* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "creator_fileelement.h"
#include <DrmPermission.h>
#include <DrmConstraint.h>
#include "creator_traces.h"
#include "creator_file.h"
using namespace creatorfile;
// 15 minutes per time zone, 60 seconds per minute
const TInt KSecondsPerTimeZone = 900;
const TInt KMinuteInMicroseconds = 60000000;
const TInt KTimeZoneIncrement = 15;
CCreatorFileElement* CCreatorFileElement::NewL(CCreatorEngine* aEngine, const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aContext )
CCreatorFileElement* self = new (ELeave) CCreatorFileElement(aEngine);
self->ConstructL(aName, aContext);
return self;
CCreatorFileElement::CCreatorFileElement(CCreatorEngine* aEngine)
iIsCommandElement = ETrue;
TTime currUniversal;
TTime currLocal;
TInt64 result( 0 );
result = currLocal.Int64() - currUniversal.Int64();
result /= KMinuteInMicroseconds;
result /= KTimeZoneIncrement;
iTimeZone = I64INT( result );
void CCreatorFileElement::ExecuteCommandL()
const CCreatorScriptAttribute* amountAttr = FindAttributeByName(KAmount);
TInt fileAmount = 1;
if( amountAttr )
fileAmount = ConvertStrToIntL(amountAttr->Value());
// Get 'fields' element
CCreatorScriptElement* fieldsElement = FindSubElement(KFields);
if( fieldsElement && fieldsElement->SubElements().Count() > 0)
// Get sub-elements
const RPointerArray<CCreatorScriptElement>& fields = fieldsElement->SubElements();
// Create files, the amount of files is defined by fileAmount:
for( TInt cI = 0; cI < fileAmount; ++cI )
CFilesParameters* param = new (ELeave) CFilesParameters;
CleanupStack::PushL( param );
for( TInt i = 0; i < fields.Count(); ++i )
CCreatorScriptElement* field = fields[i];
TPtrC elemName = field->Name();
TPtrC elemContent = field->Content();
const CCreatorScriptAttribute* randomAttr = field->FindAttributeByName( KRandomLength );
if( elemName == KType )
param->iFileCommand = GetFileCommandL(elemContent, randomAttr || elemContent.Length() == 0);
else if( elemName == KDirectory )
delete param->iFullFilePath;
param->iFullFilePath = 0;
if( randomAttr == 0 && elemContent.Length() > 0 )
param->iFullFilePath = elemContent.AllocL();
TFileName defaultPath;
iEngine->SetDefaultPathForFileCommandL( param->iFileCommand, defaultPath );
param->iFullFilePath = defaultPath.AllocL();
else if ( elemName == KEncryption )
ParseDRMElementsL( field, param );
if ( !param->iFileCommand )
param->iFileCommand = ECmdCreateFileEntryEmptyFolder;
iEngine->AppendToCommandArrayL( param->iFileCommand, param);
CleanupStack::Pop( param );
_LIT(KDummy, "");
for( TInt cI = 0; cI < fileAmount; ++cI )
CFilesParameters* param = new (ELeave) CFilesParameters;
delete param->iFullFilePath;
param->iFullFilePath = 0;
TFileName defaultPath;
param->iFileCommand = GetFileCommandL(KDummy, ETrue);
iEngine->SetDefaultPathForFileCommandL(param->iFileCommand, defaultPath);
param->iFullFilePath = defaultPath.AllocL();
iEngine->AppendToCommandArrayL(param->iFileCommand, param);
TInt CCreatorFileElement::GetFileCommandL( const TDesC& aFileIdStr, TBool aRandom ) const
TInt mapCount = sizeof(FileMap) / sizeof(FileMapping);
if( aRandom )
return FileMap[iEngine->RandomNumber(0, mapCount-1)].CommandId();
for( TInt i = 0; i < mapCount; ++i )
if( CompareIgnoreCase(FileMap[i].FileName(), aFileIdStr) == 0 )
return FileMap[i].CommandId();
LOGSTRING2("CCreatorFileElement::GetFileCommandL: Unknown file id: %S", &aFileIdStr);
return 0; // Not reached, but disables compiler warning...
