* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Defines screensaver shared data connections.
#include <msvapi.h> // for MMsvSessionObserver
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
#include "screensaverplugin.h"
#include "ScreensaverUtils.h"
#include "ScreensaverInternalPSKeys.h"
#include "ScreensaverInternalCRKeys.h"
#include "screensaverengine.h"
class CRepository;
class CScreensaverRepositoryWatcher;
class CSubscriber;
class MProfile;
class MProfileEngine;
class CScreensaverSharedDataI : public CBase, public MMsvEntryObserver,
public MMsvSessionObserver
* Two-phased constructor
static CScreensaverSharedDataI* NewL();
* Destructor
* Get the screensaver object type
TDisplayObjectType DisplayObjectType() const;
* Change the display object type of screensaver
void SetDisplayObjectType( const TDisplayObjectType aType );
* Gets the display text
void GetDisplayObjectText( TDes& aDes ) const;
* Get the plug-in name
void GetPluginName( TFileName& aFileName ) const;
* Get the flag if uses the inversive color
TBool IsInvertedColors() const;
* Gets the timeout
TInt ScreensaverTimeout() const;
* Is the New Contact Note is actived or not
TBool IsNCNActive() const;
* Get the count of the missed calls
TInt NewMissedCalls() const;
* Request screen lights to be turned on or off
* @param sSecs - lights on for aSecs seconds, 0 = off, max 30.
void SetSSForcedLightsOn( const TInt aSecs );
* Publish Screensaver on/off status
* @param aOn ETrue - saver on, EFalse - off
void SetScreensaverStatus(const TBool aOn = ETrue);
* Publish "Screensaver started from Idle" status
void SetSSStartedFromIdleStatus();
* Get the flag that if the screensaver is allowed or not
TInt IsScreenSaverAllowed() const;
* Get the Preview mode of screensaver
TInt ScreensaverPreviewMode() const;
* Set the preview mode
void SetScreensaverPreviewMode( const TInt aMode );
* Get preview state
TScreenSaverPreviewState ScreensaverPreviewState() const;
* Report preview state
void SetScreensaverPreviewState( const TScreenSaverPreviewState aState );
* Get keyguard status
* @return ETrue key guard is active.
* EFalse key guard is inactive.
TBool IsKeyguardOn() const;
* Query power save mode usage
* @return ETrue, if power save mode should be used
TBool IsUsePowerSaveMode() const;
* Query system startup completion status
* @return ETrue, if system startup is complete
TBool IsSystemStartupComplete();
* Gets the default screensaver type
TDisplayObjectType DefaultScreensaverType() const;
* Returns number of unread messages in inbox.
* @return Number of unread messages in inbox.
TInt UnreadMessagesNumber();
* Return the name of currently selected profile
* @return Profile name descriptor.
const TDesC& ProfileName();
* Query active profile.
* @return Id of active profile, or system error code.
TInt ActiveProfile();
* Query new email status
* @return ETrue if there is new email
TBool IsHaveNewEmail() const;
* Query new voice mail status
* @return ETrue, if there is new voice mail
TBool IsHaveNewVoicemail() const;
* Query new instant message status
* @return ETrue, if there are instant messages pending
TBool IsHaveNewInstantMessages() const;
* Query silent mode status
* @return ETrue, if silent mode is on
TBool IsSilentMode();
* Query vibra mode status
* @return ETrue, if vibra mode is on
TBool IsVibraMode();
* From MMsvSessionObserver. Not used.
void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent /*aEvent*/, TAny* /*aArg1*/,
TAny* /*aArg2*/, TAny* /*aArg3*/);
* From MMsvEntryObserver. Callback function. Handles global In-box events.
* @param aEvent An entry event.
void HandleEntryEventL(TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2,
TAny* aArg3);
* Returns the pointer of the screensaver repository
CRepository* ScreensaverRepository() const;
* C++ default constructor
* Two-phased constructor
void ConstructL();
* Connect to the screensaver central repository
void ConnectToSSCRL();
* Connect to the Psln Setting central repository
void ConnectToPslnSettingCRL();
void ConnectToCommonTsyCRL();
void ConnectToInboxL();
* Connects to Profile engine. Returns ETrue if successfully connected
* iProfileEngine will then point to a valid MProfileEngine
TBool ConnectToProfileEngine();
* Connects to active profile. Returns ETrue if successfully connected
* iActiveProfile will then point to a valid MProfile
TBool ConnectToActiveProfile();
* Define the screensaver properties
void DefineScreensaverProperties( TUint32 aKey, const TSecurityPolicy& aWritePolicy );
// Shared data key state handlers.
* Callback fuction. Called when the timeout changed
static TInt HandleTimeoutChanged(TAny* aPtr);
* Resets the inactivity timeout
void ResetInactivityTimeout();
* Callback fuction. Called when the display object changed
static TInt HandleDisplayObjChanged(TAny* aPtr);
* Get the default type
void GetDefaultType();
* Get the default type string from the CR
TInt GetDefaultTypeString( TDes& DefaultScreenSaver );
* Get the count of the voice mail
TInt VoiceMailCount( const TUint32 aKey ) const;
* Invalidate cached active profile
void InvalidateActiveProfile();
* Returns the AppUi
CScreensaverAppUi *AppUi() const;
* The type of the display object
TDisplayObjectType iDefaultType;
* not owned!
CScreensaverAppUi* iAppUi;
* Screensaver specific values.
CRepository* iScreensaverRepository;
CScreensaverRepositoryWatcher* iScreensaverRepositoryWatcher;
* General Settings.
CRepository* iSettingsRepository;
CScreensaverRepositoryWatcher* iSettingsRepositoryWatcher;
* Common tsy repository (voice message waiting)
CRepository* iCTsyRepository;
* Access to the profile engine
MProfileEngine* iProfileEngine;
* Need to store also the profile, so that it's name
* can be used at any time
MProfile* iActiveProfile;
* The Msv session pointer.
CMsvSession* iMsvSession;
* In-box folder entry. Note that the entry is not owned by this class.
CMsvEntry* iInboxFolder;
* System startup completion flag
TBool iStartupComplete;
// End of file.