryToBeCreated );
// Add directoryToBeCreated to store
iFilePaths->AppendL( directoryToBeCreated );
LOGSTRING3("Creator: CCreatorFiles::CreateFileEntryL creating empty directory %S returns err", &directoryToBeCreated, err);
else // files
LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorFiles::CreateFileEntryL file id is %d", aCommand);
// get source
TFileName fullSourcePath;
switch (aCommand)
case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_25kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_25kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_200kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_200kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryJPEG_500kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EJPEG_500kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryPNG_15kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EPNG_15kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryGIF_2kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EGIF_2kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryRNG_1kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::ERNG_1kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryMIDI_10kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EMIDI_10kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryWAV_20kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EWAVE_20kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryAMR_20kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EAMR_20kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryXLS_15kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EExcel_15kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryDOC_20kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EWord_20kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryPPT_40kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EPowerPoint_40kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryTXT_10kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EText_10kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryTXT_70kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EText_70kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntry3GPP_70kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::E3GPP_70kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryMP3_250kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EMP3_250kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryAAC_100kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EAAC_100kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryRM_95kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::ERM_95kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryBMP_25kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EBMP_25kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryDeck_1kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::ESavedDeck_1kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryHTML_20kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EHTML_20kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryJAD_1kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EJAD_1kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryJAR_10kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EJAR_10kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryJP2_65kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EJP2_65kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryMP4_200kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EMP4_200kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryMXMF_40kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EMXMF_40kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryRAM_1kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::ERAM_1kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntrySVG_15kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::ESVG_15kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntrySWF_15kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::ESWF_15kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryTIF_25kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::ETIF_25kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryVCF_1kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EVCF_1kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryVCS_1kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EVCS_1kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntrySISX_10kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::ESISX_10kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryWMA_50kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EWMA_50kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryWMV_200kB: { fullSourcePath = iEngine->TestDataPathL( CCreatorEngine::EWMV_200kB ); break; }
case ECmdCreateFileEntryEmptyFolder: { User::Panic(_L("EmptyFolder"), 801); break; }
default: { return KErrPathNotFound; }
// define the full target path
TFileName fullTargetPath;
if ( parameters->iFullFilePath && parameters->iFullFilePath->Des().Length() > 3 )
_LIT(KSlash, "\\");
// check the path is ok
fullTargetPath = parameters->iFullFilePath->Des();
if(fullTargetPath.Right(1) == KSlash)
// Remove '\' from the end, because the filename check does not work with it:
fullTargetPath.SetLength ( fullTargetPath.Length() - 1 );
if (!iFs.IsValidName( fullTargetPath ))
// target path = directory + the file name from source path
TParse parser;
parser.Set(fullSourcePath, NULL, NULL);
// Add '\' to the end:
// Add filename:
fullTargetPath.Append( parser.NameAndExt() );
LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorFiles::CreateFileEntryL iFullFilePath used, fullTargetPath: %S", &fullTargetPath);
else if ( iDirectoryQueriedFromUser && iDirectoryQueriedFromUser->Des().Length() > 0 )
// target path = directory + the file name from source path
TParse parser;
parser.Set(fullSourcePath, NULL, NULL);
fullTargetPath = iDirectoryQueriedFromUser->Des();
fullTargetPath.Append( parser.NameAndExt() );
LOGSTRING2("Creator: CCreatorFiles::CreateFileEntryL iDirectoryQueriedFromUser used, fullTargetPath: %S", &fullTargetPath);