void CCreatorFileElement::ParseDRMElementsL( CCreatorScriptElement* aField, CFilesParameters* aParam )
const CCreatorScriptAttribute* encryptionTypeAttr = aField->FindAttributeByName( KType );
if ( encryptionTypeAttr && encryptionTypeAttr->Value().Length() > 0 )
aParam->iEncrypt = ETrue;
if ( encryptionTypeAttr->Value() == KDRMCD )
delete aParam->iPermission;
aParam->iPermission = NULL;
// ownership transferred:
aParam->iPermission = CDRMPermission::NewL();
else if ( encryptionTypeAttr->Value() != KDRMFL )
// must be either KDRMCD or KDRMFL
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
const RPointerArray<CCreatorScriptElement>& rights = aField->SubElements();
if ( encryptionTypeAttr->Value() == KDRMFL && rights.Count() )
// Right definitions not allowed with DRM Forward Lock
// User::Leave( KErrArgument ); // Do not leave here
return; // Just omit rights definitions
// parse right elements
CDRMPermission* drmPermission = aParam->iPermission;
for ( TInt r = 0; r < rights.Count(); r++ )
const CCreatorScriptAttribute* rightAttr = rights[r]->FindAttributeByName( KType );
if ( rightAttr->Value() == KDRMPlayRight &&
!( drmPermission->iAvailableRights & ERightsPlay ) )
drmPermission->iAvailableRights |= ERightsPlay;
ParseDRMConstraintsL( rights[r], drmPermission->iPlay );
else if ( rightAttr->Value() == KDRMDisplayRight &&
!( drmPermission->iAvailableRights & ERightsDisplay ))
drmPermission->iAvailableRights |= ERightsDisplay;
ParseDRMConstraintsL( rights[r], drmPermission->iDisplay );
else if ( rightAttr->Value() == KDRMPrintRight &&
!( drmPermission->iAvailableRights & ERightsPrint ) )
drmPermission->iAvailableRights |= ERightsPrint;
ParseDRMConstraintsL( rights[r], drmPermission->iPrint );
else if ( rightAttr->Value() == KDRMExecuteRight &&
!( drmPermission->iAvailableRights & ERightsExecute ) )
drmPermission->iAvailableRights |= ERightsExecute;
ParseDRMConstraintsL( rights[r], drmPermission->iExecute );
void CCreatorFileElement::ParseDRMConstraintsL( CCreatorScriptElement* aRight, CDRMConstraint* aConstraint )
const RPointerArray<CCreatorScriptElement>& constraints = aRight->SubElements();
for ( TInt c = 0; c < constraints.Count(); c++ )
TPtrC elemName = constraints[c]->Name();
TPtrC elemContent = constraints[c]->Content();
if ( elemName == KDRMCount )
TInt count = ConvertStrToIntL( elemContent );
// apply count constraint
aConstraint->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintCounter;
aConstraint->iCounter = count;
aConstraint->iOriginalCounter = count;
else if ( elemName == KDRMInterval )
// apply interval constraint
aConstraint->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintInterval;
aConstraint->iInterval = ParseTimeInterval( elemContent );
aConstraint->iIntervalStart = Time::NullTTime();
else if ( elemName == KDRMStartTime )
// apply start time constraint
aConstraint->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintStartTime;
TTimeIntervalSeconds offset( iTimeZone * KSecondsPerTimeZone );
aConstraint->iStartTime = ConvertToDateTimeL( elemContent ) - offset;
else if ( elemName == KDRMEndTime )
// apply end time constraint
aConstraint->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintEndTime;
TTimeIntervalSeconds offset( iTimeZone * KSecondsPerTimeZone );
aConstraint->iEndTime = ConvertToDateTimeL( elemContent ) - offset;
else if ( elemName == KDRMAccumulated )
// apply accumulated time constraint
aConstraint->iActiveConstraints |= EConstraintAccumulated;
if ( aConstraint->iEndTime == Time::NullTTime() )
aConstraint->iEndTime = Time::MaxTTime();
if ( aConstraint->iStartTime == Time::NullTTime() )
aConstraint->iStartTime = Time::MinTTime();
aConstraint->iAccumulatedTime = ParseTimeInterval( elemContent );
TTimeIntervalSeconds CCreatorFileElement::ParseTimeInterval( TDesC& aTimeString )
// Iso8601 format (P1Y2M3DT4H5M6S) to TimeIntervalSeconds
TLex lex;
TInt year = 0;
TInt month = 0;
TInt day = 0;
TInt hour = 0;
TInt minute = 0;
TInt second = 0;
if (aTimeString.Length() > 0)
lex = aTimeString;
lex.Inc(); // skip 'P'
TTimeIntervalSeconds result( ( ( ( year * 365 + month * 30 + day ) * 24 + hour )
* 60 + minute ) * 60 + second );
return result;
// End of file