* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Screensaver GifAnimation plug-in implementation header file
#include <e32std.h>
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <npupp.h>
#include <pluginadapterinterface.h>
#include <cecombrowserplugininterface.h>
#include <MIHLViewerObserver.h>
class MIHLFileImage;
class MIHLBitmap;
class MIHLImageViewer;
class CCoeControl;
class CGifAnimationPlugin;
/** implementation id GifAnim Ecom Plugin */
const TInt KGifAnimationPluginImplementationValue = 0x102750B4;
* This class is specific to ECom Style Plugin.
* This is used for passing plugin specific initialization information
* to and from browser.
class CGifAnimationPluginEcomMain : public CEcomBrowserPluginInterface
public: // Functions from base classes
* Instance factory
* @param aInitParam an optional parameter
static CGifAnimationPluginEcomMain* NewL(TAny* aInitParam);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CGifAnimationPluginEcomMain();
* @return pointer to functions struct.
NPNetscapeFuncs* Funcs() { return iNpf; }
private: // Constructors
CGifAnimationPluginEcomMain( NPNetscapeFuncs* aNpf );
void Construct( NPPluginFuncs* aPluginFuncs );
private: // new functions
* Sets pointers to interface functions
* @param aPpf structure to fill
NPError InitializeFuncs( NPPluginFuncs* aPpf );
private: // Data
// pointer to plug-in function pointers struct
NPNetscapeFuncs* iNpf;
Class CGifAnimationPluginControl
Class to Handle UI related actions
class CGifAnimationPluginControl : public CCoeControl,
public MIHLViewerObserver
public: // Constructor and Destructor
* Function: NewL
* Description: Get instance of a CGifAnimationPluginControl object.
* @param aParentControl a parent class to register to
* @param aPluginAdapter pointer to plugin adapter
static CGifAnimationPluginControl* NewL( CCoeControl* aParentControl,
MPluginAdapter* aPluginAdapter);
* Destructor.
public: // From MIHLViewerObserver
* From MIHLViewerObserver Notifies client
* when viewer bitmap content is changed.
* Leave situation is handled in ViewerError() callback.
void ViewerBitmapChangedL();
* From MIHLViewerObserver Notifies client if error occurs in viewer.
* @param aError IN System wide error code.
void ViewerError( TInt aError );
public: // new methods
* Loads the image into display.
* @param aImageFileName image file name - expected to be valid image
void LoadImageL( const TDesC& aImageFileName );
* @return last error, if any
TInt GetLastError() const;
* Start animation.
void StartAnimationL();
* Stop animation.
void StopAnimation();
* Checks that the file is a valid image file.
* Will leave otherwise
* @param aImageFileName image file name - expected to be valid image
static void CheckFileIsValidL( const TDesC& aImageFileName );
private: // new methods
* @return ETrue if loaded image is animation.
TBool IsAnimation() const;
* Cancel animation.
void CancelAnimation();
* Performs image loading steps.
* Uses file name stored in LoadImageL()
void DoImageLoadingL();
* Frees resources allocated with LoadImageL()
void DeleteAnimation();
* If loading content fails, non-leaving HandleCallback
* must be call always that parent can update its state
* properly.
void HandleCallback( TInt aError );
* Informes that the plug-in wants to terminate
void InformPluginFinished();
* Informs that DRM rights should not be consumed
void SetPreviewMode();
private: // from CCoeControl
void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
void SizeChanged();
private: // Constructor
* Constructor.
* ConstructL
* 2nd phase constructor.