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::CreateFileEntryL leaving with KErrPathNotFound");
TBool encrypt = parameters->iEncrypt;
if ( encrypt ) fullTargetPath.Append( KOma2DcfExtension );
// check the target path has a unique filename ie we won't overwrite existing files
// also generates any missing directories
if ( BaflUtils::FileExists( iFs, fullTargetPath ) )
GenerateFileNameL( fullTargetPath );
User::LeaveIfError(CApaApplication::GenerateFileName( iFs, fullTargetPath ) );
if ( encrypt )
EncryptFileL( fullSourcePath, fullTargetPath, parameters );
// copy the file (synchronous function)
err = BaflUtils::CopyFile(iFs, fullSourcePath, fullTargetPath);
LOGSTRING4("Creator: CCreatorFiles::CreateFileEntryL copy %S to %S, err=%d", &fullSourcePath, &fullTargetPath, err);
if (err != KErrNone)
User::Leave(err); // leave because copying failed
// Add fullTargetPath to store
iFilePaths->AppendL( fullTargetPath );
// make sure that the file won't have a read only attribute
TEntry fileEntry;
iFs.Entry(fullTargetPath, fileEntry);
iFs.SetEntry(fullTargetPath, fileEntry.iModified, NULL, KEntryAttReadOnly);
// clear variables
parameters->iFullFilePath->Des().Copy ( KNullDesC );
return err;
void CCreatorFiles::EncryptFileL( const TDesC& aInFileName, const TDesC& aOutFileName, CFilesParameters *aParameters )
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::EncryptFileL");
TBuf8<64> mime;
SetMimeTypeL( aInFileName, mime, aParameters );
CSupplier* supplier = CSupplier::NewLC();
CMetaDataArray* metaData = CMetaDataArray::NewLC();
// Tell the agent which MIME type to use for the encrypted data
metaData->AddL( KOmaImportMimeTypeField, mime );
if ( aParameters && aParameters->iPermission )
// Combined Delivery file will be created
SetPermissionsL( metaData, aOutFileName, aParameters );
supplier->SetOutputDirectoryL( *iDirectoryQueriedFromUser );
// The KOmaImportContentType is a OMA DRM agent specific MIME type which
// indicates that plain content is to be encrypted
CImportFile* importFile = supplier->ImportFileL( KOmaImportContentType,
aOutFileName );
CleanupStack::PushL( importFile );
// Peek the source file size:
TInt fileLen( 0 );
RFile file;
User::LeaveIfError( file.Open( iFs, aInFileName, EFileRead ) );
CleanupClosePushL( file );
User::LeaveIfError( file.Size( fileLen ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file );
// Read the source file to inmemory buffer
RFileReadStream rs;
User::LeaveIfError( rs.Open( iFs,
EFileStream | EFileRead ) );
CleanupClosePushL( rs );
HBufC8* fileBuf = HBufC8::NewLC( fileLen );
TPtr8 p = fileBuf->Des();
rs.ReadL( p, fileLen );
// Start encryption
TInt err = importFile->WriteData( p );
if ( err == KErrCANewFileHandleRequired )
RFile file;
User::LeaveIfError( file.Create( iFs, aOutFileName, EFileWrite ) );
CleanupClosePushL( file );
importFile->ContinueWithNewOutputFile( file, aOutFileName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
User::LeaveIfError( importFile->WriteDataComplete() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileBuf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rs );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( importFile );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( metaData );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( supplier );
void CCreatorFiles::SetPermissionsL( CMetaDataArray* aMetaData, const TDesC& aOutFileName, CFilesParameters *aParameters )
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::SetPermissionsL");
CDRMRights* rights = CDRMRights::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( rights );
HBufC8* cnturi = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxFileName );
cnturi->Des().Copy( aOutFileName );
CDRMAsset* asset = CDRMAsset::NewLC();
asset->iUid = cnturi;
// Set the asset to the rights class, it will duplicate the asset
rights->SetAssetL( *asset );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( asset );
rights->SetPermissionL( *aParameters->iPermission );
// Construct externalized presentation of the rights object
TInt rightsSize = 1024 *100;
HBufC8* rightBuf = HBufC8::NewLC( rightsSize );
TPtr8 bptr = rightBuf->Des();
bptr.SetLength( rightsSize );
RMemWriteStream iWriteStream;
iWriteStream.Open( (TAny*)(rightBuf->Ptr() ), rightsSize );
CleanupClosePushL( iWriteStream );
iWriteStream << *rights;
TPtr8 rp = rightBuf->Des();
// Add rights to metadata
aMetaData->AddL( KOmaImportRightsField, rp );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iWriteStream );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rightBuf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rights );
void CCreatorFiles::SetMimeTypeL( const TDesC& aFileName, TDes8& aMime, CFilesParameters *aParameters )
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::SetMimeTypeL");
TUid appUid;
TDataType dataType;
User::LeaveIfError( iApaLs.AppForDocument( aFileName, appUid, dataType ) );
if ( dataType.Des().Length() )
aMime.Copy( dataType.Des() );
// set default mime, because it was not recognized by iApaLs
aMime.Copy( _L("text/plain") );
// set DRM permissions according the type of the file
if ( aParameters->iPermission )
if ( dataType.Des().FindF( _L("image") ) > KErrNotFound )
aParameters->iPermission->iAvailableRights = ERightsDisplay | ERightsPrint;
else if ( dataType.Des().FindF( _L("audio") ) > KErrNotFound ||
dataType.Des().FindF( _L("video") ) > KErrNotFound ||
dataType.Des().FindF( _L("tone") ) > KErrNotFound || // e.g. application/vnd.nokia.ringing-tone
dataType.Des().FindF( _L("realmedia") ) > KErrNotFound )
// media files
aParameters->iPermission->iAvailableRights = ERightsPlay;
else if ( dataType.Des().FindF( _L("archive") ) > KErrNotFound ||
dataType.Des().FindF( _L("x-sis") ) > KErrNotFound )
// application/java-archive
// x-epoc/x-sisx-app
aParameters->iPermission->iAvailableRights = ERightsExecute;
else if ( dataType.Des().FindF( _L("application") ) > KErrNotFound ||
dataType.Des().FindF( _L("text") ) > KErrNotFound )
// application/msexcel
// application/msword
// text/plain
// etc.
