--- a/harvesterplugins/media/image/src/cpixmediaimagedoc.cpp Tue Jun 29 22:28:37 2010 +0530
+++ b/harvesterplugins/media/image/src/cpixmediaimagedoc.cpp Mon Jul 12 00:27:06 2010 +0530
@@ -170,75 +170,66 @@
CMdEPropertyDef& sizePropDef = aObjectDef.GetPropertyDefL(MdeConstants::Object::KSizeProperty);
if(aObject.Property( sizePropDef, property )!= KErrNotFound)
- //Add field to document
- if( property->Def().PropertyType() == EPropertyUint32 )
- {
- CMdEUint32Property& sizeProperty = static_cast < CMdEUint32Property& > (*property );
- TBuf<32> buf;
- buf.Format(_L("%u"), sizeProperty.Value());
- AddFiledtoDocumentL(*index_item,
- MdeConstants::Object::KSizeProperty,
- buf,
- CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexUnTokenized);
- AddToFieldExcerptL(buf);
- }
+ //Add field to document
+ CMdEUint32Property& sizeProperty = static_cast < CMdEUint32Property& > (*property );
+ TBuf<32> buf;
+ buf.Format(_L("%u"), sizeProperty.Value());
+ AddFiledtoDocumentL(*index_item,
+ MdeConstants::Object::KSizeProperty,
+ buf,
+ CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexUnTokenized);
+ AddToFieldExcerptL(buf);
//Get DateTimeOrginal property
CMdEPropertyDef& dateTimeOrgPropDef = aObjectDef.GetPropertyDefL(MdeConstants::Image::KDateTimeOriginalProperty);
if(aObject.Property( dateTimeOrgPropDef, property ) != KErrNotFound)
- //Add field to document
- if(EPropertyTime == property->Def().PropertyType())
- {
- CMdETimeProperty& timeProperty = static_cast < CMdETimeProperty& > (*property);
- TDateTime time = timeProperty.Value().DateTime();
- TBuf<32> buf;
- buf.Format( KFormatDateTime, time.Year(),
- time.Month() + 1,
- time.Day() + 1,
- time.Hour(),
- time.Minute());
- AddFiledtoDocumentL(*index_item,
- MdeConstants::Image::KDateTimeOriginalProperty,
- buf,
- CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexUnTokenized);
- //Format for excerpt field
- buf.Format( KExcerptFormat, time.Year(),
- time.Month() + 1,
- time.Day() + 1,
- time.Hour(),
+ //Add field to document
+ CMdETimeProperty& timeProperty = static_cast < CMdETimeProperty& > (*property);
+ TDateTime time = timeProperty.Value().DateTime();
+ TBuf<32> buf;
+ buf.Format( KFormatDateTime, time.Year(),
+ time.Month() + 1,
+ time.Day() + 1,
+ time.Hour(),
- AddToFieldExcerptL(buf);
- }
+ AddFiledtoDocumentL(*index_item,
+ MdeConstants::Image::KDateTimeOriginalProperty,
+ buf,
+ CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexUnTokenized);
+ //Format for excerpt field
+ buf.Format( KExcerptFormat, time.Year(),
+ time.Month() + 1,
+ time.Day() + 1,
+ time.Hour(),
+ time.Minute());
//Get LastModifiedDate property
CMdEPropertyDef& dateTimePropDef = aObjectDef.GetPropertyDefL(MdeConstants::Object::KLastModifiedDateProperty);
if(aObject.Property( dateTimePropDef, property ) != KErrNotFound)
//Add field to document
- if(EPropertyTime == property->Def().PropertyType())
- {
- CMdETimeProperty& timeProperty = static_cast < CMdETimeProperty& > (*property);
- TDateTime time = timeProperty.Value().DateTime();
- TBuf<32> buf;
- buf.Format( KFormatDateTime, time.Year(),
- time.Month() + 1,
- time.Day() + 1,
- time.Hour(),
- time.Minute());
- AddFiledtoDocumentL(*index_item,
- MdeConstants::Object::KLastModifiedDateProperty,
- buf,
- CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexUnTokenized);
- //Format for excerpt field
- buf.Format( KExcerptFormat, time.Year(),
- time.Month() + 1,
- time.Day() + 1,
- time.Hour(),
+ CMdETimeProperty& timeProperty = static_cast < CMdETimeProperty& > (*property);
+ TDateTime time = timeProperty.Value().DateTime();
+ TBuf<32> buf;
+ buf.Format( KFormatDateTime, time.Year(),
+ time.Month() + 1,
+ time.Day() + 1,
+ time.Hour(),
- AddToFieldExcerptL(buf);
- }
+ AddFiledtoDocumentL(*index_item,
+ MdeConstants::Object::KLastModifiedDateProperty,
+ buf,
+ CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexUnTokenized);
+ //Format for excerpt field
+ buf.Format( KExcerptFormat, time.Year(),
+ time.Month() + 1,
+ time.Day() + 1,
+ time.Hour(),
+ time.Minute());
+ AddToFieldExcerptL(buf);
if( iExcerpt )