* @param aParentControl a parent class to register to
* @param aPluginAdapter pointer to plugin adapter
void ConstructL( CCoeControl *aParentControl,
MPluginAdapter* aPluginAdapter );
private: // Data
* Possible animation states
enum TAnimationState
EAnimationNotReady=1, // the file was not loaded yet or corrupt
// Source image
MIHLFileImage* iSourceImage;
// Destination bitmap
MIHLBitmap* iDrawingBitmap;
// the bitmap is used for scaling our way, IHL will not do scaling
CFbsBitmap* iScalingBitmap;
// the mask for scaled bitmap
CFbsBitmap* iScalingBitmapMask;
// size of target bitmap
TSize iTargetSize;
// new size of target bitmap
TSize iTargetNewSize;
// Image viewer used as engine
MIHLImageViewer* iEngine;
// Internal animation state.
TAnimationState iAnimationState;
// path and name of file being loaded
TFileName iFileName;
// code of last loading error occured
TInt iLastError;
// pointer to adapter, we do not own the instance
MPluginAdapter* iPluginAdapter;
// if true, no DRM rights are consumed
TBool isPreviewMode;
// a flag to make sure the first ViewerBitmapChangedL is finished,
// then we could draw image on screen
TBool isViewerBitmapChangedL;
Class CGifAnimationPlugin
class CGifAnimationPlugin : public CBase
public: // Constructor and Destructor
* Instance factory
static CGifAnimationPlugin* NewL( NPP anInstance );
* Destructor
* Notifies host that plug-in has finished.
void PrepareToExitL();
* @return ref of <code>CGifAnimationPluginControl</code>
CGifAnimationPluginControl* Control();
* @return pointer on NPP instance
NPP Instance();
* Sets the parent window to plug-in. If already set, only updates size.
* @param aWindow a parent window
* @param aRect a parent window rectangle
void SetWindowL( const NPWindow *aWindow, const TRect& aRect );
* Construct.
* 2nd phase constructor.
* @param anInstance NPP structure
void Construct( NPP anInstance );
// pointer to adapter
MPluginAdapter* iPluginAdapter;
// pointer to Container
CGifAnimationPluginControl* iControl;
// structure with pointers
NPP iInstance;
* Plugin API methods
* Create a plugin.
NPError GifAnimationPluginNewp( NPMIMEType pluginType,
NPP instance,
uint16 mode,
CDesCArray* argn,
CDesCArray* argv,
NPSavedData* saved );
* Destroy a plugin.
NPError GifAnimationPluginDestroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** save);
* This is the parent window of a plugin.
NPError GifAnimationPluginSetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window);
* A new data stream has been created for sending data to the plugin.
NPError GifAnimationPluginNewStream( NPP instance,
NPMIMEType type,
NPStream* stream,
NPBool seekable,
uint16* stype );
* A data stream has been terminated.
NPError GifAnimationPluginDestroyStream( NPP instance,
NPStream* stream,
NPReason reason );
* A data stream has been fully saved to a file.
void GifAnimationPluginAsFile( NPP instance,
NPStream* stream,
const TDesC& fname );
* Return the maximum number of bytes this plugin can accept from the stream.
* @param instance - the plug-in instance
* @param stream - the stream to use
int32 GifAnimationPluginWriteReady( NPP instance, NPStream* stream );
* Receive more data - return number of bytes processed.
* @param instance - the plug-in instance
* @param stream - the stream to read from
* @param buffer - contains the data.
* @param len - the number of bytes in buffer.
* @param offset - the number of bytes already sent/processed.
* @return TInt number of bytes processed.
int32 GifAnimationPluginWrite( NPP instance,
NPStream* stream,
int32 offset,
int32 len,
void* buffer );
* Generic hook to retrieve values/attributes from the plugin.
NPError GifAnimationPluginGetValue( NPP instance,
NPPVariable variable,
void *ret_value );
* Generic hook to set values/attributes within the plugin.
NPError GifAnimationPluginSetValue( NPP instance,
NPNVariable variable,
void *ret_value );
* Event
int16 GifAnimationPluginEvent( NPP instance, void* event );
* Notify
void GifAnimationPluginURLNotify( NPP instance,
const TDesC& url,
NPReason reason,
void* notifyData );
* Print
void GifAnimationPluginPrint( NPP instance, NPPrint* platformPrint );