aParameters->iPermission->iAvailableRights = ERightsDisplay | ERightsPrint;
// other filetype
aParameters->iPermission->iAvailableRights = ERightsDisplay;
TBool CCreatorFiles::AskDRMDataFromUserL()
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::AskDRMDataFromUserL");
// Encryption -dialog
TInt encIndex( 0 );
CAknListQueryDialog* encDlg = new (ELeave) CAknListQueryDialog( &encIndex );
//Create flat array from which list is built.
CDesCArrayFlat* items = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(5);
// Add entires to list
items->AppendL( _L("None") );
items->AppendL( _L("DRM Forward Lock") );
items->AppendL( _L("DRM Combined Delivery") );
// Add items into main list
encDlg->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
encDlg->SetItemTextArray( items );
CleanupStack::Pop( items );
encDlg->ListBox()->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw( 0 );
if ( encDlg->RunLD() )
if ( encIndex > 0 )
iUserParameters->iEncrypt = ETrue;
if ( encIndex == 2 )
iUserParameters->iPermission = CDRMPermission::NewL();
CDRMPermission* perm = iUserParameters->iPermission;
perm->iTopLevel->iActiveConstraints = EConstraintNone;
perm->iPlay->iActiveConstraints = EConstraintNone;
perm->iDisplay->iActiveConstraints = EConstraintNone;
perm->iPrint->iActiveConstraints = EConstraintNone;
perm->iExecute->iActiveConstraints = EConstraintNone;
perm->iUniqueID = 0;
// DRM Combined Delivery
return AskDRMCDDataFromUserL();
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TBool CCreatorFiles::AskDRMCDDataFromUserL()
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::AskDRMCDDataFromUserL");
TInt count( 0 );
if ( iEngine->EntriesQueryDialogL( count, _L("How many counts\r\n(0=unlimited)?"), ETrue ) )
if ( count > 0 )
CDRMPermission* perm = iUserParameters->iPermission;
// apply constraints to all permission types
// applied type will be selected by setting iAvailableRights
// when determining the file type
perm->iDisplay->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintCounter;
perm->iDisplay->iCounter = count;
perm->iDisplay->iOriginalCounter = count;
perm->iPlay->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintCounter;
perm->iPlay->iCounter = count;
perm->iPlay->iOriginalCounter = count;
perm->iPrint->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintCounter;
perm->iPrint->iCounter = count;
perm->iPrint->iOriginalCounter = count;
perm->iExecute->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintCounter;
perm->iExecute->iCounter = count;
perm->iExecute->iOriginalCounter = count;
return EFalse;
TInt seconds( 0 );
if ( iEngine->EntriesQueryDialogL( seconds, _L("How many accumulated seconds until expire (0=unlimited)?"), ETrue ) )
if ( seconds > 0 )
CDRMPermission* perm = iUserParameters->iPermission;
// apply constraints to all permission types
// applied type will be selected by setting iAvailableRights
// when determining the file type
perm->iDisplay->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintAccumulated;
perm->iDisplay->iEndTime = Time::MaxTTime();
perm->iDisplay->iStartTime = Time::MinTTime();;
perm->iDisplay->iAccumulatedTime = seconds;
perm->iPlay->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintAccumulated;
perm->iPlay->iEndTime = Time::MaxTTime();
perm->iPlay->iStartTime = Time::MinTTime();;
perm->iPlay->iAccumulatedTime = seconds;
perm->iPrint->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintAccumulated;
perm->iPrint->iEndTime = Time::MaxTTime();
perm->iPrint->iStartTime = Time::MinTTime();;
perm->iPrint->iAccumulatedTime = seconds;
perm->iExecute->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintAccumulated;
perm->iExecute->iEndTime = Time::MaxTTime();
perm->iExecute->iStartTime = Time::MinTTime();;
perm->iExecute->iAccumulatedTime = seconds;
return EFalse;
TInt minutes( 0 );
if ( iEngine->EntriesQueryDialogL( minutes, _L("How many minutes until expire (0=unlimited)?"), ETrue ) )
if ( minutes > 0 )
CDRMPermission* perm = iUserParameters->iPermission;
// apply constraints to all permission types
// applied type will be selected by setting iAvailableRights
// when determining the file type
perm->iDisplay->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintInterval;
perm->iDisplay->iInterval = TTimeIntervalSeconds( 60 * minutes );
perm->iDisplay->iIntervalStart = Time::NullTTime();
perm->iPlay->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintInterval;
perm->iPlay->iInterval = TTimeIntervalSeconds( 60 * minutes );
perm->iPlay->iIntervalStart = Time::NullTTime();
perm->iPrint->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintInterval;
perm->iPrint->iInterval = TTimeIntervalSeconds( 60 * minutes );
perm->iPrint->iIntervalStart = Time::NullTTime();
perm->iExecute->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintInterval;
perm->iExecute->iInterval = TTimeIntervalSeconds( 60 * minutes );
perm->iExecute->iIntervalStart = Time::NullTTime();
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
void CCreatorFiles::DeleteAllL()
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::DeleteAllL");
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported ); // will not be supported
void CCreatorFiles::DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL()
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::DeleteAllCreatedByCreatorL");
iFileId = 1;
CDictionaryFileStore* store = iEngine->FileStoreLC();
User::LeaveIfNull( store );
if ( store->IsPresentL( KUidDictionaryUidFiles ) )
RDictionaryReadStream in;
in.OpenLC( *store, KUidDictionaryUidFiles );
CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( iFs );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileMan );
TFileName fullPath;
// ignore return value, don't update iFileId here:
TRAPD( err, in.ReadInt32L() );
while ( !err )
TInt len( KErrNotFound );
TRAP( err, len = in.ReadInt8L() ); // will leave with KErrEof
if ( !err )
TRAP( err, in.ReadL( fullPath, len ) );
if ( !err )
TEntry fileEntry;
iFs.Entry( fullPath, fileEntry );
if ( fileEntry.IsDir() )
fileMan->RmDir( fullPath ); // ignore return value
iFs.Delete( fullPath ); // ignore return value
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileMan );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &in );
// files deleted, remove the Creator internal file registry
store->Remove( KUidDictionaryUidFiles );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
void CCreatorFiles::StorePathsForDeleteL( CDesCArray& aPaths )
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::StorePathsForDeleteL");
CDictionaryFileStore* store = iEngine->FileStoreLC();
User::LeaveIfNull( store );
// backup previous filepaths from store
// otherwise they would be overwritten when calling out.WriteL
CDesCArray* previousPaths = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 4 );
CleanupStack::PushL( previousPaths );
TFileName fullPath;
if ( store->IsPresentL( KUidDictionaryUidFiles ) )
RDictionaryReadStream in;
in.OpenLC( *store, KUidDictionaryUidFiles );
// ignore return value, don't update iFileId here:
TRAPD( err, in.ReadInt32L() );
while ( !err )
TRAP( err,
TInt len = in.ReadInt8L(); // will leave with KErrEof
in.ReadL( fullPath, len );
previousPaths->AppendL( fullPath );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // in
RDictionaryWriteStream out;
out.AssignLC( *store, KUidDictionaryUidFiles );
// write latest file id to store
out.WriteInt32L( iFileId );
// restore previous paths to store
for ( TInt i = 0; i < previousPaths->Count(); i++ )
out.WriteInt8L( (*previousPaths)[i].Length() );
out.WriteL( (*previousPaths)[i] );
// write new paths to store
for ( TInt i = 0; i < aPaths.Count(); i++ )
out.WriteInt8L( aPaths[i].Length() );
out.WriteL( aPaths[i] );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // out
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( previousPaths );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
void CCreatorFiles::GenerateFileNameL( TFileName& aRootName )
LOGSTRING("Creator: CCreatorFiles::GenerateFileNameL");
if ( iFileId )
TBuf<16> extension;
if ( iFileId < 10 )
extension.Format( _L("(0%d)"), iFileId );
extension.Format( _L("(%d)"), iFileId );
aRootName.Insert( aRootName.Locate( '.' ), extension );
// End of file